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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jun 1881, p. 4

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ihesu anti lbelr j 'k~. "é th* am of thé wffl m m or AuI~um . lb.w rM au ad ]Row k40 U4,tm mi" lau bs#lr s ce rteliwhatê lb. blddeu gh1aup.g Ttm d te cu a maa-on arive., àn"ihm ta vs ie udugneâath$ b 1471 Au hhmne 1 d t» ln5*? &oldnUba"m o mee u 9f? Thé Wlaeonsu la. agaluat tr..tlug vould hb.asu desd u a door-ââsi l Muab l ~i Qeà wo 9h Ouri wsy born. W. watt for the. oomlug dowu ou SU.Umerneam.We lik. ooempany inOrb Our ,00m0e on #ai iL tyl r ~rIo wlU n -t toi »V A au ureh euscer *o buv4,m.de't hm 4 l. ilght IWIhDf - 121u» gwrg o te vik d ld1 ipt e aiemotuhingt. b.- usmb hbretta, buit e ligb tk h. aveeAe«>Ol1à i' anti vilhave laa'tMlbote mTôtabMt, Beeafiàhlgyel 1 a» eu. Hova your Tb and 0.4 r t4lb.empty glaaae sud eht, m-Ou aleag te lh* door sud .t4r d jeu»"ivuac lu"vea h hoh IhougstofIb.P d.it cf onp th" ho vW84meDo »of aMau tIo aie e, sd Pv.1Mivapa tlbck 1 oaLmî é,fdellulelbi If I eodd alloi mo"daadebl eOW"uIY, 5"a VbIthho tpW ilýwout.. it~ a~¶!ay vIlla (imbu ni oe but " Aulitmre u big (eler.. ornmeD, on ni1sethe welqb& of tbe I au$tmu e ver cunght. hI t Toe eau igote onI. th w-Aa "ahe bges dron't 1 o. tise eilof but aop oue ocushb eah, anti aflur I laudid hlm the tlau .feu tire. fit, and itl besut ris ine.." Faahlou Notem. Prinesi drneaare'revedbothi fpc- 8tcb i to taie tjbe'placof atin The. Gainsborough hlla I ie oft brlm unuvlr&'ýlbdpe. Geldmte.1atIm li i b oeu more than Jet sud ocloseti beai ern- bridery. collar anticuifs matie cf peaebeh'm sud Guins.hen'i fetiiere are muai adrnfrd. '1péà eoati arqae offcnt.ra ein i l ldh'e'flat lace fouocëïea r ruche&a utIhe bottorn. Hiàaoses. sbtaOuY th~Iaa Ie ~f amW, s on th 1ol 6b li f' ycu ru th lbe10k-lu?ý Good nature osu very perfectIon ib Mau ta mast er i nti Ibro Ve il êTer levery bl.rntah vbieb voulti other- >l.preval., A vomamfcieu»*là Dot abameti cf fPerscum 4lapirlSed by bat imn oarnstlrmproparithtie vsy,. or evit ~ortune ;'florc fdouce. luauciceu ts le you'Vepleuly tepme.. Te think --usd17, mouef suelier à ood, toapeiëk klnl'1ef 0obe etter, bu.t#e$ absly~et isdé anothar in beat cf ail. Ita scfe tassy bist gros-grain .11k Andbavy alin havesInutheir day. Burslk sud satin surah are the goodi tbel repkace bem. Ne. Import. aoni, mauy of vbleh are purpoaely 1cpt baek tht. y stisa eir uovelty may oct b. worm off, promloaute show mayvarelim cf lisoflly-dXapiug Opportuaitles are i.ry" u ensitive thingi ; If pon u lgbl 111m on peur tiraI visis, yen medSe a lbrn&gain. "Tt t rlhty nia. ride" sad1 Penne. Clark. Thisa a t MOSaaI8a -Nev eIse,sud the aceount", iyg tI ,,héba ot "ay aracngsu soiâ6t... voe d nibribt devers Iaterfuna- "-l'e '4tmbride*s for b. v.'~touao5nou is vap obe hagedt. î W m Ta syra or E î raev.eO,ýx -Ths jGovecumentUl s deedt that the"e t. lemiermaf mr lots lU Irlà$.I bead tb&& th. five cent pisee en hlmj by au indulgenti parent wo 4,bur a. bol lahi&apocke if ho, dîde t osc 8.irere ào"ti he. inonby'wmung from the peple's bard esrun!uL with a pro. virtywrocf the mnase.vîescon- demneton-Ho;ilt10n 2't 41 a*Iad t Ix'uubiytboro h 'budosamv. fradtio frein clnatll lait niglt trougb1te Japau, for the. 