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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Apr 1881, p. 1

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r au a a DA 58» a 0a-NIt - BROOK STBBEET, WHITBY. Tere' $1Ã"Opar Annum., .D¶fLÏRTIÇRIfliNTB. - Ati Acvertine- menu mo=»d in oupaisi, sud harged ut thé rate 018 conts, per Une, tiret usoiriou, snd ta cents, per Mune, eae sibeor uet u*nertiou. specii&l toporés ni Meetings, .pinnalcal tatomucnts of Banks, itaiiwly »companies, tuâurauce blempanies, sud malter. cf like ioirption wheu placd smong liewa Mat- ter ton, cents ver lino. mjiIotraaade with advertisers y di asr, or utherwtee. .Ordero to discontinue advertisomeuîe uât bc tn writîng. business Direotorji. ONTARIO BANK, WHIITBY I3RÂNOH, * THOMAS DOW, IARBMWILL & RUTLEDGE,- 'n A1RUITER8, ATTOIINETS, SOLI. ai)tors, Notaries Publie, aud Coevey. tucers. Office, iret door South cf the Royal flotel, Wliltby. 1JA.MEB RUTLEDGE, B. A. J. 13.FPABWELL, L. L.B., County Orown Attorney. 43 MIESSRS RITOHIE &BILLIOS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY &C g'W' 12.11t; b T% C. H. RITOHIE, W. H. BIh11H08, Toronte. Whitby. O'UU1LLIVAN & PERDUE, n ARIISTERS ATTORNEYS, SOLIC- DITORS? iOTARIES, &c., &c. OFFICES : 72 Veinge Street, next the Dominion Bank sud Corner King sud Venge Streets, ýoronto. D. A. 0'SULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. Octobar 28rd, 1880.IY4 CABIEROX, APPELBE dNe-c P.UILLIPS, - B ARRIBSTBRS, AtlornoyostLaw, sud Solicitors lu Chsucery, No. 4 Toronto streut, Toronto. HECTOR CAMERON, QO., R. S. APPELBE, P. bNoPIILLIP8. (ty.4s) JANIEN KKEITH GORDON, T)AnRISTEil &ATToRNEY.AT-LAW, L) solulitor lu Chancury, Cenvoyancer, Notàry Public, &Ic. OfiMcu-Dundasi St., frst doua west-of Ârmstrong's Hotel. Monoy te Losu-Private fond-st low intorest. JOHN A. NeIGLLIVRAY, (Succeussor te 11. M. Howe.i!.) T) ARRISTEBR & ATTO!tNEY-AT-LAW, D Notsry Public, &c. Solicitor fir the Dominion Bsank. Offic.-Next door to Manulon I4onie, Uxbridge, Ont. .28 CIhARLE8 C. IKELLER, eTTOR-lEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOIt IN :Chancry, Conveyancer,iL'e., Canuing- o, Breok, C. W. L. T. BARCLA Y, A TTOIZNET-AT-LAW, SOLYTCITOU iii Chauccry snd lnesolvernay, Convey siar & . c LI'IiAN EMCLIN11, L L. Il., 1 ARRISTE11t AT LAW, SOLICITORIN l' 3Citsncery. ouveyancua, &.,&e. Sn uoe Street, Oshava. »AVID ORMIETON, 1.5 A TTORNEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN ZLCbaucery, Couvoyancer, &o. Orc-In tha Office ouh o! the PFuit office, lu McMllan'e Blocki, Baucli Stret, Whiiby. ly.1O JOHN HALL DOtV, BARRISTER-ATLAW, SOLICîTORt lChauceay, Cooveyaucea, &0. Office-Deveilil's Plouk, Break Street, Wbltby. MONET TO LEN;D-Prlvsle Pund,- lu sumie up 10 800, eta Io erate o! lu- terest. (y5 (aaDoeeas & Rouaos.) EIT'Bi-A-LWATTO RN- OFFICE.