fNl 4V.5*Vaal biwetdeacv, NU, rage~ a#gEa~1bal Imuta, $7.ma50 peM44m,â gen insuertion. Lusurance COU, ple ,d eteiýd7î description 1wheal t0ed5xùk i iâKt. r 99, DoU mpoel.p 0.0Ordenî té disacullnun acdvwulmbto nust be le rillng. Bu 8in 088. De'otory, 014NTAILO BANK, WHITBY IIEANOHI THOKÂS DOW, FrA.REWELL & RXTLEDGE, 13ARISTRSATTORNEYS, BOL. eqî,Notarles Public, sud Oouvey.z aucon. Ofice fint door south of-the Royal foisi, *hlîtby. j, 13 RUTLBDGE, B. A. P7 E ABIWELL, L. L. B., Oounty rown Attorney, 48 MESSRS RITOHI & BILLINOS DARRISTERS &ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY dc O. H. RIW~H 1- W. H. 81148 Toronto. Whlt.by. 08IYLLIVAN & PERDUEI, ARIMTRS, ATTORNUTS, SOLIC. B 0 ITORS, NOTABlES. &o., &o. OFFICES :- 72 Tango Street, cx t116 Dominion Pank, and Corner King aud YQugc Strecîs, Torouto. 0. A. O'SIJLLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. Oct.obcr îBrd, M81. iy.45 CAXIERON AI'PELBE Ne.c B ollorM ilu Chasncery, No. 4 Toronto H EGTOR CAKERQN, Q.C., R. S. APPELS£, P. UcPHILLIPS, 1-8 JAMECS XIITU C ORDON, Nqotary Publie, "o.Offie -1un.Ias Si, fsaroar voit of A.r*umraug's Hotei. Money ho loban-Prte lund-si low licreut. JOHN 1. MOGiLLIVKAY, (SnLcoumman lo H. M. Bavii.> T>AIRISTER & ÂTTOIRWIEY.T-LÂW, D!Ipta yPublie &c. Soicitor for tbm DominiuolBank. ôffoe.-Nmt door ta Mil ou'., UmbzldgeOnt. -26 CRILLES Ce KELLER$ ATTORNBYýÂT-14AW, SOLICITOR I Ohancmr 0On.mor,*.Oulg ton, Brook, . O. .Le T. DARCLAY, A TTORNRY -AT -LÂW. SOLICITOR lu Obmuohacry snd tuiolyoncy, Couver' sucer, dc., &o. LYMAN ENlqd&81, 'L Le Be. no Ms T AT "Wel, OmhTava.I DAVID ORNRTON, H.A.1 ATTORXXRA.TLAW, SOLICITOR 1IN A buey ovmace o Owics- the iOffice ouih cf lthe Post Offie, lu Moiliaim Block, Brook Street, Wbltby.lyi JOHN HALL DOW, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, BOLICîTOR luinChunez>'.Couveysucer, &o. 0111ce-Deverill'a Block., Brook Street, Whiby. MURET 7'0) LEND-Prilvoe Funda - in morne up la$800, at a low mule o L terest. (y-52 ROIDBNSON & KENT, BARRISTEIS-AT-LAW,, A T T ORB N. B"ea, Boliottorm, Oouveyauce,dm OFFICE.-In Victoria Chsmbc.u, Na. tVictoria Biremi J.G. Ronroxs.A HamazA. B. Rau. BARR1%TEE.AT - LAWSOLICITOR man e ffl6-DvirUP BoLEmJ SfelWbtby, Out., e 0. YOUNG SUKITEL, L L. ., *0 , d y t laLoso OmcubvenomluoLuWit les. m6187. (U4- (aà RAUTE1a!Quec'.sudm eitor SUnivmautut ibw of beo i1ege Ornà Bro@.Bt blty, Ont., (tht.. doorsacmula tyHtl. . l.48 5 GONTO TEOOUyTT GAOL, 9 Ùy'BEO8ftAL LONDON,- ENG., t.