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Whitby Chronicle, 28 Apr 1881, p. 4

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il L Ot, - & Th&% leesoen od, the.cul Wh in thé dt Ir"set? ta. noent ami simple. As uaides. fi rdb., ,Qut,t hved l'a fre otg, Nor itr ai Mystery. The4hUId'ti ua te jwindow 8hauiI1k a isterpilce, Beoncelorh mine, to copy1 l'he Red Roue.. As& Marthfield wua a lmber-iner- chant la th. wild sud rooeantlcallY sltuated village of Yallows, la th. Amertcan Fer West. H. vies rallier à fine.lookingyonng man, vith i bealphy complexion, Bondy boit and vhiakers, a emoolli vhite foeoead, and mildi bine eytes. Ile as, moreovor, aà vidover et mpposed misantand oe- going ,habits. Re livîd dt the onl hlotel in the village, and kopl a fat hors.. AmOng the plain plodding foika of Yallowe, h va no vonder that ho va. loaked up tlaisa .repreuentative of th clai.'.of Iheir fellow-iizena de- aorinated fat. Âmoag aI the limbermen on the. river, thora va nea moro general- favorite tIbm -Boa :Ee4ddn.. Hia _q» F rance, li1n bt4 emofr"'Th. Trappe" ,--«a .lwayé, ailed vlth deligh as th.eigalof ood mred4 >ri$y Me and I&arellfleld lad bea riends- dra* lhiîùmtoip4ber, and ernat 1her. frlendslp lu bonda ci ladiasolpble Oa 'tehad be 1îr~- river'l l HaUn'sboitý., cblileea lb. B.d Rose, by Griffun, lbtheolmasiter,1 arallier seenllrenkù l yoQng mal.'ý- tbe .d gon. t. look. aftr thedalldlng of orne rift&'. TI &as almeet dark when lbey retnrned. On 'arillng at. "The ýTrappe," tbey vîntstraigbltoaMauurebod'a rouai. . An.,heurit ftar, Marahfield came dova, "dldresed lain bt," Výasth lîndlord .,remîrked, na, ie. aopped at lb.e bar' for a drink. O1iog OUIntaanfo0 0001?" the 'Yes" Kvuhfeldreplied. "Net ezpdllyo I1lutend Ico cross tb. river to night. The oridow la gving a 1111e pirty, msua, 1 dare uay, looking ,vy suxloasly for Me,"1 "Hîlveult hie leacidooit oe t, ]&&asb- fleld-notibc laat. Some a»ya itls lbh vldev, me llé ale i'e lb. daugliter. lqo, yn ntt bU an oh friand 111 cmn 1.11 yen baller Whou I corne back," retunad M&rsbeld. l'And YOUIe ahvaya gol a vay of 'od t n lo hn ydoare qnatioed on Itcore. Whou shall va am.yen back T" deenandad the p ainglon- iface. "T.-morvow rorning, Jual abont 1the bro&J ot ay", 0nd arbfld . a *è wan <il>'whltllng ot oeth11e door. *Bien Ha4den came down Ipre.etly. H. Ua 1rel urprii. ait' OmSd. 0ghefin ai3lng for bim. Ià egarou elb, titrer," mniA 113. laniord. - 'Griati#cge'anovr thera 1onâ. À PaÂrty ilt1the wldov'S." "YsI now,' iêlureed Bon. "Se baago , ela théD*oisa ;butXW1 -' edtocio i t>*0rnWm. If le s trils eWIr iU O Vmko ha%'1 Ã"tssol thé widow' e toufghL'" "Ob, beli 1look out sharpar thm thW Have 701 board the nevu ? BueI. dam puawmmly f« lb. narv, wau noiso eta a oIt lema la farily vas iomevbii arpld togo Dating teho ele of lb.e 1p5b0je .'