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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1879, p. 2

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Tise PUmoulo Sym -5.G, whiIfielà. -flIrice Nuiseasd ev TYOer' gocer- l.et-ti. a. Jamesosi. ' Xtua Fruit-R. R. Jamesosi. proisins-R. R. jamemori. Liqioe-P. H. Jasmemon. Uraudjea, porter,, aie andi gin-R. H.f For partisesaud obldrn-R. H. .lams, Jîv^ansd Moachs Caffees-P. H. Jsanm-, Tb"s-l. a. Janseson. Maralad-Il. H. Jamesun. Sante clans soppl>' of candiei-R. Il. Raliablo boot ud-a bsa u u Spmli . 4aaaoriment boots en'laluces- John Satiniera. Fimeî 1itre-A 3rlt lisS-er and Cotfetour-11. Snaw. Thre wondlal cures-W. Adanne, Lu. diu Dautur. Xnrua ry aud-C.F.Stewart. l3.nts sud SsE -.iJ. Hayes. Mlliners, sud Dree-makng - Mine Melubyre. hiR Xnse gracory baon-S. Fraser. Filsy-cenit tm, bout value-S. Fraser. Crockery sud glaasewre-S. Fràser. Suitirse andi caffee-8. Fraser. Nutice-Jnro. Loy.. Gui broocb . G.Robson. Farmi la remt-J. Il. Piîp. To tise rstepsiyere Norths Wars-J. H. I Lonîi. X'nm le Couing-Mlra Affin. CarJ casese, vasese, &c.-Mrs. Alun, Pistre aird oy book-Mr#. Aluin. l)rmcss andnritla-tuaking-M-re. Allin. Thse Nicwpapcsn.e s isaagazuire-Mrs. Ciri-,isase [remnt-E. Frost. Dry goodalssd eoliing-E. Frostl. Goalis for the Isolidssy aeascc-Goid- ltedusced Price-Jas. Jolrnston. Goutis' lotibn-C. F. Stewart. Ctrd-Jehu Wesley Card-Wm. Burnne. The grea Landuouese for coaP 'gcOA-Hamiiton A. Rarruwer. Freeli grâcrii-1. Hi. Day. Bgautifmrl sets of crockery-A. IL. Day. Notîoe-Toronto & Nipiasinni aiva>'. Iumsmnse tock-J. S. Robertson Brun. Nirian sd Nov Year'e prens-J. S. gobertson & Blras. Fauoy gaad-J. S. 1Ioiirton &Bros. Taym, &c.-J. S. Roubertson à Brai. Dominion Wareroom-J. B. Fuvwel & Ca. * Cleap goode for Xure-J, B. Powell & Ca. Lmdies' Miuk ee-J. B. Powell à Co. Wlstby dry i'gaesl emporennn-Boas Brus.- List of loy iýsncom-u Brus. -'issoogm.-e-Lyon Brou. Carde fer Xms-Lyon Brus. Stainuesigla#sm--Lyon Brou. Miction ctevolal mieep-Wvm. Hodg. l'.sL1,csned aI-Oea. Hickingboam. Speciais-J. S. Robertson & Bros. Ils r1wr'e il'stliotiu-Hs.rper lBrou. Litttili'ss Liviu4 Age.- Maonie-E. Frost. AUCTION SALE&. Sale of pure.ýbre4î Côtswold eheep ai l3rooklsn, on wednoedsy Janir>' 11h, 18sJ, tie proPorty of Mr.Win. Illdg. sJNL.Y Si 5o PER ANNUXa. Whilby, Thursday, ce. 18, 1879, Connection with the- Canada PacIfic. Tweny-five* ymara agco, ailva>' cus»-1 isiuic&tion bewecu Lake Otarlo ans! thîe et mziBsay, was th: asiimt of Nottliig mare, il vas bliaresi, oculs b. - deaired inluthe iebape of railvays i ve ouly bas! the iron bersc uning bu.. tiveusa lie tva iakes. Wliat a change te-dm>' P Wbat hih ave Ieen' bufil and projocted sud are nov contemplai. - es, te meel île evWl- govlng aud lu- creaaiugrqufrmeuÙto -of cemmerce? * Tise Famiflo Jonutin8seine, p'jc opaeme lime agiolise juel heen remls1t - s ilîs uh ev lite, and !arrangemnent@ -- ertereal ia v hich cauot ail 4te mecu ibis pejjy rorlzation. 