~Y ISI~ECJAL INI O ut for us, ýwe ar e nowth out ýsomeBlIG BARQAINS FOR THUS MON~I*fl Se tha> spoc$eJ9t, of Figured'aud Spot Mualinsa a 12J cent~ e ad lo~fePit for 8 Md 1b~t~yurd; gdod brwn Holland at 10o a yard; a- good Toweling at 50 a yard; -o lZé S ï-,~i; e e aio pee of.Table Linen at 2ý, 27 and 80 -cents a yard. A large whîte Hoieyooirb Quilt for $1; Lace Curtains by. the psir or yard at Very low prices. To lear Oflt our Cotton- Hosiery, we wMl seil them at reduced prices, oommenci nit Ladies'.Wihite Cottoný Hfose 4 pair for 25o. See our Kid GIoves in ail colora at 500 per pair, really ood value. Dress goods Worth 80e' ofering at 20e. A pretty Carniage Bug for 85e. Gents' ýMerino Shirt, 80e ; Gents' worki.ng Shirt, 50oc; Gents' Box, 8 pair for 240. Gents' Braoes fýom 20e; a good cotton Shirting effered at 12ko a yard. TWEEDS!l' TWEEÈDS !-See t]iat boys' Tweed at 40, 45 and 65 cents-very eheap. If you want good value and square dealing, go to 0- F,.s 'MI" A r No. 1. DEVERELL'S BLOOR. iTHE PEOPLES' FAVORITE. GLOTEUN~G- HOUSE."1 The Reason -WJiy! Six reasons why buyers of Dry Goods do better in making their purchases BRYtCE'S NOTEB CASH STORE, ODD FF LLOWS9 HALL, than at any other house. lst.---The goods are sold for cash oniy, so that the cash paying, onstomer saves the extra amount te be charged for bail ebte which is the case- where part cash and part credit is done. 2nd.---The goods are ail marked in plain figures and sold only at the price marked, thus giving every one an assurance that they are quoted the lowest possible selling price. 3rd.- -There is 11o accumulation of old goods, as the pur- chases are made with the greatest care, and should any material net bc readily sold, it lu irnmediately reduced so low in price that a speedy sale is effected. The stock is in consequence always fresh and desirable. 4th.--The stock is being replenished every day, and every novelty for whieh there wil bc a probable demand is shown earlier by hlm than other dealers. ~5th.--Every customer is treated fairly and the utmost en-, deavour made te satisfy theif requirements. th.--His ever extending business enables him to-.do bâter each succeeding menth, thus makting the present the best opportnnity for buying the best andainost faahionable goodd very cheap. Your interests demand, an early v'isit to this justly popu-' lar establishment. R B R .BY E Birokona Arnica Salve. The But Salvv.iluthe orvoitfor cule, bruises, noe, ulcrs nat rheum lever ore, ttior, capp anduts, chu1llns, corna, ant i ai n epilons, sud ponitively cureopies. I a guaranhetite givo par- fot stsato or 810n07 retundeti. Prico 25 cents par box. "liTempor fIn-verthbn " and In' lhe pans thei. Butbro tol Ion co0epay the tatuper vIl b founti aUl hat ianho b. imr. ed. It ine-a happily emablcheti tact liai Fl. lova' compountisyup of Hypophoaphitea vii mtardvitalocnaumptlon, lucrossoita volunùarmmlar pover sud tiieroby hado t rains, promote vtally u facilitat. retcitlon. It oon»aeunlly e esmuthie weuderf ni poprty cf prolongiug humnan iteé. For holer.