M8. ~1i a' ofal va a6vali, v0ta b.wx oeeri bloM Mnd on !botphaaaa*Va&e«8 of thbnemoq. #sf Mmay a dUbath w wf i ttY, la tbis MW 51 oltbave I bien ulnee 00oerme, cithobé.. é1W. Sppies d ltho. vanâbedg »ut Doesmg balb voken, wbethe 8»9 or -Or bhe a ia talo f neb >y in ma. 45 *,TRi. Beia o9 hamdon" Tb@houp meldlons bWh a Dow Hsrmod. U7oong Ina" w raglhead rundIts rebel Wtb h ir d.e%,ibratim and suplrag1lDs FU" a edonIonmadausa air lb. fatve But &0 me »eMUstweter the m*Mdlug mets. 0f th. slni4e lyrtUmeOet aocth.- SThs oeun ïo amn4an fabesa grveth"t riffs où thu' ivrd, WheeMo e i slqqIIDg fornbis man "nda vhite algi. flabea%rGodwlh' la hé Lâk* ý= ith lv MbAL sber thy "v«t s&«g Theaw â dft»ti- _ Z' the, The. aigu "»ovfr.)et D @ta*. O i~t~W wcl a@'11§Omo uà iýîîAeuoeîle saoos 11, hts*. bell. bebut Wlobesh t4 lbe tiiofac. e h U emli ger. Ajoungm 1 »eot sixty cents te a JE tflt'rd seimp ot "MIer01,vhlwu vasvitten: "Dont *0oto aleeP."I M.Ewmgen, DIIADlta the gaee is. Pre@y ela, wo 141 fê.ter *dot o nd ei- go smpiaogih n ie A beii ugogra~veu lmote1~I*lWI~ sp u i eol3e È-ke t ~ à . x*Iwy c.~ equnvMar *me 'am, ema dovis a-bre. bead 1rýb, mol e calstfou MUali rat? Why doos a mule kÃŽ1.1 vus for 1k b(d foolaau&aà , ep,ith -ils fore vi Why de giseu a.ccisother visilee mou do-net ? Becue girls have ucth- i lug botter te kmo, and men have. Hi "iTise frt lime a Yankee O sen v ent Gi lovied tise Ziâlariti-on of' Indop"end- Mi "Wisat la that dog barklng et ?",ea$à .~ eS afoep * vbiseboots vire men ol- laed than hia mînd. "Why, bicanas bse "ea w l*vpuppy ilu yaur boots," i ahi bindas' Tise peanatry, lu thé nslghi'hepýd T> of Trimoleaïne, b onurt MaXie.nny le' Bey, an re gn ex tcted aven. tbsa aidroe nophecyo f t. Kelega, sald te have F< ioenutterou 80M, vben tise aidsept oce cf MoCenty rulid. The carrent trans- J'o ltiuon us aus Ieiieab-elt, "la olgistien hunicd d aelghty-ne RC The strauger la undona; aid In Cregh shaU b. 8mu2, cf The nid-b.ouoathheb.green . In alghteen bandod sud ighiy-thre au mcCanlby'a sons«0are e; The =ren bove the re T nhé Ister a"d C .-Tbus'prepieoy babeau pnlntod aud scattenid fer and vljo threagh Mun»-co %eon,,epd ooplwýot hbave b.ea n t te t ýtie lIsh mëfbetâ cf Piparnansd na exhlblted lu the-lobbies of tise'Bouai. n Bhev *apetborfor-,tii.' ccltsW'vo' Cork. soya tIWO ieaof théiiiTninie-S haa otar ltie oting légenda as oam- =eln oeueuandexil ts bytis 101 ~us~te ave pensuaddébat anmedle isaatalbthélavu'WinsuolFisud ilub ,oZ*tÀon ot,'landondiaus and thé b daownfil ung4Iei rMila IMeM d. o A Llgbthause-keePOi'5 Adventure. ré' g~UMUi>D In arà a" OrFrnz-NTH B Thse bumning oftha DuSo lgisthouse 3 'vas due la the. ixpwoaleaofibaMP., 'The keepen vu à musS by tie r a fli 'theigdames luth. bnrnaWgAbullg,ý vhiuhf vaS tuvBAhn P vitha Parssuzr* ~t vould take tise peu of s Dickensato lx deucnibe thi perâaeoft1he keeir as tise bnrning on;' flétd, eut on lthe sei. hem- w miug hlmiriah a cirai. of fame ibreugis P vioc, ewnvo eescapeo* but a carrent lu 'fair rdivided 1h. dames 'vison ho )a e alme talion bctihe dopti of dia pair, aud vue =*&dY plunging lI t