Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 5 May 1881, p. 3

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I~./L~ tk~ -NEW ' DR*BS'-GOODE» NE 13WLX- "C&ÉME ~8) Th. bw 4** i4ta' AM.WQ~EQB BTO, IMNGS, o N DBflA 'TRIMMED BONNETS, 8TRÂWW, HP&-TPE -HATS, CHILDItÊN13 RATS, &a, The newest goQd nte ilnry SATIN PABASOLS, RIBBO$. LACE$,, FÂNOT eOODS, HOSIEIRY, GLOVES, F.RILLINGS, MUSLINS, LAW'NS, PEINTS, &c. We are. offérngth be4t goods'in the trade. Kindly take 'a look1 Newç Uoods aud L4w prices. -. A Mislake. It l fl at sud Olten fatal mistaka ta tak opeated-dreztiei cgstl) afor canâtn- yinduce.piles suit oatisé debtllty cf lie bavaIs. Burdock BWoit Bitters il aasais madparfect aealatorcf the bovel8,s iuslg tire torid Livrzanitail the. aecretns ta a bait yaction'- acting on. tire ýitu=yuad woavqtng autouin *ir moti arcst permect nana Yel!ow Où1 lapa- eec#Iice tle rsnslyi fota, cn-Laeaa~4bauta,<roup, Amy mo&edleta el frImpu»'. loa Il81 Liver. dis- oritediiiineys or lnac vti the Baeli; wustog. ii ul d9 . 0n bepIr t . nr~iUouM l colt 10 cents, LargeB ï, tisa #1.00. For sale by ai medicine dlers'. For 19 l "ae i s f illy Mîdiclue, e6 v i .1 0i, h i thîe teitrn I *weMai t 5~ces8 Sor. Turout, 'Bern,9eadu, roat Bites, relieves, suit a"tldu st mra. Btmsxoex 13LOODaT liRit Ilihionly cogt youL0 conts, sud a, lfoiés will prove ils efficiene>' asna ieltli rcatociug Ttnric-regu- lattr a! tl4e Da,, Istre sud Kîdorys. It ila epIeiifer ail -dlaes eu stitsa1 iront rut pu- blogit suit 4sided eecretca. Do net us ylnie tr l inhe vuy of satilj l uer front gay ingert < isa eub. 1cý8ek Jiuoa Bittera cure iliers, vny abrola t n1*uaboula you ? Il is a ec.l i ail loins ai 10ao4, Liver' AuI G"eIralDebl1tyý Btroffula l a di deraaoa o', L SueScea~systei. Til Xottlea 10 15 lainera»iýll>' admittei thlait iero cannio be anyt ing- more exquiitlely itelicato toc perfumig the bsudkerebiei tii n Murray &i srrqa's PIarila Walec but lia greal sud distInce" rt ilal iaaspiabiiity ta th u et = 1.ai latie clj pst' tmne lOUaiw. know of especealli ita jpar. tisklrlt Ulei t tau». uin is vsy. The. P~ OÎSvB of. imparting ta the. vatesaof tirs taaktgmM sobang, refreabtungaand in- 'wign# ct id a cal Qum a u S r e e a l a li f s e mu e n .r 1prease nttnyi g~lp!~o 'as- tvs'sl* i pap~ ~ 6 eg- iea.s~Iaebdl thu e iele>or rr nsck, mIeb.re ~u4% ~g9aire ai BaisraLIÎ t8A aima.A D m ftzs;t, ei =aaluli vegeobld IniocSy the o dvstian, Wheu yaaare laugail, or Sa suy ; Or lao4a take u4ev et 1 1[ ucs the. riffult, FianthSue e»a eqr.oartaaa, .arisiar reprteypoteerfýtku lungesud thie e- masilerntlirs i fearon cesnsation at Cogup i ailiter slarrngg yrapron atler ualng Iin'sli aConipoui t vTiup ai Ilyppboapitee, it la elear tiiat lie fOrmaI. ion ai lubýelosaia not cnly atappeit, but alreaity iepositeitla beiug carried avay. AHoutM ons Bjaatnr.