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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1881, p. 4

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--*Wbot 1 yon trei.y btnt'Xploug té st lhi". me-aloaje wiLithého dws r' shrîok'.of' 0iJp."For ipase's suk ite #o 'un 4 1sks'ui ~wa," u e obbed 1 "il eloud i his lrror. Bûtutheb, omit»<do turtiod al pox,r&blo, and glidetl-oIT s tuIouidr~tu th 001as TOM lid,48Qcuç. au Ile dog iand TOpé 5t0o& A1o&àî' A n -10 vuain diu JoesutonnCourage tt*mks e. & rush by him. or t bitaurd au sltack al. re.umbranop oft îi m 100h at Li 8, midtegW4K c h h bIun- If manud 6 el le~1saly te sudt fro,%Iid dog voliewiuig au fke-ping fi: = ri- ey fixed on bita. At las& ho fsw a obi cu (uerOl eadiu# out of the hlisoit. 1nD Iiqkîulug h i iheu. &'Weaus of faa* au lie', haitle a frantia rush for it, sud o0 t.nut huma.lf tu a aniail court, euoiuaud lui b>y f4uk wails, à pulect culde osac, and ba tue-ru lu thui duor sîood its keeper. Hoe Jo blai; Dw mî. rfeIad espair, ilien lie Olvc.ted 10 aleep, Lut the instant holiem ivt;d le saw the oyes glowiog upon PI ui as watchful as evor. Thoenlhe would oreu.P osntiouiy round tha ro wullsu I.uping to fmd sonie plaue where til îliay cânid ,Le uualad, tili a louni growl w.uiilwarn u h ack ;theunhha triod ri con4iai, bu t thia was not a corberus, as tutu t. a p ;andi tlienha wouid (fail G, btik ou tîe wtOl lu a deadiy sweat. Tl i- iley titucd-the mouandact Jng- in 1t4iu wateller Kud the watchel-and se joÃŽir toit tiiuol als niu i ustody as 60 il (Liwea b.d bren handcuils onulhis WrMîsUli bûCkh'e Un bis legs. ' bi ilviiiru wu now to look after Ile yeo. 'w &uýRtx. GOmble heurtâ sud irîud îauds - *erù -tendictg hlm. Ho. iîad lbeau ol phicuedi in a large dahir sVthe-ioo oofthW vi know l; bis phrt,. uinekb i Ld I l'eeu lQQe1oieut h àuoo -'wasýbàt4ng hliî t?1r1105ad-illy chafflng bisbud-F bie vidert adminia&ering a resiorutive.. }2eyuo uthetr-he sue-ln a 1&qitiiiiatiuu ;gave a loud 'il ttdleu extl'ack Ii tb a tue, rotléed ti.stmuallÉevn -. 1140hi vicor, lie tarted and &as% uyligibtl tié&il# ch, " hodng ,ltaliae tl fi rd-)ud, eeutli o on oéVns s'l.gWhere's Tom 2"lie mseu i i engthf lumn.îuug owardit the dame wboet's ~TuwP Qb *y, deart." esilo 1utneeredI itut ulu~ p T ùmn wiIl cent, pou know , t au a -Oluly wandes inéga 1111e," Wi -W fedi the Vrieur, asîte ott.. TZ1é, i tt'-nI)iùg to gir. itu more aimwulsaul. ' * ."N',,i~be4Lc't, wan.rugudcrinsd 1I vid Guy stouuly. Ikia.u't Ise Un0 au 1 lo'f 1 wias lua a uuçuo-ti ;-d14't I Ïp. t. iel)Uai ti, i but 1 lî r -un u ap ii .'"u tudgre, tf iin i,# alidbrui, Jini. t titti a'ù U It hie. Iî.gsfa' ? dîdut I f-el 1 Lisa .rtîs i'i'iii.t nait, hoi-tiuig wtun r > o"èý,3Utg 1xiiuîu t Ibalie ~wge. 