Prealdent Hayes. The valldfty-ef Mr. Hayes' title may ai. wayo qnestioned, and bis aduilnistratUou crittcised, but the pay.nent of one dollar ' avald ttletoonebotle f D.Tierce's Govlden Medical DicoQvery., and ius 94minWs tration cen nover be cratidleed iu eteoes ai coughs, colds, inripient consmzptiou, and general debiity, fer leading phyiucians et ai1 achool, endorse the Discovery aed pre- abribe itinethair practice. soIdby drnggist. A C A RD. T 0 a1l Who are mfering tram the errors and indiscretionm ao yout.h, nervan. weakneua. early decay, bes cii nanhood, &c. I wilL aend a recipe that will cure you, 12Ed»0F CHARGE. T hi, great rernody Wa sicovered by a mlstionary in SoUth Ptenica. Send a self.addressed envee ta the REv. Joozpm T. lwà uxe, Station Bible Hote, Nw. Tank Gity. NEW ADVERTI8EMENTS. ADMINISTRA TOR'8 NOTICE. p URISYANT ta Chapter 107 of lte io. vI yed tatutu ofaiOnt.ario entitled "An Act respecl.lag Trustees &a Execet. ors," the Ureditors ci the. ESTATE 0F GEORGE LRNG, latee tihle Townuhi p oai 1iclerlng, in the Coanty ai Ontario, Yeoman, dvcetoed, who died on the tirei day of Jaeutary 1881, are hOeby reqllUred taeved particulrs aiofliai, cisieus or demanda, duly verilied, to W. Il BILLINGS, Wbitby, Slcitor foriiMAUTHAA LENO, the Adeleimtratnlx of tihe ,aid de. cesseSon or befon. the 2flî te Ay Op M ?à NEXT. Alter vilch date the assoIs vili b. di.tributed, and that immedi- ailyaterwrds Uc, A'd-atecratrix wi.l eeaed a-ogt the.paties ectitled tirt, atg r-gard . l 'tathe daims aiwihteAd~n,~ bas (heu notice. Dated tie 18tb day aof.Ianuary, 1881. W. H. BIiLLNGS, fiSooicitor, Whitby. Claremont 6pring S ho w .ANNUAL MEETING. T REt annuel metngai meniene ai tic Clareototun iu bow Society, viii ho held aI Heesesa;ons,HoTEL, Csimax- MOatT,on Prinday Eveuslug, jeu. 28mb lest.. at six a'ock, for lie purpace of maiug arrnegemet#t for itokldlg the Sprin 9 Sbov, election aifailcers, aud tmhhr bnci' ess. AMiln'mterealed lu atatk andiIpe mentu, ad taking an lulereal ite Soceety and iucceus ai lie Show, are inviteS to at-. tend. WM. Ml. MI.LLER, CHS.DODDb, V.S Ohcmrnan. Secretary. Jsean" ii, 1881. TOWN'of WHITBY.. Vence vogelation, wien ln trti It bast] very opposite effeci. Altae ovidance h, mieentlit Ilcan marcely b. aven estimat d, ahi!. il needs te b. nedertakan alth great dccl ai cane Tite commiotsn hai endeavoured te câocisnch tnformationi te lb. test methoe,,etc., as vill enable tI farmer ta letefligently pnoaeeute titis mue neidad yack. Another aut>ect engagir. ihi attention bas been that ai iornostry. sot sure neoaosieu vîethe iacanas destructioneofi vit ae asonce the. grandet ci Ibis country ls originai fanasi, an ntte.etthe climatie changes whlci aseeoi cnsequane ot