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Whitby Chronicle, 19 May 1881, p. 2

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r- ~ e,, iii Bepuolis, 1.1 poelaL ~tsouon4 T ..~3* Fnac. cu UI*p nobrmm4 r Olq..Y S Z-59-PUER ANNUM.é Whftby, Tharsdayr May 19, 1881 Nothh Oo&srlo. Ai .111 b.....b7 thé prelamalloi of the w.Irang ofioSin luhrool famna, th., nomination for North On tario takes plae où the 281h, maLt, ani tb. polgon Baturday 4th 3Ja@ 0 1 y ho weeke morelefs for tMie wor The oontest làa afar and l aa nt u Mr. MoulU oomee ont -Ma a Ito uet IalbuhVe bal Ve er beaui "«,vàt ÎoÏfi4gme -luh.bal. am e.a6" ho; uateodel.au 1non e tl h c S ea is oppoud tio ued ?olaelul aIO e. Be eu gmmotaste ai *w .1;;. I ne.hl. Oodcmtas be or Pooeuee&P.Ih pmvù alam ,seynIl4brsans *fr héuulàla b.gtal Nrt.We Bbc mes w ,,a-omerudn mmé u, lemo 0 pa oBatmoily 0 bu8M road ifflo - r. a"b.accete«fie mlad u omouýs bodesup.bel ~leCOtatI luaIlglOavaal W apio -thias s rtahd rosdaef1ud ima.seth ae u f MW cos" t Md, t he oy Laie.mis vll.gc.bad«.zepomc *6 cimin Pacifié Blhep vefi»si *0 a.- au ag Mec ýs t-a ouaUnI-a. .adWof On.,aboUl Oh. rmdbel au Iands "%di" :«bd" ope f yqabd «MD$ a lnd iuamla nal-cujuteaf tceeos vtm llius de1orspmai la bévWe as&e4.Thy gve pa «TanOr ssIMMOfTrade...?r. ww, ave bodi a vrd let 9Mv leyodhea*0utotal a hWl. d loges.wo0'acl sM la BbM-burnoMs lTot thea'r mtiest av 13 gan f l O00vào P*gA"in, 4,ea Wordl eP belcJmuoin te V* s"a. lb. i itw etia .ca u*s Wue ýl a Uw bl al hu. - Te n "~ bey gae t gamn. mofL#M.000. aif a DAlvAY Coampany, iu order te o =6; no ae nttie ltu edfiât noribvard froa MaX10~1o0 0amaset or muarBêieavrion. Thsy a&W, tu buil l SlliIueoly the'rac UXbU*idge, - About 29 mlls a - fr010 anurilaormlaa inné m mle voil re" (e0êb. bout. The 8Ul1t àm brehve boa"tahun the b@s4 i. th -oiao, maalmon .111hb.ai th! in thé ouoreflbre tb. er hore VIII di.,ut eee lioin b ieNeiteaPaelaVUlthe,13 P" Pacfi aea. 1fre IlusaMs lg l loale- 1?Tai. n£ ul7 kao of the OouctyConsill sbo14 *o be alloved. ho pou over i dhiest Vati -that 020,000. nofuai spoken of, e.s1th* =o t0 Mexetension. Tii. amoimtul e glveuIn te waydatohinR stock; 410, OOOlo Mie mau inon, frouaMaàb4it noml, sma01,010 0 li te uxbtde ~>Branoh. Lot cs hope thal nr vi b. no diflbull over Ib s malier. Il theb oonlty of Ontario enu seure lista gaieonstcicn ai the s«»ail eb"of $20,00,the au ho voula lé4ot UAu mozo- sc eWa fiined 10 tb. fhtre pro La Eo sd poqmityof the âounly d lt i h brnéinmind t<ba tl U rk Mot 10 c*1y candillc l pos lie dlgoflde extension ail, Mie braueh. for ilmumch a. 1à1U10 blas - Splied 10 rdlinug ms tock, l esual e. mauded naIiImliseno etoolaa thc brasa bout. te spleasre Iià f d, oére& rI 1~ ovr 0ft4a deame b~mçts 0on WbBb b MIe. KW. LO.0o«10 * mnge of the Rsyal Opera -H.... ITSra10, bua [the Me great aane. bu tiacht, 1Mr. m Ua%., sppatte *aj b ove is ompas! of .upercr artis te~ eeoa i e Tin ballasThurs. da7 veMà«a, 2M1h 1s$. 