te flood rWdkug death by fdrior vater.. Hoe t eueeieâedlu rsaci"g a olump oi rocks, 'T ehicithse water did net, covrn, sud U viser. hi veited several heuresiamout $à clillaby oldlautil morne time latelu Bt tb. mrnonnng a boat teck bhlm off.Tii. people et 1h. vioiulty, It l aaad, supp-a, pceed tisai h. hba4gons ehoin ubis J evu boil. Thi. Fortune Bay Avard. accrda goteSir Obafisu Dilke, th.e ErlIsis ?venmet'gave up Do phil pe ïpa è,; £i5,O0Osterling te covon the loïe muslaea by _U» fdthormenla ' i Fortune BAY.- Tisa ameutlaoevl 1, eulve ;à mmi ývoulbiy lise viel ouMtfit sdma esle match cf tb. voyse ta' ot dieai; eMd lii. Dilà aisGovers. mapnferr.d l'e abrlit loua gohermeonld tek. ibeir ve.. tomsnob amarket,they would. ouly be Ãtoe hippy ta bome lb.e victime of ouI- nee= vey0: y.Bu id any Amenloan théermn sn d aabreak thé.lavr, they oea obealune advantage frorn 1h. 1ot,4 V Uhey be deait 'lin lu lgal, vay. Tii. Newftmndland fisb&'apn 1made othe e at, mWaeofSa tang *lie ;e luitno ei n v ueala, la Fortue 4a1. -Iftbyhaadcansthé eau"eeof 9 lie fmilugAnsnloa fiheronhey 9 iild îbav iyibenu :aotlaa ou tiuir t gisto4'aul the intraovainai dilmoulty, t ev .ettled by a paymust of 4i5»0, t onld not bave eooorre. TIseri'le ne Vmore roaeon viy t4h. Newfoskeind fiaiiurmeuaau h2 4b. llovol te Mb. l b th e l uÃŽtô o em o vb band , tisa' tat à othîr people should do ec ; and to jusil- fy tiret vculd b. te muthcnluô pt- va.van w, sud sauolly 1he nIgil of tS ulvtougosi, viineven bresobea etjlieuv ocourr.d. Tii. vsldbeaaaroy. 80 xiseh as 1mv fontlie final. Tise rWedidiouiiy,sud tise only eue tisaI y èIèWý7Izhèor zemapien IrMlcalI Java Eal.sa;dmcnet -edmilt. r Àwxl m.neo.aolg t vi e tm 'I a le lowing acocunte b. peid : Mn. Booth - comffl onWxn. Mtcha ut * a1dý ho va. ecleply dod et Wblai - le 4,' suda joie. oue i o l Lg grave for sie; cm ob"ruow >1er aupplied te the corporation, 410 ky mig, fon voS ou -GI, ton .#20, t- ad for building Mekvns oa reon River bridge, $de; Win; Mos ir. M. Brown -tonro0net" -Ub higbtW ildrno too. uoz t , 9 ; , Rgglus fer pvliisu aud aveill '7o Mn. Doker fr work on ot ill, #4.50 ; Chas. Green ?frbldia alvert on aide rosa .bolivien lots 8 ~i Lain &c..1;ClnPsIpfJad John WaIJio, 1~ tcommittie nobmrnad hlet lte toi. wlu - ets mnade, On tou 3&d, l front of let ne. 12 4100 Wn rreater sud'B.. Dale Cem.;Ou9i pu. ln bout ai lot ne. 14, 050; D. neyts n Ev amr; O4irosa lviien lots 12 and 18 ia adcod 5O ibt. Annan and Romernisn c On ieroaiotwain 1ôta 2and 8lin rea f 8t Ocu., &25; Jeuta John L.Jopea, om ; on !li ona. tlustoflot li 15 nd 16 #16, on condition tisaI tisepar%- 3a mnterested expond $25, John Bueseil Aie rocoSmsoud tisaitishe report of ,e Idenkbiomseasd John SBilr bo r.- otved&aiad.lisI lsy bo sppointeo er baVi. lb. tire>. bridgea oun8&Lcon. imaa Wnsaldarepr rpalnod, and r.- et$lppet.An i athe reortof-Wiu. reutesudanAJohn Biler .be noe*e ad esai tiey te appomiued m. te 1t18; te rAr. lise bri4lbiviéen rldgeinairont' otiot 15 inu8Md ce mye nopaisd -tise bridge on Kamo vaI ig~Dwua'Cmok, a=4 »0.b'i o itn naa4dà la Dsnau4 nouaI expendsd lu lis VillaOs 3ounisam for nopalrnu adal shob Midy te » raton. Tuat ths ern-. nlnutjcuot M=..Jans Lleerbe bm Ida overt ov.tirhientfcAutla On motio f Mn. Koove tie report Mnr. Fovmreueniulnodau-MamenA- " o0 t t e li e N y - i v i v a gi t i e M p i - read s«sAu !