'rrdii Pr igueq$ for Sale- The Ctlieap OaZ Store-B. Frost. Gage & p'i. Jplar Sotool llook-4J. 8 . Bobergon &Brou. A splpndld pfr- Wheat flarley aund llyo Wiuted-T.' s Meioid'. J, Wbitfi6ldi. Spec AWm-S. W.'D: 13Sinith & cý. AUCTION 'SÀLNS. sale4tfannstock,- impletnent., &o., lhe property -or Mr. Chiarles Viciiera snud Wm.Paneger, on lot No. 1. in1. idcocttjnof lPekerinron' We4istrday,.Jau, lilat, 1880,U,. Far. batike, Auctioneor. Grat sale1 of Iloavy DratiRlt and tJoach7 StalIinta tnte Ilion Horse hotli, Toronto, on Neue"ly, Jancary 14,l880.-L. FibakAuctioner. ONLY St Se PER AN4NUM. Wliitby, Thîîrsday, Jan. 8, 1880. Qpan.Ig et tite Ontarto Leglalature. Tii. IýegislLnre of Ontauio auewles t~.ay(Wen.dav, ndthe. for"a .0paen< *111 tsk. pl&M-Ihtbreday, after -Clarke, tIsa niesaber for Ceaire Wull. Ingtoti, 4 igA.Govarument candidate, antl *111 doublet . ls lctiw hu oppeà itlon.' Mr. Clark. te an eh! le*s paprlmuo, laaviedited the xIamilton Joarmi suad, B*pes a -ili.Elora Backoo~ran. "li1e I. b>' bW i n Bnglishmua. HRéwas iraI retntned (otae Loel4ltwe in 1811. Althougb ahl.tutiolî pArty'wti, Mr. Clak e bo%- criediit<y pliblatron bath aide, of the Untau, anti hi. gooti a*one,-anti experi. onc. as ehiruxuanof HouAis<omnitteea Witt, wu hbave .",, dout, .'cablc him le liiitge Sptiakeraliip W14 dîinil>"anti cradit. To Nufil .ay'a this Goemmaent #outi l tmoite a botter seleelice. 'rt uns'iprl electiona al av-r b exx4y ihave rpsult'td protty muai as W4i altstWciptudlh i to caîunnauofthei CifftU.IIL[ê tWî wookil agô. Tie. trug. .oialt:7 iin t Towrtsli1, Cuuutý Town, Qsbà wa, Port rerry, aud i ettolt, but ie, remt proectli as oct been chatte ~ope .geait cl of uwspî luÀotîauntislalikely lu oceapy l sal mnot-. Amongat the repate rvi.ws witlîiligmo a< m uel mLewn Hou et Il the1 foll liedti urn frier the1 e t l soi..e Briti feoil Mati havi eilhi pabl wv thai, lor1 ssi *iyt whig tien heli, lte, altol tant cour kim -bt Witt, vi, frai bIlt a.nd be,1 caUlt pPUÇ mibla tosti: diar patit gros îugf Oeat Inn tai Our1 TEi The o vote( ti,,& Jolir kiti Ti prop la ai pecf tin oI. lte Ageinsl Mn. King,' us reevl of te toton, tliav aatverte influen$.oo e .Bc tiuid , ilu'irtii noth6uoineil u atiou ortie opponeul. %Vû nover. bItevve nci euiiorainie auamoment'*b'a fnetils eue- tunr ettes, on In aplisalite gimpartiahýinïl thel- liee flt wilta 1jutigo bèteeen ti 4%,Ou lth >' aghiuat Brag anti Binster. aluo xpangIy, aie dit a gond teel iu les. ST gulatngli lmiionIy o! lie hiaeve.sucl ; but netwthstsodbnga&U, thia tôwn vast scitt f tlte eore, asoltlia pole's lu-n., i utinusof e!isît Wb@ rbglit.andtihbair Mou! dot>' su aitimist,enoolti nol ho tuisicti. sanie Tito hnwiligenu of!tii, lava, in a word, ensoi aalu-rtetl itseif. O ppoiiuu te--Mn. 'lioanipn Oiîit,%o Art ýl)tybvBeevo, vastaren sarcol>'exlîetetd tptp mite d>'ai itey nontînratiat. ,JI@ poii, il iii beson, Cvii' tian, voles ittu Norh %Yard th ien is 15 C 'Oupanoot polalu 1thbit vitle owu. lenti 8411i Mn. 'htili ' earril majoritisa bu inaub Vime Souh andti t 11trcVas, viiols, ai-.prti liongi laniait, oltov Ihiat lie vas nou li Metna ppolsenl, aven againe ui nt a ta no stroagMcas "M. Gibsei., troun ite orutepayors av élue 'o.croditl latheo heit an in tétlecsiîtoin e obatheite up neprésentatives ta tise Canot>' Council. naia Th'lottfent of Mn. llnbIsdge anti M. lione Buras vas onexpootil. M. Barnnavas vithin four o! bini' thenman. Mn, liniletige tuai, ne spoobol effort lu bis Owo hebel!, antivo regret il. for,, a inJit ,TI lutibffintco, the tewn 1los a sresUll ii goodttintelbsligent couillar. ifavw- fallîc aen, ici M. Wesoy anti M. Long vs teana blink te peope vilI flot oaialaotory t'reçî tepresoaîativea. 