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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Aug 1881, p. 2

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'I~ctu & lIras, t. B. iloburtmon & )LqKll4leb. ~mnrgv.r-~ale- o4e, moire. 3ohnetcn The 0)4 IlIable. ONLY, I s0 PÈR £1#4um. Wldtby, Tliursdmy, Aùgnst 18,1881. The Irsh Land illII Passecd by the Lords. Thbe Lords lisv. beea obliged te r.. cede (rom the position takeu by tlium on the Irish Land Biii. The general indignation &Il over the country at their interférence to prevent the passage of the Biil farly frightened their lordships and they wocompoieldCo back dowu -igotýniously (ram Ihoir high position. Mr. Gladstone'@ triumplhas boom com- p1lts. here lias bieauno compromis. bteGoverament, nothing Mnore or lese than au unquallfled baoking dovu b y Lord Salisbury, the tory leader. and bissupportiseiluth. Upper Chamber. This unoondlllonal anbmlslon to the poptlar chamber foreshsadvs lb. naer agit o(pritileged canselégislationu. The lafiumcce of tbe Lords upos tbpublic rumd ligon". -Itile smpeced' that tb. Lad,4ül lU i» elle tile royal ausent by e.1.r4ay. Thte(.dnesay) frenoo's bnuetin *anouoiuces .Preident as having pas. sudI a tranqun l nglt, bleeplng Most cf lbtlr~. iegagerai condition an. peare more hopelul than Whoun thedes. patch of ybaterday was forwsrded. The. tardintiespi reeovery bas given ris. la muau neeai.ssasd rembu$ring iviAtl t atplace,. cnder sameviea imi. Iarlruwstueslu the woundlng cf the Zlon. George Brovn, daim la now' more lkau evr ol t for a fatal termina. lion. ÇàoBesgplaîs'd Sugar Beet factory. br otstîLavdor bas been lu tociailn vith Mr. Doak, advo.ý cale of Ooatlcook, Quebeo. and seore- tary of tlb. Bgot 8SoîGsompany in thal locaity,on the subjeot of establisliiog a bralâh a' u Iiesesction. Mr. Doak wlt-n sanfully avare -of the gran agHlcilturis Velue 0a I li. lande iu youi laqsltly mécd have tua reason te doubt, th. coryuolness of yaur observations sa ho ia Ldaptability for igar bc-*ta. Or the expérience.of youLr..arinera la rmos. groylag., tI would b. impossible, boy. ever, %toi.ndus. aOur otoçkholdarsor éther capituliste, o los heetwl&oul pro. llunbiy coptaot. wu hlumen r. ava a give.n imber of aris of - botte, etoa staloed prleeŽ', ,ÀMer ofrdu tomorne 4guru msud bâol -e 3101R nMr. I)oak <ces on Ma ebien to .ysasreeoaneot.d wilLb thePortlanrd Company lu thoir e«. prlment, Pl aso, freonthe data the &fforded auid, My oovu expelea. vi t)» ompay ere, yein te ubjeot M yboit conaderaîlon,, and tbink 1 cau sites of ueees, sud cortaluly wrnuld netadls asy n.taenter iipon thé. enlerprie WUou*rst procuring pr. limuar cotratefor, et leat 150W "The utaylbr buildings and machin. sry lu ery heay 1alid auuot b. don. comforably for Lais ban$125000; and Whyou oniorlathe.buuk d th. maclney e uelse orany ocher pur. paie, as 'vell ascaue af the buildings, yen .vould tee w es "atse uli nblly besiate i*vee:tln wh. out a rsuonably lair ssuranee ci uvw meteL. Prm youî Iti, I am lui@ (avorebly irnpessd WUthyouî eounl11y, and if you thluk contmrseeausu bcao d I Vii psy you a vii lb. lautof "ie musis, or th. firet et uirý à# aity smit youreoneuloee~ Our t