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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Apr 1881, p. 3

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Opening Dgys-Wednes'day éý & Thu,r -ana foucwng dayé. April &218t, 1RANfl DISPLIY OF RICB TRI1MMEB MILLINERY AMI FANCY GtIIJfSO WBIMMB>D HATS, PRIMMEp BONNETS ,; ,FANOýt GOODS, le. SILKS àxi» SATINS, FLOWERS AND FEiATHIERS,- - ORNAMENTS, &o. lnluding ail the latest novelties and productions of the Foreign markets. Our showing of the leading Styles and Fas-hions is equal to anything in Canada. We keep only the newest goods and those most in demand for the Coming Season. Deugi recognized as the Leading flouse, we will endeavour to sustain that reputatiion by keIn l Just the 'Goods the People Want 1" ALL ARE INVITED. NO. 1-DEYERELL'S B3LOCK. The report cf the. 1ev. J. Milurm's riait ta Abomey shows thât tis euas- tom" ~ci isuman sacrifices 914111 prevails in Dahsomeyr. Mr. Milusale tise gen. erai sup enutetndeut of tise Wsaluyan Mission station in lise Yortiba and Pope distrit cf West Afioa.* During thse missicnary'st. y tise annuai "aUetoms" vers beiag iseit ai Abomey. Tisa vers cf tise moit horrible description, severai isundroti natives belug kilieti in tise mcml barbarons manner anti offereti la sacrifice. Tise irrtatlon la Greece againat tise Goverument lu consequence ofitls ae. ceptance cf thse Tankis frontier tentas in no intense thiaifears are' enterlalned of internai complications. As an Instance cf tise fslling off la tise Unitedi Statesa friga siipping trade- ii. stated tisatInlaailtise Soutis Atuenican porta American vesls are conspicuans isy thiaiabsence. A Miatake. Itila agroal ant i oten fatal mistalce te take repeated drastio Ipurgatives for cushii- ptooftisa boweis, tisey iodure pilousud auedislity ai tise bovols. Bnrdock Bîoti Bitters a asile and perfect reorlaton of tise bowels, ardueing tise torpîi Liver sud al tise gecrtlons toaasiolthy actionÀ acting oul tise lUdneya, anti reoovstlng ant touiug tise systema la a most perfect mannor. Yellow On îlapoar qaelesee tise remody for Pain, Lamnenas Riseuoastlse, Croup, D(44neis, Banna, Fiost Bitea, SIiff Jointe, and al ilesis wounds. Any nedicino dealer can toraghsit. Il yon sufer fromn any litoale dimoaso from Irapure IllootI, Sluggtish Liver. dis- orderot i udeys riati it aitise Bon,, il yourt Nenvaus Sytem os eliltatrd f om wlîatever cause ansing, do nt deeprbut procure a trial bott.leofo Bundock Bflod Dt. tes ; 1h wll oniy ost 10 cents, Larg'e Dot- tics $1.00. For sale bi al ueulcine deulers. For ail pýurposes of s Fainily Medicine, lsagyrti'ae lov O la ahettise ieati ni tie lif. l la useul vitis unptecedentod suera.s lotis Iternai' anti xohrnaly. 