'Pie eledtion ohtlite 'PÂai trea Centre WonrdresenlaUveo vas r- a foregone conelosion. Mn, Ral>' matie cOua ou erceiheol i-na fer a gentleman m eIi- Joli iug -tboicreua-swîitoal s paisonal O. É canvaa. Mi. Hoot vas net l;a cadi&Ua date alliaugithi&s nemnevea rab l o te 118L Me. Chai-koeumae a geoai la "Bra Sout 'Wart., But hi_ asuns <cali.e lot* -hl ieflei, anti &Ulr- naay s basa pistigeti te vota faorie, ouarep'e. thiéî seatialîîa.' "bo'okee 'Pbpfolovigit lhe vote, sehin Kng a a.aBluva."194 centre 89 '70 Yb>6,,, W. Sitt " 28 68 8 41 N",1 2600 219'1" 4>14>2 z 4 Maj. ior...lling. 41 ýGhbon 127. ii Noth bWar.-Bogai t, 186; WesleYj ý 14i Long, 164; hMas 2;Bat. ledge, 108. Centra' Word. - Danile>u, 141; Cor- un otact, 118; Bornes, 109; Relie>', 80:lo Aunis, 41 ; flooti, 88. " Southt Wanli.-4Jox, e1; Smlit, 57;as'ý Enuggart, 55; Clark, 42. *Town Couacil x85o. lotL3 e r H r é t mTyt , - Teem4 a ibaD el']PZ. ilee ait Weale>', J, H. Long'. Cont aok, Wa. Barueg '; j I3uv ~ h proutineuco ie given tlettee 94 tllicgad, te le beeamatie b>' u.D. A. Russ, er-Àttot-ioy-General te Province. Mir. Rosa, wrlling le Uhronic, deftiesisd position as ~m itegahnaitenon of lte repab- rièti of bit interview in yonr cul- ta 'î'es somed >le'ômoine aofni> nda tiai 1 favoureti auneratloa te United Statue, or thaI I bail detler. tiaI lte Canadiens ara deslrous o! ering hheir conneciion vill Grelt tain as&son ns possible, from e deap, Ung -of'disaetistactlon viiili te her Country'. 1 am noua aré o! rig useti an>' expressions favouring ier Of thotse viewa, vbalever ma e> e hisitexlin lhe Hcratti I ale liaI wonele inil saeet ai nsition, and 4sacb hbeià g te*taise, va titi nigit inool every possible cont7tngeaey, lu Bnglauti l",question .oflte 'util- of Calonal icauneelion ila asubject ii bas enly engageathlIe atlen- a! Engliui stalesmen. I do -not ive Ibel Canada will fortu part cf Unilti dStctes eicept poniiea"der reti circumateuces in tle ver>' dis- ifuturs, 7A ver>' close- coanerciel lneollon will corlaill>'engentir Il> feelînge--wlitob are tle b.desireti )Ut witb aur doveloping reseures, '1 the canscbouanes of ieviag a ýt anti vaîttabié terrîtar>' extendini' n oa toaccao, particalarl>' if Lt tariber>' ocame thioki>' oetlet, 1beeket se v.are, andi hope evor bo b>' lte iiglit of Grest Britain, iL Sot bottaidthlat *9 contiet. inde- de7no.-hlimqualifietil- asimpos- b. 1 arn-madtie give a aegativs tmon>' le aurlayait>'. My taesi- t>'Io'le loysit>' et Canadiatis vas tive and un2miataLkabls. 1 mail Ibat nt Britain vas tnyiag or esnalen. au expanlmenitumade. viiiour con- -t The fina-rslt o! 00eeratien mkuown. :When I sam matie te asy ,tee s ln a aiatoase>in Canaa,_ et the word "nobilily," for va Car- 1>' bave in Canada lte anlsloncy saluas, veaili andi culture. I am à tat yon bave openeti year col- ts te Dabitical dissusion oulie aub- e!o our future, anti I am prend te hile ua a>' t lter. are inu>'of' tellow.aithîzent voli ahle te utain' t a discusson wlth lionoe t theul cas andi atvaulaeé f0OurCoutry. at Tonowvo luisIt Rsr ?VOE.- qucebtilt aI b uitiot no! #10,- hy tbe cil>' o! Toronto te lte Irlah cf funt vas votet ou et lte pqila ou Lia>'. 2M8 volet for, &at 4782 ed againsltitegrant.\Viet i te titta of relief la the- people o! St. in or Chicago caume up n vote Of the a W48 deemeti ut'cesaery. Nit alobe gase> laIt-the dofeal of tho !osition le granî 010,000 for tiie ne- o! dlstress la Ireland vas net due a>' leoit of!aytupthiv for thbc, mial )pic, but ta e feeling tli l would ho wlot' ta o-neourage,4be interferenca of Cottuail I i snobmaltera. 3cRoox. ACCaNrur.