aory bie tobe Ig, ad i Duîlng a short viil ta the elhy, lait week, wa ha'ths apporunily 0Ofxsàý- lnin'g 1h.' nesw mprovemeeuts nov macle ai lb. Royal O)pera H01166b'4gý the ccomlug tsason. tuder the ààgW ceuductoi the ooarteans miâerè, ý-% Conugi. we ven, gratifled vlth a thor- gugli 4Inépeetion aI tb. Isterior or the building. The nov addition, vhieh, viieura ine flîsh.alae dreosslg. roama, o s.leveil i he.tgu othor cantivauaes sd eonv.ulao.u toieherwitAbe e-ptutngre.gllding, Monral -deoormtioue, viii -aosl belveet I ad six tbaueaud dollars. Il lo plessing ta lnd luit th business wsr_ rantesthe proprietor asud managomasal la -makling bislarge, oulay. ,Wbon 11r, Oquner, Ibre. years ega, took bQld of The lIay ai, ihad inn clown cocsid' erably. !Stuc. Ithon, bis .nt.rpnlse, hie kuawlsdge of exaotly vhal btluero iog popi. wsnt ta #ose, &ad bis Mtc snd goo laite ilu eeeog mil Lb. priný cipal attractions Worthi seeing anli hoer iug, bave contributed to raies Tho Royal ta Ilie irat position cf any thoam lu the Dominion, As evideuce af vbml vo mean tancnvey la lb. reeder, Thé, Royal vas kept o ope, gèuerallyý crowded hanses, duenug 285 nigbla of lasI session-Ihe langesI number givea by aoycoanbination Itre tonlb. eau. îneul, lu cies not excediug a popula. ion ai one handrod Ihoacead. The proeoulbouse *'vas rebuit ame movon ycars ago4at a large outlay, and hu b@en fronu lime ta lime impraved by the prcpruetor, Mr. Freucob. It in nov as complet, l ils ieappolulmots As money. sud the intelligent espenditure of tbat valuabl o omumodiy, eau make i. Mr. Saune, af Chicago, vas the ai. chitec4b sud the houe. sud ail Ils se. rangements vere frcm bis ovn originlý designa. The building stands 12B8&fî. wlth a belgbt ai 741. 10 <the do»@-. The baleony sud gellsiy tiers are hnge frani lie aide vals (Do tewdipg~ &round to thé proscenlum'vel)i4h'e. suit bing groier nSgteaglsudparý anourely£rom irs rop Ibe l iloor lier. lsadsoulossiageenrg au. trance tt h.vetibule,firons vbiohlir are tvoasido entrances, s ian d u 4 tlYý lu front, tva lare dacre lb. t e Uy vay sud ircni lb. ides. Thor. la b@4 aides a large outrance wiy Ifreilb front ta baak of lie stam ,for tbepmr, e use of poforiners, ind a Ère oescpe ,irom lh. test, bannecllug villi lie mauager'e room. Prom tlb. upper geilcry, Ivo peir ofai stiled I.lthe main idoor-ono pair esoyastest elgbt loches sud tIbm tallerfourfaies ix luches lu vidîli. Prom the drose cirée, or balcon>",tva pair of staiie-eovsn feet igbî. sud Ivo pair, teur tfst six- alec leead t10h. mâa nomeanfcitlb.anal- orluin, giving teur modem cfiecape beildea. The depibof lb. stage à ose linndred feet, tram lhe faaüihgtà tath. bâti: eâtrmno..Tii. boxes&are Ierned bovards lhe geuseel antiae. asd are go construched as net ta Intorlare vîit lb. vision, or vlew or the ame _Itou any part of lie-boise.Th*velieatilon of the bouse ls perfect,,sud the perao.. tivo, fromaay os»V omsdu Paintinng sugilng vas golng oën lu overy direotien,,sud verkm.a, p*Sbe.d ail ovur, ropsichlg a nA wgiing lie vbole interior» 'Pis malsoslranc e l as ho auditorium, sud telo cmns wbtob ccviithe %rat, 0cr, s»O aUboing j*âtodin u gliber sud> brigblôt colorai Peeelg