? la *Yeu, II1g4> lh vas vx a a; o na ot »eap. Pl* e u,:ey .-' ar a d4id Dot ta. &bd,&aiS adroveir, vwse hAp~ nib eratm. th itche; dn g Dceape bned l aie eal', a-aatW Maeahtldlags arne la: nr aber cfTha Bdo 4a or hos' U ar> peaeaer 'o' tinga 0Iambe fin tellit cf, the No.u DeQe,ngiu$o a.tt1.d ciwhllue scou. 4 gao bis <ciel her mmdcOý,f The Vinger.. e ISeadWbe palof hea$o ont cf hi. ]ium, aad a numhly l vah'oento élettie a idognd fareoi Oeroinaise a n -th*, vasaÂsnraOf he Kilaae '$, b»y CU ,', banr rdt 1--È "#ne %.rî. is,ffek.AitAe & oue." - raionbrok. froeav. «ý oe o-< l êkn se hoi1Ism, lb - 4Tokieî l.11goua, boa Iben lookeS wonderfalle around upan the asmbl.d tisvoog. utnifosti>', it Tis5iks hie5 n=uot vai SI! Greek te hlm. former patronage for th' "2h. 3e a Iqnmterdh elta iercpt~otô t~o *avo.î *Wiu's thaes b, st aidea - piifaellW1" ifre F O X I "And Mauifleld vis drowuod li i 1 AKESJ1 Byljove 1 ho'& the v.ry man I thoughbt eto ried H*ggns, thse balcer. "4poorMa rb1" said the nov tnlly CHITMAB AN avakesd otlqr "envs-Aci.s s s suehaalr ff1!%ugrYmare a"b I.s~? il.sno b ai tIla cfliiin vi. "-' . cTH Lel'S sk hlm if ha'. lu boavon or BAU baUi " crid Griffia, tise scioolmaster and th. quastiienbcarne IEMONS Dï îI"l the ceai mines.' "lB>' laivens 1" criad BDca Hadden, F0,Or Tu campictai>' ilrova off bis. guard. 9"1 vonder vhere -*"Winmhitvier! III at her adr *' 14. OyTEiWi 'PTahisauthe elillgt6sia lr mv- -.'- wie*i the question of white, lunvisai mines, COLI) BOST DUCE roa:med the spiit et Manvafild. Ausvy o 'Ph.oA4cm- w*4u mblunlr, OFFEB. 19 of lb.eir everai tradea,aroefrm ein cv Bread delivered là seita, anSgatlseed cliel>' round thepramptly atleadad te vonderful little plece of anachnhin. Dianers ansd Sappers The majoril>' cf tIbi evcd l in i. ch.aie rates. icur nlu! craft-hid receivad lbs a .scred Ira-.a&W by barrels or 100 c' iion hanSeS Soya train theirrail grandinalbers. 'Pbcy boaSbcard -of 1 a uu, ut a gmde l me. 1.1)Dut allrai> à&&n ~eI Sac b enda"r~ a> a ý 1- f~~ Se-St hl..f i. -,Wii .ctae-returm i tis prielina gior', - trnsi aucoton ?Wu it transnxi GREAT B, gratonofeouleuP And êsa IldbM.iî cOf Mrnxbfild ladeeS spa6kîng t '> "'. grpmh lbe tile machine t. He b»ena m, englner in his emly lit., andS I- -~a chrahad a love for rnachtnery. 4&& theb.transmigraion ef seuls, lhy EI1oTROP.pA vexeé lndebted for tht& ids ote àcpbolmtenlr, wvI al!iS Osipropouad- ,id and sometimas discassed thc quei.. ~ j But tyiclb.>'j.iypragoifad quealiod ifier qr.aition, Ihe jll4oatLÀ-DM8'GrOfl Uâtie Planchette urilibled tise malt iv- vinbt nonsense. antilitheir mvi andsuap- ersiilcs dreail vîî vell-nbght turneS 811-VER WATË to, coniampi. Tisa>'demandeS tomses=&a m#~JI r more closa!