Ujsef ul mas WBE OFFER AÀ MOST COMPLE TE STOCK 0F NEW AND OOC )ry Goods, Millineî'y, Manties, Wooi Goods, Furs,- Clouds , Kid Mitts, Cloves, Dress Goods, Sh awls, Squares, Laces, &c. IN EVE.BY DEPAaTMENT. Clothing' and Gent'sFunsng ~- AT LOWEST PRICES!1 Note.-We can not bc unde-rsold. Coma and see the bargîîins we arc offoring. c- s T- M-W AXRr T. BRIOOK-STRIEET, 'WHITBY. for the Holidays ! !- [ No. 1 DEVERELL'S BLOCK, ~ITJIDT Another Tumble- Dow'nin iiPrices Making tllin gront Clen.rîtnt-e Siîin.-oremîthiloîtt a parall b l th history of te dry goods trade, wc use no triekcxrv, by markiîîg ddwii ol few ttîlle Ir trte-os tu catch tthe uîîwnîy; but tuake a gonerai roduction on ail our gouda roni Br) to 5ô lion centit., to n comlinous 70 par cent. Wo buy for cash, and wish Vo give our cus- btors the baînofit of lf, Airt-xaîîiniin of min goudsiut prices iili convince te most sanguine of the trutit of tisti atîtcnjit. St-t uni- lrieos: Dr4ss GvoulaWorthî 25o for 12)c. Iflarfo LutIne, worft 20e for lic. Tweeds worlh 50c for 80a. Overcoalfogea ndl Mantle Cvllli worth $2 for S1. 1'aper Coll&rns, lBe a box. Spooln, se eacit. mens wooicn MilVa, 20e. Overcoats $4, worth double tLetuioney. Ladies' Mantlee, wotb 85 for 4,2.501. A pile of dteasstrimnninge, wortiî 20o per yard, for 5o per yard. A pile of Veste, Worth $8, for $1,50. A large stock of Furs aud Milliincry, in trimmed and untrimmed Ilats and Bonnets, go- ing at hailf-price. Siiks, Veivets, Velveteens, Ribbons and Laces eqùaily cheap; in fact everythiug that is kept lu a first-class iDry GoodIs* Store wiil be found in our stock. Your eariiest iinspection is respec-tfuilly solicited. Yours etc.- ffimcîmbcr the piace, Jamesoîî's old stand, Sign of the lied Flag, Whitby. NEW ADVERTI SEM 11%TS. i tniad jtr, itae l oî1ent, oîor Cu v,lllent aiiiiitîîtr il p ier IlSl , C u PillISIIIN- o ll -1.5 ty St , No ýYodrl. ftcr5ai--ni i l-t.- "'-t tf ilfrit P t1 t. itî r lfiiîcïtratted cntologcii, qjiti ttsîîîî .j tnt iîrt-- molitie &t-ë., or 8 u irîtt fi (i-lt-t ltte 14 t ' cltîtit of l'à blniîtt-ftil cIrntl-e n' -t l -. inîltmni lItil.et of%111lîil l-e i- 1 - coiii nte t tîu le pie f i- .11ii il. tilin , t. Ali ortiNe-sttt-ltùiý t i-in tniln-lcnetîty Itî ilîtitet caiimi. letd tteefly. 'Pifuir 1îiitîiî, îî uî-i- i ic i tht-m mîes- rt-ntimnin, tukelai- ot h t ýI- tI n tt f -uit-h t oc- ii i, nî AdireRes lFitN Lit-ic.tti ti-C-E L>ey St,New Ytith.f.-.ti EXECUTOR's NOiICI-. o-tr- Estate of the Reverend Michael Timlin, of-Cobow'fg, deceased. i reat t >1the ltevieed Stitntes ni VoItarfoe, Chap. 107, Sec . B4, the CIlEDrTORS OF THE REVEREIND MICHLAEL TLMLIS, Late oif113e Town of Cobourg, in theC ourty of Northumbîerland M-oidt'in or allout the Olfrd of May, Al~D, b77, arc, on or beore, te 121h gaa of Febîuaj, Ai0.1881, To sei hy pootf proitafi) to the i airig- ed Soliîrture, ai Torouto, or to TUE RlEVEIVEiND JOHN Ql- IflK, HASITINGS .., Eeutor of the ast Wil aund Tetant-tf n the bafi Tht-e r dMichel fTînlil, decessed, their Christian nainesnsadi',Ur1 ntmes, acidrses and cdeeriptîno, the- fil particulars of thefe elahtrf, 'At 1ot e titeir socounts, and the tntuo theîeticr- 't, fi any, beldl y theni; ud i lonton îuîd ait.r the said 12th day day nf Veriary, 1881,te assela of the t ai depeam,-f wil l e ditriltédciamcng te partiesc n.