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Whitby Chronicle, 5 May 1881, p. 1

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T/lE WRITU9Y OHw1(O rma $cou , Azrum ta:âtmiriaiau ON4a Th ARIOtS ua.>aA a.,*1 Bquineeie oy T4REWEla& R1TLEDGIR, ¶)&RI TERB, A n ttoBNT B. d MESSSO RlTOIE & BILLINGS DARISiiTaRS &h ATTORNETS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY &c . H. RITCHIE, W. H. BILLING8, Toronto. whitby. O'S1IJLVAN & PERDUE, 'jABBIST3IRS ATTORNETS, SOLIC- j> ITOS, iOT 8E, ho.. ho. OFFICES .72 Tongo Street, nexi the minimo Banki, sud Corner King sud Yoogo Streeto, Toronto. 0. A. 0'8ULLIVAN. -W. E. PERDUE. CAUB'IIOlt APPELSE & aio- striètToroonto HEGOTOR CAMERON, O.., R. B- APPELBE, P. NOPHILLIP8, ly'-045> JAMRES IKIT1 GOJRDON, ]3ABIOTE & TTORNEY4ATJjAW, Notary Public,-o.OlcDudsS, fret door West of Armstrongs Hotol. hlonoy 10 Losu-Private fonds-at low JOHN A. EcGILLIVRAY, Succesor ta H. M. Hovohl.) BDABBISTERUh &9TTO12T-AT-LAW, j.> ota7-PubIIO &o. solicitor for lb. Dominion Bath. ôEoe.-Next dcci te Mamsion Rlouse, îbidu, Ont. 1 26 L. T. DÂRCLAY, ATTrOxWE-ÂT-LAWSOLICITOR1 in luClis.oy maA!iuscvmey, Cozie.- suer, ho., &a. LYMAN ENGLISU, £ L.., BA31USTIIR AT LAW, SOLICITR lx coi Street, Oshawa, DA.VID ORLNISTON, B.Aà., A TTOMMI-À.T-LAW. SOLICITOR IN Cbauory, Conveyanoer, &o. Orics-In thcéOfice Souh ci the Post OMeie, in ?AcM1aWn Blocck, Brook Stret, -Whltby. ly-,o JOHN ISALL DOW, B RBISTER(-AT-LAW, SOLIClTOR BlinChanoery, Conveyancer, &o. Ofie-DoverlU'i Block, Brook Street, Wbtby. 110MEV TO LEMD-.Prlvalo Putasd in sumaup to $M0, at aslow rate of In- terait. (ly.59 ]RODINSON h KENT, B IITURS-AT.LAW, AT TORN-~ eySollctors, oveyanceru, ho. OFICE-ln Victoria Chs.oubou, Mo. - B EISTeE.ATIL&W OLICITOR roorhé.oic-Deverill'uBhoc, Brook- I, ltby, out. au r. ouge 8SUTE,, L Li ., *0A *TEE h . o-xonoy b Loba Omocu-Over Dominion Bank, Whltby. Jsu. M, 1876. (tf-6 J. 19. -GAiOplErîl, ., GBA&]UA.TE qi Qume'& anA Victoria ..Uivemillc, Momber cf the, Collage cf Physicens sud Bureou, Ontario. Orxm-Bock.L.,Whltby, Ont., (Ibria dooreS outh cf Royal Hotol). ly'48 0 1MGG§OMl TO TEE OOUN'2VGÂOiL, * ~Byrcu tret, Wbitby. Wm.'cDRENM.D., N.R.Cs., GXUS OSPITAL LONDON BUG. c AR»ID.- Dit. 1BOGARZT, Phydms, Srgeon, Accoucher, &o., ft. Wbitby, Sept. lti,1874. 40 W. ADAMS, sWi*b oaiom P VOL. XXV. te theUd rkt. Iavis ut orne. Yltted out, sud .very-thlng rt"-ol ( 1y MIlS. WALKElY'd TEMPERÂNCE HO USE, DUNDAS.-STREET, WBITBY. Goo accommodato.1 àreaaousble In. iHorder. $2.80 per woek. R SI HOUBE.-TORONTO, ONT-. The Palace otel of. OwisadaRedatela, "àu lhdsdUnrtVKllo. MvNuew fo. gerElavator, ruunjilht sud 4&y. . l"h afoatai is -8 .0 a a L. Feb« 97978 OllIi R OTAL R OTEL,4wKlTBT. Tii. abovS Ihotlbau beaU tlocgbly renovatod:drofurulahed, sud la now un- dot -the me"agomenl cf GRO. MÂCRiE, (fcrmerly cf Bt,. LawreéR&14lPort HopO. Bveryattention -amd 10 Bo- , a lmple qome for 0cm> BRTIflAMBIOAN OTEL, R A Y -aS, (LATI s 0503 OUlm.