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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1881, p. 3

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QNEQOFTE LÂGEST AND BBT ASS( STOCKS )R00DS1 - lu »msýnresa Gpod d <aheo ux Silke and Satlnè are unequa4 ledrn ~e(~o~Sh.deëd "Ombie" RibbonsÉ, and whitè And coem Laces LoW -prices ni W1ite and FiguxedMulnPit&. Oti ~rfliie~fris nd Bonnets are unequalled in, sityle, neatness and value. CL6flIING! , CLOTHINGI CLOTHING! Large anad eigpt t stock of, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds anxd French Woràted Suitings. offered at pioes that al'ways please. HATS: the latest styles in Feit and Straw Hats. WB CANNOT BE UNDERSOLDI - OUR GGOODS ÂRE NEW I "THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE CLOTHING HOUSE." Thé -Reason Why Six reasons.- why buyers of Dry, gooe do- better in inaking, their purchae BRLCE'S NOTED CASH STORE, ODD FEUOWS' HALL, than at any > ther house. lst.-.--The goods are sold for cash only, so that the cash paying oustomer saves the extra amount to be oharged for bad debts whioh is the case where ,païtt cash and part. credit is done. 2nd.---The goods are all marked in plain figures and sold only at the price niiarked, thus giving every one àn assurance that they are quoted the lowesti possible selling price.1 3rd.- -There is no accumulation of old goods, 'as the pur- chases are made with 'the greatoat care, and ehould any material not be readily sold, it is immediately reduced so Iow ini price that a speedy sale is effected. The stock is -in consequenco always fresh and desirable. 4th-;ý--T ho stock is being replenished every dît,- and- every novelty for whioh there will be a probable demand is shown earlier by hlm than other dealers. 5th.--Every customer is treated fairly and the utmost eni- deavour inade to stisfy therrequirments. 6th.,--His ever ext-eùding business enables himw to do better each s'ucceeding m6th, thus,-making -the present the best opportunity for buyiug the best an4 most fashionable gogo very cheap. Vour interests demand an -early vi*sit to this.justly popu- lar establishment. ______ROBERT H., BRYCE Whitby Townahip Council. cunolimet purenant tg asdn. musi;Ai IM hemcben:reroni &W.vs in the ohé*r; minuto W eeting us sSspwoe. eve rosa 1sff-- Wad on t*0 tale a loUter rom Mesare rswel 'à Ruildjge onooruin lb.e suiotheb.Qu=esa.stheb. r*ud ¶ronIt ~I1Way. alec cas rom 37. W. Smith ofm~ng, W rosi à portion cf ithesilo, eues1fc, otà botween lots 18 and 19 *inla Bib oncession. ' Mù. Smith gives notie t ho uli at the July meeting cf ibin COUnDCinl. troduoe.a By.lsv to »sp itacoleolor foxtIr t ownoblip.etl'h on tucii ? eK. Snib, eoed by Mr. uBl.id, reolreA that Mr. B. A. Bradabsw aud Mr. Wm. Heron ho andi are héroby appolnted on bobsif cf flua Township W0 examine sud report to ibis Coucli on value cf abeep billeS sud vouadeA bolonglng tg H. H. Span. On motion of 1Mr.