1h cures Sure Tnroat, Barnnatilde, Frost Bites, relieves, suni aen cures Astisma. Ask youn tdrauglot for a trial bth. of Bltaocz-Br.Oanui'u it Il viioaly rosI youlô0 centi, sudsa ev tiosea vilprove its efllcloncy as a ieltb retorng Taule-nogu- lutin o!flise Bovais, Liver andf Kidueys.XIt in ipecifle for &lai dsoaes r 1sMg nmu. purs blooti ant i dsordureti secrellona. Douoct lai Prejudic t an atise vay ci nule! if jon ausf ram ny liagering dia. asie. BureLacli Blacti Bitteras cure athora, v-ny misulti il nat benefut yen ? It la s Msifcdf ort HioneformaaiBîoti, Liver sud KleuyCoenplaints. NervousResti7acise. Geuenl Deillty, etaf nia anti iii disoases ai tise qecretory systesa. Triai Batties 10 cents. -- Poultry o! aIl Kinda Art irupnroed lu vclgit, prolillceesuad isealtis, tisrougb tise use o! Karvels Condit- ion Povders. Wisete theze epecitie are occioaliy mîxet i t t hoe t, ecconthluz ho lise printou lirections, the stock at once becomoes remnueerative sud fret froinal disesse. Try (hem I1 DaeSTor.'s SAZBÀPUILA AND enPue-Tsese pore vegtable disl.nfetants contain nuoe. Mont th i an t restonative, oieauslng sud autiseptie. Thty tdo net expel poieon by poison. Tiseir apratîon le kindly, gontie, audina bannunyvils hoheefforts made isy nature ta titi berali ai tise virus by disoaso. Fous A Sunurut CoL.-Takseue teaspoon. fui ut Perry Davis' Pain-Klier lu &'cup ci bot vaher, veel iveetouedti vl at sugar.' It is btter ta taise this dose, Jot before go. iag toat. Tise plessureof abtiing in getly lucres.. uti by mimlag lanlise tub hali or evon s qurer a! a bottie ai Murray & Laninans FionidalWater. Instaully the visai. àtmos. boereoaitise bah-raarn Is as magnantase a lcomlng flover.garden, the mind becumea buoyant, andt ie body emergos refresisot sud itrengliseneti. Pro= abservation, untier tise microsncope, et tisa bod oipatients(using Peliowa' Cocu- 1ouond Syruv i ohspie)taken cbtanstiofath tie tau?1.rotovaof dbgasa ,addead bloau! peciscles, anti tiesubstitut. ion aof itiZiJditesu, no neceuairyta tise construction oi h&allYy muscla. Poyerty la bat, bultishe vort kinti ai poet spoverty aioiseblo:ti asesi a insU dpoor ladeet," trit1taiensay bis ainengts1Courg s e nurgy ;but sarish -thebLoodvttis Ils vital -, leuent Irn, by t2king tise Poruvi8 Srup (a Prota'de ai Itan), anai yaa vil lel rIeSanti "sgoa asa&nybai.11 Try IL. Pcraans visa are sony suseptiblie ltanud- tien chsangé% af veatisar vould do vel la keep a supply a! Gray's Hyap aofBRed ltprucsGOm u the isouse. .TUsisyrup Ious selentifie pruparation oi tise Gata viii ex. na o mtis e Bd Sprue Tu'., anti bolde a large quantity ai tise Gisusla. penlet sint- ian, nover sepsratiig. Ils resairiable pav- or lu relieviag certain forato Brdacitia, anti caria obtinaI., haektag Cougisa, la nov vewon ovn te tise- public ai large. No remsiy oa equail ias a mas anti thorougis- lày rliablg. Cougis Metihene. Soîti by all chstalats. Pias 28 anti 50 cents Pet batule. Buelcnla Arnica Salve. Theu Bur SALVE lu-lise verlel for Culs, -Bruises, 8oree, Ulcei-o Sait Rsenno, Fover Sarem, Tallter, Chappe Haunds, Ciblains, Cotan, anti &U kinda af Skia- Eruptions. This salve la guarateedtet give perfect satlisation inavery case anrcuoney rminut eti. PrIas 28conitsper Bom. For salieyT. Peruvian