> WHITBY, ONTABZO. Rloue newly renova d d urniahe throughout, Mmd yu in ln.*oaacria fr* the reception ec flgts. Au cmibua ttesam from AUl trains. First.cs s ample r»omj Q HAKESPEÂBE HOTEL, k> or. King & York.sts., Toronto, Ont. J. A. O'GBADY, - PROPRIETOR. Tiasm, 91.50PasîDiî. «lY-47) sgbsa, ami untlda< lu4u%~y, vo aheca 4 i. -~~~ mes W II1t i<C wu .IIWE Chemist and rr'ugg>istý, DÂER IN- DRUGS, MEPICINES AND OflEMICALS, TOILET SOAFS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRAdES, TRUSSES, SPONGES, AND ALL KINDS OF DHtUGGI4SU SJDRIES !SUALLV.ÈZEPT IN A FIRST CLAS DIUG STORE. PHYSIGIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carcfully cempouundea, an4 eorie a anwered Vuth caremat o1th Fumùeraand Pbynioi*ns' thé oouRty vili zd Our of Merd cinsMip1trshLgnisue le CORNER BROCE AND DUNDAS STBTB, WMITY, ONTARIO. py.IS) CHINA -HALL, il KiNG-8T. EAST TORONTO. ysucy Duafst uTe& Set.. oy Diftur sud Dessrt Sets. Fsu"y BeA.rocm Sels. Suler MiUa me"uBterOlrs Suler Plahei Cake Baskot Eoii1eie' E nlissd Frka. sdSerrer.. eworuèofor LlYÀ , do., ho., Glauvare, ail doudcuos. Whie to lu, ais, simy lin. Hotel sudt Bar Gcood. GLOVER HAMRION, -mof. ~OS OFIC SLOO, ouor1 Dominion Wood Work8, M. MCONNBELL, - -. PBOP1ZIETOB. Ow THEE EST AGCOMMODATION Ma for Gueula. ly-47) O NTARIO fOTEL, BnOcxSZnî, WHITIY. ,JAMES T. JETIELL, Proprielor. (Late of the Nlplaulug Rotai, Toronto.) Good Loiquor udniCigae.Commodiena StablIog. Ptrst.claasLtvery Stable sud BIllard Parlour attacoed. ly.16 0 BHAWA flOUSE, H. CIESTER, - - Proprictor. Thtis lbe .stoË a' ommoiou Roassetuurottled sua'f d to suitât vent. of ttra ve~llngpublic. Ta"eup ,Uquors sud cigare. Bol 10 s&d from usta lion. Ample uiabierom, cauedul bouliers. T 2 UBBNI'O MOTEL, -BnoOE-,STEXET, Wmrrw. PHILIF cIN.. rptfr Boul Llqnoru aua Cigar..A vo phed table. Airy bed.rooms. Coe ra ptabllog sud larg yard room. Charges moderato. -a8 WHITBY ROUSIE DUNDAS.ST, WmUTBY. The undralgned voli ntimaI, oteh public t'at' e-ao"epromises have boom nowly but*sd&1Ued up tbrougricut fcr the acommodation oSgueula. Bu 'nu Liquort sud Cigare. 'Tt4!ORRAM OF CANA>AWALZ LACMA Alec pure sBila. WiueLoger, Wh"ls Boauders tatenbibe Ut. von nmoder- aie terme. Jahy, 25h lem0.as- B LACU <>SoE OTEL,& cou. lacer à Ggousa Se.,OtQTO. (Laie of Wehllog$ot oe',lmsrkan TERME, 9100 PxE »AY. otbombt$- ing for oser 800bons. Fzrut.claào cese modatiot for fairmers sud 1h. traveling publi lageer&h (y E. H. .RUPPEL, ma French augsagsu, othe jtrîaor la clause asiovvrssliuueeMth r511. re @neo2PUPU lla 7rtermto, pply P. O. Box Mi ,Whibb. tir Resiauce- ConerstIopst reidonce ot Un .0. Y. Sudib, na Royal hotel, sud IrespectftU l fl tb patrnag fl tthepublie. =, ohrses su4 omotbovobicles. ept. 151h 187.