Ç* :"F. STE~ 1' 4- W~ithe-vewo redùe ur istili veryj"j prics in every departmbt.Spêcini Mt,,,ibn jis directtç111'ae oods, Velvçs,1 bntes, Shwl, 4linFand acy Wc , goo~ i Our -stock of Fine Furs we will oera pca quotation's. AUl Are ivtd C STEWAI~T Buclen' Arnica salve. The BBa "xa latIreworld for Outa, Bri.,., Bore&, IticeraSat Rhenr Paver Som .,Twiter Cbapçe' Bande, Obblbains, Om;,and s;£ kiila of SkiaErrpions. Thiasaulve le guaracteedti t give perfect catiufaton in every cae or usouey refund- lilé Ucets erBox.Food yT Wbltff.id, Whit orsae yyT Sandford, Ont., Tarc 15, 18M0' Meurs. 1eroy Davis & Bon & Lawresnce, xoutreai. Xls*tesrllyisafrm ie grtunn lily uf peur eXeellaniPaiu.Kwlr Bord to >nyotcmmr, u' walI ssaIl iaving been 'used uttszaey lu uy oWn famUiy, -.d tfrom the r 0otetMy cualomersaa Weil 'sM lta ezelue nvuhouzeiol, tise Pin".Kulo lsrbau n ouS aà grdat ailevia- lInt ut pala erl. ouialus for WNcb Chu.î Congestion or stoppage of circula- tion, l5ras, Pains is.he Bmach Snm. Morand laowel O plgi~'.Eo - srci ttc.~ ~ ~~e Api~elra itbas beanfuu veyneulfr pralua, bruis.., rheumatl @Wossvlled face, d9e., arialug from tooth- s-Ea urd froteon& of uap cetomnr theie lit ftew laya of At belug veryueful by putting alfevdrops lu a littio varru mlistomrentai.t young Iambe alter hay- ingbeu tisoroughiy chilled trougnh. 41n.4 Enwa.auTAYLOR. Coetmption Cured.- 4Au alphyolssa4xtltred frons practice, ouacy ad simplhi bnd b Et veget*bie remedy for the . speedy ad pr ul.nija n tuloe Consenspton, Brnobl 0 ~.wis ,amat gar^Ul Troat and Lonrg Afqtoa lepos tve sud radiclcr for ffcak fl and^ailNervona Cons pi4a#stekbv lsted ils vonderful curaivpover in tbcnssds cf cases, bu feit it bis duty t10 xnk~ t> tkuowu to bis suffeiug.fellcv*. Actrated by -thie motive as a deaire to relieve birman suffering, 1 viii tend, fre cfcharge, -W ail visadouzee it, tbis racipe, lu Germen, Frunois, or Eug. liab, witis ful directions for preparitig sud nsain* Sent by mail by addreeaiug vtis sltasapï namin?-thlspe j . W. W h"Ar, ocN lr Sr . Y. 12 Gilt-Edg. Butter. There là alwaysasu active demand fur butter thisIl p ho the gilt.adge standard in quyanysd celer. Much butter tis& aIe clhorvte ood sell at a reduction f ram tbre. 4,.e me -, a eut,. becana. dodo' lent irlas~?r. Dat itesbr sisend tie seue We4 sEfela*San&hCoe Patfected Botter wej i-4b uu 91or. Tisa J&the brigtteat, puteal @&&beut COW»tP=O(ut ls1.pins Woods -ha. ben. irecom W d 49cqnap11ve p .s,ud %be Bey. Dr. Murry, La bis a 4e k ul from tira t ib tis naturs.e - eue siiiotel vhs Ix&bîà w jaaa atà o maklt'oanplue o"tapoI59j~ neceatsr, whai lb. thé l t t li tretaxst are proele S nang Ooay% Syui o et e pruee Gtee, a ueeniwo Vie. pirati, whpressait in a boncatrate aud agrosabisterm, eli1lise vrtuaet thi mediluainm . à a cure for eogb. coldi, %ors tbzoat hobpe4ueu, kla lvu. -1 abe o p.' 11 b ÎJci"sêl. Pale, 5 and 80 cÉIapt tetla.. - i1.4 I~'Neleacf itUeMaeiauao, PHIP8.ÂI htty.on 'fnesda th. 251h i., th. wîfe of Mrt. Samuel p4p cf a daugher. WH12'BY MARKRTB.