be taklng place, vithout di siing tliti mmîitnq aboula be dan. ta fl uplte vamle ltes b.ig omade; and eapec aly la Ibis thlie cu vs renaiden lhe ter dency taUs cre&ate toer fr111 aur vieu aed laver. Nov 1 allirm i amoy ove apfi ion thal lit. sucesiaul gravt aifclaver ii connecllan vllh stock nalsing lies at ih fatnedation ni sueceasiul tarotieg intlb country, butalà t ondai li te Rme. cane viiaitends le destrey the. vhssiaffect slllcrly l laer, and Ililaioughl mueJ <caS etigit bu don, by lie proper plantin of Ire.. vici siould serve as c protectioi or vmndbreak. Then thene lu the addiliont alietulua et addina beauly ced contment lte rural boots, af out people. To lnianm then t ieneforeciflih Indi of treen ta plan as 1so0te tloe t iplaeting vas deotedi atatter i inucit Importance. Clasely t'an mictea vîit tiisuinit w as liaiaif ri culture,sudl intis caneectlon the pleaiitu tact hue beenasacertaieed vîicla msy perbapi astaaln tce a-liho av. net oiven mue' thongiti lh lie subJeufctb ia at uthii.Pravineq w. bave ane nf lie fine«st ruitgrnvlag ec tutus i taicon be Iaund my'wiere ; nat tli ail te indi ai fruit uMay ta grawn ln aui section, but in te auge ot an. ai lb gentlean4.agIy =10re, "Taklng the km.! ai fruitl huItan' be grôwn¶nte tm. penmile zoe." fleevidence ba showoveli l't011 *MotaaIei5êrodunititis fruit lun mien d am ,bdý * vcy bemi quality an. adi Il fa udMI**auta notice lte nap il progress boimgbgbls'.a ibis malter.Tunsaome ai tlb teemsetan ley are oely beglennt It ele lte, splendid advsntge they a l In tis respect. 1o0donit o murntay yel hé done by way al 1P.reaing the production me treli as instrucliag aur peaple setaelbet hinidi ai fruit la produce tea dvaetage. Thii.lI more .mpectally interesting te ail the people tise ey oethlie alter, front the tact lis' claMaItevery 'Tills or aoresident ofi love or eily,fi hocan fi.ed m m Svolesa cportion of ns iete., sud tteds pleasure sud reere- &tIou inmeSe ding, in cultivalieg oeeoa nionstailte dlfierentvsrieties ai fruits. Now, Mn. Speaker, vitite &U this tiormtation hem bee alteraS vllb a vev ai boeftie1 anS lmpravieg aur ava people, fs ilt tc 4 ouci tl sy liai ach a pnssentatlon ai aur progresm ceud resources ai» intot sua- ciioeatatraction, viii sot as anatiter in- cenle d,. SirehlgIelendleg emignants le onrahmitesucd blite rmcas is p) l" titi Previnb in a stiiuine favoabe Mbignm tth br eeuahîy. -.