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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1881, p. 1

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INE WUB NOIL av,1R lim-,&"y aY Wlthbciim Pdû*5voé ni itgi and unlnn ldsiry,. veé.-ai WH[ITB«Y, :0'T~i F .01 JII4I~ ~ 1881. -t 'o J' - Muet b. LU vd gÇ.ý Business8 ONTARIO DÂNK9- WHITBY BIRANOXL, THOMAS DOW,ý FAREWSLL & RUTLBDGE, B &EBIBTIRS, ATTORNEYS, SOU. citera, Notartea Public, sud Convey. sucera. Orne. firet door gouth of the Royal JAMES EUTLEDUE, B. A. J. B. PAEEWELL, L. L. B., County Crown Attoruey. 48 MESSRS lUTCHXE &AIILLINOS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT, LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c W* 1 It *l Ta CI H. RTHE W. H. BILLINGS, Toronto. whtby. BARISTERS ATTORNEYS, SOLIC- ITRS OTARIES, &c., &c. OFFICES -72 Yenge Street, next the Dominion Blank, and Corner King and yonge Srets, Toronto. D. A. OSULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. Otobor Grd, 188. Iy-46 CAIHERON1, APPELDE & Mc- PHILLIFPU, B ARU.IRSAtWe-auaLaw, snd Solcitrs n Cann No 4Toronto eiee, Toronl HETlA~l,900 . 8APELU, Ar ' 'UPeiUWP8 ', y48 JAIRES KEITU GORDON, ARISTER & ATTOBNEY.AT-LAW,* BBohlicior iu Chmacry, Con"voyacr, Noay Public, &o. Omis-Dandae t.. fiaut oor West o! Armaroug's Hotel. mène! to Loan-Privato und-st low JOHNM A. McGILLIVRAV, (succeulor b n. M. Howell.) BABISTER à ATTOUSBY.AT-LAW, BNotv axBublict &o. Soicitor for thbe Dominion 1 6nk ffic.-Next door te mansiou noune, UzkiMge.Ont. .26 L. T. BARCLAY, 1A BTTER AT LAW, OLICITOR sucer,.o., dc ces Strett, Ombava. TTORIMoI-Tà&, OLICITOR.., ,Omc-Iu the Osfie outh e!t the Pot Offce, inu MoMlano Block, Brook Street, JOUX BALL DOW, B ARRI8TBII-ÂT-LAW, SOLI01TOB in Cauncery, Conveya.ncoe, c.ý omcie-Deverill'uBlook. Brock treet, Whtby. MIONEY TO LUIN-Privsle Peuda - luaumoa up te $8000, st a. Iow rate 91lu. torest. . (lY-62- RO tiroNSON &KeaNT,&o OFFICE-Id VlcLo(A Chambea, No. J. wP. i1193 sucer, &o. O£fle-DeverWlla Block, Brer G. YOUNG S*5jTE1 3.1B. O-octeLosa Orrs-Over Dominion Bank, Witby. J. IL (4ALRM.TH, 31.0. G-1 RADÛATE ef Quoeensd Victoria UUniveritie.,hIdember oet "ii o flop cf PhysicimandSurgeona, OU14%ÏMôt 0vrn5-Broekdt., W by Ou., (traee àFMÊbk rBTX< lnorWdon *Il th CInOMMElR0AL HOTEL sud STÂBLES, 8ad udýiejarvbeitreet, Toronto. <socm os T mcozuzmnrf Tie but81.00 a DaV Houate iaclety, oniy Awo blooka from tii ohieuDpt.sdl Ïtha Market. Tii. Hfoua. uasabeu ewly vlltedout, sud oerytiiuîFlrat-cIsa. 1-4?) ERS. WALKEY'i% TEMPER4JJCE HO USE, DUNDAS-STBEHET, WHITDY. Good accommodation at reauouable terme. Boarders $2.50 per week. 4 Rc>siN HoUS.