- 8 WHITRY. Gea. Cormnack, Lr UMBER MERCHANT & BUILDER. J -A larg upl i BnUildarunab- 'ngu sud ailkod fTwleled Moldilge, Doors , Saab sud Blinis. LUMBER vholosale and rotail, or by by the ca loaÀL Plauln, KotsimpOfe vey d.scrop- etc», etc. Wltby, Ool. 101h, 1878. ._a Y [OETTOLI. Tlauaal is Îýpeam f at or te ouA uperi Fbaim or Tcwnlrcpit3 "amuualyLd*at«sof latneut liosom be gtepa la sMs te m Sui.l tum., Bak, m lao m stDhea For furtbar psriuas sf337te APAURhoHlLmEN, INSU RA NCO . ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual mJnsùranoeCo'y jlJsT LOSEs POmpLY P&ID. .B.BIOEELýL, JoHN WumLL Prea"Let. Vice-Preade O. iNOURsEmcsroe. PHRMM FmE iNsuBAnoCo0. Lobad51 m Cbarlng Croi,Loon ErwsTaDUUElx 1782. aILESPIE, MOFFÂI'P & 00., Agente for Canada.à ESTABUSEED DM CAS*- Fu"Is.Moeata*of prmLLEOOf C. NOUN Agenit, Wbllby. Wh1Api1901, ma8 1 Assurncecomptinye INCORPORATED Z833. wwtb7, A.. j "HommE Iributos le t ni., cisfll been hroito Austin Dobe Whutmnu> arn% » Brovu O3Ssu lusp, - StrangerraE*wn, - 0cm. laplila mo~jn' fre~rlàoo- Bena.au1htnm7~eole.mtaoku dow Boit a-lue kilt' azitoti. For amaulreui&niuau, o' Ut. Elghlliarllesmybcme-' RIglut Ibar la lbhxa&,.. I ocltidulpcier, 5tsauaur5lauo~ WoulL.pzead oul~~lLSbûspoI geq4.0b" iôY,- i âm ùou l aroc en *'nlà u M wit wr t l Smallamore rli@my-Wiko hbsien auy oluer Sumtrauqer, novlmeease ic'ltue oame GIMib* &"thefuer'of enUd dommatto gr ilujt* gmaub' y 1 toqtt,* My gon» blini. Tae ltaï pop from My bel$ Iri Mylf-Ldle 1t ae'. 1sft me- GOof Wq uh a picrfer ,M»sl. Triaz l'Ilqut-whe OUe ad x trie Isl-i vaj 1 be di.ormeRiiH......... conl,psrd- Th. rdeokisbi nv MURPHY'S MASTER. -$Dou't taofet044al, r. Fna. wered lte o"ie, oo@aruflY. "nusou apesitoetothe binge. Yen hav neMW nud a Word t4 1fr.Oeseynkaw Klv * eibù, our bo, liTes, f teeme. 1 be ti Iaw om vut seutt, yba,' moey*xste moe. hvef p. Tdsrl4~ hle bwbUy toe inl ur royuasçou iiiou- buoa ru whuo lla vantai. 1' cn.W-haoimbe eed~npod b @4v - eb a y gity u- e d, bhWb . o om boto BozvlJaLteba ugýDlo-Mphy to *ge ,i, *aï,erhi .p le ftetulia har Opysmhorhie vtfok ahways pess eesl.rigitt of' pad a, d that,.1SU $6.ve~Ub. ex ,e 7oel, boét j memosed A vblom temr lu due lma"é t-àul mes r . * iiian tem ceéluot. ké - ii. "4 ae e voro hurt." - - sussiez unt6uihiI t. -Iiso ihouaniW= .I pouna vihwlIéit en ltrnsed Wi vold ave1$ en bdudrthe 85cr" - voei lbl, now lu heSItit but ite-eseiy'fSYiirtoil elil arise fer espanding l u omon- 7joîr oOnraào ai £am« 1my -;he Camitot of m. o lW ph . là youkenowFe, ad (h.lai* s onflat hie y nd , il ehId failermaor ou Bgoerl'u am.,alefu r eud sout hlm volce. lea whiaper, " I h<js-s soetum t hint my.brai ta ling gun, my lad,sa MOl Y 8PPés.thé e,0Mrnor vs 1_090 rihquatâsie- .Mai lit. -George.