&Pla otheaules itv tgctoPeau proelJea ooiîeni buumdbq>ak foruér à rias bfniac uales vittit Boudtie i toîaien, secundo anS coaUoafer itos Ssiln . av I native led. l ii O,I yo viii finS . % Im. Il " eport Spt Wr, lis vtale caimel»'afo lt leokn i Jtq1ati'tsimsyasstn ispbis uedlit camut» 1;ii a lie Gf aveta. lt itbairaie ?s4umitsrSs e b. ole e mt, iti st. npieut ua Whor, seS la .. teIa have Givera. meCtmmie sion. l ave cd s ii teerso i a elee, u tecli itei lei halae.,lbqbaegriifo t InétIn- m dsIL tu futr. l1 &MWla " i rer la" teGoerweS -î ndertle aile a. metamSe lObirdse ori 4nd e u sllis ouaîo yn 0<fitimat- tera, tnd fabreg iimP-vie sud Ibis cmntny ta lia i"nutep;a;nies ier. y. intletait 511 asepe, bu ltaIinalUeir lo vittcbIboy baii Bitedtnoernets destreb. *» futurloiti xait witcr *5ithst beuoe lotta er ni te a bll "tp of -théerty sS y ey-enr du Ttc Smm* owv iar diresoi va cth iu.' 'cd a4 n caip anthenoudedatin ltue "otendoa.tebints dis avasinadoteS wlîboo tthst rend Mr. W o vev litaI leie i o l aieoaM-61lhlpe an mupire tanampire abor cfipttig u feor o.n 'sealee o i t blllyioni Sebosrkel issho 4in o dmiece.on, u Ab"aegml ré çmvrpoiteare omeà unleds oeaby r.h e t a9tan ineemunteayrs c Vm,1brtyejýag la . anxa e en He o ouis aionmnaedon usd a eitons iTge asl itavuthflfo doptet lieGovnnmeîiarglevlb ii.Sdi.h pAmot inol t..prenanteu on e f roue Saonti troa ra pym o. Carn,_Mîugtbu erlsld e table ostiosua- ietuothe rlfaea.sof thdepalio nbr e! Bbc ntheSyndi. oste a seuli pouW g na $1.420,h peut m oh ee. i onih.> wa ney la d'out O!it. Govey r.~ Glnientainn m a" on. Bu o epie oaitheT!â;dsy lu a este, nd n, . wlmtortit liteo anpstofmomnin poio' elte pow sni notues. sud durabe.ok fiei prise *or Nov York Singer seS SaYmoRd :4g Nitby p Par. asd vez il U oeeafflonlu th. Great DIni xibitioù , Maniresi,9 la 1880. xesry persanshoi Sesot170; baforeécSuian g any ther;'ns tbeY Ocol ne Moreand, give beltex sasualau *TU Ev M ushine *srr¶ie4" 0 . TUPPEP. Port Parry. or A4 J.4ELLOTT, Brooklie. -AUTJC TION S A LE VALUABLE'PROPERTY TPOWN 0F WI'Y 'pURSUANT to a Paver ofi9SaleCOU- tan ai adeaiture ai Merlgaga =e .belveen lte la"Samueirl K .Ocehirae maiJaeus AImonS, vhlcitlnorflsgsiilbq Cp eidaa te lie ofs alse, lter. 'i l»boe aid b1y PmmbllemAution, by Mr. LeidPai- ,bank4 u, aneear, AT THE BOYA,L HOTEL, intb amTwn ûacv'eauyýat 2 o'oqo i ART With the view of reducing our stili very large stock, have now made very great reductions in prices in every department. Special attentionl is directed to Fancy Goods, Velvets, Manties, Shawls, Millinery and Fancy Wool Gooda, al of which will be sold at sweeping redûctions. 0Our stock of Fine Furs we will clear at special quotations. Ail are* invited. TENDERS EOR STONE. IDESWILL BE RECEMVD luT avh e o lerk's office, Whîjtby, up ta noon om Satura", f9ub Januaryvi8ed. For 100 nords ai <oaSl rabbI, irbone, fit for breskilig, ta ta dlilvered an or before ts 28ii DAY O»'F ERUART, 18M, atiso plae. as may b. deteromned an by th* standing co.mlîîtea on Sirevls aed Ian- provemens WM. DUNRLEX, Chairinan Street& and Iaupraveme.ntff. Witby, 151h January, 1881. 