'Tv.4 Jiw.eurlLy P.éucohuW *cièr u .out lite nit. Agnin, I uay, wtat-ru'i a t<î2m wùiy igi't ict. hue?" %tueI r, l.uelisr," sîdîl Tcîu, sa l11u4 i 411UI-Mti IrLu I li@ chetinuts suad, 1 (1-îtilsîj orwtàrt, toio . stnum ut o klite KIOIIp, balopamdur Ilte old Mon. 1 u~ Iatu ltii-rir lerId (aller, OUuulc îi ta Mait pur feigivenflt5.' 'lià G(uy xutarcetfur aàînum"dt, as - iîu.glzicuîd y tir RFPuritlon h.olisé * enujouittîr.d uji ; thon îaalizlng à l.1 au. irpLuiael hfýtuç br by>einptlon, wv oj(j>ivu , andl forget." Tho le" 1 tr àitlercelu . , l 1 utokand tbu kisieu ; cindevn Lily lb.e ltule ýrogne, rtiue baria"l c, as îhougb oce I ti sWL.i4eed that Tam w"Is retîîrncd, a.elcotauoe n a roiwu'all quàrbers,. Afiè e bcU'iaiam cf aiU bavai woloddet a.tab gtlig*. ibo.,tm- uiSis- wjuiud the Wonder, bail sorhs$ the oldIb nd man called l Iis sou te "' w, .iiidle, .oftty, "boiw la ithe *Oi t'a nraely gel uuter; ither iséa. litile bl»Wuçil ilbÙt 'ils gtiodagi out, sa aei- iýt 'buWt burun uit tis 'lime,1 #%il: of une whiu led anade a grost samen- fict t p tlaiplp;. "Butltworp't,14ta1 vuas îhluking of, 'ivasof the iJis.dansd on it 'tey w thlouham berut'iiere, t le ire ,grtit op uelt, nd Ibal dsP zlieS'ý eq ay a4nît Aùl' n iàVé êtlp le h ýe ( isd I vuSà l.notes. TLer.!u lanids g«queoend dametsRolle, Tni." lu i tht. thougtbî Ibul their cvii public rvicêx bsd givonil tium a riaht of taIl t .1lvuon theLwu ves souglboer, battalo ]y tat tre Jope set amre w the tbs.etcu 3 bu robluury , for lie soA#40 Put Wap thé eup;'l.'is silos sud bu ,îsi7 , =trwptumiou, if nDotpwu*. O'It p "Weli, *a t ntrigbit, father, au d b. on' dorve it." 40~,f'nà. more 1b,0012*4 bnk cd' 1 l.ji îbswesoudbw s 14igenlto his andbtb; suzid 114 s har vhislle. At lirai ibis produceul 0ofeoQL Tl as repesteul 5)iyT5roly G id sbsrpîy, ssii socuDingo Il a s0 lf uruîtagu PIoiiy round.Lte hJase,4'toep UR Dow antd thon as if La shiov uhal hd îni retioaid lu deapite cf bis boiter fi ilgiciat.9 $.So.poe viii net, toe.sheiter wyuL ?rqchiug tbé group. ",No, 1 muet fsleepunder mp ovu ÃŽ] -col Iree, daznsged as ilt ia, lu sncb à ime as Ii. ",We<di thon, wy dean pid Moiud, 1L iauaI leave pou tutaLink ovor sud enjov il] the blessiogesud mercies whieîi 'od lias ponred upouvoou to-day." C "yeti, ludeesO, blfuuiogs sud uMerc ndeetl. I wti, 1555004 chai idpo epou j» My case. Wouhd pou 100 îy forgiveuess ",Forgivenesal, myol<ifriend. 