>',and pe arn~bn grinted, ih.y- psuaed ih aroand le ~ 't~ gronp. Bat wviswu a.praffered to Ban Hasidea, hao tged fromn bist-set cleared off befc aud, vusan calli, depated rom Ibfirt!èù of the bat midiat, - and veal homevard tbrougb the sternu anS darkncssJME J Thle -next unorning hiseiauglier Kionie, nov ber ttier's liS>' UttileP hanuekeer,w&IviS lavaiu for buzpte»okota , Wbi$10' appear ountil long afier the naumi; break- Marcai s let.81 t;at isour. On going nip te hise m,el 1e fois' d- huma lying in aOu. . l a>' apparepîly T IIN . insensible for consl Aayi. JO N On racuvsring bis consciounsnss, bis eanduit va mum siagniar. If a faut Land add Imm! >step vas licard, leho 6uid tart ap, and motion vith bis bands a ovilently tisat hie mena asai>' interprêetle80Imrss uOU sau tisai the. Vonid-be intruSes- vas - na-*M,1,obi notet ah dmaitd. Bai vlen Mfinait' veald pes1soutanS e>', "Iy, papa., AL AMIAND S li's QUy I , ?110. or Wiliazs1o-acin hinid ïaefjhbàav> coin.eted 1mev owycu IJfAeuIop> forf7- ave, ailaloofgisai .oI oomn 001aiid (' *ver bise," I iéd feëth *mta" A '~fer< fcas - eitàti uaVev1ppslin 4ssd0"ity T."'hare la ccmelhlng I cinnol ander. doctor m"lSoleMiaul.e.s"OntIlatient ta CANADAPACII sal>'ila afair va>' le veaxif va&-, le remev 1 9-talëm'f. lf à4lu lia - Buttii> jsliihdI ialt. ovr illiii whà; bdIstuZ m II 19b.th Dflow recover i cspeob. arnrvaiglileliewba 1 Tben L.flit.laêt~o i .1 Mru1il, béa Plaia i la ifim or-" andcluer evelu c6tutiie miardubld ha ia ite lureS fr' 'lWeaîy theUsad dollars lb pd'-I lu '0 OffiOSf No. 156 ode ý.e P bV i4bâtb, i it in laD lrs'q:1 ill t b ier , be Ina._ ____ voh euo pa, ta coW An vfths Vs1-bing vrccked o esr etaard vachete «u. th. rivther R.led Horni ýou reschlag tlsq oLlWrsida W cal lth thiEclOIIIî FSTRY USAGE MILS, lE FINEST QUALITX. an s OHOCKENS, m hand. iu amppled i Oran S md 50 usIa. baMs vit. tes- facmy 'use. R. SNOWI îdoss.Strsa.Witby 't Costl1 IARGAIN4S- LTED GOODS 9Ir AT COST.' AT WWTGH 9ý AT COST. l:rAT COST. stick 'to be' ore the expira- se.- ?riwtical Watahmaker, 51- - ýCULLYt rEA?4SUIP AGENT. Wrusmk R'y, aw. tf*CIf Tocidea" Front-Bt. West, la 8$s# Al)BAÏ- Il, r F/i nlVILIr. Inl'o r-»000:WI- Weoff§>' you for, the harvest of 1881, the following fTt- la.W]IITBY _HABWE8TZV7(IhIpovd YOUNG CANMA ýD WE, <inMovd. CAYUGFAJii MOWER, Ipoe. Th b m:wies reqm*re no comment fo s fo usn hog ý« I lela4 unid car y from ut , a t41 r lg hrug W. nôîo'ù6iî cil*purdaaers who valit arable mubi3neryyadpropose ta pay CASH 01 DELMVEY, te eau at our office' la Wliitby, before orueeswere, as it le Our intention- taop b -ASH TYTE:M' mng prlcos. Give ns à aui. BRQWN4 -PATTERSON MNF'G GCo. ýWilbyl, Jan. 2lât180.