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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1881, p. 1

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44f~. -4-44 *4:*. wu calaRltd odpaulohN anS uitrIug ln~ulry, ~. îuftvaiRta -4 '~A. *~ho. -~uh L 4; f 9, 1881. arlio .90h m ust bain va rlItng. 6u81n088 Direoté'y.j ONTARIO BANK$,, WHITBY BRÂNOE,- TROIU13 DQWý FAREWELL & RtUTLEflGB, B ARRSTESATTORNEYS, 8SOLI- oltr, Botari0es Public. aud Oouvoy. Omo*fioo u t ouh ot. o - JAMES IRUTLEDGE. B. A. JEFÂEEWBLL. L.B., Oounty rovu Atorney. 48 IhBILLING5 13ARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY Ac .. w ]:L ti 12 7' B.H ITCHIE, W H. BIWLNGS, Toronto. Witby. O'UULLIVAN & PERDUE, B AMSERS ATOBNE S OLIO- Tango Streela, Toronto. D. A. 'StJLLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. Otobor iSrd, 188. ly-45 CAMEIRONAPFEL13E& - HECTOR CAME«RO, .5., R. S. APPELlE, P. MOPMIWPB. (lY.48> JAEEU KBIT13 GORDON, £rt door veut of rmtrongs BHal. Maney tb Lon-P4ivate lundi--et loy fotireit.. ' JOHN A. BicGILLIVRAY9 (Suocem o R H. Id. Raili.) B ARRIST3B & ÂTTOIINET-AT-LAW, Dotarybic &. h.Solcitor thr the Dottinia---B»LOffia.-Nozt door o Mansiou Rouie, Uzbridge, Ont. -28 CHARLES C. KELLER, ATTORNET.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN tan, Bok, . y L. T. DARCLAY, ATT ORNET -AT -LAW. SOLICITOR A Oh aanoury and Iniblyoncy, Oanvey. oqho& o. LYNAN. ENGLISO, L L- B., DAVID ORNXISTON, B.A., ATTOENET.ATJiAW, SOLICITOR IN Chn Cpuvey.uoer. ho Ornesz-lIU b Offia. mentfit h.Poot OfficelunMMIJI*!î B)qpk, 'Brook Street, Whllby. ',.10 JQHN BALL DOW, ]3BRISTEI-ÂT-LÂW. SOLICITOR B RaChaocery, Convoyancer, &o. Oafce-Deverilli Block. Brook Street, -Whltby. MONET TO LEND-Private Fondsu in smmi np 10 $8000, at a loy rate of 'lu. tereut. (y6 ROD3INSON & KENT, (Lârz DuoOGÂB & aosn.) BA=ESTBRSAT-LÂW, ATTOBN. B eys, Soliciors onayanceri, hc. OFFC.-In Victoria Chamba, No. 1, ViolatStreet. BBIESTR-AT - LAW SOLICITOR inhcymd iuaofnoy Oouvvw .ancer ho. Offi.-Devorlf'i BWae.Brook. :81roe4,Wilby. Ont. ,a. YouxG aIKriE L L. H., Orno-Oo jeom nio m ,Wbby Ju. go, 1878. (tf-G 1.80 w6,P.. lRaaidauo-ofzt. of Byro and Glibr tit C N.VA«S. -. D. 4. àLU ! N r E T IbOSO tlita M the* boit. Te* d811& wtl "bM an'& nov block, over A1klna Dr« ~Ote%ý Rinig Sireet, Oihav. O5 LiOMMxo1AL EOTRIL and STABLES, J "masu 8 jArstuleeToronto.' The bail0100 alia Boug nith lutt olu vo blooka fretho Jorttaern am*. WALKEYPs TEMPERÂNCE HOUSBE DUNDASBSTBET, WE1TY Good saummoisllun t reaucble lermu. 