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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1881, p. 4

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à lUîe l idl lbruglithe hall, a ?ctl4 'ZI tal'i lot>mathe U~y fen- 'rc $i<tlri baby lbpe-theyhd ne Tg Uttar DWrd cnld plata btng; But te " ehaeaier.heua e age pâle Sb* beard, ésud , l ic sa convice 4ud freon that moment g"Only 3140 ha -The Doclaration. Willât e5 i à1eré su wildly ihrub Vtl'adenitc r- s Ob. lybit aie tue t at 1 caiot estP ILe tld me wi pt ily gueued ? Wbv efil ltee as oelAow My ye? 15 tauet bave boee theg lad surprie- surrprie te andIrphtlà gueeed- 1Jeltkt t oïr oye me bet. s uddea loy affectu;Mie grief; linS with laye CtumulS cames relief Te feel U aifers arc etet aiest, As whon he dree me %a lie breasi. A ThrillinL Advet .liure. à WOMANS lAS A DICBPEIU.aRK F1011?WtT] TWU 81AR5 IN TItiStLUE MIDOU MOUttTAIN-sanRU ILLS U TII B OTIS AND QAPTUIIEb TRkiLI WOOURS. Mr:. Tlhaddeue Nevguo, of waynef boroi - a., eba arrived ai Baltiwor roeutly from thetBlueDinedge -Obain reports au exeifiug silventUatn u the tuoîataiue by Loitie bMrrrill,* il liaudsoeorn tareux of- Wayne Coanty Who a foi eslne e lasterrbl tileltwilh baig'blackbLert, luia el site vanquteh he bouet, ii recruo iserlotioe mnutilesbereelf. Thia narrative asbd 4. byth. piucluy Loitie t Mr tetaup114, thai on Usurday lait, jus -&(Or boIIseriat lettetorm n eh si wel ,clver ilie country# eue determned ta ge oni on the iaouatins &bdl lba foi garne. kmerdingly, ale onuetibl aniaoOBor o!dotakia, bLU3saloti .anlesd bgenew.ehoes, sud salle( fer-ah. earrying weuh ber, of course, bl itrilsy rifle sud sa bre eorf itieols Whlo oie rlaR ias niaruh, misbefori $il tael#tas of a leur. .Her bunirei Iseai#. dl sutd, sit betarîti ni %bleinutalme aunlihe trail. $hoeavoc fnuujîl Bruilae borne lu a cave in th( rock@, suiI on s bbd of leaves were iv bactg r 1 tic bs bbgger tjan kit tensi. Bb Shi ured te prise, sud ce Setretng, dieu he euccaieredIau Wtuneiie cehe-bear, tiem totier of the euh., Wb* haili sceuted the sirauges. 13 are Laitie coutld draw lier rifle tc tlicildaer tia. animasl was upou lier, and, graaptng lier lu lier pawa, gave e écli a terrible squtexcasit & he fmmi $il, ï*len thb iar, tbiiialDRigber dead, relessed lber grlîi. Slis fortuyîst#)ly re. gainec tiocuelcuteu uickly, asu wllle lte aid bhastwassplayiu iig e lier aubeathe pîucky liiîtreie drcw lie rite and liot lier ln tIi. ide. Tiie binlîci 41M1tuol trike ibe auinal'e heurt, lnd as lte bruie dashed eai ler again LAttli drow lier liuutiug knife, asu Iriib ornoboid stroke uearly severei the besr'e heati from t he bodly. Cou. «raýutnig bertself upon lber aarrow 0#04pc1 tuq brave lituatr<ssplehed.u tii. ube anti tarte otilauiward. 