[ h. eye'1.0. H. LOmbhava, Ã"ntarlo. DRt. HOGART, Phyalcl, Qargeon, Accoucher, &o., &o. whl*oy, sept. 801h, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, Ulm suad unthimi , ldatny v., !VOL.XV.. r~OM1fEEO1AZ. ~OTELsu&STABLE8, 0~j4,M&46, sm rToro4tbo. JOH MoE, --PBOPAIBIOs. ti emeo i $00 a Davr ouie lu the cit7doul7 to thé Market. The . Roub bie ERS. WALKEYPO TEMPERÂNCE HO USE, .DUNDABBIT, WHITI3Y. Good accommodaIon ai resionabie terme. Boirdea 19.50per vcek. 48 R0 n1 OUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. The Palace HEotol of Canada Rhfatd, Rcfuznlabed, and Unrlvaled. Nov Paumen. ger Elevator, rnnin¶,hb1and d 0 Ti only ftrul.ciaaa Mtet maide vwiZ d. at. reu,vlz:-62, 0,mad$S prds>'. membterof Oluoiand allieradcmn marna, vthut bar,l&01 jUrfha Feb. 911h, 878. Prop itor. ROyAL HOTEL, WHITBI. The above hotol bas hein ihOrougblY rcnovaà ted sud reiarniuhad, amd ln nov nun. dr thcé mnagomifliof Ozu. MACKIE, «ofrmer!>'fcft "LavreneHall, Port Inp.. Every attention Palii o ut&b. mieJy . ampie Romi for çu' B B AMBROII SHOTBL, ]B R AY8 , (LAT£ ioUiol Bous.) WHI T BY,0ON T A B10. ilouie neviy reuovated aud furnubed throughnut, sud put in fûrat-lm..order for the receptionuof guemia. AunornbuaU and' trom &Uainsira int-dams ample zoms.. QHÂKESPEABE HOTEL, k> Cor. King & York t., To nuto ' Out. J. A. 'GRADY, - PROPRiBETOR.1 Tixs., $LOO0Pna Dan. (lY.47) 'POST OFFICE BALCON, ToaoxTo. CW THT BEST ACCOMMODATION Wic for Guomta. (ly-47) ()NTARIO JIOTEL, 53 Baoz.Smmzn. ,WHLITBT. JAMES T. JEWELL, Proprio for. (LaIe cf lb.Nipisalua Hoteu, Toronto.) Good Liquora and Cigars. Cornrnodioum Stabllng. Flrit.c Lai vry Stable aud Billià rd Parlauz attschid. ly.18 T HE Q 'zqsHOTEL, PHILIP IMO0k142. . *-propriafor. Besi Liquoruasd Cigars. A vell mp pliad table. Airy bed-roorna. Ceeu attable îtabliuR sud large yaMr oom. Cbazge moderto.-88 CENTRAL1 HOUSE,' OSHAWA, ONT., W. a. MCOAW, - Propietor. FIral-cles cnroala.Baulo - -Lîqoor sud Cigare. Good iisbllugsu etbeullves boiller. I-'17 W]IITBY IOUBýE< DUND.BT, WHITBY. Thi enmigued voold liziMe tu lb. public thlialthéabove pernua ae basa nely bulliand ûu»l up hn w Liquorasud CIgar. 1141 CREAM 0F CANAA-WM. LER Alan pur. lilue Wle. Lager. Wbei. poarders taken b>' tbc yack on modem- siterme.:7 O08ars A. BNEI ;l>, 251h 18m. 8-- Cou. Fsoumv&dOnemel BS«., TORONTO. .LFIID OJrOBD. - 50PeMZ2oe7 (Lat* o!felubuRteMrbu. lng for aven 000 he>eiw 'zt-sm ce oôdaitoi;izorzeuâ 9n d b.-thé e~j pbLo1 lu IR n T ý b èosrmni fo nb' me ià s l aau 2Dlicef oJ. O. PIUNGLE m a . . DAoà TES, noepaper t &ivenmmiat goal, '41, Park- tsg>--,- -uvYorkte . sito aresn*ati,> oulri1rd 4eti meutsleia tho V1 qIIKa MONEY Tb LANM Appi>' b- grOfIce aVez. Otanle B"e, 1041 ¶hty THOS. Q'LEIGH uwledg~ WHIBYPRVINE F, ONTA~RITUS)Y AUCUTST1818. "GEIRIES CTTLB PC The Best i the IW'arket!i -0:0-- Large Boxes, 75c.