îttl,-l there. t,i-rli te t.ron softe WUii i tlIc Hal] Jieverenîl Michael T1nnliîî, linvi'în rngard onily 1ta teclaimo nit ef nrelit.,reof f inli due notice nitail have been And--l c the sai Exector wil l ot hie 1sf.l for ti- ancet san dstrihuted, or atiy port thetinf, to persans whose cinimît mia i nt thâveheet rncevtd hlietieLExerutor or Lslin od i t the troc ci the distributionîti the mid aoset*, or part therevi, a. the ramé- oîy he. Any Pescn, or persan, ,ndlebted toa te e8tate of te naid deceased are itoreby ionu- lied te pay et once te ainourit ni their ini- debtedoes tte Ex.tctttor, or to tie uaItr- algned at their oilice, 72 Ytnge eitreet, Toronto. OSULLIVAN & PEIIDLE, Solicaîcne focr te 11v. John Quirk, ' Execulor of thte Will ni the late Reverend Michael Timlm, Cobourg. Datai Dec. 1thl, 1880. 1- YORVOTE AND INFLUENCE G.YOcJNG SMITH9 Ftor DEPUTY-REEVE for thr Town of Whitby. Dec. 0% 1880. id 1 * THE BEST OFFER YET M XDE. Fn unr Funcîça Lxsio le AT1'rîr Nia ONît YEU )10,11ONLY 2.bI0 -bLNw York, wilsnnuFakLdr the Intereet oi yonî.g people, and contîining ranch ta intereî.t tlhoce of oanmune mature par, DO cente. 1ao nk u iesNalionali 1ririiitu-rait -ad Frijlariini-r, s;16 poce illuefratrd ppefor enly &1.M30pr year, wit Dn. 13. J. itendal e ojtîl cotisee - ittéIlorsi- and his Dineuges," a books of 100 pages, q110 fine engniiviugs, Irettota ac ulîsentitor., Frnk L-nUs à nnlufof t4c Day, a 16. page iluâtnatnîd payer. Juntthie papen for eandayr@%Jiong.Prie o017 -cts per 7 ear, includfcg two beautifti i chromose, * The ,Firat 7riast r Pawn" lanti "The final CMrstnttldrn." * Or all four o the- above publicationa for #2.50 per 7/t-ti. Bamples ofau ol f cur Publications land Illustratcd Catalogue (withont preiùiums) fo1r 15 cents. Ail destrng sleady and roftt- able ciupoyment ishculd mnd at once More their terrtlà l taleen. Anyofthes, bVe PUblcations set for six FAIKLE58IjT]?UBLisaiNG <Co., 15 Dey treet,,New lorlc. FOR SALE 1 RTDEIBARBLII PROFE11TY ini T torn, o Wfl*rIW-frm.. ly tiOT. reidmuce CI f 'a e.Jh a -.-itcated cin Byron oiruet. This lots ect.m *prtob aver hait an sort, ont whf ch there là rOt.<l0 $a btfl l b s*teylFrt-rie aDwo. Inr.Wlth kitdo and ost&beaîeesi ao hrdwssrkT heroe la achoicesgara. en wtb e ki;4 01 l"rIt. t2)80, a muet deirable resllomnsid wf ilb. sol4 on mt- i"fthly term. Âddress,, P.O. lit 814, Toroao. lVhftby. Dso.mb«, lSli. 2 QQfL;'OAL> OOAIL An hnil ofHolao oUl :tra Bn -r c r f u Îlit fargot lort i tîî pet- hlltfriau Nat inp Idant-f, Ju A unirEdoaf Roed andlG Jamrut-eau Try our ci the n CIsT -JA]j & DEAISrs Liquor Store, Wholesale and Retail, KING STREET, OSHAWA. -i: ~ ~ ~ ~ -u i î 'î - îa n lie New 'Year, a large i)f W1I\F.S îil LIQUUES, direct ilfîportation, pi1 iiig P1or-t aîtîd1 -Ierry \Vines, Btîndies, îîi, jîuiîî, Sîîîi-îidulIrislî \his-cxys, Bass' \I1u, alid (uiîies and l3iood's Porter. -00:00- (,it t-eInti Olul Ryn tond Malt wltiskey, te boat in te Ilalcm tif Cognîte-& Sons' Canadiami Ales ond Porter, and Loger tfl ntid in battit- t and bot-Itne@ortd stoek of CIGARS iunlte eocuty 1 Sherry NVinem, cf emiperior qualfty, at 85.00, $4.00, 88.00 andl $2.50 fI Gallon. ndu Shenrry, $1.75 per Gallon. uIt-n Robin and lHennessy Brandies, in wood and bottie. fs Brandy foor coohîîug purposes. at 82.75 per Gallon. Gon-n st-ai Olul Tout and Hollandes Gin. Io, Brk's, Dunville aud Stua.rt'& Scotch aud Irith Wiikeys. telobrated Toddy Whiskey. the finest Whiskey in market. 