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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Apr 1881, p. 1

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TUE WHi rB>y 00,OIOLÉ sle Purgmun ~ au11 Re DAI O NI BROOK 8TEUl , VHIB monte yupoicl5 aM& iarged at the rate of 8 cont%, RJ.liOa atterio,andàBoonta,per lnshsbe Lient&nsrtioni. Liteent aki, Cp Psoxa al inamtrance Cocipaulci, auacrs ik I[ttiription,1whext plado4 auiogg PaeMai- j'or ton cente pertlHue. Specaleodiraoti made *vih iadvertlsers ytiti yer, ri ltherwise. .Ordirs e 0dloctluetadverdluments in nit be in writlng. ousiflGs8 Dira tory. ONTARIO BAUX, WHITBY lIBANOR, THOMAS DOW, FAREWE1L & RUTLEDGE, B ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- citers, lNotaries Public, aud Couvey- - sucera. Office f rut door icuth cf thé Koy.! ilatel, *hitby.. JAMES8 BUTLEDGE, B. A. . F ARE WELL, L. L. B., Oounty Crowu AttorneY. 43 MJESSRS BITOM3E & BILLINGS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY &C C. H. RITCHIE, Toronto. W.H. BILLINOS, Wbniy BARI STER8 ATTOUNIITS, BOUIC. ITU OTA1IIRS, &c., &c. OFFICES: 72 Touge Strett, noti the Dominionà Bank, snd cerner King and Yange Streetu, Tercnto. D. A. OSULUVAN. W. E. PERDUE. October 28rd, 1880. ly-45 CAMERON, APPELSE & Bie. VI'IILLIPS, B> ARRISTERS, Attorucyo-t-Law, aud I)Soliiters iu Chsucery, No. 4 Taranto stresS, Teronto. HECTOR CAMtION, .., RS. -APPELBE, JAMES KIIT]U GORtDON, H ÂARRISTEU & ATTORNET.AT-LAW, Solicior tu Cbauccry, Conreyancor, rlotary Public, &o. Offie-Dunras.et., iret door weet cf Ârmstrong's HoteL. Mcuey te o Un-Private fuuds-e.t low intoreet. JOHN A. MaGILLIVRAT, (Suceor te Il. M. Howell.) ARITR&ATTOUNEY.AT-LAW, BA oITM uleR o' Sollilotr for the Dociluon Bank. Offie.-Nerzi door 10 Mentitounouse, Uxbridge, Ont. -96 jkTTOYINET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN L. T. 0-AlRCLAY, A TTORNET- AT -LAW, SOLICITORt lu Obsiiocrysud Iuoolreuo-y,cuvey- surir, &C., JS. LYXAN BNGLISI,. L L. B., I ARRIMTE AT LAW, SOLICO I >Os cr.cunej tarc., j». Sic. 'ne stremi Osbava. PÂTII) OIUISTON, 0.&., ATT¶RNBATLAW, SOLICITOB INi Orc-In the Office senutîtof the Por4t office, lunPiMillau's Block',Brook Street, Whtby. y1 JOHIN BALL DO0W, ARRISTEU -AT-LAW. SOLIClTOR B lu Chsncery, Coeceyi.ucer, &o. C>ffice-Dererill's Block, Brook Street, Whltby. MONET TU LEND-Private Pund,- Inlum ursup te $8000, ai a low rate ci lu. teros. (1y412 (LATs Duau & ftoureou.) B AtIlSTllltS.AT-LAW, ATTORN - soi, Soliolters, Couvepaucers, ïdo. OFFICE,-In Victoria Chambeis, No. 9, Victoria Strict. t> aUiBUEAT .LItW, SOLICITOR B >in Chauacery sud IueolrencyOa ury- sucer, &o.' Ctic-Dereri'a licaiBroo- 5Se, Wbtby, Ont. G, YOUN111RITE1, IL. Il., I)ARRISTJIR, &o., ke.