ý- I I ho'Iju svb ad - thinkt aâ.bi b. providd fin flu heugt. ric tse oomsltou 1" ievl mc Robait bout bis hesd ; hée ne it -ouým*y jg hypcriy1sudye*bvat goud hodo busto trie.ad affect aC q4cueBbr vner h wsmc fluI Mo umlo ne Robteurt 15.1 morbover, vas Probably polâ .*Pm bld ynthée,-x Ibam whon ho itmd a 'st ap-are -ta hy ntoI le lni publinolbungt, idogibust li làvlsh e7DU de ïafcton ofSiMrp alcciibhoproo 1eoSKvn agfuet lte oenviiotIal hS ie mater Dtrbg mai t-- ,And yetla 110e m"s aM içonLum ZV Uksefîe *t edhA -t es l le ypp le liSe a uct rleêu r a' re f bie#f ne v re o f wa listage , 19 -m ak e jy . B tù w a l Bebotnne md forspeh' u Kavuag ra o . ivildvw >fTà#aw* i ~nI5n vile-i iv tithI lb. Pa.g8evo, win4ow, saâhe -murimni of hushe& -lý1ýýÂempeotancy It et1 aiue "up from lite. "fore i d tlb.mirtli of-a'braver min. « "oberiOeay"..otre u *oIàth tWarc scouued ýdf davuigtbln qliù odrupoi ils- iforeign .power,-,i herebyt cèkôeqUII, lrary 1.1 tboonstitutîonr aawibby ',s p.' li.ulihbeih.et.-Itu Ao* :~b;~ut~ od nl-- u urelvaasyo ~are, iùouk is yousotof hibetul- care t-il LsdDe'And -Havauegitpointed 1W thé. terâ Sae the ll-yofte àtd - An~d $orkiwlng---hiau llti Onhy whoen." ako and give,. *Everymoioent and AÉeu.. Thboeoare ppetio kiusupasd]PlaionI8 kiss-uh as b. beauti1i4ýMadame e-areoGeo"rio-j$us tisses-uais Solosuon telle us aboet,, But ft)*nikcsa tmechobr&:- ofitglio isixiima Wfs kf itesvéet M& asl h more ooetnUlmïnu. Thé isu-£e- ýge. Woareaho Iieen. . WO Eto, tlui4n te ~ £rfudsMaguro. Thér'y repltton of'ib n~~ obert, Lbol jÏilousyasualayt,sn4itb mo--anA yn oi tht puIl usviita 4 Fun vouhi like , ô l- tlemtôo4 4béa lboug iit'die L ie t a~~turdifi i, À, riýat àU I sai me.day 'I initâeio&ti b - thé - ahp, u,: Ohosney, if yen 101ohad 6 ' 'toia , dlje bt:t vithont snome admir-do. rg4muoo. sluctloryuhi> teh D - th, b b I e t t per olsondear .are ten"obseriid ' Katvans4 clTaiva no dahl' "Teble P nuboL air,", - a jonimaiU b ut n happy 1rai, "for tranugîeîé et n tuhebChina seau of vhich I1vasvluoly ignho bii 151 h a slp thonKvugehamly ber, aAwyIswing "That zvashékai; litUl, baise vsel 4aWd u 41- WOIUP i is tino oefliti; nov- by me lunter ruaI- honet: starit, hie lyraiucal .ap-!' anagit mnini.n vo eau Item. DRAWIN a Ami) SPieCIFèIC'KOI B UIL D-1N G8 mampJy rr< ul, v wte Eccacu CHURU AND SONOOL AROHITIGT-iJ A. A. O, A RC-HITBCT. R oous usa ai ILesrnar Bee" ' 1 wu MON EY TO.,tl 72« de "dc o 1011 m, »y ni, ON AT - ti R er outerle- su'a nev JMBER ft Osq~bwrj~p £iaa~ ~ -fil' eý z î eu 7ý jî i-'ý ý i i: i

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