-I*a Victoria Obambea, No. 9, Victoria Street. J.G. Beeses,, , . aHz»aTaA. B.EO.ur B ARISERAT AWSOLIOXTO B laClu&ncer ma! Xsbsovenny Cni.y sucir, ho. Ofâoi-DevenlisBeIuBek stresS, lstby, ont. Go TOUX G éMITS, L L. B., Opri.os-Over Dominin Bank, Wliltby. Tan. 22, 1878. <11.6 oAUT f oneu's andVicoria G Unlversls embér ef ths College of Pijalclape iïts! mrgeois, Ontario. Osics-Brock-St., Wlslhby, Ont., lIbre. doorssonth e of 1yal ali)E14 IR. Je*G(M999 M. D., C RGEON TO TEE COUNTY GA'OL,- &JEyroiîtreetWhhthy. (IuY'8 HOSPZTAL LONDON, ENG., DR. EOGART, Physicien, surgeon, àAedencer, &o.; &o. W. JADAMS, ID. OM -1OVErMB. H. AESN It Grocerl Store, Dundss.1t,, Whîbby. Office houri from 9gsm. te 12 m., sud trous 1.10 to 8, p. ma, Resîdeaca-Cor. o! Byrons ami'Gilîbert struet0. EETHinsetedon & h àa cites as the. oheepçot, and se gool as thte es Te filUe! vit Gl! usoi Sur.' Teetb etracted viliscul pein, by produclug local unuleslhial DenalReomas-in Ccv' ans& nev blocob, eer Ubkiton!a Bang 1cr., King Streit, Osiuwa, ' 8 HYAM B3881XNOAND SK&VWYG OgJSece, Brook Kt, Witby. &Sr TUE ES1T ACCOMMODATION .- for 0'neste. -- >~' O NTAItIO 1l0I"L, ItuocK-STxu7rr, WEITDY. JAMES T. JEIVELL, Proprietoi-. (Listaof Ibe Ni1iosing H!ltel, Toronto.) Good Liquorsamui Cigars. Conanoodiona Stahuing, Fîrut-clue, I.ivery Stihl,' sud Dilisrd O SHAWA 110 USE,1 î:îioSTUEiL'r, Oi H. CHESTILR, - - Proprietor. Thist. lrêe.abory, large uui crmiodiou.e lluuea le rtitte an su iibhatead t4) suit the wasite ni dia travt'llnig- public. Tabla snp. plîed witlî eht cleoicebt ut the seasoon. The bar supplîod w.th the heet bratîda, iiqoors and cigars. lDns tu sud from ts- tion. Ample 6ablarnoin, carufulitbulerae. 46-ly T EQUEEN'S IJOTEL, iliOCa STBEET, Wnrroa.. ZEILIF McCANN. -- . ropreitor. Best Liquors sud Cigare. A vol muop- plied table. Airy bud-rooms. Coiefurtabie etabling and larfte yard ruom. Charges moderate. -88 WHI.TBYHOTJsE- DUNDAS.ST, WI'Y. Tha nndersignod would intintatu te the pubilic that the aboya prumises have buen uewly but sud fitted up throughout, for tiie accommodation cf guelte. Beat Wiues, Liquoresud Cigare. TH-E CREAM OF OANADA-WAI.Z LAGER.] Also pure Rsine Wlne. Logor, Wholu- sale &ad litai!. Boardera talion 'by the week on moder- ate terme. JOSEPH A. BAI4DELL. Jniy, 28tit 18M. 82- B LACit 1UORME DOTUIL, COU. FILOu &Osonon BTS., TORONTO. ALPBED OXFORD, - PROPMIQB. (Lalu ef Welington Hotel, Marluban.) TERMS, $1.00 FER DAY. Glo e sab!. ing forer WUr 8bohrnes. Piret-olase accom- nmodation for formera sud the travelling publilc lu genersi. Qy.4 E. H. RUPPEL, Io prepare& to Rive lustrw'hieu lu Vocal ana Instrumental Mdule, sud in thse Germn sud Frenua itanuaes, eltbeg privaI. or lu claase< athbit ovw