-Meney to Loan 13 l>imser cs MarriageLicenses. Or:txu'-Ovuir Pomwolu1i k, Whiiby. Ian. 2,1.88. -(tf-O J, E, A LDRoi "ml, aM.».,té G RiltiU&TEc Qun'scd itoi cf l'byelolano p. n "4 , uere OFF 1 l llock-st1 Wbitby, Ont.,~hc pt-. J. G otlTN,. T, cfURGRON TO UNE <IOUNTY OAOL, S Byron Streci, Wbltby. W.. MOBRIEN, j1;D, IgR.CS., CUTS0 HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., tl. oeu.. IL L., Oohaa, Onuio. 0i9. BOGART; ,.>hyicicu, Surgeen, Aoffcher, &c., d"i WlliSby, sept. 801, 1874. W.ADAMS, 1.80 te ôa,. sdGilb.r boat. Teth. Tteti réty" local %snsi J"i ,.Eadonc -or, cf Byron 13*TB lsasrW don a&U Iba laléatssrluofs e*leA## , - Wlîth caXm Priciîcd vw«4%, «rssI iougihu,-sud'u, agl*utr dro" o 'dacpàrAKn B~g,'ro loa VO.XXV. c IOMBECIAL HOTEL sud STABLES, 54 s4 ud 56 Jarvis-atreet, Toronto. JOUS MuRAB, ..-PROPBZBTOR. tarUsb»on TevOHsaN iKULT.) Titi bout 01.00 0'Dur Rouis lu thselty ouiy tye blockseftram h. Ncrtborn Dopôtïi.so. te lte Market. The Houai has. heo n ewv1 Fltsd-oui, sud svery-tbleg l"rst.clans. liy-d7 MR1d. WALKEY'ig TEMPJ4RÂNCE HO USE, DUNDAS-SIREET, WHITXIY. Goot!scocicodation aS neasouable terme. Boardere 62.10 pou veok. 45 Ro SSIN IIOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. The Palace Hoiel cf Canada Rofittid, ltefnnniaed, sud Uniralsd. Ne Passen- gar Elorator, ruuuing nlqbt sud.dsy.The oi rit-clasî hlotu lu tuids vib grade- stopnces, rIe --f2, $2.60, sud 08 par day. Mamebocf Clubs sud cîbera, dest.dng racra., vithout board, $1 to erA7 Feb'. 27tb, 878. Propriotor. R OYAL HOTEL, WHITBT. The abore boteisa abeau thauougbly nenoramet! sud refuruahot!, sud in nov nu- der the managomeut cf GEV. MACRIE, (formarly et Si. Lawrence Hll, Port Hope. BEvory tuilfou pid te guants. &Jr os B RITISH AMERICÂN HOTEL, WHITBY, 0N2'ARIO. Boues nevly reuorated sud f uruiahet! tbrougboet, sud put lu firgt-oaussondin for the rocepticu cf guete.An omnibus ho sud froc sU trains. Plret-.cl"a sample morme. S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, Cuit. Ring &c York-sia., Torotot, Ont. J. A. OOBADY, - PROPRIETOR. Tuaies, 11.50 rau DAy. (ly.47) P OST OFFICE SA.LOON, Tofno. M. McONELL,- .PflfPflEl77'j1 9.a»' rua uESerACCOMMODATION .Fc for Ouetsa. (ly-d7) 0~ NTARIO fOEL, BaOCx.STUaRI, WHITBY. JAMES T- JEWELL, Pruprielor. (Lateeft Se Nilpisslug Hote, Torocto.1 GOud Liquoresud Cigars. Commodicus Stabling. ,t Finht'claks LlverpStable sud Billiard Parleur gîiscbed. ly-16 H. CHESTER, - Proprictor. This tbreü.eoy large sud commodieus Blouse le roittet!sud fnrdsbod le suit the wauasof tic travelling public. Tabla sup. C ihteoboloci cfheictesson. The dsuppliet!vili lis but braude, lîquerusud cfigar. Bus ho sud hem t- tAon. Ample stablerooc, caretul bostleru. ýTîlE QIJEBN'S MOTEL, - BUoCK BrTnEET, Wmrur13. PEILIP IfcOANN. Proprtetor. Btest Laquors and Cigare. A well sup. plied table. Airy bed-rooms. Conifortable etablllig aud large yard rooci. Chargés moderato. - -sa WHITBY HOUSE Tir undîeriigued vould intiraste abth public <bat lbheaitore promsises bave boeu nevly but an isutted up tlîroughoat.1 