Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Mar 1881, p. 1

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THE oIT f iIRQNIOU IN OK - W W ITT Tere 1 0, pet Ann1),7'M hargeS Attheig la.*. cia outa, kinSa ûsrtlaa,,ami autapar lin*,aah l.ubud aul niiiW ampancles, Insurncu algj>JeSenS nc i 11kà terton 0,ve Ma! t Speaptg*ats c idawh adverticui tu ust bc lu yrti.a 13u81nes8 Dire oto ry. ONITARIO BA.NK, WHITBY BRANOH, THOMAS5 DOW, FAREWELL & RUTLEDGE, AIIISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- ctrNotariat Public, and Convey.' Oftiice Srat door south oft1he Royal Ilotel, *hitby. JAMES RUTLEDGR, B3. A. B1 . FAREWELL, L. I.E. Oounty cri Attornay. 43 M~/ESSRS 1UTC & BILLINOS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c V ait b T7M C. H. RITCHIE,- W. H. BILLINGS, Toronto. Whiby. O'SU1LLIVAN & PERDUE, I3ARISTERS, ATTOUNRYS, SOLIC- ITORS, NOTARlES, &c., &c. OFFICES :- 72 Tonge Street, nerl the Dominion Banktnal Corner King anal Yongo Strecte, Toronto. D: A. O'SULLIYAfM. W. E.PED. Ocla)bor ISrd, 1880.' ly-45 cAXEROli, APPELUE rabc- PHILLIPS, B ARRSE1,Atorneya-Law, andl 1HECTOR GAMERON, QG., R. S. APPEIBE, P. MPHILLIF8. <Iy-48) JA31ES KELTU GORDON, BARRISTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, lu îorinChonoery 11Coyancer, tSotary Publie, t&o. Offconnda t., lirai door s'est af Armstrong 'saHôtel. Money ta Loan-Private lund-st [os' iniereet, JOHN A. DilcGILLIVILAY, (Succesorto H1. M. Hos'cll.) BARRISTER & ATTOURNEY.AT-LAW, BNotary Publie, Ire. Solicitor for the. Dominion Bank. Offie-Neit door to Manalou loue., Ucliridge, Ont. -26 CHIARLES C. KELLER, ~TTOUNET-kT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN J-1b. Chanoery, Conveyancr, &o., Canning- on, Brook, C. W L. T. DARCLAY, AÀTTORNET- AT -LAW. SOLICITOR iChancery and Insolvency, Convey. ancer, &o., I&o. LYMIAN ENGLISH, L L. 13., coe Street, Oihawa. DAVID ORMXISTON B. à., ATTOENEX.YAT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN AChe.nrery, Conveyancer, &o. Osnxcs-In te Office aouth of the. Peut office, ln MeMîlan'a Dock, Brook, Stret, Whiby.ly1 * JOHNA HALL DOiW,- BARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR BIn Chancory, Oonveyancer, &oe. Office-Deverils Block, Drock Street, whitby. 3.0. Reuzx~cc', ti. a. HissEnT A. E. Kav~. .JIYO. G. ILELLEY, B ARIISTElgtAT.-LAW SÃ"LICITOR ituanezy andl Znaovency CenVey ancM Cdo Offtq-Dev.niliVs Block, Bro - fizt, Witby, Ont. G. YOUNG It TH, L Le.fil., DABB[BTBR, &oe., &.-Maney $o Loa ~Iuez ci Marioge Licensas. Omoaie-Ovsr Dominion Bank, Whltby. Jan. 22,1878. (lf.5 J- E. GALUIRAITU, M-1)., G IR DUATE o! Qgean'a anti Victoria T Unîveraliea Momber aiflte Coibege ai Phyailanu anS kurgeens, Ontario. Orrîos-Brock.54., Whtby, Ont., (tirce acora souwja0of Royal Hoiel). iy-46 R. J. GEUNS, M. De, bU.EON TO THE COUNTT GAOL, s Byon Se"tWlrtby. W.. i Doulteff, i.!D., M.R.C.8., G TY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENO., the eye R. . H.L. Oshtawa, Ontaria. CÇàR D. - * Dit. 