- - Small, Boxes, 25c, FOR SALE BY W. Rae HOWS-E, Corner (I>'.1~ Drug Store,1 WHIT-BY7 ONTARIO. K HIN A H AL L 71 KING-8T. EAST TORON TO. Féaa>'Breakfast sud Tes Sels. Fauc>' Dinner and Dpaesset, et.1. Fsucy Bed-rooua Bote. Pancy Jugu end Tapola. 11,l~c >laevontimForkem-and Spoonu. SBlven Flsied Omets sud, Butter Oo6014sJ aBUver Plsted Cakc BAskocl. itodç' lniEvi sn4Ynrka. ployer Ldes for l4ly's, de., te. Gl 61a 1 idescrpions. veI tn.nnto$"""klnd. Hotel sud,;iZ*Goadi GLOVRSARRson, Importer. Dominion Wood Work8, WHITSY. Geo. Cormnack, ing4a. udaiu ofTwiated Moldfiff, Doore, Bau and Blinda. LUNDER vholoiale-shd netafl, or hy b>' thiecar însol Plauilg, Mouldlngt of ever>' descrp- lion, Fleetnug, Sheetiug, BShlng, Re- &swing, Shapar, Tunplug. Bcrall-vonkî Whiby, OCt 101h, 1873.-04 M 1EVT ýO LEND. 'Ze undenlgned bsm su y aaunt cf Mou- *y>' lad Lu pos Famuaon TownuPropeni>', ai - Losusesue môai aise ta odubon- * S,11 '~na maunvd Fma a!W ad Forfotuwà psmtlsn pt' ta JAMES HOLDER, Aprh leu17915 I NSMURKANO E.- ONTARIO if ARMMRW - MAutuelIn8rneC'. mR&DornaC, iBorOÇ-S., WEZTEY. ~~jH18(~OMPANYlusuriF &mboald Houmea, sud, Dr*ý saooo axu Canada. opan J1JST LOSSES PROMPTLY PMD. J. ]B. BIOKELL, JOHN WMLLX, C. NOURSE, Sacnrzà n. Wbltby, April O9h, 1878.-16 p Fm IREINSUKfRAX4 oE0. Lombard nt. anud Obing Cross, London. ZOT4BLU13ED uw 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFÂTT & CO., Agente for Canada. R.W. TYRE, Managez, Mantreil. AG CIE8TABLIBNBD IN 4 NA- t u1504. rUuimited IlabMlt>'of mil tho Btackldem, sud klarge arve PYunda. Moderato rates cf presufoan. Wbitby, Apnil Mt, 1875M1 BMMf RIIB AECA As8uranoe Company. INCORPOlIATE» -ni». Inioane. efaciedt tei lvat uvn rates ou Bnuings, Ifenbm$and sdotiaer properi>', ag*insi lom or daiae b> i . C. NOUBE, Agent, Wfflly. Wbiby, AprilSte, 188.M1 ARCHITEC IURE! ORAWIRG AND BPECU'ICATION BUILIU~GS Copu v na thuctlo sS -6II$A d ,801001.ARMOBIT UE A, SNyPHIIALTION Bach stringc iorti of sou tai -axe ou tb. Borne socle), MomO Bout mane it=m and me- vote., . " ' ý Borne o anilg $6vet.ioms sober and itald, Sorne sin uhe.muibino, eud oin thelb Borne tooplng, smie tralgbi, smre aleudez. smaneatout Borne itaauilu ksilence, tmo npping.vith~ about. Bone mnflcmlng sud scmrea snrdy and tong, sorm omy sud Mghbg,#morne l uoug. ornm eu udol sn g,. omotle Borne mnirsa iidiemilve, ubducd. The myllah hbeîimupktbeémmv the »date Speculâoain uÃdaiders n& aam rnd I The sculptao »&md aima, lthesmage, thé Tli=t sud tehluer, ge paker on Ose. B.guazsakemm, avuapena-cot, aslor a aisc, Tii. preader of s#udA ugmoo* llAmndcr.n Bore caml mac~umetbýspiale sud Booibiayeris ai sevards.su.M& bolars ai drelisud msmo0 Borne annihilent f mnuthenmie b THE YOIJK flJKE 4Morw aai e, tieN~o un ugzoJAie SDUMAÂSLl1 RL or niACoNs -sncb mleu dccongîmulispiribtes« Mm. DsIiutoa YVn.