'D'royement = isnaklutisai conu.' Iry. T sverapeluU6o Paeilla hox car te go Ibrougli vithut; 4%4nafqr o'Priîo.p8misud erle attendedl ~spmhI'e>nilvee.The fr.h*tsl l Wvhile tvlatlmg a braie ou a AMilaufi 'rmilwsy*%traist aPeterlicco', on Pc4, tllphome l 14 rNethe rak .~ai4fsPa dgqu, 'ilu SafOv Seul' ~fb1i.Wlb ~eàhpreiMuaof 'mind houmide a rbfS ansd ecaeffidl Aae til e oeii Billg,pale1 , l q0pod lhisg for asmmut. bave;;'a pli li ty64 e County o!f Ont arlýo iUl b. beadLu inlM 1T QP' TOWN 0F WHITBY,.I ~ue -d#-048»obl4YthI$1 mt l0.hans cf 12 eDlook, moon of whlob au l Ins tith b esa~e erg oaabratiothera cenued, viii tae nette. nà govorutemelysaseeci- Wblbby, MaLY 11h, . 81td.21 1omnl<Wdedy 0hAsl 81 TE, STEANER m11zake ber r du r bp. h iarol4e, LBAVfl<G Cobourg e@ermoruncg et 780 anti Port Hope et 0 o'olock, ou arrivi cf the Grand Trnnk P..lwày trains frorothb a"t$ antiWet; ecnectina d leuhuter vlththe 1h. j.vprkOCntral. No beucen_ kai .»i ie _lvy 5the ek. on. tarie Division of 1h. hoaeW0t.lmo& 1 uabrgàaiw&y, for sdpit ait, thTRRN..iIIa.broe2k cf ethete) 9 l 0aIOoâlo0 pnu tp ~ Dmalef 0 kw4iU teh ton, AlbeuY, New Fodui-, . For tickets maiotberlufumatiou appY to H.STEPENSON, DominionTelegrapl anti Tlericket Oseej4Vbitb 19-n) or C. GILDEISLI8, inglem, GLASGIOW. BUITEST sEA, PASSAG à,( ECONOMY, 1sed COKFqRT 1 EVERT 8ATURDAY PROM QUEB, on arxivid cf thetrain leaving Whftby et 8M8, a. m, Frîday. niimoooa RATEs TOU VUITET. Clabin f are, $81 sud 19, acccrdlng to poullion of utateoos. Love at fr re. tom tickets. Il4nedlte, $#a, vltbfirai clas un lSteermaice t lovetat"lu. *~~~~& 8nII.. ô,p h, IÇorvis.. ,s#~li4 < Thu ee«p.ap m bmlai t10M la.e It elt -,M 4.çlea1auIiung OU lufeMatl, 4iel Belling' at CoMI GREA'I' BARGAINSI ýML=CrR-PLTm 000D8 t:'rAT OOST. SIVER wAT* er 'AT OT The hôie oktêb claed'of before the expira. lin9fteli89. Il Oqeinu -em os..le'trerp peddlSAr' va gel on ponde& b 4eL~J arvlvar et bebah'ýd, vth lb, atditin- aI anMmerof "Ne; IrS mt.""The-m teade 4# 0#ee" d&",&y bis M-4u, "Tàe buat1,uM.1frand &-dan irii oral-es Oiter d= -'le.bgog OlI" FS<D YOUNG MOWB, (iDprovedl.y euoh ~ ~ 3j hwea.l.li ioMnyg to CSH O. DU BY,tocMUl at our oMces in *U,,. beoro YOM,,Il * is ou inlention t sb t â As e&lyas18pracizeble, and lhemby rnùe o=r price litai alowest liv- PATTý«Eedi NF 0 O',tyLqddor Stre, Whole#ýaie and Retail, Jiist received for Ghristm a nd the New Teff, a large stock of WINES and LIQUORS, direct importation,' comprising Port and Sherry Wines, Brandies1 Gmi, 1Lum, ootéh and Irishi Wbiakeys, BaWa Ai, -,p Me ~naa&1o'Porter. Tbylo alai' Md Coagrave à sous im uAieamat or, maud agr *D.nd"raftsd lu botte. m-h>sr.lsd beam uwmorlet ofaei e nAs l in u nay r W'uu04 of mureulor %ca1y, ast0-M 00,W.0suo d s*m <r ooiug pu.