'The pieu mamuoewvdy1 hésetlag ofaiM.. aMdbislaleaiteoompauy. In th Rb ailaof »b1hApnil0 -. laijoh.efol. Rain g- o à large Md asppreeia1lve maudiee 4 wlhn.sa.dthélie at penfrpaaaoaf 8 449«44Kirke" Ilest n Mlght Me ai OD om The play, vu revwe wîth Immense fayothe.ptb&ipAlsbW. lus calleubefore lie autaiu siter every st. Tii. aosâpany lex zSllfle ou i aMd th. plo u aPlayed Inaausiner ü Miel usfthelb.inlereet aMd salln. lien of the. audione. 10the end . iss Id" napupi, aes he blaine, von Imu gnafavotar frouathie musent of brfrtappoèearu bu the sàge.oei selia¶t vus anlialdsiablu ed parhlcu. Mie eaethe llair sen. anl "uthe play proeaedd, she dlsplaysd eonulder- ile matiomd lpovemo.Kr. Joseph Et. X«04.,'auDtàwms.. ugav, a "oIl todlanlffectve platuri of the1 off.ad.d ind ufervi tall.;Whoue hi@ oealpionula lb. oossoioomp o hiesopfwm tu bis tmetmmet cf bis dagtr I.hi tas"i sboangt lta aaon ,vhw ehoSeMo moinaesgMie otageblai id ulmosi sudmk vu à" ind Zà 40»sps i thé 13kIl aràter of ,-s4 * O'yras asU b.tfe . tssad Mreeuf"ral md, luo~a w a l Ilaome . r. Oomseï lot bus porses efot 6»romd a«ý,1=90loa, na in os*ull a W bisdirteltoMatsentez-sr talamah. 'Lot us hope@fiitlie mer- vioss iihob. wsogulaod by & bomps -r house.on lie eveulugof té Mis~. Rallîay Motos.9 Tes mlle. of nov mOIa rils an nov tl a' doison the Whlthby uavy sortis.c Sa greal lu lie tinursaso ai Sa ver lis ramid0.biSalMogh th# Qomiy have adalea smoral n»v un bi"*pria&, thé rofllng"stock MMa cliii Inede ot meet the récuslnoto ai otppoa, Beveral mev ,aoildnp Pging op, -ma64oDithullaà» theiredesa oeca allp govermugnîbavo ec a odes b . eo'oys &$ lea4 Ioder lb. penalty cf irrma, agSe HRo.vodlý4 suiàab laV vorkin Au-B.llWler, agot 85,vu brougUbî eom. (a. Grleneou, P. M., Ouais, on Moudy, ou l»baa c-of by cniugeing Mie Ilycom beeli bars-Tic Melmleoraler e is. oculinmc a»-liepraeo"c, enA on Wisrn.rs refusai fao bey lhe orale,ho vas oommUalc for trial. Prseonen irs brouglalb9fo bihonor luiga Bora. bam on Tuoeiiy.manal ctc.ted 0b. lnied by ajury. Holu "adualte,! 10 i mauih puetthounbac oui y W. an» p er aIoitaeofthMe Whihbl asgly ool ban vebeau veY oi aaa, na Massis«là»uantlvo. lse- i isnsa ela iralgl - aa a.um.-Tb. plantIsa et onneKea" a e Ita e&on lias thé Haavv mcdallmumou nainheWpea lic day. aid umy vow"«. Grat lausoase autc."i aalueian iWToronto -la repoited im e MisGlobe. A yauag lomnnnai ens Aohlcy i l fac o htlodyla baby girl. ~~eefesonhation "h* ievu go. &-la ya vist 10 Menai. etPart trdi, aicgaI permlesion 10 tale tho ebilal mii ber. Bbc iii ual go la Port OreiIbul broogil tie ouilal vili ici to,norancle'. realicaeï sar witlby, viser.e eacealditIloff auelier owi. Mnr. aid Mns. O'Brien ttaoM iber bor auigot béek tliuohîia. -WI<b <bis thep vore saleflea vîthoul riortiug la la.