w\PUR.Y MNIU BROOK STREET WITBY. i Tona $1~Opar Annum. A D.VBERTISEMBNTS. -All ÂdflrtliO- .xmenti measureti in NoUPariel, andi charg ti the rate af 8 cents, lper liA,fa unerion, andi centes, pr lUéneaeh cubie- qnont insertion. spacial Reprti of Meettngs, FInanclal statement ci Banks, Rallway Campante., lneurance Campaniei, and matteni af i k descriptiaon mien placeti aniong News Mt- tir ton cente per-line. Speciatoatrapti made wth ativrtiier by te year, orUtherwise. .Ordera toiadlceontinue adv#ittiaamenta muet hieiln writing. &BsiîiGss Direotory. ONTARIO IBANK, WIiTBY BRÂNOHI, THOMAS DOW, FARLEWELL. & RUTLEDGE, B ARRISTERS, ATTORNBYS, SOL. ettore, Notaries Public, and Oonvcy- Ofice, firit door iauth i the Rayai Hoiel, Whitby. JAMES BUU'LBDOE, 1B-Ai J. Li. FA.REWELL, L. L. B., County Crawn Attorney. 48 JAMES KBITU GORDON$ ARRSTIt a ATO*tNEYeA.LÂWe BSolicitoer in Chanery, Canvoyancers NotAr7y]public, A&c. osce-Dundai St., fret doorwet ai Armtri'i HaBtel. hianay to Loan-Private fund-at low interest. JOIIN A.-Mlc(.ILLIVRAY, (Succcor ta H. M. Boweil.) B) ARnisTER & ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, DNota-ry Public. &C. Solicita)r for the Dominion Banik. Office-Nexi 00cr ta Mincion Honca, Uxbrtdgo,,Ont. -26 CH A§tLE5 -CiKELLERî, A TTORNEY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN .A. Chancery, Convoyancer, Arc., Cannlng- tou, rock, C. W. L. T. BARCLAY, \.TTOTINEY -AT -LAW, SOLICITOR Ai Cheincery andi Incalvency, Canvey. Ovt)rvîett the Court Bous@, Whitby. LYMAN EN(,LNII, L L. B., ARITRAT LAW\,SOLIOITOR IN Chauc7,coneyau ar.,&Ar. Sim. coe Street, Oshawa. JOHN hALL DOWt B AIISTEII-AT-LAWV. SOLIClTOR BAu nCbancery, Conveyanrar, &o. (ffc-Devefl.ll's Block. l3rock Street, MONET TO LEND-Prlvate i'unds,- in #nunîis p ta #M i ta bow rate f in- tercet. (y-62 ROBJINSON & KENT,- (LîA&DircÂN & Rourn.) U? IiRISTERS-AT-"AW, ATTORN. De ys, Soicitors, Convoyancein, &-c. OFFIC.-In Victoria Chembei, Na. 9 i, Victoria Street. JNO. G.. KELLEY, j3AIUILSTULei-AT. LAW, SOLICITORt în CChancery and lIncolvaecy Couve~ Strut.t, Whitlîy, Ont. BARIiISTER, &c., &c.-Mauey ta Loae BIeuar ai Merriago Licence.. Orrict-Over Dominion Bank, Whiby. Tan. 22, 1878. (tf.5 * CAMEItON & AI'PELBE, BAU.STERS, Attomneys at-Law, andi B Solicitors in Ct.ancerý, No. 4 Toronto treai, Toronto. HECTOR8 CAMERON, QiC. (ly-46) R. S. APPELBE. Dr. WV. J. BURNS. Reidsnoo-Coigregatlonal Churcli Pros b tery, corner aofIMyron anti Mm treet. BYTRON FIELD, M. B. p IYSICIAN, SURGEON, Ar., Duffins Wm. -MaIRIEN, IL»., lLR*Cqs.t (1CUY'S'IIOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., Ij tbe eye R. . H. L., Ohawa, Ontario. C,ý BD.- OR-. BOGART, Phyien, Surgeon, Accoucher,' &a., Ara. -Wbitby, Sept. 80M, 1874. 