2in-5 W ANTED a gond servlceable HORSE, nat aven 6 year. old,-wcsghl about 90,' la exchaneifer Mabie Wock. Apply an addre.s Dau ta. Mem»u taWoaxa, Opposite pot Offce, Oshtawa Ir' GODYBAY. a. Es ftt" 0-]ont T0 LETI1 Tvo etores u inth Wiitit- Mrket Dlock,- 1 or i ycîrs' Leese. Suitaile for grocer and provisions, an any otier inaincîs-gond cbauce. Appiy te THOMAS HUSTON, July 28, 1880. li-ti Tao Clerh Thae GtreeU Amter-joan 1?emedy for CO UGH.s 0012)0, TAP~LL, BB)ONCHITI, LOSS OP V'aCE,- HOA RSENESS ANYD !r1R 0 A T A FFEUTIOffS. lt'cpiatml/'ea ile Jt ôrms<t(Dru'ao q~ . e Om ý perfor te asv ya:=jmlserfor aUteabove ~<i<se. 4A ckwaige msaisi ofteQm eoudufrte iR ed RPm rse ...tog eia Le .acst vauoili. advo Clmafer JCe.rya.s. fa roa. defu .G RAYS é.Mz, a w d : iie aeiu o»nde>.SYRUP ~~ eSsai 0/balasa"s Lunearo De or p cra are ppres tcedr 0f0a1. r"' T T 1tom- ç14r m r- amasIta ea aoimC& certaiîtforinh of Bme>eeiiii, and its almosi eped4o efeo in ctritg ob- StLflate liS*Jing. CGough., i8 noweUaog lcnoem do me ue zic <M large. Soi.b i ra stls lciû.PrIs'. ousen batio. dViasW cc,."tr P id SpmmcOu.m"- esas- andltmabois arakolc regielered, K&ERR Y, WATrISON CO 0., SIJBSCIIIERS WVTEU AT ONCE 1 l'o ail whm atii may caîecerne 1 senS Oioe.prenant gretinga. wiîitiog ycu a pnompenoui anditappy Nev Vean. 1, ie endermignd, do teneby <rentice that 1I a ez aail MitM anSaid uit. meibere ta lie Uiaiaag magazines front Ibis date la lthe finit Ssy ai Maro i 88 pont froc, ta any addresa in lie Couaty oi Ontario. t4Our Home and Fircridec Magasin.." Witit 12 supeniar Chroma, fer 15 mants 4ULL USTRA TED AMIL Y HXRALD,- Wilh 12 aupenion Chromos far 15 moelles -Toe People# Illuatrafed eTr,al." Witit six Citramos fon 15 Mtels. --THE» HOUSEHGLD JOURNAL." W!ith eigit Citramos anS igil Crayons fon t*12 montba. 1 1 AT TRE POLLOWIIdO UaEntCL> TECS: SINOLE SUI3SCRIBERS......80 90 ,GLUIBS 0F FIVE TO TEN ....... 80 OVER TEN .....i................. 075 AIl ondera witi> reotittance by cither Pest Office order or bille, 'etU b. punctuaily at- tend, d ta. let Office arden ta b.* made payable ta JAMES T. THOMPSON, Pest Offiçe, Whiiîy Ont. Fu» posâtal addrue ste ho #ent vllh eueh order. magaie ui tually forcrerded free, Anydeyjen- rcceipt ai saine pIes. notiy. lefres.t ail thc leading men in lhe town if reqeired i 6-0 SUBSCEIBnus WÂITTD AT ONCE 1Al pensonas sadng lu club. m f i v meembera sud avez viii receive aey one ci lte eove Memgazines ire. for the. year. 'Yaursizrul JAMEPT. THIOMPSuN, Agent. ~Prval BsiAe4e.Lot 80, Ceeyiýs ta7ee$, NÉorti, whitby, ont. IJaJnuar,, lth, 1881. 