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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Feb 1881, p. 3

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c Pickering Councîl. Xonday, 141h Fob, 1881. The Piokering Oouncll mol prenanat ta adjourement. Membea-. aIL present exoeptlng Mr. Hoover. Miautes of lait meetiongrosud ant pproved. Petitions presentsd of Win. Goraca. aeklng for asituation in the bouadaries cf Rosa Division No. 108 ; of Hoenry Long aud Michael Byan, indigente, for The auid4lors presented tbefr report cf th# acouits for lhé year 1880, aud on motton of Mr. Monkhouo lth. samo wuaédopted. Mr. Mitchiellmovoti thut th. Col- Isolons Boi be fiaally adcpled. and the defalcations therela narnetiho oreditod tte i.collector. Carrieti. A by-law wu psseS problblting the graallng of shop liceases, and affiiag lthe duly payable vithin the Municipal- lly for taveru licences et $80,00. The followlng accouaIs vere ci-doreS bo be pea- Thomnas Daum, andi Angus MoRay, salai- sauditors, 'obh#10;-,Patrick Laukin sli-, scolector, $150, an~d exra 3ul 5 a. Gormhsi-, for codai- $1; ,.staon, for registrabion cf birthe, c&e,, $2470 ; Mrs. MaGregor, for support cf the lbright oblidrea, 88. Tne followlng grailla vers made to Indigents : Patrick Lyon, rom lut Jan. to lst Jane, 7ô cents par week ; Tbi. Tripp, Ceta., Michael Byan, $10, ; John M9t. chell, 0cm ; gHfeury Long, $16 ;P. R. Hoover,com. Mr-. liorester, seconded by Mr-. Monkicuse, movedt tat the Clerk bo instructed ,to-procure six copies cf th. latest edillon of the Municipal Maaual for lte nue ootie members efthle Coun. cil, to b. given op te Ibeir saccossors la oflo-O.ýarried. On motion cf Mr. Foi-ester the (Joun. cil adjourned outil Monday, the 141h of IrlishAffaire. In lthauoeé,cf Coniros on Tues. day Mi-. Foistr'& Protection Billvas fai-ther considerod, an arnendunal y Mi-. Sulliv'an liing &gagicdte, and Mr-. ForseluesproposaI telirnît tbceirctio. active action ci thée-Bill saried. Tice Seings cf bbc Feuians vais diacusuud dut-lnglue cocurue et the débats. Sev. oral fui-mors Who net long ugo iefusd 10 pa rnse ny but Griflfith's valu- ato aereporteS es willing te pay tisou onlt. landîci-ti' ternis. Tic cest gonuseamer Belle Iole ba borna wighduawn fi-cm lie crlh coast. A f rivale magasne, in Coi-levus ba'kený ato aMd a qudaully of powder stolon. An Alpine village lu tue deparîmenl of Sovolo'bau bheon ompletely tdestrY. cd by Ivo avalanchieu, with a lune of ffte Iculives. -Thé damiage l aetliated utt fifly Ibousand dollars. "Tiumahureslivot Retorer, Balmi Slsep." But thora limes vhen Ib ine.- eeswcr cf trength5 le SeuleS us, timos viienOur i- In udni hodios have basamc cv rckod anal ai-o mworu cultat st teeo &iyhlvi <oinlvain.' The. Par- un 8yrp&unIrnTonle) renvOucr st-sgt aS icesci- -et iveol anSdie- Be surcei-u g ai tbc gonlnaMurray-d Laumiau hi-braWaten. Tiers une coutl p 'hiv c.l i-oa a abcltle, up 10e hlbg on. -e vl a insec lfint ler. cannol inSila, yen qni tyura isithe ct. lu noe génuino. HEnoart'. PeehtowulBuisan thLe nMost sate, ploomst unSpe . med yInovu for