Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Jan 1881, p. 4

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LWW y 1Ut chenl Dodd s M louaicisram, vbe. vMt& J~laeWm =oaueU l. aUMnuthn. ILev abouti Z 1ce. »ý W vith abuse The h of . vesMlu th. lime et Lovs, Ah.,lI butl trinar Ae suit- saà"rdiné ender zoutbful fui Most e tS.ofalu pressureclose au Thar, àaMot neof I1 ove,. suppIrting an Along Mê% icupp.ry pathway in lis frost, There la Score aeed for love tb wrapt watm AgajUst di.'s ood,when suommer Bowe. are lout. Lau hnshsbre thy lii's gluad sumi Bu e ewalk baieau. b.. in tte suow!i WASSAIL:- A Christmase Slory. CRAPTBR viii. Horoatiily oonoented 10 retcuawîl] tue, but 'twas nlght are we arrived, ani Sb. star. vere ebtning down brnghtl, 091 thlbutlan ~d ail 'lts wretchodaeai Whea v.e atered, Harry vas lyla, quit. quie; thcey.011,wel. eaveu moti sunoe. nov; tbeniuaadady» lor on hlit fae."s4" à,*pêo< ld save etood on his brou'. The dootor said hi -DOultimiïïhope for hlm, aud that hi, @y" WAesO Aes 'bAh, - iollo a buo IL T TIg lli I Ioaw troi. my heurt. tom t4#g'M >1471 mn eto e Iai.lmiit haàvabatu so dfg= 's , thnbik longi th __e _ écored me eo al voulu have beau veil. I1aeonid Emr a s eooan va meglt bave hins wiâ&-toingeR ltua»aMy' lova to -7 uR'94.1 Tva. lotes liowver, baforai1 êt er 1li -o oaet . lopa. sud iWoa î._'I'pvomits.d rl faliy 'twaen~w,...-ore ~marrie,! vs -'rdou. Bo leti h raIe agate «àaow badthe.. htfta er aiseo *0 d o,o ourea, Do auçvas utleb"d ber fatu adskw h &qwper, ae e a I g" lit, .anda eri.1 = w 8 Istek t evelr, Ite... 1117ly tff bard ta the old vay.. DOma »#I 1pa , ivaaun ffl,-but 'tva. "ýr f£et eld vogue . Thon &.- -19 front liovevar. So thinge vaut ounutllýtwo eare haut paaaed, au -no fhaiblt vai bora 10unu b 0 ing ad affect baàgaa ta bs.uepatience, aund voulut toui me sad cpeak tu br prend vay, aMd bilei.vouldadd im.s, S"ahI haveka IJ 4uir ý -mtfaa, -strulif bar. Stili -eh# ta*.d by me. 'lao dI~, lu* -Oe agh fit' h *e , o e da Mr lIer faill ail aut,,to, ecup lieu ehfid, and loft bbcrooi : B osS irg I vent away early, Dtuci rg te ftua. br; but vha Ireturneut ahia va 4%UU luieue en u i ,,,,gn, equ.uuy tua *toat ta i oon1glt, he vouiao, lig tly ani shabbitly dressait, 11 passait ina. The-ro as eamfetliDinn lb br, Mi v.a ayonsmair,2 aade as jumping sud leapiag upou ber. I vas certain nOv, se I vent up anti salut, 'Oh, Baily, IZain seglaut that I bava U. I là ~oking for - g.,ý.1i se-at firet .11tit béta ton avay, antI then asua stoppaI aud turneut open me wiîb oue , s001d, 1hed culte., ~i kaov an84 é;- vent ou oti her sitry-lg og . ta lk fra, but shakiag aad .eîaggeop id eVar tp 'Twae a pâoi o~IIe Slad luotta, andi lier gwW rat fssa6a beau the voret raom -îa it. It liatI a as very poverty-trioken lookc 'Tvasi rivery cldant bar.. On alittie b.dlay nature as froc. ilînasus. 