0DOGAIT, PIpalolin, Stirgeait, Accoucher, &oe., &c. Whitby, sept. 50t1, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, ROOUS OVER IB. H. JAMESON'8 IR GooMýMor, Dudâs-t.,Whiby. Ouffice h=». freai9:&.m. te 12 .'and froin l. 80 la8, p an. ldeonce-Cor. et Byron andi Glbert slaste Ç, ,V-Ala, L.e1De a. et poil lb. boit. Ts I eRl lp ~h GaIdsudnS ilver. Teoth extractad wlitoain, lay produclng local ausssthesua. Dan . '...z av- atm nev blôcIt, pr AtkW4 csDrug Store, King Streat, Otivoi. 86 JOlMýDRIN ABNDION'8 - - - 4.-i-r - - WIîh .cal' PaItoteS vrda, greet thonghte, antd nilgr idîry r~àLdvôoCâ.n, Watéér- *~khoad.' Yot: xxv. COMMER01AL HOntLManSTABLES, bd sud 56 lars-straat, Toronto' Th. hast 810 a De y Houa. tn the clty. only ta blockts tram th. Northern Depoleudeloae 10 the Mart. The Roueas.u aon nevi; Plttpd ont, and every-thlng P'rot-clana. ly.47< IgRS. WALKEY'îJ TEMPERÂNCE HO USE, DUNDÂS.STEEET, WHITBY. GooS saccommodation at raasonablc tarma. Bo&rdera 82.50 per veek. 45 R HSI OIJ8E.-TORONTO, ONT. Thit Palace Hatl iof Canada RelatteS, Returniahali, andl Unirlvabed New' Paaa.n. gscr Blovator, ruuning iit and dy.The onal iat-claaaHotl e tR gadU. ,ted rices, vit :-2,82.80,su an ay ltambera of Clubs anS d Srs0 rday rooma, vithout board, 01 ta 8, rda MARI( IIZH, Feli. 27th, 878. Proprietor. R OYAL BOTEL, WHITBY. The abc o W bal u a.bequ thoranghIy renovaiod snd relumnlaed, and la nov un. der the management of GEV. MACIE, (formerly of St. Lawrence Hall, Part Hope. Every attention paSta goadea. Hasecaly ad eampe Booms for Cern, B RITISE AMElRICAN HOTEL, R AY - a, <Li&Tz srisou nouat.) W HITB Y , ON T A BO1 Houa. newly renovaed and turilahad throughout,ëad put lu liret..claaa arder for the reception o! gusata. An omnibus bo andl tram ail traita. Farat.-clase &asmple zooms. SAEPER HOTEL, CrKig & York-aie., Toronto, Ont. J. A.0OGR4DY, . PROPRIETOR. Tixav, $1.50 cpu Dày. (ly-47) POST OFFICE SALOON, Toirawro. Sàr TUE ESET ACCOMMODATION wnr fur Voet.. ly-47j 0 NTTAILIO 10TL'L, UP UaocI-SarUrEU, WIIITliY JAMES T. JEWELL, Proprictor. (Jaeao!f te Nipsaeing Hotel, Toronto.) Good Liquors rardlCigae. Canamodiour, Siebliig. Firat.-cleesLivery Stable asd Blliardl Parlour attacheai. b-Il -OSHAWA HOCHE, KING STREEZT, OSHAA. H. CHESTER, - - Propriceor. TItis hrsa.alary, large anal oaamodlouî Houa. iq relatteS anS lurnishedte ta ut1he ventsai the travelling pnblig. Table sup- c lid vithtii. ehacest of the season. The supplieS vitI the beai brande, lîquorsansd cigare. Bus te anS hum sia- lien. Ample stableroin, cantulhaitiera. - 4-17 T 119 QUEEN'S MOTEL, Baocx STstZ, Wirxrvv. PHILIF MeO.&NN. -- . roprsc(er. UsaiLiquoru and Cigare. AÀvol sur plied table. Airy benl-rorama. Comfra'tbe eabling ana large yard rer. Chiarges moderato -88 WHITBY «HO0u sE DUNDAS-ST, WHITBY.. Thc iciderigneul vould lintimats la tbe publie thaut tbe abovo promasea bave beau newby buili and fitteal up thraugbout, for lte icconimodatioir ai gusatii. Boit Wines, Liquors anal Cigare. THE CREAM OF CANAA -WALZ LA0ER. AIse pure Rhmnc Wine. Lagon, Whole. salesanal Relail. Boandera teken by the vocli on moder- ato terma. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. joît-. tutti1880. 82- B LACIs h1uRti BOTEL, COU. Paosv r& GBoZO z m, TORONTO. ALFJRD OXFORD, - PROPRIETOB. (Late of Wellinagton BRaId, Manthazn.) TERMS, 01.00 PER DAY. Goo salI ing for aven 8MO herses. Firat-claSaon- modatian for fermer. antd the travelling pulblc in generai.(l. T II LIERY BUSINESS v<rUin future [tapail hôel, anS I respectfuuy ollitthe patronage ai the public.Qoued bermes anS conatartable vebicles. 1ept. 151h 1879. 3. 0. PRIMGE. -89 M I.J. U. DATES, Newspaper tdvrtisuEAgla, 41 Park Raw (Times ButildItut New Yark, Os authertzed tu contrant fer advertîaec. monts tanthe CHRONICLE ut ent 1OOntt Ii fru.hed fr, villa ftui lu tructiona for canducting 1h. moal profitable business lIaI anyans eau enae i&. The bcslnaaa la oe aa.y te lim n u nstructions are seoalzpl. anal Plain, lttai ny ona eun make groat profita trcm the tari. Noaine cen tai Who is aillng t vork. Wauin are aasatoceas fuilas men.-Boys andl girls con e=nlarge Sarm&. "aY ave ada et l.bues over one hun&Ied dallars n a sgla vjert Nathing U:it laven tnkovn b 1o1,Ai vio engage-are sur* 1sSette s"aanal ePidalty vlth vhich thoy arme-aite tiske monsy. Tet c.a engage On ib7tis bualueo dnrlng your apazo limaiet poil profit. Fon Rtke AU the rutk. Those vhe >ietd reay moey, uhaulal vnllata us, st one. il furnished iraes. ASSnoua Tans Co., Augusta, M aine..-46 Lc ou i A a WHITBY, PIROYNJ 0 NTMI, YmJRD ~Y, AUW~O 81':- CHINA HALL,! erax OP TUEE 810 UGCO sZIetEiE) 71 K/NG-ST. EAST TORONTO.! atpBreakfasat anda Tea Sets. anyDinner andl Dessert Sets. Fae C"'Bed-zoom Sets. Pancy Juge anS Teapots. Silver Plat ie ey., Porta anS Spo-anu. Silver PlateS Orueta andl Bolier CooIez. Silver PlateS Cake Baskets. Rodals'Kaives sud Fonts. Tee Traya anS Sereera. Ployer Shadea for Lily'e, do., I&a., Glasavare, &Hai srptions. Witie Ste,çve, eveny inS. Hlotel and Bar Gonds. GLOVERIHARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, WHITBY. Gea. Cormack, Lr UMBER MERCHANT I& BUILDER. JÀ-A large uappîy cf Buildars' Furniah. luge, anSda#l1tin=1s e! Tvlalcd Molclnge, Doanu, Saab anS BilInda LIPMDER whoelte and reLail, an b by ibe car boaS. -Planlng, Meuldinga ao vox'deacnip- tipa, Fooelng, gIteetiacg, Shelving, Re- sasving, Shaplng, Turning. Scraîl-wonk, etc., etc. Whlthy, Oct. 161i, 187. -48 M jONET TO LEMG. ey ta tend upon Fanai or Town Property a unuually Loy Ratas af Intares. Loana cun b. repaiS ln urt.tesuit bar. Several Improved Farine asdWfld Leud& for aale cheap. investmet=&daeolunMunipal Deban- tue&, Bank, and other marketatable Stacks. For tnrther particubars apply ta, JAMES HOLDEN, Apri h, 1872.là ARCHIE'I OTURE!1 DRAWU4O AND SPECIFICATION OF BUILDINGS Promptly praepd vili, vie la Uanamy inCostruction. CHIJRCH AND SOHOOL ARCHITECTRE A SPECIALTY.j Correapondece cRepectnlly SoUcited. H.L B. BARBER, Architeci, &a., Oshava, Ot A. A. PUOST, <lae with Lengbey, Langley & Burt., Toronto.) A RCHITLCT. Designa fcr Churarbea, Villas andl Cottages aepecralty. Dravlngs preparcal for te- lnoadellng exiaticg atructures. Orrîca, for the prsaeni, et bis residence an Kingston BoaS, Pickering. 