-TOEONTO, ONT. Tii.Palace Hotel e1 Canada ReAtted, nhtfnria, and Univalied. New Passen- &te~ pcesi -c - 82, $2.50. sudna plradY. Mem os f Clubs and othersdlrn reemer, withont board $1teu20 da Pcb. 211h, 878. Proprietr ROQYAL HOTBL, WlITB«T. The abova bot has hein thorougbiy renevated sud refurnlad sudlanov un- der tb. management 0ef lIAMCE, formerly of St. Lawrence Hall, Port Hope. Every attention paid 10 o et£. Bae bll amphle o , for Coiu- BRBITISE AMEEICAB HOTEL, R. A Y - 8 (LATEs;Moason Resi.) W HI1T BY,0ON TA BI1. Rouie uevly renovated and f urnlhed tirougiiont, sud put in diret-clais arder for the receptlon of pguel. An omnibus tu aud frocu &Iltràan. . irat-clansatample rmome. S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, JCor. ing & York.ats., Toronto, Ont. .A. O'GRADY, -PROPRIETOR. Taux&, #1.50 ra» DA. *(ly-47) POST OFFICE SALOON, ToRNTOro. 9W TRE BEST ACCOMMODATION wlu for Oneti. fly.47) _Of'NTARIO îlOT EL, BJBsocx.razzr, WHITDY. JAMES T. JEWELL, Propriet or. (Laie te iBplaln« Rotel, Toronto.) Good Liquorsansd Cigar. Coxumodlona tablUng. Flt-leii Livery Stable aud Bliliar Parlour attached. ly.16 08HliAAROUÉE, tu<e iuuRM, SOBRAWA., Hi.CHESTER, -.-,P»eprietor. STistitree-etorp. lan sd commodions Rouie fi "dt» ,tesu rnae suit lthe vauta ef lb. trw ia ulc'Table OUp glIed iti the. chèlces et heasema. Tii. bar euppUied witi lhe bout brandi, Uiq«c»esd- cig"re. Buet'%0 sud frori il&- tien. Ample oelarom, cantal hosz. PIIP McCYÂNN. - .Proedor. Bst Liq uorusud Cigare. Avefl sa- pfied table. Airy bed.roomi. Com ti. isbllug aud large yard roomn Charges moderato. 4 IDUSIDÂS-BT, WETBY. The. underslged"vould lutinate te th. publie thâa <lthé above »remît« h ave 'boud nevîy y uilta sud $*8 p througiios, for thc accommpodation, ef guosfIs. But Wiuea,. Liquor o-4, igare TMB OREAPA OF CAT"OA"-*ÂU L»CLR. Aluopure Rine Wiae. or ~wbc-le- eand tiLaiit Boardemetskata by the vëekhon mîder- JOSEPRI A. BAITDELL. July, 28tb 188. 2 Coq. Fier: k Giosea Se., TOROSTO. ÂLPBEY> OXFORD,. PBOPBXETOB. (Laté fleIntuHoeMrlaa) TERS, 1.0 EDY Go tew iaig for over4M00 hrses. Pbwit-da« è0ca. modatian. lmformera anAd Me travelli* public iugecterai.fLY- E . RUPPEL., instrumental Mne*a.. ai-ffl i ala eis sude$ c Pasfa.Ps, to aetp*vt. l Remdene-O erner stnet *ooit readece01et r.G. y Sm, MDinas trect. 1.1 ~HELIVEY USIR aS-illufuture oLé~Idn bmae à le ebla e pM thgee! lb pu. G?' herossand comio Irtbl eiclea. - ne..O. PR NGLB W. Re kOWSE, Chemist and - t)ruggist, DELER IN- DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICÂ.LS, TOILET SOAPS, PERFUMERY, SHOULDER BRA.CES,. TRUSSES, SPONGES, AND ALL KINDI OF DURUGISTO' SUNDIES UIUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLAB U OsTOto. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Csreftiy oompouuded, au& 6rdo s ansvre vwih care msudedspetoL Farinersansd Physiciens froua tii.cmpftry vii flant uistock of medicines comiete, wuatd gaine, ana of the. best qualit. CORNER BROOK ANiD DUNDI8 STREEJS, WHITBY, ONTARIO. (Y-10) CHI NA HA LL, emaoor THni ae Pe REteam 71 KINa-8T. EAST TORONTO. Faucy BEnsiansd Tes Sots. Faucy Dinuer sud Deasert Sts.. PmncyBed-room Sets. Silvr Pste Kuves Po il ud poona. Bdlrer PlateCrutel. sd Butter Cool«ra Sure. Pisted Cake Baskets. lWgd aee MYviasd Forks. Tes ye sud Servies Ploywer eh"«e for Lt lya, "c, &o. laasv an sE eriptIns. 'WMt ote 01»»a, îvery kini. Botel sud Bar Goode. GLOTEBRHABsson, Importer. Dominion Wood Work8, WHITBY. Gea. Cormxack, lugs, an Ukn ôe TitdMolding, Doors, BSsan sd BlInds. LUMDER viioleisal sud retafi, cr by by tii. car losd. Plarnn, àKouldingu of .e'dec- lion, Ploorlalg, Sbeetlug, She rg, .- tswlng, shaplaag, Tunlg. scroil-ork, etc., etc. Whltby, fOc t 14,188.-0 M ONET TO LEET>. il* uil ned bais *Î esueut oofu- eytoLendupon amur TevPopty, ai numuuall'eu v Balaime Lesamu bea»pe"din smmito mit ber. for sale cbi&L For furuLr particulaa aply th -MmeS OLDENq, Apni 1, lm1.1 IN SURA NdCE. ONTARIO FARMERS' MutualIns8urance coly HEAD OFFICE, ,BEOCK.Sr, wDITB. rPICOMPÂNY tins Fvaim EUM. JL ng, CunryChurobes, Sbo Rouis, sud them Continti, at rate sias a, s lias. of uy vafl.estabblid Comansy J1JST LOSS PROMrLr PAID. J. B. BicKELL, tlethe tact chat ia t"umewu b.Newj York ohumoea ould bedmi up qýdurDçg the varuam=mer moulue, breaks oUi At a dorvy looâe Derl, felingas Aubea vatobed Inu ht MOIviiem thi fm us vas<hI agUra -Mid lb.e nani iimumanlg, tire' bhia m Wul a humm'l Of lb.euimegdays iacomlnu, vi'wbi ta bsvRebp "Ereytilg lelorspfris 1 "on lie pareoa iuid aleay, Wlllb glay msktng redy for tiair an- Thnltarimand evMemud 'rtien, sud Shal b.epl semy 11 lk.. feelialto They vii 4U b. Ssii fona.. O#TbietonMe a op eddtiati lewhon the. Ann u a wocié oIhii Or~thateue iendo Do dratsis A tu t.ph.ir ingittm Notabiut h os~feom, tei s "s«-gfrrté hiilsu0; * inl. toit tue eàke.anl.P àlands Oth r oam thTbnudlaaidOume dock tb c regn lands, Then the vastu ionocgegtona eek t.beir No o m o d"aal-t1ne, ilathe~ , o l ikiÎtîu, 1? Heen te catch themn in i bands. 11, via neyer amn aficted vith thé vayi 1 bave d.sLowe, Or to eh i elatuaddicted aithe uap. bordeA"nd se e --; 1,o vocl rk for gloy, vltk m=y part Thon te.fl IMnY tamoe, vblch th, Iamn viti y7u, neyer fier In THfE YOUNO DUKE. (A iMorai T4i., tho .gag,) ' J IOPreaLdat1 IL e ISOSSTAS. Whlhby, April Mt, 1878.-le nau FmEEINSUARCE00. Lombard St.sud Chinng Crime, LndeL1 aivAuIsEan 11782. GILLESPIE, MOFFÂT! à 00., Agents for canada. EW. TIRE Mmaae, Wmenns A BTSTALISRD la CAXA* AganlWbltby. Wlby., pg M9z 9. 