82 per gail.- or $5 per case of on. dozen Botties. Fineet qlaliiy Of Olul JautoietoRani. Ilucbi, Ale, hal ledIty ilibtnud Feston & Sons, in Quarts aud Pinta. Cungrave & Son (Toronto), Taylor & Bate (St. Catarines) Ale on draft, in 5, 10ît enî 15 Gtallon Kegs, and in Bouîle iu cases of onue dozen quarts sud Vwo dozen pinte, at $1.25 it-r case. LAGER BEER FOR WIINTER USE, Two dozen bottles at 81.25 per case. Gtin'icns oui lîf oodha Stout in quarts snd pints. CtirgnFtvt-d& Sonea ceinitraîcu Stou, t. e $15 per dozen quarte, andl 75 cents per A lt-w of te esipleis cf Cigarse oustantly on bond. Fler lita, Princes, Tolto, Fier de Aluna, Ailctuielleuri% Clay, Windsor, Golil Cura Kiogs. Trumpetemi, Grand Duchese, Andniitynoup, Mople Leaf, Crieluetters, ltet 5e Cigar, Fautas, Ne Plus Ultra, Qucen of te Turf, M. P. C., Vicoroia, Gi11 Edge. Flor-del-Fumar, Laeot, Acooica. La Carolina, La Catles. Eioga Oonzaler E. Ilijo, La Flor Ecineute, Atuericsu Cousin. .M.: Wilson's Monteal-G-inger- Ale, Lemonads, Pettas Water, Selîza Water, Double Soda Water, Leuon Soda, Sarsaparilla, Cider in quarts andl pinta. Large oan atl 1quonîflies eupplied, asua delivered Ires cf charge to cuateiners in Wiiitby aud vicinity. BotlIes returuable witeu not ciarged for. --- -- -- 1Dee.Ibth, 1880. STOVES 1WEALL & DEANIS -.1 Whhoaaie and RotilU County Liquor Store, OSHAWA, ONI-BIO. STOVES 1 We have reduced the prices1 of ail our heating stoves. New i.s the time te get flrst-ehtss Stoves. Cff-]emembei the. place-, DRY O O S C-L T HTi , An immense stock of Dress-Goods, at greatly-reduced pics Satins, Laces, Ribbons, &c. We stili have a large, lot of Dress 15 per' cent. discount off ail Furs.. A large, stock of Goods at Haif-price. Shawls and Manties at great reduction.z Fine ,-DreË-És nd Trimmiug- Silkzs, fi'om 50 cts. to $2.00 per y ard. Cornwall Cottons, at 6c, 7e, 8c, 9e, 10o and 12ï-ci. Cornwall Blankets, at 10 per et. discount. CARPETS-Brussels, Tapestry, Woôl, Hiemp, Union and Stair-less than importing prices An immense stock of Tweeds à nd Coatin-gs, very cheRp. Shirts and Drawers, at a great5 reduetion.- Hosiery and- Gioves, very cheap. Tailoring to order by first-eiass workmen. OVEIRCOATS from $5.00 up. A large Crockery and Glassware importation; direct fromn factory, very cheap. prices. MIiLLINERY at a sacrifice. Dreas and Mantie making to order. Fine Factory Yarns, at 65 cents. -Wbitby, Deceimber 2nd, 1880. N EW At) VEIlI-ISEMENTS. Tothe Publié. Having bought an unusually heavy Stock of CRIOCKERY, -ChIINA ANI) GLÀASSWARIE! For this season's trade, and being anxious te reduee it as mnuch as, possible before the flrst of Jauuary, I b~ave deeided to give the people of Whitby and surrounding eountry the henefit of a elheap sale FOR 1THE HOLIDAY SIEASON!1 Bleow wiIt be found the extremely low prices of a few leud- ing lines, the cheapest L think that have ever -been ôffered in Whitby. White Stone tea Sets, 44 places, - $2 00 and $2 25 White Stone Toilet Sets, 9) places,- 2 00 " ') 2 25 9 1& 4 pjce, 1 40 " 1 60 Whîite Sýtonc Caîps aid Saucers, m-ithout hanîlles, 50oc and 60o per doz. with haudies, .8Oc, 90c, $1 . Comn o-40e c ci Break<fast I tg Dinner Brown Teapots, il Pie Plates,? 