8hb liit proceei bul a short disianoe, laaweyers «beu oh# eutonuaîereil uotber '« iii.eavage beia, tie maeof tIe dt* *ebli Iad killid. AlthligIt ber rid ýw*s unledt, thie brave uîtile womani boni ud bed saag be touatafop. danger«. rpWaltcalker, nerve, Un. eiaObeattag br elap huIe sol the beau apprçace he lcie plugeaint ig ilîoa, bS e hd sugatbar for lam lalhp.Il escs slrugule for lite or deulail4 sudhecbrave eowsmifonght îlemperately. Dtitai theutugglc the b~eur sud girl reaehetlihe etige et a clf fIy 'luâodr t îigu, &Dua e8pu6a ai anle <aiforty-11vo Jegree. qi t tteWllioapas Clreci. Ai* 9ic0sanimai l beel Lotehe io rs tiasiio#ei ldiux.ou té ellppery crut aIWtM' ias aluioi V-0endicular clope. Lottie w<seoarried cilla hlm, sud every tou> t fthianlace trlvetiadded t« taels %leiîy. Wlaen they-, resohes- Ilia. foot ô tailsop. iiasy struelt agamns# a trac ouplete kliig thie hear and breskhng tee cfICLoit b iass ad aleo. catiat ber rigbl, arw, Site wa& piokea ap insensiîble by srnie iuntere und 'Vital 9:atitçza. -' ecodiu Spldit riport atlte iiegs. se ra GetesiJul lidbetare lthe L#gic-- lAilv Âasacanby, al te ie iegÏstered . dutnilthle yeur-4iilSS its, 12,5Me Ctmarrnatties, sud 17,958 lesîlas. Thoera wase sftaingtiff liui marriagi.a tif 220, au' hucreatar- lu ti-atlas ai 1501, undt aun t-1 tgcresce tu liii lias cf 799 over tue lrevi- oue yer. Thme total ra'istrittiaino wsre *4 71,00%.tau inoresa oht25,902 lunte faur r s inetehegmt lnArt caine ma Tic -ratio o! birîha l. lb. prnctpal olties sud oelia la pbpulslIèn le,23 Per Bd1,000, agalasl 27 in 1878. The raCio cf or « marriagas i. 10, per 1,0010, wliile lasi yea'rit i e arly 12. The. standàrdl Îdop06il by aCiiosuas ii B par 1,000-- Thea ocrrie sa c f ibe merriage reIS le iucidculally auoWvn by lb. fartt blasi chl-tIe tIi arrlage ragistrations ruan. be11i12,609, tCiao aur 'of marriage licenotes iaasie s 12,708. Thie number of lîvin-iithe during hie ,yosr-w-us 878, or 47 10au1 han iu 1878. Nins cas ouf iriplot e re rAi- I Suruedin lu1878, sud ouly one lu 1879.0 One clilinluevery 56 le a %wiu, analï coelunuevety 4,646 a s îlel. In 18791 ,the number of ileogitituste birîbe wcee 584, or 49 los hiasu lu 1878. This ila one ilîegttiuia ou78 legiintale unite. tle ratilalu 1878 beîng oe t'O70. Ocirig ho hise uegligeure of hiooe wlioso duty itasàI seudIl Cie ruIot o ih b.depuy ragistrsr, theo irîl aud clectL ttusarste aeioget.ter reli- able. The Spectacle Witnessrd s: a Woin-c anus Execution. oe Whiu Mias. Millet and (Ueorgii Smith D, wer exe ie alliter day at Wil. og lsauéro Vs., frithlie mutalerof tic ho luabsuti of the f.rvner, thi . lutner be. Y came aaireuiely nervoîs ia lîî'îîoti lta le bler bout bati corne, saai uuifeseei a d idlulsa-verriop lu stiîluitiniitzî te e( ;d imnpeuaiug on-sil. Along dti upper eorridora, abc rnoaained iollfy,and frI liasthefliglat of Mtairsesai icng thecli Pt, drqiry path o tbb csaslTld ahie exleaei « egrei syunpabhy by batrjplaintive ariasi 'rfor mercy. She cmi, drusaî;cdin a long or blak gow,tb::sotnlre appearasoccof su ad tee silk Lacs. à shaclai 0a or btrown aven ber abouldaro, buS berr l.besti cas uncovreai. Site cee support- i ç d by tbea mon, suai nt limueultoat r- ua:k tothe grouui.Aaiui:aaaceuajed sefors moment gbzedlonaitaeornle cf 'P' .eaîla, sue cas elîuost pai al3 zeU w;îlî 'O est. Her body Looka ks uddut-ta bck.6 w ard imovenieni, asu ,ou tterIîta tpiai-iug i-îak. lIhn altudtaute igit I bar wuitis airunet gnasp, i ii y