- CHEOXWCLI OCri, 3anuary lOth 1881. Feu Wheà t ............l#1c00 si 10 Bprlns Wbest .........09.59 110 Barley...........095 910(A Flour, parrwt.......... 275 98 00 LYe . ................. 070 <908U A& .................. 080 < 005 Po 0, biack-yed ..... 085 Q 90 BIZ . . ............... 085U 4 00 Obtu ................. 080<9-ni80 R1ay .................. 800 < 900 Â1Aplsa~r bus.,........ c25U <080u Pat;......... 025< 08W zgp .................. 018le 020 Butter........ ...0 18 <9090 Chamse................ 0 12 015 Wood ................. d50 <3 00 BEhopddu.............. 0 9P 91 00 Ilides .................70()Q 700 ]Pork,=pe: ... 8 00 97 00 Tom&lauPo b. 000 @'000 Cat, whte.. 0 12 0000 Ceiery, pr d.......0 80 <040 Chiekens, par pair....O0 < O00 Ducls. pet pr..........0 80 je 0.W3 Geeeperlb.............0 07 @ 009 Tnrkeya, par i. ..008 0 010 lNoanwahg . -0 00 0' * Bacon, Fermr'u..... 0080-<000 Rame, ....... 010 <a 012 C. A Ra . 0 [~ ali vise are aufing rom lthe, mors iand indiscretiona of youtb, nervous weaknesa. early deeay, ios of maunhood, de. 1 viii euS a realpe that vii isure 7oU' PIlEB 0F CHARGE. Thi. set remedy vas dieoovered by a misaouary lu South Bmerieb. Bondi & aef.addread envolop 44 l the Rxv. JoaseR T. tixta, Sitifois Biblle Hume, New Iorkty ei, &rW ADVEITISIEviTB. AUCTION SALE.t, r FIIWT-CLAS8, STOCK BOOTS ý& SHOESII1 MR. 12vz'.co ci Wlbhtiluhset )A -Xiu ianuie HAYE oted ri.u u NEW A3VE=TI8EKEnsT0 L E T!1 AUCT ION SALE. The floefng Valnable Farm in the TOWNSRIP of PICKERING, -'IN THE:- COUNTY 0F ONTABIO. CONTAINING, SIXTY, _ÂCRES, more or leu, belag lapr-ftaNri bail ef Loi Eumber 2% -lunthé 8r4Don. <af the asi4 'Tovuablp, eciei 1folu . ,%_ lmitaithimi lstai aýeet visem #ho Noom fimito e t wti ea . xd caug I&It, intersecla t "d1tà r eru lmil ; tuheaeNorth sevauty fou,.,de. treu, auhtwueychaîne moreorslman, thp Eaata5lot-,mil of aidleîaomlh elateeu degreas Sial lgg last u*e limit te ts eitatu 1 ta&#iri *Wet tventy csoh une r 1.,te tis Western lîmnil cf tise saiSlt'-tisence Norths sixteen degree,B Weat &longfaà l mtlied imnit te tue ZraeQfb teiu,.x ptiug therefros,,b '.ado.IIliécO a% 811015W8 MOTEL, ail; iVEJIPOOL M.UR.ET, lu lb. TOWNEIP cf P-ICI(EUNG, ou Saltuêy, the IDth I)ay of Februar3, ... 1881, atone O'9ciork lu thse aflernoon. Ths ai is ced Clay ban, ilta Wall Wat-* ered by a weii aud ereek ; tisera in a good orchartl of about oue â tatioa-bal.f acres. ~l'bore are on thse property a fr,,.me cottage, ban and stables. Tite fefrces are good. Tise properryid wttit itreesmluitea Liverpool mnarkýý.Tisere are goodl roade ieading ihoreto. TERRiS 0F SALB.