'Twottl ec easy iudeod for thée longue toepupeai -1 wbat île beari bas said o ofien." Asbpoke*the, dark f.m.I.. fâgre Dure mors appesiit', caspîtp*wiè.be vicar, ï%na falling-itais -ft, uu g t ÇiOs rq~s oligoi uabs I bave etillleavéil antd agaInst thés. For s an istnt Arthur Versînume Fmu go'"eI esn ndermu-iloslcn; sn smYDotb insaithe Lsd ised bis sv~terlsin if rme, sud pressotiber qimbregat, kissink ber ferveutly on M~*d idrebesul. Pot a word vU as ai -Mos ope&k Dot aI sube L ' -b be pour pcitent amid ber cen gob oItt 0li fatber's t'sart fa!lsg on fier, cheek. The dame and LilY tmoveul 'n"rprd greet tLb. polar éndorri, b vca uiisutly waved tLbcîunbaok vitu bis baud, andi balfIesulîsg, bal >e.ring bis dangbler, muveti alovly bstuew&rds, Ibe groupa, as ha psssd, uucd-eering Ibeir bd-adil sent resileot oôt th.e geredulaof îLe mscèe. "-Tom." @,&d the peomnan. sfter a lang pause. t"sure Ibis hoas bes sa on.%erful niglu-s nigbt, or rallier a mor.u.a tlié pauon saysq. cf blptssinge sud mer-, Ap lit, poke, the voices o! the. vaIt- in tIthe'iIluire touniîng eîu'arty ibrougli tié air etruck up thoir Christmas ei'oL. T'ho;jaoos strain met witti s reai respoupe frein 1he group at thé obo* Dut. aîul wih on. impulse, oesdo. .11 joluiil uinthe beautiful yards- "H1ark 1the. huralti atgels sing, 'Glory t. bhe nets boria King, PMes o eali and wmuiup uild.l God sud aluners rerouciled !" (To be Co.ttiaued.) Tbne Iuillcaa Wiuea. "Do pou knev Ibe pnisener vWall1 aukeulth ale ttorney. INver kneW hum uick,"' repliai-el Lb ,,,*No I.'ity" sgalaI LIe attoreruyotu'rS.- "lIuvw, sir, dipeuos er so-i piouer vit the bar? "*Tcok mup sadrink wyu hlm ait s Par." . "t-Âswor my question, air," yt-lled tLe lswper. "11ev long have you kuovu lthe "PFrom tvo fest sp toe fe et toes -"IIIîîl e cuilt i takotif~~" iul Les Jeage," soiilthelb.vitueus as. ti4inîiithîe bawper. -I bec anavered -OR"s tire (cet Len, 0iyour basr-" "IV6.àsf(set Judgo, I'm union cstbo" ptrseliitbe vitos. TuIevpoer arase, plaucd botb banda on thetable in front oet bu. a preaul bis lega ieit4t. le ned iebis odp over the tâble Sud Aald: "VWiftYOU '-ei tihe noarl wbst pu ~kubw about thecase. - "Tu4 inisuisnane"-replied Itie - 'utain't bis noms ' "Iio salid It vas 2" "Yaiig diii. Yoî wa1e.tm.1knov wt 1 Ikoew soitbit-.asel-his namne "Yopr boneur, ' boelitheiaattruey,_ -Plio)i»ghbis Ibe.osiu-'by the racle, ~"Mou, Ba iae jIi gsa, swo 1" abawUsvtbe questions pg $o ou."# *'LupI cW Geshen, IAg.bUu, beau loin' it ? LiA& hua aeul qa "IThon," muid theu Iavyor, Idoa'b bout 4mrut-lbe bush ap tmort. You unI tuiý primonàu hase beu fnde ?s" ' 1Never" promptly neapoodel the u,;& sreu,-b PiiSbyten.0 au ocf paoseer wù frlens-i,>, nli'e Bsptwa awitheut a Ire u i - * {Stand dcviii io ye l iuc o in lueYery fili Iad for use Wheu vsnteda Ilitrsaly ta 6lubéel Sie . Piât "tu ofa e g5ro Au cldphaeaguteu ru munent cura for onao suptIBa rco" Is ~p~,A&ua, u sn-ul asd Lnng Igeisuias aie-epcsbl $oS cutsive power n llacusands 0cf cmse, bau .111k bisà duty te mako it kuova lu bhis kguforbo .11ev'. tlelby thi-e ncl" can& Seau. lte relIes. huma» n mf.ring, I laith uh'r'l etuenfora ïr cè asn(Seul by mati pU Wtt The valility cf M 11 idayS'tileaa- vays uheonalce. mii bs 1 bUmmslié urui-ciseS, but1h. pâmenatet àuedollar traticai esc neYer bu uuntbuabséd ln o.a.s u cogl is ed , buipient ecasaumpllo, sud Tbse uost vonde'rfal aud marrseuse-c ceas -lms- ea.uawlsaur.persans arekick, os plnlug avsy tom sa condition cf milse- uses. iliat no use kia-wb*tslU em IproStabîs pallonu fori dueiorxn,(l iotasu by lhe use of Hep Bitteos. Teboiia- l cure f rom l»ias rado.su»CI meyIut ptil oelsSIis &M"IU 1111e Mdnt ~ '-Trotli" sud "Provezo nu" u aden cci. auna. B kBled BUtrs ainte aeat Blod ver du, ,"r lond on the User, lis bloc&. fo udc Sanpe'bcLlu 0 aos " ip'lateade-osd nw <uuiplo Isuslin t snfurig in.snlp.Ti»us o f once lbir tprale for thlaondurful 91"01"ry -Bouse~aan ai alt onsoci*i. Tlurost llot~~ ungs yIi Aht onç efe » -drulcrtive poers as if bÏÏmaie, W. themrer .s'eaiîgrqaatpe te ýCai vu ,yoardrgltsige a taÀ boîllu e-,£r tena centis vini *111 eonvlnina b.mosh septl'ý cml uf 110 vonderfaloitse nu. d show pou.' vlust sà ult-n- olrdise - hotiU. vii do. o asbp-T. e.Whliulbtb.- i -t nms impoib sitmple planta, as glosBueiu4 Mandat Etttousde, but vian cIl"*aldysg.eh md uer Pabo su DoterLsyer and ýâd»4a 4p teobéln1 fteu1eUreub7 *Zt h-uptiaour- -Povewrty sund Dltu. Titposurhy viehlupuoducos, lb; grestelit ltrealaje t-cftheb.pursbut cf lie bleod. Depn' e-ci it e chaose, il bomaSest wi atery, s ceudbllon frmel4du"mta l nueIliomvnitatgu. (OIVtseu isuacull mud ucfWolou i velinga suMdcru, ssa mai.nus-dsultyieecfb u pett, veat luxigu, tisi iese sa oa Tliwico Sf the-. blocS,0eDtl heetatoet plp t* hbtadMd aulicl mmcurs hme affée- "Pa&mullar lu uder Moutis SS o, - bolS euad saiuleSliaI Ibis gnIs osuushbs vnilten about aluncelev*rYtiicg su4 tucieu a subjeel simpip to adora lb. Ilvoui ai- uncel souci ian u oucrto lie aluove vordu ,ho bal utulMula ëeeSceltAk.BrOwà's' Psliasble Ouatr cil, fer nov it,,la-eet!*li estal ntea et evenY 'ssiiregtilalie fcsehelé. Ieuu.lo-tp-se Ileneeaty eilrunlve*u astc muiselanet amn ati~bao re *êsOL. For sl 0y . Wli 14ol, lIii T4ap New Sesl flaig ok, ool as gýME49RI4~R}~ Whitby, November 101h, 1880. Mal ~S~ m~iy ,p~ip i~'-.O ~~~ndkebei - (b~ bra$i>, À'NNAN HADDIES, &o' MOIVSMAIWLADE .(New Stock), PI1UT A it. in Dem ijoh s, BPEbI1AL- A TTENTION b àr "EUREKA RYE,"1 Wîysept. 