couiii. j omble onxertioîu lau liroIrt litii caiff oeelor- a cilmiuaul. Siîuîtb avliteli luthie galbe. ciii fituinesi.m, s u r, vagronhly %yiij..outhie waoy. Thaicil ca ultsa nt lecilprîts esbivae.iâ lite aaqîeus. Oeiug taelthe frigidl t enosplîîthle nteudiug liuiriisieui<'ou- erlo.iod tlaivue a svûry bni sttieric. WU ("tclius i engageai Mn,. Miller t tert;a Sfrequeut egouiziug cries, oiling ou hiudd ~ ieuïly 10 liaea unercy on lior cota. WelC e n lite tope cas jiaceel about ber necli ber face proeeteid a glias-liv apec tarte, sud ebgrIa'aaued nu. b i . x Sperasurei n cboliug îcu'e4tion, sai Id nomplainedt basi Sie rop'e wtoi'ton iglai. Pemanaîsit froanlerthbroat. Tii. climsx ef ber nisryaeeued ho Lasve LteenF réoeaeîle. lie blacik biug as dnatea over lier face. Sheciuildered sud ut. Soeai a Mry lai conîti be board for a suuare. Clii. as unelile ga risesfront b- liehoair uasbed hei en ito tite bailý1 arrlvat for lier depanînre, anti ler two tg ltAttendants taiseit lier up sud fbeli be&rN i potiiioanoutil tice AeorifflI 4spruoi«il thse "rP. Smla met hie faCe Lunch , scre iercîIcaly, but noStdi au"imy rav. oa t &An'sd pasit bie tite ou bbec aaffold ti lu supplicaîlon. Tic rinubail shacli- ales ou île feet sudamainud lieectusu cas bonad il ihfont strap-ans&bout ber akes, ue about tait desa.,- neaap theic haes, ho keep lier gowu lu placre, fi tiuotherbIg ier nsd lIa.foutt en- ! circleti bar bauds. LIIAIW1.ALAWLs.- Tbioo &inuavrs;y Sbetweeu B.obt. (YNeel, Pettr iliglies sud otiora, aud .lnilge Paiudry rc-gard. di Siag the ownrsqilp of te nînib:oj clairnuaD on ruyIu mountain ctuiîutaed ou a' etasiîneil by Juilge taeudry ta gnsi'd :hIe Kt i nd lilsItope, th.elocal i eaz1rs Oe t deprteaion cf su i clrgymýen ul, if rlte miaie.lry latorea il torl l'Oi- in prioumnt ansd tit give ticar capporit t I leA bih draca up c i h-tils olyjiî-î e o-Y ba WieInrldacei la Parlisineul nexi. ses- ýg Mon m4l. Âservnt ir ,ap 1 lé for woïnt~ 55jiOau1frets med,-imne Biaad and IJlans ia seligpac6r ix conderlt" <Brow ueM sut beh a cknocledsa he greai Pain lRe- leéver, sud et double lOEe uîreegth ef anj aibter Blixiror Liniment ina tte cark Wheua t a l very taznil,'bandy it'n when cantet, '"as. iC really le te iÙétsI rsueein uthe catît fat Cranupo ibte -Scomach, Pains sud Arbres of l l imite," sud isifar salab, al druggiste 5111-ei Coinsumptflan Cured. An ad pysioan elired tram prmotoe,. ýh#'rlng>d picrd <nblbumda b7y&4, $test ýldamisui us07lte foîmuJa 0àn i a igpkl vogtabe rmed foIte - y sud e- uitauaeure for Conaumptmo 23ronzcitthm Cstatrit, Asma, sud tilt Thraaal uitLanig dAecliauis, aiena a aottlvaasttfradical ri , Xie'voun debloty ,oid aIl Narvotis Coin. plaints, after laaving testadit is 'onderful aturative pawere lu ltouiatids oi cassaias jfjI l liiâdany tatuai. eit kuacu thlai sufterng falloce. Asîtatdh tay i""mtive suit a truite tu rolieve botin u -feHn'g, I ciii senti. Ire. nf chatrge; tui aill eutdeelte 114 Ibis recipe, in Gariasn, Francb, or Eug-' leah, witli tati directions for preparing and usiug. Seul b,' mal by addrsaang wi"h statn, nauning ibis papier, W. W. Sbersr, 149 