'Boarderi $2.50 por veok. 48 Pt HSI OUSE.-TOBOUTO, ONT. Tii. Plan Hloa of Canada Baillai, Eefrurnaiod, aa nidwriad. Nov Paiu- M -of Clube sud chers, Mdilu roomi, viitout boarde o ve " flY OLHTZL, WEIT. The abova to" lb u toraughly renevan sd raurulstod, eMh la nov un- dmr tIti csagx i03G0. MAOE, sulettryatono ioç . B àIE MEKAN ROTEL, (uge s ousoausi.> WHI2TBY, 0H24 BIO. H ouiea. .ly reaorliéd sud fummlhi ltrougitont, and put lu ftrdnlU»S odar for th. raaspton ci t.uti. Anonmnibua 10 sud tra7m imuu. Pirt-elusaunple oocus. J. A. OOGBADY, - PEOPBIB2'OB. Tenus, 01.50 P»E DA. ly.47) if. iroONNELL, - -PROPBETOBi. LTREEDES? ACCOMMODATION .uc o NTARIO OTEL, .3 Bsocz4rzz-r, WHITBY. JAMR8 T. JRWRLL, Propriator. (Li. ole theb.iplualug Rotai, Torato.) Goo&Llquorusud Olgau. Coumodioua Stsblng. Parour ttaob.d. 1.16 0 811AWA ROUSSI H.CHESTER, - - Puoprietor. Thiaeo uola o~ ommodionu Houa. e lon .d euh 1 boa ,ote 1h. V" teof lim iruollaip"uileTibl. mu Idied wlithoChoiouiot.heaM=. To bar ioppbod vIit tahe bt brandi, liqumowsd.olcipm B"a le »d Mm stab- dIon. Ample tablaroo4m cdeulhastloxu M8-17 T HE QPIREN'S MOTEL, Bsocz ST»"z, Warrur. PHILIF MCANVN. . - ropre. Bot lquoru nid Olgami.ÀA vli up pid tabla. Airy ba-rooms. Coufrtabl itabling and large yard room. Obiu moderato -8 WHITISY HOUSE[? DUNDAS-ST, WITE!. Tito undoraiguod v utld I tImi e ia publIe bsI ltsbe ie promu" have beon uowly btI euh 01ld ap titrugit ofr the acommodaiou cf gueitu.Bia" W'lnoa Llquri sud Cigare. Alao pur" 4eWno aoWb"ta 1 - 2l ami trIIL aoatrderi tbnby te wmo adr B HUD ýomsE OTEL, Cona. 1psour hàGuoogez Ou.$TORONTO. ALPBED OXFORD, - paOpauBZoB. ma, of WommnomH oSMiritln TBms; 1.0» PtaDAT. oiaa- ipg hryr 0 otu& .Plxt olaiocm- == si«g, ta*"*go Md lte a melim E.14. RUPPEL,ý P. 0. B« mi8, Wbltby. LV ER Yt T be oarrd ouby mu ntltlb0191 lo Royal hulel sd" rA 1oifuct coaifortsle eTO"a. *Pt. 101h 1le». J. O. PEIIIGLE. - .89 W Re HOWÉýE, Chemist and Druq'gist,l DRUGB, MEDICINES A.ND OHEMICA.LB, TOILET SOÂPS, PERFUMBY SHOULDER BÂCES TRUSSES, SPONGES, Aitu AL iNo Scir 0F DirtGGitr uTs' iJNIÉeU VSALLy KIlT iKW A - FIRET CLAMI DEtUG ST'ORE. PHYSIOIANS' PRESCRIPTIONe (dardnUIy. oomponda&d niordm sailavertiviitc ao -an& dospa"o. Farmors antiPhysido b rmlte country' wiU fnd', our ktock of medieines complote, warriàtea geiluizI, -4 i 1h ORNE BROOK AND DUNDÂS SURBTS, 'WUITBY, ONTÂBIO. 