'Nov thon,' ciaosalut, vctb theame touesudlo*,*' ce se by yaur face lie in ded-it tfal' nver ; 00w tll mne aIl.' Ana I d14, saftealng tlîe soeao asmaeas' osil . At fieul cie trieut to Boom Sin eand etroag, but aature wvas w00Muobfor lier, and!, at iaat esue bursi ont itt violent vaepicg e h.,,wbs. thin " mors ho tea I b.loveoiber shM th than of the brutal liuiband. Whau il sbe'dcorne ta a litIle, I tolut ber af tih. ly xnarrisge certificat*. Gnou gracions, e. Lily, I neyer expeoteti the efecl thie ig haed an lier. She eprana up-gave a -a greal fbout-tba 8913 'ad m-b y the I.arc.antid qaa fecli-To. ,~Tom, ta-thia sanoiauarc jio decoiv. ae iog nie 'Dceiviagyn 'Iai 4";lok bWathelb certificat@.' She t.aie 1 eÃŽ aagrl àlkù read it over tben. sau if a Nk m uasad . 4tu.-4icmber ; "é, le flto p liai bandsansd coued afond, 'otiank gte for ti-L tbank v eorthôior ;' nat ghe rauba&to1 ir and M'etaiovoril, uaying. 'Tien pan iàm treân bboiainy darling-you are 100o batrd.' le esnaddesrar tWber - or , cn go home. r, osaacarry- peatteunce eeu sa ina nov, 'IFatbarI 1have4 kg innautaginat Illeayen. 'Aatageinut it chueo." Nwi7 oaa place laI ohild lu él hi. arMo. -se ,Il have forgotton lis o, ternuanov.' 'g. nover -va&*s tema i -Dover colu,' Isi, ,andthotin rîbi*ho I *i ber tbé intareépitd atter.. At M f1W I -ber oyas t, tah the'lb treason, andi v thsn the knovladge Iliat lier fallier "au n ot toarneti froc. bis datagbîer coie 1ti er. and ,IMfbeia abIappy c"is àprayiag. Neit ,norningil vaswuarrange StI tat I boqid<f g tk10seulea brj i ifairu and iu n v. aad Itb"abo stintut 1go home lna sbsip about to soiinl a few dr, vt gn.. t olid -lady ) who vaalso boueward bounud. Z did6 e o si foe* n-ore, than À- vek mter.,f 'Ve bad idat a parting tbat vli oaver eariveti fis'st aloulut ceaieber. befare > realciag tbe matter ùa)tthe vicar. That w- va he meaolag of c., siaaqarado. J.w 1 antaut go knov if tee as corne beforeE I eliovedti aycf. To-niorrow I vla go te ber aId snurse'. in th. village tabosa if eha*lias beau Ibera-.anul LthonWhou L 1 bava @paut ho Chrialmas vtith the t eddtfather by the oit heartb, 1 vilii -,~r Livorplol l takaov vbat bas ~t~ug'f b.. sange, if jon $jo )b'Tom-ho',, "me >~de,,' eiauutt bathecoa he ba..is.. d . L*a-aiia turn esu, lernfertuce tli~ tkeqlaaîba ba i th ie hall, au snd vo eu, 5hatir that the thatolitis si blead1I - - ------- i re lau M, ADDTrui.JIuLOoiU.- Au aId ba,4Ï 'tcaS, ald ber Ovo "lwae jus& oprl . -iurc, ouill, quiet, nau iII practicae about but> Wmtirau -ME II Wwmac ,. vl ar t4oragu kep a achoot ?" sabd one ýyg ltWIy rnaclotber. "'Weil. foi; -MY part soutier thau do that, I voulut mry'40ver with aine childreu." Ibai myscif," vas ch. rpiy ; *"but whore ta the widov- vbho wtalimd ta c.arry t. correspond vits iw, autdlio vassoutenuecta ilire. earau' ipriseument inthle Pont.