1fr. Edg&riPre- Sidsul& Ithm - Provisional Buard, Mr. --- Johtrmoriboisai! of lb.he pnilton a Ncrilu-Wesprn, B";n.Frank SBmit on bebalf of lis. Nos'lhe rss1. Von, en bbalf of thm Midlans!,ans! -Mr. Huldon, - fon tIre WIilhy, Port 'Pe'ry~ & Lindsay' Rellry, are thé parties u Ibmhemmvar- * rangement. BlocSta the Ampuui cfý $100,000 Ias beoeu beribel ansi s ade- - pasii a! ton per couL. Iboon _pla! inte thb iuS cf Munîmeal. Thee naw Board wiii bave ana feniber direolor rom eacb Cômpan', as --iccmguao ôth sJamuar>'. Thue lb. rond viiibe * 1>' lycoutmlied-by' Ibm four Coca. Panule&usines! tegelbrv ithsMrUesIgn. as Prout. of lb. Provisionel huoard of thIr cfe Juncilcu. -The Pacifie g Jneio -vlSetend tsertlýwerd- fiini 4- Gnaveishnut, a distance pt 107 -Miles, te a point ouLIrofLake N1Iing; -- vre. il l! cunuact iirLse'th e rn - terminus, ai the o<Lamaien Pacifio-rA&l- wa vy.. Towarda Ibm> bui'ding0f tLIna in. et 107 mles, tIe ra reit ,cettise ,Oolarfc Gvsmitu asale!t napprop-- atlunuf 48m0, per -Mile., Â oms! Le h bu7nfosud asud urvey nxmads,-. -- ronto baviuirgbmdraUgiea'#0U lataL coul l-etetim& Atos!-a280,000, s mile. P-rom Gravenisurtsortis Muni- - oiai onns mreof ouse, oof t lie - qumtiün, s00It tise *&Ys ad maot -fu uiI g,,Use s'ai t muabe provdd fro oter our& ýThse_-Domuinion -- Geerginnt is ti ciller Main séurpe - labe t!.peudedlupo» n Âio rder thse - rairis, TA.lwav AG# of1W?1 tue pmaýI. lagle,, os tsiavaWio 5bat; CareniUily eI- aminilieili trio t TheconîsirY lie desozi"q sas hoiniz ex-1 ceeîtingiy fortile, and regarîhing LIi quanLity tif tishr' ufilicis tiseroad1 susitild opî-Uneu lie giviaeà _ýfoow In Lise district iyingbhoîveos 9raven. hurnAL and Nipissiug thsore a&W about, frori>'four lovnelsup*, sud ms tovnship ôaisson an average fifty millions cf reet (boiard nimesur. of Ipîrier, or a total af two tboussad wlinIîudresi mil. lions of féel Tisi catimaste is claimsed lu ho under raLler than al>ove the acu. ai q~uantity of lumnissr j ise istrict. Lre countîry>' vean~d nantir of Lake N ipiesing, as>' for oeebunadreil miles rop Sturgeon River toLakie Teu;iscamingue, visicis district is prineipailly drainai by the Ottava sud Sturgeon Rivers aud emeerai large streama, coutaine aI lest .5000 taquave ilieof veli-voodasi coun- Ir>', yvhich ai a moderate calculation will suppl>', 6,990,000.000 fmmi of lumIr- or. Nent tiser laibmthelemueiviê territar>' lying vestAf Lake Nippimsiog, whicb fa sa veli voodpda. TIre timber l intisa- seotion is is praclicaDy> inenbaustile. At Ibm proeut lime Mr. Brunei, vitIr a staffif a omm fifteen men, la amployesi lu bebaif cf tIre FaderaI Goverument lu enploring tlImedistrict vitis a riav ta re- pontiug' as to iLs fortilit>', &c, bafore tbm Goverument'a railva>' policy la discose- osdj i te iHanse noxt session. H. in- tendei praceeding froin LbeGeorgian Bas> up lthe Spaisiah River north-veet- mn>' Liii Ire strikas Ibmelino dravu b>' Austin'@ part>' tiis asmmer north of Laike Nipceung. The four raiîwayc named are ail directî>' imtereseinlupnamotiug as!dl aecuring thiot tile, aud for thaL Par- pose, as voll a for coursection viltIr.h Canadian Pacifie, Lis->' bave Laismu nufl ati ion. That tbebc> ave actei vielu indon oc, sud ibat vhile look- ing after ilseIr ovu intereeta their moya- mnil s caîculatesi La henoit LIre general intezesis of Ontario, im an opinion vbich vill ssarcel>' ha disputesi. WVbile nolicing Ibis projeot,, il aloc occurs tbusatisItIhe promeut vouhl re s favorable appartunil>' for bringing about thm complote canni>' cobeme intel>' re- ferre4 lu libeso colorant -cf brnuging lu tVzbridge sud Scott and! giviug Oshawa Lthe rusla>' conneion vbich tIre businessemenriof, ihat lovu d se, badi>' nseded. Xmas Noies- PoaPruic Liquo o u Pak uàs Naw VaesW, Jameon selle oboapesl ba bast. Xvas Feurr.-The bemt sud fru'leesl and Mostl ec<suomical for heumekasper'a use viii ise baud ai Jasxeson'a, Simnos Praser's, 3.113. Powell', A. il. Day'e asd Oli No. 1, Gibsoiri'. Suow stllllesîle tIre va>'in bakery 1 and! cunfecllonar>'. Fut urreu.oRouse go ta Perguacu'i and J. B. l'cvele* Tmz Custîneo£Ni) SscsmN0 uRt.