07y-4~ ICHNA HALL, «ION o0Vmm eE 10JUG (EEGIT8U) 71 KING-8T. EA8T TORONTO. ay Nod.room Sou.. .0lvPlatsd rues a uttnler Ocoeaft. Silvor Platad O.k. Bakets. Rodgol Wleasud Fbrib T.TSLIServers. ==,for Lla i, ., . w7hite. etué Vers m, eo~kht Rlote sud Bar Goodu. GLOVE REIS»ON, importe.. 1 N S U R.A rN2 OïE. ONTAIO AUES Mutual nUalC oy EEAD OPPoB, BOKS. HTY Ooabnl:by JVST LOSES PROMF'lLTPAID. Whiêby, Aprilm 17.-le pRom IX E INSUBANOE 00. Lombard St. msud au ri Lu ESTAELft*ED Il1792. GTTILESPIE, MOPPÂTT à 00., Agentasflr Oauaa. R.W. TT"E, Agout Wbitby. Whitby, ApM MPI, 18 1 BE~IEAMEBIA à. . B11L4 luaroceao5ois a lma ovutora Agent, Wbliby. Whtl ,ApUi«1878.m1m WHITIY Geo. Cormnack, Ir UMBRIMERCHANT h BUILDEIR. Lt -ÂArgU mply of Bufldoru Furnlait- lu sanal Id of TwIstai MoldIng, D>oorus, su d Bilind. LUERER vholeasIisud ratoa, or by by th. car b.d. Pleolng, M4oudlngp of every deacrsp- dton Plooriug, Sbeeut, Shelvlug, R.- aswlug, Saplug. Turnlug. Scrol-wôrk, qtc 9 etc. Vhlibj, 0.1. 101h, 1818. .-a ]MY TO LIJM. The undarag»ua bs .TTmoUtof Mom- .7. 1.uudupou Para or ToPropeity, s uunaflly loy Rota09 inbf laei zma a".""14 la sana' Oinuibwr tires, iinh, sud olitu JAMls IHOLDEN, Apri 1 MMi ià7 Wblo "Tbon-camêlh6 aveulug vit ia B. ~ A jfri.i.1 a1.u~-- allld ruaauti-gld»; s; bbanquceta, - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h tolt ri* ia prýa1.ml. Tt Duhe, of,-de roue, lAt, laatrendit jour .s- w Jmeibotlss a nsd Iii. eat., i Dobermlnino b o juilWlaU lt. SýMUialdpy .hada aMe alni ' oorparel. n i,.sta. oh..ebtoult u inoa l.te rnîftlh sd' 7u ar -. upoalngr ar1lqa alw afuotuth a a i b h Go toMuu, o - duiyvith cars, dng,:-p*. or4ul.bsoùyfîe a .tit hib deigit -~- be nablnion n wrougud bl s Seean blesýnUe-aL 1 Whto pray o noc 1-M sud tunn *a~sg) ~loonuo zdOi in vltuai nWRluoyr i ý ttI<!. soonid Koepi foin dhm va, ia dito l 4 £srs4Tto Ian ifquamo- xoBuaatoA ne d op taig .,em soq- O Natre oia uifà Orly su g ou10 igt. Thte ord, D otancor- Piti.u4g &»,0 . L& 10 1l'v*kýotbo pmpw. ±if 70 c*b atslk, ooh sÃ"ü ld w*on urnfimveroal ititory.To-ltr QuarolaatoL é9L~ynr-Wdaor yourlvis Lord p, *ho vinlobd i 4 I ditasolor, it h~ê , nid r ta i ,,&of trio bli"-domabUuI lite- - Iiiiig4we y, sIumd àoi1do u le.,ie.,,a1dO.,*aiu.7lb bo., "Z, note a l o t org U D iusa e -ni!O an, g -v .-1m- aho àuféto ie m.,-sda a be ol;mre s T ILS DK. Mia gtai out tevarUmm, tli sud eloull fur, ano isatt sair noble, sud ilb" t4ér:m or mou. of !itaSolai iýdleéo b mu to iSOSII1yltaI nolbh "- u out tmht aloo¶sYb.