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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Mar 1881, p. 3

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TWEEDS 1 TWEEDS! Jm Anno'unLe. the Arrivai "of our'Early Spring Purchasese- PRINTS 1 PRNINTS 1 PRINTS 1 W. bayîe reoeivea the most extensive, assertmeut Oever showu in v Whitby, and at very 0close priesl. A goed priai for 8, 09 it i, ;120, splçn4id ràlue, COTTONSI COTTONS I COTTONS I The best in the Domuiion, aI MM. Prioese ,sad in some casas lower. God Cotton for 60c; very good, Jc;Extra heavy, 10c. Don't buy a single-yard until you have examiued our large atoèk. twHilpsy sny buyer cf clothing to caP snd examine- Special ino at 50c, worth more. C. F. STEWAIRT, Whitby, Maroh 2nd, 1881. Brîto's àrrpai suad Pilla ec r lte vY$ vost cases oi Contrmed Dis=se XEtn cIi ulcoroU04 , osucercua acrssud or- uptiona are controlied sud bsaled by tem, aud ol ocresttbhavedefied &U Irestinent fer many yean, gits va>- unier lte keeu, oeazching power cf tese bust of dates-gants; lu fisef, ibeir munge oi curative pewer As ai- Most uuhisntéIl. Suifereis fiom ceugita, celda, branichitis croup, cluueuso, or ahocplog congit val! fni relief lu D. Wislr'i Balsam oci AI Chery vblt hm» noein Anuse for nesrty Lau a cenlur>-,ynd sIliusintIns ils long ealbebd reputallen sai tha et iemedy for ail diseaies ofte titroatlnugt aud chiaI A Good Tblng. GermanSu 8-p in the spîcial prescription of Dr. A. Bosche0, a ceolebrated German Physicien, sud ila ckuawledged te b. one cf lte Moat fartunsto dlacoeries iu Med- icine. It qulckly ceres Congits, Coldsansd ail Lung troubles cf lté severest nature, re- mating ai Il dees, lte cause cflte asfec- toan sud lsathelb.psrt$ lu a strongansd Seslhycaudlt.an. Itisà uan suexperiment- si meile but bi taisocd tsest cf yesrs, giving satlct.lou in etery case, which ia rapidly incrtasing sais every tesson con- firme. Ttc million bttJes sold sunuali>'. Bewsre ai medicines ef simiier naines, laIe- t>- lntreducedl. Bacheesg German Syrup vas lntrcducd lu thse 'United States lu 1868, sud ta w sald lu etery Iewn sud vt- laffe lInbe ciiized world. Thme doses vîil reltiesauy erdluary cough. Prilas76 cents. Satuple bottn, 10 cents. Camping cull inte pine veede hau ben re arnmed a oCeusmptlte patients, sud the. lieî. Dr. MnrrsY, lunbbisLockon thte Adirondcks, mentions a remarkable cure i rom trestmeut cf tis nature; Every one afllctcd iwth pulmoDary -diaseecenat maie 1à cauvenieul lea camp out, uer ie t uecegssry, thona&H lte beneills of te tratinut are proOurable b>- usissa Grsy's $yrui of lRed 8prnee . s saontiffa)te-. paraiLioru, wtich presatilu a concentrat.