Syrup. For uealy s quarter ai a century tise oensuîapreparatian kunowasne Peravia Syrup" 'ubas beadilygroving lu public tarotr- aa$ofiailSupafttngvigor ta (ho humain ysin isy vilzung antienicising lise bloot. At lise ptsueut tie s 11n one et tise mot popslar anti valusisie o! tise ostais- lishiset p cr et" ymetilcines la thev-onld, snd ntasew.oai lb. boit druggista ocoud- denllý &avisé i ailies anti triands -tauloeIt for the large claieaifcomplainte vic i 1*elleves. Tise vaine ai iran as ai meleil agent isu long beunisowa to pisyselang but il I4u navet bufore beau, presentei l a a irm go agreeable u tibl preparation. Thtis uyrup preparusta tis. tem tor debohllillg fucte ai theso bot meantishe, oandup6etan- antidote ta msn"y clronle malaies.- ton osé ~s. Couglus and Coide. Dr. Wlssara Baoiici WlildCherry luin ane a! thsemnat excllnt ad reliable pre- parations ever put Ietre theuiepblie for -cougise,-coitasud affecions aift ho Ibrot antilaog. Whlaremnegiaisie -ranetyiy ý a Igl appreited ana lu mach icugisi ____ ___oo l 1wetIntrodutioln iauy THE FASHIIONABLE MILLINERY flOUSE.1 NEW AI)VERf ISEMENTSs MECHANICAL, ORGUINETTE.. AN AUTOMATIC REED ORGAN. w ITHl our Ox itGumrrE AmD PutounTR Miusic PÂFERC, a mero child, ithout any musical eaucation, can produco an endless varicty of excelcnt rmusic. OU R 0ORG U 1NE T TE is no catch penny trap, but a Musical Instrument of real monit, which has become Standard in the United State, whero 6,000 Orguinettes per month are riold. OUR ORGUINETTE AND MUSIC PAPER will last for many years, no matter how often played, ana will not get out of order. pI[SI $10 ia $168 è Sndfor Iilustrated WF a~ o 1 to 21 VOLTIGEURS STREET, SOLE MANUFACTURERS AND PATENTEES. MONTREAL. (Snî The Gresteat Rcmedy Known. Du, ioue NEw Disrovimvfor Con- sumaption àe certainildVthse greatest modicaI reuely ever place wthin thse tenni ni sufforiug isumanity. Tbousaidsof o nce isoptis s uferers, nom- loudly proclaim tiseir praisetfor thise onderful 1liacoecrytô wiloh tie7 oetheir lves. Notoenly dore it Posl.vlrr C. wompiiou. but Couglise. Colds, Aatlxua, Broncritis, Hay Ffr, er, HoarsienesBansd ail allections of the Tisroat, Ohet and Longi yield at once to ia vwon- derful curative powers au if by miagie. We tiseretore earnestly request you to eall on yoor druggit sud gel a trial totts for ten cents wvicis ill convinee the mont akepti. cal uf its vondcrfol monits, and show von vIt a regular one dollar ire batte illii do, For saie by T. G. Wiitfield, Wiitby. Hagyard'a Pectoral Balsat a s ev doses relieveostise eost dstresusng roug ilu tweuty-five cent boUle bas c=2ed susya suffeTrr frotu Asthma, Brouciiî, Croup. Influenza, Hoarseneas and Sorenees ci tise (list. Il ls tise grand pecific for ail throst sud long complaints leading -ta Conannmpt. on. Astonisising tise World. For a perfect renovation of ezissusted and enieebed constitutions, feniale weakness sud qeneral docline, nothing no arrely aud peedîily produces s perma&nent cure as does E lectric Bittera. Tieir wondonful cures are astoishing thse world- For Kidney anti Urinarv Complainte (bey are- a perfuct spectiflo. Do flot give Up in despair,,.for lectric Bitteraswlpostlve1ytcre. anti tisat whare everytblng M.,se tal. SoI by ail drnggists, ai flity cents a baIlle. WHITBY MARKETS. CazO5!iCLE Oricz. .pril 27th, 1881. FallWheat ............. (1 0 1 10 8p l We............ i (Co 1 18 Bsrley................... 