Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jan 1880, p. 3

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SALE SOUJTH 'Al SOHOOLBOOK ,D: regiving 10 ceu4 o09 eiry dollar - xpeudod et tseý 0 DDFELLOWS'ý HALL T/si. LbriLRedscikn off 10 cents )ff escIs dollar lanamade to, inose ou,- gradi lu ths moi1t tbusiness je less 10,od tisau -usuel, This big reduction akem a bg 64 lu Our smusîl profit. NOW ès xGOD TIllE tobnyDr s. as vaare salling lit yOL 1 iai descriptions of- ~Y GOODS Are acvauoing l in te Wbolesale Aes, The reductian, Isold good THBOUQH THE HIOUSE, Fac- ry Cotton oly excepted. This la a etraighîfamuvard plan off SPECIAL. INDUCEMENTS ta give lthe HEAP CASH STORE W. a«Iwaya sell chteap. Wu b Iis 10 cents off each dollar nodution makea out goeds K.RAORDI NÂRILY CIIEAP 11 Tho 10 cents off ovory dollar Is band. dto fver cuitomer without thoir 42 Ing f« 19. M., les 0On.0Price ,store!1 le LBeally One Price Store!1 DIREcTioNS vo&Couic nm Houss.- ioMtonte off emali batlie Pain-Killer iu quart bottle, add plut warm or oold watsr, sweeteu with nmolasses, ghake wsll iintil a6l1niixed, and drench'well. Give about haîrat once, then balance in ton or Miaoui minutes, if fiet dose ip net sufficent. ThisB will lie found IW nover failing reniedy. Ke' Notices of Births, Marriage, and Dealhe charged 50 cents cack. FOLEY-CON NO.- Oun t h 18t of .,byth 1ev.]. Futher MoEntec, Mr. Jameos Folfy, ta Mary, taughtor of Mir. TimotLy-Coaor,-ali of Wlitby. DEATHS. WILLSON.-At ltho ropiidenco f ber twrftler, lot 8. 2nd con. Pickering, on the Sîls lupt., off congeution 0ofthlblngs, - l ico Jane, 2cd dadghtor off Seth C. aila Mary'Atue Wilson, age.] 28 yearp -and Sf3notho. IIAITBICK.-At the o rsjdeuce of- 10 ~ ir faIJier, lot No. 8, firet con. of Pick- by ou thie 9eb jil., Mary Ana, youngeat daughtlor off Benjamn Hart. . ck, Esqulrp, uged 16 years, 2 moa.. and 27 a3%. T he funersi took place bte e ýon hurili ground, on Mouday. 12t1 îWiman sd vas uttended by a large lo, nmabaaoff monruing relatives and or BLAIB. - At lrooklin, 'Ont,, on n Jan. l2tb, 188, Margaret, relil of thse late John Blair, aged 82 years and 5 Id ruonthus. A. native- ok Slkirkshhre, ;Bcotîand. ' .~ TEICKER.-At Whitby, on the nt lO9this st, Païhe Sterlcker, aged 58 yt. esan d 6 ananths. yo WHITBY MARKRT8. RICauî aOuvîcuo, ,a. liaI, 18W. Pau ,whIsa..............1 20 0 il 25 aprng Wis.............1 20 0 1 25 lRiarley.. ... .........0 ô a065 iFourý,prl...... J 625 ia................098 070 POUs................. 060 01!00os Pais, bbkiS.........O080 a O095 Otto..............80 (à il185 Ocr....... ........... 050wa 060 Bjy ....... ...........7W0 (a 000 AplprbI...... 120W 15W pm ...-.. 10 -12 Potloa.........02 O080 Eggs .................. 015 018 Butter.ý.... ............ 017 O020 Chaos .................O010 (aO012 Wood ........ .... .....7 *400 ,Boeftuuizquarter--.....500 5560 Beef, forquarter... 4-00 O450 I5isespskli.............. 075 *1 U aides---------700 *7 W Porkpcet..... 500 0400 .................... 250w *600 Caisse..........*........ 400 a 400 Tomatou.............. 025*0 00 ObOaLS ....0.......... .. 