40 W. AAS 2D -E 1S ET.r » OOMS OVER R. IH. JAMESONS Lt.Grocery Store, Dia5ieWhtby. Office houri frai 9,o.s..té U ni., anti lrom 1 .30 te 6, p. m. Reaitiné-Cor. ai Byrn saiGilb.nl itreela. C, N. VARS. L. D. 8. B-T 'TE Hinéne on al lb.h au cheseasbie lt4t, sq a.gooti s the bet. feéth fillei l *t (oIt!and Slvoer. Teeth extiaéteti vithoni alM , by pradWnig local anastlteil a. nt4iRge-aC *a'a nGmblck ooAilnG sDrMcStr., -Kilng streeOivaà 6. -. JOHN ROJJINSONtS IE inDIESSxNG AND» BHAVING- HSaloon, Brook Si., Wltby. 4é- JOHIN LY>PN GNT FOR.. TUB CEI4EBRAT4 -A Scotth (lnulte. At Marbie Warki - aiJenathan W9lfmdiaDinai St.,Whuby. L. FAIRDÂANKB, OFFAGIAL 4X-NRE. eOFFICE OPOSITE TEE ROTAL- Ho h, lo-S.-Wlty- tlcoughts, luatlrlng voi. XX-III. GRAD TEITNK RÂLWAY HOTEL, (opposite G. T. Il. Station,) Whitby. WU. O'NEILL - - PROPRIETOR. Every accommodation for gueiti, includ. ing comioriable, airy bedroamir Ideali at a&l bourg, te, ThieBar ft1fly iupiil dwith bot brandi af Lr-quori, Winei Brandies, Cigari. :&. Every nocesilr drection given ta travelleri. Gaod Stabling, encoaed yard, and atten- tive aters. -48 C OMMERCIAL HOTEL and STABLES, 64 and 66 Jervis-itreot, T'oronto. JOHN MeBAS,.- - PRopRIETOn. ,tiOcchimai Ta JORN KELLY,>) The boat 01.00 a De y Rance binte ity. onty two blqks tram the Northern Deoa, and olotqe ta the Market The Rouse bai beau newly' ri tt.d out. and eVery-thing F'rst-claci. tly4 MR8. WALJLEYP$ TEMPERANCE HO USE, DUNDAS-STREET, WIIITI3Y. Oood accminottcat uaioaanble ter=t. Baarders $2W per weak. 46 R OSSIN HOUSE.-t'ORONiTO, ONT. The Palace Hotol af Canada Relltted, Itefurniahod, and Unrivalied. New Pasn- ger Eleator, ruannlng nighi and day. The anly fruti a AotellnCanada with gradu. ated rioei, via- , #2.60, and %8 per dey. Moambor af Club. and other, dealring rcoma, wiiiiout board 1te$2 eda~ Feb. 27th, -878. Proprietar. WinTBTOU. DUNDA.S-ST., WHITBY. JOSEPH .A. BANDEL, PBOFBLUTOB. Supcriar accommodation ai modqate chatges. Gaod tabllng and anclaied yard. £à r Agent for Walt'î Lager, in Bottie and caïka. July 01h, 879.-82 T IR QUEEN'S ITL (LÂ'f E OOMIILCI&L,) BEOOK-UTaRET, WRITBY, TAYLOR & MoCÂNN, PROPRIBTORS. The under4nped désire ta infarm their friand. and the publie thaý they have taken the ahove wefl kown hotel, which tbey have'neivly fitted up and renovated, and kput int the bout ai order *for ithe accommoda- tion ai quests. Thé Bar, which te the haud- somet Lu the Caunty, ila WOUi upplied with the ducast brande of wines, liquors, sud ci- gars.. Amle enclcoe hed romansd güod stsbling, bx atafl, A&o. Detacheti roame for commercial travîllers.' J. P. TAYLOR, PIIILIP McCANN. late of Toronto. AYERS HOTEL, 82&64 MILL-ST., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Price reduced toil.&t a Day. This Hatel ha. teduced i ttcpricerte the 'Èravelli»g Publi.k tea$1.0 per day. It ie handy to the N. Y. Central Depot (only a tew doore South), and lian receutiy been re- ftted asud r-funilheti. Opeti nîght end day. TVie boueau firsi-claAsie ueery re- spect, and Canada pao ple wAill cava money l>y gaingta tbe yeni ot*l. WILSON-l SPIL&GUE, Proprietor. Rochester, N. Y. July 8, 1878. (6im-28 THE WILSON HOUSE. ASHBURN, ONT., - - ALEX