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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Dec 1879, p. 4

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-'j' abalemeuii b. Lfl ehlêl..Six uboasas!-eolé 1 addUa ' umeet. 8ughélda i?.e W ie le froua Ceellear. Bam er, pe &bdns tie usual aotices, vieeet ommm. sn- dant Tirée â4ie!m e.m arobes 10 ppee oo ied dby qplaIuao! A ouil eofetpellesver. reMI. E clum a.ver.pisea e es iou tbb leadIrd. et esdm oIr rest , s Irèh eprusutawve t5ema .eu Ooverumeaêee adveuceavoner' for vs. ldot erb, sudtae-s0» eye m la$0 thé poor 1ev. cm"sse, MeeP. P.#- vas the alstnu. 'The principal blét e ow =aine l.li demies! hm hl. lsugus--hi bas"as" vuýýAsitsdla* Hedia mes- bâes u Goe m us.i &Wfer »."^selbut h. e000- Almme sili tyràm" el mdfsiss wbvi went te thé Gevumem, baâti>ul sa ud i4wAb- #W Oes a e ha"etlias agke*.ss e d. De "W. tbl lb.thé sadIade vantétaus. thé land! fr thsés&oô"purpoces, ans! isba advenlage o! th@ . désto .dsive lb. jp ftrcs t@ ia.sli. Hs dis! dtm6e vit h omeis!have taéenfers day's Imp.leo*Matet hée o»uet ouis! furisb thé people viil d d masullthon i m maiith@. en" s ev abondant. If -Dol, thé peopip veuls pay no sent il! lb.> cOudaforai. beu v omispb.gnOy of maneaugiti vho vouldpqtheir laudd uot their vive. end ehildr et&"*wv. l'h.. "prodnt svre erderi>' ubroughe.t1 DanoNItraAtiea AT OAITLEB. Our correspondet ai Cesalers tale. graphe :-The m.illaaqloooksd !osvsid te 00 long ho frins.lîao!the.land! egil- t ation, sud no long fi..are .peacebl tubabteols o01tii. tovn u spsiqedon vithout spejaent, gBoeommuso1M4,- iugs.Verely i e80" ila ie pi4or agitation, tic meeting .of to.day val tu- tend@et b arouse ib e meigli.#bl people. - Uufortsiaatly for agibation purpoees, lise Iandloada of oonanmon - ~'-7 Ileérnard and Co.,L R. H. JAMJ S*IOES. ~SO, - 'eut, Whi THE EN ORE -, - K-- TA. foiowing #ais tony and m ms=~inige~ei shows th# absltO puity a f o tn CORE WI Yas na hUsaw.. LÂJOET.-t'Remarkab ytrc soffl il. complste a»4 ffiious,"- - . MEDI<CAL TIMg8 AN» kZETT.-"îWîse' ~lPoMk e v".! ltes!for Med . Tay putrevoeos,.L sesm 'DICLL&~BO AD IRCULA.-"Premm #h»4 . âht iriUku'.m MEDCALRE .-mubî rak foremosi.as th@ puredsibo bcei PRAOTlIO .-.Pwfect1fe bufoua Fus!" I zrenl and! a saise0a00bohtimelat." BANITAR CEORD.-8o 6 eoiln ibeuimlm oe esaObwlde s 1eut.in' PUBLIC à -" fepu ý ypûe hvnllbe'W"mal- for thecb ot ibe commun if in u eneraI u. NATIONAL F00»AND FUEL RFORMER. --'AU vbonvue the heaili h oua un il." DR. B. C. BÂBTLETT, F.S-Citi>dIuls..t~ .~ terrons aMid pous u alter Fusel(htJàizy spirt 1 Lave vr sub. mitles! to these ame aeachingtîuv.stigtsôp.The .1 edical Profâssion alhould recommens! b thair patiena;no iWbIisk viéfl o 1came mp b this standard, DU. C B. C. TICHBORNE, F. C. B., Trinit>' C!l-e. Dubli.-"6Car.. fulfly czaminod kirFusel CII but nono couls! b. discueà. Perfe>'free fr0 oi~ Jabjas rcu>1yfound iuWhishice, aud visici 111ý rues,, goot y alxty." DU. PAUL, F. C. S.¶'dc1 rfroroan Fusel 011 or other injuions DR. STEVENSON KtÂA.