or' BZon , deuier, N. Y. 42 President Hayes. Thse s-liilty uf Mr. Ilaye.' hitle mra, wmys qtueatiouüae nd uihlis admuinistation critlaisait. but thepayrnen aiouaonedollar gives a vauicl 110e teoane Lattis ni Dr. Piercç'e Golalsu Meuiosi Diovery', sudl fs admints. trahioni can neyer Le critinein. iac. ea6f cougits, raidit, incipient oeuuption, sait genersi debiity', otrleoadang pitysiciane of ai]i anîools enduareasthe l)imavrry suid pro- scribe itinteirprctioý_. Soit bydruggiit. M lscrnblcncss. Thea most couderful aitnd trve ans stuc- casa. ia cases citere persoa are sack or pining uway tram acondition oai nuterable. nasae hicOuna kuces cahailse<liern (profitable patients fat dçctora,l is oiteineal i,' t.euse oi Hap Billets. Tite,' Lgin te cure frein Ste trsose it acpil p until perfect boaitb suitstrolîgtbhiLrestoret. Wioevarileaflicteitin Ibis way aa e t suifer, chou they-a o$togeHop Bitte r siloec "'Truthi" snd "Proverbe" lu suathareal. nan. r !)urdociBlocd it lter n a ie boni llloti Purifier. LIvean& sud iey llsgalaler, and Reshorativa Ionle lu the cailci. Ilacta ap on 111e liver, the -litua0eanuit Ce Scueliaë, eurlng ail manne ad i Biîous complainte, Kadi.,'complaiute, sud diaasses of atoý bol . Anisyau-,druggisi for Burttci Bisal Bitteam. Sanple baIlles 10 cents, tagular bie le. 'oc. 4in I0 The Grcoitest Rentedy Knn. Dit. -iio(îs N&w Dtscov-aîv for Cao- suraption ie certaWoly lthe greatnaît inadicai r'-îeiy aie lar Itei cahin the rasrh of Oui'igLiualliity. T-rieu ids ,of ana-e kî;aui e u -ar.., a.iw louai,' proclaln tai-ir uîraisc lfo it tuwouîde-ful Diaaniveri ta wilch ilicowe ti', hllves. Nt'aIaly dosa it positircly caore onliump.iîn, but Cingas, CMAi, Aiuhaa, Br,)Dcltis, Cia,' Fever, 1iicrr.ene,-u ana l ait!steetinna of te Tbrost, ilw; and tiLungî aieid at ounce taeits won- danfltcative pocaïrji se if hy magie,. W. laeare ieîrîctil l'u esntm tai L-aceoui u.nr dragg,î iNai' get a cerii bottia for tbu cal t aiils wiaerlmerise. antal show yau what s cegutai- arle dola r ieboutle a-lt For sell y'fT. G. Wlihttfcld, Wiby. It seens impossible Tiat a ceiuaay nmall it, isurit omn.oo uaiMPlé flaiî$i as tl 8, Buau, tsi alcake, Dalaelle, &C. ab uisua e 60 ny nalt surit mua-ertous and vrndta-fulcures aaiap, DiaterNdo, but eben o aiundt young, niai mkitaI p6or, isir anal Doctar Ls-wyer sud eidlasl t'estiy a s b - Ltuocntedby tiiem,,ye.u nuis: alir s ta-y Ilueciyott. setf.i, sd ilulal nolange-.leSoi tiier cul. Are you iituthai t ah igilut an rcian oi Ou eut oi ,a sick cuild enfaoringansd cry- laeltSte xcnuiua-lsCqpain e tbilig Leýe? tfsa.o z>a ohieand gelt ahotuseot 5118 W1NSLOW'S SOOTtUNG SYItUP. ItiU relieve the por lttiaIsuiferer lim. meUslet-depeMt-aupen i; tSiarsteane inistikiabout il, Titane laeta a malien iaeut' ho-lisevet usat ilitaWhocIinot isllyouat one uieê lit il iii tuea the tocwels, suit civet'et ta the maglar. RalTa- lie sudaielîith thue alila, oneatiug like n'agie. Ih as perfectdv sae .te use in a&l Castes, studtpleseanita Cotsud Ilt'bo pmýrasrpîtiatoone«of tithe luecisuad bLes femile 1phi> inias ialanurses in tiie Unitedl flaites. Sl Id vecywiiareataI25coeaa boulie 6-1,' Paivcnty snd Diatress. 