- Take a teaspooidul of Parry Devin' ]P.ln-KuIer lu hot vater, eveetanoti viti enger. Bth. the eloumc sud boveha fr.ly vi lie Poa-Killer t lhe mame imne. If lie sttack b. levere, cuti attended vili crans' ant i darhoea repeat tho do»,Me v.t"onlýunaiusng hot fomnations ou the bovels.fi - ex- treme es lthe dose unîy hbie areis e à o alueapo0ntor- lek'GagzCo06 Vegobi PIllaei eceog inty for lisel.t, vhleh la hot atecu ii* ilds.notua cMu viliatati isi uT»Y anction aneti ai Thaiy me molé vi vh -M "9Wber. have you b.ou fer a vsok 1*6k?" -ma O. ial ofbi .glbr; "I bave =a WI" bck,'retored h o, "yo ia.W utiartm4me,Enà kedhie biud, «butI if« v ata- veok baclctry Burtiok from dlaodreti Kduoys, Lior =2Booi ant in tahie bea ut lylePM no U vomI1 AU iin idl:4ms P( miplo htties TI ?ublic Speakers. Public oý masIngera wio %voult Posios bl. lmai edzafrônuiioars- Pochrai vlui,à I, Oor~at-e in hoasa for lb. lircâ at d cnM it AÙiL orma cf.norvona doblity m0 common. d thothie vltalilugpovems o'feuo ýC ilIn. -I la t he bemh rogulitor;,(thie LivrBovoli sul Eliiteye; the Mont per.eotBlocoPunflr"sud Perme- Dont Toute kiiowu. P retvaube, mal. anti plasmnth teteduifu in île .fts Ua &bailli m.toraivo. Sacile .bot. les 10 centi' Tii. Li'o, lhe Skia, lie, idue"ansd thc Boveais, smo i.natural leaumera - f lb. obso.m; teh.lealthyà oion by uit- IM.lé'crsrofuli-It cures Liver Complift-It cures, Dympepl-It curesa FemmI. Compisntnip pun Mis lie iloti. ville It reog$ieau gmlt sdvtaltylo the. abatterei eytsin.. TrW iabttl10 conte. viticu'i bottinof o!,Eayard'a Têo*U01 inuc os tadu. Thore isn o PrPýepaal cfem4d te smng ,ubm nly liaI ai"" c mu ehaalCuO.orSl!S A Gooti Thtag. G.ermsu Hymup la hhespeolal prescriptIon cf Dr. A. Bescioe, a calebrited Clrman Phyiisu, sud la acknovlega to b. ouac the Moslt ortunato e oo ifn Meifx u It qolcbly ca ougia, Co id aalLa troubles lof ti.avt n aaîrgtuergcl, as lb de",the. cana. cf lsJoinmi leavlng lie prteinlua itroüud anib"ltx O"oouio. ItAs "nsu eïùnmtddl M2,i Ciue, but bau boc t thetcf yean', glvint satisfactIon i ley o, viloh bmsraldly m«oiociti. cf larusent italy lutro. duosti. Kmela.' M na vusl> ttuetilu twi.Ulbsi ites Su1108z anl LîvTbrseclosesritli rliait &ehad sudocnstipaticon Bittearreeptusl vainabi,, Tisy prevont cbillia anu foyer, buiup theyoen, fortlfy it aginst con- tagion, sud lina, b halli ana vigor. lu largo 802. boihies 60 edm . W. R. ouae apeclal mgent for Whltby' lu iot voilier lie tilgetivo orgmna are mpollyable to gel disordareti, drualug a ?W1,lyfeliugatet po f momac, uaumoan vsutolrolslr food &o.i 6le*tdoso Dr. Culaen' SoniacBitters vil at once cfeot a oun. lu large bowtls, sily ec.a. i W. B. Houae'a Dre g 51r.. A Great ChiçoZoampriae. The Laboratoy foi th. manufacture cf Elâchrlc Bittera l oneetiClic*gp'm greatest ontorpriaca ging ompicymeut to alamqo numboer cf 4tuadb. Tii. iteiaave "4k roidy atilnsdlcnlbl vndorfel "Mèdeyla atenliilug. Wier.ver 'Oo nceluroduceti anti b.ooues inovu, il lnailmoel luipoasiblo tb suppl the 'Id Malbecauci f bl ai t a reasouible Ppri.