-The smabool ac- tito fen 1879 wyul hobendnho intaer aiýné. Tii. Iligh Scbool oxpendi- to tmoned te8,40. andti ltIoa Public Sehocis le 24,409-making total ctkleuditurc for te yeer for ioationai purpames $7878. rasai TOna8iîUCrrrOîrr-CauPipenl f requenîiy matie to a oSaatreet oh- actions, Titis week again, tvaocomn- Miestiaus bave neachetiusosnautle es tabject., Certà ln peracua are ae- oid o! emnptyiog theirr aubea ou the.' usf, lt'a.iog hem aet thba tesson o! ymar a Muost utiaiglbl>' houp. IPlle 3îplog iuoatho strel thetone refUse toluer catise of complaint. Tihe et- ien of the chie! conetable viii ibîleas lis 'lireeet'Ol lte MsFlr aud bfia centionetiageéinst tia n*icane le ou bhibisubject, vo lake occ&aicau obîce thn nemovel of the vereldai in My. Srnitb'a dmugglet promises on corner, VTh e roveIla is e eideil rovomenl, and se vouîd bc lie ne- 'al o! aIl the otber uusighlly projec. Sans o! Engian4. rh. eleelion cf oflicee ook place aI Blaugi.-W. ri. Ardagb. .Bownasvrî..-F, P. bM&rtiun. ORNw;*ÀL-A, P.,Boss. CoibouRa.-T. V. tlavel>. CaLaîsGWOae.-Adam geaa. GaÂr.r-David Spit(ns.- Gooieionc.-B. L. Doyle. INOitiSbLL.-Thaos, Bou LsrovsL.-J. W., Scott. LîaNaavà .-F. C. Taylor. OaRLu.-M. Millan. Osniuwa,.-Dr. Rae. Poix Rrop.-E. R.LReudail. ST. MAIt'S.-E. W. Hardling. Sîa&TËloa.-Aler,. Grant. STRAà RniOo.-WmI. Raple>'. SÂnuwz.-Geo. Laye. TnoeLD.'-GrenV ill.. WoanSToo-Jas. Sutherlaund. Wraso.-Dn. Covcntry. Municipal Blectious. OsuAa.-bMIayor, Dr. BRas; Reeve, P. H. Tiioruten; Firat Depot>' Rceve, George Ilotider; Second Depot>' Reeve J. W. Hliggiabothara; Canunillara, W. Deaus, J. C. Smiti,' D. Garnov, Oea. Munroe, John Diekli, M. P. Wirrren, William Ring,'J. C. Stadle, T. Marris, J. J. Smith, T. Kini>', anti C. A. Mal- .CArNScGTNxazr-leJ. Shrp taupeullona, Wesley lBrean, J. Cor.. Puor'aaî.-Reve J.Wnlght;: CounciliAna, Stewart Broce. Caleb Cradeli. Dr. Joues, John Phulip. Tovsn' Watv.-Fon Rebe, 3J B. Biokieli, 284 ; M. MeTaggart, 242. For Couneillien., J. Davidieon, 869;-,J R. Mabthievaoa, 814 ; IL.E. Dertby, 284 ; H. Biokle, 2W0. MMU.-Reeve, PilipMolles; Dep. Reeva, Timoti> ' OLeery. Councilions -0. M. Sullivan, Peter Tbampmort anti G. Bruce- ELai Wuffn.-Reeve, R. Moliersill; Depaty Beeve, Wm. Smithb.Conucil- lors-MackenzieîeiooI as. Rkoe Baocc - Reeve, Gilespie; Finît Depul>' Reevo, Cuuuing4am; Secod De put>' Isais, B-rell4cur. Couoihlors -81. John, Bryau. Raià cit. - lèii,5i Dspuby Reeve, Jositua Debson. Couacillons - Ja. Heiman anti JasMe Fanlene. Riau. - Reave, Jas.. MoPierson. Couacillors - Adeams, Mahon>', Me- NaIt>', Titramion. Baoaà yotau-Reove, G. a. Hovoon; Councillora, trine Junkin, Alexanuidor Orsr, W. B-Ilieat, R. Bottu. Caîni*on.-Rcsva, Phllips; Dep- ut>' Reeve, HolIent; Second Deputy, FarqUherson ; Couneillor, Aloi, Johu- stan. DavNAviLLr.-MaYo>r. 1". F. Mc- Arthur; Conncillot-s, IVeal Wardl, Drn Fielding, W. M. Heorse>', W.» P. Proyer; Norti iVard, J. BriLait, T. Brirdun, W. F. Alleti, G. Piztott -,Southt Ward, jos~eph Blritein, J. Il 'bien, a. Sotoli. Lz.%rns& - Mayor, P. C. Talor: Boova, Colonel Bouaon;1 Firoit Deputy 11e-voe, Tioas Foc; Second Depot>' itoove, J. W. iliamnn; Councillorm, Northt Ward, Jas. Htamilton, J: W. \Valluece, Goo. Ingle ; Southi Ward, I. Spein, J.*Fluern>',, B. C. Trev ; Eust IVard, Gea. Crandleli, Thoas Waltens. autF. G. Pilkie. MAIKtLhi.ReeoJames Speigîti; Couuiciors, G. R. Vanzand, G. Digby>, H. Wilson, A. Fleur>'. MNr.- Poeve, tVm. Gainer Coucilon, ..Baker, . LTiotpsou, WVt. Cook, J. Baunce>'.. 1 and i Poster. Manîtoa.~4occB. Adta; Final' Dopai>' Roove, W. h'arkinsoa ; S-coud Deput>' Ieeve, T. 'Broad ; Concillore, E.-Baves, anti W. Lowvuaharogi. NtweasîL.