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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Dec 1879, p. 5

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DséIj 61 MeIvo ier1 » of Raout- 011.0 o B&kWid.y ev.rang, it vas deiad t"reccoln.etdthe enpanua. lion Pt0f t of the lmesnn. Tbeisa %.s 120108tmat4itab. ffll.8 Th- W or f 'sokal eu!a WinI*-.lim. ti i tete K$,2W& 0per session éh. The laPPoln'lients, instead cf b.sig mal eer session, are ta b. ,enaent. PM'..Coitigan succeeds lr. Lhldsa3', <d .oeed, at a redaced slr.The *vaeancy caused by Mr. toeblng t--nfre ta the Jastice »@ssttaelfla net tahc filled. None ofet l> p=Runt îofficiais hiave been supt~1jated Pocase cf the. widow Oliver againat &..Cameron, fer breasa ef promise e<ime ut on Skturday et Washington @à plamntiff' motion. The appeal wiii be ead ithout requiriag ber ta, have- e r«qord p4nted. The. motion ia b.aed on tbe plgintiff's poverty. Court- 4d for defessda ictiaimated "s orna OenSfl ofniç wae paying oOWsel. ne 00 1" c 'ip a namotion vau granted, ,;a t a oîinued until the Janu- COUaumpton Cured. Ami ahi physjcjgn5 xetired frein prao- <sbavink Co. f , i Roi hadeb' SiEut India slsMonartheiformofla ef asimple v:ýegtbalree.edy for the opway and Permanent cure for Ceu- uption. Bronabitis, Catarrh, Aima, all Tiroat a nd Lnbg rAffections, S»c a positive and radical cure for ý.yyus debüüy uy i4 ail. ilimous Coin- l ait fter hàvig. ttd l is .vonder- uative pavera in, Ibousands of umi,hau (ei *l bis dnbl,ty te nakq il bunlo h oie sufflng #.acftu lied by Iis imotive sud adOb ,oi UM huluflisuffeingt iij use fre'> of ebsrgete taail vie. dsir- ltbiine- lap , Gerunan, French, ci Enagilsh, wîith fu ldirecltiuçfer, ean.and we tsamp, namiwl li NY. cuaesmçi.5 OmetS, Dm i, 17U lem JsWbeat .........1 si 3 SpriigWbest .......... 2 ~1 28 waley............. P 0 1 Flur, per ri........ d, g60 Bye................... 0 E5 -- poe.................. 0056 0 95 lpas,tsk.0yted ......... 0@5 * 10 Oais ......... d........ 080 *08ab COin-................. 0 b100 gay .................7 60 (0 Qo Appe,pe brI......... » 20- 1-54 Plumas............... 10 2 Potatois........... 25 < 0 Bti Eggs .................0.15 @0 18 Butter ................O0 17 90 20 Chees................. 010 ~0 12 Wod..........i4 50 <0 (» Besa, iud quarter .... 50 Ou b 4 Basf, fore quarter.... 400 @ 450 Sheepakns .............. 0 7 <(ài10O Rides ...................8<. 700 Prk, per t ............ 4 7' uA5 00 Lmsl................. 2 M 800 Cee ................... 400 CÏ4 800 Tes................. 025 000 Gos.................)00 ~1 00, Tumips .................001 0 16 Carts ..................OIQau 0 00 Celery, Per du,.. .........1 0 < <00do Chiceno, per pair.... 0 2-*1 e#O040 Duts per. ...........0 .U (4 O 70 Ocasper IV..............0 t7 d008 gaiesr...............S01)M û S0 Cloier ............... ..17() 5 9 75 2 t00 Vot, u. .bes..........O 9O1 i. obied ............. 0 20 <02S P'ORIT 1EI<RY MABEETS. Por-t Nrry. I>ec. l7tii, 1879. lsly.............. Peu.. Coa.. Cliver ced------ pots.............. 'WAd.......rbus.......... ('tps............... We........ ........ .Ce o, -. .. . .. . . . 1 18 4 'W 0 40i O) (K) O W) 4 M5 2 50 0 12 0 10- 0 12 5 25 0 20c 00 0 15f 7--- Modern Ma teria Medica Seledes uany valuable remedies for affluc- ..tiens, it issuauatter loi certainty t4at in &Il cames miiere tLe animal mtalityla fàiUlg, Phc.