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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1881, p. 6

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- I --s -t t 1 ou flrrev- bon 't gg t l é llsn1%%ilir tire rFsrg lisrisk- bit t erroir, Buisibthvwmarr c*5j lu#xîrirbis, sartdgiled ni! t;ii (lirucîlîrma rTom jir4-xoow :ýnjoleaut):d&loué 'l -y 'u norOttehasard eu rtiaok emrrccv rocntire to0et bLis ifté tesb'oulçn lisfmos, eu 40esi>'blallto îlaun itii. At last ireo ai -)Or, irradiagoui of sire blkel. -gti iluluilire aw'urraum cf urs mr a ar~.u r riitin rueiafor il, aud tw4Inseiu a swrial court, <rcloird wsispet root cul de sac, and ].hbrdr îto iirits keepen. He wn iloto Irerf et ulnraair, tho lire l e clrett~, btrlt, irretatiri ir -o *tewitre oye. glowing upotr walorfcui nse erer. Throt>lue cro-p iatciounly rounrdritif qiag tu iui ti owu itilrisorwiero ru'lt b. urruiud, tilti a loîtd gowl ar là hrrk ;, tiro ie ho Iril ý11'1 lu inrirstot a coi-lura, ne iroji0 le ire ho uld fmii i tite wruill i ru6_dendly Oruwrit. lin>' stii'r-iiie tutiautind riog- -&micî nîniii thr eiu~i-l-iî rt Iriruit)li îs lle i iirn iri-tutdy îu iW hast hr-iiiiitir'uie- ocii@ri '<Ui lrnukllL tru b iis It-ne. rube u î)w cliIrlokatonîlýtie you- i a nlarge 4«hein aI liretolt of cire Mis Fijni apjýul sckciotillied '10 1b. otse a b n1fg hie d. ~ Lily c'hiulug hie liuatl- us iimtrîsuriogruretoraiive. ts4nniltbes hoshoweti aigus riug' unirtuttticm; gae là nu bo IlSih tuî oi xe u a irplnt ql1t,ýhdlag- etr>'viit> Yirnretl ', ' Ir sin ait iogl vcriîr, tr ndsit upsrred chir - 1ER,rîh il thrur î yen mo r rvuiti s " binîe.ânewiriliner'ed iane' i o eille muteiti aI-t tiÀimtedme ;stitrure*ii igy1"Ti V--I eoit iy", l 'i 1~ et crtl."ii et iber'u ed't n ilu toit hi srul;' ndirit u tn vî e b ill)r r liIi ttuti> , 'r ia c r- ni lri lîrnu it, r -colt, 1,ur-liii> - Jwiron',.cuulil cru like ii unAgaira, 1Iusy, lm 1'ou i? naria îr, i tli,r .4 i '. -e! ckiii, t&à'-r rlipoi, rgi-rl n-tr i,itnu l,uuirts ; and, 1o % le iiri, Io<n ii oniît ei l n ilu Ci stintij-l uvrittl ie oid niLU "7r01 leiuk ycrîn lungrre r'tini b>'thsr,l' ot-c ittgi lin r iilit îsci;r'O m AueM r &Y c moanth coktoleksefas dctW r gue> tien hue ,a Um- un. re trt Pa a5g5 di, mmcdIla i , mei'teures coô roe. 4J Afe trol un1, ciU e oinude- r rmin'. iflîcr, -ofi Om. w"étrh inMl ci àl~i etil u 'tirb omsr littri urn"iit Ipnl emine '.j W.nu1 i vriity 1< erre. wTe szi." le auirnutind l rqv mtre Iuun >'1 n e fnýs unQ i*uî [inul Lii', 'tils rL nlust b. gud a I,-*mtiwu lint' et 0 a9Zýrs, &tir u tal ioii. pbeshu TrlaIr Pus>'ii lu îgoinUS" mgi - 1 , - . ý 1. >_str Lav nervi i, iisaeb t *It. liipus eu tori off, i tnd ubîic ethi ý iiti ong~L s rUnremu"t. ,ab pitiilro n o i nt.iilg mà llîr cr b>' euiutiO,, à. grlkte noC li#eaI1svs e14 off 14 p>e rtp, OiÇ the l tein* in rniâi 4 ieUsý1qucrtis, ont "Do i4*s QxstàoLEi PANIOO" ira -the Ul itbi art losit tolieliug ~l~ibotir 1iterima4u4 trbe i joio. exberudl. It oe-cUl h 1e ie ingln hv hou-fi tht tei 0% U ýbJc u BofleBore Throat, Iheutnatlsut, iO 1 iî togh trI iri On nUilOTonthsch.Lumhazo-sr ur! k4d r Ti JOEIu ,AN oervices bli of rgr 'ltbat ors - do the ro' awsy tiret Cali otire4 don't dope- mrade Ih icto la*i lfaIstoo latt t» look tliretUilllhiit or t 5117 roince n tIOl1be. in ha North-West? 1 baveua-b.o. ry foar ilogei~~~ ~< alitait uddo better i v>li câ&,1 ly NguWsi'ebtrls nb u mal it hisreetfi~ se d n ie as eorlntdlier abner vai titis uew uffsr je taobe s, idetiop, fSiosntui < fUhnej, pmoiriter l u emsb nd 1repeat.;yen Itave a noble iuterest, viwi of tbe ho char£ Whi, V ~~~~ ~ ~tbexlmtlu ioredpae.* 1te.' bto heegge ntetk ",*e i neoefftect. IELOCiATILhVIE<E ible thée.nir pri pose@ teo dertake of ibuiin;g &àp a gresisCuu;zry. uibut OU.1is W"uhas. lt auri Sharp Of tire moAl plain snd jnalp ible deaprîp- thîe voýris itiroû eoy inch rertrîcision. 