iB Ali is 3RIT 0117 to Lomm-ý J ORSNA. .-Mec Ca M C. KV. A TToRNEYT.LÂW. SOLICITOR-IN IL.TWA SIL)r Ornul-At h ourt RoueWlt4' JOHN hALL > , 'BABilSTBR-AT-LAW, SOLI1TOR OM5ce-DeverilVu ]lcack.rocli Street, Wbltby. KONET TO LEND-Prlvate Funde - En sumor up te 8000, aI a low rat..et I. ROINSON & KENT, (LATE DeooÂN & Hear.a08.)4. BARBISTERS-AT-LAW, A TTO RN. .Leys, Solcitors, Conveyancers, &o. OIO.-In Victoria Chambfflt No. .9, Victoria Street. .J.G. BRoscaSOX, X. A. IHansaUTA. E. KaNT. JNO. (G. KELJLEY, - ARISTEII-AT - LAW, SOLICILTOR B in Chancery and Isovcy ConvO SIre4Z, Whitby,On. 0. 'YOUNG SIRITR, L L. B., AIMISTER,&oc-Monhy te Loin Ouricu-Over Dominion B3ank, hty :HECTOR n1toNm, Q.C. (ly4s1 a. a. APPELSE. B-, J. GUNN, M. D., -URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, 4Z'Byron Streel, Whit.by. BYRON FIELD, NM. 8. P HYSICI&N, SURGEON, &o., Define- Wna. JIcRIEN, 3.D., M.i.C.S., 4UYIS 1H05PITAL LONDON, ENG., 'cx the oye R. O. H. LOshawa, Ontarie.ç c A a D. Din. ROGART, Physicisa, Surgeon, Accocheer, &c., &c. Wbitby, Sept. 80th, 1874. t0 W. ADAMS, LaGroeor Store, DI>udaa.mt., Wbftby. Ufficé bhonisle m 9 &.m. te 12 mo., and from 1.80 teo, p. m. Resldencs-Oer. of Byron taid Gilbiert strete. 1P T H i értdon ail the 4s choap a-to hee pesl, aud as geed as the. beat. Teeth 0.11.4l wih Gold and Silver. 'Teetb ext.st.ed wtbouat linby prodniîn local anaethedas. Donta Boom-f <ow- an'o new block, oyér Akinson'a Drag Store, King Street, Obva. 85 HAIR DRESSING ANI) SHAVING- B aloon, Brook St., Whltby. JOUX wolFENlgp1p* AGENT FOR THE OErLBBRÂTED AScottiib Granite. Ati Ms.ble Works et Jenathan Wolfenden,Dunasflt.WbIby. OFFICIAL ASSIGNE1, 95r OFFICE OPPOSITE TE ROYAL jHôtel, ilrook.St., Wbltby. Wbitby, Maroh 2M1, 1879,144y S.O'DELL, AT H ERLY, C/erk Division O-ourt, Tp,,-loric, COmamsmtoaner ile14R. i, Laad 4n$à io boc, lhherly, Ooenîy Onario. Athrly .Si I m u,17. 80 WI. HE MAX, OSHA W A, j ÃeterinarySurgeon', J. P. TÂYLOB, pim U MoAUW." late of Toronto. AYERS' HOTEL, 62 &.84 MILL-ST., ROCEEOBU,,XL.. ýPrice reduoed te $1.50 a DOay.- This Hôtelhlas rednoed its priaeste lthe Travelling Pueo te 1.8 per day. It lu bandy to te N. Y. Central Depot (only a fe.wcioors South), and bas reoently been re- fittai] and re-furnialcd. Open nigit and] day. The bouse ta BraI-clans in orery re-1 8pectý and Canadla peoplîe wil Bave rooney by going to the Ayera Rôte]. WILSON SPPRAGUE, Proprietor. Rôchester, N. Y. July 3, 1878, <tlm.28 THE WILSON HOUSE, M3HBURN, ONT., ALEX