êfozone te decidedly supentor, XIt'it wort effacta sncb au nothtng eie wmutpro- duce, and passses the great iccvatage Of Dot causlng, Whoiete use ta rlinquisicad, the slgl4test reaction or dopresaton. .old by a&U dnuggtts. Price ane Dollar per Bottie.- A C A RD. r rO &alIwhe are anferta g' frein tiseerroru I ituidisdcrationu of youtii, evu weakaessn, erly deoay, louaof ai nood,&c., I will send a racite that ilii "are yoa, FIlIEE 0F CHAI1GE. Tus #great remedy wus dscevered by a rnlsstonary ia Sotb Itmenlca.fitenci aàsu.taddressedenvelap tthle lie. JostEI'T. lsKils, StationsJ Bible Houge, Ne Tark Oty. NEW ÂDVERTIORIMST. Ha r per'sMlvaga zi e "S.4tudytng lie enbje* ~objectivelai nd o beti edirational point o1f vl»w if lno eeode dist *12h, tkeï alto er, W41 %eof the Mostervice t te agis 1 [~-lonK goconcinded l, th i = alc Ites bt L*ÇwomAkforsa public brary 1"W ou14see 6,t anlte set ai ys' Ils Cootents aiu ceMbtnbuteily mu eminent ILnthonda tariosuof Aanci âmeica, while the leog expenie ce of its publishera bas mal. tlsm tara ghly wua- -dersnt mth dtii.dsres ai public, 'vhish tie>e imlpar. Do eJort gsatliy. The vol o~ t the Mgag bing wi the t s for Ju» ne eee of easciiyear. Wen i'0 time pecified, il *5111bc ader5ataad tat t a criber wmaL. du to baýinwl4h tiibcim n ber. - U ARPE's PEBI DICALS. IIAIPER8 MGAZ One Toar 84 GO HAIPERs KL, " 4 G0 1WE'S B4AB, "di di 4 00 Th e ar spbltations~ Any TWO above ut oce Yr.. 700 uARpRîrsYo POPLIi On. Postage Fre j Il sooe"îrii sthe Uited States, A Complet. et ceHsr r ftizne, coSlqiplsig 69 'l t Clot bud. 'Dg, iii as'ô fui pnse f puresr on .pap2 i volume. siS o' Ome yod$80.Plo BOn poh ea ' a de 1'-ôt dianc e f O. :Loyll > I Sevoi or# avs* «to * et -- ITRY-aut 1. aw ore XePlakSm DO0 RET, HTY Clieap Goods for Xmas. Childrens' Lamnb Sets. Clieap Millinery. Cheap Buffalo Robes. Cheap Groceries. . Gentlemen's Seal C, aps.. Cheap C1othing. CheaL Divem Q oods. - - 'c gut~i~i.<I ':000-: -t- -. c - . c '~~1 STLISHTAIL OîRFfN«and DBEK..I!. SWhitby, Decçmber l7tb, PO& Go. 18-79. XMPORTANT A TC10ON SA'ýL'EJ -OF- TO TAXE PLAMie ON AT 1BUL~~I~ Havig ecded to retire frorn business, I wîll seil my entire breeding dock coumast- ing of a large mumber of choice !ùnparted Dimeai ~E bW iby'the, le" ie- ewe"bFed byrnysaif, &Bd eut 0ofMyIy li par e~ Ailthe aboya aae la lainb ta GRSPRI-NCB,' which lia wQu b ghomesa tlsroisgk - canada- as.. Show a paloiheng the. wlnner of a Silver Modl at the Arnerican Contennial 1876. Ti sheep hasproved himmeli a very supecor stock getter, his Iambe having won higli honora in the show rins cio Canada ana elhe UnlIilftes. Th, . Are ail tunt- iormly larg%,WWewooI1O'4 ~ have the test Df headà. An aelr-a lot o7Bam Laina. 1-aima ofler a cholce lot of pa r bred Iambe, and saune excellent i ibjrss. AUI aY stock, except those se ",is é hv gooipedigrees. 1irfi lae offer "SECOND <IRAY 0,dsiient athiebiglwstexcellence as, a brooder ané uhow animal., Rui Iambe are always gaod. Thtis sale ail ards a rare chance te those wlvshizig ta ionnd a dlock on a fir ihss, and tiiose who have been breedng fur years may add valuabe acdtiono ta their floeks Ire= thia sale. Mount Pleasant dlock was fonnded several ~er~ nthe. Lest txport*tli)ilq af ihe T 'omtinie ta tisue habeen lin- =vei y soaiefethe boat animais evar lis romEHngland, and grest ce as Ibse -tkenin h» beed9k f tiiroff- spring. Noue but the besn$ giveèe bseanusoci. The, show record of ttus fock ia bigh bth in eenadaand the United ee. it %au selecwtg ffl,7 -" tii.