- leutiay, - h* Bxt6« gwhlatq tha sr Iàiluble v .10 ty,,bU avesW 4s aa -a*,]"ntueV 'I -rt te 4 W t itli lb rPZssiCà biaiori b' Im- ,l No s BAÃŽ.-ÃŽ,STao Cxo ýsàtâ " iÏon ldy t ananîseu. corabo!fha.o $6a"côié-dovu" *i*n ' #ho sang the wU.ornmc na a."A'io a-cn erl on harivgli aerveut an. hatbat ËbaIlted.d lo gô t. a bail, ;:z bave er, cress-autimmad* with "nv"salidsh, Iiie.11vaut lhe.'Wander,. tag Relbgea,"' saud t wu prodnce4; "sud," ali. oontiunod, "nov, 'Mis egg » baâ*@se. l lseast v e d ubt.1 "Tbis le Qe0orgae Futtthe ai a aiblîbitor of vsxvcrk for thii iin,'* atout nman," absrvail s speotator. "Very lIkely1 replied lhe man, sbartly uoa ppqvl(of i t«ment of bis, t l(lplaflao1g lias, Vo>afd bafèebeu àwiU asin. 'Th& n~ot, bas s0it Fother nate Ir t ~ 4o*,re 6%lg$ievrlt 1 1 aaUJs i et e Sa liuotg trouble ansi uncertaiîy a p ou lie pelice Of Europe, saut iaî'ting tie povairato, participate tinanoîlicr uropeau cou- n uaditâ i oimt l Oic unif a udpècteut that vbulc travollin t ibis be P»sthyorsclOeu sbain. 4,41, lsin-aà l4Y raterat. A liysteriuky aresturo debraa, Set admiricig tIte criuasanIAui-ora-: WVbeu e mouse lindistrcau à ait bnderda r dresa, - - Sho (inteut a2IfeU oit the flooï.ei. Three red'hairei mon valkedsolernu. 1 luto ias are aop.-w tçod keeperila ane of intereat. "Wba's eleoleul? Ohi 1ieg pardon," kle added. "Z Itiongli i asa torcliigbt praces. A Baltimiore lady, twenly-aevcn years of age, vas poited by a pair af groca stockings. Tie ignorance af ."r a wo a ofthat aga shonti abould kaaw tisat atookinga shautti novai be votan util ripe-Chicago In. lte"Oceas. Th'e Dominion Exhibition for thoéom. rit yaar viii b. betut aI Habifasx. ;Street rovr ; Firot Gauain-'Iili 51 yolur monti witb gravai.» Second Oi'Min-"*Yor'Il bave a pretty bis job doiý"it." Firot gsnin-"*Oh Iigt sitean, above.-Bosion Pol.. Tue RaQlraad Gar ele reporo,,ý fo,: t"i year esidin Oct. lot, 978 railseau accidents, by wlsleb 246 peuople wr' kilieti andi 961 vero injurod- Au n l. cm&eaeof 25 pet cent. os&er tic previona twelve muoatia. ly foilow kIcketi a neweiay the allier day fat pesterlng hbirtelayu, tspýevee iag paper. The lad', reveage td a geuicus and omnplet.- H. e witet tilt anouber boy accaotil"tie gentIu snd tben sionteti in tIhe heaîing oaiaIby.' etauderu. "It's no use 10 try - bic, Jin, bhe caitread.' lu sema impossible Tiat a ru'nidy made ois uuch coiaro ulauple 0 lntIIsi Iuchu, liaudrake l :2,de.1 '&C,. ehou d rake n.o nsnan~ra isch mar-elis aud wonderfsl cuire, s nio Ilittedo, but wbenu old sand youog, ri.%s ted poor, Pastor andi lictor, Lavyer sud Ledltor, ail testify to a .vn bien caret!by tLocr-u usuat iclieve ani try thomn your,.; soif. sud doait - au lonîger. (lie otier cou. Poverty and Dtrcaa. 