for the accommodation nt goutte. Bonl Wlues, Liquors sud Cigare. TH£ 4EiAM op CANADA" - WALZ LA08t. aoe pure Ehino Wlne. Loger, Whole. SeXo sud Ret". Boardere taioen by thc e ek on icoder- sie ternis. JOEPI A. .DELL. July, 281b 1880.82 BLACK HuRIMME II BotIL Cou. Pnowr & Guon. Br., TORONTO. ÂLFZUED OXFOD, - PBOPMBTQeU (Laie et Wellington Hotai, Markhaiu,) TBIII, % 00flPEU DAY, GQQ si- ing or ver hooPlrsh.claaaccoci. public l u uea. T 11E iVRy BvanusES vfliu future JLbe-mretconywsh ibe 'Id lsee Roya hoel s I rsepeg olf l s s the. pauÀfl aithepublic. Gcboncs Ad cpi. liii 1879. .4M M[ R. J. U. ATES, Newepaper 4,cverisif Aent 1diPark ituîw (rimue i ig NwYork, à* itntîlorizod-iu anniruot fer cdveripge ments e thlie diHRoNlç'Lzetut u 0 TOCK SPEOULATION AND INVUST- la MENT.-Opcratl on ou M r iby pnivileges. op@",ci )uiuess uMlning SSoocks.Pull pârtiulmrson applticu.. JAMES BROWN, DcsleriluStocks sud doua,6 *8 Broadvay, N. Y. 4l-ac MONEY 'TO LOPIN O X ZAY TEIZIE* W.Ha. BILiN oS, Ballottse. 0 C .ovO ntr. a«. W'ITYPRVIME0FONT~OHRfAARL7 81 CH 1-NA HA LL, S1 ION07TEB 8KGJUG (RIGOISTIMD) 71 KING-8T. EAST TORONTO. Fanry Breakfast sud Tes Sets. Fsucy Planer snd Dessert Soe. Fancy fBed.rcB ots. Fancy Jugesud Teapota. Sir PletedKniven JForks aud Spous. Silvor Plated Cruets sUd Butter Coler.. Silver Plated Cake Baskets. Bcdg ire' Kulve.and Park.. Tes Trays sud Rervers. Plaver Shades for LiIy's, &o., &o., Olasivare, ail descriptions. White Stone vae, every kfud. Hotel sud Bar Goode. GLOIRE HARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, WHITBY. Geo. (Ço-rmack, Ir UMBER MERCH3ANT A BUILDER. L -A large snply cf Builders, Puruiah- luge snd all irudi of Twletd Moldinge, Dcc,., Saab sud Bilina. 'LUMBDR vbclestansd retail, or by by tb. car load. Plàning, Meuldinga cf every dlecrp-. tien, Plooring, Bbeetiug, Shalvlcg, Re- sawing, 5baping, Turnlng. Bcel-vorli, etc , etc. Whutby, Oct. Igth, 1878. 4 IM ONET TO LEND. Tbs'nderslged bua uyamonut cf Mon- ep te tend upon Farci or TM Properiy, at unagy Loy Rates cf lutereet. Lowaou be repald in suce to suit hor. roeer. 80verl mproed Parmi sud Wild Lande for Saeea"P. 1 i neeutaniade lu Municipal Deben. zoures, ansd/othËi markatatable Stocke. For furthsr pýricu1MArapply bo \ JAMES HOLDEN, Apri h, 1879.là ARCHIE'1 CTUREf DRAWING AND ý SPECIFICATION or BUILDIN'~GS Prornptly Pi rd view ov 0 eoccy CHUROR 'AND. SOHOOL ARCHITECTURE A SPECIALTY Correpandcinc Respectfuly Sollcitcd. H. B3. BARDEB, Archîtoct, &o., Oshav,ont. A. A. pu ST, (lae vltb Lsugey, Lauly '*Biks, Toronto.) A RCHITECT. Design& for COubueo, Villas snd Cottage. c= alty. -Dmevilgb prepared fer re- Ongeuieting structures Orpran, fer tbeJrs hbi' residauce Ou Kingeton b , ictooriât8 411) P. O. Box 20 Wmv. vcrtisîng coreot1 resy .caafo hm . Wav Youx, 8 MON EY TO "LOIN! At lowoest lvng lrcgcftulset Wbitby, Pobruary 10h, TMG. 9 WIU4TSY, DNTARIlO, Importera, Des&srasud maanfotursret bui 'LEATHÉR AND ÊINDI XS, oasbpad forHldes, l 'Srksd Leaite. go ELTJNffG MADEI TO OWE ON9 SHMORT NOTICE. 