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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1881, p. 3

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.5-T eAu With the ve f reduoing our 8sailvery large stock, have now ade very great, reductionsin ,pri -in every deptment. Special attentin 18 d!eeed o FncyGoods, Velvets, Manti"es, Shawls, ,Mllinery andFancy Wool Goods, al of ýWhioh wîil be sold' at sweeping reductions. Our stock Ã"of Fine Furs we will elear at special quotations. Ail are in-vited, aF STEWART AT WORK -AGAIN As and oustainers will now find mo 1OF TKE MARKET, WILKINSON'S IBLOCK. establihent of THOMAS WHALEN, I will rat stand for the _prosont. 1 arn now prêparod ta me bZ rny aid custoniers, and as lnany 110w i bave sustained by having the- whole of My a, leather and rnachinery destroyed by the litte me vÃŽil Pleas. ei aR d paqr Uiebaccounts at. JOHN'SAUNDEJiS, Glt.Edge JButter. There la alwys auanive deruand fut SA1INDEIRS botter thirIi. p te the glil-edpe standard n qoailty.ans celer. KUe butter tIraki. etborwfu. gooém s Aa aI a euctlon faimo, en tbree o le O uais a Pouand becauge dae- cMyol fie' lent in 90160, Datryun oeu Old then oie WeUN ȉ ixrdOuu & Co. Perfected Butter T OD Q sSUf *Oolor te Iree lrelpht Joue color. ThisT WOD.SSIT coloria fa*hrghteampuLretanSboit Having bouglit out the0 Rauclen's Arnica salve. carry on my business in th Uàzcs luh. vriS or C te filail <rderse ntrusted1 1!bse lo aux nte ol orCtonai as will cauiupon me. Laret ta.? j î,Ueru ai1hem ev Owing ta the heavy losW ï Hands, CÏmi » r Corna, aud aà1 ieLoi Skia Eruptions: stock of Boots and Shoou kThi *aIs fe gluated e 6gO,. Permect fre ailpartiesindebtao saisfaction in "ev erya or money refond.- tdt e5. Prie@ U cente por BOL For sale byT. once. G. Wbitfeld, Whilb7. 'bNOUO.. of BrhMrsga and -D«4»he harged -50 omis oaci.. BPRY.-ÂS Bare., on tlb toutm., thé vif. tZé ».Sr Esq., Pot-offlo. WHI'B Y .MARIR TB. BonKxcOp0rzea, Feboua'y 101h, 1881. Fae Wbet .............i 00 a siIoo sprtog Wb.al..........b94 j l Io Barley .... 6..............0 95 C@ 100. plor, pr vt ...........2 75 (0 800 Rye .......... -.......... 070 a 0of4 Peau .................... 0600 eY Peau,black-eyed.......065 '090o lue Pot&.............0 8 1 00 Obtit...... ............. 080 080~ BAY ........ ....... ..... 809 ~900 Apple§, Porbuso........c @COM0M Potatoca.... .......... r3 25 00 'lge ................... 018 O0 20 Butter ..................06 <j 02 Wood ....... 45 8heepoeim ............. 090 1(00 nui .....00 j7 50 To*= ....... 000 7 00 .0f h .....00@0 00 Tunis .....008<j0 10 Carrt*.0 12 <8000 ceîery, pur dos....0 0 0 40 Ohlck'ja, petair.r 0 0 @ 0 50 Géu u 1 .......%..007 <j008 Tvreîp..... .....008 Q010 ..o, naee........ 000 0O Co ......000 026 Uamal.010 ca 012 A C ARBD woae sufferinefrom lb. error and idauetiouu0 yoRth. nervou W&P emom durly dacay, loua of aaaabeed, ir. Win "il aruof hstOfl eeauo, FaxaOFc .Tu, great rea.dy was dfuovered.b a mbe.onM ary 8009ut Bmeffa. Si0m"010Send nel te' the Eny. Jomm, T. luwxi, Station 1. lBie liowd, Neot* Ye. f. - NEW ADVERTIBEXENT. Concert of the 8eason-. IN TEE TOWN HALL WHRITBY, February l7th, 1881. Wlth Lecture b>' BEY, J. J. McOANN, St. Miehla Cathrdtl, Toronto. PE