000w *1 10 Tni.. 000 loi9 S080 41 00W CelerpAr doz.......... 040 000 chic , rsi .....025 *040 Ducks p...................:: 050(0 070 etep ..#... 007 O006 Turkèys, per lb.. ....... 009 010 ClaVer;...... ........... 826 *8 85 Thaobsy ...:............ 175 5 200 Wool, unasied ......... 020 je 025 .vsis.........000 a 080 POT ERYMARHRTB. port Panr:, Jsu. 91, lm.79 Vliseatail........... list,aprnug ....... l=a..r.............. arley................ le , ................ Ab.. ........... ou.............. lover BeesA.......... lotataes ......... ... orkes................. eogg................... eaye......... .......... Met........ isema...... ... ...... rd .................. 4 50 050 050 8 70 000 080 4 00 bi 7b 010o -0 14 600 4 000 $Do o it 0 1) Q il udim muay valcableremue&Iesfer aSc- ios,t is R matter of erlepy tha in ses vlere tleb. alitalityislllWng, Larnjià is Asu..15l anuér. t w m E~QTJ ISyfront ii, WVV. 3.GAE& MRON BOUND INDESTRUCTIBLE SCHOOL BOOKS!1 .War=ticd te secca dorta nemtm aifax M0fling emL9~~ ylulnover Wear ontui thui <tti5a7USe.-ihM "ue cato hopufedapatj eay eAnar mnulpozor. The bocEa vii haro 11 " fy PU in th et1 l a,,bTy I Toidlb aei boytli A -I...dbook. Ir tbeyIà==a=-7tul eyI mi-stan, A ,Ls 5.5k,. 531 CilTh baebmwüe s "Umm.slsn "Cry o 'h' u Wle' léAPPY vil! o. 5Thé51 et b sfÃŽoesvu.Lt gIl. std §r IcYO A riii supply on baud of aU W. J. Gage & Ce..'s Aathorlzéd ans New, and Popular Test Bob. -0-- Amoug tlemen lIra= lulngastuame pMSic auaar7iluiatg:4 à laed r d. MI111P r'9 8 miwsîl'e. 1 Sud, Sud spd 41b IBen der@ taaU«sjlc0IrlesiraeIu.Arllb. 1speiig Book, Cornpn i te Rders. .Aietp e folovlug ev beok* lmed 1h11 imutu: N1TITAKf1l N TEACuU[NG, bei..L ueurslump. offPublic çioelm.Tareo, M vt:1t1, (Il ML I.A) ALIiENCS,for use tablcboole,by J, L -OHEa. %1 5."-'. 41Pl'ENIINSIUIP, by &0. B"aAM AdP. KAcDONALIL !l:W1!IAMIOFotALGEBR by J.ÂÀ McLtu. M NA~,L .it MIS Y 13' 'TAN nty aor. kLcox, snd R.LRaBrovroz, I Dit. PLA!.TERS 11'S IbHOLÃ"OT, e Acnipe t idck f STATIONERT AND SCHOOL REqlTisrrS,,dCxi, Dooa ,.st l lulsr ntHfrî dÇom.Orderstalcea for thee Eehludlng otci (oIC in uIre, ini. lni r L- for -I id ppcUy ou recalpt off price. IVOrdm s alea for CsaaSoisu0' l O t.-.Mpet Year. ,RS ___________ Every Book marked in Plain Figures at-Publi8hers' Be8t Rate8. Letter Orders Reche Prompt a4'd Care fui A ttention. Catalogues fuirnished"free on Application. . j -:00:- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! Je Se- ROBERTSON *c Brose, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, WE3 ii IFB ~- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NO0TI1C E NOTICE 13 IUIEBY GIVEN TRAT tse Annuasi Gereral Meetingut ctlhe t3harehaldern off the Whtby, Port' Peny& Lindsay Bailway Compauy, wil l e Ild a. lise offices off tise Cnnssuy, iantIse Town cf wbltby, on SATURD.Y, he Scvenih Day o 1'cbruarp, nexf, At th. heur off Ivelve oclock, uoou, for the eleclbon off Dîrectors for the ceuing ysr, and for oliser purposea. ,BO , lin -SSeecreary. T ENDERS ARE REQUIRET) FOR Lb.h separale trils., inlise ereclion off a Bool Building for Je. Bandel, Eq., at enidby, iyl bc rocived Up lt tlie 8l tulata, inclusive. For lisBibckw'k, SLauew'rk sud Plssberb'g. Carpeuter sud