ÇK.- TIre building le nov enclosesisud il i Sapas! ta have il lu ruunning aniler nc lier Iban tIre lai ci Jaunir>'. TIr msnagemen-iustend opening il vi tb ball. Théeumnrgy dispîayed b>' Mecco Jameson, snd C. Jobuston le demervIaý cf ail pnaimo luinlsheforwarding cf thIr principal place cf healthr> amnemo for thre Lavu. Ulccs.s' Tos.-Tbe renîlitlon cf tl pIl>' Unela Tam, s giren lunLIre tas hall bore, eu Manda>' eveuiug laeI b, th@~ Anthony & Suis' troupe, vas el cellaut. Tisa play' Seing vel putl c tIre boards, vas actes! ahove lIre arel &go. TIre pla& 0-Isog mnge brougbt i duriog Ibm caldra. )f the plas>' veu »aremd au as t:0 cli repeates encans froui- the large audience prissent. Bosco-lthe rosi <itou Pure-si pearu i te tIav4 hall, Ibie Was nemday, Tbumeda>' sud Prida>' e- ening. Every one vilI cfcure g ta'e th wm ie ald.ronovuod vizani vhume <este of legeniemnain have astor iahod sud smur.ed lIre vorld. Ma. E. Fas arniakos bnying nev aud stylihisîsnrties. rangingi prie froni 62.75 te $28-00, just opene and resu!>'for imepiction. AÈfter LI vmr>' lange number of manîlea dispos. cf hiI.msen ai lb. OddfeUawe Hai it oanluy mevors e! pineis La hu &pganoa lage!>. - But aItishe priei Ibis lasI eslot are effared Ite>' ai sure te selfqisiclyl. Mi. Sieur, inspectas'.Onriro Banl office lu Witby duriug Ibm peît veelt. Re hmai lie reputallou cfbig a gertie. mm lulimately -acqusmnles!vi Lb tbm chsarsotrof hie verk. Tm GsarBt-eSubit%.ailertimesib>' blfr.'m Wnr. a!jouiW in e foins! vitb full ps*iiouhlinuthen coimne. Tisl sunoineement is su avenit amongut Timsa godehrivmryF ln grain Ibis veek, ans!wu thtIe <aiu c sucs lutevening a larges' delivrn> ia>' lie ookes! for. Prisse are ranglng higb*r. "We ny'bvefo sa sularge s»d, Tua' eAr>lp"-fulise ver4w i e v.y cpu, Who'ic Ia. apiau be stock. cf, Meura.J. 8. tBtnmtc& Bro&ur-,-m ing tlh. presedt vemk Ibis- Ir a av recempd a8, rer muplf thobir mury, ahngre muDre tasy lbaq ierpei 800 c, 4te select<rs DerrlI'.BiokWbitby, serres te loiowneai ta. And can'&se~ tnale IisneW-ear-lierIrur> i twu, thsepoople in usaI penrusaive voleet li, satths espsesof-tuegotlu I.o lie- «. froua Witly-Mameisisulu, Douait!ays, durt Pais, WitIl>, sas!, DaMil enus-ullv eiiht..--'i tlm, vwilIre contented bleen Mr. John Mffiez, tirh oe ut icumbentl1 asndMr. Hoover,, R lleputy-reare. SnuiU wll in àn,"robe~ility eeled Surits make an excollîst team ic thre CeunI>' Coungili and jiii al probabili>' totrlf i bemaibsk.in Oag,&W.-Dr. lw jelaspoken cf for ma&Yor. Shautl ho viol accopt ha vili bus ne-electol to tise CounI>' Courcil, respect. Ux.eisin.-Tber is likely ta bê no change lnutise township, aud nouil thre village s a-hr as atIbmreere te con- ceruca. Seov.-Mseara.Smitb sud Rowland$ vIra bave boëu mc long lu barneus ud maske aucli. a gaud mat sed1s,t v Wi be ent dovu for anoIben terin. Rzacu.-There are reports e! a tri- -angular cocuesinluRauh. BItooL-The aima gentlemen are likel>' ta te electes! vilb=oapposition. POsR Pumr.-Mr. EBavard major opposes Mr. loariglit for tbm reere- sbip. QsimrsGïorîit-Mr. JuIn Sharp, viro makee au excellent repréeative, lu liSel>'ob hoelectesi by aclamnation. Tsios&n.-We are bold tIraI Mn. Bruce ans!Mur. Gallova> will bave s valli over Ibis time. The tcvuslsl moutis! nu sensi botter mon to look stes ils iploroats Iter VU&anticipete ai tIrer. is wÏMbe é atlu b e et m««&sur. -Eoau& tesi -bots o! visonsmare" ort4ysl teptuemlva fur tbe m nbovisp- RàsA.