'bal p'îvù-uty ciuich priadaies lte groatest Iisirsi us nmctaifthe paislai.ut otfltheblaait. )ep rivadfit ii raicns, il bensecanto onaeter,'. s condition hermeai atiemhn lu rueiticai a-rtingw. Givan Ibis condition, sudte~rof uloaîi swellings rnd sores, ganerat anal narvaus tehit,'. Ioasoff teutnitap. petite, waaak Zunga, t4roa± aisesessaut <eau- enirtion, a amang lte comac reute. l'borefor,, il yenaeea sulterer tram tii, rQa b!ond, (te Dot heaitate. Lut enuploy Ëloti-n ledicodl Diseovpet,' chacuriches the b<ua uairadiesti,' enaets afaea- ltisn b,' strickiag at the rtiof,(iecvsuit Oentaviug the cau-.%* 'Fanàlin ci beir Maullus as House- - hlit Wcnds." Sa caIe bsitepea. h . nivetsatly, aditi.ed Ihat Ibis grau geuluabas ca-itaen aboul &Jaiisl ae'cytiug auteltruchoasi uhtjiactsimp te ta dore 1h. Ilconlt a- at ot ebZn be-crois the abois corde ho badtru bis miuait oye ScotSu Braen'» erestest raqui.ttec aI ofh ariaseitld. <ic o i6e#aWt0dkeep dlsags rime uccessit, eilitn love ltehaste et1 t, 1anal an ths choIt nol m mteramcdi- tu Iliae isnuit s uarosinoil pc. tice 25Ote. Fer«'e s lqTuG. Wfit l , Whil.- by. 2t. Th.e New$cal ofthe Wortd'e Dtc! 4el Aaal. li o uîBulfsa, a! iif in raldut, rnicods" faIs dgare ci Aes- CUIAPUI, té Fater 0 e , tsurtait. iog btbPIn,fitlyiyboliee,'tic caraI- ride -rePultlton iuend la> the FaahI u -uul4îcoorraL,îieojnepsuiy so Ï& ia ilparts of te corlit,,. Witlt a mammoutha eitbaitenî, the Wurlite ls sear andl In altiow ltu B bff &Io'su dand a d. asciiy la î'baxlricetaltent'in libatoia, buis Asqaicioianmaie nieicnceRfan the a-lige carLW-n,eiU4rIY tae - bat , to*y Per, coualtr -'xenula týa tlIeut wftIt"efp.ala îed.tazlnas Ibons&ndsetofcases. Âuîoaa*lte tant Celebralt aiof re P i&ry.rfa4tuy sedItiuéli re Dr. Pt rc' O ýF1taf *MÏ TO. THE FAIMER8" 0F T!U :000: We~iferyqufo te h~v.'ýtof 1s81, thefollo wig firBt- BROWN'S WHITBY HAIRVESTÈR, (Improvod.) ~O1NG, CANADA MOWEB, (Improved.) CAYUGA JiaMOWBB. QTmproved.) The a'bovc ma<ëbin esreqiwüe aie co entî uie üig iru sncb a barvcst as tIteLéximd carrying off theiGold Medal for Canada, We alec notify ail puwihasers who wagnt duable machinery andi proposc ta psy CASH ON DE L.WERY, W cââail Our olce in Whitby, before placing yanr ardere elsewhere, as i i's O-ur intention ta adopt the CASiISHý-8Y ST. EM!1 As nearly as is practicabe6, aud -theaby make aur preu list nt lowest liv- ing prices. Clive us a Smi. BROWN & PATTERSON MNF'G Co. Whitby,, Jan. 2laat 1879.,. UTALUAN WAREHOUSE! I amn daily in receipt of FRESII OYSTERS (best brands), atnd keep coustantly on hand FINNAN HADDIES, &c. A FULII ASSOMIMENT ciOH.RIS1TIE'8 BISCUITS, <MOLR'S MARMALADE (New1 Stock), PURE GOLD à IPOWDER, RECKIL;L'S PARIS BLUE J~E~ÇK INEGÂR. lu Demijohns, Exe1IJ11. M*LT VINqEGA&R, ItONEY, là ets per lb. SPECIA L A TTENTION lt u a«EI/REKA I?YE,", N~The finèst that can be got !1.el 1Wbitliy, Sept. 28, '80. BJ~L~ C ounty Liquor Store, DALIAN IVAREHOUSIi & IDMEA11z's Whotesalek and Retail,1 KING STREET, OSHAWA. JusI received for Christmas and tue New lear, a large stock of WINES and