Joiuer work. "Palnting sud Glazinq work. "Tiuumli&suad Plumbaug work. Draviagu d&., easy La seau atJosephs A. Banudol, Est Whtby, ah tthe office o!itise Architmet, 2&Qaava. Lovest tender ual ueceasaily socepteid. E. ARBERa, AaUcUZrsC4, Slu-S Osiava. T lDER5 AIE REQUIIED FOR JL te smonte rades lunlt.eerctionuoff aduwelllag-bouse st Dufflua' Oracle, for X. L. Spai oqe., and viii ha rcoclvad up 1111 tise 7U Febrùar, inclusive. For lb theue'k, hrlckw'rk sud pbàterng. corpnderm u er vork. ta m a udplumbla; vork. Draviga na »hasea M L. lplbis, Eeg Du izo eh ieetandes arc tO le aAressd te, sud at he tise o.of tise archt«tlOsisava.- Loves touediziel aeSmarly accepta.. H. I. Barber, ASCETTndT INTELLIGENCE OFFICE FOR TiNZ XESUD, N IR TO, bnyersand sllers oi Agricuu turl5ook t galber busedeolded n'Pmnopealup ànTtle.. geuce oie a nwbtby. IF« tbipria rm otl rffiS wivlisheopeaSbyjlu w hparliculams viii auenteci, éàa aies. of hiormes, cattle, saep 0,vise vili'serve lna ashort and .spedifllaMAiU, uer t iriuglsot read Osale,, Only a mall tee wbfl b. hargeS.te cover UecessrU rpasa NEW ADVERTISEMENTB. CHINCEBY -SALE -OF- Valuablo Pro pertyI IN THE TOWN~SHIP OF uEACH. FRE EHOLD vs. ADA4MS. jUnder and by virtue off a dlecrea and fiuai orýder of sale Ierein, there wiU La sl ol lit the ajprobaion off Thoma« Wardlaw Tay- lor, Loq., the Mater ln Ordînary, by Lest Fairbaniks, Auclioneer at Ray's Htul, lu the TOWN or WIThiY, ou SATUIWAY, the &evéith Day oqf lFEI$RUAfY, 1880,- At the Lour tif il oclocldn the forenoon, in oue parcel, thse tollowing lands -sud prumis es :-The Soats-esat quart« off Lot number 7, inthe Lis d Conceamaon f tise Towadp off Beach, in tthe Counny of Ontario, con- laina 50 acres, more or las. There are on thea said preuilau a good franse dwelllag bouse s"a hem, ïmisaa thrlviag orehard. Tise soil ii a oofi day loam sud lthe yrperty las ve Ii eo& 'JERMS - 0 par cent. down st tbs Urne off s". u anl ie bslanco ttin ane montir thereafter, ulist lu Iterest, WUtli0b.optas ta the pwcurcasrof paylag 10 pis os-L doua t et is.Ure cd sle suSîgcieàl vithin one moitistberuafter, witbut t ueait iakaelapoane lait off the purohese moaey audthe b9iaceoa aecèued hi a irst motg onautisa preiise, paysMeluIl"e lb Iî ntoresltheoetai8 puentuu, »M Y ÂLb. wlmoi.abjea o 9,me sered >IMby the Uater lu a&l otha r pdectu the teras a adeal- Iinsof,"sal vOl e the standing emadlllo of thecourt Off chlaaos7. Prur lher pa*ttculars ap1Y ta mus. L.é= * Pearm, Barister, oronta, or tg j Nodba, EBq., Barrste, Toronto. LBTS k 1?EBSON, Vemuaou Sootx, Toroto.e T. W. TAYLOI. DateS.Jan. 149h,4 0, M. T OWN Or wB:ITBY. BOÂI4TLING,,À ND STONE.' rfumBES WM74 lm EEOEZED AT .L te Twn Ca-oflée, Whltby, up ta È14TURDAY, 14t1a Fobniaq, .1889. Foe uniMgqutyd of nImber ad 7 Z ô oSi-taL424Codié 5ea. 7ç*m-inh las&û12 aidAiS E'M PO-. ýRI * - --k- J. - '.4, On f theftrjibeM".g aboùt t6 retire,:fromî-ther fi 'of Ross Brotherà,,and inorerto> reduce our. tock befére invoicig c hv eided to make a Grand Cear~n Sale, at Cs Pie o A G TD XD Cash only. .