Kid Mittse McGILLIVRA-UT'rON.-At the C. Moubuh, Umbrd 'fi' t.*B. J. B. ng Prot.Me- là rm# e Taronto, ohu.Aleanader Me- OlWra, arrair.t.lwtaZella Augus. ta, ïedu nghtur ci A. T. flutton, Baq., of the auasplace ROBBERTS-BALFOUR-ÂI Brook. lin, on the 28rd fuel, by lb. Be,. 0. A. Simpeon, Mr. <iso. -Roberta to Mrs. 1H. Balfottr, alt of Broklil. WNITBYMRKTS Caom...Orn Deanuber 29th 1880 Pau Wbual............ 100 88110 Sprng et .......... 093 Oa 10 ïals..».............. 095 O 0 per rper ...........275 w 0 Bye............070 *085 Oeo 065 Pe ao-lac ....... 085* 090 Bue pous............... 085 a 100 Oba .................. 080 a n080 060 .600.....0085 080 Rds .............. 018 020 site .................. 018 00 Chom. se.... ........... 012 8o1s irood .......*. .... ..... 450 *600 6hsepklua.........090 *100 mRi ..s................ 700 7 60 Po kp.rewt ...........800 Io pu bu . 000000 .. ........006 010 Camw ite....... 012e 000 celery, per I ............O0 801 O Chicksau.par pir ...080 00580 Duck par pr........... 050 a 080 Gesseper lb............007 @ 008 Turke" prlth.......... 008 010 Weo, uwmse. 000 0Co Il umbed..... ..000 O026 Hu»,me, -.......010 @0 12 A CARD. - 'T 0 Q - Who are euf.ring fram the ettore u&ndindecretious af yo tnervous w0amnsse. euly depsy, oa ofr..bood,â&0. I willsanS a1 »a Ual twiU eure you, PEXBE0O <3 E. This peuat rsmedy wuas Slovwdby ansaary AM n Songh amsrfaa. Sena a ssfddresd enveloji to-lb. Rav. Jossru T. lamAs, Station L. W.Rs.H, Na,. r& OMy. NEW ADVERTIBEMENTS. 2% - Orta American .u.vf. CO rGHO9 OOLD> ATgA .BRONCHITLS LOS0P THR OÂ2T 4F.FzcTIONV& ho nas lanreimn ast i&0»-W UP sdis. sMW-m sca»ffl 'g wo mma 1 A.. mo X R ED A :BS C. Uh tCE a"ont o )BT COXPLTE STOCK Milnery, WooI Goods, Olouds, Glôves, ITALIAN' EXECUTOIR'S NOTICE,1 E8tate of the Reverend Michoael Tim/mn, of Cobourg, deceaeed. N0JmiC18 HERBY OV IUT CBEDrTORB 0F TE EECVBRED MICHAEL TIMLIN, Lat, et the Town af Oebourgnlb. Oteunoty ai Northumberland who 51.5 on or about the lItS 01 M47, Ai)., Ion,une n or befar lble l2th Bal ofFebîaary, AI.'011 iilie To senud tt(resl) t he undrnigu. [%= W&4 "lciÀtTrouto, or tg TRIEEVEEENlDJOHN QUI, Ezeautor of the l"atW 01d-stmote the sai& Tha eve Tiem.IMiUlD deceasd., thair Chraisa »mm m sd ,ur. am@. A --- use uidescripu4t"c'" U ji r1euset their clului, etaumis ai uii a0fts1aMd the atam ai theasmun., -1 1 iy blà by themm aS tha an ld 1881, thé. es i et tu L dlatbuted asuong tha p"ïu eilbe 1" e to, under the tersoof thé WM llo -r.d RAeed ieheel TlrIAnavlu*ird ou t.the cwslui isch rdtors t e the "id Ezeeter mot b. fll& lfer the m4as c 0dlrlbuttd, oramy part theréaf, la persans *houedatit "Il »ne t o rboive&b. tb.e cuiar r b ie t * ens si ttim oifaithe dlsl$îbul4e. oftktiiesu aUstit. or part thesef, au theeusmsrL Auy perseu. or pesne, lth. oesiteoaithie sai4 deceassdareu ebm U. fieS to pay et once lb. amount otthhein . dsbtsduass b th.e Becuor, oenta Us ender. lguma aIthslr officeu, 729Ymenu srepti Tornto. O'SULLIVAN à h PERDUE', SollCIWu e Su .