BOé GEA U M B. TrI,. ai1 Hwvrtait," - Banueggor, Mn'0Hara, Mr. Watt. & Mr. Hamilton, Song, - rDues Imndred Pathorna Deup," Mr. Hatmilton. Song, . "Wbeo Itlm starlfgbl," . White, M n. O'Bart. Song, 9. Warrfa; BoIt, Mn. J. IManlocu, Dutt, . «Whling Hon,". -e&aWthorne, mta. O'ERaX anS Mima Murphy. PAAT rU. Quartette 'TheEetatirltePearia,.Pisui Mns. O'kareMi Marpby, Mn, Wazde land M. Eceulion, Song, . n fl . Song, O~nu of Lmv," Gouned, Soog . lumLie, Song, .5lawm.l PinS," Cl aus# Sparr4l. LECTU23 *. BuJ. J. COANN, 1 SbJ*ct, Tei.cru"$je.- GOD BAVU À:j5 QUBEN. Efghsth Anp',a a1,Rport of iKe ontarlo Loinand'ns aige Comnpany. - -PébM«yvAt~ nd@ 988t. -. Tb« Eighh 'a~eeja toi Oi coin. Um.j vwa hald in tbre ot Iefthe0Company> coi WeSniedoy. obrPebtud, 1881. Tbs oottmeebhedaeoWmegpyen : lHon. T-.N., btttaI q?, W.' .cro *nThrom Corulob, W. V. an, J. BS =am ."5 X&Ue. J j. 3 A, 04W. T. i>lnia, kaymc Eol.aWM rdwis, Jébu 0 lttlerThoura PaqWW1.Tiiorai, a",d T. R. iii. nt omead lhe chair anS T. c=IL à n oleS mVS.uer a th e Tir. ,inp*. of the pre'stonsa nuel muet. araS endonflnrsd. = 0tey 4 lis a Mlb.eAnnnai Re. port of liaie &In fb.heComupany' forir e pat y@"asa.follovi REPOBT. - Tii he xecoerhave mocb plamante in mb. mIttlagltis ttez em thh Annual ePOrt, Ju g ma enltr the b.feani&#thaie 4 Whitby, Deo. 18880. -Tretaurer, viici previoalyiraS iroun ex. ceedingly ardoonsI, eut tire loreoms eure te expreut tiaiapprobatin 4 tire mano iu wicir ireha.s evct.e4 bloael t thirl. teresta ufthtie Comnpany. Al cf vic i fir» futoliy mbultte. THRIOMAS G. GIBBS, Office of tue oesnny, Preuident. Oshawa, Péb. 9, le 1 XENTÉ1. naclalra '#au. lut, 18M0 To balance froei 87. IN' Cah n Ont. Bank, Ohawa.829,M t~63 Wiltby. 4,101 75 on charo.... 0 47 Deeie, T Cpitl $ 84,038 87 Dec.PltTo apialstock_... 457840 0 RePeym'ti on tatou. 68,243 10 Interstrecivet.. 29,"ir 17 Preminie Accoont.. 6l0, 00 1827ý703 5l Lied. lt, 1880. ---- By Lotus on Mortgagea ......226,931 Il Depoit. retace..... .. *- »524136 il Interoît p ald........ .... .... 12998 92 Dividlende Nos. 14 and là.. -22,149 94 Expencs.Accoont, inluulaog Directrni' anti Audtor.' isu. 4,264 73 Solctone anS Valuatora' fees changeable to mortgagor.... 1.425 64 Balance ag babyw. Cahinta 't. Bank, Oshawa..... $ 7,167 98 bnt. on ccci., Nov.. 261 011 Ç17,4W0 99 Lest cheq'snoct prea. 2,041 48 615,569 5 CathirnluOnt. Bank. Whîby. 12,895 04 .Bowmvla. 4,971 bl on hanS ...2,0? un - 35,M 699 "827,703 r61 STATEMENT OF RFITaaxANDi1088. Dec. Slet, 1660. Byluierait recelveti. ........ $29,02 17 0 «. accrueS an i8ffl.---..10,778 45 14Premion Account ..... ......5,004 00 Dac. B8iu, 1880 01,7VUt Tc Internat pait ..... ......... 91,M9 92 ltpesAccaunt ............. 4,204 73 8 olitraanS VAloatom' tees changeable ta mrrtgagere.... 1,4W5 64 DiviSends Non.. 14anti is...2214994 10 per cent. ohOffice Fuma.0 tne ffll,60) ...............60 16 Arouit place ta Rait Acet.. 10,000 00 ,g , tcntingent ir 480 23 851,379 6N STTKN FASSETS ANDLtABIuTIES. AinTS. Den..Blet, 1880. By Mortte«e preeut vlue .... f 89,641 001 Ofic rniture. .61 60 "Le.. 10-per cent. cf.... 010 16 - - . 541 44 Cuhn aOunto nana, Omiaa. ..... 17,107 98 do aso. Intenst . 2.. 2w do Leu cîuq'. not pros. 2,011 4 40 Casir lu OutAnlo Bank,Wiiitby. on hanS ........... 