-Oue lents cash at lise tins of sale, enougi witliu u ne monts lisernalter te maRs v ith the depost one lisird eftishe purchs mouey, tise balance, vItS interest at seven per cent, frou tise day of sale, go be pald vithin one ear lereafter and ho secureil Sp mortMee of tise prenuisea. Furtber prusslars and condtions of sale eau h baS fronth. Vndor.s Soiitor. - LYMAN ENGLISH, VmentsraSoliior, Ossv,21 Jan , 1.8-d6ix Osisawa, Ont. 3, E SEM Y CVRI; THAT WisItby; P l OarhLapeeig of th Cemlpacy,in tire TOWN" 0OF WHITB* y BÂTLTRDAY, the 5th Day -of FEBRUÂRY next At tbhe our of Tvelve o'clock, noon. for lise Eleetion cf Directors fer tse enuulug ear, anS for other purpoacu.. OSS Whitby, Jan. 241h, 18#1L.Zu -TENDER8 FdI? LliMBER At/P SCANTLINe. r NDSR WXLLBEI PROEVE] teTouClkp so2ceWath. p For ths fe wvugqumuty et lumbnd u o700 f. " ld c"dau .catiin& 1U 81îcJslSah pin. pimula, ]à vIde "anti 1fe a loug*i. nloO 2,000 fet liinclacis ie piaak, 8 inchs vide anti 18 If u MsJegi.1 Ail cf tisa bovei']Uml a.ta-moSaatinag te -Itad lt . eivrda ismu -WIL DiJNJiIY ObAinuauStseelu snd ADMdINIBTRâATrOaR'6NOTIOE. TLrKe , ~. , NION T~t s~'Vt"t e. ..rfo h!. iw i AilQQOd~~~m~i ei WEoI a ra eUto 21 "- " ~ ' 4 '4 4 4- ..~ ÈRCENT. DISCOU, -NTOFF, ALL CASH IPIJRCHA ýSSOVR$10 40.-- 4 -" WINTER GOODS. 16 4~. .4.; ~BJJFFALO ROBE 20 4 4-FlIRSr Two stores lu th Whiltbp MarketI Blocc,- 8 or ô years' Lease. Suitahie for grocerp and provisions, or auy ot.ber.bualueaa--good., oace. Apply to TROUAS ITtTTOII, lily 28,1880. 82-tf Town Clark J3R0NCHITI,ý LOS 0OF alde.a"touaas 'p e-s Guer Ane.Zat< ea-d tmnge C' WA ghe.L 27aa Ao,.. neooa -#"WIV l Se ultIIml 150 0sS ~ s Te Spwh1TCidmape*»icer, oerig ua p /roouand hji- aNew ta 1ie Iackita SU M i.n »ou suil th=oI the/ bL * B etsa &D=te tint SIa 4 d."1p o!' BChros ou otbU- jTe o.pki, eo111u0mo e our nappe, SINGLE sak SoaggtsSs 4 Amee SUBSCRIERS AIEU AT OCE ou, tia tdrul eeeylentc lis ate ote d ra. t dyC!" at 18 fSELLING - OFFA4 business on the elpiration of leuae. atlèwIho Ock,-âtý DLN~ASAN CRN4IL :COTTONS, at Ocf-8, -A t arge Stock of Groce4S. uar.s, extra valu Wh~tby8 J5 I *444-4 ' m i t * <~4 4 4.4 January 18th1 1881 4 W: I 4'. .4.- t. -. .~h'-. j.' '.' V t faction to the Èhwimreda, fuyer be '-continued.-during ýJanuary. ~'dd FellUow ' all. TO -THE -FAIMEI?8' 0F I-E - DOMINIO10N! We oôfer you for the harvest of 1880, the followingflrst-- BROWN'8 -WRfl'PY-HÂRVESTEB, (Improvr.) YOUN CAN~Â4~f91 , mprovea.) OA.YJGKn MWB ,(I4proved.) Tire aibove -machines require ne omm2nt. from us, afwerpnasig 1uI aucir a harveet etho4e sd carying tire Go1dU*Waaior-Qt4s ~Wêa15 »~ify%~ ait durable mmi aid propose taps~CÂHUN '~'o~allst our office in t1 y befor plao«i71ourors elWhere, ait la onur nnrO tb~te - CASH S YS T E M' t Maor ou ic & "ioweatliv- - WN-â PATTERSOW4MNF'ýd CO. ~YJan 1f 879. ~ 44~ae TOWN, of WHTÉBY A,ý* T E #eRý PorlOeead et i ~ Fid, y I ~ ~ ~ ~ -'H 0 Zi8,lid Vo- ...edýiINX WK id bRLEmta' n1<th 4 4 4 4 4 e. 3~ POWELL ~&.. GO., DOM1N~Q4~4 4 «'z WA$~R9qMS. a ~~44 t .44511 de/i tit,. 5aIt Khu à Ne 'vola 15île '1.' 4 ino B«RuWees W.b 4 Siu5le 1'isahous ~ed w/cl i i villa psnnsl J~. Ail .1 ýJW A4>1)vEËRr LS-Em EýN. iIT - tÉ E v-È OUI? GRADES (>4 MLEA s - 4' 44 ~-t4t4 'i ~- o ~ e -~ fi ~ .-î04-, - o 0-, o -AND.-h ?É78otf'qPated JQd.. wi: Wibeo#éà atiý«h 1e.tiï "IAn Actreg"e ort,o ÊST!B laleeof tise Tc cuntp of Oni SieS ou lb. iri berehv r/cour, -- 4,, ty, sud tolU be PrivaS. 8" ai oc.tia TI Wl au reesivutd 1