«. John a , Ezecuton et the Wileof the lats ewmveon Miehuel Tiaill, eabeeg. DateSDuo U,1890 - in- Gold8mith s Hall SELLI NG OFF!1 H aving detemineit on giving up1 business ontb j basa, The oe stock of Eleotro-Plated Good&. Willbeoffea .me lsslu JmaMs JOEWSTOR. - ÎBw AND 0OHOICE Dres s Goods, IIUENGTESMOM1TH -WE, WILL coNTINUTJ O OFFER *YoU -"WEEPING REBDUOTIONBIO IN EVERY DEPÂRTMENT. (Clothing and Gen AT- LOWEST it'S F 'u'rnish-ings Note.-We cani. beh undersold. Corneand see the barg*n we are offering. NZo. 1 DEVERELL'S BLOCI Tussu le not anS there cannaI b.,any mmoklg teb SuiperS ort1h. 'Myrtle N'75I.Awrapper o! bnghterappeur- à &o Mdhlglsr priae it ipossib>le ta got, but Mllwrsperu re erypoor smoking ta- bcoe bUt asinge leti la wrapped ron e > usThe stock use An th. body ai the 11e 2bavy" plug inth b erYM bout thut zooy Pau prchue.. he powm e ofthe Virglnla soilcmn proauce nothing better,i s ud ne etherosal in the orlanScan produce mi us actabac.. athal of Virginli. Yellow 011 lu the great Pain punucea, mà gil l it P~Ove Pansud Imia- rnaâ; Int epews Rpuai ndmiNon- rglaBook manSMinlAffetions Cetatlathorde auS muscles. IJe< ffn i bMtrmaly. For sle by aIl dttà w&9-Uin g Oý%bh leUa.-Are u euDring trom bby âmbeýt PSave7n m oyeu &bout Weý xiou re htterd? YmV* ain uwhereI If any or ail of 1 slm aiet oudo mlot delay, ýplkIu)eHuraL's pats5 AND eBI&AMs Lsr., 4&Mmyou illb. @urn and findsepeedy Ir is arm onnaaathat invalidu boue falth lan aapecllas Whso gou-Y wortblauu modicines am. adwrhtaud for iii. cure of varions dissses; but wbtoh wben tried, are "found wantlmn."W. bave yet 10 lemr, bowsvrM the frst tà fure of Dr. Wuf et' BSamm o! WW Oharrsj, tb cut.coughs, colde, and pulmonary diseuse. JU8T i o Q e- 'I Q o Q ce GRADES OA TMEA L. o Q o Q WA REHO USE. COXNTT 0q%à ocOUTAXIO. 8iUriNes oFTDE DIVISION COURTs FOR 1881 2. Junel, Jnly2, Sn&t.1,LOct. 1,U'oe 1 Dec. 1. Brougam g ay 8, July 4. Sept. 2. Duffins Orekel Ja. 4, Han. 9% Nov. 2. Port Pmy-Js.i. 8 sr.4,Arte.8, May la, Jue 1 , July98. V pt;. 6. t ,Nov. 17, Dec. 98. «Uxbridge--Feb. 6, IMat. 8, Apr. Id, May 20, Junel, Ssept. 0, oct. il, Beyv. 18, Dcc. a9 Cmnh*bota-Vsb. 8, ur. 9. Apr. la, May 19, Juns9e 2-tL.,Oct. 1 1Dc-l Beavrtan-Mar. 1OJoue23 ,%Oct.18,Dmo. 21. ilei7Mr.1, Jen*il, Oct.14. Dec. m0 -Puibibsby rder ofthe OMualSessons. MI3. E. PABLL, 1-7 (llerk ci th. Peex. Cash For Grain'# Produce %ho eudeiigudla prepared t. pay tii S IGHEST PEICE FOR rall and SprlDg*WEEÂT, 2eY1,*cïi Aiso for, kN. B.