- Doe -ilq Goverument, te relese'at the Canaian Cotswoldis t the.Amsritant CJeutenniaI5 where il wes. ighly saccestful, wnnng SEaEN isznu.5 or sii WAi>,wth accota- an.g ellplons ' cldng *KN - n" 46à&îisL ML AD &U*aail my; possesson and whieh will e on exhibi- tioindurlssg the. sale. My exhuhts nt leading Canadàln and Aunencan show» have bren Doalbas surcese- lui, and sheetp solâ snd sent Olt by mne have tenerall1y given good satisfaction, anda my h ave wan htgh shaow records. Amongat thein jea apen conhfiting af sn ageci ram, one shealine rama, thrse sgéd ewes,,and three ew. lambs, which are being spctaily litted up for the. United States exibition £àr The sale wili conmencesat 12 a, sharp. Written pedigrees for the sniuual w ihgven on tii.day ai sae tapurchaser. Drookila ja tive mlles nonuli of Whitby, tii situated en the Wlitby, Port PeM77-anda lnmdsaylaiiway, which cônnbt5 mii the Grand Trnk at Whitby jnnc"l,015auU. eaut ai Tarante, on Grand Trnnk Ratlway. Conveyances wilimari a&H trains on day of sale.* TIIRMS -na(n n0<j5a n unr, casa ; on ail suais aluove $25, credit wW beh gtveu unti the 7tb af October. 1880, on ap- prodvernotes, beaiq i nteszest at 6 per cent.,, or a dicount oai rpe eeet. oic purcliaus for cash. eor futiier particnlars, samaples aifirooL, pnlze lit, etc., apply te thie proprietor. LEIFÀIRBANIhI W.IfODosoN. Auctiameer. Myvtla, Ont. Mlyrtle Dec., tti, 1571.. To The kElmiorr of tkd o 2!ow -p WIîitby~ At lthe .rent sollitatan of insofy il amu i ar ided te offer nuyowl ua acandidatefor tis. Eevssb.p of théa Town ci Wbitby for the. comlng yesx. 'l ha,. the bonor ta b. your obedient Dec. tnd, 1879. -60 Town o f Whitbg: GITESsUrged bnanycmyloi ralepqyers tao do a, liiame (ineit côefrmard ai#& ý am i ? r'1 ,~e ai Depuly-eev, an d'<mg espe cote salicit yonr Ymâadmlge. I havaelime lonor th b. genlemien, I Saur obeciet servant, YBOMAN GIBBON. Deac22nd, 1879. 60 (lARD TO BLECT61à. - To te lectorg of hÇNo0r0 .WÇw4, - At tue sùallellatia fâ niutmner of dite Elactars ai the aboveW - I bave agaln consented to be a oaidtat.Lfor ra-elaculn as coîtOIsemans, anil Iilpte'[ seal, nas in ho Put, wl% or ithle iiterest af lie whole tcvn. I romain, geletImen,crs>AR Whitby, Dec, 4,1879. To te Eletora f fthe Ncrths Ward - vote and ilnfiaezee eut cillor for tha NatiWWr. - SIrontalos, yc»rs TQpectf*lly,ý Dec. 10, 1879. - ÇAIIDTO ELEOT0O. PO Nia~s ~ -orth>- ~k. ,-- :' -t - t- -NI H W -AtV E--'!.E ce iA A ~<'.~-' '~~/ r~. (p O' o o -c, .~it if o -Z) o o -4 @@Min4 o;4> h0 'M z o f~) Q ~ jZ gJPK PHK1~ ? ILO-T~noGRPB G- dUIE As'W'W~. '&I WEW TO BUY HOLIDAY 1htanM b îelwhiehttoubines finitseéif the useful and ~ < OUII r.sbprýeaaiéw o iîg neciessaryan dbl!eost~~0t eh tnt1 Present 1 <t~Xuçai~$ ~ fr$s 'Christmas Pres- ent frozi 5, cents u o i5 olars at #1ý ý F. FIROST'S. kt*Uâ toiet <lvi i l 'lO.e s.t fi j<i/ ,1< t Mfi . eCtt 1 MM41 44WUtI~ WAYi#8ERVB Tûi OSLGGEST. W- gtl%) i4a~ ttig t 1 j ;i ','i A. L ng es.l t, ~it<s " t ~ - - " 8 25 A Trimmnod Feu HRatpvwith Réal (hilFeasilr, vith tva fa 1 ai'e' t èv~ Iikee&~jfi-i25 A Ëeauuiful 'Vieis Ml~tb 5th"ed,; 'spool01 Mg- - pipimgoüai'inbiip ' - 5 AnExufzl<Sie.v. ~- ,- " 2 00 A Ciaice Manh1 ,momyihai nthe ticeves me ?uwd pockta, ii.h uimxble Ibuttons .11ik pipfings, boamygrâss fringe, -k., for pey - . 