u ei e, or àt hé iterd- once O ciuls. Fcr urus, apply P. 0. Bux 287, Wiitby. IW ReideDct.,ý- Corner osteropposite ocidence of Ma. 0. Y. Smità, Bandas Setl.tfi T MIELIVBRY BUSINESS vifliatn ta Royal holel sud I roopootfun l.ly a"t the patronage 01 the public. *Goed borece sud J. 0. PR,1INGLE. upt. iSî I 1879.. M .J. FI. HATI M Adverîisug As RUow (<'itas Building) smsbliecd tus çettte mea. halutue Chihtu0 betratas, Geo. Cormack, J VMBER MERCTTANT & BIDR iirs, ansd al l iteds of Twised Moldinge, I)oore, 8Sansd Bilinde. LUX DIEU1 wholesale sud rettel, or by by the cia ioad. Planlng, Mouldînga of eveay descrip- tion, Fiooring, Sheetiug, Shelving, Re- îawing. Shaping, Tuiring. Scroil-vork, etc , etc. Whitby, Ort. Ifîli, 1878. -43 'ONEY TO LEND. The uudereigued basanT aanul o! Mon- ey tu Land upon Furie or 'revu Property, at unusuaily Low Rate@ of., Inturuat. Lease au bu repaid in sumo te suit ber. rouwera. Soveral lmproved Ferme sud Wild lLa"d fer sale cheap. Iuvestmunte made lu Municipal Deben- ture, Bank, sud other anarlietatable Stocks. For further particulare apply te JAMES IIOLDEN, Apri h. 1872. 1 Wth ceint Prlnted vards, gros: thougise, and ulllug usutiyivi advoéaîe- ' ' rthehôd _"es, yohehed 1V OL. xxv. C OMMERClAL IIOTEL sud STABLES, bd sud be Jarvie-streat, Toronto. JOHN McAE, . - - PBOPRIETOII. (kUCCESSeo TO JOui NKBITL,l Theabbeit simasDayBuet h tyol twu blocku faro the Nortiiera n Depuhot, andesosel tu the Market. The ilouc as a.bu naewly Fltted ont, and cvary-thing Frel-alaca. <lyw47 EMRS1. WALKEY'S TEMPERANCE HO USE, DUNDAS.STREET, WHIT13T. Geed accommodation st resoonablu terme. Bearduro $2.80 per weuk. 45 R 08SIN HOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. The Palace RHotai cf Canada Rofitted, Retornashad, sud UnrivvsUed. New Passen- gar lelvator, rauniung t sudd ay.Th oul yfirat.olsio Hotail un&udawith gradu- atedprioes, vi-#2,802.60and$8apar day. Inmbers of Clubs sud oenr, desi9n ruome, wtteut board, $1te dIa~ PoL .27th, 878. -PIreprietor. R HA OTEL, WHXTY. The abeve hotel bas beiu thorouglily rsnevated and refu.xnUsed, sud te novun- d1er the minagement of 4eR. MÂCEXE. (feamery of St.Lawrence RaI,Peort Rope. Byery attention paid toguest. Samcy 04C ple Eom; fer0Com. B RITISi! AMXRICAN HOTEL, R A Y'S , (taT A oasez. souas.> WRITE Y, ONTARIO. Ilonce nowly runovatad and furnished throughout, and put lu first-cisa erder for the reception of gueste. An omnibus te and from aU trains. Firet-ciscesmple rooms. S HA.RESPEARE HOTEL, k>Cor. King & York-se., Toronto, Ont. J. A.O'GBADY, - PROPRIRTOR. Tias, $1.50 PEsiDày. (ly.47) WHITBY,< PIROVINCE OF ONT&W.O HJSi>Y PRIL28181 Wb R. HOWSE, 1Chem is and Druggist,l _DEALER IN- DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDEIR BRACES, TIRUSSES, SPONGES, AN'D ALL KINDS O0F flIIGGIsTS' SUNDRIER USUÂILLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLAIE DRUG STORE. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Oarefully componnded, and ordurs answerod with care and despatch. Fermersansd Physicians from the coitry vil flnd oui stock cf medicinea complote, warrinted gennine, anadofet h but quality. ORNER BROOK AND DUNDAS STREETS, WfflTBY, ONTÂRIO. CH INA HALL, SION OF TUE nIe rue (axotISumS) 7 KINO-.ST. EAST TORONTO. Fancy Breakfast sud Tua Sets. 'Paney Dinneransd Dessert Sets. F"uc Bed-reom Se. Fauc JugVsudTespols. Silve ias nivus, Foike sudSpo. Sllvea-lated Cruets sud Butter Cuea Slver PIaled, Cake Baskets. Rodgmas' Enivezansd Foaka. Tee' tisys sud Servers. Ployer b aee for Lily , &o., &o., Glasevere, aiH descriptions. Wbitt Stone varu, every klnd. Hgolel sud Bar Goods. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. 1*-S U RA N CE. ONTARIO PARNERS' MutuailoIsurance o'>'. HE.AD OPPXCB, BROCLBr., WHITBY. fIIS OOMPAI8Y nsies Paru Bul1d- -IL ngi Con- Obuhbe, Suhoci mousse,asud hhéir Conttst rat~es as nov &a se is.aiany veil-estab Oh oupany lu Canada. JUST LOSSES PRUMMTP&ID. J. B. BICKýtLL, JOHN WILL1S, Piclduent. VIce-Preedaunt. C. qbRmS . Scim.. Collapteocf tbilSpîIû*g Pott. Io tit he baluiy *prng Of vhich tho e "u ing ?' la tisi.fair Aprili gréenly lad, PaMed for ber Ide sutlover Ta aeteface o ature gla? The bard otspring le mute, Hit irp, bis Pei hWIste, And aIl hie ether bupefuli bois Pereve tbe.ussIe=sane Under tb. ve*sbhwW r!sstes, Wheu April bresk* peetie rm. Now lu bis atgI~oam, A belples rytO gloom, Theu doleful a ' is visons Mar, Nor eu bis Tancyroe Au inchibyon ilo h stove By whicb ho nurses bis e*tarab. 'Twere heid inAced-te prals, These Fabruszy days Iu any lsnguage butla ceug Wbeuvtinter, grlmold2 chap, golilngerin the la: 0f Spaing, Who onugt t *eal-hlm off. Good Vanner. ý- iand Deyo.! Paaiy tell us' il yen kncv, Or sshall wse hanoay sslIIn of Àpril oci 0f My, But Jump At eUoê piUMato JUUo Alter tihe shover thé tisagn gi un; àAller tise sov lb.eemeiid eaves; Silvr sarsvbe 4ien b. dapis doue; Alter the. iarvesl'kedeu'sbeaves. Atrte leude tise vioet sky;, Atrtétempeet the luil cf vavee; Quiet voode vhen tbe vlnd gpes by, Alter théehilélise peeceful rves. Alter tis. knell tise veing b"i; Alerte udto adet roes; Alter euavweeplug eveet repse.' Aller thé. buaden tise bilait.! meed; Alter the D.iht the devn et ; Alter lthe furrovlbthe klug seed;- lter tbheslssdowy riveci-ruat 1 MURPHY'8 MASTER. CHÂPTER XV. MtotrMs'S IiLTIXÂTU55. (Coafinned.) The revolation oet lis viewof o!is patrion vas le Robert lu iteolf enfloient- lovervhelming. but vhst via. stilt more torrible vas théeaudlien, "And viti this iman I have coeinluMy lot, sud miel ouly miné, but Llzzy'e 