-smd ;Sir Lucu Griton, proebmd Ilim-plans uW"S tbesueceui vh"lbh h"ba 49Wnig teri antcipte.Lîd à eîjrolho vai prouilet of bitprivionseuquaitmott howuight, vib lthe.meut dialin-- guibedgfrllnauo, aundeaer to ira. prove i4, .ubela.ously simimlted- heir- thstit irequirca s üe lteiaeusod no iligial euergy, le .pellb. intirnsof iliome bOee aoquaactace la ov1ieuby net dcamrbl ; sud there are msny p:o., pI wnii omla mwiz, appaenlly, concerne, viw csho ve~hircu aat sppcans nousd 'ocofflousl lu.-, fianee lu ècilu-of cumderailn., neOt alir qusla"i Ibsu ie CIin cen lona impudende, s"à th.einolene sud tb. immol~uà f tbiivictime. Tley,' Who ai the umme bave no del*cc sud Do elame, ceuni feaufal odd.l; sud, m"clzas -sMnrueabt . <aime estimatInofibe%- Ibim a le doubt <bai a uroutfo oe p a tlyi_î-fmu'.ec lire anooa f ber ýî i"bagi0 of uri4qercou'de.,o.. an I pait d iabth, *Ià bos fsv.. ibia ieaIsîWhb esesuay. ffà .loa th asuul nct poai h * y., c tedefene-;,fo lbafo l* _ lOl th osm thi bnklY#u 6ofe our due lbr. pNstealts ilW1 boe ~rs lubà ge Afe.ierr ai all-oouvenmtiaule i fria haâd.- fem>bhiaWhsu1 ment I6bâ ird bmnnin e <oc! iormnl bl 09ôye s ~t~Ien oroalugan> oln -etpoie Niai *.t ha esh.biaht flowers ofai 1 iploreedlb! confidence lot, peùiaiilaefr NO. 3~. mutI; Ib tiikl,-he;"ous wmeùï11k of he' tut slî uff-ie-o ueret hmï fejnî frifnld1er tr' houri;* g 'l[ obw.iwea .iouildose to-ay -,-, thegmuUe eonora, 1.*lm.," a lio" o<id Lori Sub hial4 S6oni uca, 12uJî55D,-Bb- f0, baf uodink more 6upYluûs aivay* dinh a.rns u a rIaç.Udil h bays -rat lie owecm; if you çU,'t'y -12,vMI lome moue>' by &dUklng bhî,ý*s' ool. leity tif petit mon vbo Were goa.- Daywîtd~et'ding aimy- Ãibme on gréai, and .pinud demie ah mi sma o". eIse. atch de -aliceraket,. 1W _ man;- I;bsfbpyé-oo mýmsluvoba "IDe ibeerakéz, Med-Hdflbnitcln,' seuth <hplerk, "vpuld *Juif pMd befao6 dia if b. dWb a'i af beono poot.". "IBut lie deu't gat i6ne lùueao belug sadimfied mit, being ,poor, lhe don'i eau b. vert a tam, yen kukov. Von I vie b.ddlingI-vont <o s.'vely mendiant le <ci omegeadeon <mediA. He don't lot eaeà i I ai lfporn insu. 1 vas ,yon.iu mo~l f beople u 4n f at -don le dvidoklng de viâewme t' atime ilt cae & onf a.