lta is tuesec, mudàwrud to lhe idé of lb. sadllcrl M - edmou bIb. the ,vo vere 1U4 -tOo,-sud throgb Ibe labyrisitli bmesote oma vano«o<et' me 18ene 1b*Uutg, tho wbuUàe' the btw--od,--extra = ammid lven os rciteIvsee fo ren inamrb.dm getl mui. roomi sud aa or 'agreo sud the cia dre.mug racine ben"eel i sta"e.Tise. ver. *ll.d w , i lote iud 'auesonsocf lie e'l'0 *e ployez*e"Whb ae pe rfamlima ta "0i9e h ieRoal* Sad*u. nte. uuiebered Lvotlla at UleBn sud zouna Halman, Thei. josh BmRoselynge:, The inuu 00o.ss otnbinticn, flaivoi. 1par, 'Barret sd Word, Alvin Joilâ, Haveirlv's, Minstrels , The Colored Hundrea, Wilson Ban!ov, HarYW*b. ber, ai ",Nip sud Tuak," AIl.. Ostos, .Mm. BeelI Siddons, Ida J'effrite, MulIcu Nobles, e., starnd nslu lie'face, sud tippe&W dtaocoo very o rntnlyoIo Ibirpiothurost aur embatruýeeosh, sueb e pie... Thée nov drueeoug ror ônquan' no t eed.&uuu*sufiet atA somblod lu vilutee ths ots ud rosuit allie 'cntoste, lu lbe vanlone Girl'e race, 1W0 ad-Ie rielit. 100>!,rtac"Opeutaecul,- onre-sIE aebauki, .Su2d W.. K. Èg rae.80yt>aan ita n tr0-1et P. Raiîtb,~dO eot Boys' race, under ljr, 100 Yards ..0- entres-lal F. Mepperb 26d J *mile race, open la cluuty-4 ati- tres a F tHlb, InA H. Levis, PoilË@r1 ' YrydIe. A.- McNsURhton, * Wlieelbrrcv race, 100 yards-8 ou- trie-lot J. Thompeon, 2nd J. Bandai. Bluyolo race, 1 mile- enînls-isI, JLynde, Sud È. IUmrper. Fatmnme'rae, 50 yards-8 cuIdes _lotI]H. Canden, 2nd WMu Broderici, i00,ard race, openu hafal-S ontrlea -lot . Psltbaulrp, 2nd A. Daaesy, Barrel rmie, 18 yir&-4 ore-lal rJ. Banidi, Sud Bn. Brysu. r laits rüs, 200 yarde"_ aMdulet tries-lit F. RMH abi.d 1. Thompeou. 8-SdU rac, 100 yards-S,,,enlrl..ý-lml r 'W)fnie, lad QGi, Brovas .B1»74,rae, nuinder 17, Yeu##,100 yrds -"à llief-mf Malhav-eoi« 4 auJ, Tbà4pmcn.1 -11,Il1. ,TIurp4agA rs.100 yae4o-0 4 ou. banksmAM pib Bixd, Mtepc lsd C. Pu". Krmy P4lg etghk M Ir. Wm Partievant of catrise. lte as ro and Treyele race ddA u ak ab TPb* baie batil mtbat tlie fe grouaIs botweofomtPenry anA oshe- va,es th* ônb lb bo t ho Tbwe 4toog"btroeetla ana O».. joyeA hbemaevêi.th.exe»Uflomaie cf lite bàaud ceattbuutlutg. Laiana eli dogrea lo ti.geuoral>tbaoesefth*-céi. ebratiou cf lb. bclld&y. To lb. youag mosâ baviug lie suemueaula tluwror taoc puuoipsé caunol be ires brIbhe Wm o uinh th.ýy 'vsuî la v n l proi g th.e muiients sud ateme- *Wunu'r, PPORT vLru BAILyR .. o~v.7r vek encilg Aug. lOi, liii Penger Irafim o;nh4d'1to... i 081 r tr-g, " 0'..101 Tota... 11Me Corr.sponding w»e'kiseya...14 Total o gra î1 Oa dalu , 1.... ,775 'PTie flolus mayi lia repot bltI h Osmuadla. ou e Ylima souens kteiguluder.em UpDwuuig. hope ltuilsees lie ftn ~toh on lioe . roundislicorlly.Belo lelte -~~~~~ Prtsl4, - nfn9g M81. ie ubaua~s1lepe y. P"éi, 0S-pot"b M.PeUietn,igbvb boglvbî ol Pnie, .. ......... ......,0 Lasy4lt lbe 6- By« a i e.'.1 pare... PareHpe cll Mai Ginemilelp6eà.1. 1 ByUéPe ..... 1gby.. ay . 10 Fensi lum.1. go*d gd Rileule.,L. 19 o b 4 17.... S b Isg penn. 16-U, but c 2 iingm - .. ô . b bOli bé5 opbbLogan .11bLg 4- PankclibamoIcgmnl att..u. Glispobaig... bvbMahmsi' "cswsd Lagss.ou teou-1of Lalm a.lt a" -O 5 1 hmvo .h ui tbs w 4 O1r ing tebole s bl. "'lnehuru maeh va.lal blvee Monitl, b Lfgmu-..i ..alLboa.... 