1" Iu thé bitterués of hie béait ho greanai! an! boved hie face helveen hieisuade. -"Corne, corné, lock up," -crie! Ma- gnire, uuconraglngh."hl seouse hidlng oae's béad! liké anuoiricb, te escape Item an inevitable -positiou. Tonucalile ala, yen knew, sud liai periasadén .me soquaint'yôni. vuhth li 111e partlcaeneo» ab. ruptly than vîsjudiciýius. Yen bélevé me nwu', I sppselo il do sesn yen have ras' hlnevsppr2 "-Taesil &av-ay In-auet!Rea vith a geeture of lios lg i an c "Nov tisi le isî la'roef "'it- un"8," obprvéd'K nr.luaos- greulatcry hoe. ",Thé objeet -cf a nevipapermiter Ioe, therefors, v'honSon 5 tu atsny daal incident omuusolatsd 1io yeU n aa delatéviy, isttletr totrust te a fiu.W41; happane! ti aIston, 'ebriped ofesntor sensaion wu s a17 tindrstnd smeting f t is!; lté brettersbha à privaI. interview', lu vhich rsktalkédof hise rnet mémorynudthie fathmr's dgilg,.vlslas sud Louis liseee, net vith oYM par- tieular attention, bis Ihongila belng prohably entirely engreselbiâ,*ulv affaire ; bt bot ssuhie'quetionvas difeltly put ho hIm"Ana Sen goisrg býý fnJ4lthe promuise that Son &gae oui '1thoirmumy proasnce.vitis regard tg tise distlbillon of hie& prlry, or -de, cou jnepd te takelise wole, aiescatie i.t"aw *tO-o"yu-r?,' haainet tisé l"" Identthat lie 'replié!1, vith preau disIluleol 'mensu te tae.thé vbolé.' eriaps hé a4de4 (for'ho vwu s aeuetebypOO-té), lisa%>,- panfItl awhtwaaeblmW.a.nt "terbe- -NO.1, Roet é*'already .m ils, u d nooôpé id" ta hisinînure coue ofcondu*t. thé isiandersculd bring agains.hexb lie thonght it batter te appear Uund1eigu4 pay 1avanagrwe* oited,a* aud ta tempoxieas much M dcore ý01t$olekrer. - .Indeod, Mr. Maguire," returned-he;. 'thetn that they 1hil no,* etred Bhèi ie coneiderable pause, "Iail thatyouii ibtention of romaining he, nighti and Te Ïold me in so atrange and uuldek.-r set-sale for home;e for, tuat -1--mst b. forgiven, fer say.- The piuxiace, it is trno,f and, the gig, that I eau promise ngthiug, untik'L seill, >y linIbarber; bue- thtý formier 'e at'ft4pyseffth. e eyc ýeedida'latýMthree men t6, navigstà ve harrated iv4k ,my own -y- Msd lër, audýt1làe4àt'is.u-ee ekl. i. Until I have couvnodmyÏ»lt abol, 'julte mii b 6ee 'hlbopsu se Pt Mr. Kaveagh le moa, I dlon'tsea Moreover, had it not been enaoted r yon esu-efpaci me> 10 degy nmyalh Ihal ti as dahtebah ;t sune tlhlm 'y" . - 1_ 'otthem *ifflût KiAnnghe 4tpress- That would ho' well enough iii a be-t jelrmission-a penalty whiclî, nIess' ver in Divine-IRight of ki»ge,"! ob- Mý1aguir» La& tel& a tàasehood4ïoapab1 med Magnire, csrelessly; "Ibutin a ,-f imme4i&te. refutation, bad ýbeau ai. ion of Onudé1licate moral saamplu. readFycarrieâ coqt taits'extreilty ?,,:- youre1f the aotcf hie -h * om He oito, under every a&Boact _.va tted-a