2 75 ÀLe.~c Caud,<i -- -25 A Ceinfortable -Muffiélr ' 20 ,Ladies' Dress Caps, - -- 1 25 Kr4fited Jacý 4,J ocs nfantees. Kid' - CufS; aÉ okiM ?ureeg;tîPin Cushions, Hsderoueiefs foods, Blair Ornataents,- SBilk 'îHaai&. 'karubi;,,k- iboifor 4~isM-anleVel- -satin$. THE OTDI-FILLOWS' ULL The Onze ePice HOugel I TIu~ ~3heap Cash V~y > Iu -PBOF T ÂD Q R TLTBNS BUSIBSSHOUBE THB, MO8Tà POPLLB Goods Store!1 MIXE THIS IN WHITBY. ~ ~' eeps Nov~~ -"l1à Cheap. éuliV B/G ',XMAB GIOCEIi'Y.BO-OM ALL ALÂ[IVE WITfl IARGINS AT SIMON F RAS'ERAs CFIEAP (3ROCEBY EMPORILUM. A- Large Stock of Fregjj New Se(tsoned TEA1S, To bo sold at ()ld Prices until the lst of Jantîary. iRY OURI 50 CENT TEAS! A Big Discount to persons buying 10- SÈ ies1i- Gr'ounidCoffees and -London. Pearl Cocoa; Nono more delicions. We invite inspection. -Sxugars in «ail Grades, rangig ,rom 9 tens'up.Just received, a*- . arge stock of Fresh, Good, Clean and Clieap, and hhd NEW VALENTIA RAISINS, LONDON LAYfJ - LOOSE MUSCATEL. AND SIJLTAýA; AChoice lot of New Currants ceaxiý auid q.ood, Ialaga Figs, 10 cts. per lb., Fine Tuirkey Fwgs Èrench 11àTaga Grapes, Canned Corn, Caned nRtcè9 Orange -Marmnasade, Lemon Marmaladle, Black, Ç.ùâai Jam, Ried Currant Jam, Govsberry Jam, English Oandied Peels, PUXE> Extracts, Pure Spices. A Welcomo Visitor in every Household is the P1LINCESS BAKING POWDER!, It is b',ter than the P ure Gold Ceù Tartar, or any other B"tig PowdeL. Fresh Oysters and other Canned Fish- constantly on hand du-ring the season. Our. Stock of Crockery and Glassware -ý4s very large and conplete, consisting'of White Granite Tee. Bqtp, $2.50 ; Elegant China Tea Sets, White Granite Toilet Sets, $2.50O; Motta China Cupa and Bacears ý Fancy Mu~go, from 5 cents ecdi; Fancy Vases, from 25 cents rnè aci ; Varieties ini Glassware of new Designs. We ask the favour of a eall from pergons requixng any tigi u-lime, feeling confident that t4cir wants will ho uppliedto. their utinost-satisfaction Agent ini Wldtby for the .Sanspareil Wasbing Bide. Warranted riot:ta settie oxr ske,ktËîieChes-. Caliland get sanple bottie Fiz. Ouaim 4 1 e bost goods,, ai4 ta soll thegroi ui can, BhY6 - mliMaio Poftà1Inhivo ma'ILi» dlçt Lime." Cpamo e.u&oxaminiege Goods and Prioe, and you will'.find#t youravîànté e, n'dithu, j --4e4 SIMON FItASEit, - -Deveila Block, Brook-st Whuby. -N. B.-*>~ Highcst Price Paid (or Amy Qumntity of gçoo"uter,,3hccsýý Ponltry ana Eggs.Y GO.DMWSHL HOLIDAY SEUASON', 1879-8. , 0mdé ton.,~ in a côme'th ne4s i gnliwnig& ainMuh I,èi~x oy the qnarter or greatrn qnnorsny veèetàblks, except as aforestuid, anmi fariners and huiecters whloo fer faron procincea ofemery description for euie, wiihi ticsa ialporatuon, shalh do so, an, 1e15 Ulicôarktlday, dcînlng' Mar- 7Lu ôt lis> , cui nù ei-san -tGr îidrsOn5t .1ilse ea flsh in -amy ather plue aea% r lepulc-akaor Suclà on'ilu qîgi M.rkets uhiîy appoint. eu itiLAi!c't, tallow,, or othûr of.u ,eev t rai, simili iot 1-o stored ins orou t.i rio priLesic. mand ci eun- grcr. or c nlier, or damr- pi-l-oua liv- ing mitîin tbe Muaicîpality, wbîî shah! ho ailt-ya oiloeslaliimg, regnîcliug or mouoiin ýeliher lî peeui or ii1 aceit r uperson «h IiivQrhep' lrcted, or 1quested goe lu do o 4 kLtlf-rlits, ena fLfinitwrae..