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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Feb 1881, p. 3

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able quahtlleanuut hat. e r.. é- batb.spb",n1e, W. thae lerk ot -ju h e , asnsu of oowit O8$~>Ia88h. mnde ifs *0be anià1tr reva foi use of eh euutboip6aiit14 l from el0, 0isb gtlinghdo s up on teMuva(omofie Mr. Elotrepo9rtec7 th e maorial to Go01 r t8ueOitttfiiànrto>Wiby habor, vih vas adopted, ulgned by the virden, an«, 1h.e ul 'of .-lte oorpo. ration allaoliel. ? RORUQUo-On motion of 1Mr. Miller, son etiby r., Monouue iai»bon the. coe O UMstjorIl stand adjourned' &0 the tintI Tneody Ini une. On motion of Mfr. Lirke -oounoil ad. tcurned, at 4.80, p.m. Thc Financial Association of Ontarfo. The fdolngcirculai iii been iained froin le EAmi offceLonticu nt.- 1 am dirsotu ineiocrîu pou hst,cvwing to the Damber of apIUO1ti0n for stock ai. reidy recelved, Ch. dlrecters have deemied It expedie nçmorse h rio. cf lute carier tise oflgisaiy intended, except ~In 80 raos thoue ml3i u*comoincatlon with thueCmpati ~conc$rnef vione appl- oSCbDu ll e ezterlnined tb an amount "iSC eaceudJ on. thousaS dollars sari. APPlitltonu 1cr Prefeirence Stock 'ii, at PreOI".,gbe received et Two l'us OSaT. pats- p di, equlalnt at tii. minmum rate cf uividnd, to a returu of about 7j per ceut., on amont investeti. USou à as hare- boiSersanu-ber about 260, a furtiier in- creusue in th.prîte cf isue vill h. maSsà. Rubscrlbers vil nov b. ulowed suxt7 daps from date cf subuription i b ilci ta psy up h amsitventy par cent. leutead oi tbrse months ai herutofore. hu balance in innenffet Ccbu pild iltlic ocveneeo f uubiorlbers, but therlîght te roecrvud, ihould Ch.Directors de.oit uxpedlet, tCcallUit inaetCàrate oîexce di~ve per cent. per menti. Subicribtreewie, ai usual, b. en- tIlleS Ctepy Up iy portion, or he 'viole cf 4siico U~rCme ina atvaune of call wii 1 ciatio individende, proportlonably te the amonnt paid ia, frein the day lieume nieumcpiad. Allotmnst yUl b. secured aI eue per cent lent than >hPo regular rate by poyieg up forty par O4t cf hu umount u sried at h ime cfouiacrption. % (Signedi Edwuud Le RueyA3ai- g4)rectcr. LnITL's t 0 Aou number cf Tne Livin Âefor th. veek ondlng January 'vth, has l=vlgotevortby rlieles: Tii Prophulfe Powr o Potry, *Iv . CO Siair, r luxee Pd 1 %éü"k rt V. by the John, iy Jen owa, & fR Ay 'iti aWar BE" ,Ninoteenti Uontury Blrd.1 unt Corbrâ Sv£=w, Temple lBe Spectator isud lie uus Munot ehice PTi e ouivolumc cf tCiC standard weel rnule bago Jsuary lut.- gocl Ch e for the iuulragofao.anbsc*lption. For ftyt-two pl as fîxty.fcua large pae en (o moe.tisean 0 a.scar, oe ubsncril priv (0 twrdý;, lefirolm se 54 M-thl«'Oo *lthThe Living Age for o yarbclr5etpjd.Littul LCc., Bouton, R Uacr"04z=for Pebrnary linanotier 0 tN i t. ainino-Ilustrates. RS L'h Eelis Laes udtilGCeU. flL- Wth TWeoCy.tWoUIluatratione. Pollen itu theUnt.d tute.