-We bave -ualiee3, be 1 freux Ibis totvnabp, or Ié&oeold frimnai Mr. IfoPheriait-. la ail 1irob. abilit>' lIri»vWi be a octest, said viii tIre usual close eil. * Towy or' Wmms,.-The indications tare Iba a change vil' isie place lu Ibe -représentation af Ibm lova--ancA Ibs q change eue for lhébostter. TIrheosa»x 9 cs.x, epeakiria oui>' ais avirig à,os» mou intorms it iIrtise ramitof Ibmrats: epayera, Iras airaai>giro expresson tI vit sita elerd e u btihe inteligent public menbiment af tIre lova, slo the direction lu vhicb changea cirght te bu made. V TIre auabitioup Dsputy-resrmaspire il a stop higber. Ans! bas!hoIre .ricuu nuendatiori cf f41umefor, tiseposiin hie daim sas fer as ve aue oncerneai migbt go lundispua. Brit "b Cousit 6 Town cf Whiîby lias btter me» tIre n M. Camspbell 10 ssd té Ibmfrontst se banrnepneomuatres. Andi a liAI!. moi est>' upn hMe part vonis! b. more ba camiug, vem. le oves incapable of tost 7' izing Iis cvn defefmisciims. se giriuxg#À aver>' on. elau buthIrmseefi TIre pré .4 ent Mayolrsas Mr. Yéemn Qibmon as Depuiy-reeva, viii doubtlmos b. lemt md b>' aciamatlaUn. Andi vm entartab -nu doapt l haterer of Mr. Kinge oe 7luru as Reerelsy a large nuatonil>' Dot Dtacontent, anddle making use cf mota lefer fronu credibabete adefeal su sorti. aa citizen- . TIre crap of candidalme lu Lh. Norf ý9 i. etilincreasiiig, as vlse inasluhi ý1 Centre. ut lu lbé Sauth Word Lise naine of Mi Fraucie Clark ifa lurringl>' refurred t ' b>' Our lovnu rtemparar>'. Ilteinun ' ifkol>'th"a, eomiug fros»nc a soure r ti lli do Mn. Clark musch burin. Th Y peaple of Lthe Souths ard know hlm tla 1» voli.anai tiser ilI net fail te remet )n ben thai duùring thse titre. yearm cf i r- former represenbstiuui the samne i in Clark succo-edes! iu dring more nei re practieai gonor fthlb.South Ward th&s os au>' mari vIraenteresi the couni i ne lIre deathi cf Ibm lamenteit Captai Rove. Msr. Blow'& nains ta. also met P* ianes!lu connecton vilstisai ctf 7Mi d- Clark ans! af 14r. Huaggard. and w r-. have ne heitatsan lu hearlug tee go mon>' ibat Mn. 1BlevwIrasalvaye iad -, s acreditable s-spreentative, asid lu ,. gentleman for vitale doffsciint ublic body>'tIra peple ofLthesont Z dW asivas, a et.thar, rne reasen1 50i feel ashames!. ACMEISNe. - John Croeminf,ý vIr vorking a lb.hevwCurlig Binis, à sud spmneafis i.wrio4 'ai fir*t I11w Ibmt ougI b. at! nciibisaia. Pinomu. for Xmas mep mfla i5 i 4s uic. Brouis1la=p vZIr ormeb S. W. B, Sîeuîh béa, Ile as«morn stock"sl, pcelpald ce se or t vealer,14 t plce uuly Tbmrada lu cbolce mupa a "meeansu nI -vr'lrepurcbase.i-sIte I for Ynusseastm 7rgl upri froni 25 enats i. ed.Dvr BlueS Whitby. .Ur bgauliful rais nunnlmd DPW Xnïaei i W. B. 8m4!s. ugIt. sitIr Tady Bt.... vsamoesm But .eleorf %Ai sg" n oie etT. G WhfteaVe u. wi' 145à1&5e t Q5hi oz~~*as. 1.oi' .atu dl il, ik,. Mr àibagl'svmtela *ktby lumt veek srssmnI, as Ias in repb aCu fiirshulvan romt e Ibm "t Condit ~ widh y r umblti, tethIb pein~t pos fun of - po i aifara. llaytIr .d - eUt ha aeo fat cxQermiunt ilrtrizenküsm b yor corresapondiui'a powertuT pin, Saslie wus plasedtICal il, oend be socùred lu foirereoftheN. P. Aupet reav quit amibra>' wbo m>Siay lIre vii of tIre Mimber for Halion waof a My it coufidinshul ciras-ther teqmitely fin~l ont tbm îrnth of hov sur I~rard Tilly' vas bamozisiInhiaiaiiI ohun to tise Oshava> Ma -facbnree. Nayther was i, an an ibis plesige My Viraciy-<(allha tbm centisryry May' ho ucd) ta gir Misther Pi lranotberý "plut" luir is Bas speoki hu. An unyther ivas il-su e ariu inreport speolii ud Bliisi is à .orry, in de- nououei, beobmins!iskii.CENO un eleli an spprriameoksnRAs thm Sons Of 1 ln! uper. 