4.11) P. O. Box 202 Wurmw. rriiîg contracta may ba made for It ci MON EY TO LOAN! 0100,000 FOU INVESTBIENT. ON MEAL ESTÂTE SFCuilrffY. I N 8 ~> R A N-C £. ONTARIO, F4RMERS' Mutual; inéurance Co'y; 13BAD OFFICE, IBOMK.Sv., WHITBY. THIS COMPANT luqms ri Bud- luge, Cousitry (niso, eha Hanuses, anS their Contants, t rtasas%,e as those af auy v-a-oiablfohed Comanay iu canada. .JUST LOSSES PBOMLY PAID. J. B. BICKELL, JOHN WILL1s, Preadeact. .Vice-Proseilet. C. NOURSE, Szcriz'nàzy. Whllby, Apru IMS,17. -16 p HCNIX FMIENSURANCE CO. Lombard St. anS Claing Crossë, Lot&=o. KOTABLISSEMrIN 1782. OlIiLSPIE, MOFPÂTT & 00., Agents for Canada. R. W. '['E.- Mauager, lMortreaL. A GOT E8V T&BLBRiST -I1 N A- £XDA tac 180. -UnRi*4td lablity of a&l the Slactholalere, anS lang e Bmva Fud.Moderato rates et pretaluan. 0. OURB, AgnWlitby. hltby, April 11h, [87.m1 Assurance Compan7y. INCORPORA1TED 1833. A S 9FT S, 11,101,87691. Maager. Insurances sifectoda t the loeat carrent nes on Buildings, Merchandas, anBdallier properiy, egainai boas or demage by lire. &gant. Whitby. Whilby, Apni 9th, 1878.1 l pEPPEWS 8QMWM Maa ION TONTO econtains an unverlua àamunt ai ule andl Iran. [t pnasseaeaan the poereetthae valualle ionis lu baushlng diseaaes anrd *yrnpioes zable te wsaaneowa a 1evtate of ttc nervonestein m.enfeebleal condition 0f the bady. anSdsrangement eft te gearl heath. lY.O inP ER QuiNNE ANa lEtt TONIC s--trencihena the cervs-anauhmuacular aystem. imprs-e. digeeUlo. enliure e aDlrita, recruite thebt bihFer deblltated bcaltb iranlte effeci of bat climates ibis taulc te invaluable. 17-8 P EPPEIt9 QuXmEtANDI> ON TONze vouse, and deoelopa the nrcanrla enrOches the lboS. pomt.. App*tiRa. dlapala Isnguor and Sepresalon. forUthfe bmdigoetive orcana. Isa a pecific raedy fer nennabol. a<cue, indigasiion, femeuaoaievsny tini. chest afetions, sd Lu s'Autng 4Sisea, »bcou t«ndencle&. *o. Tho ivbobe froce. aara Inv*naratel by Peppen' Tal. the Mna facl= brete 4 Io netsnu u a ctetain. a S oes,4 a.:to t BOssUa. 1W4a by Obs eat venyvbsro, The naine ef J. Peppen4Bedford Lebertar ,Landonumnat b. on the lâbl. Ther a in e hlaaalcnoa cel lia fet » v 0 ~1an.and Z lo. 2t Igl stroougy nceml nlun"l as the Calonie%,aird abauld abvasys bo 0p raa5mtafonten very case ef lever onr = l -citou. 