Î proceedlgs assAdviseai. His Womuz- ÙM a BIuuuxe bas Isem e aM cuarup poeamdâos fat l0 cbsvse liehéQuo.u'bihtbday.1 Mie tuoaiflreo 2ek thou e ps amIwlea afflicb.av la Ibel iaf VARiAL aU, sio ia. X. *. Bmm, babis W gsnebalymashaMW etth Beyt -bk PwM baie SMoWte paeme aWpeA-yhuge he meTous oi> Tic Casalct la lia onliu.a« bas.parSge. ac a mmeisonle.&W, mellaeIaiaIul a NihaBLallMi wob viii h.ht eM ai 1W - e pateA èsud ie te lic elclere wud » ln.i hybl.théfoeet ma . cas- mitu.twtbiepolllagd.yn bemuKnol.t , iardggolie syth em osue anabel smaoiveceueuwestme lb. caul cou b.bnhatog.beaUdoidrc.. us oin u Meltic sifoi ln iangeW andl appr.vail. - T a nlui gguparT.vreraPI Us axsudled 4gav e "b. in l vla.e did t. 7 ? '184, 188' *t«.u bsra Eholis Tb ue Soereharyrarai at- Ur. Drer, (aI sorolanp) isolneal la30- ?Opl lirrof tlia'Board fot 410, gantilb ila fon iebureome»nhe Thal .Drpr shatci lier.uue bave bien lame «mlseanlnl-gn l ie crier, as lier. vu M.the lblac of 40 centstofa former aider unoxpenai. ad. Mr. Povai"sdthe emom uatc o Inta lie honda af lie present sacra- tary la me pasdhueeu4 Mr. Csampbell 0, mon.D tereo leaviug. ^Be aid ulDoi liaIut Mr. Drprmigil have excedeul I vots lai pett xpensss, bot em tisa me. DoSt wcoe antiho lieol refuail10, ta he lb.mnll*le ronep icullgo bask lalitheauury. Mr. Osuphetlrepori vaba *8 o 1h. puebà a kmtresfor Cage panails analPrvling 'boxas. h vas, usdouloadl"atresâme la b.ie. 'vidai forn:Bbe ,gisoadieaether eh"acata vi eewu, anal Matth. gcmulttee ou m uad" prepsrlooka M r, SBureporteti tro li nauc camullloe. 18-?aedapealanal au motio, oesdeby 1Mr, -PaveIl, me- " t.h 1,0oP. a, urri$ g la iely 10 1fr. Capbselti . héoIt. mon statloaliSt Mie ouasittes acasisl ýing of cairuen of lb. sae.il tomut-* loesbaid sot mol. On motion cf Mr. Camnpbell. eocod by Mr., lauasa., lie me ai Mrn. Paoellvuwu tbeoti* ftonlaI ai Juige DAntucil on the commAhhe. on mabool proponhy. On motion ai Mu. laineson,emea- cd >.v Mn. McGhllrniechairu cf tie oumilho. on selcs raperhy và a.itueteal to seabout ie pur- cie.eoallia lots adjoirnng114rp7BU uobool and reparlas la Mihe avebl of tia porche.. On motion aif1Mr. Farewetl, secondai lap Mr'. Campbc à , abslatian pused insliuotiag Me ommlte on aShool Ch meà W-repart mas 101W ai- log ~ ~ ~ ~~h la~uiebesoiatermes 1fr. Fareisillumovsg lb.omotio bra"oaaIIarute- owalp1 Il vua Imas ! ioulboa leoglin plasean. oefotav rmd lo is aedulia an.all -on. earlousa î rl&),bA enve hi TUr...ff M EnmuTibGe L o 1fruOnsboec sqorol bulme Ufr. Oeuiellha board froua cu Oasbeliand Weoy. Miuterasai niapprovai. omlvd froms Mr. Farewellseollai' for; thé eoreomstdozi, on te letielcf MIti. Oorlbm a isa fortdiansgss. Tii-e teri acor tbIat KU, Pmareli bai raid. otcliais iügh l. htcf con- sableamU atiiealfr-oua Msiu 1f.Q.e h.lone, luuforOratpt "o"&M