-5 L~Lm Coounty & DEi~1Ç8 Liquor Sto're, Whole-sale and Retail, st KIQ8MT, OSHAWA. Just received for Christmas and the New Vear, a large stock of WINES and LIQUORS, direct importation, com rsn Port and Sherry Wmnes, Brandies, -Gin, 'Ruxn, Scotch and Iri'sh Whiskeyli, Buise- - -- Ale, amd -Guinness and Bloe Porter. Goidsrthm WoiVs eeiebvad Old Be anS Malt Wh",sky',t-te bamt ln the Domuinion. Taylor & Bales' anS Coagrave à Seau' Canadian Aies anS Parler, ad Lgor B1eer ou draft and in boule. Thelargeal and best assorted stock of CIGABS lanlbtheanlyl1 lPar and Sherry Mines, et supevior qnalily, at 15,00, 14.00, 18.00 anS $2.50 pqrjuperial Gallon. -- 1llve Pari anS Sherry, 41.75 par Gallon, - Karb4fn'Iles Robin-ýamiHaueay n l oo iaibUtl4a A ftral-clacs Brandy fors- ooking pnrpeaes, at *2.75 par Galon. -dad (iee ai 015TainandS Holaads Gin. Iam e>, Durlo', DutivilleanS Stnaxl' Scotch and Irshl Whiakaya. Try jqux. qqiebr&ted Toddy Wiskev. the 11Ue<t Whiukey in filiernarket. 32 per gail. or 85 per case,ôfone dozen. Botties. Finfet quality 0etOid Jaunaica Rusa. Dise Aie, Iseléa-ty b>' beri anS Poster & Sons, ln Quarts anS Pinta. Coagrave & Son (Toranto), Taylor & Bale (St. Cetsas-neu) Ale on draft, la 5, 10 n 15 'Gallon Regs, anS ln Bottlo ln cases af ane duzon quert.' and twa dozen plnas, et 811.2par cse. LAGER BEER FOR WINTER USE, 'Tvo aSeueabotiles il 81.25 pcv case. Guuites and ]Mood'c ,Stont ia quarts and! plnts. <)sgravc e ou celibrelaS Stout, nt 51$1 Vpor dozon quarts, and 75 centa pet A few cf tisa eamploa of Cigers coustanil>' on lienS. FIer' Fina, Ps-juas Tuila, Fias- do Aima, Allaa~e~--- - ILUas- Clay., Windsor, GelS CW so ings, ' Trunpeio4e Grand Duobeas, Andreog'nB, - -' Ma'lo-Lenf, Crioletter.', Bout 5a Cigar, Fumas. -No Plus Ultra, sute of-e týi'PsI, M. P. C.. Victoria, ES~e, -~ -Flor-dal- Femas-, aem - -- Âuseîea, - La Caralino. La C*tolica, Rnli< Oinala J.'HueLa Flor Ecinente, - AhiùwrvlC4aie:.n *Wilso'. moura-lgtAe eoae ols Wauas, Seita.Water, DeuIs-Sda iler Le ju od* a mepasilla, 015er lung asnd pna 14a rgao-ansali qnitiea supplia, and Salivcs-oSfrpeaof cisargea to lmuev in Wlsiihy ÏanSvicuit>'. -Betilea retuvabi,, vlin aQS ebarged fr. -- - Wholomae sud RekaiIsqUlyLquir Store, -~ - ~E8WITU~S s. CHEA R 490Ù08A T GREEN WOOD I Tb m aeuge a etuus eisincere thanka te enstouicrs for Pl'st ~ aolelte: couiaunao utthe same. Re nk bIs ncigbborsdo patronIze ome, Trod-çvpeiil hen they ean bny bé tr u 1îpj p . 0 , bi n e' athome tanby goiug away sud enc fgl elr mnïéy c1scwï(re. BEATIY-MAIIE CLOTRIJNG, MBOTS ANTI- SHOES, HARDIWARE, SEETIS, a n, a fIn, everytingréquired by 1the trade. 1:5Ê»Splendid assortment of Wall Paper, ver>' low.