-Na iauily ebou la b. wltbout smre efficaelbuq reneit> for the cura ai afectienuso universatl>'prt-valarni ai couflis, olite, Bor lirait, wiiooploig-tough and rup-sone reniedy to, whiseiian Ire relleitonasisal, sute andi certain. Dr. Ws.. iasBat oferi c Vld *Ch"crcombines itîe Tii. Greatcat Reuaedy Known.. bis. Kcwa'u N&Wv rcoviar lacr Con. aumpîliu à octalnly tire g"sest mezudicsl raneily over- lplacei t tn tiers recda aufsorlg bumauity. TIrousaude aioirce bapolcu aft c nov a-Inn 1- proere their pcatseefor Suais vouitertul Dlecovec te vbiîh the exsibelorliv.a. >NatanlY oea - aeiolc --onauai', butiSog'uii AaM Mthaau, Bropeolaitla. .Hay er.; flarssua nit&aulenilnus ai lie Tirost; Cbast dLongs jiali t aionce ta its vn.- dodfu!l utlve ppvoisal by magie. W. hbsiearffslly rogsus ym e ta 04c your drut anstsd pi striai botin far tan oenst, bflleb iiimf.tire mont akepti, mul utits ie W qerslmerîtjý. and ehow_ de r&UebyT.r.Wbitdo!d.Whîtby. Th uS« lon sinlca uiv..lircu ,lIrela s , UIa.r Sat: henni, Fevur Corneansd' à PIlot a!Bie Ilibuma. Tits slpal*p-b-.e * <re peorfect ass*ýfuti einy «Msor pscauy r.! aitit «L. Pris* euta pasr BDes,,For sule by ' T G. Whlsi witsI4, ýPeriivlsb SYrip, For noeuly se* agý tega s c4ury tiie chemulcal pre tirile * as 'iuvun Syrup" iisa been a* all ýb liorasa ysteas the blac2o&Attir au etifaone ai ltr ma-sS pKat uavd iüible ofthl.e etab. Ilsieitprp .ay iiaines lu the voîld, sud net atewo&tthe bostitrogglsta cani. den<llyeli.thbfnfit nit -frieudo Sa ne t e SIe lugclamaQf tcomplainte wvieblc1 emiri- . Wevaksi 'Irou as a medloal agent bu u ogecosn kuowa ta pbyaldlans but it bai nover beotoe beu présenti!lM aitim 36s<agraue as tuas pieaiitot.- ii.syupprepares S.ss tomt fer debulllitng ae 01 tahSue bot montrsa sut La praveatau antidotae, tu rns c irnleuaisa-Boost ou.- CaugWs unit Co!ds.- Dr. W Wu'a Blsaioàut Wilit Cherry 1 one 0 e mb.iont excelloint unit re bepie. peratla au er put btors iii. jpublcftoi co ês, aold s ad aIo#ans i bte Sroae sub"«e - s5rsl reinemin a a bli, lL amuch soutgla ater; s*a-ltauetumu GENTS,' OLOTHIN~G FRENCH SCOTCH TWEED Clothing maido to order in ta ~t styles. GEL4TS' SCFR$,IE COLLA.RS, UFFS, WIIITE and REGATTA. BTS, PLAIN anérCHECK DUCKSY OOTTONA.DES, SH1RTINGS, through our'stock. We cannot hob undersotd. $ T W~AR~ r HARDWARE! WH)ITBV AND-T OR ON TO,l Q *û iI uoomen& to Buîlders and Contractora, in Loehs, Dutts, 8)ýôë6j7&4u Rô!4 azdejw.,nd other Rakes. Fencing 914m, barbcd bà li -Ùis iaPiy è,&. lo ag upyo pais, COOXIN STOVES, with extra heavy furnitureo; also Milk ais Pans, ma, ode fiom heary tira. PAmers ani ethoî-s uhould cal! anai ex- su Alaiysu4 price befote purchasiug frein petidiers. I3BCA1RIAGES diréct freux the-inatîufaeturecs, sana 'uill bce founti excellent value. Blnoksi aniliud Carriage-niakers supplies. Unaruaig a largo stock1 bathast Toronto anti heie, voatre in a. poàiýtG