1H08. SLEIGH, H1OUSIE &.SG PAINTER, -Oa a pql bpfoudas idsSbop- TWO DOOE8 WEST OF iÉRUSTROIZG'8 0NtARiC iRES Mutual Insurance Co'y. HEAD OFFICE, BRnOOK-Sy., wHTTBT: as those cf sny vell-eetbiQeed Companuy JlJST LOSSES PROMPTLY P&ID. J. B. BICKELL, JOHN WILL1S, Presdiont. Vice-reiidam1. C. NOURB, Secuza. Whltby, ApunMISM1. 87.-8 p iiNix PmlE nqauRAlcE 0. Lombard St. snd Ohsring Cross, London. EITAELieyilix1782. GILLBME, MfOPFTT &, 00., Agents for Canadak. MaaeMontrwi. A IM T IVELUIMHD IN-CANA- Funds.Moearhao Agent, hiïby. BwmAMERICA. A~~~ 8sraoe Ompany. INCÃ"RPORATED 18e3. A SSBEBTS, pilà,5794. P. A.. HALL, Maesegae Insursues effected ea h l IcSetrrent rates on Buildings, Merchamdlsé, isud chie prePerty, agluat lam or damagsby fin. N. i- UESE, - Agent, Whltby. Whltby, Aprn I ,1878. 16 P EPPF.R'S QUININE A"n MONtTONJO 'Ocuteainsau Uovsrylng amonunt cfialuiine and trou. Tt P-»» SU malthé pouors ftise valucable tontcelu b&Waisbua disease sud s"-Pt-,' traceeble te veakmiue, s Xcvtate' of ibe ne.rronsar*i. enfeebled couditi=ceof the body. sud craugemen ef thie gnea à-etrngtiinîthenerouad Su isia aphtot 7 ecroît, the. beali. For debiltttid bealtb froc tAis effeet cf bot cumaahiis toute M sinaiudia178 à u d44welffl the nsscuenergle, enriebes tAhe bicof, pomets.epetlides glnguerand dsprsfnfotflsts igsi organe.Te s a ,llc ., rmmcTfor nusga à«»e. imfuOi I Srere01oS eveilnd.% affectio"s. a Le vstin deac, tendenoif. e ,* Thio viile frt la rIo t lurlooratsdby PpVTonu. l% smna facuilesbribtsnd. Ii. cusliton ereahly itromenadon.. sd a returu 10 robust beaut gold by Chenies ,yw"berc ine cfo J. Popper, BeOferb soaerMLîtcuu bu ouf $tie%.151.Tere 15 ns irm .ieIcertan III~ ~ ~~t efe 5PPPV u.I inOA4tro le la ou a y y = ,loufaism4 ua rsd te mCelcul, ud sbl smys 4 mei fr * us L«eveyopasci1aerM a rm iedwbtob, *Il eveptoise cf -eau tiecf Ob'elievio are osr51 Pain beauth ,tii he ude eue. bo Jzovsle, ce sPPe*hefl tonnue, disaqrseble. tests to lie mcun idddinee. dà"atuns tcfthc siccacli. n Medl9ngioersl depreod Il st e t lii eh 9"l4er ln motion, veu.slail mo,t n drving a is f mése et ud sommer vitlanw94boums, I lb isela medicin. only by J. PBPPE E0lfrd, Lsbcrstory, Londoui.wbocmonae laon cer lbe l oft!.. 2L.9 d, sd. *.0& 1.8 dbM i Ccmiste. A -ncet -Ialei. sd seseu imedicine frln. dis AnSU$ thea, icOapsud0"Colonisepuer. sury. 174 a eybffirni edv ocile the rufbcub agrilcelour, t. Tt eft uelg~ iipccdba »ta TIncsds u aentijr n 09 a"EES UPE&BETuï NO. 16. lIe>' ver. noS -iiteù n rue, oi h hl hhy vs ,by la>'ý, On docke snd àwéýexle .n - wi [e- duties, seat as they -hic ; .h. boiruvwet!a, lie captain, Or vbom fàavet, sud deyoureil foc. Lizzîe, 'Iye y or benudt-veiell thalmigil' blrie oan pooîlan.' tbgeavily oun um te conîtlbvb'at! d i, passegîr Hewdit' 'Vpais Wbho1n'eh. JAaé fi t te u ud ek vwiontl IN SUR AN C.E. inotUorgoethst he lic dei- grcro- ligatiione ho Kavsnagh,. uoi, forbeà.tô~' pîtytlhis prosent condilio. A.,oa- ' ' -jjj ,' pio bhave bea 55ncelous Iqe , -. 