aHllisernes iut lie =tii-ui nLqnge lb surefs Cocogua d, Brni-liltI Alba Croup Wheopingough, moiS a1lPaoo~ C 1m01,e< Mont t ci. peodi- muer. AÀe oeew o»W*11 *i-aboi tUicnicetrouble- nomo coughinlu hildren &M aladulte. For sale tii-i los tM3e r bolule. fis-l Gi" me UM en ue toi taking a mm*- lobne crz-S o rIv bhyi, sa thél.naIona invuil"d itlé =fauSrgeAetoD ia not pecq a. > peeoe>meudlngBristol'. Ssrsapuclna OPillu.thertore ateol0os for ace ro d aenS althe h-ps cf Usr anS erplehO it Illeo'per te ln.d lis uNi Ibat, for ai'erci»on. 01 ïc cenlexy,>tey have been uniOrMi$- ne- lu n am<c4oflisund.' Il la thea tustnouyn .au mue alo hava tio tat lai "gbe Nvi-' obsce bas thej mutdoicloue gavr .il axytobacoinutheo =AdÉèý, fmd'bm W u t nécecfe -éun. ploaisitàiactal iî imouîh hvilcirMont tebaoffl .Tbnoeufor Ihis 1wthé. hlgi au! pur* 4t aliy CUth ic cf, iihlï*hi muai haIotvu luVîirIla anl babsece cf a Il delshelous. motterid lb niunfa tare.à Vidée. Ont. lebrury16, 188e. Mcss. PM erDvis ê& BokduthLai-once, i Montréal. 1 1- IVsgmecmucb plessure toet.lia SrW <a drag ftSù 'momeabnaàquarter cvii Asla fantlly medlclne but .OUI occupîcu the lrolrtraurk vae auhy câlalt. x castôers spea v<7lglycfwl a couldowsedxîne u . icullmonîis s hovu up fb l seoxItu matbi tnuio -W-0-, vere il1 nèessfry, abàh iI not. Il eh ould, oa- evor, b.e ti "E '*xolosie. Psl1-lle."i priae ni-self lu nover beg ont cf IL. Yours venyeseutfu ,i- JOIZIG. DY NB. Ti. Hovlo e t 4.Rl Th rst sci-et ai obtaWn«g uloiosnl firiWtto practlbc oocoon>, anti as<04OlS "liecon .-Soi-Sur." IltuseS le von-y lie Iif. oul o! mu te pay onorus nadocobilsi but nov 1 havuue a l kitl nl." Healli an hapues <511h suprmetla our 11,lo-buse. ol.and *1sixapli tocante vle no = c; Medicinue bp elBcoti!o B Ittera u»A a ..STEWART ABSTRACT STATEMENT 0F THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES 0F THE CORPORATION 0F PICKERINGI FOR THIE YEAIR 1880. BECRIPTS. To Balance frani 1879.... .~.. 258 44 «Balance cf Taxes 1879..... 41161 64 Taxes 1880 ................... 1(m 819 Recelved from Llcease inspector. 1018 65 Recelved tram Pckerng Hai-bor C=m n ay.......21045 Non.ràeulaltnd Tn....88 Interet on Blak depsite..... il74 Pr-oceedsor al f " rlia Idt£s Cash froua Pound.keoeff .... 4 45 By Appropriations on RosSu axiS Bridges.................. RBeliot cf Indigent persane.. Sebool Truitais rates...... "Conaty rates ................ Township Debontures duluhereut. Salaries .................... Sheep billeS hi- doge ...... Legal expenses, du., &c... Seleting Jurors .......... Expenses of Votons'l t Court ... .4Expenssola comasobion Ontario Agnucultxiral Commission.. Insaranceocf Towa Hall... "prnting. Advortisiag anS Sta- tionery . ................ "Randies.................. Door. 8lst. To iBalanca la Treaunrrsbanda. $3120884 1039 62 8485 68 8159 50 1743 89 1020 O0 141 50 80 loi 20 00 6 00 12 00 12 50 1228 25 "668821 $26487 87 W. cerllfy that the aônes is a correct Absti-sel cf lhe R«eapta anS EXpeuditures cf lie Corporation cf Pickering for the ycar 188W.1 Pickering, Feb'i- 9th, 1881. SAJJNDERS AT THOMAS DUJNN, n.os ANGUS MeKAT, WORIK AGAIN!1 My old finonds and cuitomers vil now find me TWO DOORS SOUTH 0F THE MARKET, WILKINSON'8 BLOCK. Hnving bouglit ont the establisuhmenît of THOMAS WHALEN, I will carry on my business in thatt starid-for the present.. I amn now prepared to fill ail onders ontruîtod tenme by îny nId enstomens, and as mariy nev anes as will eaul upon me. Owing 10 tho Ilîavy loe. I bave sustràiîî' & b~'-aving. the wholeocf my stock cf Beots andS lics, leather and maciinery dc.ttoycd by thc labo fine, ail parties indobtcd to me will- pleasoe all and pay their accouaIs at once. Whitby, Dec. 18, 1880. Gllt-Edge Butter. There ie always an active deaxand fur butter thM ta uUp te Lie gtlt.edgs standard la qmasty as color. Mach butter liati s oIhnrwlse poil sella *et a reduollon ticni thmtel ve cents a pomxd. because doe. lemtr ln color. Dsxr-vmenabsoald then nse Wells, Elchardàcn du Cou& Perfecead ButtEr 001cr to <tva bright Jane colon. This colorisa b fan hie brighteet, purest and bout made. Slis by Srnggssts. Duculeas Am Ba alve. Theflair SAT£.s a in t@vorld for Cuite, Bruises. liras, Ulcore, ttall Bheiimp Fever Sores, Tetter ChsppeRlands. Cblains, Corne, and ahl1 lnOs of Sia ruptionu. Tis salve ta guarateed te give perfect satisfaction la ever tase or moaey refund. oS. Prie 25 cents per Box. For suie by T. G. Wbitfield, wiitby. tEk»Nottsof Bît.h, Marriagas, aisd DeafAa chargeai 50 cetts ech. D E À T H 8. LENO. - On Baturday meorning, Fobruary -19Lbait«r a short illoess,. Jace Tool, -boloveS wif. ot George; Long, aged 58 years. McPHEUtOi.-Donald KoPheruon, cf the township of Pickorlto, a native of Caitbosasire. Bootiand, in tbei 701h p ar 0f bill *go. Re bas i-cudeS on Lt No. 24, fil the 6th coin. of Ficker. ing, for the paît 89 years, up tulth lime of bie 'bath. WHITBY MABRRTS. Casosteaa Opuxez, Febrnary 28rd, 1881. ..UWha...........$1 » Barley.................O0 95 cf 1 00 Pîour, par cl......... 275 <3 00 "ye ................... 070 < 080 Po."........ . 0,060 00, Peus, bWaakyed..is...... 086 -0 (190 Blue Pelés.............. 086 a 1Z00 Ouie................. 080., i 0 80 Mai-...................8a00 Q 900] Aptes, perla...... ao PO m... 0àw.o.. 25 Q080 Eggs..................02 024 Butter ................ 021 90 28~ Cheese...........s. 0132Q 015à Woo ... .... ....... 480 50 &O Shsapoklnu ............. 090 a 1001 Hi .................. 700» Qa'7 1 Pork, perocwt ..........80 0 <97,00 'lonamo, par bu ....000 Q000 T ' ....i,008 Q010 O(3otse,vhe... .12 Q0 00 Oolery, par go-.....0 à.0 040 Ohiokons, perp@4r.... 00 A 070 Tnzksyperlb............ 008 a<900 vashord1 ............ 0070 Q026e Hama. >.......01OR0 où A C ARI». T O0ail who are enferma frpm. the cri-ors anSd teçrehltom o fyoutIh -xrvoua *toskne.