'liaI puverty vhîch produces tie gretas listresa s flot ai the puise but of th. blond. Deprivadfits 1.ruicea, it benaes scean -aîtery, a cnsdition tarmieul eanl - -ti gik. (lven tiis cndition, aalcsl ~ 'iuas and ctas, goeral Lad 4acnj 01 .. S emb and, ap mnivouse b t' e. -- nicu pcar bioJ, dg ual heitate, bat eomoy 'aideisModicla i Doov ry whleub enileèbes Founîsar in thefr Mesutis' as-mote& hold Wordea" -"saomtc Shahspear. It inu uiversaiiy dsi$d tiret Ibis groat granus bas writtea >oUt taictost everythiag tut! touchei a mbjoe4aiipiy taadomrIL [t. -l onut ai. Dont ïct who vien .*rote 1the abovo wotuls w ba- an bis mmide oye bot & Brown%. 41alle coostorcil. for nd*lt leaone of the t ýj-."nai4e t a very .etl regulalot eotut. - '-4b&aftsvlv.keep itsa tyb " thle ta«*maol thrae_ _tmnsýid ~b c...asboy2. Jff4i. alloas-of Bufal, cai bc 'r. R. V. Piano@ opet s,-te. Palliethr of MaQe, uumoùut- ia lhealobe, Btly mymbeUoâs, the vosii- ,,à repotaitan Aalnad b,'h Fml Nediouas a Dr. ece nv m in wok iàbmsnmonlh se..pareta he vri b1aassib liaeylarge brsebettabltshent iu I.oudo. tbit Améolstoe --maIem mdiclnea for tba u~,jtclabratÀOf ir relief fPivse*i not, on l slnt, AU ssd by peo Pi eo srs le HasieI~l tht~upbferosraealrýLt- IOJ91I~AND, BROOKSTETWHTY Letter Papers, -ltigPpers, ýBpttigP Whty oèbil 01t, 88.: ~ B YULE. ITAIPIAN WAREHOUSE!1 I an aiy iirOS~iPtoèf ItR OYSTERB (best brande), and keep copnstantly on band ~.X: MI REJ FINNAN HADDIES, &p. A FULL ASSORTMENT op CHRI8TIE'S BISCUITS, MOIRS M2RMLADE (New ÉStock), - PUME 001 BAXINO POWDER, IECKIV8PARIS ]BLUE, PRENOR VINEGAR, l »in DeJOhns, 6PECI A Nt u EURÈfKÂ BYE, 1Whitby. Sept. 28, '80. I!IALIAN WA1RETO USE1 KING.,STREET, iosHAWA. Just received for Christmnas and tihe New Year, a lggez stock of Wi!NES and 'LIQUORS, aireot.,Urnportatioi co~riengPot aid IieryW. 1uçe , à.gdis Aie, and Guinness and Blood%. Porter. - Goterisu ôWta colebrsîed Olti Bye anud Malt Wliiskey, the bast lunge Tyor & ua. *nd'&mT onCn&in lsan otead-ae Beer on draftsud ta bottin,. The largest andI boat smortoti stock of CIGARs inattic oosnty 1 Part- and Sherry Wiuas, of suparior quality,. at 15.00, 14.00, $800 anti S2.50 per Inipsrial Gallon Nativo Port sudi Shrq, 1.75 par Gallon. A ai-lm. B m etoo oo 6g~pas a 2.75 per Gallon. 1 nd 0t.r 1elOld T de Gin.,- 's i "sBurkts, Dtaville au t7i lScc ansd Irisli Whickeys. 0* TddY,'1biskey. tli' finelst Whinkey in - ~~ Ç%t*-)Foe qf4n? doSè jFiesat qualîty of Old Jauc ate ura, -Basu Aie, botlldb7 Hiblert sud Faster-8ioue n u orto sud Pinte. Coagrave à&ofanorenla), Taylor &ô Bu t. 1.cataruies) AI. on draft, in 5, 10 sud 16 Gallon e,and ia Botla tansameaof opa dozai quarteandui vodOna pinta, as 11.25 per casa.