~Va pure mu! i olesome, snd of excccdingly finc quaity. îý iraI mon. l'bey are MM r=b 0setfi. taoThis Whiskry l iso I>' peaanP""t sd vbOeisscitimnIaul forOrdina- 1ludees!. tih e tflucg iresheM ant b. arvaua, but fur delioste auneq4rutiuus 1; in t6ealoable AsieFil *gr. vith sncb suffranae f ai i. -m ard a andsi 2 000 ber a1eoýOliO stimuan isu v(iii, bar in the Join of ovine or cogaac. and Cossrrative ùà4pîé ý" P ilafn p e.mînss - Ise!À*th ie pracamq4,a>'mat>' of abrSoset einenueznain l Cailler»ansd ulocbmn Uon.n iiKdca >oetn country'. Ho gave perisision fot thse meeting, vhlch seemlugly inaliotes Every Gal1ar' Guarriteed EqualLy Pure. thlat bis las do net tees tige agitation. liOvnFEBEAND TO5CELIUT rPBouEssitOle. Mleirs Parue!! and Deviel srrivid at inidlgist, sud voe sgiesed At tise sta. tio by a aimmit -orolillglst pro"Oeeiou.iiR N E lIonlires burusd brighltly. Th.e ro..à 1>ATENTED ~ ciseered lustil lu epiite of thse fougant blagp¶ltl. Lie meeting bigau s% two tise suriouudiug towns getlered about AUG. I2TH, 1876.,BOOF1 Tii.mou vois greeu ,apb.s. rosetes, sud sptigo of green luintîr hala. Ou. %eogal.lon carn.d pikes ea Ibsir ibande, wiclasoaneSiAihad Vils rsd pint 10 gir.ie t assaltuýinkan.'sd bletti. etained look. Theias 'sqare vas two. tihird fu. Beléeeu 4.100 sud 6,000 iunu ere tiser. aesembled. 1 nover eaw <more healtis>, vigoroti, sud Weil fed iooking set ot -mn. If thse ho tise Po opis loi wisose bou.-fsîfie agitation se carrned ou, hi slioold bho asis at once tisai lie>' animny remnovustroua Lamn. iae. GIRAND NUJT ARTPARADI. As Mr. Parnell ar.ived orulise pat. / formn, liae pîkoinu monated arme sad obeered vils mue e nthiuns, the. baud ealruck 'up a uational air as bie diffîtrent organitationsspamed in vbsu, ocas ompauy iearnng a banner. Ou* wu iueoribod *"Wsicoms w Parnell, who iu uot to h. oowed hy WLt*aor Tory.' Auctisci bore the logenis, Ood gave Irssoil." iMartin MeDenneli p resided. Ries pîscis vae maint>' po aicmjal .11e sîked the crowd iu ltb. nasme of Ood noe tlatheO*Connor Donu agsiu represeisl thei in Parlismeut. lu lac, an impa-tio6l observer could not laelp noiceIig owmv mmiêsrese ý&j laid ou lise 1ouI iy ait îtae epaktrs, giviug au iaxsprieionss tis hie Mseting wasaiamed as auc let thels. leiamneu- tary geste of Bacommou, as at land- lordas. 7119 iINIAN API> TRE U 5'OUàlt$I. A etsrtiing- iucident interrupted thue speaker, visicis uearly led ta serions cuusqaieées Sovrniagitalora', l4sî nitt aoong them, objectes! ta allowitiR tise Oovsromeut sorubsus! rsporters tu have a seat ou tise plalforin. A requeta made tle <liat fetrec sy leias upço yr9p" Conaahuaryw~td cliued 'poremptor- il>', agaluietàl siouis b. ststnd, tise w"sle, of Mr. ]Parnelli Tise Ligera- msent reportera, (tlserel*ç pses! ll*ein- soives lu close proxzamity uder tise pao- teotionuof Itwntarmses! uenof tis canetahular>'. Iuriaug MODUUOi's speecht, JulatiNais>', a Fenman fc1 hatlls b,;-o vas ou-tie pleoàv, w ls out le lie ciovd :-"Bbovo tboeer, portèesavsy, sabut tien -op!' ý'WsyIl &Ponge.wva syeIl4 follovual immediatel> hy a rosih. For a moment Il îec.ne Wlatter raised tia.hîgotuus thiesilp, sud prosentes! tbirtë evir-islepe wiso fei baok &ali u, confusion. r. Parnel rybug big slteuqusit St.u "Ki lb.héSoxon Butants," - le. Paribellub4tlsai b 1-e.lrod tisat the reporters simulai-cane ho lb. stand. Tb#e Inîpeclorsusiril>' replies