*ealy deoay, 1*5< fmnSt1, &Q. I Vwll sentia roui kiAll1 cure -on, ]RIE 07CHAEGl, 'T"bl&aroatIedi- JOHN SAUNDERS, Wilkinzon'a Block. NEW ADVERTISEMENT8. CHANCERY SALE -:OF-- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ODS 1-I -& WV Purgnant toa s Sares and order af the Court cf ChanmcatiniaS. lu a causa cf iPULLEA vs. DULLJC4. Thons a estI ha ei athle approbation or eorgr enraiy Datacîl, Esq., Master at bitî ly o! tie Court of Chsaccny, st the. QUE iEN'S HOTEL, in iii. Town cf Oshawa, cn Sàlurday, Fffth day of MaîchbrAi 1881, atbyewo odock la lb. Aitaroon, bi- MBR. LEVIUDAIIKS, Auctcuep, Tii. folleviag valtiable Verniauj ToVaj Bocng au liosa pirtions of Lot Nuotio Nias and Ton. in lie Pi-ehConcesson cf lie Townsahip et Bust Wiitbi-,.oumd-by, tha asiate of,-tie lie Deais Dulles, (oxcept about ilite esdcre quarter Rachre ihnelas the Southi.iissh somr i-hI Lbms aiys4'im om Strol, isola tb Afp .. Ieus) a -,sS çocaiaiia Sut-na, d antioe-hmt crs mnore ai- lot, but subject tte izrgittii-> te open Prospect Streel, miSer au &gros- Ment, viich viii ha proluced aIs te e Of sala. ýThis p"I-opr- W-boulids4 De the Waet hi- Bimioco tstlb. Sootb.Wcst ,by «flareaud lot Nx i*bor Feu, ant *xnS exteadt. sothe«ly- l e be asa ne, iinS Neor mnd hlsaterl -sau teocin, rsea L 6 the bon - ictate-cf la JteBonis DuUsu, an saiS Towni of, *hre is U * stuilfrimte ho,1= t<o arb&eI buülolage; the tances are he b.peeperhi- iu voe ll uAtod in the To gn ci Oshawa, an= e ame- pochoitb«creo 'saitisle tommiI.- Iisgluto.e. ffie 1etrnwll,be 5@ISetbjeet torsvdbia flxad by the Mutler v v ~ *1 FENRAND, ENGLISH tPIUl-N-TS, ý;SATTEEN-SfO A FU-L.LASSORIMENT »OF HADSOFIHT. COTOSLIEN, OWLNGS,-CARPETSi N-FOOLOL-CLOTHS ýç -r i r" # ' T -1"-2 A Y WINTER TO ~L~I~J* I?>OOM A EOR~ 3~EW A full stock of General Groceries and Crookery. Whitby, ýFebruary l5th, 1881. NEW ADVERTI8EMENTB. 1)llll NO IEl a hreb given ulb Ltb.~yLaw No. 815,o teTow c Wbitby, or regnlating 1h.keeplng ofdoge4, lu no2 in force. Ail owners or hanbourers of cloue or bitebes are rq «re Ietlathe ocie cf the. Town Cl=kvieethey iwU lb. fmah- ed wlth the. neceumar "Tag." Al doge or bitches foum ranlng at largo without a "Tmg" vil b. destroyedinse- cordance vlth the provisions cf the. aboré By-Lsv. 13y order, JACOB BRYÂN, Chief Constabile. Whltby, 22nd Fêb., 188. 10-Smn MUST BE SOLD! Lois 13 and 34, gut of Drock sireet, TOWN OF WHITDY. I vil receive bid for one week for abov lots, with biouse thereoo. Wsnt cash, or bail cash and balance ln on. year et 6v.e per cent wteregt. Âddresa, W. H. DAVY, Ju., cars of Mmc..FULLERa, Wbitbv. Feb. 22nd, 1881. 10-1 n Fatr.Çimileof Il. A. Trensury and National Bank Bille. c OlliSISTING of nias exsct Imitations cf United State Troasury Notes and nisof National Bank Bille. 18 la ail, o!f varions denomnations. Au a rare and tn. stantineou muanscf detecting counterfeit money they are invalcabi.. Prie $2 a 1', ;ex .A. XMTHW àCo., 1lin.York City. TO LETI1 Two stores ln th Wbltby Market Block- 8 or fi yeari' Lease. Suitabile lor grocer and provisions, or any other bualnessgoo chance. Apply te TROUAS HUSTON, iulyi2s. 1880. 83tf Town Clark TU Gr"eaSAmerican Remaedir 00U&Hff< COLDP% A87 XA, BRONOHITIe L0OM OF VOI04 HOAR8ENESS AIV» THROÀT AF.EQTIOXÀK eSIb" .-.....t. «mu, du theo.oe a atuh.A uUt~to VA.Ge uMo.oeuy»'s s ti Ch" 4GRAYSf spr*oogatqs 6*09 tA. C1 D T It,- P<iesS i- eS L1X3. sauce of S i=E SRED 11;Q09. que, e Miae SSPR UC e;1%6ai GUME EVERY, INTENDING PUCAE SHOULD- MAKE,- iT.