ÏH vegetables; ' Lltry,. dxiry prodaco, sid aggs, and a an artiacleserequired 1for fainily muse, ans ý su r alaly/sold ini the.Markte ilier in lthe hM,rket placa, -the 8sireklao within theillunits ai lie mBaiMi cipalty, hsiel guilty of an infractio bi law,'prüvidý aci alwaya ttn hýa ying "or1 affening Aobuy by any ýuclstan, butqher, gro- lier, rrunr o'har parsop, offening for sa leti bargaunmng 1-or or iiy any fariner or o an parian/to or witi any huoketer, bu an, grotder, or i-un- ner, or othar pa on, aitmr mus te Ilie qusclity or pnice o any oÉf lie -eaid arti- clah brougl4 fan ale inLo thc Tovn sual be deemnecif oest1ilig. and ta hareby prohibited, Waovidezi, however, thai pork and tibur nbylte tub, iMay bd bouglit for sip aný witiout being- considareti a con avention' af Ibis clause. 18. Thal B:aY ira li t italime saîd -T r~t ôrseèui u -weigbcd on tîto Yuùblic Market-Scaes' t t.14p said Mar-- ket place, bythe M t Clerk, or Lis "tatnt, Whoshel ôthe seller of tblôtLfde tickett tihe grass aud ùW ight ofi'tiesa il andth le date, iullbfee la but. pnid r smci weiglît ihâllRbe -tua charge ian inafter provid- 14' That emery ailier icle oF thing, Dep nat ant thesta s, solti ai tho ýýdJidWMkèl, vixioli voal require telia véxtdoîasmrdi at the opti.. ctu~~~~~ affu ueat t cexpense of thi sele, -e vlgetior casureti tin tie' q5aid t'blia s"e1-üe or ni ne by theau- Market Clark or bis asaisi t. I15. Tluet no 'emmes or aunbling a--f amy- bird s hal ha allove"' iti tbe Market Hops, o M el lplace. ýAmd mc pègegnsoshah l treat ne unoleet lie., Market CI k or bis 855151111t, Pýr annoy y peu son doing businçsat thc said ankat, and no persnsat"i1 leave- or posit any filti, garbaga, or -ubbislx * or about tic Market Housa or Marka place. 16. -Th4talil- pansona, a cepi staRl owvme, jffering amy article r sale at the said! Market, - shall oc py suci eando luaes samay be, signedte < thons M te Market Clark o bis assist- ant,. a -'hanses -andi otiç animale duawitag maiclas -andi - al a o r Iings in -vhýh iamy tbing is expose4 for sale or .xnqkated, shall vian re4xired -by tie Yarket Clerk an bis asiÇstant bc namqvad from mxuci mebicles ian-oailer- tibm 88safonarsait, and takanfrom tlie M -tplc vtoutdelay,lion sail an ,butcIiar or ailier persan !place or tiep jiraow -le be placa or lied, upôn aui pailxway or rond surromnxding the MM et, amy ceueçep, swinc or otier- j7T-hat shahs ,iix fie saici Market muy ho fanmuslly oKfereafor- rani, eilier -b tender or bhy public audtio», - aIticse - iai% tbticConnuittea on Marit- agtc-Tbwn propart, by thec Town Clatit ýticfo.un&b Monday in Decmuber 'in - Wh- year, wpevioça notice .lixereof la jý,glyen - by theb, saiaci Clrk, ana ijl e.buifchars raciohhanpensons rentin, igeckstafls- .,"48eqsatenders, 'chichibe lWxepteduhaU. hoaésigned sad alahlfer .thé teri i n-yeai, and thiesaiti rant shhl Ib.,p aid 1q4ar"ery in -ady4nces and f itsha lai&vffor thoClypnuitol aisiai butchermaeatforraml .due for theii Marketat als andi salthe- aie 9a$tr.aix-heurs notice and-theta Mll jIIts,-BU. orm-n#rt af thec public- u e 'u'iL4 ase.own.ita a nrc 23 yeasre1UEý to the -ie -i Étébs- compotioni NEW LW4 4Let - QIlroJ Esq. lacea 'con M. vWas eieon- b per. vsy. gve I 4 lodu.

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