1130 hava, 3ou a',Ov i4, andi hijle n4 d,>ia shnitd bre til. chat tilt r.uruîrsct ls it t le ire»Nov virat dors Iis ralway momuooly ereditable toavewritr-.s laterisJitereet. f-rte for go;ng 0 OOfliflhit si loltï - dýü sLd eacv0 t Mor t u tify omeah, ? Whaisdors thlî frisndon rom e rle. rou trprt iib.Icoutild carge il ied reowea ope.ith r...î l,.the 00<17 hbu if cslIeï upou cuMpelîtien fur lire lirouglirtrade oi the .ergety sugéieut»d bY thie Pr»sperJ4,y ai I li la ont book jnîn .nov teSiaie -oupuantitis quelicren. Tsol. NontbrWort resiy iresu Il amotutat Le ai 6onutry.. *You bliteeibas etho ra sioi itfaiei.latti Ton râte 1 &te Wt2SWîOO hIlarUCa- XXne MIorS tNS'A u.îx.v STta, . OIWL E o EiAS> iee aulDt "119 ~~~O< lnuirey andin lanrd, Toue lai*tu dispos e nd aiteaarde for ie tramsport cet ncnnton nuhauetavig ee, O ï otin mer. thlb'itiral those Mtropolîes, ishusée .eap. baset-,el hitjg peynj taaim25 c.rtsbut also by t1ip' larXe davelopen » t re iws-nt AI proaihiujm tions. tkreo pivilegenl Let ti ste or aI r <skt eta e>retb1at rdey tr4ad , commuerce. Yois' beber hr, jua "N', i ~momntr, uoua ,rlbat îstelae, *fer nete bu bashol thâtyour *esboardan sd lalaud to' a viiiU etsun rooftiree, rdu.,'Iuthe tir.t >taouthe conîras on 05a toetlsbah ha#i tc tneofZ (àliEittid, tirAa en Id 1 ie ~r. et tiuron ir tirs Table provstde for aai, sýuiraldy of conte a bishet boyoàd cm ample <rmpean. lew hnailitiroir veius, ishaistirhoir d bsol o Lut oastb For thie sa&nie wrk the" irahou. airis tafre tg it~ait>' i.ii iothe h'MW"t; sud sa baisuer altèsubtuit tire oner,: prpese t10"pt debat irose saisei vaabmeebatteri, serionraiely le rrs<- "Trme lýifithsît ser-e <i tir *2.0< (ý* snd 22 00.000&cros ofti7ra. ssid hiovnind btnet aider _ i-àfsrkiak c oi riorpoly, >.bu il hy velanin e Oeilr j, thus - lras s ol e8,000W a ar u AL Wnid :1.1.bot "y lfl~~i lr sarrlrg ~ >~this klnd in reference te fràst.5aI Zet, t5O ie 4hve FOvid*d-for r.rîiveianoS 'b rvîyil md u ardcahsud~1t1tr,0Utacros, sijial, cente on. lreighîaor any »sýobp*ry tire bailding 01 sa iIw&Y te sl. moi'en cl il oe'er ueo o <il r s .t te yrbutu ienat icrn 0i43g1b irais.le vii show me tetel By, theibortttroutîe t,6Lverpooi bo'sudâitrier p us>' .rr~iacre, ta $P1,340 VO, t saisoisel oi 812,- hu .gtdvi'étebee tyu'hv iehoeIa ir ioea 1oag Say forgi i40,000. Next the. Contraut jrovides Asud &ad bovumucli itisI eaytagbih),tatll t hise eiîb& oftr.Weeth*iii le 0 en r en **Furgiý a s"uadrd the UiJuou ac>50<60 Kllway M'anRdp eh mu tion f u utiltrla a"dtldhow t he-IN *W<Obb t * elt," al ho îris.Yaite nulm bo Pets. i it, wsu wheu irent carrslrsrted. Ire pro uct h irll ires.f 2qhis famersni lige 1r,'wavel. oiseresl. l laïd-te lâi s.Ync., r ut meri wviat the pesa isi.ta tae t h. Utriou si acio 5Asl ot ir Wt àa u Te rudoas hefs teretoàsu ifupey t sta ine. teoe A Ie r butîtherut1ir3 i rery vi bther itau;n er, out te uoderettmâ, virat ,28ets tor t a nd ud reapplied & phnue wlSrti1 I trun thel chu orros mor b~~te cotl> trluvroruir ottehehIlce 17 g ary ver>' In 1870 o tm, lire JoÎnt latter of Meurt, . lfi ceit bc evicar, anlsecuta t ir ru. hlniattrotuet a tst& i cf£ Po Visoeiltsud Jewet stirah" direction, truc liais conne irisl i~et %asys cMil ta, 1 have gut a lbiter. 1I "ultirof lXt - haveîi~ r toe b ythIrlttur ile n Wththveir M AndU0 produéed tlet*n,17 00 TM s fslv*Feedrissir vstr ,in aloirs us rntte. 00 a 1niîî00O :muin ati f <j-intereut or suy Compantg bcharge aM higironry â paker cot hrch in h Itif a isesi -and a large qa ty* hetaowuabutor ad e tia ouuntry la terici Fosttravukwut.trl7 ta"trneulurade wtvi Y otgran.sfsuu>uure-t'baty islte rrlos; buts the bn Stimnu. coýt;drtin ytheummosao te ngel lnaithe xt;irr.Wet intia aàr 1ea- liat rt-Vas btri srsst Imlas ier etmiPU 8)udcae.astu%%ba iàYar ý-ilig e L*aïsle tir». 