t & b.d W@$ drav. T 'Pila va *Tb@. Mil. ere mouosd thm io osia tbéli Blilsemadednsa. giarise .4 .h0 a -reeltIe o.ue e h' thé et-s mmdi u f Càiespn 1smkb.eua Ohw - '-1- m141. J ."B. ROBERT NS Patent Ventilat or himneyTop 19 i. an inaluablevotlor o&ppsuvaeclea.jiaie ammpleat ventilai-or mode. Il inswvasie !d orm proof. IPRICE LOWEI T 'ANY 1 HER VENTILATOR. No eutrent il itrouce oulser tianau, utvsr.i -mfi; lte mdet orna- meutl ventiitor mas! nul not lloaue vitis on\vor Wc; cDEuuotg* ont of order. For @tale b>' sbop Biglia .r sie aisareagouabie paim ,là ,wsb od\lans! pattrise furtasaucd, aSTOVE~S- CHEAF FO ~CASH! Withy, Sept. 24th, 1879;ý OFFICE 40.8m. 0F 1 H F BJC WN &~ PA TTER8ON Mt 1g. Go., - TO0 THÉ PUB LI. lu paf-Reetiug ous\Twenyoon Annuel Cataloar Aineultural Impie. naeatas uLia.fartupr, oô CaiUsfeolishl e -r 1877, wvo itivitimuse.titan tise g rdiuiar' <egrie cf prid sud konfidece, taom the. mn eA4vGnr sud patroniage bcuf-iemd"upouns,' sund ho *Wstad> aud i=neressiug emaus! froman > ta10year o! oui nov ceorated Fsa l"sipleeus.- We &al couinse a\ eretoforic-, m as n stcturers ro make saepclîof e &gricslturai Machisnery- ei Johnston Self iug Baaper, tise Tîlosapi Coin. biued lùiaper sud blower,\tihe Cayuga l , ieMoag iitaM ansd oui nen le hithy Hsrvessir, \ls*mng s largabesof Our lUme and Atteutin.* V-ortias laut Twslv.tvowyPar; wvs h is'eu oui moRt eaeful and! nadîvia. ad attention to tise manutacl e sud oa ston o! tie varions nachinte.ilunu, lifting catilte best points. ~eyluR len". nudifyinog andl correeting en-ov, sreongleing veak pelna, a «Da g ,4riojtbssigper>' part as our lamis- md experee bas suggeeled.-* j - ep oply tii e,*eo icai ski»,and! oui auec)lue nnuer o.esotrefuluparvieoma! MOruli -ever>' 8.1.11 bel jzc th l eer tw prove lthe canqaletoesa o!for t, and tiése v o sif~tè lu tai kbem ln opera, ots l'y as»' Perseo n la e m ecan il 1eOpr sas bsel 8deocsetrut.-1afre pailoular purpose, ans! fi de ough knovl.dgm of-tec tai baer reoýaansd proolclcuc th vis.gee. mmsfetr p.~awu..fasaM ,dding no onlylotai. of th moi , but ai- e.' b lite aii dit>' o!f ezomtbou-and scoascspual ve ensiles!ta. tu Ut l Prin..0sloy ma a1 ,i 'un NEW YJiWi CAKES, 3 ~-~ JaJÂGE ROLL& '>LEMJOiu1',7 DATES, COL» CI RM i 1 14" 130T COFFRE. 'Ue oi4uLq BissA 4.Md se dath " utimil 80 bmp,1 alsbyboe! c140 oeut. W fou* t. Il MASHW IN ~L E j "-PICA t.~- urss, sme ;eqnsred b> ljnuvea-sxly coaxap.bei't i Oui. & O à n vitteis i COmmerclA 1laoIAee~L meoelatjiti ~s addition. .4 Stb~ Stul !e< an>' eus $'conrss~als ~ sub~eeW. j Ttb.Tbo ; creallon ai - bylceAluga dslivore4 A AtiLTile j» MM o o-M- kim ous-e As 'ro wmrW *U«»tsp A";f -loit m,ubqj Omb llaaemisp-, "*s !m ï~ -Maipe,. a1»r6"ï - Daes AaoI.uaq i554D~s-5r ah. £belellevleg r t. tav.et - 6aàa~!er ateasu sas! - 60 'g w- ' ILBcpe»~*en of Basre, wt b6csse! liea*Iieeiod 1Ielu se i s *unej4saist ac modvcduiZ thesus..',s io ths oi-14may . ça eàD.m»estmu ismeskt tng rasBS tinervn £soaan.une4 P.iW Beshieviiis, M. P. P., Mr, Mo- Log SteWe4-uiM. &.Mea>'y, IM. 14fins f Erifor, Dr. Seultu. M. p 'Ur . lok Evans, sud.Mr. W. P. Ilhuma&*e ie epofo!the ev. "W*I. sorti adaeoff viseaSIAO de. bye.' ieb bMb onOCosso