1" roeia. la nov useS Instead utbine plUandl cala- Mab fan tbe cure cr dysesibbiaousuos, and ail syspians a01ongestion aItbe nier, Wh"c are ge era t pan eueath Rhe ahtulda haad-ach, draviiases4araapaetelarmd teonm. disagreeeable tante Onlb.te Mrn& gldînea. *tubene f the sioxtacb, and feeling of geeral deîareasod. t setsthe slng. gOl lver inMotion. Very lbOalyata an tbe itavela, gl'rln a sens.» i ofl= andl comient witlait 24 bouma. t lat.he safest inedicine. Taraxacua ut Pedahlin la a buiS made aP9 by3 EP *,Ba "aa L*berUmay, Londor6whose naine Ostugon y labeL BaIlle at. 0,1. aal49. e& aiSb yailChamista. A mcii valuable aS ssntelmadicuefor lu. dis, Austr&ae the, Cape, and Colonies ganer Ir OCKYER'fS BULPELUR amE ZVr=É 1 j Ili darten p ain, sud Onta àmev Sava campbelsy bringtat bie naturel colour. [Tha affect tea upertirte Ibat padced by a n - aetactaneous dm ,and dSiasnual nure the t". L arg btilése la. Od.-Lackyen'sla eqtsl te tha nact epoualvgheir rester. ly.S 1 Tr OCETEW'S SULPEUR RAIB E STOBEIt 2 a lbthebout for, nealarina grey bai: ta ORs ahade, andalta abxolut*by hamiess. boom. menda rdezdstray mut ac un crgn -rwib of ne* hélr. . 1 simu-fflffit eln iaLplimefr te At iaw.aR living raIeg et Inlarsat ' .la ON tu pave- Mcnep aocunad aithin 10 dopa et ap. JiUa ppya plication. SoiS y h 114aa. lpl t u Lno4t ro JORN FARQtJHAIR. ioS atW Wbitby, February 101h, [80. p. noarpaiea KIG BROTHEBS, WHvIiicTi3, tJrTARIO, 1ilnportcrm, Dealers d Menuiocureraet s&D LEATHER AND FINDIN 8, 'SâBELTING KADE TUO ORDER 0, SHORT NOTICE. May, 18m. THOS. SLEIGHe f»o-USE & SJGNI PAIN TER-, -enunovwha tennd,at hi% S'a*p,-. TWO DOORS WEST OF ARMSTROFG8 HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET. Wlaitby, 4prll 14, 188. .3 SoiS byi "THERE 18 t*ONUVIN /T r ondlM on Cmerial colleges foi circularcontainlmi upýaiîculara.(4 Authorlzed Vapitai 82,000,000 Office, No. 72 Church.8ê., Toronto. HON. FRANK SMITH, ~itrpregident. EEIGENE O'KEEFE, Elsq.,' ic Preaident. PATRICK HUaMES; Esq.. ;W. T.rKIELVI Esq., JAMES NABON, ange U4re8:ymaht.F adbne atsg es vCM" ernn pld ~ r For furihei patcz1ar, appl o S¶TOCit SPEBdUTION AbRVWSte 1 NT.--Operetiom n au Murew PrIibueges. Specialbuenesa in MIung Stocka. il-*9Z sibubanrs. aapplisatlon The Oi'est Bioo~d Pbriflàera il Guoa.tee t b.idIlamlbe cura for ficrtula taIRs entforMe4, atubborn, seemodany anStertiay; Tue*or., Fou i Eraîaes, I&Sors,, Rhitssanmsu1i .a a1l diaea. ar mares producedl by bgd~ liba or hbora BRI8TOL'S SUGAR-COATED PiLLS] CURE AUL LIVRCOMPLAIN'S. Far aae by ail DWuçglte and Deiers in Perry 1 avis & Son & Lawrnee, Mantreal, Sole Agent3. 44, Cash For Grain Produ-,_ce The underaigue la preparedtl a py th. HIGHIEST PEICE FOR- BARLEYO FaIl and Spring WHAT, RTE, &o., Aloo for Blackeye and other Peaa.i N. B.-armera vii gain by bwi- ing their barley deéan a.vei a hright. J. H. LONG &MiUat 5, 18W. 'S'il IMPORTANT. NOTICE!1 TO ALL WVHO IT MAIy COI-a CERN. T HEIBYie notice tbat 1I vlmti h . raspouible le &47 ordal rzD" iil' DS. 8tb, 1880. -1S IuUMBER 1 t M BER lI C 0 JOHISON 1, LUIMBEIR MERCHANTy- WIT BVr.î Hasot bau e anpt à-yi à"tiuie "A, weet Kjty Feu!'rIt. up trûa yaur ý-Yorneat litle foot viS las veary ftrai Otins tnp dou wIth !ne ta tire 8caniare Ires- -.