- LAGER BEER FQUIWINTER USE, Tva 1iaen bottles ý-iî11.25 parto«. Opuinnau slu iods5.t luinquart. audints. '--<lagrave à Bouls etba*eýd Iant. at 11.50per dosen quarta, "i '75 cents pe maeàs.uPinta. ______ &llasania, Héer> Clay..WIu~ Qutimu of thuep. itra Eos a l«euijo, la Fier Eluctet, DoublaeS80" Watar, LamenËýA& nup titn~r i« "a>pled, anad t h I ~ ~ a s SoUltereturabie vbec Dot ebufargilfor. sur P r ven ion q the P reT iu îl ~enaU'sS Spvn dure mNU03, TUE MOBT IMPolTANT If 'EISO'TI ÂE 4 tm 6et~fr. t a avln. W. makwa it wa"t=su 6ad il, la proveo e'aa inuàTtt axoallant rmo-atuaulargem tae ofany ku ~de zo bia nor canas aau aore. t bas no *qual, t0ona kïowladg., for spavin, aplint, ring. boue, enrb, callona apratu, avallugeg, lamnaneaa froc. vlialover causa, ký aIlalagamutso! he oins, uy artbi tha body or limbu, andtin also good for cula, soratchea, voimds,ato. 1 For Nan,s i t completo'renaedy forCorne, Front-Bites, or envBrinie, Cult W@ hava raaantiy pubiaheut a NEW HOItSE BOOZ. troatine ou the borsa an& lie diseasea. About 600,000 havea araazdy beau sotd lu A àsbb'i ime aI the 10o1 -eu of 85 onta, or aix copias $2, Andt evary one *ho saous tprononuoea il thïbât book ever publisaed for tb. prion, aeod nay laIm ýit 9o'ha v,-orth mo =re lhsj twoks for vhich they hava pold $5 a«4#lt SR. W. SMITH & 00., Proprietors,, Montreal. 1]iOr sala ln Whitby hy T. Ou WLITxlumLI3, Brock-St., Whitby W-SEND FOR VALUAB JEV1ItCULAI,..-M ,ANeOVNCÈME~NT. The. nderslgned begep e t-oannounce tO th- -in-- habitants O e t tb ana. rundiln o1tq u aIh i o ~c On Bréck Street, two doors SÃ"uhliof the,,'New 3 akt viiem o entends to kccp a largo and wiU.,cor:t"-" stbck or FUtINITUUýE,' sud hopes by strict attention ta bushiüàâ,,Ïà menit scoutinuanco oduei patronage go long,oatowed ou tihe ldtq~kibial Parties desirous of furnishing, ëm-ô l'dacoiead weol ,ilected stock ta choose from, , ei ir ialo h8- bootsgot UP 0- rul or ahi openfng, andha il" aa4-îè*ioode froni ýtb faotr'ii aLWtenneedeut. rnay rely on gettigôgod Eu.rnitu.r&t at th4eý ,4iearlyr inspection of the 0"oo is now solicitea ' t,*1jatr you bu,' on not, you al ill iii coe t, -- t:tedand Whit»ne7 - -8tihpèt18te80.n PRLORI BOOT and-9b1 E <9 TUlE!1 Deerels Block, Brock-St. Whitby, MATTHEWCLLN -rFUINTIE I-n.forms ouste mers that at the above establishmeont 'ilbe, founut THE LAII-GEST, I3EST, su Ian B ~srnot feakof Boots endt Shoca t oten Torautn sud.MoucL. - . Don'tbh.satisufled with loxga ti ipa uh hw wiudow, but go inisud examine sud eofor- yoiu-elf thea store fiPed with evr tli ian orf a oaled frl h o'td8wI», f r'Laies5ý O'r$900 srha i-r - ~ubbrailf. A-42'Lo-W.PECES: Noblow! 1bU -t what is -Straz :Bi niing: that iutue cases yetnpacheil tic undeMgrelgd hu4 o ii, d sa~g toht nstealishm.nt&, inhIda.liue po, * S.zie Eoý -adieS' inKdBot il ns eî i Valises i-gr eat variety,-ut -Iowest- procès. I Whitb,', Oct.