-d auditieable orin, mil the virce of this uedliuni ut. As s cure for coughâ, colis, soare thîcat hoarsenees, Il le mîsystu- able. Sotd by at chemlels. l'rice 25 sud 50 cents prbetîote. lin-6 0i-up titldrs disease, bas toit ite ter- rom- stasite keep Yellew Oil at band. Tellot 0OÙ aMncures Sore Thîdit, Quiusey, Congestion sud Inltamation af the Longa. Plow in tb. teson ta guard againet udmen att Cksaof disesses. Ai ycur druggist for lIdysrds 1.1ev Qwil. Gllt-Edge Butter. Ttîeres l ays su actve dsaad fur butter thatis uptote b glt.egstandard lu qumsfty atcoter. Much butter thst is otborile gaadsellsata a reductian frein Ibis. lafOte cents s pound becanse dsflc- lent iu coler. Daîrymen slsauld thon use Wells, Bicbsrdacn & c'. Psi-fected Butter Colaot la gve brigitl ,lsmecelez. Titis Celai la a fr lteé brlgbloit,puetadbt made. l i by drugglsta. ~ Bnl sArnica Balte. Thte Baav SiLvE lu the vcrld far Culs, Bruase, Scri, Mone, Saié Ehouin, Peter Boie#, Telter Cbspped Rands, Chitittalu, Coreins sd indascf Suin Es-upcIons. Thasai#t.e guaranlee ta glte perfect ssafsctlla lu every case or m.ouey rafond- sd. PuiceU98cente pet Bax. Fer sslabyT. 0. WbLtlelu, Wbitby. How te get Rlch. -'The gmet secret cf cbtaiulng riches, il tiret te piactice ecanesy, and su good aId "*Deaen Snydei." "Il nsed tatorry lte Ille out cf me te psy suai-mous doctors bls bal now 1 bave siruckit lrlch.lsItantssd htappis irelgh supreme in aurtUile hanse- bor, tsud ailI simpt>- becanse we use ne alter mediclue but Electria Bitters sud culy Casta fifty cents s bttîle." Sld by aIl druugluta. sn1 * Astonishiag the Wortd. Fer a parfect renoivatlan cf exitausted sudd enfeeblsd constitutions, fumaIs veaknesi sud gneral decllns,uaothing se snrely sud ljeiy prcdS1ces a permanent cuis as dos 871.â"r'à ittra.Ther ondergut cures are asleissblng the werld- Far iney an4dluit yCouplaluta tbay are s perfict opecife. De motl ive upIu desis, fer Xtsalnle Bittera viliposliley cure, sud tlitiwbsr everytiug aise als. Bld by aIlI rnggls., esI ly amuts s bot"ie 13 Notices af Bwtls., Marriagea, and Deati .cherg#j 50 cont. acla. FAWOETTE - BAIINY. - At the Mante, Plakerlng, on lot MaraIs by PRei. J. J. camerou M.- A., W. George Fawestte, le Miii Mary Rslny, bols of Picksrilug. PILKEY-GREIG~.- On thse Bird Feby., aI the e iîdence of the brides father by Roev. J; . 3C<anercn Yi. ., - r.GbsnIeiJ1.eury ilkey, te Miss ary un reig Al ofPiekes-iug. 'ENGLISH-h.î Oshawa, on Ta. dae th cf m ~b, Hirriet Joseplisue, belcved wtt. eLttLyi Engliah, Esq. WHJTBY MARKRT8. PSU iset ............ p o00*081mo SprilufiWbeal..........0 1 <a 1 08 oSaris>-.................05 (à 100 plcn, per au-i........... 975 @ 8500 Eye ..... -................ 070 @ 0 85 Po e.................... 060 @5 0 6 Peso, blaok-eyed..... 0 85 @*090 BluePets.............. . 0 886<5( Osîsa..... ........... ,0 80 G18 Ha>-..... .............. 