(fiVy cent).- Auguet Flower. ieIenes le - n-, poil popnult villages inutho civilizeti vriti bis causead msuny imtatore 6 tô à opl sitaar usmai, oxpoctlngtje rap a iiarvot for lismaolvo 1cm. vwu tatroduceti lnu»60 atifrhe cune of DypoI&asu& Liver Cipa0s wih hhoftecim, surias Si Souah Ooshveniis, 88i tcb, 510ok -Hoatsce, tige, etc., etc., n «eOt hc' f.rld <o Our 4o ý1req, oseavinrelleve any Case cf IDyspipalti. Two , l.lllon bottea oiti luaI Yau.Prkicé Vains. -Samiplea- 10 Cents. To bva gooti beai tli lvr mruatI b citi rdur, Ils -ubeltalliilon à dsig b0kws atacke undmiee, constiption, PROCLAMATIO~N1 DOMIN ION -DA.Y 1 FJUDAT, -JVLY lot, 8. . Andi dbmae tihe as au puBLEO DAY à iil i capa l 13 cf wgutby. lune, 181. !BPE0IA. N 01,riOE Yenu iiifti csmpbera ewý Ameria, AianiMdAfrca- Wiln be supLioti aà PubUgs'iprias..Rb- NwVersion etNEW =TSTXT, at MRS. ALLIN'8, VdI tby]Book, Store. i Wbtby, l .27 ~EÂT r -"- -'- .7-i Dc ~AT 1; a..' - ~LI4w R E M A~ ~LOW 0F NEW K ?~KABY LJW ]aCES! Dulo1eorders 0foGrptà ,Pit~tr~ Goods, Shirtiugs, mflilin ery to hand. 1500 -YARDS 0F XEW CARPETS4,in HRemp Union, RIdderminster, Tapestry, and -Borderings- ail nwpaers 2 CASES; 0F PRINTS, a 1o~aepie.Cottonis and Shirtings at factory prices DRS GOS sonsigly cheap. M LÈER Y at a great reduction. * DIRESS and Mnt making., ., TAILORING to ordler at'prices-thatý defy comptition. A large stock of Tweed- Suitings -and -Coatings. * .. We have purchas& a unu8ualI.y arge 8tock of TJL4S and SLT(LRS, before- the advance, and will sdià tod rQe! A full stock of Gen ra1 Groéeries. Whitby, Jupe lGth, >881.- FA.R~M F10MM, -..r, W,-&I NEW ADVERTIBEXENTS. 1 CHANCERY ;SALE- "KENT MILLS," ISATTO TIE DEBER AN~D .Uinal ortier for sale madi, b7 1h, Court of Obancery for Ontarlo iluà asuit cf CAUX va. FR.ANCIS, ther. viiib. oiti by pub. lic aUclion,ýw vtg isupsb.ta 1Gog H. DartueU, Equire -et Y'1 HTE lu t4, Tovu fci hItbj, by 1Mr.Lv TUE8DA Y, thé l9th Day of Ju/y, 1881, At one o'ciock, P.m*) the foflowlug vainab. i th, rty Dezn1111grt feNo. il Whutby, lu tih. Oounty of COntario. V =n h.sd Moeryaarame four ata.ad e al a 80 f..t by 60 foot. two anti a bal aburisa high, viti th. necos- way machiuery. Tiar. are timre. n of &tous, driven by bu leftai turbino voter viecis, one about 26J luches, asud the othr about 20 iuches. Almo a fime store- liouse about 10 foot by W0 fest. A brick drylug kiln for oats. AÀloghoua, about 18-fot by about 24 fot. A1 trame bouse abbut 24 test squarmm. stoaaleiabot 20 tact by 24 ftest Tihe ti Of -v1tr 'là about 12 fest. Thore la aibout