-Ilseve, A. MoNauglt- bou; Coaneiliora, W. Gros, J, L. Slovger, 'Pieu Dougas. Dauiel Aluin. tORUu.au-Rleeve, Melillie iler;, Mayon. S. Wainnlglt; Ceuncillors,' North Word, R. A. James, Goa. Chie$. J. B. Thompsou ; Soti Wart, Jam . Millarti, A. IL, MoKa>. Anti W. J. Gil. pin - Wet WWrdT. M. Edmcnsden, R. R. W,,ir, anti W. Jupp. Oouuiîlors, B. T. Browning, Alex Ltr.« ames ongdn, T M. oy-- Parum;Deoa> teveV, John Jun. lIa; oitwrla, Johcu itila.m mnier. i ovu mst,wvin 1 a. ae tne reflectia'ou thelie itlenasa of miuaid 'O playeillote average 'iclier, tli e- t..- flockeai le hon u anner o!fmnas causoibnît tame esittirnala ai lieé sitti. paynior ioIihteamintI a'aile preaii ut'Ãœ de>'. The raysbns givin for vetin forn d This i.. an aufor ual votIlafor That- , Man, wvan m avlent -the moat nldik- ti las. An lboy h hey -endi fiat place ln ci ou intillinI' miati la vaiav lt voadiene Jan oçonîliaiakshitn ubumf- se an neohure.'- An'>titu lite gante av cross-corners playet liaom 'aivlte I frintieav lte candi-ilates vas sumtiig bel vail>' atnoin. Hov van 414rush'ho ab fareahiai enohber an patines upneaTI mou la secutre bis voie? IaOW ltAi>' au vetcheti wanuanobier 1 Au viatihroll v siluuiions lte>'- vauti sumnssfi tath tiimseivea in vinonee" uface 'te face aI a mian's lieuse liat Alc ant0ald10£ seore?2'Pie lilîle accitisav thil kind wu von I'moulti innumerable Sn qaite lafable. Au m&Ybé eunm' âytii da free an inlipiuaiut elstibfst iba t tIl pIs>' tiare litîls gamne, ho proutiiin » S I, voe for bath parliesat ah vani, Au tella us ai at lhe saume lime e itO p lthe Edit I,r.. if som av lent endi be coilfr- of idvdltiare ballis, b. hl ci>, Of h "n=oycandidats e tebellWU lis>.. votet fur tiers vuti'be e mit>' big hape *1 cf lylu laid tare. "On lic hélé, Pi-P'dti lie Ballit ausers a «ceai pnrurpese' ; OI, I tel1 yez, il covars Up, o i- I sB>', Il hatchos eut a salltitlc *I abse iu the lyla va>'. Evea7 vanIut av the 21 aailtteabaI r9mu vasI premiîseti s «rata man>'more elu ia yod sîset hlm. For lie Iv.le hondhne volas pc1ltoeevas, on a modtiescattlulasinTin Tbouman Promises met. Au ti i la vin.lheW buLe ai tie Balhi auna edisapinî W th. liapos av tlia smian dliltite si O bilda ou proels Will a&nenllaln ia bhilava>', a ccîseIdeo n ia"t le an>' persoune lidge c!theI. vi,'ts "lITaI tuk place. Tite scencs fio-eus iain1 hi derive nma informasiun aM'. leit asman. zopen ta sl-a a -s'it aanos eppet. bc clinil>' as cenvarsasiunchins"sulitèr. t &Mount o! .wt*.liî "hiM4 n oula man'wut fuil dispoëlesi l acord' ho, i ruioan. Takenon ole ci, ii etc 'Pava asmrymen te fesi piasai v*idh lie resol av te muniaipaî leciahuns OÃ" alîho sou goot in m larobft Oui, anli Whto Wudlhev lia le ea si-lini> electe itot lie vote bin an open van. A As l'ru gain (b.e spesilalluvllast) te Toronto 10 the open c f letI *"flouse", anti iev blu blair>'p»epata> Ritti suizgestliuus la b. Mat uiad Sptoit, 1 bei onl>' timate 1 snd lie abao ir va>' cf a 1ev relleoksitatni tiis8 veck. r TIi O'DAT. Ontario Paciic jnnuion Railly. T'Pli ral geneme meeting o!f t oltare-lialdons ci Ibias mpat>'wvasbolil an Maonda>' aI'Paronte for lie purpasa of orgauaüoand ualLer tlie paualat« o! eavenni >'.a.libe epoll, vas epeneti fan te eicetioauoe!)ireoom Thte sertuineera nspotud the fallovin>' sarc boidersau as len apon dite Pomma. Dntul hord- Lien. IF-.SmU14PMOtlm railNonthhiru Railwy>'Company, T'Pnoh 0;0Gorge A. Car, Preaideul Mitlaut Railva I C.,Pctntonoînt;Buard Gurna>', YiaPe lttRmiItou Ant nd ot- Woern Raivay j3o., Hamiltot;, James ilaldev, Maitaging Dineclor, Wlîilby Port Ferry & Ià ntise>' ally> Ca. Whiîhy; Seu. Alexander Morris, M. P. P., Terante ;-JaâmsP. Ediar, DamInter, Toi-nte;,-,ea Broiya, moreas aI, amlteaý; AI T. Ftslten,, Dirscot WhMiy Part Porsyand Lind- s>' R*Ual l;Ce, Tenante ; Robert*3*1- na>', Dirècl', Mîttauti Rallia>' Co, 'Paroete, Titeboard blait is'fi>sl. me.ln atielcltiMr. J. D. BUsr PreditntSO. -F. Bmiti, VIee-Pna- tenlattti appelatati Mn. Antin Green~, On Salurda>'1tnt à te tuacI-' iag-e! lie village Couasil of Gi-avec.