800 900oa Aples, perbuté........c95 <50a Posom...............025 (21 0 80î U ggs........ 0......... 0 16 Ole Butez ................ 020 <5099 COham....... ......... 012 44 0 15 Waoi............50 <5500 Shepauis........090 <100 Hlia<.,.........7 00 *7 W Pr Previ .......... 600 -700 Wostos, pet but ... 000w 000 .UI008<5010 cm ,"wbite ........... 0192<a 000 0.lery, perdos .....080 <a 040 Cleken,,-pipair ...p. 00 0 70 Dnkpr r ......... 0 0 <060 GomVe lb...........007 <0-O8'l' Tursyu per lb.......18 <011 o, pbei 0000 6 vbe........0060a O< 0 A V A RD., Eshonablo Mfillery aud Clothing Store.1 SAUNDERS AT -WOIRK AGAIN!1 My old friends and customers will ncw flnd me TWO DOORS SOUTH 0F THE MARRKET, WILKIN8ON'S BLOCK. Hiaving bought ont the establishmnent cf THOMÂS WHIALEN, I wil aryon my business ini that stand for the present. I arn nos' prepàd te nu11 ai ordcrs entrusted to me by =y old cuutomers, and as many new cnes as wiil call upon nme. .Owing te the. heav lois I have sustaitned by baving the"whole of My stck of Boots and Bhoe, Isaiter and inachinery destroyed by t'ho late fire, ail parties indebted te, me,%wiil please cal and psy their accounts at once. JOHN SAUNDERS, Whitby, Dec. 18, 1880. NEW ADVEUTI8EKENTS. NOTICE TO'CREDITORS. A LL PHUSONS hitan>- eainagainet lb.eRatteol WILLIAM lROBIN soN, lau of lte Towuaship oi Wbltby, Yeoman, deceased, v itade n lbhe IStitidey afFeb- ruaZi&MtaInltestate,,si-srequestci te seui lu Iber daims la George IRobinson, of lte saiirTovuablp aS Whstby, Brooilin P. 0., an ci baer. the Sth day ai April isext. Aler bt date ltse sii George Robinson ")t]procoec o itiibute the assets ai the. Estale, bating regard anly ote ldaims of nh l te saisiGeo* eRobinsoneu bstien noties. Dated 7th Msîcb, 1881. GEORGE IROBINSON, W. Ti BILLINGS, lroklîn P. O., . Solicior, Le.Ontas-An Qiu-Il Whitby. MONE' TO LEND. A LARGE AMOUNT OFls-PEIVATE fonda ta tend un fa, m ps-opcs-y at i peu cent. per annuns. Appt>- ta JNO. (G. litLLItY, olleitos-, étin42 Ievers-l's Biock, Whitby. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1) UZSUANT 10 section thinty-- Sur ai LICte an. bondi-ad ud ven aitlbh, RavidSatutes cf Ontario, Notias is bers- br. gîven Ibat &ilcreditois sud altealisting sgie nt te esaaeof SBAHRBA R- NETT, late of lte Town ai Whitbyï , ls b. CenI>- cf Ontario, tlladoweassi, vha died ou lb e tuy.ulnlb A5 ai Jsua. 1881, are reqai e seni db>' Peut prepali sud r.glalered, te Mesure. Farevl-A; utI- ledge, ôclthe ssid 1cm-e et Wbulby, Btrrist- ena, on or befere lb. Tanl tq-«ai Apuil 1881, a matement oSi tei Dam"s sud ai. ireisud th. ful! pardnlm oas f ibelr cali nassd securitiesefil suy] heM b>' tem: sudth iate . id Tenlb day aiApu'l, 15,taunie"= ioexou Mt, l. aa wiu f te gaa Bme t wMprcceed la