BARCLAY, - - Proprietor. Thte-Bouse l is olUinck, -large anticocu. mutilons, anti the intermor ip fItteti up iu ex- cellent style. The larder ic auppir'witb thé beatinl the Markc 't. Tha hci ai Liquoriantid Cigara.,, Stabling, large anti raomy. Gooda chetin. B RITSH AMBECÂN BOTEL, RA Y'S , (LiTS - OBSOUSOnU"a.) WHITBY, 0ON TARBJ1. Hanse novly renovateti anti lurulshqf ilraghent, sud pput hinfarm-Otaiorder fhr licroceptionoai uceta. An omnibustlaanti ram ail trains. Firit-cisai aaunple rooms. WH'ITBY, -PIROVINCIir CHINA HALL, cION 6& TUE BG 3170 (azosTiiB) 71 K/NO-ST. EAST TORONTO. Fancy Breakat ant Tea esa 'a0c Dinner sud D"elrt Sets. PnyBt-omSots. Pac uianti Teapot.- Si,"v er ait ivte Forku anti Spooni. Silver Plaieti r.eansd ButterCâohera. Silver Plate.dOAké Basketa. RdriXtesanti Parka. T go anti 3ervera. Glaievare, a&I descriptions. White Stone waré evey kinti. Haotal anti Bar oode. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, LJUMMIIERMEEQH- BU)B4 Ing, ntiai klJ~aITvlstéd Moltilug, D>orn, Sash ant iBlInda. LUISBER whahaaole anti retili, or by by thecar loati. Plautug, Mouldings of every deacrip- tion, Ploarnug, Sheetiug, Shehving, Re- sawiug, Shapiug, Turnlng. Serolh-work, etc , etc. Whitby, Oct. 101h, 1878. .43 1\1ONET TO LEND.. The undoraiguèti iasan y amaunt af Mon- ey ta Lenti upon Pari or Tomu Property, at uanualy Low Rates ai Interest. Loans ecm hé repait in lu ostoimit bor. rowers. Sovarà l Improveti Parmi anud Wild Lanas for cale chca.p. investineuta maatinlumunlel )âDebsu. tures, Bank, andi ather msrkatal>e 8tocki.. Par furtiier particulara apply ta JAMES HOLDES, Officiai Asignes, Brokér, Ar. Apnii 9M, leu7là ARCHITECTURE! DRAWINO AND SPECIFICATION Prumptly praparéti vith, nov te Roconomy in constucetion., 011URCHt AND C 80M00ARCHITETURE A SPECIALTI. Correupanticuce Repeci(ully SolIciteti. H. B. BABER, Arcbiiét fAr., Oshaa, ont. DOMINION FLOUR & FEED STORE. C A.PENNYLEOION bas roeivota c wenply c)IF 1Flour, Oats, Peal, Ac., whlch hé i.sl'plu; ai the oweit cash pricé. Héelbas &io startetia CONFEOT1ONERY STORE -luincannaction vt the flour sati eot, andi CHA KE S PEARE HOTEL, ep MiU~hnsoappya s Cor. Kng & Yrk.sti., Toronto, Ont. CAKES.AN J. A.-OGADY, -PROPRIETOR *Giv hlmsacmli. Tzauu, $1.60 rme D*v. ly-47) CHLAS PENNYLEGIONI. Whitby, Peb. 101h, 1878 POST OPFICK &&LOOK, Totorro. if.MéOEL, BPJTB Ur TEE BEST AGOOOMMODATION mi for Ouests. 17-47) QUBENIS HOTEL .- VICTORI ,. HARBOIIR JAS. MA KEY, - ,PRGFeIETO&. Goba t alu, J,]ýqur, mat C!=ar. ini stabliug aiosyncilt aomi. itou.ly.41 ONTARIO HOT£Lt Mo= sEITWITT 0. DAWES- Bags.laannonuce.cha i hobu..reaumétithé praprietorship of the; Ontarlo Hotél, vIbréguais il horafier mzoe a liii sonate attentbon. T ipplW& ht! villi ho iveryi in aeacon, &aicno bth&ice.beut, bzrall 9 lt4urs nticigae vii . kéi bthébar. -on "Cloni."9 LUMBER,,I_--LIJM-B$R- LUMBE,1% -MEJROHÂNT%. --w H I1T B Y, Ias au hmanialagé ipy of aiU Imitaof ]Bari Lumber Bdotn& A sudIIÉI» .BculUa n *oritéity on Dooi, aihé.ad Binta alwayo on jWhitb"XyMyth7di7. ly-10 Imporishable Fragmane.