- burot a petitian te ltéGoiernmr Genbr- aia va sicptet, aiuax fo an ordà in. conuil oad hesari>' siltoitiofe tha Onaerio anti Peefic jusmtbit ral- Tm TuRsa.m lxsn NmÀz.-It imtl«- 'fienîlle of à ivee!5O eutr'ageons s, Il 41 ai h li 'P ti li mi or aI s. ai ci a s E -b, hj s, B ,li s 'I or Il n ai bu polud ; but lte nemI aie siliing ta>' boi postponeti for a conelde 0bl anlot, &W liete Ilo roa o! Elqul.' alleon, wiiccons itf he I is. *Mal o~acsver>' diffit tl raliae, at slOtd, c O .foiét -r sqaeeulng of faut !Ina nishtIW aietcont-lbulors botyet labeeîly rminet vlll noeasa e tious pi-case.Th.elti-rible $m ite r.eov@vy cf liUemfour 1&. efr«inthe ai-eacldene cf tIe mxn i hufuuof stuggstios ei auffenhng tius.TiceiaHo! li.th* liable oul*nibalc oisetetof 819 aimle idlvld& .Tbrre warircul>' 1,M9 4" as uin, ovi w rih, asud iers'ste 199obe te.cfI-stees vitiai anip= - d 484 Individuel' ets reg1b'holdng stock beloaglng elAers or hotu. ! irsof dersM.' la he seobuti vcck o! Nevmber n l bas oas aul lii...peopla e lvei sasun te aa 40 oseant of ever>'1100 of t7 lie ha ithe.batik. Thés- . mehaîl"_n amilatiop vas cvet 44001),- M. " maIit a tlcof lia repont s 111le lqs lan ial! c Iliti abeen ros. keil. 'Pie second eall vas mate-la LpnillWtelà mntaecl te a dematiof t2,260 for aven>' £109 o! steak. B>' à e tieelias usnt cat the number rf eontributesbat senloual>' tiiael b. LÂîtiln itati esulla the lans noisi o!aevarai names fri(nthélie lia, libens hat beu euti'ruiai b> lb. h rat eau:- D & ha second oel wva, cou- gquontir, senitt li 1,518 pensons Ete nopmnal ametni vasneari>£8,. >00<,but lb lied onl>' roalize t- hli a he o!Lerepart e litth mareslia '2,2J50,000. Thlelisiiseama net b lave tütiargone m<jei diminution b>' te4 tb est course o! runulng saa>. rboec po oi>'bal! a dezen' vhose adl- lrae4have nol been disovreti, anti tare i ne sghlen wvien c»ti it' Paehava loft their places cf aholia mli w*spa influlMl b>'40 'o! lie titborî asunti709blles e! Inneeen;' ben ltesecond «Il fouti 85 persone ti 21, bodies ef trustees ahi. te dis hange- t, andti ler. arc stili8 wvii ire expecte t 10pa>' illu fuW eveatu- Il>. A large numben semn buhav nate lhii-peace vlhi the uiquldtlre )y givlag up lb. viola ot! léir proper- e ab oae. O!hIeas M oii cl otpoi. PÃŽlParYseaji l oabie Ibs ul Doit'Pié >'mpam labout unI>' Far cent. o! it, d ant' ttihot ai fer s disebarge. Sema peidthe 'bleevaince t tliesates b>' lii. hsip )ffrietita,ati ers lise loftlia nuduuit- ehrbetijoymeut cf 'lthen. Oliens matis a conupîle ,anr ro! aIlltbe>' âbesasat d UÃŽ6 îtltidoru 'The 'f51 An oninovu' veman also ha'ýth 'legs brohan b>' jumtping. fromîtbe top fluor. iTLEIIT5TO BlETE M MVIOTiIBO Tica Turner-Hehi lu ou F6untit aireel, Thse va' diucev8a aoutivibis mornlug. -l vas kuovu liaI WlukIa, the propialo'r,'výili bis vif. s' ux - Ployas, BIept la' lhabuilding, "anti befoe ohhe bsai>' d oors coulai b. breit. auofnivea o ip aedsti a lie ~ ~ ~ ~ orn uprin vaiie help. ci. - che oos aylde thlit unaferlunale umetes cclai nollbis -oai et, Sà he flamos avept Up lia broa ani oni>' nIairva>'. Tii.fireman vént le lie roc! on te à joinlag icuse, hop.