doubléepiurder ougli te -ib indeed,.growiüg gom'sderO nevhat, Ji hould ,,have! tho# anditeswt a>hv hsr4al ine bis autherityi ry. M., hbrt~rmms is ÈàYtwaollbe o huriy &bout anythinginXurpluf li brber. P~h*uipwe1 în ysu on, hava only, to .e in b 1isi peil ;iiov mueh fmore teriiblaý truor ta- -hé oonyiuce4 -,of irh I ould th.elstuation- b.4-ifLiuzy ahoula e io on. sbopt via aik% 0<ohar hett-hosd i r~ao~ati oiD *u, te-bcuthe whcuiq wq'who . tei4a rqi. tructareé, oftAbouidly , eiguif~t tldbrs nvt,i t6e slof eue Jo-fi u;ytb eei îàtibeo .p~uu sgat ýrang restreint upon wihfwaomoehi~ ~Ibi an lé. oil* Ovn.sud ettèaîiýts i [£orover, lher a upcinnilloî no6 ie thie oi CW a~II 6rching élance in hie kaoe, gre ee pez b bespoké but ltffecon&iêuee hèté lu ÂIn tAIe7trci"ýh'bhise-toota' [aluon vhiobh hé ha4 requeetéd prov. mîg b. 4 ear âùadli, a lùt t'Otbâ favorable 1 Ilsv à.tbs ýWell," sild hé0;is"g.1-f shah now lt4n whK1i~é>Ib#t~~ ve YOU 4co màke youréelf st home iu' would h'ave, beeq' otbf place§,, if -net-- ir nov house. YTo u l b. over eh sdpsr0couS, sd oibIhave, ýiinhiteedj heb ,*-fr ngt, I'dare sy, sud te ils pe;ÃŽssr'tWvanity; bt iiAftIW1 le mesuffimé e odbyé té yod." plty's 174m4, , 1y a sluilai -,hai»e j -aîtd'fo ù,d itépooer uucioff. OHAPTES 171. n tevtth utatodi fromPalaton EHali-thnt pï4slïdfbtik. 11hba notas httfattrbbd -de - e~df k*JIjM, B sud alwsekept u in bà daé te 201fe i an uxuxcgeny-llsougit bucil44aguuaé. luit, cd eofvisai sert the emurgeuoy' vould déci be. I 1buieve. Ibis ambonted te rosny pose uhousaud pounde,' trou 'viiol vOon 1] Murpl&qo eIeraief bave alrady resped aleïe the banafit." have "Vyon thinli, then', -tba Ma. Frank ad f wsmua, er nearly se, butors the ag- ing1 gravation et hie -brothe.meanneseliave made hil e al command ever hlm- lie suif sud commit' tie, terrible dued ?" cara ebeervedit obert, shoeked by the rave- tist lation of hie patron'. erinip, aud gen. has uinely auxione te bulievo hlm guîltises logis "I baliove lhe vas sivaye crack. 11eve braiuad," anserod Mkguiru, cooly- eervi "thougli bis friande ueed te euhlAou-en.pari, thueiaem-aud ithai thé fissure bas s y beau growing vider sud vider." - unitt ,ànd yet,urgea,' Robert, lon adIl _so0M ocaseloos on vbich I Ihâve seesuhm,, agni se ieue, ho bas appearad' eau. e sno enongli." 1lai "IYen have.seen hum in lucid inter* lo vale, aud, -besides, i te voyageiteflv greatly benefitéd -hulsifor ts lime; '7buhb 'Yen inica b tbeiaeb ý eas r& aemaltera uîeri have beéù infinitely we Mémr e ni b~ddrn ave-t und.eaincd the, re. .011 ' :ldl fhie vite, sudt they bave TIl 'falleen ,,higgledy-piggledy." 