'hâd'eOblately beenà, wiiusss1 buit têi Lt Sebert îeeni.oedqtouia -Dàa vnt by.,aud onthc Morzine, oiech Robert preeented hirnself at- -w4 Wiî hieh Megnine Dow greeted ilic,. 0 o~ingrery isa aud pale, vhicbtobced, badforhlm le Salie, sud velcomed- hlm eiveu more kindly thap , ualë,bis 868o I iteair yen haro been te ailiaf ti, siuevcry mortng, iRobert?' . i ldecil, air ;z liS Murphiy de- niet! me admiiiaeu9#. HE, sesid i vas" "lWrll,veIlj,he l <eue now, sud ypnu are ben.," utged Karanagh, emiig.- 01a roughi fellow, sud, 1- ls-ow, re- 5i1i5,flnoSbéi9i sbowieg me acy regard, ,whlcb la vryureaeoeable," "ay, iI8dn futvt i on- %Ilialeocount ; but . when ,you vers ýSfi, help 1, "ý-a suddon spor s& o thIbiug ails yen tir'" eaidjkbert hastily. "tvasrsy selfEsh of M. ate be maknt no ; IIIarn botter novv," gaspw Kavnagla'"qwoel&,rstho r e&Ual 'abouhi t. I ouied, "Help, hclýp ly pu I(WclI, veli, and What dia 1I Bal la il t s- K 6' p s a' t!-- IKBER L UMBIE Souge o I clne.- b5yen,- bey*ï,Pu .iv ohs etlc vas direoài0 aginigaebling, msudgsohip -. usoewhcnc, thas! liflp o'.evol the vWas byn uau cuùoal ev e M ueyuy.unrboret urlpalest, If money et!, ho feunêt.comnaeded lghA ami vry gro Whstroc I honh eh li la lewanhleg (or thoir passage. I vii 1.ot1anàieio teb. xlrguihJaï cghh siepi ïltl If the floers are net ber yen bav& -a -dvaàee la ou& i.typur ocek! aiI u fIh rwalr lp g If eh. pondir not'upon - t-- Ilniyou aàùueprnd Stoc iflaiherner eidfolr drlingW, s.es h Ife abave nô adsiirailou. ea if.T4ore, Ibère ;'thal la elo. îhey vire t drink'on 1h.eopen decli. Robert For Il orcs cfmetvehcu. ied sune or oç ~about il."' --Thefiftb'relatid ho koeiug 1he.oui'. ore, ho It vau no longer a -vbedr te Rob. lassies dean and! fi for service, 'And, vas ev w bOok Loi ber ieru tbroughulapybome ontit%$stheb.boys" -clîccît! bavesnob b. he moitpopuilàr of au. The meDuwere h49WàvA Prperio f -plants ttst çv's; reverecce fer ticir 'yeuugcashorsts 1exravagsnuly nice ln riionss ndIinm~ Kucv bey vste*ibsSoildvb. fr ho lait hiceaif a4 lbough %h.scoulda beanty -e6jtbthir Weapue, sudIVould b i Bs t uk d llbteotu esrce haveîlad dovu hie lit. for bis &&ake. Il gir. noccjns ia neo a ieay~t Hue meet*udon vtheul teeSlm'O Darvin toile une, fias îtiionL. vas net @ly gratitude vhioh effeoted 'eailtasunbaie fort- pouede a'.pair roîun et bic ; there wvau i ndeecribable obarnifor ristol, viobth0ey.wurf lu lime ef Bui h e If perchauce lier srdor-berne lu Kavanagh'a bune sud manner ibal service elu orer'theiir ehouidhàndsd to a'va SFor i cyseanio-f.! - vas vhoelIy remorcil froc theo lad'. ex, adorned villi ib kue'The al th' ar- ili Caied lu fh wdsua penlence,ÃŽnsud alcce ecoehlm ho tiole I have anayquoiod. Thne (thon S1 Andhob o vorcnélyoyt ar iocigto atupenior belug ; il vas net seevcnth doareét! deaîb le aey'can 'vbu ie fa ecclopensfrium evu ldre I -1 -.