- ing to rolomathli mperuflei people b>' meaus e! a, seutIe, but hiers vas no wuteîie 1.building lanvhit lta>' von. eonfiusl. Aà itola hiai urnati Ibroxigithliaroof, auti'b>' titis meanu cal>' lis>' ers reacitat. By îblatimeý' for8noin hat beau bunied 1'or suffi. ealedIotsh. TÉh ie,eburnet ,ont lte inside o! lie building, smat lie. mon vene obligià le crawl lirougli the antI kuses t eneeir lie crpaltai voe.foundti hin. :Tie' c!lihe finsý-u. uonev., Ilbroie> outin:a lie restauraul on li leer laonr, anti g»map b-amst stai-v>' ii.a 0 5f lgling4 Durlug lthe ulgil liens hat beà 'au vdtn clebraticu inlihe buliding but ltaé guéelte- ha I al topaited b>' là a&. MOUS ociMrirNEALLIDESTEOiSi>, Sianoh foistiditionai Victime vas acullnuceil ome lime befoes lvas as. oentained lie lisI vas compiletd. Thoe lese l*its tai, viii le mià langer 1han pro viousyw-pentto. à Ameu ltaeloiens an. man>' seeetiobs, vie iad'- meeting roomoa lte bulding,- including Mas- oos, Ottflovs and olier secreti ope- lies, and sciera lugiug sieies. Ti1!e lualtes e e.net arousoti b>'tle fine alarni, @ati mept onti raudsed'-itimosi nuo enaclpu b>'moka. Tiers va. ne, oeseepe o tolehliebuil ding, wvieci as eopeti b>'loe-roome andthLe ball- roomi. Will0a effort vasbeiug matie lb roscue lie ïuforluae aaes u strams of valt ortsbeiugpMureti ou ie burning building, from a euten pontian ofl theu"e, 0" roor AGteai anti abouts -for help verehiard. Rare ou lia süasite bat alepî George Nul- ipi Baruestsut Rermia ul, Luis Merrn, Hear>' eifvDand su Luis Sehusit te aihnsd linte naî b.d rooxas Taresa Eciartit, Annite »euei- anti Rosaerantugirls. Thte faoonvas a vaut ea e! fiarnes. Thli men anti vouten w.rs sn ruuhilg viltil>'about, aaiiag meant eo ae. Oea. Malen ani Eruat antieraua Rail reaeheti lie roofliai! suffocateti, parti>' but-nt., Luis Mencer sprpug front a viuticv 10 lice yard babyw,îixmb>'feet, anti vas liai! 'hNUteat. LouIScbmidt -e.n Idafr he fInmean isuluret Inl cnouehiitn a ecorner ieeho ite ba beaun U.1able toe esape anivsd unt te ecnisp. Henry Uebrvéiler jnmped, fron thle viudov lu thé yrdandi w" founutithon., batut i et tepolicesma- lion. Rien>' boue in ieiiybot' va 'broen. Taee' Baltardi va burneti te dealil in rroom. Anale Baner, spralime ro mt in wratelith ian diela hefir an tlui yard. Sho vas 1erribbizsteet and ti nl inlu 1ern. jute, frein vita i Ws theugil ait. eagnelreaover. Boss, lie, lautof tse servants, aie jmpai fronthlIt vlievo. but atruekin uaiboni- lu lie. lu ths yard. 8h. broke botin of, ar legs, arme, anti rcelvot Internalinl- juries. ,TiaisUmes vene soen gel undi- or cial-ol.- ageuusaç.on 0,pomncu uV Niew Yari anti olier cilles, andiver. baà rtly valcome4 le ýAmeros. Tii. doegationet an eanly heourtIis men- ing steamed dowu hheBay in a revenue cntter -and, boarde thle Seythia.,. On her way.U' nauadd-roesci welconle b>' lie citisens of New Yank, and anether b>' the, clizens of Chicago were pro- seuteti. Mfr. Paruelý replieti as follova -.-I r etm>'pawer of language is net su!- 211ieto acouve>' M>'appreaislion of the. kiadus and honour doue me. Xl lies always- been a great plaasure te, me te came ta thc United States. I couid have visiet that. lie cironna- stancas altending aur native lanti vers o! a more happy and prosperous char- acter, but we muet ho pe and believe liaI tbe lime la approaeiing viienvwe me>'b bale' lb speak -cf Irelauti.,as allier mea ap#à k of themr own country', s real> and trul>' among lthe nations o! the earlh. Our lank iscf &adouble character.' We have 10 war against a Pyst'a nwvieb causes disoontent- anti enifenini' lu aur connît.