2 Saundmr, ac Boas, b Brc ke um. bua- lilecu.......... 8 'Vietes, cil. Bey, b Loas...-.......10 Cmaola, notu.... 2 Beloeiu obu Talai............ 7& oBdUuIgo, -b1 malieac.. 0e b Maihiesen 8O b Lgan...1 b Log ...... 0 11111, bLogan i net cont...7 ual eu.. sezv»AnIeALUMsia j I~Is4g.Ovaees.MAssent. Vies. ilsg..7. 17O'M 7 lee a PaUsisnet ut. .........i Nt, tasa, ef.,bMet. Ll bMsrnlIt................. 1 Ruyscla, b's ..................i 5se etp rrsiem MeIl . Malthss,rauce......... ....1 .Tta............. ........P ............ Pl'yis ton la .vuiueyg Unanio, One fiue sImmrs da- Dabe-Augua lie Blevveuh, Occeelo-Tho BIS Clylu Dlspiay. I loakeafiom lm wludd luthse aai Hobel And here'u ubat I1sa*, juat lisI vite. Itou >- A great slnam cofhumans Passed lu procession, Blsded byone, -"ho see.inlupopi Saantbeso lm Lonig, lanky, mud tim, ProIgiea vllh berna And a cargo cf %in 1I- Thsu came lie musuel the 81h Baud, BannA te valso up1 The wbole blised land; Wuilhl tobhes and bombe, And s rad glmnIr Mads lie De» boot ýrearce aud the Canne» blokigher. But rýon'd bave bnst yansaides lAngh.- Aud brôfs ,Iewn th, chir, To m JackIl I- l a deed uPsi lite Mayor; Follioved by clowns, Aud a sbeep, and pig peu, Wltb Japsin la kgans, TinuO'Daye ndbi gnouni Tho lauky Sanic' Tien a paper.d 'êdMan, Ta on ouseembyis 199gi, Wai , giiy dll, Aud hanse sdj 'andloeeluly oef of th. eal stfestive dy Aid naeerbeon Ruai le sport beau seau, As liecivie DISplay On lie brigit Cuchel Green I Wealier Proabiilfties. Toronto, Aug. 17, 1 a.m. The pressure lu abovo tia normal aven the gpester part of 0Canaenil biglueil aven New Brunswick. bModerato te- fnosh northurly and nauli-oaslrly vinAs prevai on th. St. Lavrence, sud1 ln lie Maitime Provinces, vhilsl ou tie lakes lbey ste .4hil sud variable. Th. voaler in'ciloudy in Nova Scella, eleevere in Canada Il te very fiue. Lake,-IModrale la ireal i ide,' mostîy from lb.eet sud soulb ; fair ta danday vesîher, viii shavens lu seme localifice. - St. Lawrencea sud quli-Modrato vina,sud fair veather. maritime Provinces -- Modarale la freali uorllieniy toa etcrly InAsd; foie# cool vealhcî. A Race Belveen HanIan sud. Rass Assurcd. Tio champion sent the Iollnlg lot. l o lahebseditar of lb. Boesln eal-ad, in reply la ose' obalsuce Ta ehs Bdiac-r DYfA. Eà-cM, Basc>, Sz,-H.reigli1, b.g la esolose -s_ obeti for 8200,tla cavwer lb.deposit W iur1 n"aad WallaeBeaua mde vlth ye'n ta rav me sfour-Mioe rcfor #Z000àe*Ibo, on ws-0'c0u-r.uu 1,et laies 9rad'on. -Ilvelay6 hb vardugM y c0e190 e 'ç : -te mPle te sou iah ax.bd a lu is13 ion frein rsIl>sdbuiPlcéd u st meba dew u pr. ceite shà ruin'bcilylia sncb s challeng as boe a li bav dccldoAavalva my iglho su dels! tuaeou tesaybhe qbsILbêI'e bh1p#,46. la cvMr. loms lte raée ho, Pro., ponosany course. on viel v. eauo uûtally sgro.,àcud shah b. bhappy lu sucol iù hlm , esud uhoe o u vibs la setepreliminare. lam, ir, Y ouré, obidliàtly,, TaycnýD, log. 1G. EpvAa*I. Mr1. Blake- (Frose 1.th ogram.4 roter y6l othie d.ecrilan,0f -Toronto le-Ã".laGbeem'"le'spl i Avelluig erectel an tibleoffabool frefl the lanA le lmprovlng. A prettI, itlllo1 deonts