-teslva passod Mn. Menu»isoutnoduoed a By-Iav iici vas rosa tiroe evorsi timesaend maue', appoalng' <ueer Blatte over- mer of iîgisvysotUison ne. 83 lu- gtenid ot Tisod A. EnX. Mr. Ilooven moee'] latMn. Porret- visbe insirnotl te uoify Tho&. Bula Le properly buny cmtle ii. lUd by a G. T.RB. train, nov lying ou lot no. 1lion Lh G. T. 1. pnopeniy. Thse ame belng 1publie nuisiance,*nd gnsatiy endsau- genlng the publie isoalti. (oexvod. Mr. Mitchell moved tsuaithe <lounoil adj*= a ntil Monday 1h. 111h day cf1 'uly. Cae&a A vemnanu boit laalvays aWolafL "Wou I&,vi.- Yeu caDit asY I eva tontrua db bbil""No, .1v, you soloan l udave-mdidvd DQ -.DOW.EY CASH FOR WH EATt BARLEY,-PEAS.> MmD MALKXNs 0F GiAIN Mm FARIMRS'PRODUCE. Ao muppy of Wester cm nov on hba M'EIHST CAMH rICE o o oo Wbitby, IiarohQUI, 1M8. ÃŽ -a GreatestAqUatio C* n OF TEI As"i At Ottswa, htly 'let,1881. 8IK8LE SCULL RACE, OPEN TO MR WéIR.D, EOWARD I4AýN-LÀ-N (Champimon nmnofitlb.Woatd,) C RUEP7ER-B.Tt, 71 ,a' I/Next Door eouth.AJames .ý'hqtoé'A8Ient0 fI Uais oen uméà là tEé, ab ove pomues nà l'aow nru»nng i fullI-bet, wlere 0*erYtbxg Pertaiting te Tin,ý Sheet, or Galvanlzea Irou iste *anufaoture& in à workrnan- like mwwerT NOTICE sad,üt roasonable rates>. Ai'shd 'f njia , i shet-Iron vans couttly keptin ustock. Wlçko 01Lr, rL, ho. v'itvmaJ,.LuuJ. - 1 KING STREET, OSHAWA. Just received for Christmas and the New Year, a 1org-el stock of WINES and LIQtJOES, direct importation, Gin, BRUm, S otoh -mad aïsh Aie,,, ad'Guinness -ana BIooî-9 Godnai&Wo«et.ated 4 Rjmd alt ilat.h. buit la du tTeylerh EteeMsd -£lOW4v 1Sos'4 8 1Me " Prlran=Lg Pont aMdShery 'Winee, etsounorqumlty, et #5-00'14.00, #8.00 sd#2.5 Per ImpenIidep; Miarleli, Jules Reblu a n uuepBrandie. in od sud bottie. Jareio'sBnn'sDavileaUl ant' s Beotch msud rlai WhIuskYu Try our celebratoed Tody Whiakev.the finet WhiakeY in the maiioet. SP.r . 091.teosas ofaet*zen . EBoles- Ban Aie, botiled by oiten sd Poile h&Sos, laQitâ saal le gr=îhBn Tne) Ta lr&BatS t. Catuisue) Ale on drsfllan5. 10~ ~ ~ ~~~, su= Gllnunsu uBttel a es-toidoua qurte-mnA "vcdosea plit, ai 41.25peca . Tvo dosu boule. et #1.25 Pserceue. "lnomsssud Bbooeds Stoutlulaquatesund punte. Cocsgve h Bod' e bntid beu toc Si l pedomsuquarts, sud 75 eenieper dolen pInta. A tev of tseuatplewu igr ontnt l n a. PIc, FlUaPnos Tt -Fier de AIMA, Gold Cv ps Quo 94,04 ,Owad Dacises, Bout 60 Oiger Parnas, NseFias lltri, Qumeet tieTirf ,. C.,- - Veara 011 Bge, - plmi-dePmt, Lom ~Gà .aeaf8U, rSnl4 Bon& -er DOuble oda Wmtir.leà IrI quartsaMA plut.. lsrge or smll»U -d utleaa dIvsd . aobaao usonr lu Wily sMd vwciîy. Bot&lem ie1u15>ble v*hm mot daîeé bI-~'~ - '~' WbIer*iICnt7qIESc4 Do.. 51h, 880. J 0~~A-imTa'! Clièdper than ever, at hi8 new 8tore Tfie undersigned i etun4ing tô': oth é pùbl forthe pim par-6 nmêat beo ~& :být ,h.wi±ag removed *0 