dlatnibale the asnets ci the eid tesisînix &mon , tbe paries enîlîlsi lbereto, bsviug regsnd te tiose elsimioul ont ai v tictie> sisal]bat.eiecaïecdtice as iloreasad. Datai nt Wiitby, Ibis 11h day of Mszci, JOHN WOLFENDRN, "in-i JONATHAN WOLFENDEN. EXTENSIVÈSALE '-OF0-- HIGR-GRA.DE CATTLE-, HORSE 8, IMPLEMENTS, &e. Tite gubscriber bas rocelted Introuato fiasn Mn. James Mitchell, vadow oS lte late JAMES MITCHELL, Te tel by Publie Anctian,,ai henreeliauce,-- Lot 28, lute li con. Whtby, on t; a Kingston Rosd, ball s miee test ai1lhrec street, tev aif Witby, on Wednesday, Mar. 23rd, 1881, lise vitol oS ber Stock, ma flots, viz: i Herpe?7 yeais ad, 1 Hors. 9 yesraod, 1 Mmcod Mare iu feal le Bahd Bucceecit, 1 Mare i-bing a y'esmsoh b>'Time O'Day, I Mars 4 jesaréoid b>- Cequemr.1 IHalizin cau., 4 Ccvi caltedai nd la If -d Paumi- Cowvsl torougltbred 9.yean efi Houeir, 2 9.year li Heliars, 8 I-yean aidHuiers, à i.yasn aid Semi-, 6 oitalen cale-es, 8 Blesi- cale-es, ô Fat caIlle. 2 Borishire sevi fa p,2 Lambin Wagnae, 9 sets Mob-olelgba i 1trviCulte rY, I ot Dm111 set Wodi arrav, iJehau ea h= ".r Matas-. 1 Sliy Herse Raie, 1 R.tolvlug Raie, 1 deablemoulditcszi IranPlot, Turnip dri lion Plot, 1 Osisaa No. d Plot, 2 Ontarioe lIota, i Dominion Plat, i Part Pusr>- Gang b>ew, 1 Cultivt ýli i a Sculfir.i1 acicu Souffler, 2 Funl3ilis', 1 Sleue Boat, 1 RoUer, àa H a Pika, 808eP RaIlles, 1 Grain Czàice 9s*MoaiDof o Esi-neas, 1iseal Single ùsruesi a sets ef Rasa, Parka, 92teebnrc,àas.s umbèr et liens a quanlAt>' tiite seed Os",eOb quatiIy of ïoy, aise a quantty of PayRos Owlug Iti te bahiof Mt. Mieitei 14 &Uvii b. sela vitiset atmire. Lunch atI il eloc-Sle te commence ai 12 nomi, ilsazp. TBBMS-Ii snud er, cash ; aven Iths amonut 7 maente credit oaspmfleanotes. Fat Calle, Hal-, Datsansd Peoe oait. * L'. FAMRBANKS, 5.1arci t1h 1881.. nleen St. Patrick's Day!1 Wilkinsons Block.1 N EW ÂDVERTISEMENTS. D.,C 0CDONWEY, Wlkinsen'sBlBiesre. CASH FOR WH EAT, BARLEY, PEAS, AND) ALL KINDS 0F GRAIN AND» FARMERS' J>RODUCE. A suppl>- cf WesternCern net on bsud &Lk'IIIGIIEST CASH PLUCE F0OR EGGS. Witby, Maréb 9tit, 1881. -1.2 BEFORE lluytng a SEWtIC M&CHINE CALL AND SEE THE WHI TE" and "iRA YMQOND" MACHINES, At FAIRBANKS' SEWING MACHINE OFFICE. These machines passsm nyad's-sule oves- other machines, amaug wbicb are specd. es»s, solf-wling nbbin, sstf.selling neadief.sjntnsiut.Sictep for cash e or tIcredit. Witelumb &nsu itetaiL. No trouble ge showmahns Donlt bu>- 11MyU esiasuscbsa juil wtaIyen tat. ny wszrule AUOTION SALE -, ROUBEHOIJ) FUNITUREB, Seed Gai, Feed, Cote, Mers, de. MR. WENMAN Will sel by Publie Auctiet, ai bis prnaei Gîcadiu, L1-%,Ce. Tawnship cf Wbilb, .on FRIDAI', NAIICH lSîh. 1881, lte fllewing proerly, vIs: 8M0 buabela ftrst;clasu clamu smi Oats, whtite, 80 buaitela lsed Grain, a quantîty cl Petatees, 1I Dsod Umar, i uewlyaalved C ciCutter, 1 farm.ng SWeg. 1 Fsuning tii 1Single H as, 1itLong Ladder, Fo,1s. Hakes,La, Iron-saeWsgga, as ac ofsc a7 or 8-inocf Hay. Souseheld Purnhnr.