- Cehebrated Florida Water.,, ONTrARIO -FARM ;tS' MuulI1surajle Co'y Balise., ai thoir Contents, strate as ioy, au tboaé of auy i-e=stahd Comnpany ,JUST LOSSES PROMPTIT> PAID. J. B. BICKELL, JOHN WILXS, Président. Vicé-Presldont. C. NOURRE, ScIC»Tayo. Whuthy, April St, 1878. .16 «D(eRNM YFIEEINSURANCE CO. 'Lombard st. anti Oharng Crocs, Landau. 4ILLEPIE, MOFTÂTT & Go., Agent. forcantada. Ra. W. TYRE, manager, Montreal. A GENCT ESTABLISHRD IN CANA- 'DA in1804. Unlimiieti Iiabflity of aJIl teStackhotders, anti iar eRoierv Funta. Modérte rie.ai prénixam. C. NOURSE, Ageni, Whiby. Whitby, April 9th, 1878. 18 B IHAMEREGA A 88u1'âfCO Company, INCORPORATED 133 ASSE BT S, 81,101,878 Qi. 'P. A. BALL, Manager. Insu-ances effecteti ai thé loweat current rate. on Building., Merchandisa, and tiller propcrty, aganuit lois ordtamagé hyd tre. C.NURE Agant, Whltby. Wbitby, April 91h, 1878. 16 PIR INSURÂNCE ONLY. Los855 PItOPTi.Y ÂDJU5?ZD. Rlaki witién anti policies isuetiby C. NOURSE, Agent. Whbltby, July 80, '79. e8 L IST OP THE DIVSION COURTS COUN 1TY OP ONTARIO, FOR TIE TEAR 1879. %. .j - l 1 à ýt 8 »f a12 18 91a GBO. B. DAETNELL, Junior Jutige Wlthy, Jazy. 7th, 1879. WIrMT, PORT FERRY Ar LnIND COt)ENSED TIME TABLE. Tùlng ellect on Vanday, Nov. 241h, 187 Laé Wib.... .5... am,, Op O Portl era zm. Tatzw odi. toT fie ' Naihllas . 1 &M 0F- ONI e, wo advocto Peace, Progress, Knowiedge, 8rotherhood. 1O, TIIJIRSIAY, DECEMBER 18, 170 -NOTICE Ise 8clia~.~ *i4icuî the egtao It is the t f ae ,sctilicreumc- ha we 4élxihe. Ucc( di ub anld Ibr Cen. cuin luanti cli c f ie thfbât.ScrOgk)c. Rhénulaaiim. ccd alidi rs om f thie BIhicotic <*caré~..ichhiY.cM irjy huabeau fouact ta Cain& à alFor »ebyahllists at Ji, epr bol e. Por sale by T. G. Whtlfelti, Whitby, INSUR[ANCbÉ COMPANY. EEÂD OFFICE, . MLT N ANAD. Ctish1Dècast weï«the Dominioan Gavern. ment, #W'O000. John Éacrvcy Hamilton Jas ipoHauîn C. M.. Counseil, A ere, e W.* Etntia, ati C A. Mêue, " .l3tn.io L T.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o 'a.I:i'tntei E i (~ca JOIM HARVEMT, JAMES SIMPSON, Presitient. Vice-President, .R.DESPÂBD, Manager. Al :classi a! property, axcepi sncb as are sppéolly hasardýons, inanroti at lte tayaut ettirreuat ratas. Spèeiiiquatationa on brick sud voot! dweéing Gre.mn and-. othe protinco aer. éd fat ahoni terns aitasanablo rate.. E. W. ARTNOLD, Whitby, Agent Ccunty Ontario. Féb. t, 187M. (.7 PATRONIZE HOME COMPANIES. STAN4DARD LIFE lN"9LRANCE C-O OMPANY, HEAD OFFICE, HlAMILTON. .4UTHOTIZBD CAPITAL, #8,000,000. Oovermcent Depasit. 1263>00. Busidness canfilud to chili Pfoviutca. D. B.I!CWBHOLM, B. T. CRAWFOIID, President. Sçcy-Treas. D. DEXTER, Assistant Sacretary. %UcîrÂxE.z11ÇcRArz.-Alapplications for Idourance jrcove the cbosasi acrntiny, anti only those deemeti tesirablo ant i atado. qualo'rcearc accoptati; aur atm heiuig ta thé rl$k carrtoti. - mpootoae Fit>' n. AninavxUEN.