---,su i as not-frinlos!hip, aboula.î. ..,oîothe hip Qorhie qnartelm a D buS it hsd.the graceofettheoeuenesd lte lu bale. Tbe eigbtit vas lte arra 1nge eue. ee 5h h5aXl cslc1",aM 1tetedo stcatuihr.- quarrcis. Thoe. was ho b. ne etrlking Rfil , Clerrin tri-fouo Q<Id at itbut"hi'I bav sid) aI lb. It l'Antdsr. .i e t,- "£Inii, ar, y n ererw r te o zeca. arm& e c r Ave sud axii bWisds aMïblac4; wlthikiuo," wvas liehocoula ass- @eSoreln pot the dispuýtnt. W' Be shall lin ber saveu p -;Iesuc, er ; "sud I culybeope I may show ver. "idi det et lasd baok Se b'aok mnon a Find =y lvebath infancem. mysal 'tYsyc vihal iwjelieg abmii t Atth ~ e' voici efcoinu. ÏaT 8 colt u bllàwaobeiodmndtÏty .'mal &aflted linindici-ti. v Daybrcals. frienda,-, obenh, itotnpie i'tehher'«$lyt orece., Ahe uvasindkod out'of in i - "~~~Iam %sure of IbiS. Ândl ovabout hubna hn fbI lml~êl A~~~~~ vbdcm poI f~'ca obys.;- Are theycarné e 1~ii ülà sa,-sud vite 1w-' i s- Auaad."Omltacecromorme'110ea boys ie bsi I have folleke.,tiras l6 boit h bavor. i under ltip ballet bl'Theaai wônl It bailsd tb. abipe, sud oriel. lauil n, hei, or bar, lb.y' ruer. flh -thb ita lih iliiedt! thne canshoül*d talk oiL-hourd -TeMarineras tberoibt legone.t U8toth pleIJeI-mul mention! aiiupîh.r aây cfliving uhi e4Ie Cfyi-loi, aeke It lim iety oIy'5j ya~lil~o el oieAu'h'bi lfaï ymsaouid lois' a lîcb or]îîo i 1h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ùý" sat nol.tat Shuiv, ret b e6t lg Bi Sud'1 bicodin, c orptilà'n t. publié- serice, rsA. eBoi Rng #JI your lent Sa e~ beeldia, they 'do nqte du r e n ho vt& have' cilit'eudred dolsP' udcxi aboulaDnoS tapobad aydyfoncut tdi&,oocon hlock'aüd'-for lesser lugi. Tii 1h toucbed the vaod-bL-d'aloch iedvlg, bonie iilînd or oobîncn."' i- -huit eo îoal.Tho etb ut! dyboueg And sald, "O bird. avalce sud ma&. î4cagb Iahed, but thore wva c laicle <Pnovided 'lic osptilansd lier. va And oerthe farim "0 aàhin«tlw -VO e b ~l'h uel -vlb-b.qîre.ieo--bel~rci iotory-badt1 Tour clual iw, lb.day ta 1.e - plid,' , a,'btiIleycolg. m~uutpie b asSer, bosievaiThaenvew Il vis . la 1l~a i o", TIeeyt k4 w-notlMng bzh wbi ihe priaeut! uiî oahaoce aiu, sud, feionS abc. 'Boy, h sud uO héil Sic cýMOn5elen. el leýÏor àlv 1 e sdîd, , othsn officera-'neiand 's Ïquarter." cd but a -Bow dow, ni bai, th comng mut.r. Wgrcvely "eut13#1 risapathé -i-"hliter, veors -parsons le auor- of Brin. Itsbhouied througb the belry tomwr. getelpro'u-hb.fr 'sullïy' la iS-snve«l-as lave meug you Pt, ne- The c«j 0,Avaki, O beil Iprccbic ihe ur." ibeoir; belle! lu, myseif."maikcd Robent, noS lorgelfiicf Mn. remarie, c ht orceseithe churcbyard wih asig, Bers, socs-ébat ho BobMs'e ief- 'kegire's suaroical epinions cf the manifesta