t île vell < thuosti who'may favor us Nwith their patronage. - :000:- IIATCH1& B117. Wu tah-e this oppbortiiuiity of thauking onr patrons and custoîners for their liberul support in the past; and feeling that our success in the Iast is due to our strict attention to business ana: striving tô meet the wants andi wjsheio ll iQrceitoners, we would assure them fliatt it shall be our uîn in the future, liv prompt attention and givia4g good value, to -deserve their -favors. IIATCH &BRO. Wyhitby, Mray 4thde188. WHITBY MARKRTS. LNCsioatisi~cu, May ih1861.l FaU Wbeat.............81 00 ei$1loil Suhag Wiieat ........... 1tLX)iLiI 1 ] Barley.................. 01>'5 15 o Flour, p£rcult............t-.,, a w<8 itye..................... 0 70 ii4i0 85 peasa...................tii. r 6'0 Peua, lack-eyod ....t.... 0 CR) 0 r.,r Bhue Peas ...............i 1 W 1 10I Oats ...................O0 5 ýgfIlW Ray ...................00 «10titIt Aplpr ...C 80- 0 40 Egga..es.................tilt M 5017 Betis.................ùIl Ca 0 1'21 Cheese................... 0 12 0 15 Woodt.......... .... ....4 60e-5 1700 sheepskiaa ............... 0950 (1 tW Rides................... 700 1 W6 Pork, parcwt ............. 700 @5 7 0 Tematles, percbu.... 000 C4 0 OU 'Puraii................ai008liàt01 Carrota, viste.......... 0 12 o0a0 Celer>', peria,...........080 ( 040 Olbgkaiy pi . 0 (W 0 8 mdviik r.......100 @ 000 Gom ...000 ~000 Itur r'~arb.......0is t <11 Waua ...sht 0 00 0 Co doiasbeit ............ 000 (5026 Blacon, Fsrnesec'....010cr0 121 Raa,, .. ...... 2j 0 Dut .Rubabr.per bunci ..O.. 10 (t 00 i Asparagus,. .... 0 Orb(4 000ol Sbialote,, ....() 0 0() f Iladielies, ". t. 1050 O 0 Parsuipa, I C O....010 jC4o it Cabrage, per ieadl.... O0 Cs @-t)0110 The nmarkis e wll uupplled viti freaii Coi lavera anitgeranana. NEW AIDVER'TISEMENTS. MORTGAGE SALE.i I )tRSI'ANT '170POWERl OF SALE mteJDen5 in~u A rrrrtgaîe made by JL'iZIMttrarr aD lJAME(4 jostan uant:,HY wiiciwill be prduce.d sîtihetira, of gale. there irilI b. cfered fer sale, by Public Auctlon, sthe. ROYAL II<YIL, la the TOWN 0F WHITBY,ý 3y i. Levi Fairbanks, Auctioola neo,' Wednesday, the- Twenty - flfth day of May. -AD, 1881, at Tvao Wolodk là- iii. siternoon, tuhb faflv- ang vsuaiIe tmeholi pcopemt, vis: The 8Scutirhaires o! Lots Numbers 1Ù9 sui 14. o ?s'y' P n a thiorthire of D=diu sbte#inu theTown of Wbutby, bavlug -a frontageof i73 lut on »ands street vitii a depth of 841«L Tbipit -, ix- va !situcti ut~ Town va! W tht irslthereon a Brick Dveu lL iland sitSbop. un * r- catly oacupl'e by Mr, J. J. Murpiiy, sunit l goit repair. Thi ermeta, Bal* viiib. ou gaitta cs* st the tiios0a1 0, aucah, g i lun ou mutna.mr h . aofo 5 b tm gtleven perCesut frotu the -day ofai Veuitor'; aLtru cu Dated SUis th Mdy aiMay, A.D., 1881. LYMA.N ENGLISH, oin-20 Vezdar's EolictorOawa. ONTARIO. BANK,. N OTCB &rboby