~ i olste .mplexioz, it quil. Dose,-bi amI uoclao pflita u~1b ty foi vblotli~oblltyofllmgSht thto pon Dotnatflb. itlbual,-ew'*onmi- alul Moevilmb oUAi cieamlabiâat p lta. êemam & t e ibèea ,wMse»aair' aboie "litsambly >là iokada Su voulti comoefrvard, if -tui a ullbol.ai, >ris éi oct,. lis aountrA f il-roorh t.Wita WMu tlIdeisys frout itio bonoit, msu Moo ha scorlu in et~ly ~oof 2h.youg hit.bah nol .xorlead Ibay w rok of vi ri bo liob.hé mhrto , Do - rif$p, au ofthe, "w thaet.1termuatiouo!lii inr #y>. -Ho vua M aliaer asul, bigitl> eoupdèred,-irUlyi but jeta morsm 'but-bf mollOty; . Hobai bout tIlafor ye-.Tiqfi Ipotîthae atanoo 10 amj wvLath ]Mdrla* ngai Esaioibtool InIlîf a ~lird ta lt " e.dl.mâ -sk ti si bq aI 01, and,1s.; Fe focotcuneî mugi cf lthe Mtiddle sgt ÃŽqutsi. au. order Bnlitelv more out Li u. wUm LAdy viO fa ot ir Luo oy. rfo , I omMbfler. i qùtu6luitat amiual, ud, spVt aru~,pedeétley iuafftotad. i, Rert gduztAromro ot&»wY. - Se-re.imh buO ïo-dioobut'tié *a4 iitt a4à "tls dmlutom Ti.hWcuit. - dii ýuoiite .1 aemoai.Tho vobmou bogax to&-4-bZ lats, lia uton t. ot.-LaiI ALto iaing. lAit o s ab o tlàaun to lta héarge h immt Wi lstysip Maltida& .osaby 10o o tý bztlwoubot eerie. 'No lime vai te so I a abuot Tite huho begmu tt 1.k bard Ãœii %bout bis aId friend sud uool-follow - sit Lucius. A groom boom vWul.bav$ çv [mnhe oino i ohr;but *o«0" 11k. jan i nter iitslr houeias te ou bit itobanh'afiand. Lady Apitro. horbiL ct5 oulti mot-refrain fromt oxproising ràPldi W, ' Quvi"tlo hiat Sir Lucius woilld býain e etiàpy té renov bis acqrui t oiV ues with lie Duko of St. James, and a>ýlop' ào Dut. of Si. James lmmedialuy ir éf. WW4F-iitatbêouli laite orliaat op- kriib portunit>' of giving hlm ltaIý plosoore. 'euq, ýi.ý'- 1S(OMi eonauitn la117 hi uah lbh Th -e,( ' r»C mopt, 1h a' ieu hi ied, "8ULPHOLINE LOT1ON2' I :~ ALRCHITECI'URE IDRAWItiG AN» PCD IAI Prmptlj ras detivIito "ms GMURCif O OO.AND So cHJTE à A. A. FOU.1 oreubor 1o PuelsI icering 4-if) P. . Bc802=Wrurmy g detatu et-- l pa4 2ulld«),4]çw Tork, li as *l£* OMEPtbriCLE e ti. Mo'NEY iTO ,LO AN W. ILSY TRIES. - -'Oam irer Om TTAMR MNEWK L Annum. ~~vertlae- ~ ird $uait aubu~ VOL. XXV. WHI~~TI3Y, POIO EO~I~ natlon. H. en-nooeaL P OST OFFICE SALOON, Tonoo. 11lI.. 1 Dominion.'WoodWou s IV .LJL. JL ÉÈËýl

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