095 @1 00 Flour, percwvt ........... 275 < 8100 Bye..................... 070 @il0 85 Pes ..................... 065 gâ 070 Peas, blackcyed ..........O0 90 10 O95 Bine Pesau................ 1 001< 1 10 Gate ...................0 85610 80 gay .................... 900 11000 Apples, per bur .......... C t19 050 Potatoos ................ 085 @9 087 aggs................... 010 011 Butter ................ 018 90 20 Cheu................. 0 1910 15 Wood............ ..... 40t'O 5 00 Siseepukns *»**% *'....090 1 00 Ridies .... .% 7 97 60 Pork, per owt. .......... 700e 17 50. Tomato, per bus.......000 @<9.000 Turnips ...............oo08 @ 0 10 Cârrts, visite.......... 012 -@ 000 Ceiery per d«o........... 080 à9 040 CitekUns, perpaîr ...... 50 0 970 Ducks per pr........... 000 @00 Geese perlb .............. 000 09 000 Turkeys, petIb.......... 018 <9 014 Woo, uiwaabed......--0 00 <gOCo, vauheti............. 00019026 Bacon* ,*FTsmsr . 9ois0 A C A RD. T 0 & who mffeing f liste emors ant i ndiscréonsofyot i n vous weakess euy dcay l ofmanisoo, t&o. T viii senti a r»cive t t iviicure yon, FROE OPF(3HAB. .This puairemed vas discovaretiby a mlaslonry In Souhl limoee, Senti a sl.ati3rueti 85ulOO to tse-Ratv. loepi't T. Z1X:* i<ý, ~ 1. Bible Houas, INM..T"ri'Os. NEW - AYVMTIUZEM; W4ATEINI gmgiRçrS. T ENDERS vili bu 4recoivei 1stishe Town Clenl's Offies, up to noon on Monday tise 2nd May, 188, for vatering tise foliov-ý igStreets in the Tovu ai Wistby, on suea tinys or part aoftieju as uîay b. regnireti for tise prescrnt year, viz : IluocK Srarsr, trin tise'soutisern Iliit of Mary lStreet ta a lUne produned seronsu usit tatreet at the soutisera lbonndgry af lots One anti T-s' latise second' double runge euai Brocok Street lantthe Centre W&rd; sud- Du»eAs s arU, f;orn tbo oastern liaip0 Byron Street ta a point sixty.ntne fot ee8t ta: the easîerly litait oi laI Ro. 2 inthe fii*t double rangs osaI ai Brook Stwiet. produce laoroesDuiau Streît- aud aromz8ET m-<roqtr'et t lise etateriy ltaofi isTowu n 111buildin~g. Tenders ln aats à certain a aonnl per &y for vetein ; anti vison thestreuta ruqalte wateriny8srlai lb. hedey euy;lthe contruelai- obp acoarting ta lthe lime emplcye&L, -Par furlisen partculars, appiy ta lise ChMsrman of tisetmaing Committle on -J. H. LONG Whitby, 96811 A.pni, I1881. EARLY OCLOSINQ. NVEW ADVERTISEMENTB. ID ATLk LINE TO IROGIESTE R Comme uctag Wednesaay, 20th April. 