&gel-u aoemsuoau auoois theiacpep l ocuumu u aî»Ut e..eauue t-uayuî s'vmpoeu:, qui M.e orib. d e&th 1hkam B ondthecyoug4k'ahv-r- o-jl5dTiiOtlizau gneby, ais hmhp Delh o f gotten hlm0aimt"oa1 slss*'c>hlsfthaiý Tatm ehlhùmgnadistd P'good coulemmimUlm very.céIôà aVUllicorWtll zb~ nha-iu KWmlni u inlglovuibiqnsv.1êhavlcge f iuem. H. bac! csfed on Mr. Dsee1iatumaut ndtorfmllieil ~lel-itlib ebilItsm nD o cleruls and h ac ometimea met buWiî=L= ýaleh liumt4 to ôW-~,u-uvjeq ldagieluoel.'ol ibubOua WelUl, Bquibi a lare hngbe-cpl1th;hsH1alde l& h ib-voled, b.lug. veoy lnodppd io4be n'ighlt per«;- flblthe îni*lo a ~nti1c!bo~m~ lheir visitr; sullate ompAnaii liona-.eu-- 'boe. ing~4iu &fe.a le >,Inn*vdS<U coul- aoutim OhmZay lmber -l.-Aee in na r O.Um»O. Dtih 'uuuvm esireianioXecp& aili 4pnd'ýaib<4Ia4is 11lisdthm.pa.' Tilla friho-ge of u ctè& un lalsnclpsl'owiok bohyîe Mmvs e t r l. ieputn tthe rtyMs. them eeni mnlfuéI usoc vfhe :rSPeau lurood e'o r l> I% se.epel.inl<fUO' b pnl atlouhed, zw.a tene!.bcvenrun Loe rie-itle-Orhuo *vcst-u u ieru b ii helnb u>'dou Te oun tale-to ont tale; vo linger. Wb*, Ixjol&laIhs.vdeuo ~'bbu'i I Lrd Sqoli. I"Tb< reou'h vedia znot kuev be o-muof e t-,b«rpower .Ac1d$g.Ao 4queêeuQ tauibuiii. Tbov luIre ovezY 7ldiýýhim hm Ileiz regard v1hen,,eLavel,.dinud Ihere vookly. and jt etuveg bre!letrhyi aa,.n.dR îtubai. a blengo it, suc! vah -Ibd: hiave giron tlb. oim.a"bjectý- of liieid o&a--,o.eq4ugy lp9 :1b ie . as seau .-an,,okuuo1 dge& onauon lbp mljghlm- 4.et. ocmd-i'lolPO là vorite. As-s uev . .,sud hiberte s brasili for hem preucuce. Accemdlng tîaêye&wtofuhsw rs' isu>'-« 'd6ubtful supporteretlWOaboPOUetIiquett&uIn so4 ulmeve-bave b-dnà o-i 1 r onse."uw, ppoaloa. WthMi. ais, hi~IiflnÀdi )uerem in a ir com. d #inidilslemo vb k4w '0frdêvL'be i lbte phk, wilkea ~l1~ Iaftoroglypp!,but .yiroi «-. er 'adscsl#h r; :.dped~cieca b is cahilu. M&iro liszI nsd fna l>', la pove I aeepjg ~udonce b.ezA tteng, sud lhc opp0 ov aîv6l heformer clu. t8eav. &de binavlssn m.t te *>';b-h&uu ii p i hblie chiould e jr i su suai iaidao sud bis peur bU bave ma nsà 11kq Autliorlzed Capiiital 21000,0QI> MOU. FRANK SU". isaPs4r. ÉUOIIE'KEFE let., VceP éewu PATRIOX UNi)E,'eciq., W. T. ýKIELYjRi4. JOIiK FOY,Ee.c ' JAMS A8i, - - ><Deb - séb 1 0-ly - A. A, (leteviti LiuleLagoy 4r IE '-ARC HIT- C T. DBI3~TZI S~3xIHOUSE&~ DOMS 00MB OVER'R. iH. JÂILSON-B Gnocec? Store, Dundai-et., Wbltb>. *1Offio ouz -mm9 &.rn. te 18im., sudfroins lm ldo a', ot ni ss y-Am.V4RS'L.D.Sm. rIE THa'luier4ed-on eai-is PAINTE] -Cosunov h t bund 1 TrWO DOOR8 WEST OpAR9 ftOTEJI>tLI4DÂpSTEU M AROmnpSmuptly au$m Wlutbinl 1. 8> the elp )JLLI ]'A4à I With ueaeuoah- s0lb~ am 44 somy LUNE leor. LIED1 'OMPIL -Md D MTO T 1