-,: Tira sun la gene dowo, but the full harveal ,inoon Shlnea sweetly andl colan the dsw. vlned Valley, *Whilt i tr irrinag 'ih the soit lovely JW MEclte bird singa in bis green, shady WiRIblinaIt andl a amile Kitly rose up fri the tyheel, Êer oye b lte glau, as ehe bound her bair, glsnclug, Mei liard ±o refuse when ayaenq bofll;o"sn, Sa oïha catldn't but c)cooae tago »off $0 th. dancing. AnS nov oçu. h. green the la couples aie seop, i . .- Bach gay.beoniod lad viLli tlco las aofbis Adpet *ltbant faim leaa aWst xKt$ qoelsow Cvenho ue o hé is'aa. -11e, FlinMo eu hWta ipe tabis AdtbS,îan.tafre*"stseaa apo Lhn netse » Iearc Lvwrldr alLareundÀiraantst f etRt wba. cntlvie* youzbinli eyee et 4e.bIne., -3a 1 aOinxiunI8 tbeup darli ï iny- n Tor itturneS'1amu, h eaving ita, Tounded tari- Paor palt ee!a i.hesut as b. ges, déarl, suibtied b , thé uamt ri aisthpuni lyet The Biglât, leaveaLieita.sb.hoaévlth a Dance g1t, for' It? hearl ILlisunderý roulot, lava.' <Continued.) CHAPTER 1v. À LOVE LETTE. Tva golden severeigna ta - naia. merry with 1 - He bal alpped-tlaml- la bis packut, 1akixag uhemndor shillirg. ocooaplsd ut tIre "ime itabiddhxg adieu - tctlaendo, De; A"a reb ot-thooglal ïItaI ae vc.e1 tebil ~ ,nins mep l Ag141,rpOh 1 oegt rOhes "dont m ir -ahe iau or, lg r i l vo u Ie. ver e- 078514 at P. lut ia éli cloue im -.qgemp ., N , t4 «4q ueci *htbi aviacn ofb bs ber 9 ead-v.Iuhm 'tlciI iieth rmin ai ane Ill iqci l.coü ul n-J jkt ,al.'-tr, - Te& ILprooeuLaa to taol-yeu aveiy - tliég, sven If il aboold net bai-rgéiad ilè*sa-SWrpOu h&slraPtomisad-al mtel06 W41 Wei, up ew frléndiaa e' comàpiriosa - islanet peseu , ailpu ,broiut a féllb*w itla whqýîn i>yae orne go tigirobsbbng i i ihmnut te braxaaierstchel, hveneyer seeu e l li a ep.t A r'qTlgan. r- Bohqrihd't)e pou ai a noady s'yitor'i cae sa;',-y-aBctt' eabouit ble- tan salvutuea; nal- vItenha vrai'.or Ilizmeio'hà iraSay a0-'eti'ngorîng 1Jp-'i ioglypove tlire ved, AnSdvnarr Iraves4uë kikSaizgtItem., oe-. ln lôm'>4tprbCeae -Hale â né "aR liaI, bovvr :axlie lovigadrç lb. lett o l "Litzie AsaOsn L1r6e 094,0 ndéoýi " aï about; tog stot, Wb~h ionnd ie ao Uï4'b'n loake& , fri ithe lmaý,ti.l ,The vas ne bea u Ien e oc-inde, r his babils tîM nà lée'IÏ hm te !ook fera 1 th l andklckd trnl Ansih,1en ,1 -oia's taes r & u1,PoI b Ma rdisdsoa i -iou. luIi ri r3*bco, d t - r p@ptb ual hcshP va.No hioe, lad.. mantie, wat l it -en . de$1 aoarb beclu, oo r suit - n r the -i ahi0ahe1 krpst bpr 2"nsn b hiy o-et. Icu ltrnite tste Ia ai o 0 r eI watt-the causee-po cfethe - ~'Vrp.go t i., ?n th eox Ite- iy -w "Cnif roIba, ioàughla Roer heaituîing. dela ;rîlilutlVio ,th box ilItn so2y Linatio.S8h.iok%tIrôek le:r ïas cs-di ala ice onber .louer as enu write I1It. vuld Ibe. somothing u nov, tbat MI por dear MUn'is la itia h. Osaiuts, to have, an;-oulS Jetiez on ivo lu bii ovrl banal la - toep' bp ana;b but I coul! teveêý easb bin aven lthe capital. 1,W Mrý Muzpbep, ho-v o - frightmn- me,[ Wbat lit.