-Wfithlourtoon1 Thl lti NoM4 Tork Vobuteor Fire Deuet. mg IWCit, lnIllustratioou. Llterary and Socil hoto.-Wlth E lgiteen illusltrat4ios Aune. Contance Fuimou îoolcon-Wti fllustratio. The Pire.FI.À Jme Fx. TI B e &Wyof barlesJae = lialcolin Johoston. A Laodlceau. hBookr the Flt--Georce Soin- STOCK LaiT vo us CLOuat.-We bave-ru. ceiveti tbe-fclloiug circolar from tie offie. cf teUic PàuncwaAssociation cf Otrio, London.- It ,j~wa ourem.rku cf lent weck, &U4tilp.l srie otau an e gâte, vere woei i annoueeno 'vero stock cflieph kct lasu*vtlt b. ucditiare Chia*moitiT êcircpIarreadi :-"Ibos te inorm Xyonat*r>,ý claIcfaacllalcsfr freur, stoetas uepu tcu, prun i equvaentalie elimerarate cf diva. f dend, to a rourietof099ou *%ch #100 la. veulsi il close on or belorte l81*let., Sgd) Etlwurld.Bueyo, Kausgfng Diaceor. Irish faaif ti-Impeflaillua. J Thc debs b 9, -be o.6Qv bbiil. In been gaing o» MiiIAày. and l tlil inf.mt & # o h.e<iffiatet lthe rles of theH.alab in obstrItting lie passage cf the bl, Md arc deternileed f Cc boiS out ai lobeg aspossible. nT ii *uppoaersof 11h l.aauro attend Il er..' laps &&d 1elievtous muher every fev - boute. Paulnbheretueed 1 lIse %o aIl adv&oon a s coumprornlue. The 1ardly bnsgtthiliolaue ithi *19ort o eob R ~ î Lino * Ù6eti o Ciepa L ai' euy or 0084f'é' S eeon m lth e cveiPoeihr eoli a Zu geor lb. spirfiofthe 'P<nding BillSe Zond b. grud to1h. obpgclioviibo el Ifr. Par» ge rose,->U Pal vitb' oonaid.rablrposter Iah I1i ho cha hltherÏo shown durini th. debale liaI b. vas raI d$ê* tlz6hhêGairn. Wb ment ltIollas lie g.mo.l obstrçotion. lt in aIj Iatlalmta' land t utreci ho, vusPreparod 10 ansver c witt i ls.head, or go o thc l slovs, as miglut bu mccl s4$AWoiyyl0 1,Un ov- ernnioeptBa»> iti lot. - *M, -Dominin- epalismevt. ltv Thme GovernmteàtýSydale rSsblli. lionq ý'ore cm leif$1Isd 1 o 5, - 80-tlb. vote 'WAa, a SiaV eek, &, hiù trlctlypartydcIfe,-r- c On w4~w4yge~ol lie tws-'a On T ien.lse a *a oteQ. fa etw &Qr ntl'clock Fri 1 rÃ"ni.to DivWoîi wk buoù omse méven. ' bsn ae rmditb o Iêeoradu SAl i re otidi 41u by, ueJolitieu ÙrM M tu -4-l - £"I i2 -.. c Leglulature of Ontatlo. Thuraday tstCHon. Mr. Wood, Pgo- biocial Treainren, made bis inseclal stitemunt. Tic flloving in a statumetoth Ce receipts for 1880 : IuldIY .81,116,872 80 puafegrand., 80,000 00 pund,... 16,696 62 -81,883,569 42 CRiOWit LANiD$ asRIsCs.U OoVU Lande.. 88,867 90 Cbesgy Lmadu -18,818 87 Conaron Scicol Lande........ 40248 42 Oracemar sohool Iands..... .o.,2?747 Wooiittfortutu 501,4421i camuai......... .12,117 18 - 616,811 96 'PUBLIC Xrrrmuiau-rusas. Toronito Lunatia Lontaon Lunatic .Asylum . .. 16,800 60 Hlamilt'n luo'lac Asylum.... 2,742 62 Kiagte blunallo Asybui..... ,627 00 Oulla Lunatie Asyluce..... "65 Ruioumaocup'_ 1,49t 10 Blue Insttqe. 