>, andi va ave .eudeavoured 10-break >dovu the, system anti witi God's ielp ve are determiued bo break it devu. %W. have ala10 ses bit victimise! lb. aystem are not suf- fereito1 perlit in the meanwiie. The physical suifering physicai aufering, miset>' snd stervalian af large portions df th. populaton of Ireleuti have beau exaggerated.., We have heen cailini' upan lie Gcverumna for aigit month te i elieve the dîstresa, but oui>' vithin the. lest fev tays bas the Goverument agreed la adinit thoaei. an>' diatreas. Ced>'l nov lsitinl toc, weil spread for , lusublt axîy e#.ctmiremot>', An reléra cfflugieantiappear t10 ndtersland thhir respouaubiliy. W. vie have been working 'at Ibis great laund ques- tion' have not madie an>' appeai ta lte Goverameat'for tha relief cf the desti- tution. We cannot -longer shut our ayas to lhe terrible peril appnoaching, andi ve tiink ve engbt tb put thé case hefons our conaîrymen, bath et home aud bars in Amenlea. We know aur countrymen in Amerlos vill do them ,,das they have lu aven>' clime, 10 Ahem 8affermng breliran aI home. 1 couitinli' 4nllipte iresui of enr mission, vili 6eetfsncli a nature as te give plisas. bus anti aise give help, 10 our îpei ahome." Mi. Dillon vas calleti upen n sd a spoke, refonnlng lu complimentai'>' terms b ,thé genarosit>' ef Americe 10 thar snferig brthren ai hoMe. 'H.e saiti :tIIé1iiad va shall have 250,- 000 people viont foodi for from four, lo1e Mie mntbe. lu.orden b pravant aétarvalion'bu Ireland, tiilliirequire Ive or tires, millions e! moue>'. The_ greet oijoisî vici va haie in coming ta Americais 10 pi-coure spmpethy anti lha assistane o01 public opinion o! Amerlo.; aise atleCArryon th. agitation, b>'w ehlci .sn b uipressure viii bs brougit, 0. bearon theBritlih GovernmenltaIutlie>' ma>' prevent fa- ,tntedistrais anti atiwvialnov ssmn tb hathe aeeaplti nrdar o! things, namel>', liaI aven fifteen or tweni>' yen va Ma$ M aeau. appeaile lieth chanit>' f other nations. Tii. Londion Building New8sasys liat tie demana ifor italiennmarbie has- rfleti a'4neston as te how long lb. qusnries are likely tle hitdont. Ac- cordîng- t a report e!lb. -Francb Oea- legicai Commission-lte:r, yet remains a& canaiderabiae srfaeeludi epthhof the tmt Pentellean manIle z'uteucieti, but no'speclficeslatemenls are.given ou thie heati. At Carea Adreadful.'vasteo! nialarial goseon. A late *Irveller was. assarediou théept iI udeac .tous ave neeiilessle, thro,,Wn avai, ~tdr&wb"k cf âe- dent par ponnd on nt timpoi'ted mb nti nd sed lu ufaolure in Canada is anuonuceti. st ravago;.in the island of Maà uri- and recnlly it lbas ïstta'cked the [t l reporied from Constantinople it the mediallon of tie-.Povers wiU agein, declinýd btô theTurko-Greek IGordon Pasha"s reports oit the nago- ~ations bclwaon Eytandi Abyuunia ~re eonsidered satlsfactm ry b>héb edive. Five of the'pamsngers. and sixof the icrew of lhe lost steamer Bortusia were brought le Baltimnore b>' au Italian barque on Saborday' morniug, .htviag9 beau piekefi up lun an open boat 250 miles off lhe AMores.. Tii. Britli pnblic are slow le believe in the sucqM. cf Edison'a electrlo light, discoverle.?--They -have no faithilu Edison, bntlan unbonnde th.,finl coal gas. Theý',ùic nidans w oaifer gss stocks-mec4 with ready purobasars. Profcss.tr Swing, of Chicago, 'Who' was onoe lrie&-for beterodoxy, lhe otherd9ai' efuseato ahave his salur> mait fgm seven In W tanlousand dol- lars a y ar, andi aieta tii.th propos. efi incraiemigbt be nsed,ý for cbarity. Tice xaminatiun' aofPIrs. Robert Brown. of' West ,Winohester Iraget>' notoriety, was te-ppened on Saturday, and, after the timîrony *of a number of witsee waj heard the aocusedl was dlaobarg7ed, lt e being no évidence upon wbfeh t finti a conviotio9 Tii. Du . sa o! Manuborodhs Irish relief fnnK makes slow-progress. Sev. oral libirai subsoriptions have beau 'lasce, but the total amonnt la oui>' ~g0ii~0emigration movement ia 'n ilnTi" rgetd, and lie agents o! A rou railways bave gane luto the dis esset districts in force te promoe il. the occasion of celebrating, bisa 01v1tieth - birthday Mr. Gladstone na another viorions etaci on the Cdnaervativeê polie>' at home anti abrqýa. Bev. Chaules B. Spurgeou wriia from Mentone anuimpassionéd -app ail te Christian sentiment o! 