'flhrre as an tiivitedgueti, Ibat ormbr san oracle gave s laite of bis gooll Manne. MisherMioduglI~ s»il*n, Mitben EdilIror, vas a privit one-4an Seo a Lay Omur,tbarWv 1a lady in th Ibm cm! An sm Weveai , its not the furmbt lime Ibat ebmtgrktee av Miin in Huslbor>' an Puliticks bldairicly oonfidinebal communicesiioni widh thIb Ladies. Blae Ibir .arts, bavn'l th.>' alvayi rnled. lb. vrld t Weil, novrtIraI I ber tonl u mireir, parbape ril vud bbeîber hfor Ibm Vice of mind ai otheri intberestain lu IbeHonourable Mither Micidugt alsevl! as t. satrafy the lre,ào dont, avakiled k#~oaity av tlhr YBesdherm of tire CËeNmnlo, of tire bole r tIrrulIr&bout lb. riait. Tletm Iruth lu, tbim, tIraI lIe Lady le Msther MioS- a dug&alenteil -t/s. LaîWin utIre noied a CameiliDivorce Case 1 Àfirer zmani -disapîntmints au lIrri an suootinsb. h Unus enuff te bey dibarlaed a vboli rsemint of! Lyemahb.ba4 mekimed ain oitaInin st haste s meahure of imbý 00 auiebnal jutis for the rigod an ill. It etselady. Au it Wbail ol erthfi -neai, an gir ber theba bndât of hi Covual tIraI Irekem t10: Wbitby.1 ber isard imîher ioliuga «Uell o sua n unympathetiek&, su peopb ber don't lino him peraotsallan vb( te boirer lied an opporobuaity Of ;ridg in beryerditedIaI statmnn, Iil, admilllin, mas uer>' van duom,-Iis gral eaisuaiy. Bt I ell Yeu, St,Isalm ehrs timi. of Iise hiraok-Ibir.IL h, bsavamm sud àfeiàii Hart, las'b bua bme in. Ibis came of Mifathres Veral Ai~au lthe ifii" e ýY Me' n tbei* h. playdedlb clase ildboul teor reward, and! h d. vindik&te ber reputubuin b4 -th 0.Wurla frum l tise asP«m-huna of fi ovi coospyrle'* lu lb.eiMercer Osm W too,Ihoes TIrYru ta git jstis don th le ronges!. Thare, altiro Ar4broir Merce utsnadmilled sîoul dis " to e bth sonuof bh isuaaed fater,the jovrr n sbep i n uinherit tIret on, bbsu the father omittes! tea mae a vIl lf. a TIa>ay Ibis j in u nrdiser lb. Lav Odesobabea, vIicir girasthib!propert>' of DSMaridyla Vidboul Ainrw thebmCrovi A man, se nlb.case o!. lercer, ma iybar nachnrai obildber, buS lIre>'ai th iol considbered'Lavfoil ai. Auris îe millIer boytveia a lter Me>' lu' tbe childbarsRo buru ta birti, if b. dbroi r off le acerdint vidbant niakin a vil ta -the Crowu km dcaim bis .properly, a n- is ciilsber vho vur brut np in tIre e: ,,peekteshuri of iniserotin ail Lthe fathq li pomeeesed su intinided tlIsa>' Shusiho 10ara turnesi asbrift pennylea 1Thia Liste Cisaytlàr>'av tibmLaw afLEschats fr Law ii. bisther Mkd &H Sel1 b mlai sîc lr swcannai 01y otifl ancanada asi t did in ould times i lu I taud _tIrt tise Quften vold i mer Wa ai man i propert>' front his poor ebildb un lifi ail tise worm. off bkaalb tayvwurr ,r. bom n ivdlack> if them natther w Ire ligt tla Her, u miaius- gthy ru hink-4tat Ilas an estbrame dit 6de cse av pover bc e seGore*s»luLt taW Lab.hepropert>' ai Andhrew Merer smv 3a rrm iach"ral oildisef. A.n iii toi molher vur IriaIr Ctbso-atlas tIre Motbar vas Irisb. -Wa Govormirit anusa ubeas4ien on ici iin the isme va>',if I, e0vi&w 'il 1Obuldisr of Mercer w rmBooe SUanLPr 7; kw plately turned bi& hesd. il is thot Zt out tthé l nnU~ WLÉ'e1 oti av hbin helpo - ta k P û pb « ms n r u e u ah u n a n Bsu d Hi on i Ud gff Oà i tbat ho shud in MercY- allowed b sdHeao ng ai dibrop toc bie nachural P ce. Thorea The e hammams before bath9 ~aud nynSur abut, uttin a ,beg- cliMed ou Saturdiay. TI *0n oseec n filar lolt ride La. 19isatiLayY fth0 se Il he came Wby fltIse ed of a con. OqUXt OiT sayted ignorant man w*dnashflne, unn A<dore sJ1mdr.