> A POiNT TO SEE 81?YYC a E' WO0N DE RFï-UL-LY, CH'EA P 0COT TONS! Hle offers Canadian Factory (Jottons at, and in. some cases below, manufac- tureris'. list prices. GOÃ"D CÂNADIÂN 1i'CTORY COTTONS AT OCENTS. HEÂVY CANADIAN FACTOBY COTTONSBAT 7 CENTS. THE '£ÉEt'B CT. FÂCTORY COTTON YpU EVER SÂW. VERY HEÂVY YARD-WIDE FÂCTORY COTTONS AT 9 CENTS. THE- FINEST CÂNÂDIÂN FÂCTOBY COTTONS -AT 10 CENTS. GREATEST B A RAINS IN CANADIAN, BLEACHED 'OTTONS, EVEROE~ GOOD CANADIAN STEAM LOOMS AT 7 CENTè. HEAVY *CANÂDIAN STEAM LOOMS- AT 8 -CENTS. GOOD YARD-WIDE CANADIAN4 STEA.M LOOMS AT 9 CENTS., 1118 10 CENT CANADIAN STEAM LOOMS ARE -EQUAL TO REGULA- 1 2jc. 000DB.ý FOR 12 CENTS HIE OFFERS A 14 CENT GOOfl WIDE.STEA-M LOOM. e RIS 12k-c HEAVY STEAMLOOMv FOR, SHIRTINGS 18 WJIHOU-T AN EQUAL. AT TRIE i>RICE.. The finest Canadian, En-glish and American SteamIo o m's, Lons'dal-e ýC tln- brics, &c., very cheap. gt" A very large stock of BleaChea and Uàbleacded ShirtinýgR,'mucli beio'w regulfer'Pýices. WD ?ilow Cottons i ail widths froru 40 to 64 i. EMBROIDERIES.-Toarrive in a few days the'-lnrgest as t e (overý 3,00-yards): oýf FSibroideredl Edges àhd liaetions ho ha. evor shown. 9ý Seo-,thes pca O0L R BR8I.BYC B Whitby. Februaey 151h, 1881. ~ DFLLO8i IfL NEWiIV'1EýME N TYS. N1 A DVERIJ M MJUIST RECE DFOUR 6 TVu.ozhy Mediori that stiosfully purma e . spoediY mnig 3iliumns&J&bn&oe.»jMWqepsia, Cn« pato», HeadachOi Ehn atlzm,ýDropyN ervouand o eu- orlDeblity, ToPmai. omp1aùnts, sbrfia1 ryuipisu, f flimodaedLiver, Kidueya, Stomach, Bowels or Bi"d.r , . THE 1EST BLOOD PORMFYIRTONIPIN TNE WRD orpelsIJs .N.11 G 11 WTU$0.~epuWe i ' . Nus, lvceeia.Wu NSw Nomuule hi-es si-e por!ees te sesi- .1.. ~g ~sllbit~ tiauy 8510 DO aqII5L PiI~ X5 mate p.- peSage. GoId8mth' ~if ;:.$;.FLLIN 'OFF Êav1ng d4éejjofùibion iying, iiý WATO ES ZiL KS AND"LRY PEéôro.Pftèd Goodý, BUGGIIES, BUGGIES ,'ANO 703 SBal EATux 7O4QWING o3Bli I>ý4! i1, vihlBo N-aaer D o Mg1~ punenasa mnoney. sanc enimpi-tii. s. inder theet lote Court vlliti - 0FopVALVAIILmz mOz 0F moali licrafier. .Furtier nculai-deconditons of ueF . a ner.. O'oryi £ 0'Ler-, belterewG IOsai'-, m 9 , enSs iorrt Oha- Near the Town of Whitbf. DateS lbia 121h day cf Febi-nani-, s.,'1 10,O. HDARTNZLL, Untieranti hi-victe of .1povar oteu"e*a ]LYMAN *ENGLISH, Mater. haineS inia* ooi-1513 iltOIlg aicil vii YenSoi-a solicitor-.. j() prodnact ahe .timeocfl dan a PLASTER'lTM.c -AP1llV.the uialrft sua ,World. L of ehmm. With, the view of . reducing our stili very lar 'e stock, have now made very great reductions In priées in every department. -Special attenitÃŽon wL direeted',to Fauey Goods, Velvets, Mantles, S]WSliwls, ýulliry and Fancy WoQl Goods, al ofwhchwill be solda seping reductions. Our stock of Fine Furs we will clear at special quotations. Ail are invited. IN IIJIN 1.! .4 DLJK SIRTNGS GAMBOQONS, DUCKS-, V 2 . jO.i ce - .L GOODS &ce CH 010E STILL SELLING LIN.E AT AGREAT- 0Fý NEW GOQDS. RED7UCT;.IN I TEAS TO HAN Di ~~U - 'n ~.,: *~-d~' é 6& ýj mm Pa

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