BARCLAY, - - Proprictor. The Ilotse laofl Brick, larýge n e 1modioum, and the . nweior *a iitiod up aW oeflent styla. Tlhe léorda is b'p led with ta the. - Market. t t0t1 i r u Stabling, largo and roowy. Gooda aiteda. B RT111' AMERICÂN H OTEL, R AY -5, (LATE e>OBSa aaOUaaL- WHITBY, ONTARIO. Houa. newly renovelci] andIturnlslied threiagbôet, andI pet inert-class order for ba reception of guesta. An omânubus te sndv rom a&H trains. Firast-elasa §maple reeros. çQ HAKESPEABE HOTEL, S-- Cor. KIng & York-aîa., Toronto, Ont. î '. A. O-GRADY, - PROPRIETOR.k T"us~, 01.50 ruit Dà y. ly.47) POST OFFICE SŽLOO, ToRo1<TO. M. MfCOONNELL, --.P1iOPIIIETOII. gar TUE REST ACCOMMODATION Mi for Guesta. (lu-Il Q u E EN'S EHIOTEL.- v I cTORIA JAS. MA KEY, - PROPRIETOR.ý Glood Table, Liquors, and Cigarsu. Fizýe atablng ant erery necoeuaay accommodaià tion. 1y4 ONTARIO HOTEL, ittOCi STBEET WIUT't C. D4WE&- Boga te announece t h has rmsmsd lb. proprietorahip of tbe Ontario - Hotel, wbiere guesla will berealter recelve hlm peu- mnai attention. Tbe table will ahv-ysb. upplied w1fà tite best. of everything ln season, and mne,, but-lte bailbranda of liqeors and- cigars ilfl 1e kept in 44aa bar. aod taitlings ud attentive ostlers. The, old friands are respeetfuily $nilted ýte eae on ,l., LU MBER 1 LUMBER 1 LUýMelER MERCHSANT 'w H 1I'TB Y, oas oubaud a largo aupply eoflIinoe Bain Lumber Boarda, and ail neo.esaaiy Building L=mtar, Fenclug, SwiTmbar, and soan1i3ig, a arge çre$lIy ônItnd. from Mlflat âhert ubtie. Doors, Sa.sbes and. Blinda -always on ARCHITECTURZI . DRAWIN G ANII SPECIPICA'tION WhltbY nl80,"M Bý-UILDIN GS Pronpt.ly prep r it, viaw l k o my, OHURGH ANDO SOHOOL AROHITEOTYRE.A SaoPau ECAI. 1 --- 01uW,4 Ont. DOMINION FLOUR & FEEI) STORE. C HAS. PENUYLEGION lbauraelvd a nwslippy of Fleuir, Oate, Pesa, À&., wbicbbhois eling Iut teiowet euh Prim. Hneliasise %mari,,d CONFECTIONERY STORE îu coneotionviwt.b the.fleur and feed, and, keep oean l n md a good aupply oet CANDrS, NUeTS, R4JSINl8, AN4D Gir. him a oeil. Whltby, Fe., 1tt, 188. Imperishable rgaç WURAD4U W TMBRT&MZ5. Mine Oisy...... u» si" KUl~ Ar-Ive Wbitby...... 9.m For time st other saU4oau4. se.PmehelTMe-.,vn Table, téobe bad on applicatio te sny et ab. COOMMETIOVI. .-ibsu tag f Eme, Utis Culabrattd Floijda ~PERRY IDAYIS &, SONA4LAWItE1 oeo For ae by T. G.'.wm04$ý iveuns wek.oo ~!ertb~AddcsmoAt EI",~k OSHAWA MARBLE WORK8-1 ik a' A!L~E~8O &VAÀZANT, MIT nssxx m 1-= nÂui coto~h .nd'Canadian Grants TW Monuments, GLE&ý TES comn-