40,000 fenners rai'.eg400 produot 'màltren; elk dire anoîbi ~do; butl li cin nuot behnc b'iprrb~a-eer ynglapeocin~trodurtidoteliet sermlaled, dho rage aiu r , slebr bli i t a eu the iucorjuuratr'd curlarr , 000,O00busiiet an0.lgctinA ftrer rmeore, rdaU y voultiang lydovac.imor caloniaur 1 te hure the cunfi lgrainseor et catte buis I te. ieaste '1h. hou. gentisc, bMimd ste lsets, sn ru ufdb i nse>' vuy. unI, funiher, 1 deirecatesand -mnP n s btrlrtlstr aee emmr~sd goiug fer morde nofb.the gumsibicir irealta thre nrn1Idint4 eosng frointir thiraan >'otiieri tire poor I ir3; and largepr rpovereausveosho. genulsmsisgave asi te imigrationue igircruÏ Rpribho, geerot a tir foorh ade- lenlire cumrte of itire UnIon anri elimnen, Ase la tireimproveiriest ofni onniiitees, trie sastiat sud-Ïitate ita. rpettras feitretire land, ju inds productoý ionvtin a veslrgsîuue, aud thé. varinir bitedi. %Mclgsiv cheei<. Paiferodnriug Ib7j. sud the eary paruqr evtsc yuarsrîf yeniio-ai rected t» tire rsiedyiegof ni ibmi;iehiefa ol &v e fc)wad lî4 au-tcttur a rc)gëJ i mrli18iniesis uae, sud t"ttoi auâ ru.ttcesarvecirrgeao(irait. trafflo backegai i tnt ~ l l b73l ianrucir betterîntuitte i'rke tir.rad aar.irus siùug alsb.rd&lallnoefor do. i#aY CornOMM, Usys ibis gioriene pruncl. &rd îlusthroi wit hi etth Vay b-En4lg 4 173 «t,, oelle oeussta suad seed ai over 'PAl <f4011i-iatrt ts U aim ns. Q Ion tir. boatis hanea bearing - îe teonret Pl vtuutu ïPi«,00.< 1,000<000 iaes ow, viral doet15 Chargesm. Weil, dom itt Dé yeu mot toncisg'stu tre Iroreirsandi 1i,ffl,uwtrid sn., Sut tl,« pr' nisntea bus«I emm*a? It mecan 832g. lou iris tererywbere tue eaailI>'ecis. Chicago sud ulotêr ti«Qera à0aaeviaets Se n~00 leur ni a tau IPosi belrsrrtofnipanies dir5 utqe nil 5irgir 55 tir>leyu, oçu i eor>ucrv for ther6i stet uepl $0000.000 sud 9,00,0M0the North.Wost «a lraispartronlar' item out s a s loireà4osa1 Di -"jeu01tirasviewy4bu M "Tom acrr.m fur tire saurtevujat, makuong a of isisir piindure. Il stesta ti"rai autiste. thçl Y ukeyeou rs-nos rho*1v l a- m but for, ~~rsorr. mer irrg 5outirepraiiemOteirtsûi*$2400,000tisla .vatusté téer»; is irwea "tn os4 ookfrfiasa nd marruk**aprofit, gengl;msade»a ansd 2,'2enO,U00 vres, or stotal 5sYleg, a ti s arlsfrvretutb ttsensdeut--t...'ir< ir osWavocrry' tia s sir.f opos niglt- à tir. saie estimate,06,5cw»Q. SAOon î&bat t aufr iiliat ubr. of t tandaud t- est 1t, c r? i 0-lce ouwsien aje teag.part et tâts wu% k o in .5ubl~l iirziw mtniut ar 4d tiat tis esdIog rmeWrteieedcma A~~ le- rrrato Mar $&y hugthe snMff m'dati ports se Wei Asne«P rt. and ile>'à tir >*A "din aa aiteira Ratna>' (mu-,it. itiiathirs q in tihé, viisas iropustd ria iis Cierer h vi'diapre. uuiss rlgssa ioriueisas~ psyvuueag o aebone il7-ilralc thê air portiuiat tutire relatrriive u tir te 44tieir experte. Wu krie -quit. w.l wUaa al lire tir e purciobale 10tiat tirert s, enîg the 1r0renct l1= fimmr 5TfluLA-n Wesl,'but voul Tire jo r rait je sLd of tbe ocitrnpàtthe r . iil eMè ueintiraI eounrtry -aoutea iriir h ~ tireWestern S nul. fwl b~ 'e i re want, otrre lèi uuy ir irMet aritito lsitvsjs twayompany haVe à large ~gutna 11, nrîîng lte ràâalins>' a uecir hlnoaltoe,> :eta n ov tie i hd<. u ba uody i>'dprpotiouie e rot m-vhIsa uv-e Iforrid lire aui&# itra-ti "lttiiprodecite. O-W for pneposlig atjrir ui>- obterv-ainn1 irave t t ols , Oiet, u as te -dû thL > W w aua1 Ynproposa.is; i lina ru c ho ft hu e tu errertc.»ouise proépur A51L~A itdlrais lire>' irang r 'tbie Qoverluto '- . titoate As lunlire Coutrsut. Il aun anordi onehr bottebtal ite hs hn g. the Goi, iA51 dcii ~~nutahiauro oitire profit, seu.il sliwt iriseaiivier aou trcae re o uedrgimt ir raIesan li tairitrOuu à l est , ssant oitlrterer obaerved, is awoar<lsâ iy the chou of exsaeseu., cfisiupi'rcetana iepiepl ia oudmdl'te owonau viler for tirs par e e aiom, aalciii noteZ1t', dutry, impurte, u'a ddilate aiargbtuedont astappear te bc ment te1rrnpg îc erdinsie proportion in siitied by tfai ebage !Ur tratisulia~ e. ed meei sasemaisie sa