1881, TIIE STEAMER (19. CRAWFORD, Master,) Willi make bar regular triesIbis route, LRAVING Cabbarg everymnorung ai '.80 anti Port Hope aI 9 o'clock, on arrivai ai tise Grand TrunkIilway trsinatraui tise LIast Aud West; conneating 6 af oitler %vitis the Nov Yonk Central Northom uCon-. tral, sud Erie livsry an73 theLalo. On. tario Division !ciseoIhome. Wîtarlown 0denà IWIlt.llay, for Ail pointeEu, RETURNING vili batve Charlotte (Part of Rochsteer) daiIy At 9 Ooclock P.m., exeept Baturdasi, visen sise wyul ave at 8 P.tau for Part Hope diret. DealeslunStok-.willfi dtiis thse ciespeat anti Muet expeditiaus route ta Ove., os ton, lb"ny.Nev Tank, ,&e., &e. Por tiekets and titier information apply ta E. STEPHENSON, Dominion Telegrapis andi General Ticket Offic5 Witby. For toirth-er informastion apply ta R. CRÂWPOET), Port Hope, 10-a.n) -or C. GILDEEBLEIV, Eingstou T ]TE PURE-B1lEDý IMPOBTIID CLY- DALI STw4LQNý SRiSOY 'SE .SON Importea in 1M0-bIv Mr. Ricisistirabasa, Clucrmot tliseprauety ai BOBT. COWAN, Gîmoo, Ons. Will stand for a liieO number of gooti Mares , liIuso, 81f fi=-ï bis avn alable,Lot.10.6tiso.Pikiq anti proceeti.-te Mr . ýCuiblerysýotl Duia Creuisai inom-ono. tonleMr. IL Secksrs aleo@, Ivro1Mks dre, mainail nigisl. - TUSD.Zr evl)çrr ~by *y oth- ,ro ti 6'f .DDoêes", Ait çoù; lbsace ta Mr..Tises. Pouaber', - ote4, Broughua, anti romain au izogus. WEDRlYATlitelI1prm51etibýne, "d- romain until PFui q mnlgo ce fobh viiigo te 1Mr. Wm. Llg u ,;ieat noon; tiseoa î, a 0 "ova lable anti remii nai tisehé ioaing Monsy mnarnlngo eotnolegthse O=* katedioU. iug these asun, ih= sand ti hier, par. uitting. Birovn, toaled Z ofsaiMy 1678; rdb $inMarten, j c icsiAnam OU-i,Cardtroeu,,_ectiaud-y 1*dls,ibovrie. Gai t y hel (45)1b sire Conqueror (197), bis sire Dauni99 andeêtre a by 3TbePrneo aa - Rai G£uarnICu 4adm, Rais (2e)aire Rl rne(654, granddaa OpuCu- 11) aire Jabnie Caýpe 418), grealt grand dàm,]by George Rucissan 8t Biande 8gAineti6ls.aloving Pirs l aI Higisla tiSoclsty'a shsow-Sterlingl17 lii et . e, 1 4 L rne, . .674 lit fi_- o -- '4 " lielw.watvA M ý2n4ti -,, e eEdnu ,> 18t:t the sswolasowa17 lit 01 t 4 1, . 87 uat atie Painons' Sudei n M Black P i% 52) îrS rdetMIai ý oieyL hBin nbprge d;,la lit 4, do, Dufielý' 1 i. ~;- , - T ~ L EZý a Ou Gret rooms .,are, open féri0et.Or sokboig-qpeol ruees Taety olnion, Hmp iStair, &o -0othe newésb'designs, at, - ILNERY, A ND DRES AND.. _MAfS4TLE MAKNG We are prepared to ;fil :al" orders fo r Miý,liuery in the best #tYle-s.Our ýDress and 1SIant1e making department in full working order. TA~ILOII2$TC~-FTME1oT - --, - Extra hands at work in Taioring -departmeut. -Orders pramptlyexectited.. Suits unsurpassed in style and workma .j The. usual supply of Family Giroceries, 'C DETROIT. Meci., ,sad WINl)'-OR.Oim By-Law No.