-t Bee, nasin the cage a lacksJims ver* resovon ,amuolj iz of(u whbat ibroublo twilliead .a *cinVerdîict ïfor, agi 1 persave tIrai there a wnowcmin mssfii for plaiuLit, 3; .-.1 10 the front auy nunnber karididétes. for defoeuat. as~~~ 'lctJmld b ? Wance il Bonin W04 Instillgl7ce .u Wôt, an,Shtab S82548. G., Y. Sni hfor in the town 1hÎt1 recot iided Min ,ta E. Frewll sud M. H. C offie. Now, Loua TaflI an Im2pilint defendant. jok _iUigfut in in anal1 00fl1-tore rz4ofa-,haras power. munit>', mmy bc, for anu4kahurn, an in defendant payinig 150- ordlieir tosâkompliob anulsecldmb gimown osite. muprll apflfr wtoui.otherwi» îàyfor plaintif, Nq . F.-pu, ail their bouiher fWlucwu a"l. M. Cochrane for defandi Bnt tIe ol*ijek kouplibe.te 00 - ptïngé vt iro -Act' sa1,o ur tde o 9Cn i ii eaata1é5* lIeififfiate çhfld, MO be impod ù uonalr=Ib Hrbor. W5 lrgenia , W. M That queshmtnis setmti~lu Infik the kM difor paIntW Toaw ud h~beyt getI a ow&ek cro!fe4 Verndelfo1 04 FArlisnint tofiable au O,?a anyjhisig 4tSl0,A'Q r fonpounsainote. Yar inte bM tteer as a curpreenui, fur,.,as éMcGe k J y1z kno, thre lime wat llncîwlie b tsVerdictfrif1 o $84 tune ulredy gat, au basuassd.Anivri Arnold m.. BPPkeL-AOI tIm, nothiri end be 'di awidhount hOerTeauan OCIe coneirilav Ihé ratepayermthimmsil, er resasa su W e : meaIliat Harbor Tslk, sauBing T'k, _" rehect. of thle Ped heo the reat of it is 811 Bcéb, an s tIr e l fte pIfG-'Y. s tused bc peuple dhrive n ttaacorner tWdg&Ke ric for e pif, . for. Sud sun exc=»efor Ibeioro0»rng-daine. dfl.Vrict fo.r apf, for And av ail tIor rng dalie tIraII bno s tPa4rofa ens. Comzsodali lthe ronging av wane ovri boulier COn- <iolt. .L.Ebe lo ci viokanus of Wb" al l iessud pruper P Ptrsn oHf. Eber Ivarde a bale commtniLid tIb mt' f e@o dfl Vr Wnd n't Bla;ek Jici makV% Il .mage > brte Jetimgie lm!t.aw ýLg 8 < ow et aIes. T'Main thrae I - ust magne io t. nownAction on a bond -giVen b>' evidînce and wrifin ont, a aominitiflint o r a coovickehnn 1I Ponume owkmnm the piff.. for thre faithfal but the thont uf -it is tioklij. I1variaI by one of the de1t's.of Il y sa rescluti@n aarbisjait4the Boord avagent of the Pll,fortIre @W choal Thruete ïse du tvlnohuri e , or10é d ri@aiâne st teConmilflord Widhut1 ,,, Glff."forw 1.48, by gettisi the Ta" ielsrk lu dort)aSn, 'WOUfo. he'cMufoa'14 it tras8 a pimlets But gkwnt I mmmn 01y v.MDnl int te ubfbut" - frs cndimed r*eoer vagadue by lb. ~ e sylg SmioI abutbi».WOUl ru f ma farnismrant..1 of bto. n, witel1about imâ ayiter, P ]EL. R H.Iconbe fi Id 5O15 U5liapleadr action Lu try l.Ie taeheegVB5.- risiZsdva up la FOI, 2, es ty -in certain Roesi Fan 2 asuhvtnn.Bit, I ad, Wbat herif.n C. C. "oflr for Wu wuie dofoi Fun,.- thin 1 an th"saI ve termn for, det. iCRse e cd nil lot em go e»Y ai Pric e W."s ane ehev em i feulfeather tMistlU0m J"' k ko Imys 0 l*b. 801h, b 'DM'Donaghy. - Action On c inAnunrlt UÙ4 ,ounuts.L man Engliah le-e "s, >' A . J.ýEqure for Ihe defi. Ve IN P.S.