tirsi ocat. sntiiuotr -ctitrarst;î t. 1 is 104 soues $0rOtn,M by te 6, Pul nd i ô» Tirb* ru irepab« r forLiseets <1fr. ci Retinyai t ad 9.0U0$Xi0sot eas ptnpoeed la>'tire 1Bi 5> l eif itte r5t ut5td«bla ldïjret) qicolti tluotirnrvenis& aopeeifR a'* "Do> orr. r,îc si îýry-mrch rne aegve $,- wha 1 bave Ollrausld A&th&,-yeast rro isr te i nrimîîé,ein ieis 1«. plande tirePis ekedtir h>0.000 abd i l,250,0wacres a&&às popos. .lvsa aaaate>lia tis bor reaed tire opàa lstirisa be<of ia àtraiter it ~'Nru'i d i ttiîo mietWelltirhe tmre r-chaII4 Lra let ywi' llPipu vic uevold taun»ui ermena fra _Utir ir-ar The h *~p nîlueus. trc e .a ipve SOOand 7r.60,.e. arAuz lie North, 'est I syxrsÇl uatcei air-ltrl roui. to throea. j grimathinqu i r "No t <nOi~~~M roes for tire voutecia '4worMie Mais- siencattiion tisastishe mouopiy Will.besrdl, becarae I itUd col sc rrrei.*an Iirut J obbeiul re, '>'o, 1' icrget." Tirs "No ee, mlafi ugin1> r. lrsîrdj. Wlrn9 îAos, lai 'JurOn W5î the hmw, s0 iu rireal -It fiers. hiui or ait.lpnusonus mier. tIie os- "Frai tari sonneriat îc,. Y."liôi 1thé.e"iipitîi li, qu~i Alrtirasàca s mt il fi ,iier asi out, au. na1 fiev >t tinis lime. "Yeîr laru tire wie use Tu1 J& ai' griot escri' ou tire 1 'wçir'it tt li-gu rrP, lirhe tiirîd5anudtutile ira , uit, drtind1uil %V.. Inimrwheinre kuicv ai 1clint = ctbh ,.Tl& 0tIre lsunra, sud witrnrel sorts gune, uand rîrWw "ICss yue, i seuil Lii', "wi wh i jous ùarie ,ur loven rOét aea on asv - beau di u't liraI, mi $be -fine-evw aId'~r .rouî aboult1 ud shi oxjthlénsprb eau p.> -cf e.i uu iiea- fi-r kiad, -fvo u preair> 1 0 Wys p s u . W "b i le,.yntog~I'5O-, Sta of t'lea in epien. -Wl iraiit va lgelle l' 11sv bue ibti 1r kq,î- igrd hoaal n .ve eftire- aoff. 't4hie mPlis, Cpeb istO oe iodA-wr '-'bIh.hb>' sao ire e u.ýIu s" o ;h IÂd 'no>'fer- n.rrwa: t -~ e. altiu;teoYeu.t rn ee -i~op n-renriu.n ceie use ùIluor PruPenies- - . " -&ýf eC,41r0,tt0 asti ti7W.00U acresifat«ire nylule y4'*ifth*Nrt b.to ssnire.vnak, scakiaig a aa&ing ni 4,Q ---haKt a4time wiai >'unev ne cashiand 760,0&ores, oraisad..oulitoelict. No. Sir, vt ais ttudenlit former estimai ,e $ 01,00se c t te.t? Wtt>',aven lu aunmenr une thre me u oernratioiim îqu'ây, Imal net Wisenju Iae goifee navigation, vires d'iscues vietirer liepuces arreagetila >'<' bave got a tpelli 'ater'hugirvay ta tire entramis are excessve; but ti m ililea tr' shrtdltat1 clObr, i hst mnvertise>'arce ps. s kheval., are »t armtrie lower. I teint pmp edth*lre ttnare ver>' mumii uri, be ous lis5 th tii re noly &bot] bailt .Tiraur iiisonsnscis pines 0" I> iiei'i lm'E the5 11 vi is tance. 5r is tisai h lalaeumenn tee. uba>'. bbtaà sort raflinis' ils., "5.ase w ei is dasrer.sliS , b uist tey' St ekisntibaot ofl "i aeei tsfaioë p*cc.»andeuffl 4,« n. meirteuse lonig las"tiey liee furoinh et iLa., bot* ein nats, vIe,tisseraur aIIl MA. the mes» ci ofisernsNovIas>' lie triefé r te<aid4er tàI., rissw e t1 4 e &1 010- question eofsire prieeoft lad rs jeisiststg, laceirt ttrseiic au t*4tcilj p li aa i laha ID*uniguslfioare, whte las' n tnln tear sstl aanb aiooasai ri"s- %hall cha-rge .asmm s. ris. ~ g oha rpoe and.rktshie tt iis la too utlenî . ic, rrupan te vomi gract, ad ah"tht. eolupny làet P;o virutit .sx uxprs est retiur«na list. ParindMait trum dut>', sud tirS viii efie.t a Urge O isinRSllkisy; v*etisen j arge bi antd diiurnjlhor«pubbc aving. tls 82 on M fortàa lansd thise rteus n tire olgan tirassen>' dollar' miroilànpain kt l ai55- sea$arm lthe .poit hoire esla fa the Invoeutr>' in euruutedut **aita ana ssfeveODer teer.* soe. netf besng rtoodiaattollar dùiricieTi 1018moNotQrL U ?A P u r0J5 Iran tise ' eplreorer pr.lu <t 4 esis e, o&&Tb*eibu scat4rmas. bu Nom, lot 'us ao0 s ~araserisl, fer as me ean judge, viral lie nimber of ý boa.eya&ihurîeeraaoU tioltars à lutira partieular. liene c** atdu it »0.