15rf189611 12895 O4 4,974 k1 1675,6P49 43 E>' Capital Stock.......... . 8,60-40 Depeshton................,195 82 Boit Account .............,000 0 <~contingent Accnunt..........M 21 T. H. MOMILLAN, 4- W. eeby certif> tirat>tir boaestate- Mcnte eçetain a orrect repreounalon ci lbe.$Ua fai thtie Company as ihova b>' lhé bobka on Dec. 8ut, 185. W. have eximfn.. .5d voucirersanS finS tie dmnecorrect. OebaVa- Jan, ai8 ml~16. Tii> Ciairman«U tta Ivas hime,1ty oc baudgreal.tpIeon tdoinsao. mile coeu- panyh"a, teuuet lait yeer -areoorapelnl. b.dadinSIacnqetTb@. f"etbat l'kM h tY&WDS' J~'~J~cJIANDENGISUPRITSi'SATENS. DuCN SHIRIITNGS, GAMI300NS, -DUCKS, &c. AFL ASSORTMENTO0F 'HARD SOFT'HAT Sa' COTTONS--IrINEN S, L-ZTOWE'LLJNGS__ CARPETS-AND- LOOI--OIL W INTER GOQDS r TL SELLING TO. S.L&ZB A CHOICE LINE 0F' N~W TEAS- A fuli stock of Genoral. Groceries and Orockery. 1-"oAT q A RET-ID. ~'O, EWS - CLOTILS: REDUT.CTION I G-0D8 Whitby, Februa-ry 15th,* 1881. WilkinsorVs Block-.1 TOWNSHIP of PIORERING,1 * r for îtî accomplishment. Outaide a&IO cfils r aftnng paer, a large Reaere increase, the 0Ca11fidunce cf de p aftan vwile, et tire Ramne lim à strengthenut thahanda of the. Directori andi enable, thern ta tek. prompt advaratage cf ail profltairlu -business whacir erosl frcqoerrtly prejente it9elif daing tire peiot. ef Ssprerraîou, tire advent cf viricir, Soounr or later, it dca. oct neeri a propiret tb prediet. Witln the ho pe tiret the Report and tire suggestions whlri have basan marde, for.errlrdoviag trs future ope.etîoîu of thre Conmpany May meet witlr)-Our approval, I Zhep ta secodtire adoption cf tire itleport, vî ch teu no pen for disrcomon.-Carrne-d. Mr. Dîngle, eonded by Mr. Iteadwinr, moyen tiret tire urn of flou bIreprrrithre AurlrtoreMam. Griersan and Hiarri, for tireir services for tire puit 7ear, and tirat tlrey irc appointeS auditore forItire carrent Mfr. Lante, eeconderi ry 2lir. IfRatnirn, move t tirt y.larv ira. 1)rit tire(terrerai Riraisof tire Comnpany ire and tirs saue la hereby errended by tiknng ont tirs word. 'flnst Wednesdgy" ou tirs hirrd lins ctnd aobsttutirrg the word, "second Tuesday'" tlrerefor.--Carrned. Mr. Petteron, seorded by Mr. Carter. urovori that a vote ci tirinilibaniesd lanire,,- iry tenderedt t the Preaident,' Vice..lretnrtent ard lirectane, for tirs vsry latistarnony mnner luniricir they bave conducted'tire affaire of the Comnpany during tire pat yerar anS t.hat tire £001 of $250 reproeeted tri the Pregaent, anS $60 Octirte Vice- Preaident far: tir r micoste 6tire Con. pany.-Canrled. Mn. Allen, seccaded b>' Mr. Dingle, maved tirat tht, oaeetinçdo nov Proceed te <lae nîry balo insDrecterm t0 U the place Of- troe es irnàgand tit Memara. John Carter and Wnr. ienawlirebcappointed icrutineera for oald electtcu, andt tt tire poli renotin open for one iorn for thre pnrposcf recels-1 mng the votescf lire Sbareiolcfera; bot tira airout lire eminutes elapu., et any tîme vitiraut avote havnp been teken, tirepoli shal h.declared clooeS; ccd that aiti ecro-t tarreen. ire pai thtie aum cf two dollar.s aclat for liherevce.