Anpd sald: -"Not yeilu quie ie." Ka-anagb's veclue d unie-so 1ev lihaS puerions uighi.se. aigu bis c<>ption seaeo.ly knev vwhether e, ýthere- mer@ ; core,do Idny be-ascaux MURHY8 M TR. b"lat bnervatiou vwatih"eudtoris that sncb institutions arce ecossary. lbat!bbien MURPHYS brATca e rnot-l-iere vas c kuocie -ai, lh* Ncrarthelesu, se fat sa governmen ul va cvby 1 - cablu door, sud Murphy enead, vlob conceruet!, tic Mufle,- Carey vs«. I bird îc (Caicgi)put au n at!eh fumr aocefidontial 14.1k. oelted, a codel vmes ai;ny, huer. le 1h. idontl ne donlit, l6okug eaithie maSter asau bDoene;1 "H. le balter, thon ?os ebservat! Rob- CHAPTER X. commercial speoulsliee< thats, vihtor- The et4 ositelul nos te abî"bis âtown -his, o"veaypuecay mno or edp1 satu of expeotatlon-for thou#bit i a' TalcCWUXB GATHEF. digatytipru mde bis, au mnd ounad e d1iely oubthat Murpiy musA- mev auy The. nez$ ics Mauirs e niesihae at!oheetrtsetmpn-e at!&ligue cirtatll .itice utrer I Tii. lav 5<51051 dranken. e!Rb secret conusotet! viii bis scaser b l i s hequlcli- oye t!eteoicd s diffèence tm nesas,-heverr, eund gambliug vuasls- late honr, Meguire knev, be t -,ugit l ol iuj ibeeSsc'e expression, mets doa! ler ; eut! tbe capiain, needit! a shov hiceel! vortby oftho lattor'a cou- ".&b I1" sait! hel"Yen have seau bic as yen> csmy jutge froc cy ove as«, kepiig.o7 I ue. -x -lperceive. Dia I îlot -tell youen b. &vS uneceýoailybrutal," - came 1np i "Tyes, bWuebetAr - ýt. £1111lu il bs j ruliPo'"Wsho cruel AuoSiters uas viiies as tler, a' benîli; ansethé ihIgàt urti bis eyeasesu oyo"n,- liedt," snsveîed ;Robert. ye l-tos n iquircd, Robert. Ibey bolt Yen mueStalk urci*,e utlu But ynma lo tee a ee y* net. aékouhic cca~u î Wlten Robart linookoci a he cabin Jeaus iîaolut- icltiy. suîrely uotiingl calke a. puer or elnpp, i inwoecargo vswuGiot, dcci ~ ~ ,,& ilveosull e trougor; and-i Icouht b. srue.nlikoly ili e hpler v.diaputuo!,aioisev taabes au to mure iealwuyaonlS'subsdeitlc"ooc. sffsbis lu" thaohe bat! ezpected te beax-; sudit .-M< oun, piriaps net," swevred ii epo udslit-aDdbadmol b-in ical b.hi t "idMrL Dcoim4bois1afhl cor- MaSire."Btefox,1-a o viat :I paIin ci fi sharapoaire,,looket! ve &ne te bcd.7, r slft n l 'ppoar. Oldl,4 bo asSoulsbet! uý aneh g.Bert- ual dc*W Eo are, tltogailrei ufil -for. ver enc* frocns éuli. cpee, t!aýam s. lieS 5i4ý144I av0euseean amrach --éranger, 1ii are, ttited witîb cuIboztp"- only vas h arhtulohnIlca sle tlegiit pv> ~'qpieg ;qPigt 01--tbiiw one lAvIii l. t c but Iately in. eýîatfut- mue. b oard liip botte than vian b.o bat! soeau bic u . Thtmust lhare beanne nansàoden obesipe' cr e5syerva- i "Bitdovuhier' Rbert'~ ~~. *' 'tiob ;bul'it dii :mot ;éespâ àiUt>i bt p#ion r; o bânliugai AuUri - M Magire vas 'eeiytobriltsble in bu üs o bu '.,lad.i aaue ' o t i it w" to pimey-, &na kem- Wud& a"we s4dtus-âge wtthelad Mv-agedy té Jboa listépera ecert te Iéi 01ia so about lie boY.." -seéO ia ovSusta-lgSn ic.boi-ren, hé dia! nG-thick very- 1itkôthbi Robit uad is ipou viailb.bialp,and asltng downunuder lb. arion8ly cf lb. Battet r.ML Kgli5 ie . ciher semedta eMeo ahalvîi u iavnk sbeoix. prooedt!c o'geat- atmli ppeared-to bim lenlte -ligie. oL sý lieu expres sete tiapprovci 4oil>' hic.,ý,ý, '- - . 