Su ad from ttei. lforniahlus oi- talacoa eiseal c ommeoil 0rqjeol EXALTE, sA» ae àummors The olerk reu! %,ournouleation froua the publisher oaitlu. ',Toural of H.alth,f' skig lic lava lasuheonibo for liet peridcai. Mn. Al=ader Pringis, héath inl- gpeaor, vu beaudhelore lie eouncl, saboardof health, on lie subj.ct ef ernoffensIve76dialus. Scinesmbors put questions 10 th. ipeolor Sauto the position et lic drains camplainea Lcf Tb. otork rea thle bp-lais anlic subet. Onsthe suggestion of lie Mayor lie inspectai vu lughretedti lapicécea uoder tb. by-lavs, andal dvice cf lie toansoltaihan. On tise-Mayor resunlihe e e13ir lu couneil, 1Mr. Long salal lier. er.«mrne, shap gentlemen areunal iho ioulai b. =liely 1 tale au the adieuoge they aIudofthie lova ounIbisseounfrtana 10 asvatho tavora possble cashé1 voutl move ab reeoloioft liaIibis matter pidrains b. etothéliecou- u1toéson streeta asi thsl liey b. alioruseal talaIs suai acbon au uap ho aeuoee.r. Tiers wu neoaccouder ma thé. matoou Uta thc ground. ralruxo. Kw. Fxc:,aolruau, reportai tro thc ptlnling aomulllse rcaouuedtng pasyeto mat of cool iOzuL Ccun elilaocuaulll ofaithéeviols, 1fr. Naursla te bo hi-report adoped. Mr.. Kllep brauglal opliUreport of lie ecumiteeounrelIcL Ocil lai commiillce ai Mie viole-Mr. Danil.y in liaeaisir. Repart va. dîussa aal mmedi .c' as igpaymenl- ef â«ot 1 fLH.Staffer, # ,for bouts for lames Sulel; Un,. Jackson, 08, gonds for Bil, aid #2 <code for Taylor.w Mr. Hannam founditfanl viii Bbu.l's habils cf inloxiosllon, sud questioneal ihheir a mmu vii got dnun&k day aller dmp vau a fit subjeot foi reliuf.à man like tbat uap gel lie, gondesuad ssIi Misua for tiquer. Mr. Fox lcok similar <round.. Mrn. Blow dldn't Ibink thei. par min cenli nov do igliut hle dap, fie babil vas 50 oulnfrmsd lu bli. He <0111 o&monatheldomrefr oaing ont à yag or cuttiug ebit ef iood. Be vuslaueota neolog,sandiWhoub hot a drop tleschar le, gave iep, 80lieSt lie pon mmn hadnt s leg te chaud au. Dr. Bogart apckc gaNe Bilera driing habits. Mr, SuhMaliIhet bilo BWitagI la. corporaliou anaers tMile pouthon lest,$ Ilporlho a#«o n mredrink ; Asgi)=but bodl é ai'î he drcinal au$ di Mi mcpwralcnt. - Mn. Doaklcy voultibd a e.*"apà mono fondboiouse ef bis luflrnlhy for 1<1er some furliediseuseon report, adaploalseu aindeal. Ur. Déoiley reporeté rainthe.cotm- luto on u ieol. Omiqusl iomm leso allie vols, 1ftr. Fou a Ie chaI Tii. report rouemesai tat-4 bW apprjatd16 mprovlag 'lie differ- ,Mr. Donbtil movyd t. dl inthle blault viii 150 Mr. Bleuwiîooght tii.rcpart ohanla spolheamoat for esch adet Un. . Mr., Long Mdiffeo l.Il oulal mol bu vo=a4!tale; 11. bieïtr wup. vou 1 levll b. cwuth hairuas l eoxponul Mr. K.llaYllaamshî le oW hanli aonzurig to uy tbesiaRed. dualor vaju,, M for, tbnlwrghotisenmmoof lb.he oi él trai sciacal. Mr. Jol obaKtahfaiMd Me ir1la Corpoli