-EV«7 cdaim iade upon tii. Comxpany' for las.or tdallage la carfillylu ate,and whie thona fuunut ta c ho houcaiare pc-ampily anti cheenfahly Wd, 4 attempte st fenud are anti evar mili 1h. W. ARNOLD, A ent, ff.t" Insurancé eff.ctet aI bwact rateaiin the béat English and Cutcilan Comaniues. B. W. ARINOLD, CnrIInaurauco Agent, SALE, - ATTIra GJ4TIN MAJOR MIL'TjS,1 2-luthr aaak, Basswaod, lô,M0 f. Squae Tumber, AU of whlcl iU ii hasciti cheap for csul. Hé ewouldao bo0 té sgay thatthOe (lit MiW M rmxning,étnd% 5daluglhrat.clssswark. Cp cl one 6 dsys lutho veek, ioeyecr propria'tor. Dec. 151h, 1878 li P BI-IBIED COTSWOLD SUME AND BERKXHIEE PIGS. WMl, M.MILR echo Batkaikaa, larzuot PA0, Ontario. Bre4dt!r Andi lm 0 atioimlti hu at urbret! kaâlréPie Valuable Real Estate EnTM, X3S REIEBY GIVEN,tai appication _t,- wml i amadtieta.te Lefgicisture ci thé tProvintce of Ontarlà ,a; iim nex session, on bohilf.of thé Mllsan n l*à vy af Céata, ~for au Act ainndlu g -Acts rolmtiug te thé "Milai Ralway olmrn,,by proiing ~for iff renb limés for-holdingthé ui mnetng o ai ud Campeu, Ia méld cap. -49, 41 Vie.. ellngtheu ds, b suei lunar Sec,- 4; "Pi-oference Firsi Mort- gýe Bondm,' by rceémng thé lest fine linos OrSotinu 4t Ameniln'certain, ohe,6celt er>ear* in thé tati Actprvidkng for l,'t? reglatratla-oftbond tia rui etpmae, sac rcpeéliuing4e lesttbhe6 ilne; 01 ia25 Abse for mn A.t autheonzing aunexension, aI thé udiauti Iiailway front Brebilhtuo ALso fcr an A4i authorlalng thé Mitlant ffllvay ta enter intôo an arrangement for tce leasing or Salée! of lr oaidRsllwa. Anse for an Act authonii- . g tho Miant Ra1v oy10agree with any ohr ot~ vbîthicba novcoi beroafi ar înayhao an-y Rerlway teuch*ng mi- may pointaith mai itlw Rusyextensinte roo l lite usé andi entent oai-thelino cf puai lte purcliafe orleaae o!0ltainé rs part thereai. ALau for an Act autlioriziug thée Mitilanti Railirmy £Company ta issue '"Preference Pirst M ortgm.P Bondé" ta thée mouni ai £150,O cterling. BLAKE, KRRi, BOYD Ar CASELS, Solicitors for Applicants. 151h November, 1879. 1-48 MAJOIR MULLS! The above Milla are *gainu-lu opraton. rT¶HE NEW MILL 18 VRTY COI!. .L pleo, andti liti uy NltaIl meirn itoproveicents antià ».ppliancea taortiolug IN TEE IEST POSSIBL£EBMANNER. T. P. WHITE Agents profit por veek. Win, lb itor forfait #M. 4Outât e. E G.RID~O1Y ArCa., 218 Pulton »,cr*6t N.Y. m-42 TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 1-EMOVED TO- THE WHITBY-HALL, (HOPKINS'S.) Office hour, 9ta 12a t 4 o'clocI. £ýr Arrangemet. scen b. matie vit the Town Clnititfoêr renting the Hall. FAIRMTO ]RENT. nlOMPOSED OF 100 ACRES, BRING %_.)pprtbof Lot No. 4, in thie 4th Conces- sion of Pickering, fine mlles fri thé tovu ai Wlt,under a goati stc cfcultiva. tion, mal vatéreti, goot bnudings ant i fle orclid,,Arc. Pbeughing can ha Ãone aller crop à a i*kew off u'sl1antiPoassaian Fors pati e, apply té théeaoonr. TIMOTBYO'LRARY,- Aply to lM. tito Cectie ]B'rder. One brick re anti