4-U4n G9old8mnith'8 H/ SELLING OFF!. Having dtrnndongvu p t buoinesa c i te ezpfratiùoa od lease,- The whole stock of IA1fCHISI CLOCKU JFWIL Y -AND- WinI be offered at mnch leu, thau ieguar prices. AXES~J OHNSTOM,4 jPà Ãýc1laWatchma&r, Brac4t. Whtby 2 i.t q -.1- o L TAEmG < ATL fOMNON Ail Qod'ar en SolÃd- at a 0Cre-at M CARPEI 0A.. G 0&*N 0E'a S'ILKS, «SATINS,- DUNDAS AND ?OR~T~TITY - TO TDES ANGOS, CORNWA LL GOTTONS, 12-ic, nett. A Large Stock of Groceries. Sugars, extra value. Wbitby, Januuury l3th, 1881. CONTINUING., BLIYCE'S GREAT DISCOTINT SALE, That .has givý-en ,,suoli entiresatis- faction to ýthe hundreds of buyers during te ast -thre* Weeks, wl be cont nued du-r!ngJatLry ~pe Sal Sae of Dress Goods and Tnimiug nomwgoà g -on* ROBERT' H. BRYOE, r Odd Fellows' Hall. E \A A t) v -E k Il' il s kE1M -9N- 1 S: -' , ImSduy1unai h llood, c, oli 1the Liver, 3e M~~adKtey and ztrengthens tire Debffitated Syat*tn. -perfectly sud spmdily curng Billouans, Jauudicçý1Vyu*yua Outi jpation, Headache, Eireurnati8rn, DropyeNbous "Gen- eral Debility, Jemale Complaints, <çf1,EpIeaj SaI lRirewn, and every speciefo!Oron1DsaimNç Dizodered mier, X1dneyuý -stoir, EnoweI8',r>" TRE 8EsTr-8LooD PUiiFYSHOTmlC1 EWU aMpia soute. er. T. nom a Co, iS. A1SuT, Il <qmfb,*AP1 Me.preeua N ew ILawe ma( UdUZL om %dso>asi tahlde. BUG G IES, BUGGIEsAND PFOR sALIV A FTE OLLOWING PmUoza UMRIT 0 anBo flegissat . 1$5 Pa*r P= 136u, vB t blI';saB'x - ,o m Mth-bu t lIh ulh(nt 88om . e se 2 Bonc SDo pgbhBa.9' 1itk th l Pefl, ton wit, 1 ro, --M T0T#E ATTIEoEff8'AS( C> DOllà M Mtt NE Â)VRISEENÊs RECEl VED Ja Ba POWE w LL~&0. DOM IN IO;N :.WAREROOm& CountyLqoSe, hfsh ad-, -Refr ïiI KIN ST ET $1W ,, Just trcé-ved -'for, Christmaat ~ stock o f iWNB 'u 1ZUR<dretinotio comprishg' ýPorît and err w~yBrindiýee t I1oodoitstn'& wenlj ' telbal'd 15 "c -ah ý,1lWbiskecy$te bois lu ab.f Donminloù ný.-r t' Taylor &Batea ,,spil CaigrsukAlMfes- ec i PelihI1à "& t Beerean draft adin bottle, . - tti te ' Th es la ge aI snd bo t a s it e l akekatOtG k'E& fin % t e o uin y I~ Fort and $he rry- 'Wines, af' aupo'e4-eualiY, ibm$5-0014.OO, S0ad31 p en Impnd, rpà geal:ln T"' -r:-' T - tuj t c )' NshîePot nS hiri and1.5 3S GIn'ý'&"itd'- il hIr îýiýý Try O=r cebà e1iâ~tTodGIy W'eaiakeWlùz il* ths marjket $2-per-eSlkOP $Zp61! dý'd,.' t I Ficnt quality o! 015 .amaieaBui BaU Aie, baIlleS byMHbbert ià anS i Comgrave &Sn(aaneTpa 10 sud 15 Gallon Regs, sndlin BaIl pinte, ast #Le pr essc. ->,, t' Ta Sdogon l A;igna e W>a'cosbthe I~ FOLI!? GIUDES OATMEALa 'J GOODS, ad Mal= 'fsc. 0 evený ilai ebim large Ta met e$ t area1 c. F "STE,,,, 0Ç .Fe S TE'WAR T teduo-tion! FANCY DRY-- 5 VER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF ALL' CASH PURCHASES OVEIR $1.oo. 10 1 94 WINTER GOODS. .5 BUFFALO ROBES. .do FURSO at 6c, 8c, 9c, 10e, 'ON T.T Ir,"