2,'8.11 AWRHO USE -Oounty - 1ior~6to~eJfb~feèaf~ and Retail,1 Just ieceite foi etp and the N~ew Year, a large stock of -,,wIlS anaLIQUORSdirect importation, - ~ ~ ~ ~ _â1 ce '~~P i uû krrl 1 -'IÃŽsi Brandies, itn, eScth andIrish WhiskeysBass' gArgOtdmuiness and Blood's Porter.. Goeceriam à Worts oelobnaied 015 Bye sud Malt lviiskey, lih stut-Lalie Dominion. Taylor à Bates'and Caugrave à Sous OasélunaAIes sod Porter, sud Luger Beuondraft ant la boule - Tbe luieet snd but esortel udock of QIGABS la 1h. couaty i Fout stdi hberryWlcset supeticu uality. a4 #500, $4W, #8.00 sud $9,50 p e r m p afl a lle.. oNai. Port and Slseuu7, 41.18,per Galles ,AutossBrandi[ f.coo& ooinq tpw aI $et M1bpet (halle.. j mnj4Buk'4D4àule iLd BIsat'. S tek as n lItWbinkeyl. Trpl pur celebruted Toddy eiko. i. fuest W ikyin vinselwta of O1I3 j n~u 10 sol 15 Gallon X#e0e, wdj» o htc ?fp ne e ateas4l ictwIo doses 'Èote, ut 11.25 pcasa T"o ao«enboules a411.25 peurcase. Obur4v h olio ubrte t,à MI16 o doi 75 centÃŽ4 Ïa dogonpala - 'J 7-o Fins, it. Lu A NU-TBITIOUSc 'zrePrevention CONt-DIMENT. ofthe Prevailing- îna1'S SpaVinCr f(î r Tie' Ï 3w' 90BdýAETDIPOOVEBIESop mTe S GE. Bons e L vIbsuo ooiplet~l emoe Je i age i ou h tlle t-he- man oci1.tel b . ebornaeohads Spavilu.,W. mak I smaternent un g1vi t l m ial s from p# ersos i w ho bae su iý, t e prov e u nr t ll o O t . II it . escellet for romovlag unnatural enlargemen&teaof any kisd. It dos nul blster sor cause any aore.. Ithas noeoqiusl, te car kgoovetige, for apavin, splilu, ringao boue, eurb, calou sprsin, awellings, galls, Ismeseun rom vhalever cause, ad %Ui elargementa-of tb. joints, or lna as part of the body.or limbs, sua is sîso goal for ente, socraebes, cnda et.1-, te a~ii sa complete reaody l'orCocrnas, Frost-9BtOa, crany Braise, L'ut or Lsme»essf ' eýpaFereoautly pnblisbed a NEW HORSE BOOK. ÀlràatisWii;e1lh oavý a kl~Ioe& . About 500,000bave slresdy been suld inbu shobr ize ai Iho loy priç*of 85 ceaie, or six copies $2,' Anai eorp uMe vbeees it vonceil. the bsi# book ever published for the prie., sud May dlaim IL tobeb. vrth mure liban bohka for vhioh lisp bave pald #5 sud $10.- -- -- R. W. SMIlT- & Co, ]P etors, Montreal. FWr-.ue in Whitbp by - am . > - vuBrork-St., Whibby - M 1SEND lFO,,«VALUABLE CECULARri _M ANNOUNC1tMENT. FURNITUIIE! -FURNITURE! ,Tris9çtàyeo nùo « tthe in- habitaùtâocf Whitby cdsxrondn o* 1 ,that lie bas noi_ oeud Ontti1. l&ion » 1I tx S1bhe m ong hepi i ahr On. éBoktreu d&s 'otof the New Mprket, where ho inteuls toa kéép a -large ana wel îssortea stock of FURNITtIRE, and a hor ., ýy S #ktatte»Mio5-t1 gfmflet i eto ôninne h patrýonag o long beetove'on fhe old*ee4ibli"hieu1 e>arties desiirou:offurnibiÉn, wiuLùô,vf10'a ohoîce and sts>ok t.shuose1f7oue, a emlry i à enii nt'qce. roiY<~ltiopfln~ ad oai adnewz~m1o thé faétary l »È8,94 lylon getting goo& Furnitne,l &t thé- &neryini4tÃ"tiou of the ta k:snoW -soliôited, -and itioe PARL'Of?,OOT ýand BHOE STORE! Deveel' ok B okSt. Whity Idorms e.,: siat,!it tbe above esta'blishient 'will be -osa bemtiiedwith ýloo ing &t the a 1mthe show YItgo=inxai and sýe~b oxefOesoefle L Cî M O fci n tiorl i BosdSho. ne, 1or. Ladiés, ~~FWtw'hii W szai~r, anlrg that. in -t~he- es b is ent8 à lu hs InÏieofb*is -eethe-new Berli Feit iBoot.