-Farmers viiigain bybaV.' idgibeiîr bor1eer .l.n a ï,a bdoighi. J. H. LONG} IMPORTANT NOTICE)1 T0 4LL ,WHO LT A Y CON-, OWAnor"«Due RiD ~vs bpsnyPetien o Agenteor for auy Duo. Mi, lm0 6,KATERS READI1 .THE VICTORIA RINK Cou lniilay, ecemnber lOth Sia le ttla 1 ests. "0dtj 7IIO Z IZlq* )£ï N TOW 0 JVIg Y, ýFOR THE YEÀ4R,ý18Oj Governint puitfor luat hait cf TuIVA14. Couut ratfor frs amil a* êw i s80 8875.MtSuti. i.4JI 980 Gornms±1 ran"I ot. Upper 1Mr. OutupbeiL. .......... 8780 8obool . ...... .............. 4a06 1Er. Baiour. J. 8r. RLueon 87 1 put ............ 1"*5078 . 1..... 100 1080 schocl, fore7..ti...............00 ]Er Count t fo Publc schol. .. JamesUt. ohuu......for HIgh Inu 880 UrhoolLiharym . 00 ejC ?7 81888 p Mde... 00 s ~:7:271 of doAer ~4aee..........890 John-ut. 4 do 4 . to 75187 _The populabIan of the Towas 849 ekXau n lee of 94. Apprtand sfoDows No t -W d 0 1 477 ub W d mâ « h W ùd , 6., b 8 n o t S h a Whitby, L28& Deember, 108. JAMES DRAPER, 1.OITN É"crtur7. Oel X Woodbouue ...i...950 GW lulorromau .9.. 50 GO lmaBorna.....> no00 ' Mis Palmer. _00W-- Mr. BSl.h.. .. 600 Ht. ~ k4M 1W WveZaséo tontlt.......M3910 UEr. UaBriun i4seepo n Fu-el-1el Pranting und Bs J,. i e, lnsy9'.. KinaeYl*lauou-. y 2M. PoW oeulgofc~ ..u.Wrd........ . 88 W. Nob", cot.. carpsnisr work..,........... » se Petty uoeLesfr& 18» - 901 STOVES WebLuve ro31pd. t pdoe of a&H ourheatinigstoves. No le the 1tirno-to 'get Oitt.o1as Stovea. i#. Bemember t'te. JoehBod ~Soià ~ n V i - -; 4- W shes bi Mauy thusadOf -~' ou tmr be<Omlmnt0of mheéaseon" and, dèires them ito aoet st hanks fo0r,t H'lber al patronage bestowed during the past year, (S.ucces8ogr to ,~. .B IIT , Dekrinrugs niMd nM, ~Jn Yedicines, &0. CHlRISTMAS CRS-,lrg Mok I geat- -variey TOILET SETSý-be-autifuI ad; very eheaýp. VASES"---a fine asotenneatdesigns. STA TLARY. n's ~wziil xYmam~<4fç EANOV LAMPS, SHADES, &e~ UTPP Z ONÀÂBR BC WORKAGAI !BG-GIESy lusidng bougbl out thi.e tabulishment 'of, THOMÂB WHÂLN, oe~r ouruyb~skesst IatIstand forle ,present. Iani rp -to U 16U ide Üea to te by ciêa~tnr~nda~y onu as iii oMilupon me. 'Owin hOlsorny18lu" i l t ssane 7havn he vhoweo1 Bot 8n hoes, 1éther a»& mà ehin" erstmyea by,- *à " iadebieto me viiiple80e eand uit teir-eèQms J N"AiND isAUN8W. 4N~ec FOB4 8A.L.1iAT TE 14 Pino 8o Begl' id la .iI~I1aan.- tyiqujor Btore,Whoie8à %lê1~EEToem, I SA V1I~S MB 'j LUXBE1- ~A L4.s8~ s Tr :EWA& i?, T Ki - BROOK-STREET, WHITBY. NEW ADVERI'ISEMENTSO RECEl VED FOUR1 atod wl: lb Dort, Mr NMtiriofea, Jamesirlj Mi ga e0Iargd m51 cents .~OL0N1AL ,, si e wau ~JA. j~AAALW~.l SAUNDERS AT BILE -D Dor'0 sport., à pre. vîth s 1The, Boers 1 race if cvt mut ai wo te mo., Bu, 26: i l 1 %-A JUL V IJ smý ,ÇTOBe