28 185 Deg anSdlu'vb Ibsîltute. . 1,077 Où Central Prison.. 22,8o078 Mercer Retorni. a cho 2'cf...(. , 615871 91Pra. CalSciee.. 885 00 ...ati.............. Interest ou tevestoient... Gazette.. ......8,286 18 situte.886... u Senties . £LM2078 Licencs.................. LAts tamps ............... AMgma Taxes ............. Drainage Auuuemeoî .... Munielgal Loin Pni A&&Kcott raCol.6. insurano. cl cf Practch ciene. Mimico Farce............. Kingigton Loustic Aslum.... Toronto Lunatio AuYau', landi ucîS Credit, Valey.., Centrai Prison, banS solS Credit V'alley..ï..... 8.111cr, RmeuCeade. *0,9094 44,28M 27 101,812 28 829,592 97 66,M8480 19,734 97 61 ,78à 85 14,868 27 8m899 8568 9,918 75 4,1606 6 f2,451,988 49 Tihegi'aifyieg ica-eau. exhibitet abovinla nlncIially noticeaie lu Cie r «Venue =froiCeva Landus wiai vs, 846806,811-90 mors than lie lta8. The vihole revenus of the, province burev xoued e ieestimates by 8$185.. _16, and alosimoocuded Cie diaburs- mpoteu nder tie supply BiH bp $218,. h.95. Tii. lollovlng l isheatuel si. puaditure-for 1880. Ci = ent;............ 9 178,782 67 .do1,.85.. Ldeaihietrstlau cOf Jsie 9500 Iachicu,............. ot,1 sa8 luanlgutlo.............62983 Juruptal ad Caniez .......nti %W2,6 claeAo.tlot...... ... 106,19 tebue 3icrki-------2,876 81 'Clouisatioioda. ..........95,88 99 Charges on Crove Lande ... 6,040 t lefunda ..................... DA 28 Forth byear 1880 tia balance shoot ci1he Province alande tins : .fte .................... 9,451,98 hxpeutiture............... ,4,8 The alI fiîial 'Posiionof tic Province, hoyever, le siayon b7 lthe t>lboving tobalu: mt..................00472 Total murpine...... .....290A986i rixo iplendid exhibîl sqahow. c, wvl nd boy v/l"i ,'à,affira fictC§aie aave been condnolsd iy 1Mr. Movat. mle.- i. e ois oretd l th f i Cmitte.on Swâanïa Mr. Moval, i&» rPl1 ~nelu 4 lier.s v oiie ompslbUW cf làoflefij:s"ioof tb. place vi ýaid Lé. Govenraeý bm.1Lotg, àav afull relum» of MXai" 'làa. iInhie ol~r V4 ý ubmw11ê in t8'lieir local fnodo» of Mon.,, Mr rock$in rerl»vç4oMh.,'It"éto nidths Infuuriho winubes d lb, 4naaof tibba'U uwil.;woold be 'a. [na& luthe adold -r r4 ci.ý With the view of reducing our still very large stock, have now made "erègea 'D' tion prices in every departmýent. Special attention is directed to Fancy Goods,.VeWîiet, Mantles,)ý Shawls, MiUinery and Fancy Wool Goods, ail of which will be sold at .sweeping.,reducltions.. Our stock of Fine Furs we wilI clear at special quotations. Ail are invited. A F=Nurqii; NaD.-Dr. Wigtar's Bal #amrYofWild Ch"rrj ha frien in unoe. Who h s notfound it SUCh ln cUring aJI diseaies of the longs and Ibroat, ocughu, oold,ad pulmonaryaffections, and "laut, not Issat," cocsamption 1? The i. 1k ameas. sured hat the higli standard cf uxoeUnce on which the. pcpularty cfi " lireparatioz i baaud, wll sivays b. malnasned hy the ,proprletors, ** muianr AND LIu ua's FLO8IDA Wàrza.»