-s a àw hiuem sa0a mruîSerniRaiivsyâayat lis & 5 -J*Ibgwiàe...sereeJd remeatie. -1 wipt, IriSe, areraI $0,Ù Ur 80 80 " sd41% ci *te o000"ir tire. ue iroe, e , oueno b pe i pcenttisat tiesemi4q»,*0 it re gisias wu>' - vos h ussmtlisesetsi t 000, aud c o ritr o b.1io plv-ed is ettiq4Osiscdlaspeofis Iisilni. lie ma bolwIe.; 1bolire. $2,000nd ' ,QQ- he ý%btymee tiwee éues artausat Tirurires.getle*an cnleted, trcv.e., te lsai rw srtesbv> i re£vu enusslder taremateiril ttaectlee4ae lis $ y t tâe Rck meement odaliogehirei p goeihe qusto Oenp tach ptbogre ttase hiffs isnld otfaeilat Ieeg' p arnle te witii vi. Wb,,s lheii ee quired -fei tise oënoltonand eSup' - 4q18Asids&~p$~ i ruent of!h tle .igraphliae TeI s=C lsatie >ottciem eau rie maier"aa rqmnlriti taekob aokuea nt et the s"tse bru. 2.'400>mites til eugtk, muet 1. s nPstr Rtis'>b7m large. "Tiebion. Mtisrss' sidd qil j btwxtvrïoifmUt busgaveiniMyru>' n în$à au se ôcnaacp M antesrtie-West iota e N i.weir -vies' ei eirertvion r egr e reiIs4itepa 3cftis'ps Tire Mialtsr meli tiaiswu tsi rslMmg,iWuïs"OM h aitte-rtrlna Mareoxipt avw, anteréfoe xicl hor* 1<>-_ lLu - o n -Ra", »tbee il sepr%,à Î1t000ais el m. 1 agïdeb s e y# a r, by P,nsey Crlaurlarose iuw iir "tlmlrsein, -paýly t 4ékà ala tire>' derived oti ne beitat rei i Ï flnt1 vas Ibils excepion n lmete n 16 s topdoAt*" téItdé, atee raîts i lauy wmes- i**eemt ciruci>. Tise>' aisar $ turc coutti timi. 9ts<petig fer thsi.. iitfturails atrr' WwUbt àfl", ita-- du' uttg 0per @Mt#,bst r.e à- . mr ut is provîdedti iati sail.it liu ria1 i.r usezt 16e> *hallibe axemfur fatit eý. âaU tel rails irupotei iu mtvii yull bc subjel * 111.5 . Anditn i M109 (itotermtatî lte lbad evr eh -e .1'- -" ith tlsoren hk00toof seerials.am 'h.,s& t zli tiers tbey vili n e M 5r' de, threy vIi ire brt ati à baineti= 1 defrrt othie pta.aIarnia. est*: te r Ih Jl- U suppomoatraI le ru lioarts e Lf VI a u, 9rwta ébeuphete trnerr tar'rprl#,freton jear, ère goig te buy,'botefi> tir eti J au uar>' nexmI, - r t 160,00os i T sl qurn i e I eaa qu e Je s11w - -e qatuscetpetrthé Tiee iunen eçat,'uns kta bae e)r, Uvl ) rre A& piqýnis.va, Aeuv, a ntiqii lsgi;ta atcodition oa."lgo, nd 1 vili iciini o 1 the lfon. -r<stlustir tâessouin. »>' a fl.&t aukt nus gre mai usthreril> o lt.m et tt5'. bMr. Por'a biiA uk n reaysforgve oc e the j:ýar 18we statm at treght i tosmav 7 ouý ir aluavisar ais ate pestas. pît mde jeu vaut-tie tivo ïeMa ge veulfi have Dure =sr " t -th a4 sinoosliba. Tire rases fo r 83 ndml1e A PHOTO'GRAPi P IANOS TUNEDJO A fed Bo EO. T. IJMiEC el,9 Turaeê c~Df~fNT fJ. W. R PERT iî-î,r1 AI J TTOmS Ptios i iiti i nddbeaMl Ma. «in luyr>'opinion. Tise r . genitern sitea stogeti ïw.. 1 vii tenlyou vira it is tiraIlis orspa4y ower ta charge a igher oier theire a 'tlu tlie>' f -thore as* coumpetitton. *use t>.>' couil nais take à ri over-lb. Nantir -'hure if rertnuntbutris isirecaus t gel tire nonqP t>' races ,ta chrge o>n tire N'orth len lire peoe thie chomos irie bneEt a o ianipet-iton.- esau.s vaxes éloquent upos. ,e aidt, Yeu are ¶ingto Ir tei eans atterltà àre&i.- Ïie éinthtie *Amen. as>' fIor motifri g, tras tire, ld ofts ttiadera4n d in4 sint iavrng tIesgais, nuid -What are yes-gping t atie> lotrtonulong jean. 1u leavâire t>' ait rait ie ceuntry' by COiioga. idiag lirai tire, $sIa, hae w get ont etilrenn.if il ire ections onde fersued are lut-r sixck liamerce oethlir - tiaItire fiture oaIb(iis, oualy berrnd upla tiretrous._ iqY 1I& me>' apolie>' roi tiraI fer toi long joane en, &Prail ooutiou %xzceps id Southrera ties loune d te csarrycet tire vievair e c raste tlrerselt hire ntse coeivl epetic>. And' eo Saut liue vruTflI( TW.ETa"s c ebchusce .f getting theo run aller peasinge 1ev ire- eug Anieriosu iserriten>' is i o! relief frais ten yeuxs la Aureinleusystes, tter Soatir Wrt interftttata ed, sud il ycs dcol oadogut rlil tue i4, net fer tesn ail jeer ues. Tihart.