- B -LAW for thse oeigup of s noati serais Lot No î. ntise lot cnct r and for laslng up the original silowance in front aif.i"dlot. Whersà l la desiralîsta open np s road, acrass lot No. 98, luntise lmt Concession, anti ta cluu ~ torgnal ailovance for raid Therufors lie Counoli of tiseCorporation ai tise Townshsip ai Pickering enactà 1. ThsaI the road bu ustabiisaed starass tise said lot No. 23, ith1e lIs concession oi tise aloresali Tovnship, andliar1uer dus- aribeti mu iollovs, tisat in to Say, oonmoenc- lng on tise emasteri litait of tis mid lot No. 98 atitIl.intersection vils lb. souhely lisait et lant ovueti by tise Grad ca uillvay, selng at tise distance of 4 Chaine sid 80 1mbs, more or leustrwm tiese outis. saut angle ai of tis a tlot Ne. 23, snd ratUùlng thence la a ntis Wotetly Course siong the satsrly lOit of.thesladlandis ovueti by ~theoGr'and Trunk Rulvay Com. r y o tiseoutisexly limit of thissd lkt .28;tise said, propasei raid ta bu one cbain vide andthie northerly limit tiseruof to bu on ths outisrly lisait ai tise suit landi aoti lybjtise Grand Trank Bailway Cota- Ù. Tisatishe a sllowanas for rossI in front ofthe mai l ot No. 98 ta lb. lit concession of thssani Tovnsisp bc pidtlise sm ain l iereisy loseti up asua publiaciigis. vuy-, anti ti 1e smnie buvéaeti ni couvarsyto tMr. Robert Becker tinlieu ai tise sAbve estsllisiuet roati; this ua rosa aliowance labtter describet i asfollovi, tisatIt ut asr, Commen ai thse South sut angle a tie mid lot No. 28, anti rua- ning lbence . 16 Bpee . 1 Chain ; lbence . 74 tiegrees, W : onthie soutiserly litait ai tieseamui original aiiovance lor roaid17 Ciln m ror leu toasPointone Cisain~ distant at rigsale e ýSq«tiefl Illut ailamrovn:e b. Goranbd way *Irtwwmpay;- Aentàisë i thserl a1i 7.î uuislyUi o tise Grand Tkthe d Raliay Compaay, snd 1 cissin edatant tberufrom, 4 Cha more or Issu ta tise naniherly limitaif thesemid original show. o aandGnks ïo lisec h~j1 8. lia iBy.lav shah corne i lo tomeSuantihave eftfeci lamnet4ly on ant ster >tb.5 csm , jsilnbarsa un irmet » by the CoÇPUnCU 1f bl o iOntario. Ts EEP.EY GMVN tisait biaove Iàa «L true capy otfa 51rpose By-law, vwuhi vIR Iustaïen lou ddetionAb- lse the Wti àaof!Msy us.A, lpatis. lu- EMCB~TOR Bh3ÂTOm , Clrk te kni&fTi& fPikeing. By-awNb.- r~el ~ e~. PATTERN HATSAND BONNETS, Last week in Oshawa, was the most guecessful le has ever had---.a.iVer number of orders being-taken., The ladies wvere most enthusiastie in their, expressions5 of delight at ý.thedis play ; the general op inion being -that it was the flnest sho.W of, .Milliuery, ever seen in Oshawa, and quite equal to. that made by: the larigest. - Toronto jhouses. W7EIsirJ Who have not yet seen hisMillinêry, should do Bo' at an.4 will find that the completeness 'of theî#tôck and the abilïtyi -to produce unique,-styles axe-r uneurptýssed in thec N EU\ A >V E R I S EM E-N TS. FURNITURE! GRAN.D -SPýRING S ALE OP NEW HOUSEHOLD FURNITUBEi SAXO, SFR TIREWÂRE] BRFOOK.-STREET, WHIÏ-TlBV I will off&, -for the neXt 80 daysj, M ti greatly 'rednoed. yri*ces;. Parties -about tol zep- do weli L l a ë Îytçý,gI give Beýrgas, y. s8 0 ouisxts 0 If OANE ADWOOD-8$ÂW OHAIUB, BRAÂOKET8, R W'» Rememérber th~e addesà-ý, SÀM&S1 ,FURJNITURÈ wÀR 'air. LÂUN~D~Y S5 FftA~~1V8 ~EN S' t' ~IO~T SE~-T Il-if J.B.PQ-WEL &C SUCESV - - - i --:.~ lara LADIES. -,

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