1 OHAPTER IX. Mr. Dscre Ngmn 'rote 10 th# Duki of St. James. He regrtt.d ibai hu bsd bon sbfflt em, home vhen bis Ce bad donstbai liath@'or cf eslIW "Mg aioaseI DArM. Es ift a saaeiof "l Itendsdgstfoalu h. could vw" «se, sud veuW -vih m ar,bhave poslponud hie riait - orLk.Eslo regr»qts tuit vould mot heinhW pewerlte it Lon- don"ti asp~sdsi.iini chaîneo for"h Ureabube lest a basi meso urti begd'li.t foardbagocmsi.tauk5a wui theuanmnte,. vhli h livei oiAoeus saun t uit 10h 'la nsl .~aua psrty, à"mebi na- iflo. avent,- sud à le,#wrWb',m»PM- h~~~~~h ,rna, Ia nnai wl mmag thon a thie 0younfflqdA even. fer badii Ho, p eani b* taieti 1rt &n-to Ohhonbnd o orfA mule i T1ao i o erqiy 100 lntenuely ,ex- briliap mliln the otillion aaad thé quiillfl, liasaatitssd lb. gallopi At uo momint o île ite h ad tii. Young duke feu existence go inhumae. Wberi *vier opipoê4 hie eye h. feuna e- spoaqdlng <lies c'f beauly'ýd adimi.- ian; viecrter b.o-ntnôd 'hls ai esch wlupewed toues 'r n otsud îvîei aiw enlng, pscb *ord vwas adoration 1t-His mout dl)led b.glryofthle* cene iiii pammouns.9W alcmt aernmaIed i spin toi milge'in bo- eit.lb, l lik a' mareh' menely 1e rueel, li ortl vilch vorshipped' hlm.- 'The'ides ' i sublimïe; 'asitI pr 1 ' h lm lmprs*kteu ble ? lu ch., inidt cf Lis spiandor, ho. (.11 mb a rre, e;Sud mumed onta imanifcence. Ul* meld iolnorsit~cnIto Faiat hi me ue, hi or e4WmelfohW #ne> witiba .eboutm i Wiàh isu Assurance tOompany' 2 eppZrUaally, ma th, - patron. F. A. BALLÉ Mssug.r. afte <*$î MWWIo mrals mmuedns eoba hélmeud u»"ecaielva eaeor4 mu on sd att, or.mars St*auuVe 0V AgSut,'Wbtb ya anocs cfa&Z Wbllb, Apnl 91k 3M8.18 her, 11. esou wsm baq,"-i eollxnbre [ne, but a iggal do Ilbti'g aiG amore 114 f lia uel.Noe, if you ha c6ud.Seuqdlê o te e m.'pdniie nilhtarpes4 l~rmonê~- "Kchalumfà~asutbal a&Uuring, nor"vo trong." She a *vlha toùgÈîm "*aW,-axulhoe as .ber eoulp -wi$lh J"ý a Ye. na*pldsud giyer tuie.; "sud u r' ual puiphaie, yenut fîPresent.- f ot lYtil,' sale. bi bj edaBsaho uAb-, -eselboyt'! iid the' t1 gelsng youug nobleann 'bo :abborred,b tiof nom hogeomeii Hère 0 'tie.li, and thia, eudi sud glir. me yonr ire..l'l - id hiesb4ck upon hlma. -Thera, noWhie'" .eoutls4, le. &ph"odv, -thon. à ivo huudrec a mà_ci'laiidr. _1w1 ulasuedhbie ho sour- shoomau."Wolt AniïiÏ i~ocy. Yen knov ~ "I sainte yonc ~unesley, mpa&iarg i tbaistory about Le~ cuit. unIra, anA vs rauee a nu c. DRAWI0 AND 8PECIFICATIt BU IL DI iG82 iPzmptly ntlivwt 9= Cdorreeipodence Rsspatialy Seliu Lise 'rti Lau6712 A R CH i .glay h MONEY .TO'LC Apply ta-. W. E.ItLLINàla J~ ~ ~ ~ oui "Bo~fc-ve.nsl Lng tew losb'0" VOLO xxv. oS îerbood. --r 1 ý -, 1 lýjllllýé 'lu ll"ý

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