-£6,.'8Qp, -MA T~egW 004LTNS T-.Masmoth Pror*atsd i Store,- DEVERELL'S8 BLOCFK: ~W~st~8t¶xk In Tow Froni-tha veUl.kwnuAm of BRUCE & 0., frrontoe Phofoaphers, 'T a - sra iniii, btheisan ef'Wbitby anduth urtOntario, that bo bas Murs,. theYO1ixm BR(Y ndinKereso WIIITBX. ro. j iM WALO1,,2UARANTED LOWRBT RBATES I-1 -CHILDREN-AiSPRCIALTY.- Ste Our TABLE TTE PHOTOS. $ÃŽRA MING W ta arancheai'--, PHOTOS. COIE» anut anDlarged,-and Butished plain ln oilI,waercoIour, liji, or crayon, at BOW!OU 8 --AGENT -for Maso., & Rlschi manu- fatture t af-P4anos aiiOrgans. Orders for Tunlng prompti atîedeut to.. i * W. RL. Iopes by strict attentIon t obual- neoseto merita hz, fUêptrn gmo liherally bestoweil on bis predecezsrs. whutby, May 11, 1880.- 'tto 2~e t GREÂÉý 'kSMED PO 'wich canlewcned y ii 'tîrncld y- resort te inst 'ird .gp'cparation s i in..e proucd' by th lided!,anf testim onale i4ecehoèd'by the and i1cÇ reto'bethe Pmaut - sauctioned by the experience, foveî'forty years. wh6ný resorted'to in season. itL sel- ;dom fails to effeet a spe cue b -the mout severe- C roup,- Whooping ongh, rfon, A*tba, C9Jds, for ts c BzbToronto, partiesaWàisbng chair Pianos propef wUVI cele hva choirordar WtiÇi LTO & RUPEET, ]PhotographerS, Wej -Itsous locr bity.Orders by manj adrcemta Murs Mason & Btsch, Toron. to, vill recoive prompt attsionfim yd d iVe'ftPOOLT 40-RDÃ"I<DERIi'Y WI? iÏR S R vi iBOSTON AN» r J HALIPAX $HORTÉST. CEA PASSAGE! The Steamships Of te AÂian Lino are, dasPatoheut from Boston evcry Tbursday.. calling At Halifax on Friday, andt viiile&avo Hs-lilsxevery Saturay. TEIcOUoE RATES PIOX vui!vs; Lia BOSTOit Cabin, t68>nû&'68 68, 91 accor4lng to- position O at itaeoni. Lover rate for te. turu ticktui. lIntgrmedi te, 848. steere- ai loweat raies. DATES OF 5AILINo. PVIYnssla from Boston, Jan. 1M1, from Rail. %ax, jan. 111h.ý Ca lnfrorn Boston, Jan. 2th, from Esilax, Srinatlnoi BOSton, Jan. 271h, froin Ral- ý"c&JM rMBoulon, leb, Brd, Ir=m HeU. SZdfllnebwfll Boton. Feu. 101h, from Hau-. ,donderry, Blfas, GlasgowQenaon Bristol, Cardtiff, anutLodon; aner Autic ýLiverooL 11 parties vsIng -Iq senut fori beir* friands oaobiftiC*etoetlOWratas. -, o Ãœkb -an ute ormation apply WhIty, Ny R t, 180. Wbitby. 0dYS1. PRLOR. ~MRS~UGTO s Oyiter Prlor Whtby, Nov. 28. 140-IL. J cI Fi hn nb. ht1 affereit, pAray beben b, ie toose vhý ' î 1lb iIr$ sc hn e e Inauin~ -peoeiy. -wevu ay-15, 'wo onîé . aulirlata work fcr, i r gb - inlu i triqrm lc lle. The btalbt vl you 'gfÀ~ o . on e vhs e gaffl . 1Als t. make mofléï very rapidly. -rouoau' de u 7yiD1wboletieIo the van, àci1]y your tpz yio e . - P a, fn oiiatidn a u af that i lned 'ut sent re e. . d s s TIOWN-&PABRK LOTW FOR SAMi. ELIGIBLY SITUATED-EASY -TERMS. Sari2gIl etu oaby Drn"-I4 lDSt rgecrà - TG. WITFpLD c - - ChettWh -I .l' eu Te qi mn 7r A: -l iNTi il -Alý 1 à 1 1 1 1 FURNI TURE 1 1

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