- The. most dolait. nvalida, theateut &ni- fers wlth sea.àelness, aud Cose vhoss nericue systems arc moit uenstiro, prefer Sbefr. a&U otbec,*"ndnueIt tutii.e ex 4uuc f il thesnot fMr a Cime ouly, 'rtaywasandcuntlnuouaiy. The enue ci smnu neYr tires cf iCi ucft, refreshing crior. Buclen'us Arnica salve. Tihes Su.SAVI in the vouSd for Cute, Ba*eisoes,8r.,Mle Sult heulm Paver -oeTetr happEiLândi, Cbblalns, Cor» nasd aIl kiýplndof 8km Erptions. Thissulve lu guuracteed Cc gi. perfect fallifaction lai. or4 ou-ormney refand- ed. Pffcetcentuper3m . PrulebyT. mSrd, ont, M"r i15, 88Ow Kessre. P" e vDisa &iiSon &tIi avrenc, - Montréal. 1 beg 10 .ertlfy hat from Uichu'aun tityoôf yog xclen ui.ile ,l ,My cuttontl se u eli asItilbavlng been oUed uextenuively in My own familiy, and f rom the report. cf my customners, au, vei as the. uxpoice ofMy own household, Che Pain-Klr . bean fcund a gretat seia. 1cr ci palia forthe. cosplslntu for Wb OU reoommclî, purtcuarlY lu coldu, C or t-pan etcircula. liceCrampe, Pa in uàh.Stcmach 8cm- Merw antind Comlainte, 8re hroat &o. APLUodezMw0ytbss beu fcnd ve c né l spzsme, btulesoi lueuatie paM. , weliud faâe o., .,g rom toth- 1 ave Isard hfm 00orn fuaMycuutoùfer tisse lait few deys cf Is being vrery ueful by uttng le*drp.lea &elittlevarm mlgeto rughlii»< nlambu af C.a lai. ingee throghp cilleS through. din-4Tuf KoAnT tvx.o» *~ ~ ~ ~~ Dà* Tà ofoy fBiiha oarig., and Dm ici -ohrpd0 cent. a#cL WI HTB y ARKRTS1. CxaolczaDivns, ebealy sud, 148. paWhat...........I 110 arly......... .01 i0 Flour, per owt...........S275 O 800 Bye ...................70 0 85 Puai ...................0860 *066 Peau, blsak-eyed .......0850 090 Blue Pei................ 085 j1 00 Orts .................... 80 n w81 IlaY ..................... 000 9 g Apple, parbu........C U *060 Pctatoes ................. 025 <080 Eggs .................... 018 lx02 Butter .................0 8la 020 checue..................1 O016 Woo.d....... ..... .... -40 0 Tutal.................... 00 7-60 -tc u v l e . . . . . . . . .0 1 0 0 0 eds.......... 002001 Chlcsnsperalr 080S Od0 .05090 Teaper lb....«..... .00* 0 e Woeauza~sled . 00* 026 vasheti.....000 0 cc26 Bacon, Farmiar'.. 006 O000 Hame,.............:*:010 <j012 1 visud a re*e st vini cure ouf PRER 0F? OKwaRE Tiegetrm W WB1IT Y. ÃŽhe cm ntoam ~jCla NEW ADVXRTISEMENTS. TO BUILDERS 1 sl BPABATB OB LUMTENDERS viii Kb. mvd yteundermiRned Cill of Februarly, for thé erecton cf à BRICK HOTEL, iii th.e V e o f Duafnu Crek Draingu land upecfltots cn b. mu st Mr. John Cuthberl'u hotel, Duffns' Creek. lin-7 wrdflet, h lyP.O. TO LETI1 Tva *tom ilu Ch Wbltbp Msnke-Blcc- 8or ô peur.' L«ai. Sultable for guocer and proiflons, or sue chier uaaa---ct ahanoe.. pbl july 28,1. 