are lalavi iiloymain i5 ca r. aliUtc vluaai a t ena a êlwmcllaofth.oaz ai o tl ai rmet Os ores, lmesl ,c th .erfito u raokncvledmote ains maebyM.Ave Foarewe tlalon ea on.f Dr Martein has od s p11 l@ suday family an . al rewelan tBD ohn Cona vs nal10 neCa GReoua .c. ibbrs b du kenuq Tmn sii.atyclot ndgormnl has Dsrerllzslwyomou ia rpi talOiehaimet Dna.MrTneha.oalithe pace sud tu pnaclie 10 Drw. Fareicill id mIis D moving aîP"sy. tway T ulng tnbisinflun oudevigla wM e avvt coula on onFM", h- eb aulin Tiin & . cfopbliepuranal QTheco ailvay, fallb rok, le ' excoed10pss<btN.y Mbsbobard uua rsltin Tibye bso for m bt ots for10th buéhll te "absling eruamvillage th boulding M bor thaeal fr pubicu. ft havei e8grand hum ou"ËauDatlulonT Day. Nth mey Thé bo li Roof a i Zd au for ofsîeol .11.fl aid akg lioaulu- lano ounle or 00fèrellh fr eps. cnna it aIl spobtal u e suddinci Dilo Ieo lb. uouaepwt Th obilSg u f eini- T Tue .aseei flllng cf lavnlfoimler. 0 tio sd mmdjudmetikn g oin- al ite b uealion liaIliaI ofgratanhgnasludw felt. ambutonstyplolmtrtesudo cl aDila landagraul illaseacositution. T anmbroresig e det*gulsici Tyb tie s cationiganeut H.Orageit neer enmu eotse lthenlai WD flir soretchye f oslesyant éi h du iocsauof laid icon as oulluhln.e andleu as Ba ten Hbarc9uronuli - afthe laudomris .ii.dbthe pepeyb defal!te Asiatien, sumpoiehi Oane ol esnogcuy cmotc re mdmore it-ad )mi~sae. anloie-re lIons ~ ï areaielo"ldadyorene sudcec t alendulby dronsthet- ath fu=r 10conarebohecmi t.ople N aid wii. mtcrboanal plios. Tii. fee- inga taks.po the olue a.ecul al outrrI.bsetilumors o, aiobmerâ s i ,MtN.eamd-on-Tpas on lie Ohi 8vtgrmao ià dd ostrg horelIfte icon tbadoption ai au inleantieu awfi ciag lite bours ai libarin Il i lstea Mel ter lie Passage d se Lasitblin Mr. L14lne viii prob- blIy aep rre.anl a seat ln thc alions afIde M milr, ha. abanionel he ides cf piomeuling <b.epreona éirged mli <b.hemunder of lic lite mInlan AbuaiAmis. Hon X&estyp ta said te b. dasiniluof ,shoving eàpoorage upon Coaingeb? =ua ,li oeLa ord afeli s apheibulMn. Gladstone les ai lae tIjeot to tha Proposai. The rounl-lionse of lie Hamilton idà North Western railvay ah HImil. cm vu ds.lroped by fire on Sslurdas id .oight ougines more an lem ruinai. rh lasinaestimatai aI about 085,000. Fnumez AID EyxDs.-Taa virtuel Snazalion, f aichut a aimaeriausly trainaie rhelatim on itve.n Engleud ma' Fumoe. -£he BrillihGoveamoul iuadecidealte express île opifuou ou hi iu.dwïn a Aepolai vOici-v*a ltntintaI Tanls folarmt' aillas 01- mai Emplire. Nois hau tacon recaivai aht O John, .B, lièt permission ha. beau grautai o apem1 te Mie luiolal Comuaitlcocf holýiyCouneil fraétté t alo cf ho supreme Caurt f ai maain Mie natler of lie legallhp cf lie Canada uIiFot na naliÏ& bi endeevor- gu lo->looinup sev.roEnlironclais 7. moies of,.dynamita laou li coo latie bÏàaue. ev- »iI <bahse infern a ""bie, vhcl s» ecatoion 113e antside so as te r.