-Ladiest Fne Kid Boots STrunÈs fëid Valise Ii great vatety, at lowest, 1The msuriihParlRý'or týaBoeso WibOct. 26, '80.- DBEBE1BLL'S BLOCK.1 à - w RUJPERT, Co0., Pruntoi.Photomrpliers-. péréli tse h ent e igbt na d ieelof establishment, ipteli carried on bythe Nesers. LYWNIâ]BRd TH .9 '1~LEISOW iJOCR, B OROOKST. Tii. oensIùîve sI±eratleuft-aiil mprc meul t,17 the aiioni~ tl ?4~L WRZ GU2UTEBD FtRST-CLASS AT TE LOWEST RATES!!! -CHILDREN A SPECIALY. Set Our'TA BLETTER PHO TOS- 1FRAMIËG hin fll s br< çies.,ý PHOTOS. COPIE!)asd eairged, Iluise iplin, ln cil, vater color nr oraMyan, at BOTTOMJPBIOS. AGENT for Masos & Risch, mnanu- façturere o'f Pianose'rê Organs. 0rdera for Tuuing totnptIy àtteiiid.Io. -- usess ta meriL, a aliare:- cf -nie prouage gu liberaUly besiowed dli bld preeeso. - Wilkbuon' 1éfliock-slt. 4-lt .L.1O J %LIJU.O BO1E. T., Gùl"WicuT, TUU.*r foi Meiffo. 5Ikisch, Toronto, w ini awhiibp abctlte midcdIe of Mly Parties wishing thair Plino proPeIlYtune wîll plusemleavetheir orders with surs. ,11.05 jkBUPEET PhotogTaphevu, l- kinsn's BiUk IÙ ~j.Orders *by mail sddresed l M~esr. ason & Biscli, Toron- liv, wii receive prompt attenion; lp-16 IJVRPO4 /ONP WEDRRY Ã"~OYAL MIL1 *àITEÉýEy4I JÂBOBTOI; a SH0R!TEB;r SEA PASSAGE! cafngo gsHlaMtxn Frdsp, sud viii esu'e HTal if- mevery Sshurday. THSOUE BÂTES 1805 varau, aia BOSTON Cabin, *683ana 0 I81,91 Sacrordiag la poitiâo f tereL Lover rate faf ,,re - taira bokel~ Intleiate, $48. dteenajye' at lowest rates. - - L - - niLmnO.y- Polynesian froinBoston, Ja. illh. froma Hll - fax, Jaugi8ih 4-" upianfrc. bulon. J-n. seu, irQun Baillai "aUnatlaxtomnBclonj. S. t ramBul fax jai. inSu.- Clirueisafr nBoston. Pb. , fraual- fax F i- - - ---- dcfüadrrpilau=, Glasgow, Que!uslovrn, Britl £r ~adLquox t a ane rate partiesv 4p-c~ertçrfi~5 nacll it ai Icywrttee. rtBoriekt ï"-, th ". àfqt i- -napl Ezpe a . Teiegrap ffc. M8.LTGTON'qS Opter~ro iOestt-ers gerveditp lu E!eryISelle ir l T'11 eu, sve b1 ahDu npoyu iue4;eu, irus ruoa vo te 2puuieverp jur Iapmo el sYud aithat luineed.u - TOIWN"-& P. _Àpplp hoi ~ri~ ngagpsjalla !~ua oaa de- mil cn-only', alafonunatin» i os~ Àddnsali- e. 45- LOTS~ ST tlEBM5.- 'lIGIES; snrc~~~r. a;For sale b: I .L .L4~-~ 'a -~ ilLla 2" - 191] usa I <levai." dx: ça$&lud mss"'?rotn ~ii ~' t- i 't P, --l'-. -eu-- 4 -J-'ýC 1-1 iTýR rf, ý Il L î 1

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