2.11 Tovubiern IJROi"cHZ LOBS 5 VOICRe HOA1?6?IXRS8 41W cime~ p Baelt-e.oa Ge ibsa.eR AemS ~pe ddl.SYRU ou eet . aud Oa4mog e Ulmoeptoub. ziefreBR ,_W TBik.eJ'o TENDERS WIII b ruccie d m1eileàat« î Ja. th, th eee ÃŽ. c Plan an p Busich for Sa1Wlue.r T RI13SOUTE= L P1,~T.M leCi MChCn. ont mlpnIWht. ait ig hupi 185 UV Cet' -lor tmo apv1 on ia psn5ss.mr" ZlanosI Waatp o 0 DoIr -e T I NG BRC '~&r1~~TDISOTN SALE, 'Ihat has ynsuienreat- ±'çtio dtv4 deso uyers durng he a~tthre eekgq, will 'oeçouid lmrig Jauary. and fhi»Dns ý going on, ROBERTH BRYCý,E, Odd FellowS' hll ~1/ BEW, A 1)E is EENITs JUST RECEl VED ýF»i)? RA W, OA TMEAL. 5< Q -o Q Q Q o Q oW C TO T#F' FRL8.' VI TH E 2 --ii i 15a r W. Offer yon for ti ho8O4êolwn rt clan FarmingXmlýp1omniaj CAYUflAJÏ MO~ i 4 sûcia~ f abrcli.tbe 1ls d uçrying 11. teGold al for w )ausda Wc abc xollfy aul puertiasra vii nla lo ùa)irz' Plating your ordm e lacwharo asii li o*è.. tention tb adopt thc As neara. Wle pxsoioc, a d herlb>a =aké ang m phse Guve bc oi. < BROWN.,<I PATTige9tî ~&f'GCo FOR At T'IWFOLLtOWMG PRtWýSi DtfNO ?~~E~ A rilso Box BUÉWa.4 . 5 lP~~~ IA4' o,~,$0 * 'a sud Rou«nd Backllgf:V~6 U ~ vlaPitadfot 18~pPbCOu i el, a ,i W ro Ç vi tii pn~ftx00 6 8 -bandCuttexurs 14 -AUCTION, SALE -VALUABLE PROPERTI' -IN TEE- flUBSUN~r h a Poer of SBleom. F ained iu au hodenture 0cf Mortgag anti Jaimes AimnonS, whieh mortgagsvlllb. pr tu tahCe imoof sele.tlier. vin 1b. solS by-Public ntob M.Li at ..,T THE lýUOYAI> HOTEL, in the selS Town of:WIJTT C 'lc p.m., on SA TURDA Y, the Ff FT Day of ,FEBRLIARY, AJ2D,'1881, in eu* parcel, lie fqlloWing valuabîs pro. perty, vis: That certain parcel or tuent cf ]as ait-, este, iyicg sud baing in the Town.cf Wbme- bp, ie tie CoUnt f Ontario, anti composeti cf Chat part cf Lt Number Twenty-r-ix in the Second Concession cf the Tovasip cf Whitby, ku6wn andi- described ou aF plan thereof madie by Jnin Shier,-P L.S.. su Tovn Lot Nunuber Pie in PerrylesBlock Buat cf Broék Street, mave anS exc.èpopluuh r sud portion f id STo n LoÀ um ber 1iveiu.bretoforeslmaid nti ou#yd"by- one John Ham i'erry Io on> Tbliae Barber Wshkeu by Indenture bearinÉ date Che Tweuty-third day cf Decembe. k. 88 On thIe property aie efeetod hIc Od two.uîte; brick boildingi;, eeolipi bp ýMesure. urevel& Rutledge, isa s bsw offce, vici liai l'eugocd ilre.precfsiultu,- Ch. clierisaccupfed byDr.Guhbraith, vCh v comforta heoung oa eniit an'ls ý velruletianti el mUùjt aub- tte stre sud'bick*'buiingaS "Y asa td fr th. purpo:e. or r Wiila t inu lhtacttie sh M l, onedn lngeffciiuiuupto day' of mae.!' 4 or ITA4LIAN WAH 7NEW TINSHP -t M4 -r Rei*a £>' Oc-Foot ILI Tbt fdflcvfn alabisy=Fanmtle la ~o~xx~'ofE EEIG, ï-ler I e ofsaWek ce .,7ebruary, lSth-, 8 P. T5CKETS'.-:eB64t4~a i Wfo q JCTION ~AI~L -~ - - - t - - P IlS T-CL A S S lOTS A$DSUO~ S-T EWART 1 ý vt f Sale -1 Good8

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