1 ru" tu$ ssio on vbct hobas, ou. Tib@stery'of nimyB. vuit va,>' hprabo pen fkowa "*Witb Mi. Kavsnagh Ava>', andW' st,M heaidelsso«=$ of Ils' incident$ Ho t!danot rAfiecl lai rWpreoe9mtac. tùtb saIt 01,"sait! ha, frnki>', I"tdon' know' iigbt'prov "iesto te troug for your tintf fsxitiug sd,.atuepsand-vreaih boy ve ihoulci bave gKoS on- witbpuA somb. But, wÏtaa abave juat limjýesnllyieoue Ppatiig q~rk c4e yen. 1 hep. ýyoq,,Aud yeur ovn uai- s~ray~ireecmeuof aa rwQýa cunm- nUiuc'uponWloSifýe. us lýy lieu comfortsbbc un olri, eai i cm suie atance. Wblct -e prl7ç atuni-iévigîul se.is*asit -s.... lA dcoyso u h r er t l. piaI cc S e&tt-I eeig s M6 l MI aaS nilrcedjiV 4ê«, Ilac Ïy11, air.*,' anme bard, kuocos, for il la' no$- aven>' c al, 1ncos nthhî>ù,ý'é"ýôa Il seemet! ungiaiful tho8as> ta ibis eip Abaît give& up Si. laok O111q tb ili s a e der,-o li it.--- kbut! ciinvaiud,-"But lte, proieout a hoite i; ted' xpaî,tc' scu4p iIIeu a1 k, thpon lihat i e ms -.Iîd p thàt younadae ýme hl" o b.eeukept l >i bieeuasî- u -cc vÀ'ormsc< (for "had a lbViftc&aifbru'@ f o i-o witi, reset l tô ouathig-Iliat Mr.. neilori. o ntls men ver. particular i tDiimsaemd.us: Frani as hoqm wtb us,," about provcp4ng tSir roal cpi), tlie,~r'-t 't&O r - z ue ,'And! di!uwite boýVi e a s.-ttoit!irathetBlr.-tramong téra ' 4'"' 9 1B-p.uutS tî$ary ~ ail.1 cuva,"rpl he Rbin rved, Robert# "a titi ligil alusin t.bIs ~salsaei od i. reenung lwcald a- *.>ilb> fa.y çoy. v"'iqt,*. ba' fiàor 0, l' ' 1 45tfl vit i rssud-p4 gjv au him 0 ta14 '1, a sui>e' , epaRbr, a obie ffy.à4io erin8SQg1mach J ~ n~4 o- "WaiI~e~c lPS'~*' pd éry buMr. e D 6 ce Wil v ot bi s ,& M o a mulm » p e . wi e lm e n;A fl --t . c & e i- aojelgap beres Ifseàa isrunt om nnmog, M - L 1 'l"wu enuTble. Mom- r ' thimâté ' I-t-""' --t m2- te "vas lw sa,'4hc enae vas nel oui>' jey iLMat a alan triumph heufSs-' begaine agansàtnlb#4u i tut oniy dit!notiare ii ci tieusý of doligil mi but ôi e0 cf diapleasun.. -Tià i- # itet! -r by lie Itac t 1aI- i mpose! upei-ued au- ss self heetfiIgnorantkbIttero- .1>'o et li gentleman" ývl but, ah aill evente soitîva.- ýerago pamsegero ver.' e ruproarlous t a git't,-havl or suppieti l iSsBé b>' Mu<rph' lu cnases e iÏnicssmigil îcong themn. Wbile-h 'clouter>' -vAtOb5 ltbIcapta sut! -spolie -vila hies-ou t] tut!i hsManner ssed une" h agneeth bah o gir. liguerI idauce Sta-sexcitable a tp< y,ý biS, in t- i-ceulgtt.pe Ikaigitýof eoc.lhig -goam' bpin'u bisait pocliet.' vi r>' like the bue- ofc-rv OAPR-'xi. --

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