1'1cfi "*Thon, if'hé vs te bs-sent for frem- kuit Englaud, sud taken prisonea, en don't wha think hoie e'uni-,, Robert beeilatcd, fer hlmE hoc did notl forget Ihat Kavanagli had ù beau uniforinly kind te hlm, and itad seas trnsted te his baie verd iluthc veiglit lai iesl mattera. deciE "Don'& hhink lie coula behélangod 1 lng1 Yen vure goung te »ay# man. No, hé .ý'i coula not bu hangéde if thle isauy sort lési cf eatiefataootal yen. But vhat lu- yenr leruts'mgreutly tcre Iban Ihas far- tlb. off oontingeuey le, boy hie Maduo ess lu sinth iikely te affect us lu lhe Man lime. Thora le ne lunsio ssylum on Mur- pys Isand ; sud if lteora ver.,ili wouldlie sa much as ealives veru wortb ta sîteusplteaahut hlm up iu iL. Yl For P4urphy wvilI neor bilhîeve, eV an #e vien hlie ees hlm raving, tlisIble mas-hif, tcr le seythinuicasettan a 11111e é*- ih eentric, sud veuld 'ebey is- vildcsl sudI mandat. mter than the advicu cf te lieie sageet of men; wvile as for lte lsg-rag take' aud bobtail over aitthelb.arbe? youder, mot- thay wiil believe anýrthing liaI Murphyhl telle thaus. For ail vo kaôv, vriy the fit is ou hlm, Ravanagh msy gîte rad cadeau for our immediatu uxecuition, as, site, lndeed, has happcnéd tb one, peor î' a vieteli already. péri. "Yen don't Man te gay that lh. put Th au toeaétt ?" ciclaimed 'Robert, ' t Au horifisd acéute. ho as "oIndeed I dothub. H.'austin 1used by & cou&'itallfïr 'ttyl a'b Mu mû. coff vitit the 'gig'-it lenevô'mada _ %n!ý a capital offense, by-thé bye, gte bave Ice i11 sien-sumad t.y etrmgbiMu inlufront pý- cf -eeuat~o As aih- hap- e 'pénae, iws oniy saTpperar byahé st bcÇ~IVrlit hlIe'.baèsn you oit me. sc ,Weflh, 11-11' briigs Me' roni ta ethieu msattt rhc1 b Inhd-umy tmii!iabn tbreugit you ever ta New' Tdwn. Thiee«e ire * ar6*pot ule nu 'ais as g'leyirs ât >bthé oJr; hr 18 tii. 1boys1aar e eeuialy. üü'dê"Mur- 'H ' i'e h *ithiat hhey dii! net. sisié'te lispr layon.hal 'lhe Govî'rn6r t.*À$bis là. w orea0 . on ara ýinifôieod cf m tI,~s en emeber redil e menu < sd morpo!'er, sun klsd te gay, thay coula bers bhai a diasagmoment 'vithr bue anuIter. Nov, 'IWhun foolii quairele serve vise men coulé by thiir Ovuj' 6es the 1115 provént or 'eométig' 1 tô tb' affect, In A'u& nov perhape you 1 se. a al hs, 1àPj have beu. driv-ng2" '" ý-i- bor,.] laid Robert, auspîoiouely. -foremer- tjli ineellun and éven regard MsWg*tjre t W» iudeaêavwept away.- 4rct*a .4é 'ltaues invwbich't4y,:virs e~v é~ lily' tlige elui*ud 4r mmanr iu vhieh r &tory of CainansdAbei iauýbookI I&C a thecote,. Wlat ' 2 es$*iu lau n'ho _ ue auish-ug -rse _ 1ce Lýombardl St. sud Cbaring Cross, London. E8STABLISHKUI& IN1782. GILLE SPIE, MOFFÂTT & 00., Agents fer Canada R. W. TYIIE, manafer, Montres!. A GENCT EST&BLISHEKD [N CANA- DA lu 1804. Uultmited liability of sUl lb. Stockisoldmr, sud lau"e Eserve Fundi. Maourte rates of preminma. C. NOIRSE, Agent, Whltby. Wbutby, April 9tI17. 