-.C.aried.t Chair reaumeti, and the. tcnotiueere re. portet tire followilng ne gentlemen Who ver, Soy Seclare<l eected Directoam trrhe ensuiep yeen: Hon. T. N. Gibs, W. H.t 5Gibbs, Eeq., W. P. Cowan, Eaq.. 1R. S. Ham. Il n.Buq. . P Alln, E , . .Lark, c Esq., W. T. DAle, Bq .A. Gibacu, Esq., and W. B hom~taDq A vote cf thanku wtt teorlerer ta tire Ohafrman analtirs meeting arl>uurnsni. At a suiriequent meeting af tire Directoni Bon. T. N. Gibbs vaz lnuanulrgnly sîscti Presidentanrd W. P. Cowan, H.q., Vice-r Preaideut. Ontario Ladies Colle ge, TO THES SHARAHOLDERS: Take notice tiret a meeting vii bu haIS oui Priday, lias 25th dia>' et Ft-b., îeat., in tieore natroor ofuttire ata cnjlieg in tire TOWN OF %WIIITISY, aItirseiraur af Twa o'cloek in the etternoo, fan tire p rr potee9;tatklng loto coustirttion tr tlS IVIS. ebiltyit ratrflylng anS con8lrning a certan mratgege niaS.by tire Presideetou 'tira ruai estete cf tireiraiS OiteariaLadie,' Col. luge, ta tire Fermer. Loan anti Savini Company, dataS tire 251h day of 8eptenrber; 188, -0 mesure tira ani f 628,000, anS in. terestat e ie rate ot msveu per cent., Pu f.ncumus tireel provîded. 'P JOHIN 1O10E, MORTGAGE SALE -OF VA&LUÂEx.E IImcp le F Noar the Tow»t of Whitby. - ijden a nS b>'siituo f a power cf aie con. -tabouS iiia cer=amortgage wbLiçhviib. pandorSe r re -otta .1een pn 'wbich dtefanlt i.. been x tase bt*&tn soiti tri Public Auclir, et BRXIS UOTECI,, - in tire Town of WXITS, Y, ou %ATURD/AY, thé PIFTI DAY0' At two 0iCOOK in tire afternoon, b> 3fr. Lest Peairbaular, Auctianaer, the for- - tg valtasile pieu of fardlands Ij comipose& cf part cf LtxxomierTwoutv_ M c.TE:- COUNTY 0F ONTAJRIO. CONTAINING SIXTY ACRES, more or le., ein8 uhat part of tire North hall rf Lut $nmirer 28 in tire 8r Caou. of tire saiS Townuhlp, deeribeti as follove: c OMMENCING ON THE WESTERLY limit of the said lot ut -a point whire tire Northerlv limit cfitrravelled roand croaigsaiid L, jotersecte vitir matS West. ero avait ; tarence North iventy four de- gros. iar.t twerrîy chaiura more or lesa, ta thre Eaeriy limit ai sai lot; thence sootir ixte-o degroceâ Fut alonrg tast uentionied liturît tri tire Snoth-qiast angle ci tntd North irai; tirecce Sourthr ,.sveoty tour degreea, West twerrtv elrrirrs more or lest. to the -Western limr; cf tire taid lot -tirsoce North arxteendrdcrer, West rrlong fat mentioneti lirait to tire p lace of begintguc4,ung tireretrom thre said rot, 'ii hold et PUBLIC AUCTION BY MR. LEVL FAIRBANKS, Aoeionçer, et SIICKER'8 JIOTEL, at LIVEIIÏ>COL MARKET, intire TOWNSHIIP cf PICKEIING, en Saturday, the 190k Day of February, A-1)>. 1881, nt oie c'elock lu the, i. Tira souia ps ootClay Icaur, iL ns Wel wt. cet by a WCII and creek 1 tire . l a grati orcîrerd cf -about one anS ot-half acres. Tire. are ou tire pnoperty a trarn.e cottuge, haro ced stables. Tire fences are guod. Tire property h viti three milea of Liverpool tuerlet. Tire are gooti rosSa lemdiog thereto. TBRMS 0F SALB.-One tenIr cash aI tire tOme ai sale, ocongir vitin one moulin tirereater ta rocks vlirtirte depout onu tuti c f tirs puronrase moue>, tire balance, wiîir interea e oen per cent, frouetire day of mals, ta ire paiS vitifuone year tiereatter anS be accorei by xoortgage cf tirs promises. '- Fattrer particular. anS conditions cf sale cauob hâdaSfraie reVendue orSlleltar. LYMAN ENGLISU, Venes iSolieitor, Oshrawa. 