-Smuth-eeoonded by IIýv. Biokie * Ey.plsw a ntvoducod sa Sps~dfor lbhé, pclnment cf of ,i' qs fýci roade loy Ibo preseni jear. ' 1 - 1 .1 ù; Bloble soondol l>y Mr. DaviS- eon- mirés Ibsi thé, marna of Frauli Warre n d liohard-Peubal as houcle. mun for Wm,Wlakett'b. and ansos - by accepisd b.ý bleOcnoli. Oarried. Og motion cf Kv. ' Mtheuson sec. eSom à OM, be 'ex ede n teabiblI opposite e, 10, gd om* nd sudfiaJ.,L. Smiiu ho 'sulc lhiereby appoiuted comuulseloser taopond, the Sm. On motion cf R. Bickie, seconded b7F Mr. Smith, eîýsv4 tbat 1he' OCUi do uow zMeuas loto oommittecf the wbIétî '4flia'entitled iiv.iv-te 0' *bol@ on îiW lSy.law.- iltee n letii.chair. p rose 'Sud reported prog. g ofih coluncil. 4celvoti sud adcpteîl, sud 1*alagain aM fie uoit c f Mvi. Davtdsion steodeci uwo, vesovad fluai Ilbm auteillzd ce aro Oi gi Treaurev ýla nov eujon-li t he firet MonDay in Joly. thon tb meet lu tbe Townshlp Han. b he ur cf oee 'o0cod P.M. CarrieS and Council adjouruod. Thre Prince of WaiostBaires, .Âoot 'à oh14t.-Tbe ?sPrfAe,- W& ,.ttkswanwon eûyb7JÈi oist oond, &an Lord Yeimiouth't Great Carl fi . ' WL en ose tat Xi. Pere LorJler-d'g .c. 14 ch<*eci451La n l*eh.ýtylnetl A, follk bgVltuatyý br. qartra f a mlermbme iteMusblo ni 'rosi0'alei ytho soine t'otte- utlb lY-vy, be hbu yne es old i s:oud frn4Gol by hat a loilgilu <ro eolools. Gxe fil tLe vauay causeS by Uie 4oath of $berie joba H10i*voiT.l i&ic'tue'he niomiuutlonvill talus plagon 'Wednýe day, 3uùe 22nd, sud"the Pc1Hlýg on the dallb. lid u an 'tnuivto onvi 4 gciung on., Dr., Everlqn, of, Bsibsuy, le tJo ooServitve po"mee, %a - Mr. , W. H. useel, >of dilbrook, sav farmr*ethoLgoioscif Uêuoa Convînticu. Tue rport cf 1th.conri.mïavlti on cadet Wbjtakar., ,9cf Wee#t Point, -15 nnderstod 'te cude theb. truiti cf the À horrible tra5o lu voung girl@ fox Immoral P'rosa lsbAeeu diseoverod la Lado.En. T forcimt4.weu rieS off by s banlof .IsiesA fâueiimn * P.a iO serr-Nohou»s aoulA hoe vtonaboUfle of I Hagja elov ii lahi 6 casac ouent. Theolnoropaaiso 1e m.uy perinspet cure, or re»sv80 much eu nd d s 4m1 by cure-ci, u adiy the-te 0 au gif- mercy. nec a vesk t hak~orm'e iyunil,. understanil me," remarked bisefiend, "but if ye vtgel veai bacbryBuo BlocA Bltt8eg.,.i umu from dioya*d ei' mad I. the bst purlftug Tsonie ini be oi AUl rmedioeîdasqruppiy sMple ore stl10 entagulserale110 TOIMW 11 isa b6# ma- tif . KiDnev - -- - - - -- ~ i,,;h~;~jj .,.d * - - ~'~'cr -~ R~EMARKABLY LO r i -ncaeordere3 ) of i n$ 4 1500 Y4RDi S, 0F NEWCARPETS, in,.7ip>Union, Kidermisterq, T ty n od~~g-I ~ atr 2CASEIS' 0FPRINTS; à Whlesle ,p né tô1 and ShirtingàIàt*faý,, prioe"t DIRESS GOODS astonishnl cfa.milI4EYa ra e~to. DIRESS andMantle mlaking. TAJL0IRINe-7to o-ôreat-pnA largetuok of Tweed Su1ii4- 0-d O tings Whave purchased an unusuall r t c~o ESar LUAS ece~~ tvneandwZ861todpre& A fuli stock of Gnr1Goeis . ',u"' .. i T 2 m aetuvPriWELlhl,. q00.F !y, M 1'RODCEthI Âdbl. IN EW H.,~RT ISE MEN T S TOTHÉ FARMERS, 0F -THfE DOMIJ) [NION! If yen want the-Be WAE~ If yen mwant -the.