t ù.hle a complote i. Langh in your 6eby triumph; cweot, Whulo expectation Anti prond elatian Togother inyour amati bratu-pan mcci. Àl biglie ncttauthe 1aiitwe builtP ýThé lait ai Ihé crwuiug toueli war spiit,- But thiWoné'i atout, Anti tbe-next, no doubt, Like Gilack Ha' Wi l ho who1ly glu!1 Whet ifit tumable wluli this laut brick, Yaurieara.would ppning l are and quiaÃŽ," Anti. aue brW lhaur Wonlti ueo a iower Ri.ing, wbace iatouec-shanld-lanter stick i theub-'s littée cause for jeer or laughter; The ebilti cames listansd the boy camnes Anti au, revext WithWll aithde ncy.ca' reiatér. %ad ii»ain i~mach aour:an La riel é.Thé bulu gg sit a of t the f îga theé. l voiit ta"a n, ho ai rthéctainthea suspions hé énTeaine IbatitDeWél foriad o, andeggay entbiseaidenc in thefingaterargt Thercptain ;but on ordn bis palge" spasdbtwe h "Buat y torrth tato ab iei h-lin M tah efmoie " ispesn "Mst-oFnsic e h tane foh e ats. nh thuspc ofs ontihipcthat De Was oie o bs passnéronbd thésmugg.le inetot; n d liter s gtsiiiavr 11esuercthe f léw bue ooiée-'s ma nboagtf- frdable wntéîa ntin ixte I o.ýald ifspeakto ot bson utof biow nerlieunoftéCqt., ypute wbhé ot lier espalta i "Oh oele apitthénesor on' hé orderof bis on i t h msIne tley aplléti m théonbà r,he. ibogg luerhsd anryd r ppps4 "lanchor., Ithuh ca tn mrefdn boet ar thé îmug vnt 1 'co séeakry , oma." pao MU 'odeD eein mi Dé Wélaee moat goï bath taheoat, f égvntle. manoilconWe ii's on bor.~ ,Reou med ist téiir'esa mannlie& eiecht cand oake you ét wth Deauli y sué snot on ofnè eLc ad "Deomae d," sai liD- Lay, , wt te sisot wyhté1M thé bla N t$heAigùity' aI aience, ant iiowved> 4éýthé barge, mas déQlft thé i#aiers0 ad ca't -a à ihvory. ripp *la:teélibd hér,;lu' Course, lu thé frigate, towardi whleh. ea onpulioi . awifty ; ana .6ery 7bouuxlsite mad e t e cirokea aoflte ~rgatm eee toetiltexcite. IBory'sý ýpà ~or,unutil hé suid tb Doe ay ba~ht.&,Iively ormyther- ohe la I-o. ilPatili ebe. wac alive a'moat, ihé'>btnpeao î prighihy 1" t'it tili yon gal on. board- thé frig. ee Riory5Y' s>iti zDo ýLAoy, thmt'e5:viht wù4iirpiée,-you.'i' > miltI9 ve»en rrieti enongli. *r'. Ivas sut Idon'4 vaut,*nYý jngreo' thésaméo. I Ihongitl, 1,d . ostaii~ide oui fairlyj ai I ep <a- iftasnot sa hâd Iun aema i lhike ,ýv>47Divilliu'â, that abi uuoti DeL&oy aaauroîd hlm 1ô the.aantrary" it!. ai they appronahodt! thé htp of .war, painted ont ta -ôry han noble borin and fine proportions, hbar gnacoful b lier apremtiuimyardsand t.owécfiag trac ry f aItr varions cor~t,.- e 0' a iteauty, fiory ?2"- "ivi1 & boanuy 1Ldîu nom lu ber, non in oe Iliber 1".sait! Rory ; -"afîbar te tatithenin' aul taarîn' I gai comin' over the.sgay, F'il nbeak say a go.d wôdi for a ebxp asa long as I live,-and iudet tbsI woulda't'ho log 'fI waa tu ho on boord;b sud I Lope, -Mr. DeLacy, it'is not gain' you ara ïotéleoup vidt!hie, nayfrin' businte" .0noRory,-!osi't hé aIrait!; I'î o b todine on'boardti ie fnjteté - , frcond hère, who ià ié