- nuoet me sass rsiistfor, saireme wnimeir uid gir. tam derlng wviais jur s, a ail rail cooneetn rnis We*is, viain venit a tiares jeanso nu l 4.1 *nueîon vith lire sortW id taire tire omrmereof tates s-voIt as lire Nerrtir ouninoansit Queeir. a£Le tuntd me esa Irruor tirai ý**hem. 1Iditirunt va le tiret propoen t il j session, sud, tais leader nif ut u $h.i ansl. cBrarron"r 14is va. thin aenlios i e at is rsession 61nia oaas a azuluti>' for thre cou. I ver>' lirae. Tire bibobise Mairtrm sud Troto p au n&mid ha w»aof tir sieo tg "b s eostny. If I i5fitrfliriim leeumeri Mu> bou. gsntlean icm>'lit-ina nu 'jomuta ire luvnrcea. I 1ndsos vaut tem 'l .dors. I Vent bin lirvepoirot a t u ie sbichc W11. , - i ue>', sud 'w hil viii -ou rieclicisei jea- Pro-rte" aîIt ami nsd $050or $800per ennemis ~rates ad e r thlIe provisions auto 'Wiat ilathe rtesnvo c#hit nigtir te paint as taxe» bl' tire iglisi rtailway& j tire Canadien horlding, jou r d o st inc t trIoffer4e,,Tire>'ar soris- Oueid .Yeu int, Iherefa)re, liais tho possibliiie u iportaim nprovemre otir e éoer onier ifrin ns.Tia aid. nonjrowa scrt of raiivay-taxatcacre verjr gresisu Yoo fihe -cunlnact, you '-findt liaItir..i 1w nd orionsit i ut-n. -No.edverise. Iiud tli ais Cenrtral Raiwit>' paeg iinatrenrext nleot ire ioked uab isli mot &i e sd fon tiéicontrant. The aiment a ire irle expeuses. 4iElire 0ev- sas m oment.witlbout lthe convictio buIiola vers woë due lulie dark. Wiet eramenota utliste, and jon finti tirhe isg preaso t upon thre uind 1Irat rn tire secret restnor motive lor aIl trie sirould becernuite.t sud aireuiri dispiese te viair 70e airuint cioose. -Tire t teain litl fth ie ouime iseshieir mlib tiraI, irat lie>'have actuaptljput aoptionsnfLobb.givaiortie Guvernient oinI precited itiat* fatalsaction? We kuow iliurle in e unatnttinu pnâVidirrg tira izsoffer ientirély'agrea viti tire hou. 1neit. But.ne nMay' neu l.taýrns iou'raeiv tira taxationofteI b llinoîe Contrat Rtail. gelbemen opposite, are.unis advmn. tristrs4ua :more ztho linge ae -va> shait mois b. modilenth ie Lsgisia I ageoas. 1 sdirore l kvevIbvt sn l ,sea oeald iran tirepure air tre, burt chah re r'eferrett' te lic g .eneral ex-pïesent e ine B Ioue sudil Isenirre,'anirdrgiit of don*ia>' uitsotommaion. vase. of Ire peajnle. Tire.ina aotir that If jeu vers gnius g.te openstis que. Wst iseasecret re»am a4'iotiYe ni peintain whieh - ion addas l:vi"à- lis0 as weva"vtetiria persh;ateatULeitbilRoute and the riscs u£maurxone oa>Il nI OZ<ARLUg. deaiuj nitiiut si Basion, tirhe usser usve. The'. g.uSmtlainan i PIsses tis ns epuy biretesitueon o! true vtew veuld ha ,-t aeousstrueis ira sieenthai if I isd ru>' vs>' h mud- a me soly byilse iif< eeil pliac et tis moment 'Ire - in* only b.diajhc'àdta gie tlie acres saddenb- & d aym ike ahcoumpehîlorsn'irmnare -s.rois he'praiie«, ced ta udtire idiès for the ,midie seaction niflira t* laise.tire fendsibterceelves te buiid Sault Brausch, 1am, hoWàver, ni opinion prairie sioae,. ld grvrrp lie endsa ef tire Ibeit rty4a. Tire ontreetl rrquintss.irattlree aadtIvaragesoorld ire boeguisrasi. Tire ira. guntl irs an e ig.l perpetel eXuspio. Ire -,nier rirrea net: tcodean, sud h&sof o! oinie. lirai tire ta say n, ail I ae* temhlm gtira in demanti an>' nxinmptio tnr 0.II. Thoen tir e Ionisa irloir tas» gentlemen propose for. ivirolly w#rag,-h have atrest ialed, snd senuanol rorritime uai tiere sd grantoIlus e nsotonus are qute, nsidmiau. h nais'repos; Iliat h1irelievo tha& Ira airait b. exempt from 'taxati« onrmteiil e, hi. b a.beli-tii he . mark errora of isb. ooutrpel.inm-regardte tire yean, nukine. sod or ocoupieti. frei tire, ai tiremineotion b>' ituelful eoîntire sitrlbuttiol-a q<eudaîitie, exiatin lua date'o -i tsi at. Tir.moue>' gain ta douïe. as thire -uMinistmi - ataten the tu odified tI*SoUgbta a higiihlitpar- thre oounaausin senonmous8 tré on eu lieoiethe ay-, ver>' isueru cirrper- Iran iftattext*alr% b»u l.vs rais I ireireve on