'bits ounnymen te listen toGladatone as à oeil te ,xighteouaness and peso. their guide, insteati of biusteing. roue»a LLNOED- At Amherst '* E seon Salurda>', lte Shériff atrr4sta.negro ena charge o f ont;- ra wgaitele d. . Fort>' armea cii MUS Lek tic negro from the Shériff and hanged hlm. Baverai shote vere eribn et cvon lie officars andthéli Montreal finances are reporte in lu excellent condition. Tii. city is resting, on ils fInancial oara The Windsor Hotel, 'which vil shrl>' become Mr, Smihhgate's prop. ar>,was.profilabl lasI ear. The Londan Chemigtcand Druggisat -'gves illustrallcns of wrnltauaplic- tions for. druggui sasiet-ô preacibe,' for a chuld &" aûanon appatlfgbt,"' foranother troublei vith 'la dratifut roavilahic inide." Seme ona vrilas fobr la hotie cf soant for diarrhoe lu lhe heeti. The Paxtoin mine in Luttervorth proujme e4rioh yield of iran ore. Iis doublfolif Letellier eau recover.- Dretige 8 fdundered et Port Dilions ie. A ln i né« ,3',be , cnnideret' for Antaia iro t1g o iome iuto active compétition' tIh canada ana the United Staes. iu coneetion witlt thh-&spplyof uxeatAd Engiand. Eewf and mnîtonare to be exported'b>' th -, clarcase bla.afrozon ecudition,insed of r' in tins as htheto, the. mucceessof it ' Ainerican axperiment having encouras. ed imiiatril -S ydney. A stean- obi 'l inôw - hr~way- b Enîglaé,: - wlabout it> tons of frozen meat as a piôeee r veuture. ' The refrigeratg prcswillprobably b« as sce W; forth.e longer -as the akorter voyage,% but the oost Of shipmsnt fromAustrlla- wili ba seo mnch-greatà rlban that borne>_ b>' Our exporter,4hat -large. sbipment" are hardi>' to be expecteti, asti marg.: n-infor profit ivilib. "0 eomaai.Y nr- f row. -The grâalatdesderalunain côn.~ nection with the. suppIy ýof nasalte hhe; Briitish markol la some -means of -bring.:4 kng theehipper and consumer mbt clos.- .or relations, and cutting off lhe extor< tionate profItso-fîthe nide.a.Co.. operative -buloher shope ,migit bring the. Englisi butcher te reascan. »NT. Âemrkible 'iloization ex.~ ermnt la about letâ,gin..luCentral, Âfnie. The Belgian expedition, which la promoted b>' Ring Leopold, bias arrived on tfié Lakeý 'Tangsnyika, andits leaders are prepsrng le , stb- lieh a colon>' on lhe laki eh iores. Two thousaud fve hunà rdr-Aacres of Iauld have been obtainsd from the Sultan o Ouripa by treat>'. Thia- district is Ire-, ported tobehafertilized iiy nnmerous;4 nivere, and is extremel . productive.' Cotton is grown thére, ý,me la pienly- fol, and elephantia are qommou. The, natives are lnieudly andl hospilablé.' eThescientio branei of the xmission" wiUl co mprise lbpreperAllon à f a map of the neighbenhood, thé formation of geological, botax4cal andfzoolegical col-' lection, dawing, ý aà vocablar of lte latignage, aud keap a' rebord of ai - terssting avanùts and-oservations. Two other Belgianà expeditiozbs are en route and hope to-reaeh Kirenma early in May. Whoen lie la.ee ezpeditions areuniteti, on# part .wlIdirect it8 course lowalrds Nyangone,. on lhe Loulabs.Congo, where probabi>' a second station will be-foundeti, and anOthe; nuder Stan- ley, 'wffll'rove eastward, follôwing the' river whieh h. o scceésfllyexplored u1877. ,He le advancing' îhh a large caravan eomposedj lu great part of Beigiau artisans, sud viitetres of ail kinde vbilb an beixtg conveyed up lhe Congo in.four steamers nder lie fiag oli theinternatlanil assocition. of a station on tha ban*so! flte lover. Congo. axpent W DFEL L acte lié he.o "t than usu mies a big gapi NOW la a OC otis, as vWe IIICES ; aFde Are etivanlin aids. - Tie, Mt ýTHBOUG: ry' Coontu ffening ei10 se