LIQUORS, direct importation, conrsing Port and E'herry Wines, Brandies, Gin, Rim,.Scotch and Irish Whiskeys, Base' Ale, and Guinness ai-d Iýlood's Porter. Gooderbaini &uWorî'a celebrati 0 O l,'. suad Malt WIiakcy, the hast in the Domainion. Taylor&SuBatemt anil Cocgnavc SuSons' Cansalisia AIes anti Porter, sud Lager Boer on draft and in hottle. The Isygesl anti besi aseried ti slocf CIGARS lin the counly I Part sud Sherry Wine ei auperior qualil,'. aI #5.00, 841M0,#8.00 anti 2.50 pet Impenil Gallon. Nativeù Port sud Shertry, 81.75 pet Gallon. Merwei, Jolec-Roblti Husy3an d icsWoodaitandi bottle. A firol-riasa Brandy foot eooking purpôses, at $2.75 par Gallon. Reit-anti Green seul OIdToTantantiHollande Glu. Jumoi-on'o. Burk'e, Danvitbs snd Stusrt'ee8aob sundIrish Whlshaya. Tiji our celebrated Toddy Whiskev. the finost Whiskey in the market~ $2 per gali. or $85 per case of one'dozen 1Botties. Finesl qusîlity of 01<1 jamaica Riom. Base Aie, Loltti b,' iiberiti F oster & Sous, lu Quasand pinta. Cougravo S& Ban (Toronto), Taylor & Bats (St. Catharnues) Al. on tiaaft, lu 5, 10 sud 15 Galion ogsq, asuinluBaIlle lu esses cf eue doen quarta ant te dozen pinte, aI 81.26 par case.1 È AGER BEER FOR WINTER USE, Teew dosea bIlles aI 81.25 par case. Guinness and Bl31W'; Bleui liu quartesuand pintes. Coiagave. S on's celeliralcit $tout, at 81.50 pen daxea quarte, and 7j5 cents par. dceenfiplae ___ A few ofthîe simples af Cigare consîanily on 'bandi. Fiat Fins, -1Prinices.Toile, FIer dsiaiMma, ïGcla Cu'ra Rings, Tramnpeteu, Grand Durleu;s, Auitrogynoup, Maple Leaf, Crloelteti, BesiPal" 'alia. FnaNe'pIns Ultra, Qsieen o! the Turf. M. P. C., VicSoris, Git Etge, Flor-del-Famar,Lant *&..-L xsCprolius, La catolca, Bult oGnssîa ZEijo5 La FIer Eninente, Antorican Conclu. Wilson'* MoutrWeMGager M*. Làeinuse, PotamsWatc, ïaWater, Uarge oan smallqusutitiea upplieti, aund detiveredti re of charge ta ouatamn, * ~ ~ W4tiple and an ïnlO ya U t i( Tbe IIM*INATTAN' Fo.d4 A NiJTITIOIÙS'CONDIMEiNT. À sure Preventirn -of the Prevailing Kendall's Spaàvin 'Cure èIl 011E 0F THE MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERMS 0F THIS ÂGE. Weimalre tcaarl auaouacsrnent lIatILKiNDALL'8 %pavl u urewil cu*re- Boubp h anti contpleetly removethie culargenin, o lt aI îe Iaest herse- in oaunot tell thne the horse ver had a Spevin. W. makie fibe miateutenl, sud give te00i1asi1fr , er Wnsel bave nebtit, ta provevu r 1elatemeuls. Il is excellent«for removiag unnatural enlargeuieuts of auy kind. It does uot blister nor cause sny acre. It has no equal, ho ont knowledge, for spavin, spilut, ring- boue, aurb, calions eprain,* ewetliugs, galls, lainenesa frotu ebstever cause, anti al clargemeuls o! the joints, or in auy parla!f the body or limbe, sud je aiea gotad for culs, scratches, wounds, etc. For Illan, infisa ecampleie-iemedy lot Corne, Frosi-Bîhes, o a aay DOmise, Cua or Lemesaua. Wf bave receniiy publisheti a NEW-HORSE BOOK. A trealise on the hoýrse- sud-hlis diseases. About 5004)00bave already been sold ln a short tina. aiStte low prieof 85 cents, or six copies $2, Anti every ane cbcaOsees it prononures il lte best bock ever pnblishîed for ibeprice, sud inay clain iilta obe worth more than books for whhcb they have paid #5 anti 010. R. W. SMITH & CO., Proprietors, Montreal. For sale in Wiiitby by U!,. G-m V T I FIIe Brock-St., Whitby W- NENI) POU VALUABLE CIRCULARs .