- omblc lampe of coaL have, beau oni The Csaa& relapse I looaaleu le egardealetaSBt. PÊé"rbirg asutkoly ta Hgfiaovealby freseli ElalIsIoufle Ch Imperw ldolarahn las.talon rcrphody by suvrlas, sud noliing bhateVar le kUOWD s 04ie eprocasa. iy vhiîc th. Empaer rarrivedAt ibi Ided- 4SIen. It1la alat.ci t Sirlaoba Macdonali's eao*ery ba b.euretardai iy Sic pros- Urc oV peepie, t e.ôhlm on publie isiseas befor. heobiseIon Euglaud. ýt andersbodlbathoi.ilmoble 0 sea any pornoq or penons on 1 boi- es# bcfoc is deperlure la-day (Thun- ,ay)- uTic ScotI Ast vas carnlidliy s large ajotlhy Fiidaky in Coisiester cunty, qove Scahla. Pitteen Ibousangllaio&aIf seel rails ni lie Canadien Pacifie ralvey arrn- dlet Monir e nday.- Thc Bosi anal leaisleop? la V"a sne Utle *a$; the" aoopt lbevar furoed upoe thenu, sud o.con- "Mt Ofai leory. Amnuoesful eitmpt vsmd cu hIi.12h lit. 1talc kethe 11f.dfthéi Oser by m«osu f poison. A souion lu lise zispridl kitehan shrovai a quai. lily cf aeenleovesa a âlaltaudel for lthe Emperoro' osm-ption. but ubtik fortunat.ly -did uandfinlil way toieh table. Tiie latest triumph cf t loetrlca seue. le h. jëiausslmon by, Mr. ÇOs- mille Peur., a Preoidiscoveer,0fà boxobsgc wlbgce4o newyfroua Wasgt ioW. TheO-ïaci2r M le mbi suai pcoe aorce -equlvelent ho ncsrly oue mllliou fnetle oufinea. Ma. Orsuroxiis &gain coufineal ta is b.d througi linos Tua Ewrre zn sxm u asgiven 10 lie Engllii publie ou Wedusday. Thé Bamula ver is cudeul. Theiti hi Court of Appuils ham de- oiedlls4t dock shipoiente of caille areý illegal. Tii. Leghuature cf Rollandl ha.pro- vidai for the punliihmenl by imprison- meuh of individuels found dmuuk iu publio places. - _- Sr umàz UM>EGALT ileiW Psr1s ah. tcuding the Monelary couiference. Lady GaIS anal famlly vill t4i for Caànada azmeuth. Advica. froua Romse claIe ls ialhopý Sareeney, of St. John, Nil., hou!$à auiieuc vIll-lie Pape.April 15. He Iai H ie H «olicaswMti8,400ý lh"bo, Bhedifierlng cf lis Oathollcs of ii. iaecee, anal forIbismark cf Ibeir Iota abaut tbemli. ai of ue. OlmT MEETING AT Quxna.-lt lai elahe btieulliI ier ihb meigor lie Cabinet et Quebe jusl priai1Birw John Macdonl's d#pruo 0Eg laid. Tii. Goveror-encral thon, is l onieut 10 matas îhlch bavel ba in promusof airrangemcnt for' somîe limpaut Montrant Recorder bas iecided MisS Il le nol e criminal offeuce 10 order mlhiW in atels anal mol psy for ligua.. This la good mno s 1the deafliast Membure of -tie *Pie Gallery in lhe Quebeo Leglature viii holal a session. al banquet on, Baturdây nighl nazI. Tii. Peufio -Ralliay <lon'mtWon-ou Salurday ecucludoal tihe "ug.- the. vi- douceoai-Mr. Santon Fleming, vie mode aaheuenlaiois te noiste all.uding tie mêesaof fie conut- ton vihitle Deparluacul of Bailîsys. Mata Couni *Conucil mot, membere ail prosant, tie RBeeve in4hie chair. Minutes.. of lest meetings. remit andl confirmai. Pétitions tram las. E.