au acre of landi ntior oulyltiou. la about bul. ma about fsim milesfrl te tiiWbitby, or Thé pmrhaim viiib. rau i th le time ùi ialto pay iovn to 1à aVeutir o tisir Sollolloru, oue tet of th. purchase monasd vitiuone caiendar monti thra er ienet with 1h. ton par out. te miii.u# ohalthe uca. o.Ti balanelaf$our y.ars rambda"yot u,wu tatses tb.na st ésix pcent. lm n~m The. Veà dors bave a-6 ssve 1 b=-vxlb fi lnteuaaz t* as ! b.Auctioner. The. Vaudor rws lb. rlghtba 9e-mm The enorsord Abstract of tille "s u scblitho ta tri lu thum posession, but viii ot produe., f urui or prove any otier abstract cf titi. or poue. or ft«»"itany cUi tt-.dards or copies oft0 e ed or or prv uti. olier thsuby thé elata'Aurosd titi. «0ts a l ierî silin otior c .ditocf sl rel.9*~4 conditions o! ialof leëoutofOsury For furtior p houluapply *t essrs. IfcMicbaet H7oalu & C0gden MeuT.mé- Carthy, Hoakin, Pumb &dresimun*sud Mmorm. Mulock, Tilt, ýLcrthur h ýrwi lier, Toronto GRO. a. DA11TNELL, master. XclUIURBL, HOSEUS & OGDEN, Voudora' Boulotons. CHANCERY SALE FA RM-PRO PERTY Township of-' Reaeh. UOW*N w. C4KFwxLb "d. wtb h W-0dn déim ue OthDay éI. JUl' 1881.c ucinb 'el T M PI 84S N EW &DVER'1SEMENTSO 'FREýHSRAJERIS 0F THE CHOIOESTý KINDSI -AT- W. J. 191DSON'IS IIBIBY CHINA TEA STORK. DIRECT FROM HIS OAKVILLE GARDENS. FTOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAI L.1 £'The Trade supplied at Torouk irices. SpeolaL ar- rangement made with private- familles where quantities are used daily, and on arrivai ofed Train. 0~~ narvic TO THE FARMR'FTH-E Ifyou want the Beat RBiEP- Ifyen wung the Beîlt MOWEÀR- If yen want .the B.st &ELP.DUMPING-HORSE RAKE If yon wanli he Bet GRAIN CHOPPER- If you wn W CUTTER- If yen want>,tbe_-B ýII If yen want thé Best-PLOWS fer all Ida o d 4 If you ,vauýk th(kBest PULE1a HAI,0N OLD -,RELIABLt OW ffb F0 Wà ère e au, J.wa1yg get go4 valuefor _pny NEW 'e~~ s Iiii U VV t L» AD YBR' MÉCHA N~CA L dli £l8EMI~NT$~. I ~-~-- i r .ole ..iDY.l:1 ORGUINE1TE1 I~ AN AIJTOMATIIC IIEED .ORGAN. WmH OBGUI T Z ay nolw b.oalleda wclebratea instrueeii*-lutous 1* is skin btii bnth, Qrsa, butt he gran minsbe ,anipulatetiby au aitis in order to peoducô iel, muafo b.Orinetie iM'on the otber-liid &entlrely muchai ical i t -c. n , plt rffling expone 1* cun be made -b furnishain uùlniMt "THg, OBGU1NEITTE in ndeed à a musical Wonder., ltB aa mWatura iW or~ ihas utrong sun meein oel.Cbie ia tupa.t Osbinet organ foitret ssou l4iI lb.i ioramius lu muai. cati ýpIay- it s elu th. mord aoà omplUatprottasor. Theé(>rginette ,i. îtrong and cutlai mechalb. and obssquentiy not liable *0 gelot n of orde'r. ,M*ift VTEO0INZTTE Io: thé ost .feort aufim tà cmýsiot.Iliilu y,1nned lc e81lorlaunlimtW,the ton*ais e&kýygo. 1 to0 21 VOLTIGEURS STREET, ' SOHAKQFAhURERS -AND, PATENTEEL O(RKL,(111 -:004 Fine mcov*ro Feue Blà ok T cfa.. iftt 0-0souwK'eJ VE lu v Cottons, and ý 1 au