dorit aintut -tit. T-lbre.diab. no could b. done if yod 1adapten thtirop.c. tibren prices for tire Prairi àsiciiomou'd, tiorutitiraItir. obardens mincir lins coin- sliee.1tam, ,tirefore, quit. -lunaerriperirapr4 anateusd aifour, ire presorireti . PsUY an rel rrr u~ite re monaierlans.; hwîlm in tire vien t4ir tavgliîMW an teor I re ioiand ttir Ivrnldros afmrm floeu. ottromarno pposite have sard, ano. te trIlu i tepoIini su>'gayGoveront itto te Le advishe du Beure Tttrio>' avemidttiraca net usethie orlPaiierueusis ta secepttlirs.e0p-tius tce givo tht. prins it tir.prairie land ti ut ourvise, tisai sobotybi>' ir t ILt, Bua%,refusing ce avsi' nerseetîu sanud«, aiene. My bu>' if tire>' eppoiedi tie Syndict. Mas slves ai tinse alt-eauiativig-, tino aiea opinion' le - iraislise praiecionmi lur osubjoete atho une .taxes' nse ic tauian aus ugiramr t li-sua dwankireiougirI tu bu couitruocet eaif -by acoin, tanto thtie vorlil. Tisa>'gel she obhoice viole lia., anti muabIire doatitr. psu>' for a asue> mutin leuaiInu i id landi, sud tire>'are ouista psy tire Ilissan oler tb do* juIt tir. 'no'rk vijoir usta; beose . -su iorapa>a s u1t saine taxerse iemu itie84ui>, ieoemoor rps edo,' t MUumawrk la muid ire àproilairfe seelina tg Wlr>' ahouîd lire>'DutI? le il beostlrijualtire obligation*svaieoirtheo ooctraq- woak ettor a vnlo. Euriug Utiri lire>' jet'a tango pruSiBecauso s.iey tare proposeth aasuse, toeter iatýrijut'opinion it vor$d coenisinly ,b.- aur acI ni are getiing allagetienlfonur palots for tlibabîtie iuicoha contracure pro. trtàrmin nu. ru'port- tu propose.'ta py heililg lire- prairie secion, tiâ hra - er.poau ta eli4nter I, tarda janèt iiroaame ttrePrieafor iti consLtracnuur tanuz fore Ire>' are te iree utxed sud Iree.? tigo 5aslire>'propose to do, olon>'a Ione, But Ibis de« nusas.iterfère vils Thon -tbe'indirtuat. os s till gruater b>' ltent.dineuti>' sudntindireotl>' ipîitiet>' the afer fer the Wi"ol-ine.. Theu iran. sihiemboe ai sttielusénti,btie birniada botter fon Ibi s o'tntry. $9 treated, il geutiem "y tas>tirItÙe f Iais lira th iI'impoees on lie, cdjcjiring rettler4 for savon joui i sîi ujoo t &Hniail irr noneu'oËýy lsuas ier oral1, of. %ti tire beriefit of tire rails-s>'eeorpany iteoifiol 0000 u ror>o aiproesislner ina prof t itSnmotlgenu. b>' lhirmposrlrroiu Uaintir. SaOM, intSl , mîhiapeyaa uIess p suiramose o o. cr a£rixEaexpeos&e. Yeu car go-te wveni sdbulînt' cýum, rse asys, ta baitd cun rus tihe rail'- an thioaïiego ià for lire benefit 0f Ihis thir oa fi avy, nd taie Ire*3.000.. vs>' vsîionbthlie m.rnopoly r lause. Wul, greet coirporacin. h de ontSnyo! of000 wmichir 'asierd nier tire etier'oueau ir, tris gsivzusia lure ofel-t -an- e anytiigtiraiwili more intefrfeo ilir tract, sud mitb tosti accrpn'wr nWardnai in . àmonopol>'clanse, Il tire dûeclpment of tirs Nortk- West tua iilsl i tat is ie OUr ti 'ir' abne too. provesta ustiratti Unis l%.> yndioste * lis cLause-ierteauplien freitaxatin. The bon. gtilnreu #aidIr is iaofer clam ns.sdmta fikvera-nrnt POLIuy u lu he Ir Pacifle karina>' , Ac tihti 1aa e plot-a& diacredisalsrlobt'-ouco. tiras procisaquit*eucoaiitepi t i thle vas tio epis. naerfor acquit. ted miefeesot ns ntu talub. car. observatsion h foinéfmacî ude tirai Oiu lui ti. riieaj A aissrProvliinula 1rued nt, &eà, anti otirn bon. gentlemran Synd"in: aIrsf ire i a, il it ploSSu. rdE21s r ctra belon.e ue . i ý*"ess ota inurate tiraI I mien some- ansd tIraI ait tire restaof the narlul inte- ~Nov, I meW tirais Iing ni bsîrnins tiiy ay tiras t-> rsti. Ia1 rSas, tnaà tire ooultl hi' 1- 1r-4i oucrenvim niarTorUF LIT . as 1 "£ IW'NOTIMO WHArjYJCes no better' Iraisyo je ould.aia j'ouirbandsansd in of ils hre neltl I v h tatteritnt va m"rue.