-4 *z TIS18NO OL SL!WEI A~N WHA T WE ADVERTLSE.." T"1 CLYDE iM FTH&ran Ilhavin 0aCeUflS-SLE11 Tg~ltU ~~tdt adten~t~-~u~saim All paties0wgus-W*ll-,lea-setàke -oticeipubt etc.d-T the sa.cigm ma rS hblest thlm inutisa elty.3 oure iosu RQS8The A44ge £Yar Whitby, JanuaUy 20th, 1880. DOM I N ION' WA RLR &O BIIOUJi $J iii.I w , vv i»i -' J. E w1 P PW,,E,:L L &GO Are selling thebce of thèir A T GREATL Y- RED UCRI?-PRICES. s Fancy WoolGodi lantseCr0tShirts and ýDrawea ers, Furs, Buffalo Rolbes, 1iosielry, GIoves, Clothing, Millinery, &, c l a 0' CHOICE STOCK 0F -GROCERIES, CHEAP '8 TEAS AT OLD P-RICES. Beaver Overcoats atý $4.,ý je. B. PO1W!IL o Whiàtby, December l7th, 1879. NEW ADVERI'ISEMENTSO G O LD SMI TEI'S IIÂLI4~ GRE AT BARGAINS PREVIOUS TO STOCK TAKING. Special Inducements to Cash Customers. THE CHEAPEST WATCHES Brock.Street, Wlsîlby. IN THE1 County!, JAMES JO.HNSTONI Preoicai l Wiemawe.1 AGOLDEN OPPORT1IIIITY! IDOMItrmiss iT 1 M d 5 o u la 0To i T AU puaies ladebea t e »U. mi rusar tausae tmusdiau s ymunt tiaeoff. Ad anl paes haling :l daim ag&iusitise W4lS Danrato unin ithoir aScoisi ANNUAL MEETING o1, Tm REFORMAS&OCIkTION4' ID OUTE ONTÂRIO WillhoxcMthec Tow HalWhflby, S. Frasér is (notwithstauig h 1t A T ORGO» KPî;e advance) stili offering fris large stock of frèsh new seaso-,11mmV ed TEAS at old prices. Ladies' try our 40 and 50 cent. D. ôy5j Teas, fresh and fragrant. _________ Pure eoffees, freshlgon v a ;lon4oeiPearl- Ccssuexhilarating beverag,;e-;Nw BaleiiiCumuls, 2i0.aLi Froeh Oyster, Lemons and Oanges, t BSc Bottom prices. Best Bug- F; li. Pikle, aucs, qm s u e , Panaco ud avaing I31 tracte, Ccd FieL, Honings, MsekeWelasd 7Pinnanaddiaso1st.@l4 hanit -Bar n nChina Cro&Sloe su lwe. AMom ii$ps streak the doth". Sierra Nevada Bmoikin g7-un#dote te tbe excem*ye tmeQ of Tobacc, ana suree 0oO~aa nÂth~,Pva4'j WHIEBTb ONTAMOI.: ,)niBe 'The veày ldJ*%*wpua f ~ PtrysanaEggs. 4 TO THE FARE8OF1f W. offer, you for the harvest of11880, the olwigr4 oh uBI mpOW nn' fts; LOOKI1 HOT 0. ForthCh O'G R PHS. as ssai cocok, p. m. -MIED MUDGX, ri8ma*Trade nyc-~ SDLR N URQS.. ARN1SS. Artdstsand --Photographers, ,zmanufacturersa n4 .8ea rs l adikiD 0ffraesxxdldingsi velvet gcods mÉottos,, chromos, sterescops lus o À large assortment of Christmna and 1Xew-yu ais Qperatig ho!r. froqn10 8.M., 1111 8 p.m. ÂIlw6rk, wm4 ua»s faclory. Ohilren a specialty. Ag4ents fée Cana4a Stained Glass .Works. NIT 'T-O TaE NEW KARE"T. WILKNBONS BLOCK, BOOK-BT., wRMTB SPECIXLI NEWS FOR TUE- LADIES. Bèi'g aboutf to makl lre alterations in our MlIifo&' Deparâment, I wilofrte balance of' oRa aend Bo9nets at fullly' 50 PER -CENT.- LESSý thau regular price, te make a complete olearancewflIl 'siori-, Borne very styish4and natly trimmed Rais aidBonnet8 -AT --YOUR ,OWN- PRIOEU WOOLEN GO9DS.-I will sel! at greatly red C,ÇLOTING.I-Our stook of Tweedsanad overo the besit,0rm"a sana dàt làthepr*iof au, Thi rnnti frter Special Prneu DevereUs Blocks. 'Flishionable SPLENATI FPA1LM -0 M FOR ÀA TERM 0F TI 3?HA T vel kuovu ParSus G -LConcession, To,#auir f'V acre-lu eue or tus> lot-Il 0 vissa.I, ipoghlug dos. Muiddle off marc. SApPÊY ta W. 0. DOW, thi orb "a u Devarela DBl Removed to the N ow" 0.2108T Ola LOOR!! DRY G'OODS EMPORiulf. Ji

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