- Wo mean lu do business-if gcsod Gouda and close pricos wiil do il. Give n us aUl, aud sec lImaI v eacmwhat wc say. Special inducemoats tu casb castomers bnying largo parcels. Very highesl prie. paid for produeo. Molo-" Smalsl Profits sud Quiek Relavas 1" 1 pril Qý4, 1881. [NO. 1 (lm-la) M. GLE'ESON, GREENWOOD. MARKET BLOCK. -000-- No. I, THIE PLACE FOR BOdTS AND SHQES l-. i ~OE~ SÂEw IEE, Bcgsý ta anneunce te hiafriends sud customers lImaI b. bastakea tise hwudacoh -ew ostero, Né, i1 arket Block, vbere 1the Boul sud Shae basiae, la inîl iib brumbes, viii à future be earried on by hima.Re lias juit'receivea AN ENTI-,RELY NEW STOCK 1 Latot styles for Laies, GenIs, Misses, sudaCsildeu ; fine qnnlity anAaI aliprices.1 BRIERTIWORK A SPEEIALTY. Auneasy fit guarantced. Repaira ncatly sud prarùplly dune. JOHN SAUNDERS, Mar. 22, '81. eo. 1 Market Block, Whitby.1 PA RL OR BOO T and SHOE S TORE! Deverell's Bloçk, B rock-St.,,Whitby, MÂTTH EW COLLINS Informs oustomers that at;-tho Bbove establishment wi be foumn4 TEE LABiGEBT, BESÉTO 'sud FIN3ST asîwsritat of stock af dout bewsaisfiedwith i10 inkatithe display in thle how -wiaow, but go û land exammine sudse for, ,yonrself 113e store fllihed wlth evertbg thiancabecèaled Mr in thýBoôtsud Shoe line, foÏ Lâtils, -Gsaen~ots sd iil4enýver Oser $l»0,cork Of rm i" ÀT-LOW PRICES! No blow Ibu watie'straight, ýin sayig, that inthe Case "a npoeh unerigndbsnov oni baud ai;large a stock as Mnost esahh cte ui in o chuef tnsins Bla h ewBerUnI lt-i3oot-LadiýÎ' Fne EideBoots, Dehna Dd -v liaes u great -variety,: at lowest The Mhmîmôlb The FiTIeBt 'Bt 's>'lor Boul sud 813e. 'èStore, THOS. BLEIGH, HtsE &SIGN PAINTER, -Oaa nov be ionnd at.Iduis Shp,- TWO DOOES WEST OP ÂRMBTBONG'S HOTEP, DMWADÂ- STIRET. 93 Ail Ordlere promptly attended to. EIl Whitby, April 14, 1880. .16 FARMERS! Workingmen, profeeaional men, and overy man, requires et this seneon of the year something ta give tonc to his system and prcpare him for work. Wil do tbis by cieansîng all arapurties from the. blood. USE VITALINE In aIl affections of the. Eidneys. Sold by a&H Druggiste. Price, 81.00 per battle. - TRE GRAY MEDICINE Co., 4in-47 TOEIONTO. For saetby - zsfùixs 41)nggmmsanS -ae'Goods b)ea1ergs-ï Perry Davis & Son & Lawrene * 's c.' j ~-- - ,Nov. 22u5, 1880. -S' TIIERE 18 MONEY IN 1TP"'ý YOUNG-MEN viso vish tbacquire a BUSINESS.,EDUCATION scoule write leoMeurs. FREEX PÂINTON, propri4iseof thea London .Commnercial Collexe.. Monatsle Agents._I - 4Ifoi circula containing t.» partionlars. (40 MONEY TQ_ LENDU A AREAMOUNT 0OP PIVATE fLuAda te lend o atanproperty il 86 pev cent. pcv anani. . Apply ta, 3TN0. G. kEWLEY. Soliei rv OM-12 DéivetVs Blook, Whitb. MAJJ3~MILLS. 