ai os hi, place oallie foui ~lal, ba. votionvail .oe tlioitglill uueedsu leen ciritein batkl cierke, vitli young lavyera and gentle- mena olaune, who ms idan yaI viat miglil hoc lleA1h. liebl. d'aleor ~erihbpmuote appraplîrlctly 'ls -the ' an tbis tavaned faian a buottu , accasioneil fishiug, Wailulis Iomoou- lighl on 1h. shee-(iI le ail soreoaver lhere)-tie pafses plsmasuly euaugb. Il la ver canvhenitta aveé aI eue'. dean Ibis ceai neeanl, eacli yoar becam- iug mare sud more fashionabia, and tu, be able ta avil lb.e tiresome bat jour. ncy ho a distant vatering place. hut I have vnillen enongli about tla IsabiA;' s vieilta lb.hespo, of aveu a ev heure duratien, viii <lys a nMuci baller ides cf the place lien many pages cf des. cip tin. "Maers la alvayasosine event i n tbe nean future cf nmement and Interost enongh tckacp oeeltheuglile dietrectý- edesonsvbaî from-preseul aflaMu, cul engroasmd in lbé mcrrov'e doInke. Tho Exhibition fe nov the abject for vich al are looking. sDame, Il ihrne, v itb ne raphurcusiociugnd oye: the msny tbausanle of vlitors thors viii be ta, lb. Cty; uat rolishing 'Tory beartily- crowld lïeetb, mare orfv4sd cars, uuapproaciablo lunch meoins, sud'àa goe"t .ling etb.ing ptit1 out ai ane's ovn u t nlh. deafigef1.wletaic avur foreigu nuoptien. Euh lie a- jlssjuhulah'ove nesud 4:- cutemeut, buatie sud enevd, and cadi mau oeepoctse aboon in hie ovu -partion- lirlns. Wbet 0;vindlsll, toc,ILvi b. fortliereporters? 4ny amaoutl o vonderful' hoadinge may be expeéleM, tho*en lu b. .veuing papers. Who vile. tehésesioual hsdings aay. vale"veai t* lýilayg cf thee eda bloo pavement, sud the gaplng crawde lacking et the precei(peebaps it la lhe progrées tuey wlsbha ece0 -and liaI la vbLe baleo hem se long) ; sud the musical iamily vithi Ilsattendant anovl, loccminuon Youge &tract la ralier slov Ibis aflernean. No <rester «aemplification eau b. givsn ai the maguelie altractian lu ths buman race Iban tbe menuer n wvii eaenovd cal- lodse. People vho have ne interest lu vhal Irav the firet stragglers aie bannI ta slay by lie Paver on forceai Ihis attraction. The Ivo diyuo regalla, th. prome- nade concert by electnia liglit. aud the mucli-adveried Cale cirons, ail arc lu lis ,zblbiliôu' v.ek. loto vbal a6 quandary vilil iaI uMau bcplongea via ae ut oe dy l dote ta &W Ibis I Havw lievii envy lie citizen- vio bas lb. rýit le stay sud enjey il Thlie veek,'the Roman Catholl engy cf lb. dioese are lunretreal aI St. Micael's Caliege. Blehap Bysu, "cf Bnffal, anaesAby yesterday's ,train, * Ye.terday mmny prisit. inight baye beauseonh"nig »Yq hie City. Lisuà ,.~. i stel riiway gan Oliünt ool le uearly complta!; ai ýcourse Il v-lb. finiaeodfor lt.eosc- aiA veof ai eptember. Deathu aiHan. H. 13. BuIl. rTh Bon. ILB. Buldieds t 4 p.mn. r o eo au r., Alîbongh sufferiu* frei weaboe&g,there u liglito, Trceaosy on rnaay, Niagara wvs.D ah proete altle'ovc flhevhole plunt, goeruior, 'virs,'Ilamp refleotons, e, vbi u'l. tefiaient supeinlendent af ibh.e StusBupension Bridge, .A lie 'Persan vho fiest concsived the ides, 'sud' w'bd"hus ldi ë_ It.No stoc oaimpanyof aiicb muci-lis eauee 'iM* r buhe asyct beau formol, lbhouuhà le ual improbable -thal oee usy be atarîcd ait ne distant day. -The read»In position, le one cf le Brusi ,patent, miteen-Ilghits machine, vtlh a <avernue, sud, requires about a sixtecu- borse paver ta non Il successfully. Tii. machins le localcd lu Ibe Oneida Commuuity Building, -lie anc firel ureo- ted, snd that campany bave onîr&ctid ta funnieli 1h.powor for tliiseummer, aflon whieli lime a nev contnacl, pnob- ably vii tue same cempmuy, wil b. made. UntI»l te nov canal basin is lu use sud valer.-poven uvailabi, the ma- chines is ta be non by a ilty hanse- paver shcam englue nov ou tba ground. The piceont plian le primarily ta ilium- inste lia Palls, sud for Ibis purpose th. Il1ghts viii be placud ou the varions buildings alcng lie Canadisu ahana, one au tue bywe: cf the bridge, Ivo ou 1he Cllifton hanse, Iveon-tic Brnsic ious», Lhree on thie mnjeuim, Ivo on the Prospoct bouse, sud allions en snob points ai may be fonnd besh available fan the purpose. Eachb ligit' béing Ibrown by a reflecor on lie feUe, aa se ta illuminale tha tvoanfeg, ssci ligil viR have a refleetar, sud vill bé of 2,090 candi. povei.' Tbe vire usel l& e very hoavy one, Ibis beiug roendored neceesary ilu adrIa:ta iv. a perfect car- rouI, the lengIlu ai lie cirent being aven binaesmles, mol yet lie electieitm1wi traversie bvitle circuitiun oanï- buudated 'anA Itvoéâuth cfa' s-econd. Theviesnunr ilibt "Ppperwire vraipd lli double col .ton luanlator, and ieu pauted. "Pie vine viibe earried serasi e bnidie>sud -reluenel on inscuafons féiieneo-Afhue ncrlh- ara aide cf lie bridgé, lb. upper lUne lemdiug la nd-the lover 'one tram Canada. -'Pie.Islernahloual vil b. lb. lait lighbson-the circuits, sud tie Sua- pension bnldgaUliblslb lest uée, but lighe wvlbe peu-fetly Blady and ai eqoal brellibincY. TU11te r ecar- ricA alcng tli 'n hèusire fram bouse ta bous., ivée.possible, sud on paies aver inluevcuing )epane. Most cf lb. vire le alreedy ln position, sud tbe reflectars ara baing amrsngod. The liglit atllie, Amer!c&n ound of lihe uev bridge v*i1 be ;ou lie ap -ef the taver, sud pointed sao ai labripg the centre cf lbe heam af iigbt ou Ibe opposite taver. Iu Ibis vay 1h. readvay viiib. ilghted by the secaudary liglit or nodlection, sud lb. lring glare viii* be avaidel. The lampe on lie Canada lover viii b. lunnel uIthe Ameriean fall, sud vill bcestalionary. This fall is ta b. lit by four ighte, being for thie purpose dividel inta faur parts, af vieh thlb bridge liglil just meulioned vili liglil up lie seond partThe liglil on the C liflan.'rersud& viii lgil upiratpart, *and thie Brunswick lb. fourili, the tlimA part being ighl by a l lut iscodmid. vay belvecu lioseo voutaL . A large. ligt ieto be pscdonlie, copoasoe, the Mlfon boume, anA is télés revoir-ý iug ligt-the oly eue aIlof.the ole nube.This ob. dtl On,à Uniqi llovered Or raled il uma i 25 cbue&nhld, along lover mrnig taaOay taek. Thi. alle;,wbentln illunuinall,, vil!dubtieu e b.s" uag- aniitsihsd théeut.rprîèlng'cnig-, ýinatar oai la i et tlhed to- gre Mr. Caiburn-praposeesaI-same futur. dîy, muA net far cff silior,'« a placie -marto 4hte about lie Cliftan,eepëolaiy 'Oeui e ihrs b.weeu I thanbose pro- ýp andlthe tIi~,0e~ he bal- reanu and oomuu. -o, n theoep- IWBBMNG eU TEE vaUX nIN AINET-ECO ebNEEAO ORT5 laCAÀYAD arOox. Bgu-orntcndont BIokne,cf the oa- '*idlsn Pacifia, lia juil g1ven the fol. 1oving IuIammath order for ndiling itock for:- lie rad :-1,000 ýffiel cars, 850 boz csre,. 