rM. gàvk1ne, i-Hon.JmesMeoals!, Mr. Durrer, sas!Die, ODohewiy, Afle ribebiVie chirâ ,'ve"e easwelfrou hb iiOiiu Md tt. eo sî*fo ieojTise fsiPtqp iub~~eau>'hou laui6mrnn. "BukAU ot pas ffl-ës"=«i7 ofap widdingbel." TIersvu s rQv, as plal.a Wffd diui.i bible. »4 - *Wu@ b«O iLked about s»d tise ordo*e yo b~ynom»s a. vins! »P lb.ai- Re 1« bers( nddsoi of toi!, «as s4ai, ulbonu uble brouber, but ài laiii l~ Ils. gsoeeeei.a VA LUE DID w~nom A MAGNIFiCENT- STOCK iLd~s'Mmoes, Gents'and Child'ren' 4v KLLN( ~f [WEST LIVING PRICES. THE BAFtGAINS 1 Shoêi made to order, W.J. HAYES.1 fy -Stock ot 18 nOW Vomplete iEvery Line. Vey Special Inducementis to_ thos STAR=ZGHU8KEIG U ERT KK i P3ull Stock -fCa8ket-, Coffins'àüda A1e.L"À*PÃ"NTED HEARS Whîtby, Qp~obor lOthI 1871v, p14TOifAPHY 'WB ARE MAKING A 0f hoogape,'ii ipâ, life-size, au entirely -NEW SPECIMENS ON EXflI BITON,ý. Cards -and, Cabinets furnished in, the latest style of the Art. Frames of ail aizes aiways on hand. j I kBARRETTJ- 4'Opposîte Ontario Bank,-.j A jog mn deirig h~ sltdyPl3oogrpby i nsi a goos! chance, <s> oawnmg on Xr.Jiarrett, andi ge&linig Uolle5. - Whihbye lune lOtis, 1879. BOOàT"S ANËD SHOESS1. s.hor ~ii;tî j faim FALL AND WINTER. ~ nabia '-.'--*--------'----:ooo:_____________ vers -The uuidersined fesires bfrdlorh la e ~nàtWMýon liaud, l id aasorLmeçp cf IBootà antIShoge, g- ttitàb] us us î ut, auwi to S0 La TwEITE BouSm uonoassSTORESOr 05A1N AIRD lES» coNSlumaE»-AL <Correon..e.f lie Globe.) -tuwned froua inepeellgAtii. ma ! hange Of Icone tBoy Park by abs ArEnof-es cigbât. The atately ranges of qea. tist bildinsfnu of ain ican ast ma., houudin lutuio o ed, eujoîugeveZ coo rt liaiexperienco or cajpital coul1! Mfodhin, b Ave -Vl- n1b e tappeawed..&ud te diamal ile. taOI. !ot&n l Iofulg- bews1l au,y Ïai tairemanm 16 mrk vhs,. a fe orna om v iteegsd aàscm& , etmps1 êd iwU àrie. fitte ' el à» lb el *ldi Ucl efugviii uuthwvahe lb= w P. anop bijrvathtavuace belwpifedu itio, 1, la 2 sel M eev Ti. Irim Shoriboru box, bous., 270 6.1 by 84# l in .h s ýicl y-tv.> »u"d ocav, wtbk pam-W avss 7ai leflje ai t m m, b@w- box ýbous. 270.by 28<; $be 1h.' ;bhost- bori al bon.m" 0 M 0;u~bl holie, 27& bjo24;1rB.asotfs lte e gêr'. o etiaer, and! lic vo boagdlsg houais 6 themm. mel..asjeîhmmreate the origin of the rop*as*ipn, isior, oTST. ivelve Yeu"w ;Ihà.iablà6im be ddetlisi sl.t p1 lest ulgit more Ls u>~igI.cq vs bou.Mr..~hu Zond a'uu4 sirtl g»te.i9p, me, aajpndevery!cig "uWonouht tolb. eseau iiuremau 0 b buildings tà- wvee.*è. a re broile ont, about 10.80. i e. -lime meli 0o f*c, uoi~ltfooehe~the- are broku oui.ý Nfehiew o! them had reired for fri iabd ou I do, ,obsEvt -Windows o! tb.e Sillbarof and immne- À tlÈt4~tf~- 'A~ ,- TLire.ie1-4sA ocewag, aina thé mn- plchlystbered k' the rescu<; bUhldi»« a-nd ! ilscoen4ts. In l... lia icuurulsu thshw e leeu.Ta s us~1g&u audilicos hb a nul been farc neïr it for' mIIweiài', ai henogine bai!l ýbeeùub ' ugatv iute use tôt î b.$-vinfM Anattempt à mto hé élaiagitiozi1;- :-ie Igreat barn vonld ham becs n n,1. ' cÀ 1i0> -~it.e lpiueiben of aila 0Ti wboIe atrength f 1eh. abds wB à IL ..-.....,#U , -FOR- lis nov oow*Uý ka i=- *,CI%=

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