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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Apr 1881, p. 3

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-lt--i.., -- - j ~ y.;' Mr ? ~CfiT1R1flEiU MnLXùýy AIIA~ I r' 8iILKB w STIN&»t L.U~ ON1~~!8,FLOWERS m eFEATERS, ~o1iég pidutios o te .Qre~nmarkets. Oui showing Yl'ê~nsI eqùgonbngOaa Yt eG6 od adtie bti demndfor te Comni'g éason I M Ue L'~~Étn Hane, we will endeavour tosustain that reputation by , .'et -the'ýý For uai uco 'Wa ou" -lb *ohamiosi paepetIs w Prvia b. m beuu.$ i am oet onier novauble c l he otb. n da te n iff:,bfý1 cm of sâ ai nd médical uiçut ba ln en- khon , t Pa b - Jo eo. "matonfer c »4' dp. ith. bl t o contisi oomi ha ioffl u te to Dur, esc, ba",<li fl'liflcure. paraions *ver. 4 nhe <nb.wwaerx m long ofU Orlu .~auamay and rm tilioaut, mtt l u ie téopera. M W o4lcbe. i b Wbi homme a s#amn artyr*t eaud. ace on ox llz.ob *Bcioe Winl snrely am»e Ibsun.of o m i n 01u f ltber Sick Or NHaMRue maubas lée he .Sys- lte-, r.gulaiê *0. emulus, rliai. cou. stlpatiuu f b. et h, they haBlooti, renovale b. Lv.catiluaulhHov Syalem, aniguleea là maache,.111 b. unknowu. Sampl alae 10 ont@, Laffe botte.s1. Hcw owt elRlch. Ti real'a scret of oblalnng riches, fi firit to praolloa ftomomy, s ant p oiottt ilDeaton 8SAut$e rt éImdu te*0 wX7ytl, 1f.ot oi f e <o s.y oroon oto*r's bill but no ihecukirch"HIh anti bauave awnom Fayosea ulaubaomia bt m W& Fteo ay uç "u iqýeios.a M& andi Urneoçulinelnthe litaarego eeÈ ail, Wovu. f.*i mnMy and Grentet 1temep Areoà' xmml hdan~Thagr lclmtica thop aee. cuerer, ov u . ual Di h08 xtbc h "Ies forceu. Chofeit h uugc it aI once tfoItsvon tile fm uraive ow -lfebugli.eW. theirePfor "n.i1 ege$ou *0 !om t on joouur iogsan & afecatio e foTr tan colnutel vnié wcomiesh mo4tsaniacv jo vt a a rguwarouç-tioUar Ids. botla ,: tio. For cl by P..Q. Wldùlti, Wbltby. aclen'u Anica salve. The Bmec SALve in the world for Cula, Brui.. or , lmar.,8.1*Rb PavFoer Corna ti a mmaS$NIwUoa Tbli @Ma*l, .aa o"tud 0Wgl emo ntiobaclIonla ez o.or u yusrefond Od. prI*0 tu 'Sge-ocaiaby T. G. WhüitSd, Wlly Car xioufflof Bfrt>4, Usinage., O'L2ÂRY.-» bhio r.adoeo, Du& Georie Ufty8 ffla g Goods' the People Want 1" THE FASOIONABLE MILLINERY HOUSE.] NEW A )V ZR f 1ISEM7F-ýt Il S. AN, AITOMATIC IREEIY ORGAN. - 7 ithout BnyflilBeduontioù, ssi jýroduc Bfindiêsda varuéty, of' exollent munie1 OIJR,, ORQUINETTE àn nosatoh penny tmap, 'but & Mrluiàm Instrument cf roi monît, whneh han b. ,tnadi hUisBas, OWtJl Ã"GUI'NETTlEANDMU'ÛSIO PAPER" wMvlé lu oir many yeare, n matter howboftsmplbyedtncd lil*totgsetoi of order. 7 1 1 t, 21 VOLTIGEURS STREET, 8OLE MAUUFACTURER8 AMD PATENEES. MOITEL (ll.t FURNITU-RE! GRAND SPRING ýSAL:E 0OP1NEW 1HOUSEHOLD ERITIE, Ir 1 L.- ]LI /1 ~i M'ILLJNERY MANTLE M _l ~~rç preperd t&ýi1 2oeUrA for M]illm&ry inimife beýt styls Oi'2r andiLnI~ ùiaingdepartment in full working 'ýorder-. I i LO!r-c MT WIT, tExt1ta hands at W1ki Tibig dep:jartmien.t. O-.0rders prornpty eeu S-ÈgsuM!assed insy ti om~~i -1-9qIb iiüsual sup .abïiluy JLýUIL'± .