20 stock car, 80 oabi boces,15ftet.cae cas,14 second- claie cars. 14 baggage cars, 40 locamo. tivés, 2 Iaal cars, 1 pile-driver, 8 sleop- errsud,2,derioke., AI proentrofling stock msunotories arec rammed vith .oîders fer monthsabeead, but over ezericn.Uvi put fanth 10 fil Ibhis culder.as sapidly"sepssile. Conïtractefoîr gam, mutigl lie àsgpoèrwta about 8800,000, have been lot -bYVBu peinlendetil Sllckuey, ou> lb. main in.evWet, -vili lie lu&t fev deaye. This luoludes 16 miles et ibis end afllie Partage. la Prairie, air line, th. remainder being veet of Brandon. ý Thé southiru section le nov under canîreol fram 1Scratchiug River la lb. International, »aundary, sud lie Pem- bina Munutalu brandhia1 under cau- tract as fan veitlas Caif Mauntain. There are alîeady 250 mon and 150 heame ah vork ou lheeo branches, sud lb. number vil ho rapidly incneased. Before ena ow meothe . C.P.Z1. Com- pany vun have combletad', 400 miles af th. nov rcad, including main lin, sud branches. Theie sa -ralllÉinabwiug for the soason, especially in viaw of tbe difficullies under vhioh the vork vas Mnr. Sorelsu, C. E.,,vha lias beW~ ruuning lb. main lin. vwestW&rd fromn Brandon, will locate Ibis year as fer s Moose Jaw Croek ; Mr. Barclay; CGE., vba bas beau- on the graund for same lime Win, local. from Moose Jsw çcck te tbe South Saskatehewan,thue crassing cf vliich, alreaun- Wil ýb. local. cd by Mr., Charles Shaw, C.E., vhc- vwitl continue hie line ou to-Calgarry. h~e.ooie vlibe coaed by Iieý -Ïàesaihe Assiniboine .ýbranch, sterling about 20 miles cait ai Brandon: sud running, - nalbvcsterly 'levards Toucbvoadbl,ehfjudofAhe Samkatoe van besnzb, eunnlig frein lie Forkoif lbe QU'A.ppelle ho Eduonan, are la ha proeeded vithitahonce.- Tic engineer. are nov, being solected. RAILWAY ÂeonuXi.*- Abouh four a'eiock an Saturdsymcrninge, 'aboutl- a znlle'and e hall frein rPzecotl station, s seons" accidentl happoeod oun1the Grand 'Pruuk, Ibrongli collision villi a ov..ý Zkcepting lb. tva firsI-csus sudý a pullman par,' tho -enhire train vù. Itrovnin to,thé*lite' b i. Enlua. HovùiÀth, of Moitreal, was inalanlly kulled.',- The ftremau asped ýby jump-ý ing off the enguno, Thie- express mas. saeugers.King sud MaKeurie are badly injuredi houghiulsroay OoeZulsuPÀI, N.Y., Aug. 18.-A teri rible accident .ocnrred, on', thcGrand- Tnnnk .rasivy ah 8:80> o'clack Ibis m 'riug, vhiob rienlted lu lb. instant deatli of 1h.englue.:, th.' serion vounding aifhefnmasgg- ,master, tva eXpreO-"ms6eengor.. an&i varions inj uries toa a number ai pasien. gers. The train vas lite 10O'. m. ex- press 'fin Mouneat' la 'Panante, 'sudl cousisted cf six PulîmanuOleepere, 'four 1w. na s ecnd. pl.ss cane9,:a -postal express-' sud baggago' cars--"ThéC car vWer. 'ýt i llcd-,viti eroninge ldur-7 >esiniste fron-Montresl,wh'eena' ly sUsaleep. ,*Tb. trainu arrisA aI ,Preacoîl Juieti p, ap lieue,sund .