& ANNOJJNCEMENT. FURNITUBE! J. W. RUPERT', - uCO., ratcnla, Phohorrapbrs-' Tahas piesuen u itormnIng the aitizene of wbitb à ncl South Ontario, IbsI lue bas ,c h ]ï4htir iglut mnd'teatc liti ell.]no,n Pliolograplulr andPrsrng Mes8ge;' -LYON- BROT~E2 WILINSON'5 BLOCE, BROOK-SX., Titi exte;noiv4 al1see)aoâ aL uprov. mente b4y ube-Iste fra are boPingat mi- ACCESSORIILS. ALL WORXGUARANTEED FIRST.CLABS AT TE LOWE8T. RATE-S!!! -CHILDREN A SPECIALTY.- tee Ouùr TBL.&T+TE'PHOTOS. FRAMINO iial ils branches.l PHOTOS. COPIE!) sud eniargea,suit finiebeit ptain la cil clrcolouir. ink, oz crayon, at BO1ýTOM"iRcE&s AGENT for Maion & Risclu, menu- facturera of Pianos anil Organs. Orders for Tuning prolupti,' atteudcd lu. J. W. R. hopes b,' strict attention ho bus!- .teas taenerit s share of tiie patronage sa libermly beetaceal on hie proeccemsors. J. W.,ILEJÈEIIT, Wilinson's Block, Break-ut. FUINI TUBE! ~n~,1o --:000:- The undersigned begs respeotf 1tliy to annotthce to the in- habitants of Wbitby und >sturunding counutry, Ibat ho bas now opened out the oail and well kuacu establislhment so long kept by his'fath.r, MRzv. JAS. IL. 8AM0, On Brook Street, Iwo doors South of the New Market, wh.re lie intc'nds te keep a large sud ceil assortcd stock 'cf FURNITURE, and hopes by strict àttention tobbusiness ta menit a continuance ai the patronage so long bestowed on the eld. establishment. Parties desirous of furnishing, will now..:nd a choice and well selecteti sto~ck to chocs. froin, as .very article bas been gaI up ex-: preatsly for Ibis opeliing, and I shall sdd' naw gaods fram thte factory in Toronto as fast as need.d. Purchasers rnay rely on getting good Fuirnitu_,e, aI the vainj Iowef lanes ! An early inspection of the stock is now solicited, and wbetber yon bny or ual, you ail wililabcwcicbma ta inspect the Furn- iture. ]PO %Y fi&R> 1Wbitby, Oct. 28tb, 1880. PAIL OR BOO T and SHOF S TORE! Deverell's Block, Brockz-St.'Whitby, MATTHEW COLLINS Informs oustorners that at the above establishment will be found THE LAIIGLST, BEST, and- FINEST assortment cf stock of Boots and She betwêen Taro ansd. Mntreal. Don't be satisfled withloig at the display ini the s how wiuttow, but go iiand examine anti sec 1crI yourseff tei stdre filled'with everytbing than can le caJlid for in thi.,Boot atiSboc 1hle, for- Ladies, Misses, Gents and* CbUdren's we'ar' * ve Or,'$00 sCcrthaio rerghoes.'tAT LOW PRICE8! Rubbérs cf $îtpeHrcrqiuuly. No'blow.1 but what is -straiglit, in sîiying tbat in- the cases yet unpacitedth ie unershgned bas now on baud as large a stock as- Most establishmnents in bis line of business. Se the new Berlin Feit !Boots.