i"ntirta m Dvi. deno VETBI&-unCNT n tii. Capîtal Stock oai lIuatltutlon, ia tii. day been iteulareit for-tlb.cuvreuit baV, Jeha. suthtiraShei.sans viiiba* Payable e - mir alnd unt ItaBr&nches, ansuat ert ,WBDNBDAY* , h. li day ue ais . e The Transisi Docks viiib. êcs t rom- -the l7th Sa Suie ttIabath daje lnclin4 ive. Notice la aialsgven ta Tht. Ainauul Odem.rl 'Metg Oi the. Stoc»li"io, 1a, ote Blbcdm >la4 Drzoctars lai, tbp enouapyoar, viiib. held - TÉSDY> the '2Ist Day $4 dune, Next, Th Ç b - Geera1MaD.e Ontariro Bank Toc#nl 2a pý18il. NEW ADVEIRTISEMENTS. Toachers' Examination. Tho lixitainrtlrcic PUJBLIC - SCHOOL TEACIIER.-S. lu accordance 'witl tise Statut, sui the Geucral isrulations, thre .Tîly ,-auuina«n of randidaton for thse yesc 881iSil.wl b. beld as filiau Foc First Clss (Grade C.. Non-,proaes. uloual>, titbe Normtal Scurool, Toronto, on Monday. Jul>' iSti, ai tSi. 'Foir int«rmntdst6, exýiiline it t Colleglte Inatitute luntise Count>' Town of Whltby, sud ant Port Perry sud Umuiidge H11gb SemaIs, on Mouday, July 111h, at 2 pa. The .pre>feoeo~ug ai erntîa for First Clama Ce3tifseateç Wlllbegin saler lirecu- cluition of iiie- Nou-prufeei.al ermina- Tii. ,xanlatlc n for lirai Claie Sertifi' raeGrades A adi 11b Ii lter the' conclusion et lie Prosaloualraniuatiou. It ia iadispensable ltrat Candidates ehoulit notify the presiding Ia.permor, net tetr tIsai thùI 01 l i Jne, eft heir intention ta prcaent eerulaes for cranination. JAMES McnRuUN, Sdi-roi lirspector Co. Ont. Ilyrtle, Ma'y end, 1681. <d2 "CROWN IMPERIAL." This celetrratad Carnage ,&aiin viii tisveI tl'rouglr Wh'by sudlleabb duriug the. Searsori of 1881, cormencfng May 11h, sud vrul sdtop ut reola1 pics MontAt vNigbus, Ray'& 110101Wiiitby. 'rUlroisAv Konn,Glo bc BoU t. ,aklin. Tnu : NlglittWIk4 auPt >erry. WSî,iSDT Nona 'tjssielda iotel, Ra-g- lan.-Foc iatheî partiulasaeo blla. PURCY &17YOUNG, Praprietace. RU GU IINTON. Grflm, Allan Line., Eummer Service via Quebo.c. ECONONT, andtCONFORtT! Cfbin fniUarn1sd Iaodne5 Positian ai miateromu. Laver ruaq tar-i tara tickets.. Inten.det , Se1ZWire.s Penilun . ay 1h, 1881. Polynasn .~' 4th, a Parisisu .~'21&4 « Moara.. Jn A1»Mh. o au te Lirer1oo!. 1Pati., wsirngto aençI fer. beis. fa-enits eau oli iki lasrI. age about aigu sisyo, lire of vicb a"e apeail tu the ý=ohn =oeb slwaf the Bt. Lkw. Sinc. 1i.ý Far ilckete s "d lienrate~ -ta-- 'TeSs stge O B lad -e l1a ver m'y 4'l' 18, t~4i~h E,ýARj4 .ý. L 0 SIK l r - ] O ur..- cr.~-- r -' - -: - ..- MIIýýLINiERYi, AO DESAN M TLE MAKING.i We are peat oflal~resfrMllery the-btstle.au] d Mantie making :department,,.n, full, WO"'e' "'~"- Extra rhE4nds tat work inTfôigepartment, poptly.exeotd Suits unl§urpassed in syeand worikmansïip r rOclz' Thé's~a supply of Fam2ily Groceries. &_ WE ýO U-1 Gr ~ eLrOT 4Qç ByLa i. Y-A<frth peig iÀo ra M"rTI, . xna M ai tepngelr, d~ Bo c-luWh oýfactinallopenu upfoirroad and fore t& ogu l ofigthalcorpoatin arnlot No-93, in telit s eoceso4onsod tha cloe u ii orinal a iowi frrod uin çthe taWiaid lotc h ai o UndTol ti, nid bythe iablshd Trck tiwp ý Diialà t 7O 3 tdist atnce4Canea and aie naidmoren orplud je furhide om- eutale 5 ofloeta.thi a lt'N -, and- îu e otii. aarly unit of the. sailoland. 