-th ýOLlava slep@r wue the» -' 'ehàeth it. Aller ,iesvlg Pres6at~L41erq as 'degrae sdccul.triwas, gôlng isst About halls m'ùileou'a oietucton'sa eacuterd.nudt -thé "The biaws, EN BDANTFOED RACE, whièh 1er. mxinaledau oia, fddgood Sport. *A weekly paper' -vill b isued at PilaI Motindjunthe frit. cf September. A Maorris. clergyman holds services e,ery Sunday ntthe ieailway camps Pear thal bovu. *_Tii. Great Western Car Wanks em.. playees ab London gave $25 Id th.esà$, ters af st. Joseph. "Tii. silver gale of Lako Supeio lui Iaanding by Lord Lorne. The steamer Oheyenne viiilusb busùy cngaged for sorne lime in taking Wlh nipeg brick ,ta Emerson forbuildn purpases. SThe.-bnrned elevator at GratinaIte t be rebuilt. A large gang ai mon are ernployed sud the von ir ta.b. ushad along iihal possible Bpsed. À. parti af survors are at preseut taking levai of Lake Manitoba, for the purpose af asoertaining the. posmlibility of draining ils waters ino Lake Win- nipeg. Gama is becoming very--pleahifnl around Meadow Lea, sud by. the lime thé close season'onde viii b. in prime condition. Borne deer have beau seu ou the Ridge about lhree miles 'luack. The paymaslér went &long the lina of the 11,rW. & N. W. road on TuesdaY, and pald up ta Baturday, thbé 28, sud notifued the men Ihst the regular psy. day afler Ibis would bc tb. 201h af every monîli. *The steamers of the St. Lawrene -Slcam Navigation CJompany are et pre sent coing an extensive busindss;' -housaUds cof travellere froin.- St e of 1he United Statesansud he Dominion eper ~ort sec- Murray Bâay, When Me. Reail, ane cf th. Englisi 1 Oammissieneres, vmsin MJanitoba, h.& waeâàâ *&Ya,saye Mr. Rael, *bat ho, ,thocngbt ofte-aouLutrY. Hab'svwered iblie > ua an utEnglsh fariner, andhii- thonghlsWere thèse cf the lamb.in the .rse eê f.bbutcher. W leeaged lu cuttig cdown aroof ,in ce o e a iii Is a l. Sydney Miins ,last eek, sa man nmed MaGowan, 72 théscf'&e leoldeil minier -lu 1h. pit, Ïwaa *Uahid î1 death b tne. .slinonhim. Tii.atàoe vaslSiee lcng 9nd O 1.1 ide. -ý ý- ý S1An effort le being madé o; rvive the ,Eritki and Hpgan Bâilvey.Prooe onfereuce ,a011Parties n8_1 *1 r~obably be b9ld spqon, viien 1ilehped meaneo ai rea T npfuàeeor utherviep oesoeme nie> be arrangea for1h.comleian af 1h. line. OinMondhyimorniig ie ueraI af one of 'Xingitwu' oldest reidmenle, liro. EllenMý liéey-took place fromn herlaIe rsdne Earl.steei.Tbe..remains by a large, cauu)ourse ai qitizons,'b testifled thhafrrespeoî for ber manýy ,par. soual virtues, ber lhheralityly d haruy. A.sad eveceurÙrei t'tb; ros man Hanse, Alexandria Daey,,oï alur- day ' 1.Davi4 . o f 'Nov Yarli, who 0ia aplnt svertilummer s t l Orasmu,' W"elknslmsyss wilh a violent diesie iofthé bzriW, ~i LwIfe and,,broaesere atifled sud arrivrd lu lime ta se-blunbreatlio his lait on Sàltiedgay afternoen-' Tue MW se ls"uM '.0ee Toedlsa at remarkal C No. 1, DFE An Escape T'imecwrte= f "lThat the-eaux tfmes runs'umcu hiapies,,oan tb Februsry, 1880, lie nesudence i taak refuge-iun-à sideof thelbroi& muan, ilin noed Calva 'bher. AI 60 nle hadi-, vith ubl"-e entas a aiulC oyes wihc-hô What iva.s tab- aud afiguiin l retomn'to-lie"iho l=er. 've «24

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