- . I -, 1 fuP , 11.1-l.. 1qTT à - ' Wh'itby- -April 7th, 1881. t--T OPEN TO THE DQMjNIOiN I SAM'SFURN ITURE ..WARE-.OMSt oreSHW II wfll offer, for the neit 30 days, my entire stock at gati eei prioes. Parties about to te.furnjhh wiI1 foiwau--to call and inapeot .my"Stock, as I arn bouiid to Bv Bargai. -My stck consista of SBS-OÂBDS, OECNTEE TABLES, BED-EOOM 5UITsi SOFAS, -CoumHs, 0AINE AID WOOD.SEAT CHAIRS, M&TRÂSSES, BUBEAUS, BRACKETS, NWNOTS, &o., ,lQ Remnember the address- 1741f SAMO'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS,- NEW ADYERTISZIE19TO. By-Law No.- BY-LAW fSorhe . cpIup cf a root B mLotINO. u18 loticIconnecum éat for olcolug up lb. original milovancetla Iuon ai talt Whbgee t a e asrabla <o =ennpa rua acrca lo i. 3, tu lte tu concsson, sui uoel. i lb . iluiaicSB uce for roéd »RW ADYEATIBXN OENIfiTu1lHfDUMIN Wl 1 BROUQHtAMI BaPRiNG SHOW. F.LRT ANNUAL SPIUNG FAIR RUGHA, k WEDNES'A Y, APRIL2Zho-4. *iae the '!ovnp l u vibe avertieti: 1 en - ï. g,sk loNb. s s p r in t 0 0 ,vo e , p r l i h 4, n. v PaRi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ,ha. .. . . .51 0Wii m .....Wa.........170* 1a reo # ...............098 100 tIiIfto Pleeu 0908-7 0 ]Ble............... 1OVOM Pan...............s' 01 ....e....... ..100 . 0 10.ota . .a................08 Al >9 Ra......... 4 Q"0il .......... ..... 00la,, 020 .t ............ 0 ,t i m P heepa .............. 7 s00 * - 10 0 HTom= ................700 7 bl6 or , o c .......... 70 0 01 ChblùWa Repr Par .....00 070 Duk uPer ....... l000 000 Has-¶I-........ 0.00 10'9 .8 b CEAREMONT, TUES DA Yp, APRIL 2Bith# 188, PRIzz. LIST. Bu.t avy Draf t SoIio. li pri»by DlgySegl ButhArclua Ilin c 'Bauvr -V mus.. ta. V 4 Bail,tultunolmifre, Ic. a BeaFfuoîîed i Oian. ., Johnclon, eu $7 £udrZ bbi, Vaine 5#.......... 7 4 0 Bout Heavy Drafl Team lu Har. a=aa, laiprise by A. Oxford, lekHyubolul, Tmatnlo,..:Il 4 0 Bu qcuurITuamin-HMar. nou, luiprime puuap ii'Mr. G.GrW.orth $8. etnl hersecolli* ab,' Ur. N. Bur. Ion,worth............25 s 85 a luit Agrluti i ep1Hd -'in o cutinu. t 15J handtrid ôe.....7 0 Bal fiLagle- Hur»sila arnusa, uniril16àa ...........y -.Tn t.--~ t-- t t- t. r.> TAI ORNi L.~I 8 R~'~cE3 s ç~l1S!<uz shown a verychoi,»eçoIlection oùf 'w-8prin God l Thé stook oW lai'aud âü'cy"DresGb& e i1le, ukmw ail h<~ùe~s i nau or las esz'4d. 1 4)OT 0F LOW-PRIOED -DýS GOODbS, IRFAT VALtJE, fr, oI0to 1 7 cents. ATZL WOOL DEBEIGES a 19 cpent& ~VERY WIE ALL WOL ~EI~nt£5ons VERY FIN StOCKIeGETPTES at à5cenIt8. FINE ALL WOIPBO'8f~~&àt4 cents. FXNEST ýALL WOOI> FRENGE ,AMEBRES at 45 cents,. ~ ' HANDOM~ROBED »RESS GOODS ai 80, 60 and..75 çents., ELE<3ANT WNEW ?LATflS it 4tÈ '65, adX5t'lSintes - , w -A !VERY LARGE. RANGE 0F BLACK CASHMERES'at 5e, 60e, y76c, 80e, 9e$ 1 0 1.0soxlv AGOOD RANGE O 0 M,"IL from 50 cents upje AN EXOELLENT STOOR-OF BL A.OK -DREOS jAND MANTLX SILXS, thie lst- valûe ever shown. M4NTE Afl RflS BUTTON.I-i' very large Atonkc h p~L.-.,,. 1118 STO(IKeý-Ë.PRINTS 18 JIE PIINEST-,T-BU,>BeIN IN WHIITBYÃ". HisE aoÙEluEs, whioh have -'jeen >, U'avoi 8ahy delaye4 l m r me, b îirrved at Halifar,, aid will beshôirxabout thee d cp.'t 0 We i e- U omplete stook wiUrpoy intufindû p14*qha"il. t ~~È ~.fareh 221h, 1881. ---t- - --1' ~NE< At)V l T 18 E MIN'rL. - ~AILORING GENTS' UMHIGH TL~~$~ I SPRmN 108 f hO i ' !- 5-5 r~~i * -t 22, 'tilvt-'~,' 4 48 att 4 o:- e. 1. lattis I. L'Ilc a~d1~1owi>ig days. lIRAi Inolludiz3g au the, Of the leadi4q keepingel» * ALL T 77

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