21 Jan , '131. 6 4i Osaae, Ont. TO LET 1 Two istores n tir Wlîtiry Marlet Bloc!,- 8 or ô yeara 'Les. Slirairla for groctr>' aed provirsions, or eny rrtler irusineaE-gooS TEIIOAS HUSTON,- Joly 28,1380. 32-tf Tou CIcr! lThe .Gr,,Am derican Wfe~r acoveM1HSý- COLI» AI N. BR0ŽeTCHITI, L Z088OF "0OCE, HO.ARBSBIiTSS A ND THO4 ppFECTIONVS. a" W urI5rape.;eMoyie,, afthru se" am1iuan " .1eUo t ffle r<t= w :arj. Ma uofo a"1< fojru e ý GRAY1, r-.PtAl f.cta"fgaza# r dalaoi.a 1se t..SP 0* tl ei e SG UM.! -Jmop.o< ic wt in curing ob- J. O HAND J. B. WELL& . GoldmthH.I SELi2ING ý'ýOFF! Havi*ig deterznlnâ. _ on gi 1 ng up bunns On ts opuaion1o 1ýase, Thà výholcstock o WÂTbH ES>,CLOQKS;, * JEWEI.RY, r Wiil-bcofférod at muchlessl, s regular pries. * JkESJOHNSTOI,: EVERYINTENDING EPUR0HASER -- BHOULD'. MAKE ý,IT A POINT TO SEE -- WON-DERF»Uk,-Ly OHEAP 'CO0T T O".NS Hle offers, Canadian Factory (Jottons*- at, and in some cases below, manuacaali ILre l st p ices.. - GOOD CÂNÂDIÂN It'CTORY COTTONS AT 6 CENTS. HEAVY-CANADIAN-FACTOEY COTTONS AT 7 CENTS. THfE BEST 8-ý FÂCTOBY COTTON YOD EVER SAW. VERT HEÂVY YAPRD-WIDE FACTORY COTTONS AT 9 'CEN~TS. THEÉ GREATEST BARGAINS IN CANADIAN. BLEACHED COTTONS EVER OFFER-ED. GOOD CANADIAN STEAM LOOMS AT 7 CENTS. HEAVY CANAPIAN STEAM LOOMS AT 8 CENTS. GOOD YARD-WIDE CANADIAN STEAM LOOMS AT 9 CENTS, HIS-10 CENT CANADIAN'STEAM LOOMS ARE EQUAL TO RECIULAR 12je. GOODS._ FOR 12. CENTS HE. OFFERS A 14 CE NT GOOD WIDE STEAM LOOM. IIIS 12j-o EAVY STEAMLOOM FOR 1HIRTINGS IS WITOIT AN EQUAL A-T. THE, PRICE. The finest Canadian, Euglish and American Steamcilooms," Loý"iç;dale CiM- brîCS, &c.r very cheap. f& A very large stock of Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings, #uhblwrgülar priées.'1 EMBROIDERIES-T0 arrive in a few days the- largest, assortment (over 3.,000 yards):-o f 'Erbroidered -Edge*"M Insertions re lias ever showu. ý a Seo these Special Offeringe. ,,~,- ..~. Whitby, Februany lOtir, 1881. A i~< ~ 1) VI'Vil- R iSI M 4 NiS The only MKedicine that Iscoesffl urfu h 3 while at the smre imi t allays emvü ,itt~ and strengthenz the DebiW &e yttu e *tya d speedily cnring 2Riionzness.Jai dce y p t a5 C st pation, Headache, Rhoiumasm Dropoy>nerousau GeU- Sat uhm, and -v'ery species oc' Obronic Disesté ariangrÃ"lné Dusordered Liver, Sluys toio*, or Bloodt. j THE:BEST BLI3EJIIPURIFYMOTOC NTEW.D " uieCl. 0r.,TMILMI lm 5.. SML Apif?, 100 iei arl,SW li e r e e -i s a W " r e u P o w 4e r la a sa fei au re md effect e! d e e o y u e f tS . in a l e ad*la Pgi e ce n:,or 5 i Ch &= l lira.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~i 0-a7 Nwleuetc1b< pefct , vy n. wfpom ,eme TE BEZ N-EXT 80BTS DODD JUST lEtVD O/Ri2'D~ b Q ce o, ce ce Ja ce Q - O ce Q. O B-I o Q plaest:i. in amoin t villint thr c t[ote -~ wttli anS i. by tsrna. îaot *ur aollsd in Ire- le. of toe Iry et lie, ta >mffer. r. and ed by siotab. BUGGIES. BUGGIES AND FOR SALÉ' ÂT *R'nFOLLOWUiG 2 Piano Box Bngge At 7 d .4 extra finiieS 8m .rigarhevter, AT AGAIN 1 ý The fulloýdug Valuable Farm iuth, 1 - R r Whîtby, February 15th, 1881. nounou mwm:l STILL A GREAT H 0 1 C E OF NEW 1

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