-Tleacapsdlnmag.l table, contre, kîitesld aide tables, cane. sasie sud cemmen chairs, 1 handso2u, vimat-nemosfa oungo, Brussela carpe, 5151,- sudl ether "carpt, ceeiing stev, noV, (Nrt-est No 1,) cccin* save box siave steve coolsigdear, ued-slea faim bouse. Aise a patent angle. Mr. Wenman belng &bouite remove te lte Noeh-test immsdlatsy wv ia evry aliai. wititeut r»serte. - 1W' Sale la commSence aI 1 'clock, pm. Teup u., . ý - Lý . FAIEüCKS Wbiïby Maoit ait. 1-lin Anctaner. Ooffircmsudasylngexmpenie.. yî 8eliing at coyt-I 4'JL . *;1 .ý1 V < v .'c.j s4. -LUJA ..i 1, iJ. :.wJaIl '5.JL. £5.LII i - J.LI LNïjA.kL -£ L J. L. L-LJsUA.1:. J .LIkj.àN - - - -, TYIYCX ~SffRTINGS, GAMI30NBIIKS-&. COTTONS ~INENSr=TOWELLING$,----ARPES A D tu.~I COÀs- - - E-7 CI B2fD -I91 GOODS C HOICE TWEEDS! A A ful stock of General Groce ries and -Orookery. Whitby, FebruGry 15tb, 1881. n7e Greate eia eyo CO UGHý,%COLD%ASTMNA, VOICE, -HOA BSE2MSftA-NID TR'ROAI' APYECTIONS. q-_i from~ eea~ sud « a*,,- uu*, e Gp de tai aem .sdM« fress tii p»aruotri 4»U ot the timasS tiuailemuetii GOusjbr oftwwn GRAY'i' .Pn#96SYRU?.muc rLame Di> op ps~tE 41 P e RED " Sang Stimd SS PRUC E ..14 ~ UM . e 14. Its remtarkable inruieving cetan forins of ro hi,avsdta almost epeci4c efectin curing ob- atinaté backing <Joghs, jù notodcel knoccn to the public at large. mu =~sIregoabI. #iemEML 5 io, 25 a"d IRRY, WA TSOX t(CO., MORTOAGE SALE' op VALUADLE F2103OF *FÂ'I.RnmG LANDS!1 Near the Town of Whltby. iunder and by vidasofa spuof-"et siea- tied in a certain oresewMhwilflbe prcduceil ai the lime 6fsae, sud cr wihddlt iha*beenmade, Ierewllb. sa ld by Publie Anuiln. KtaIfiA B OTEL, iu tb. Town of wmTBY , on SATIMEAT,t 12iTU DAY OF At TWO 0OCLOCK lu the sfternccn, by 1fr. Leti Fairbanko, Auctioneer, tb.eicllW- mng -cuable pteie fai nlnlanda: oepse f pat Lot nuerTwesty n =PSh. Brai n Front Cncsson 0, '0t Toa ob~ f Whitby, sil dmecribed an fol- mmcngon thlite alnlb mi otite#&ilot ciNumber Twenty-ihe etaitlets distance of ifty chalir rm lb. Natit-essi single titereansd runltecSe Suihj humit ite c. ith enotit seveuty-iOur dreitu-enty ebains-mar re anlu-t *ie vestsrly lirait et thse sali Ici ;.beuce Esl de oiEnButt ivepiy bais amareor lIs te lb. #lace cf beglnning,outenhiln by-mi. nsesaursment ion so ers, bthb. ame mars cS ls aas s-eae pi.rawu tarie. Tb@i icil la a beivy cyM. .fbas b.. e, fa&Uplow ad s a n e My iforcp.% _3%1~go&elsu npo mise. l le n il= iecl wÎhlygmbeur. Tiert'wM ib. a resrved bld luiby 1the V*qoe. TISe Vtndon wiIl net b. henni ge fInitiai!MYut Tille demie othe aidmnss %eXgR"EAT 'BARGAINS pa wllIbeil *'or.