à 2" "1No&hin', avehherti; Iw n lIraI lottar ,1" anal auitiig tIre actieu )o. thes word., -Mr. ËKiogh's bhencharnen tuasioi b. 1111ev frocu oruv, a4il ne- ÃŽ - rnating bheckwarola,. hqlding il behmnalti hlm, liie lIrhe amolcing-romn, ram - v!ibIabaS sudolonly grucyeal,. Mîs.,Mulvanoy'a faae grav - Oo NO. 12. boiy ana ti îoeNAià 1tIra*i-ïift sa. rit Ou, 'anutheli lé-Sdbf t-iThee và id a gonvôrneneèdIS -ý axait,~~~ ~~~ trmPleia ali rthar, addrai te, b6oyn Lneaý 'a ina 0 tome tpu pitt - lagio, Mîsllrees M uIvîn -~, yorgneR*sihg.", 4 ýLiÈteu tt hieifi,au.0lii&,"aIson la, got bbavion fren our peer lad." rendre lielol! "Moprov x!ng1y. "Sue, hoItsn'l aifthèrj.a. or~ ~~~~t Ir(er oIseka e litIr sépumako - tyor, -ore-heuig - "Be; quiet, Dicki , idtb i flatterY- rJýauàceeeiiD, mvdg> eVl meel" i,yaun e-y0; 70ueElir fi'Wl, IL' jus aRe qata*criprt,D»01,"1 îxpraie&lbaviakvvii e-ll.Affes b.e nr.eria Isto.X oser p. ap b«Ïoir goetop la mt,8al, I' -ll I pr ils' -- u er r. U 9 a. cmlur-' 'aS Mrph thr1-4~tealS she4l "I xe toramiou atery avengil wi ehaud et o'oase "4yu, De. ovisend'"g-". a.iytuoog wrt te-Ratla i -hI-POlti wlttDick, it èi mgzel'tla. rIe fÃœi "of , Iuo*i'b,. 5O;hatb5 ir1" sedt1e -trea!. for ý.,Yeu -; Bucr aia th-e, aever sean, iepetp--" - "1Tbat's .v-eli , oyaa'ecauo liephby-'cempleiîtly ;. "e-î 11a-iik e àzhoee i finas mlyr qua1,i iý CHAPTEBV X_ i -- bhled. id4lt ~~ 14- té~s h atr el~aiaa4y tell iabMr. Murphy'e pure -- blir oPwti, vIile ithe brea! sd btwoildTthaff- lieni a vare irtani le~ lIité*. w 1,,-oever, ah. vorp SaaB - hing ',in -tbe*> v'wére the. - uthentieëaccount oi-.lthe Mu~ate," ale Muph.y, vith a ahont Jq.gh"'h1b? lia mre AilpazoSn tl ratipugh'w oid.w'eISwao as r pas ing over ~jr~-vihcranY - 8 ýa lad vWho boft London- ëpdipoured hi. hopeo aLnSIei usftoibo - éaen h fisnd4'. -,fâm-è4lisf idfýin éLùt6nfÊk l tt ierecîe -,iglan& Ur Irelenl.- Ehe baS thons-- gv-to un *Iais muat.- -r""-s- pou5eule-r. zmevozoo& from itpanr-îmapaperal;,dasteading la sheulti-hayae1)eýi bmesiia L& rnanîljie ICP-i-fc taIle- wal ; but pou know vbat, i Adi vet basaIta flas--vraIe Icie~rlrky ana8tber is,-lf la. ishos a feui ha~rd (is.MIltaeap acilekaptI1r aor tn, RaIVB ont»"- ,word sa t h. inc-laail)Ira i alevwing,-I*a beliara'îbe lilaI true latte: -', - ,' "That'ab.aua. 'yoae -e -r Wikh "M.alecI grad e c rLitIIê.dýltI nt<o u4efelav ije Roc 'hqwhiIbad o g d, ia lika myself. Well, ho -rney %igrrbt Ishonud bitiagooc eva loaunS v, ithotkncvirg, if 1a14 8olse»Oon. I lhsve mat. vitIr a bia.ve,*itîeia 'omILèbiàg ee,&nd-aosive'naine-for -the p- voul&.biti PatfrCuat .a$ peu muaI ho conteàt-te guxes aut, gallava." - ubance ho bia acefimIrWr *notlmant "lcriI~v-A-e& ,dîth -and I ar n rhbpesbs wi. putme lu, vithi.aahuddor. Ibas v O f msldkiuiy liWig.r p x 1r1p ua etae yee, lrw"u MO.re. ; . ïfu oo .1v w ear ail 'hr~ Whlby, MAY 7th, 1877, r~ t 'TUB TORC la~ a !qudc 'osae T. G TOWN CLERK'S OF -RMOVE» TO- THE WH ITBY I-I Ofieboura,9 Rtol8 euS9 Lt me & t4iersonb a zth e aLLe» Town I- MONEY TO LOANf'l UN EASY TELLES, AppIy la-N W. H. BLLINs, TO A"F laom AU RAILWAY-, TRAINS!1 A 0 Btàtt4 B sin...l.ue. . . . ............. i a - 1 1 - -J , -.- - 1 1 1

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