-Làadies' Fine M B oots- n specialty. L& - Truns a ind Valises in great variety, aI lowest prices. Whîiitly, Ual. 26, '80. MATTHEW, COLLINS, The Mannnoth Parler Bcd aud Bbc, Stu're, DE'VERELL'S BLOCH. WtAJ I' vII MARES* THE -WEAI( STRONGB Iran s b eo cbfn4 at icve casl1,digstd ~i ae'Sflilatci f ,ci.It increases thajenig~ of Naturel's Ou)n* ît alizing At Agent, fen fin tire blood irani cures '<atlîousandiUls," striiply lToning fi ,Inigaùratinog anti v raiig tue8yctem. Tite en- iriciîeda an Vitaized biod per- mzeates everu part ôfttiigoaUbcZ,- rcpairing darnaUce and wcrste, searchinq out rncrld isecrc- tiens, <andc! eervhu g stting for dllsiase ta feeil tipon. Titis te tthe secret cf fthc sean-C derfut 5UCCe8B cf hui rerncdly lba' curtng Dyspejasia,; Lhveir Cer- -P plaint, Dropsy, Cinienle Da, Chilis' and Pevers, Huniers0 ý Ilioss of Constlttitlnal ir, - Discases e iiof IWny ai 13ladder; Feubale'CùrùpjafÎtÉ.I- C and aidiscaae ottcsa1g abacistate of o, bkocc; or<c cmpanied # bi:e ii'*àai state of thes' stem. .'1-l "'pé frrin Aloh5ji 4a»z fb- »,its ýIoweciby rrp i _ Oc tion, but arc permane tin.t.s tife into alt -poýIisft adbuildiing ,Mp iaIo4Jn .by Mis ,es&o oftiis remeci, rom cannaI r, Èýtô aso ,ande ý Sec ieut eciobotio PERU4 ci 'VIAN.SYRÜJP iaicinin tl7 las. in SETH 'N FOWLE-.& SONS, Proprietors, tGý 7-7r saeb, - - TGWHITFI:ELD, Obemist, Wit4yj. 150-00'. BA $ F OR SALE BY PRIVATE CONT114CT - he Soulla f ths cf161No. 9 nit thte ýoutjofthe North jof lotINo,80, in lthe Kh concession et-lite To;wusdahif-Witb, antaÀin«ng 00*cres; Applylto lt, -ONTAB7 O1ÂN SuSAVINGs CýO. COUNTY.0ONO;TAIQ. IÎTTING&OF -THE DIVISION COtURTS FOR T8S1I-: Nitlby-Jsn. 5, Fob. 1, Mur. 1, Ap. t, Ma -2, ;une 1, Jnly %. Sept 1, pot 1, Nav. Jupe 17, Jul,' 22, Sept. 6, 06i ,Nov. 17, xbig-e.,Mat. 8, Apr-14,-M"ay20, Joue 2, Sept:^ 8,Ol, Nov.*1à,'Doc. 9, tnnlingtan-Fet. 8, Mar. 9, Apr. 18, May' 19, Jutas22, Sèert., f. i2Xo,-Dc Lthetly-)a1, June 24, oct. 14,- De.o.*2e Pabistui by oriterof the General Sesion. 1l'h, Clterk fthe Pesos .ZÀog Triî1mD (' EO. T. mJUMPIICW ,"îulser, vil Le do wbilby' about tthé' ' idàaàoý 'o? aT. - ION &b RUiPERT, > Phtog-apliérê Wd- ranson', Blark, Whilby.-;Orier bymai ,cii ernir. prcnpt-attntiuu.ýý 'rn' )YSTER_ýPA*A .1'g,a M RS. LUGTON'S Qyster -a;o - - -e à fi x o M A rX rl u -' - L 0 - -,!; CanoelouryoIpsan , &c. - 'itby. Nov. 28. 4:-: , D#o~ 151h, ioee. ii - K istinct. and B5D LIVERPOULý-L0NDONE0 Allan-Lin e 0F ROYAL MAiL TEA5T .4dLsýtcItad l:tro astcneveryTiusts'. HajitsxeeyStaia. , ru tlokto- aeran Lcrraelt e- st lacesit rats'.: ~ '4.8ea D~ATES OP MAILINa. flemiu.froinBouton, PFeit. 1t, ro Mati- fax, Fait. 1tlIt Polynesdan frcnt noston, Peb. 24tit, frontRai. fax, Pela. 26z.i Caoyi&n frOnt Boston, March Brd, front H[ait a~x, BRarc tai i. - Barmatian front Boston, Marci t iitrant Raid. faX,'Marcb l2t]2. CircaesianufrontBôc 'nMirlt7tt, frcma fax, ac- Steermge aBseiigere are trarealtoLca,. danalery,'Ifellaost, Giaegow, Quenutà c;1 Pristol, Cardiff, and Londa a eterata Me ta Liverpool. Partdasr-waeliing tu sent toc titeir friands csu abtain tickets aitaco rates. - For tickets anal further informnation appl,' lu- GEO. B. TUL:E. ExPtèis muandTalegrapit Office, WitCby. Witby,'Nov. 22nd, 1880. 1 1 1 ýfi

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