-Black lai tîm w tblhir bis or Red closk au tbe "id iii cochbisOIINL I , op.riot. Aee4rW/saJou (a e~Jua/s FUI respOaJc»e) le Boari of Sool Trustns. rom conviction, crelng à* ,h eua etn f~l~ pi>' reÏêôudetit #41-50,1 se Th reuar meetng of bull, eiseep kied by appellaut'a a okplacesthTnble (the firet dismlssed with coasis. J. àe meeting of tlreloard iu tIra building), sud W. il. Bîllinge fori at n Wedneaday erening. Pïîeent--Mr_. S mith for respondent. SOrnulslon, (chairnsan GP. unin. sd Thee Grand jury feuud Mamere.King. UGMcGlva> Powellfllove- of Poil and CsnrpbeIL. QuI& «.Mau a SL oIITaLt SCIHOOL Eaxn'ia. stoaling Pust Lettes. ,n. Thre monthl>' reporte for Noveniber Queen 178. Toensl#p s>' vere read and shuwed lIre fOlloving At- -Nnuie. re tendanc- Qnseen vst. D. Brown Do On rail. Average. Iriba>'. vo Dundai St, 168 147 In the follovirig Cases ýp Henry St., 2i76 221 turnie&:- 11l, John st., 81 . Quee vit- Albart RC-w an - upoRt? Or ilIUSCIIOOL USSPECTOL Miedemeanar. I,- nM_ Irpr a r oaln Qneen tvs..John Rnsdd5. Thr reoto r oéln i The Grad Ju r v te u oljuspector, receved from Ib e ater hsvissg made tIhe fol i, Eaucation office, vWs read Rd.rring Ptregie"E es t heWhu&by Iligl Sohaol he ays h, r: ur i ne Accommodation ver>' gooi, enclleut Ts rn uya el reading roome. session ofthIe Court ai lt Equipmeub - Four masters. gaa.l cous; of tIre Peasc respei rea supply ciapparatus, library forming. proeut, 1.9 O)rgnizatiori - The cîasification Thal 1h.> have diapoé Me eema te bo satistfactor>'. maltera tIret bave beau la le ILemarksa-The oechol sedoing goe0l by tIreCornt>' Crovu v' ork. Tire principalm ovr clame did would suburiti LIraI in1 ra ver>'wvol iudeed in Latin. Gros, Eng.- Congratulationi, that lIre lels, Literature, &a. The vurk in crime il tesOcurit>.'. ,i ArilmeIiO vas goousinluAlgebtra the The -Grand Jury visite lower forma vitb on. enception did tonnd il ua et ni l Sver>' veil. TIre bigbeat fors» <id -fair- and tIre pioe I.b ait ly;1AacinlTrigouomotrysu Sc.tbadaorveso islld. Taking intu.ouu it the slrortriesa LIe>' ubmait tbsaI IbmCOI Lié ofise terni,.lIre performance lan MatIr.othnr auébiurslâmui aie sirtios vas onsthé,virole, creditable. ter as possible, to place anTie Matbennallc&tauier bas for", positlon te uriuish lise au 'ýiv"tocia goas! labor mopIraI Ibmesentanc Ir 'teseberI. znurmeflaigoçul deal oral>' mu 'net hbea nominmae .-polfor eappellenst la part value o! sdog. -appsl B. Farewell appellaut G. Tram Billea1 nd Barnslart,1 No billvas re- ard MCaan ne- dieharge&l )lloffing cm. - the Decernbm l'Genmral Sec. ecfl>' beg la mes! ci aIn lie mid before Iben Attorney, sud W sa mattes' for tre là mu 11111e ad tIre gaol ans siul>' condition, rare aentericea or asi o la! mnonava as SOwBALLniG. -Acorrespondent writes coxnplaining of having been tnowballdb>' disorder>' youths. Lot csim give their names tbChief Brysu, and see s t a vimit before Major Har- cserutid rsulin. A auton,-Tez., telegrain maya the State Grand Lodge has spproved the bafion oý,Wahatcxie lodge ini expeil-, ~e..W. G. Veal, a well-knowfl mnleter, for attempting to seduce- Mn.- EQriffin, the wife of a brothei Muon. Tbe Credit Valley Railway is rapid>' -peodeifig tovard Blora. Contract price for Middlesex HanUse of Refuge, at Strathroy, #15,5W0. ob-i4 rp of Qntario, for the pami year showm, a conoi 'derable faflîng.y off. Itii aid conmiderable anme af public mone>' are lobae epended dIuring the nazi season, in improving thre channels of navigotion via Utile Current, Lacloohe, North Channel, and the Nebbiab, St. marr's River. I bas been dibcovered it lb-th im- poalug of apenalty of ô pe ,r cent addiioni ta their taies upou Ibome wbo, failesi Wo psy by a certain date is illegal. Town, Concils having no power te, make snob an enctsient. !hà follavingà aispffld of: Uonon cf ra 3dtolrayfo -Action of mach Par>' A. MaGilli- ,utrsn c faiber. F Bilinge for 9. ýfor .