-Best 'IK*ËL4R- If you want the 'Best 8L-)MZGHBEB~ If you?« t1ýeBs d-1 3IO~t If yoù ý*Wotbe iéBeet 1*ÂaAG ~ If yen wa.nt the Best BTUkW >CUTTER- If you want .thiç,est-FANNING'MIL If -yen want thà,eet;POý'W oi4-e41Udhdoc>n- If yoti' want the ýBeet ?UINERIZING H-AaROW-1 0,0 GQTO T -10 l OLD RELIABLE WIIITBY- FOUNDRY, ;,ý Where yen ean alwaXs ge; good vblue-for, yur mne,'o and every article beim.d togive yen the beet of salfbiilb August Flowerd cf Greens Auguat loyer -uil vainest he CIi1iO<1 vorld bus Caused mspy, ixuleton, to adops gensilar "mes, oxpectiag 10 rops arvweat for ilom"uee st theo44rese -,of Ibm amoit .'fII sMed- icine vas iancnéd î& 186%, and.for ibà cure cf Dy pptaanid >tivèrVola h, vlth choitrfece, s=b a Sor. ach Ocotivenesa, Sick Stomach ik Headache, Indigestion. Palpitation cltheBEmart,'Ver- cgecetc.,' it »nver ha# faikd go our kwcq. Three domes iIi roellev auj cscfbpesia. Tvo million hotties soi lt P" 2ice _7& conta. samples Atconlabiug the Word., For a perfect renovati l c ebanatedsua mfebled cawtltutl6ibO fisawe, u5 sud general decline, notblug gc srroly sud apodl p>ucsa emanent=cur asdos Eletri Bttea.Their vouderf ni cures are astoniahïinýg the world. For Kidnmry and llcarv COMPlaints tbey *r a uefet sft o.ý Do no give up Win-prf or Betrie Bitters viiipositivl cure. sud that vhare everythîug ise f ails. Sold hy &iU drugglstast aifity cents Î bottle. Given Up by the; Dctgors. Where doctors have IsAâedtocure, and have given tbeir patients up ta dit Electil Bitters have cou nbecun ueS a âa cure edoegrestiy W Itha1s.onaImeut cf sIL DWuesm cf thé S1M4é>Llvin, Kidue s sud renaa7 0rgaua are pcatlvely cur Elmotrîn Bitteum. Tbey Wiab*ly orsCou A Great Chicagc Enturple. T:lbmIrtt*1k the, Manufacture of Blectrie Bittera téloof chioago'greteai entsprlsss, Zivinu epom"tOP imnubéo tbauds. Thea -dw à;a rmsdy ttained for this vmend elrmedy is satouiablng. Wberever oce introduwe sad beomes kuovuit ile aial Imoble t upl he dainand, beeause. of their tru nirf-cungwbere aSl others lu To Éave ged besltb lb.éliver muet ho kept W aider, ltu unheslthy action Causlug biffious attacks, Jaundice, constipation, DY.POP IS, eadabe Bowvai Qolplainlsi IoA oersordera. IBr. culsons Semachl Bitter. tlmulstlie iver %0 bestuIi>êao- tion. ou te Homuss mrggiel odgeis ache fibsu Beauoz Buon Brrnas vii surely efb. tai,.aA osiiao Î ffte, eg the o et Icb N~~~A WLDi1 AN AUTOMAT BROWN &PATTE RON M N F'G -Co. ymawt î833. ' )~Zstab1jished ' FURNITUr& 2:thm #; -fe op -"-U-é - Theto the publicofor th v R iff,1oiIPTGg 14benu. ý-ibalove s B i . be bis 'o =modions n ,rea hoaesa , now in a boerue n nota Tii. emffuditure cf brain pover toc or toc eerely tulcbiidren duc yssti ~xsxiaeiitýO i-the c FOI j, AT 4p RJC E~ s i~ -~m ~ Nvy-k, 11q1 'ai g

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