cpaia;\nti a; aiglit- *'i go* sitore'." ."On t é lent! la 112-Oh, (lot! héb Ipraisot! P but ivea lil ?oggla.", "In thé mcm ltime, Rary, yon vili have tineote ll b me bo*- il-came ta peas ltaiyon vera on boardi the togÃŽer. "'Not viitt ny ovofrocee h fili cau tell yon 1" "I thongittase muchr ;ant I wvail Dé Welakoin'edtoiug 2" - "Thrcth, I kt!on oaw,- à ws among tiX aU ;-ubnt y.ou -es I hitd thé miéûfoiutun1conié acroas.tiai diriy Socrubbs, sut! ",stop, Rory," sa8it.De L.'mèoy;libéra, we ire ai thé ship'o . sit!-dau muei. give me pour story in ful :wlien w.-gel aborit" On réachingthe dock of Ahé frigate, bté f btair meats, thé, matéo! lier. rigging, hér greut ie. ni liber row's of. guns, ve, sà uhsivly, -albjects of wonder to hlm, ani tmp on iAh-choul. dier, froax DeLaoy vas re,. Veto,< araaéa hlm froua Jcig claie aI enirauce- f9Wel, by goaà i t'eW'ondherfui," said ory fI ouil 'You shaU uo aiFthé *ond-t!os-o sitip of ver by ý uod by" sait! DéeLacyï '*but foýr -p'reaeant, îobo* zMd tu the ambin', md'tell meé aUthe é dtils of ibis atane 4venture of 7oiarsi whislihaiz cies 0yonu oersasé, et, ai oigih, 1tas aiuhulre of lhtW etin wih Srube-b e ecming E-1, gid; h» reengDeWoiokëin and hie party frou> thé vauit, and4thoir cap- hir orthé cchfletor and himesbtL-ý "Audio Sorabisaà a rsonèro6à boar thé luggow 2-"8nu, l&" ory béén do u aL bs "Léa'vé ihat t eo," -Sat.ble saiter; "&if yIoWre m et îwith -youn regi inaet, l'Lu -onbsrdmychp, ud eau arrange thé- mattter for you. - s'tI. o t ci m ,remin ivrieir,r-mon aMj,-tlcnkà ta yétAor-your offro f. protection, but I kno'w il *ouhdgnlieve... l4zn %eoho parted rirn t ie.' '.f don't me-sic te ha seperateit rertu hbis friand," celi. thé o.tpliUn e R u'hail hav&-msaillar'sdréa sd -a disb 6itirge frocu my clip as iffh-t"d- beau 'on - 0 of the crev ; ýà nd tiat viii be pra- "(bit,' auitDeLmcy; "natlt(ng' cau be batter." And irebt captain gaie o rdere.for a-suit of aaior's cbothing lae hé proiieta eflory. HulInte moar tlmé vas being coir. ductot! over thé abëip hy te captairc's appointot i4~e, Whto Spek ok aa', baiil., toron o Èngliait, vhici ho Matie- [gounlarashé ooudvwithRoy bu nuinérona questions vasanm overmaatoi for thé Enghlli of hi C cieron . Witen-- - ven ,Roiy ciuldnot.g-ét -an n&sÙwer- frein ihm, héasket!mc an-else__616-bua waé meaap hlm ; uuld thé strangé positi an mu which b. fdind bimseif, for thé final limé lnuhblé 111e,.aimdugat blé ovii spaciea, ye t h'on.t ne uni afcommun. ing vibli bienî, boMmcre&iRory oxcés- ivmtv I vian ha bént! Entihtu , it.ho~ ceacu; eu atil thejointl-whec thé -Frenohman b éd wIihemoit ,can,.t.ice. n'a -ex[ ST, TIAIE Uta4kerok1ef, - ittbsToit oui for counlenfite, saiy Plorida Wgttéxprepare4 by Yor. 'mmr. Lanmap à - r Forrsade byaFedume iol Fancy Gootis ea. ?ERRY DAY a-4 #0ttà u For asie y T. G. tWiid, wbithy. H R. O'DELLe Clork DIvisf'a Court, Tp, o/ric, Oommlatoner l~B. I, Lauti A gent, 40-1 BeAhelyOot.t a, lem - \Tetgeycinrcývs , retn K.q Coun'tyo