$200. al.-Aliori ýeelI & k rieofor dolt. lion o! tro- - damages in SI distrose b>' Smiths for th. 4100. - Aotion of water botles for pIff., N. îliot for. plIf. ýuors ci ai.- Ibm defl. lu Performance us duties sa ge of Nury âge for pif, J. sf1. Verdict à . - A ct iîo n t a deft. te Ibm 'W. H. Lowe for dm1 t, >i.- Inter- dglof po rPil, N. F. Fac <oMy v8. ltse - CaMmOU for tIre piff., 'rdici for piff. 15 elopea vilb Kiltie Tnuy, ugesi 15- a lometic in hie <alles ommue, 551h sîreet, ou Tuesia>' usgb.-Tise àcuple, rarehea e fr as Trentsint, ve b> re atteoked b>' Iraunpe, front vison Ire>' vere rescuesi b>'thre police,.virile wafiing for a train, ta ýAIban>. The arve.arroted. TIre girl vasment lo IeBforrissor>', and, Soll.l ent home. Thée whaing echorer-Arisonsof ' Providence, wilIr 16 :pemoms, is supp- sd *!lab le b t, lbmlng heard <men ince Augumi Srd. AM Memphis, Ten, un Sna Davis! N rmean sudM arris Sm "*t i i-1 pute! avez vagis due t6 elalte* trek aI tise former vils an axe, ans! vas. mi doas!.Norman *vasquiîted an Ihm grounsi of self-defence. A bll bas beenfyims!lao u ps iet b viii cf Lise laI Mn Dorme>',isa left ber frtune ta Jefi Davis. Louis Kimbaillsud 4Hem>' Devitt have een arrestes aI 1Ne* ForS for thre abdunction and ruin of tva ou gils. Tbc ue a!vInse>' o suenakei asi' sunug, Ibm past year traI Ibmé atervorked- nÎiaissbave resolmet te leara 1h.te mucehîe bW~d fm- migration rfrce«s I- tIr e treitgiy. The>' vanS- an double lins suad yat cau't do Isaîf tbm bitiurg tIraI idamant!. os! b>' tIeconumera. Crie muaise vIr "'0 e IebusinessesaI Part Limace ie>in' voeks tut-Irns! ieorder, andi lbree >,f tise lorka are sicis. TUE WINCcsserrssnà Tszsm.-Mrs. Browu, uratlier f Clark Browni,visa murdaietedIris aller sud'utle mdater, le Seing tries! before a beuch of MaÉis trale, chargesi se an- acsimplica lu thse murder; Tise aiderice agimn1beri stanitling. MovËmît Pou Br vea R o crrr.-A Bul vas lnuird nesthebmHou.. o!fBeréýe- entalee ou- Monda>' provdiug fambe, apýpoîssIment cf a Coààrimistéislareport on tIre isiscisà reciprW>ity trealyvwitb - Tvucouncil. T his s t rogisiar ie ii, orN4 J9 N-E"7ÂDVE[TýISEM ENITse XMAB81 1879# NE W- YEA 1?, 1880, -:00:- ESTABLISHED 1874. -TH[E- -AN- Unprecedentdd, ~ ut DI~ PLAY -CF- LAROEST STOCK PRESE14TS NEW and BEAUTIFUL GOQDS, EVER 8HOWN- T= T TOWN. Or J.Su ROBRSN Bou Invite every reader,,OftleCRICL - to iseVt.i GHEIS9TMAS ; E uYA' Nowhere çise",éau be -sý ,v ?ari and~" sh~ea/tock!> Bool 'ke > 1 & 1-ý - - --- 1 r, ta 7»e ý-P b" fÂà XII Harbour Commiaioners, anraugemouta vere Made le a py 0,895 29 tovards Ibm lavui's indehteduems 1te eMunici- pal Lean Fonds. IL i. anuonced on pretl>' good 1aitb- unit>' Ihat Mr. Clarke, M. F' P., for Centre Weliington# *M ibu Imthe nt Speaker of lIre Gaerie Amsembly.- Tho election vili pire geeral saafaction.- Il fe underatoos! tIra thame es»ployooml of lise Sonate sud Houme of Cafonsm vIre bave reaches! 65 yeaxe af age, vii not le snperanuatei tilafter LIre cos- iug session. Son. jweeping cbsugem May Ire thon expecteal. Tbere havre beass Ilsmemembe cf the Ontario Amembi>' usées! -c tIre generel eleetion riz !- Megm. Barr, Kerr, ans! Margan, ithliorgi tbm hast nanas! couls! hardi>' lie sat! te have ld the seat. Politicail>'. bis e &las1 - f t v a es alatla Ibm O p po li ,wvb o cU n iii afford Ibis Lbmning of Ibeir decimat- md renka. HjliOLIDAY -Op- li ai st ti 'w p -1

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