I~8~AP~~, ~ g0in'btter poûi1ion than ever Hià stock of Fnfre e4xce ayhaidsome sets, and avertig htcan be afldforinbulné sa n cisuination will ocerincoliaI1h.prices are iaw enough fa suift the imes. WM>. TILL. T TILQ.1RIN G ITARNE SS. WILLI4M«,THOMP8.ON in- th. Saddlme Rain eaulino; L-EATHÈEIR VALISES AND' -A'. LOT 0F- CHILDREN'8 CARRIGES 1 t ory t h adi n d Cheap. At the.0oll WILLIAM THOMPSON, Brook Street, Whitby. De.. 23, 1879. (1- D AILY LINZ TO ROCESTE]t Commenoing Weulneasy, 201h April, 1881, THE STEAMER ,GiENT S' FURNISHING H OU S E!ij(R RAFRD uWr of England sud (JsaisuTwceds, for SPPNG ND SUM MER ':SU ITS!1 Anl garments mude sud finishea in,, first-clnus style, sud ut modaeratoI pzices. Gentlemen vi» mye moncy bygiving a on» and oxaaiining. nbilans, sud a&U-Idnadn lof genta' turnishings. OH'N' FEZR GU S'ON) THE QLD STAND, PtOOtIiU4Y. * WB ARE MLAKING A NIEW STYLE of Photographe, n ipi,]fe-à ize, au entiel ;ROOESS NEW1 Oa~ t~d ~bbts furnished i the LEAVING Cobourg every morriing at 7.30 and Port Hope st 9 o'clqck, Ce arrvai o1 the Grand ïurnnic Nall'waj2traina 1fda r Hast ima West; conso gaI Jýeebater witb. the New York-Centzal Nortbêru Cen- Ogidenaburg Railvny, for alpointa Buai, W e a i, a d So u th . ' RRTUG-NIG pibaeeCharlotte (Port oi Rooheate) dsiy at 9 o'olook pan., except SatnS ay, he ah.vIN ave taISp.m., for Prt Hpedirect. eoiïtlckete and other information apply te E. sTZPHHZNSOX, Dominion Telegraph- sud Go L -lk fiRce, Wbitby. For arler infôrmatlon apply toât RCRAWFORD, ooe Ala ie LIVERPOOL, .LONDONDERRY 6LAS9OW. Sim~rSerVice via tueboc. SIEORTE9T REA. PASSAGE 1 .ECONiOMY, sud COMFORT 1 RVERY SÂ8TUBDAY PROM QUEBEO, Sn arrivai ofthe train IesvlngWbihy 1et 88 ff.niPlds. Cawna tarea$81 sua $91, soccjing* tb mP iua ..... 1i is, < --- -----. 9 ai ,- ' 'Dogt 4ta l3 ankl, .j lit p r; wm iênb l il~h6~&~ihy~ i» fsd s oo&canà o cuJm WTmTB;?ORT PJgRY & LINDBAX Tsking effeci on , Mth, 1881. PotPnnL040 .8m26 lim " Ar've Llndasy lido "9» I40 « 14< marna come ooum. L"eave Lndas1y .&10 491Sïm .~n -"Ma .f 48p<'5 Tsble, t&sinazsisnta suy aofis. upplyl ~4~LL ~. I-o ic~.c~W ~3E ~ r L..4. icao- GREATBARÂ - TAT- tu-AT OOT The 'whOle StocktQb oleared oh before thle expir~ tion of the lease. JAMES JOHNBTON, PraUCiSI Wstchmakar, Brook-St., Whitby. Maroh, lit 1881. JOUN SCULýLY1, Land aud hnîulgatian Agent, 500 Ferma h-i ODntro, and Lands in Maiouba foi sale. RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP AGENT. Agent fr.o~~etTasotiiu Co'y "uJ Grand Truuik R'y, aira Agent for'Stèaneva '<Chicarai" and "City oif' oro n 4o1" TICKETS FOR SALE TO A"L POINTS. ContirsctraHesdqnartera: CANADA PACIFIC RAIL;WAY. "T esoatiuhhg to 'alend. ion friks dat IreLfBx an d birland, loveà et s-ei 'n inom tio ien by letter-or -oiho wiae; h. auresud Baend for rates, etc., belon? srranging elaewhere. Crepnencaasoiciteil with peruena haln an1utn se or viahing ta pur. 1M TORAtI$ & FOR WÂBDDIG. .u Offigef-o 1856 Front-St West, (Opposite Union Station). Wjllwy, MeDy. Istrat IWIV 1 ý qu 1 igu mq! - - - auai ba i B usi o r.- 'NoI Dunau Street, Whîtby. 1 I., .. 1 dam"s dam mm