1 Aissurance Compan. INCORPORATED :8». A SS9F.TS, $1,10,878 9t. P. A. BÂLL, Insurances effected at fis.loveet cmuln raez ou Buildings, Mercsaudlean sd cube, prepeaty, ageinat lots or damage by dre C. NOURSE, Agent, Wbitby4 Wbulby, April oth. 1872.le pEPPERIS QUDD(E n IOX TomeO oman n varylog aucuint cf cuai.. *md tron. Tt uosses cli tii.pevur te m ss vauptionireseInb@tMveuesa slw ie pitZPPEw(S mn" M, XON TOXIO à sunobu te mcus sd seseuar spaerasits tibsit&jor débOitatsd r 815 lUROl ràyeTaon U.~qnet Osunr mothbr anse. lfieh contsm'iiirt xrdoue'iifaiti6u: ana-the. kiug mult aminiilsw'juti poor Louis p aid for ith ii hife f. Thé. toune of hie appeai vas - éry sud and tonoising, but net mere se thsn lte It eemed le Bay; 'UOwh~Jis bspund. rMny lbe-. lovedà iàîi , is' t ,vrds iâe mue tr' nble te he a" hcm, sud yetî , *ill neyer, neyer, ucver, think hlm ihadl l', _ý e.lý, 1 (Te be Conitmud.) Baclivarda act Fervads viti Equel The cdoyen lpualaetlilor" cf London 'Trutýi' on-ces iMneà nke4usuuity lu providiugantêrtalumen fot is iere-adore Hée offered à paire for- "sentencejs zak- t Ji..>elowily fading. -,day; 'id 1 il ~ 9 '~..u-;i ARCHIEICTUREi ,i DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION f~ BUILDIN.qGS Promptly p-rcd i,:vevlioou7 CIIUROH AND) 8OHOOL AROHITEÇTURE A]n Corrspondeuce RospertfnUy Scllctsd. A. A. PuOUT, " late wlth L n~ey, L 9>7y hBacks J 1'ARCHITE CT. Ic Z#eeigns fer Cb=rbes, vlllas sud CottegeauY .<~aalt~ ))awlnie repsed-for re- exs tltni strucéturesr ( 0i-ricue, foi the 'pissent, at bis reeldence i 1 on> K.ngstout-ad, P=prig i-tf ,. 1PO,Bo« i ç!mf, Et vertiF;ug cntracte may wid 'fr i. Yos.18 ES, Newspapeu MONEY 'TO',LOAI Apply le- W. M. IILLINiS, ' 09108ne over Onîsa Baunk, LI-0ER 1_LIJiVBER 1 P OST OFFICE SALOON, Tes-o. NTOWhÃŽYrllb , 1878. .16 Dominion WoodWorks- pilIi M. McCONNELL,- PROPRIETOR?. WHITBY. HENI PIRE iNSURiANCE Co. f i4vý&lFAv& 1 TEE tonsTITUTIO. ie, Bobtt erhaily lnteoded ho.té Ûzed Iresoive te aoek su intervievW to K ,aal as soon s-mi~h 1vihtler h. fond hlm lu is h con. sun Mugnire had dscriici or net, le 0Ipassag eb Malbourne lthe uext uniug in thée hip liai 'haît brengit :tience. Viti a murdérér, whether ate er d, hé vonlil have ne, part oriel, sud, mu» ail,b li vul) tube Care-h-LIs. boud nverselfoot foo uo Ia e hie fIàthré condùoti' wWhiter- qtiafia-viLu ii, bthe " cf affaire on linrobability', tebecome th~e- yc-f a ns-u tiqi45Ta -le rly d :04 a ot a rsk .ùr 1 vhicb voré ,éboiî' a1réady" éeuéti the. iarboreuû#fth lé tinliber *1 Reberl hàd brduaght'ovéfrlW ili- Mdeibourna, sud vith the ga' h fioatlng trou i7hé fliagef, fiil ha berdly if net a saveréigneair, 'Mûïet ashtegl Vn"çmiiicy ofre a ore a rn flson -c",t fIhsÏonequentlaipersorj vilhviimi opopes,..va'vu

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