44 Puddiug Dishes, 65o and 75e c 75e and 85e ci 85o and 95e ci 17c, 20c, 25c each. 5e, 7e, Se 90, 12c, 15e, 18e Over thirty different patternst of fine French snd English China Tes Sets, the finest selection outside of the city, audI ail te, be soid at a very aliglit advance over eost. Motte Cups, Mugs, Moustache Cups,- &e., very cheap. A few large Laxnps, with porcelain shad.es, will be sold at -a bargain. China Tes Plates, and Cups and Saucera, by the dezen. China Breakfast Plates, and Cups and Saucera, by thedozen. A few sets of Lorne ware wiil be sold at cost. My stock of Giassware for this season is very large and fine, and st prices that will guarantea a sale te any person wan-ting te buy. Goblets st 80e, 95c, $1.20, $1.50,.$1.75, $2, and $2.50 pet dozen. Wine Giassés at 75c, $1, $1.20, $1.50 and $2 par dozen. Nappers, or Sauce Dishes, at 30e, 371c, 40e, t65c and 70e per dozen. Saivers, or Cake Stands, at 55e, 60e, 70e, 75o and 80o each. The new Pioneer pattern Glassware, inclnding Pickles Bottles,, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Oelery glasses, Table sets of six pieces, Bread Plates, footed Sauce Pishes, high footed Bowls or Preserve Dishes, Iow footedl Bowle, Water Pitehers, &c., &c., ail very cheap.. The popular Lion, pat- .tern, also a fuli assortment. A.nd a largo vsxety of- other haudeome patterns, ail of which will b. -solcl-Cheap, C3HEÂPe OflEAP 1 1- '1% Be sure you don't buy China, Crockery or Glassware, before y*ou oxauà ine my stock and get prioes-. Ail,'will b. weleome, whether they buy ornet. -My Grocery stock is ful, Wel aésoztea and freÈh, and' -will be fo.und-the cheapest in Whitby, as I have made another general reductio.n in prices soeis -tô ete&epe cheap grûceries, for -Christmùvs. . S e - A. HU, »AYe P 3uffialo Robéls, at. present wholesale J. B. POWELL &0. DOMINION --WARIROOMÈýx B R'YC E' The balance of great whole s CASH STORE of this month, 18 to, beth commotion, on stock From 1 Denpartments. .O to accoUnt at astonishing 20 soene of hie offeri ng hie.- reductionls. per cent. discount allowed, ail Particulars of this great sale wiil be foun4d* in theï bill enclosed herewith, ýwhichi you -arc specially desired to ýread@' ObD FELL07 1December 15th, 1880. W, --ýR.ë (8uccesi8or w HOWSE toS.WBSMH) Dealer in Drugs and edicines, CIIRISTMAS TOILET VASES--a-fine. OA1IDS-'a la SET S-.-beautiful an assortment, FAJNCV LAPS, JPPER C ANADA f-Iatch 4 B~rot IV OJOJ Stock large; pries low. Joseph Rodgers &',sons, andI eOthef makera. ,Forks, Spoons, Cruets, Butter coolers,- &o., eheap. - ATCH[ & B»OTER - Wheicesashuand 1tai SKATER8 JPEAID TH4E V)FIC TORIA R INJ wUbé open ou Fridaýy, Deoemnber lOti for th. esoon o189O41, 1 yà nm[V $5 00 RE 1 wiUl paroti if Iny dea at s - 1 - lie-* jLý six Co% il lm lu 7âs, j