'Phe Mdl is nov mn Complet. rann g ordei,, thse Maciniery ail nov, tise latent snd mnsb pprued kiad. The. Il doue pvomptly, in. the BIEST POSESIBLE XA»RR And gives entire satisfaction. BAKEIRS & DEALEIRS iSupplacti wttb FLOUR 0f the Besl qucalitv'as Lowest rate*.- FLOUR ANDI ALL XI1NDS OF MILI, PERD, FOR SALE. Highest Price paid for Wheat AT ALL 'PTIES., ThankisLi for tise patronage bcvetofore va- ceived, thseProprmetor -bopes, by- atriol mbtw tention ta business, and -a dclornation:ta-, deal:aa îtisfactaril - witb alparties 1 marit- ST. P. WHITE, 19teaelth June, '8. -27, ProprieO. tONT F ONTARIO;. BITTINGSOFTHEÈ D1V1810N COURTS FOR Isi1 Whtby-Jan. 3, Feis. 1, Max. I., Àpr. 1, Ma y'j 2, Jane 1, jray 2, septl . oct. il TOV-11 !Brn#ai My 8;Jniy 4,ý,iet "Part Frerry-Jeu. Sisr. 4, r. 8, May 15, 1ixbridg-Peb. , Mat. -ý8, Apr. 14, May 20, Jaune -2, Sept. ý8, Ot.~ . 18, Dec. 29. Cuingto-F1ebt 8, mar. Xg, À.8,-May il, ue 22.8-0 t? Oct iZec, 22. Éeevéit;ZÏar.10A3>neIPQtJBDîl AtbevlY7a-s _". l, J" n'24,bot.14, t>e. 20. JNO. E. FABEWELL,- PHTOGRAPHY.' J. W- UPER! AuhrzdCapital $2,OOO,OOO Office;:No. 72 Ohurch-St., 'Torcate. HON.FRANK 11111. Scator,-ProsMont. EUGENEO'KEEFE, nEi., Vice PreÏident,. PATRICK HUGjHE8, Es'q.,ýW. T; KjELyEuq.,ý JOHN Foy, Eaq. JAMES :MABONï, - - nae go- Mons7iey oaao o]&:cggeillovesi rates of inatuanaon caenct trm 0f repaa n.No Comùmlidôion., lui, dGovnmntan& Vuamoopal D ebantr For nrtbrpariiruszs pply lo A. AiPOST w50-3y mes-os -deep. secea BRISTOL'8 SUGI CURE ALL LIV] Par sale y aU Dvu Peïry 1avis& LiVEiÉàP;OO"Ly LONDONDE'R fi GLASGOW.- AIllan "Lino0 0F? orOAL MAIL STAM8HIPS. WINTEB BSERVICE vuBOSTON AN]) HAIPA]. SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE! The StîMphips of thse Alan Line are dispatched 'froni Boston every Tbnrsday, îalliug at Hidif i on Friday, and wil leava Halifax every Saturday. Tumouen nÂTES 711cM rs, Via noavea 0Ou ILIUAX. Cabin, 4631 and 868, #81,6~91 according ta, position of stateron. Lower rate for re. tara tickets. Intermediate, f48. Steerap.e at lowest rates. Parisi;n. frm Bor:ton, March st., fron Hali- fax, Aprfi und. Polyneslan from Boston. April 7mb, from; HaiS- fax, Aprili fis. Sardinicis froni Bosten, April 14tb trom Hali- fax, April 19.15 Moravian, tram Boston, AprIl Uist. from Ifali- Cire April Bird. Cicss r6m Boston, April 28tii, tram EaU- fsxý April 309h. Steevago sngers are fovwardedto Lon- dondervy. Belfast, Glasgow, Quecutoa, -Bristol, Cardiff and London aI saine rata as te Livarpool. Parties viabing to send for tiseir friands "aa obtain bieketea at1ev rates. For tickets and fnrtiser information appiy t0- GEO. B. YULE. iExpress sud TelegrapisOfie L~tJsi ê WE YA~I 13= ameoes~ offi.. 'Hotal, k BAR AI -i c. a. mi - ~?s1 1 Whitby, 1 Dim. lôth, M6'

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