ýut $2.75 per Gabo. laaeum, UrksDuavlle sd 81us'.SSoh »d Iriah W»kmiym. Ea~Â1.,b~Iedby EbbRi"sud ?MueràhSoum, luQutatg t. pInta e &2 pptse ~~m roi w mUE Cotg" e,,fo'mbsibrai bou tg.1 ç k5esiutr14 7d5 cents peu doren pinta. - À f.of 01 "'nPle.'; 4et ln .o.lsstyon hba. vaelu eUt»,., eEEoLa FlU4 aor m AieroOoum -A.4. n L'bIqIr1Leseae, 0W1 ohupetlga waI.r in~ - Botte. ~hi visa ot 1U<~ ~iE el &DEMI! IEn-S' ptI(ËNIrSiH IN G-HOU SE, Th.udrsge a jusl recave pfldtockOfof cotsh, -Wet~ of Englsd nd u OnsisnTwed SBPRING AND SUMMER SUIýTS! Ugrmensmab and fluzshed r ' rin lae B syle, taa aimoderate <«inaé9eu1m en wiJl ave moneyby grviug a -onlasd. exarnimg..,1 _j!t, ' t' " NK'WEST -STYLES INHA8 PgHR , Collars, and.a&U Idude of. -0zts- furnsungo. THÉ; OLD STA14D, Mazcii 22, '81. s-- J-SON, Dundas Street, Whitby. We A~ MAKTNG A N!IW STYLE 0f Photographàs, in s5&pia, hife-sizô, an entirely NEW SPEGMEN 0KEXHIBITION. Cardala",n4Ca bineýs furnis]ýed in- the A. BARRETT, E'hotogràpher. z~ O~osite O] tarioBank, Â un mndudSugte ô mPi; tgrphWMi fla agood chance b*aWhng on Mr. Burrat, sud uttili terme. 1879., No. 1. MAIRKET BLOGK. No. 1. 7'HR PLA-C'E F.OR.BOOTS AND SHQES 1 BOPa t uoire io)s endti sud àcustomers that ho hua lon tii bssdsomeiin«Wow ' itoNc;-1lâert Block ,whero the Boot snd Shoo bueinss~lnaU i*iucle.. i ture ha' capied on by hlm. Hoehu Arjý EIý TIRLYNEW STOCK 1 LataI tyce or ades,(iu10~Miee, sd hldren; he qmffit~y mdai ý -eManasudprompiy oe. ~4I'LRp9q aid8HOE 8STORf! sD~e~E R ck,: Brock.-St. Whitby, NEWSJLDS .EARL4Y YIGETABLES9 Aul Seedi guarauteetiaI pie., lover tha at any pt4e, plao Wtovn. Inspection of iGreenhonie Invite&i No trouble tc, show or Large Stock cf Plants. We are selling very cheap. W. Whitby, W., WOOD.ý May 111h, 168- 11.21 House for -Sale or to let. ishand làt tlassorde,wth lastely oacn1pied by Mr. George Aiistin. Also a amal stable. -JOHN 1110E, (1541)Byron-st., Whitby. 4P1>I- .- TIREES I AOT75,000,' HO0_ME ýýNIRSE RY Iiom Ireb o i r eyeateof,aqo mbaing1 Wole7mali rdera,,by letter frobewla punctuafly attendedt 1. BETH C. WILSON, Lot No. 2ndGouý. PiolerL ilonKingstim "THERE M8 MONEY IN Ir 1" 'YOUNG MME who viai to acquir. a BUSINESS-EDIJCATIONI Shoulti Write b o ers. ERX à Londoi ukomroiç1 -ollýgo -foi cirelar contsnlng fouparticular. (4.0 HO0USE .&SG PAINTEfl, -Cn ow b. fou nt aI bs hop,- TWO DOORS WEST COF ÀBMSTEONG'S IM AilOrdrspromptly atlenideto.__ Whltby, April14 ' 18n0 1 FARMERS 1 - SAVIHGS AND, LDà H m-PUA Y, AuthorlzedCapital .$2OOOOOO 0eo.72: Cborcb-t., Tarante>. lION. FRANK 81 ITII. -SensÉes, Prealicunt. 500 e Fera uutarlo, ud Lande liq Manitoba Lb, sale. Aïfelt for ort,,.Weaf Tramoricfta« Agent for tmr."da" CAN4D'AIPAC1PICRAILWày. rea ~aan loeIrates a fu information giveu 'Iletter or thier. vise; b. mor'eua d mn for rates, etc., belen, arranglmgeleeo Oorrespondence ' solielleti vllb persans bm farna or sale or aig 0PU- Office, f 1'.156 Front-8t, WeBt, 1- (Opposite Union station). D. C. DOWNEY, Wlkuzon'a Block, Broek.strebt. 'CASH FOR WHEATe BARLEY, PEAS, AN4D MIL KRDS 0F GRAEf Amm * PARMERS' ]PRODUCE. A impply cf Western Cmr now on bua for sale. tSrMIHST OASH PRIGE 3FOR EGGS. Wbitby, March 9th, 181i. CENTR~AL -HOUSE, W.B. McAW -Proprietor. Liui.and, Clgani.;7Good tabng na attentives bottir. ly-17 FOSALE. A GOO0D SE13PD.H'D. Top' BUGGY. £.Price, $85. Eniquis t the - ,oRn 1 oppi.E ~~1 un 'n v Id .1 E. 7 ' -x-A 1 !ý

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