- attb o-amA W ; ee-auma te, GLDtSMITH'$ WAC -P= _ & 9ýe AT (JO*T. aa&Y,sne» h1bisse18 ria o t. àT 008W. -HT oleared off.before the. expira- qrR aidenc.o- ý-er te t, 0 s tion of the leafe. Slb JAMES JOHNSToNt ONSUsY ùArch Pralitcmi. Wsi- be~,lPud'oa fo Sl gl»yan AGem Dmcci.S-, Witiby. ~1i A W." -an s ir uis_ N F"l DVE RfTiS*E ME t. THE BUT MA > XOT ECONOMICAL ZOAP 7»R ORSALE ONLY KT] Itepssesses i the-propertis of the Finest Soap in a jury élter te tetmuýr e or V t he' motdelieste abries-, Il dlaims thainerit of doiM ls-woek -arlIt h e Iaor,iih« duis tim, ad -ai lma thau "Yi thse macouf ornuwy houSbola spaps. Tt also expels ail othe-t0s' for washîng FlannQle, not maâkingtem alinnk, îsndleaoving tem& of a&alkei sMtiiess. AtI ique(ta1Qdfolroeani1-prainted"WeU8 and wd, work, Plated =s4 Svoe Wwe @fo'kCoùy, Gises, xMNF6I- sý A nice white .oft soap may b. made ini few minutea ,y mie ieg n.packttof the Wa#he a' in o ýS&Uno! ofh.aWSi itlTgfoW ma 2,~1e OlD~ In nsi»g theo cm SÉEZ WÀSMM Boz ke enprovo& bv careW e xpmrniment ltb,hr a4snily vaslim&m iiWi SPRIN 1 UI WINTF.R. STILL UINE SELLING R~QQM 0F-NE ATA ILATREUCIOù1 TEAS .5 9 - - - TO HANDI J. B. :PoW L & 1DO M 1 N -i N ,WA R E J ROOy1~. EVE Y IN TENDI-NGPUOHAER 40U'L9'4KE 1AIPOI1NT TI: SEE W0ND-RFULXOHAP'OOTTONS!Pd. We offers ýCanadian Facçtory, C10toinbt, and in some cases below, nibcw -i turers',lspre. GOOD CANADIÂN FÂCTOBY COTTONS AT 6 CENTS. HEAVY ïCÂNAIAN PAOTOBY COTTNS AT 7 CENTS.' TEBEST 8,0T. éý'1' FACTORY COTTON YOU EVER.8kW-. VEZXYHE&LMLXUW-WMDE FACTORYWCTTON13 AT CENTS. THE - FINEST CANADIAN PACTORY COTTONS IT 10 CENTS. eiln REATESI BARGAINS IN CANADIAN BLEACHED COTTONS EVER YFFERRJ'ý- c0u4 GOOD CANADIAN STEAM LOOMS AT 7 CENTS. -s IIEAVY CANADIAN STEAM LOOMS, AT 8 CENTS.-,.- GOOD YARD-WVIDE CANADIAN STEAM LOOMS AT 9 CENTS. RIS 10 CENT CANADI4N STEAM LQOMS ARE EQUAL TO REGULAR l2ko. GOODS. FOR 12 CENTS H1E OFFElIS A 14 CENT GOOD WIDEBTEAM LOOM. Pe.l RIS 124e HE4VY ýSTEAMLOOM FOR SHIRTINGS, 18 WITHQUT ANEQUAL AT THE P-RlcE.À The finest (Janadian, English ,aad Auerican Steamlooms', Lonsidale Cà,iu- y' hx-icB, &c., very cheap. 90- A very large stock of fllesched and Unbleaohed Shirtinge, much below rp: p4besl irr PilIow Cottons in ail widths from 40 to 54 inch. IU EMB1IOIDEIUES.-To arrWve iiia few days thé largeet ,asbortment (oer ,00 yards) odf Insertions hiebas ever shotu. S ..teeSeca feini w - ~ -- Whitby, February 156h, 1881. NSW APVERI' J LIS T fiECÈlVEL> FOL/R ~ Qholcs Faut BÂLL AND- SIJPPER WIU 4ts4 i. paceon St atTliks evtnji, Thuruday, Xaroh 1711i, 1881, 1%najo by4>alsmloie taln Prof, TM bulcie & lsfliy iti. 'IN Tz- 1

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