211e at ' lte ractn vitblwyotbs ruIte te, 0 bctngai i i tc cfaica lot o.a3 .ith s ink, n, o bairon to i, onei Chain wd nd ate anithrl csttecror t e u, outeitrly atni fth.e ad landt ovm.d by thes Grand Trfsnk ltnLsiy Cotn- 2 Tato theaorgnl a u nit o fotriail infrnt rote pai ord osi3 te . concesson te sacid TlIsi a ti. aidndh osab iâerebyGranfd Truk sa lie y Co- way, and tint the saie lbc vesteil n aud c-cvyesi ta Mr Itoert Seciter in lieu- oi the. aboye establisiod radd; the, saUt rend. Xs11bautéi a tte-r deasid as lollpv$, tiat i to aty, Catamneicig ai thl iý kutb- cai angle of lthe F016 lot fNo 23, anud cu- niug tireur, $. 10 degme, lB. 1inain ; thence S. 74 degrea W. on the.- southeîy lirait oi th 1i re ia i e Chaz 1ylitit oflri veiyloGai T%4noni ilwayCompany; lheuce. narh exsterl Imarallel to the. .outiierly UmitM teeil tio aowuit by thse Granit Traàk ne fo atrtenaeoN. 74 deg e . chabapnd 20 lluw a ti helace7 8- hM hasByaw iraU comane f*Jthsud ave . .ha*trave.n oly c it- by.the OrUndof!th. Voua yei O09M46. NOTICE. Mna-Win cp c îpo uýBy-uln* çabk tom govrnlhetafl *'aocokdb*. SBTRBETN - ~MW GERMAN, ENGLISHII, ~I~--A~ er NANTJFACTURJE5 -AT B-RY CE'$ C SH S] 1' - -..ki -~ c~I;~L~ -r -i I-r A most cmlt to fSlft*&~~iedtn otn LADIES' LADIES- LADIES' LADIES* LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' LADIES' FINR s11K RosE in Biair sud (,joiàr FIN LISLE THREAD ]ROSE in FP1Zun'and Fancy Colorai'auÎd*Blàâi rm 6ro$.0 WHITE LISLE THREAD ROSE, 60o.- LADIES' ,MERINO ÊOfl. ]3ALBRIGGAN 1ROSE, at, 20c, 25c, 80e, 36a, 40r,- c i5c' S01*11 COLORS COTTON, ROSE, wlthout clox. - - SOLID COLORS COTTON HOSE, with clox, LACE COTTON HQSE, 8, 8+4 sud l9 incha. , - - , WRECOTTON -ROSE, (rani 8 te ý60, cents, - PLAM A ND FANCY SI~UFeD ýCOTTON ROSE, in ail now--zIaàke-,üforii i10<W U,01.0 CHILDEENS' * O ) COLORS COTTOIHOSE, wm(thcetloi,. (sain6Sto CHILDaREN' ,OLID COLQRB 0tCOT0lgOSE, with alox, -frýom .5 te 81 CRILDRENW5 LACE ROSE, (rom -6 te 8- bi.-r r HMIDRENS' PFXNCY STRIPOD HOSB;, iii 5 to S ineh, iù fifty dultab - MENS' -. OIý&UHOBEý imm,£(&tê> 60c. Flose. 84B îneh, inoh.-- ce t 1til l EVEIRY ONE ,ho"ï~~the i st~ Ù'k; oC NEW A1)DVER'1S1 Ëm.iiNls., WHAT FINR. JANTA, Qto,3ea*5O lb., worth -from 40c- to 75o perli, FieMnou onema SeýÇ4Gé cand Fie BlackTeI07Fn5ts, t 5n idprmfoj , Vs ýri BARGAINS IN ALIv GÉÀjË OF? 81 I 1 A y.m stk ne îhna 0 iekor prem M WANTED-Z r Dresa R- w 1: 9 ý'Whitby)- April 7th, 1881. 1 *1

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