-OF rTM OiisTOU5 E51IACTÉ0 crauga rienraiîway, ntis gm jour'signent. i Lbeu eoesrited O eusoif. , vthie.Poicy un min -.tire bon. pentue- n-estripeseqr, if as auy Utrue-rs p ub soir] cla'ld rai Iesern te oSr aeerrsprposiavolving tiseconuntry',;tisa lin uisatrat sisall demansuntli, teeacqurire I orlalrl>' vuld irai. nliered advioe tisais ae isoul in tel iAusutslberais.ly, tire railwsy vîtir atiers' le renulatra aie Ilal a i>' oetthelire isaes wvire .that no'>o cnrpany' vosint nuarlake bu. toquiýe; Iihep* tire **y wuii heven-arrive frogur tinteoger. -. a etnnutd i ubod eaida. witlioui-amuoepnbyef ire t jeu os> m is *âtounrqniro is, bot 1ira eoffer, riais kownog, an I merd, mirair Nonh'W*asiTetaritq or>b20 years sud s:2yyo ait, ni jea b. prudntumern, te vas 1i.iatire ppe'. utîi lreorame 1 i ay thtir -if tiratisnietirspria. wtsara te irepoerlnyut r ieianda ta actjnire duaruI bene ignent. 1 duo to i ten esiledaou ta psy lot tire mmeise .con. ji il, tire pubrii trt o hulideurantvirere il mas drain. 1 tiriniaif -? ~t ssteolion aI tir tar, it- fa a5 Wic- ton tiraI t.irTas., as I havesaint, mas tise dravn heno, tome o' thaeble lhies gransd ese virneh w vo lrocnever ire nasaiiorsel>' sred polico t Iis couic. vouritinot h. lu it. beut 1am i hl. e uô £hsy Tr o n. gentleman. tir>' as wnI~ it~tvsanut ditueis in'pie n-en tntofconjeuiuno,,as licteu,. goutlu. im>BiaImmz e saiehi s he utire of a Usrian Paeilo Railnay Act of 1874. mu n an , sd .tIprefore, deonIont I int oeuatiryiny aur suggestion; taais v NOv. h = - va nîtrironwirotertou prirj-' aiyting punitive 'ounlire strjeos, s&aire Iexpoise, W tot. Jrrnrran - aeiiigain leanl ta keep trat- ruilu îna1 utianida on r en diskio 2iuout vei l .theubjofrt -tir5t - 4muicoui T5tlwsys - and 41uve il sa>'? !Tiens tiractnisgvea il-Icirhoe ude. -Nomr, Sir, taie ioboa ille-w Atierinan iüàaioiirîntae viii eontr@i tv ;tire offr keep u i cur liande. jncxs asnt lial îhuie anr oforruers in the uni ansd tirais v oir5b ie s miser- Tire ciea1.say î garo' 5 Tutusm .Ciiooais4 1 OSer. Ilte isrne thIsla-re O uritae A- blo e OUD.4y uderr lte e. -e1tàças Tirs bon. genrtleman a My n novr s mid, tie B4rInVW 1 to iais atmin. opunen, Say> s. as tir.>'bave frequosi]l rureropreset ant i&il&sste ns have sai: 'IWil uàcihre scannz aoue'wethe tia i I H/E ---if f OIUIONICL N. HèIG G-IN S &tirfs printing IÉstablIsbmeujý BIBoeklSTREET, . HITBYý 'Ierma - $150, purAnnum. o.srtion, and 2 cents, Per lins, each asûbe- usut insertion. 8pecal Reports of Meetings, FinanciaI Staternetbofank<4, ailway Omsis rinsuranne Oompanies, and malIen o1 uiW description heu plce smog Noirs Ma- ter ten Cents 'per "ue. speôoi Aiasmade with sverfius îýjythe ye=,O; therwrise. 0 rd0 todàCoo,,u, dverttsemet inuet ho lin iixg. business Direotory. to ON4TARIO B ANK, WHIITBY BRANCH, THOMAS DOW, FAREWELL & RUTLEDGE, 3ARRISTERIS, ATTORN4EYS, .0LI.- chaors, Nolaides Public, sud Couve>'. Otice, finIt door rouIh ci thie Royal- -ioeWhiihy. JAMES BUTLEDGE, B.ÂA Ooui" yCrowu Attoney'. 48 "ESSES BITCHIE & BILLINGSO BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN - CHANCE RY de qc. H. RITOIiE, W.-H. BiWiNGS, Toronto. Wiritby. O'UUILLIVA.rPED , -BARisieus ATTItNYSSOLIO-r i<OF>'IES:- 72 Youge Street, neat thre Dom»inion Bankr, and Corner Klug sud Youge,Streets, Toronto. D. A. 0'SUkLYAI4. W. E. PERDUE.'-- ,bctobrl.O3rd- -18. - Jr4 CAMERON, APPELDE & là t PHILLIPrI, stýreet, Torntno. HECTOR CAMEB0O#- Q.C., R. 8. APPELDE, P. MoPHILLIP8. tiy-m0 JA-MES iKEITH GORDON, _ARIIISTÉR &,ATTORNBY-ÂT.LAW, s>Soicitoir-li Chancr>, Conve>rencor, Nqotar>' Public, &o. Office-Dundas St, fixai dort ent nI Artroug '13 otel. Mous>' to Losu-Privae tfends-at lmv <Suceessor to H. M. Howu.) ARÈiSTER B& ÂTTOMMiE-T..TLÂW oýtyPuie.. te. Soiciter lor thé CHARLES C. KELLER, AT4ETI.«W, OLIOTOR i t on, Bxdcook (Y.'* ATTORKEÂTLkW, 3QLoicrÈ sucer, -& in' y?>'n&e. mua - ood osa ME - --JOHN BALL DOW, Office -DevenUl'a Bionik. Brooli5 _MONET TO In>ND-Privatle Ft -iu suunsurp to #MtO, asta. 1evrale test. ' r1,i i- 1- 71

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