- Eider aid aihere Puaylng the counoil 10-opcnup lie 121h con. West of Pair Yalloy; .0 . cbrat "oi her. tahaie Co-A. ces wug o1%is £Mvo *o mord.'Tih. mcusaimoalt to bêsceilià, aaes vuyed'lntlAjuOfaith ilc overy 10 liaeljj Loye. MWTibau vu cpeneulb th police#,"ath. 07f'Md uî fou f oi soos c muaneoil idat. ,but leplo ellRaea os asdartaadlethat eatloja 1h. box VUs qonvayed aider,'ocorI. OUa the ot tlesi o b lé ysviuL Ta aflsu su c vihla od cey is l r moglE thasle mosi rreshlng and, agn*leofuefuiusfor thei- badieoo, Mde the.an lcbah. Fu NCiASMl mm, MouTg, TimoÀ4r Aà SvoXca.-FOr a «hfor lie meti and a gargefbah. hrA, mako oa stong mi,- ture 0POxITM*Davis' Pslu.Itflr lumla a =slr sWeheusdwlthlcà10f ug sud tsi. nter&Uay three timxsd, lmi of mlii audjuratar, seshael u riuii 1al afuget. Gasonexucwn, DEXsaeaê, JLmranvil, 1878, GEXuTtIxEN ;-I sufereal for .ighie moutls WUtIi palpltion ge <hall1 coula Dot do auythiug fr myseif. I caled in Dr. Forte, and bi- recommeudeal me t10 try Briaho'. s irarilla sud pMà a ud, ster u.inghem four veeki, I va ciivd of the la the cof . iconsumptios tare'4 prob. abl no hn medbolue equitle yzup of oplicsphites rereal b, r se .wu ov, iet 5. ZohliNB. Anum. ber of ossesbava coma agdarour ni t he puatyesr ilionuiheuemuils vic h hsvfoi- laon dils lise have beau EutouIabin,(. We vrite lia uusoicll.d uy one, suÈad vise lie affctad te hry IlfricfNirvana DeblAty co cer- poilflMrr c lo iti is I hee Xldney iema perfect I1ood PuriMe sud B màmtTent Imovu. Pureiy va. 00li. "estea g4asu t aisud un. folln fail coats.a e"llsresortahive. Sapabombe 10 coule. Tii. Livc, ttlia il4be IMdaiysandthe Bovels, are lie natnrilsuser cof th. ajle; earlt heir h.sly action b naluc's ra ndrmedy. Bu f.Blood Bif Oemp!onts-ZtIl -Om vile Iltares sudF' - ::vitIUlY te A BEa" xncsm.-NIgboue. siculal bc vithout a-bottie of HÂcmu .Ymr.nw OXL, lues.. i et cdent. Tieré ln oopriepsral- ion ofeéreal <o s&ring iiulty liaI l4" mode'so mamy pemenenicure, or reerea n a.uch p"hnandinlsary. 1111àailMiby %Oo the Good'seumohiby olirsm ie Bure-aiaalb ieabhe uApgei of moiay. Given Up b1'le Doctors. ~Wlere dodto, have -lflci 10cure, sud hai glyma hlirpaoliu sup toe i Eacil Bitte<sbive. f ten hýea i Aile-,a s ure Diseasof thMe Shomaci, Lie, ULlucy OlcraBillers. TieyinvriablcureéOcOgr stlpattonHeadoche- aud a&U Bius AtoL. Tr-' tiscu, sud bc convince& hbatrit! e r lie beel medau vued« ü . Sali by aIR droggis,aetflfly oula -bte -WhýjM& S .@jf«r a w 44,Mu hli t a but coul ln u 41 a hois eau aicea, sac vua Su b. Wealme dPMI" lot - I N1IW~E Theli ALT~,W PLA.IN' si LKB,% BUTT: We are 01 New Good au &M461 At the eaue are sut&nsb anal DausirO4 arw-Tue mslw a rtàw "Obi

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