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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Sep 1881, p. 2

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*Srvant W«4&%. Voir LoLUM-?owu Ã" WhlibY,. T'Oùpit4« sudafiu ÂUUM q1 LjprM-ý. d..01irI toi. Âu$lnsI 1 trr.ies aucllorîe er.ý -l a Mudîo4 féehoslmiods ltu Drs. Géode 'and'M U.y-. , offls-) D Poelà&C& Do-u TiI. Peepi' Tiniülh-Win. Bryau. uttovus d $*- m.lryaa. Bae re<,hfn#o-wm. Bryan. ua Gollgbe-W.a.nstius Annel. Bc;oku and statl0onoI7BA -whoeal-J. , . Bobertson d Bro. B3erlin woi-..B. Boberteon Broc., To Toaohrs-4. ..Bobertson Bros., Scotch -and Canadien' Twed-J. B. --ýPowell &COo..1: Gent' Furnlsblng-3. 1B. PowQll & 00. AUCTION 86,LBS. On Tbnwsday, Oct. 18th, et th. Con- trai hotli, Oshawa, a valuablo farin in Darlington. L. Fairbanks, incttoneer. At Rewy's Hote], whitby, ou dth Oc. tober the McQuoid Farm, lot 10, 51h con. Pickering-L. Fairbanks suolion- er. On Fridlay, Sept. 28rd t Pickering Village, househoid furniture, M., of Dr. Tupker-Thou Poucherl suotioner. Ou 4th October, ab Poueor'a hots], Brougham, the Brook'. estats-landu, iu Pickering, markham sud Seaut-T. Ponober, isuiouumr, O#qLY et 34 P&R ANNUM. .Whtby, Thnbur y, Sept. 15, 1881. An Oppressive 'Tax. Tii. tai ou coal lueue of tIbMmost odjons leatures of the present tariff. IL Lu se iuapeeitiou for the reteuilcu af whlob-P wltilaa sted surplus of fout minitons, ihere eau nov b. uo eue. Iu4sq& *eàoppressive tai of ibm klmd aboutit mn*vr bave beson imposed ou lbe people of ths provnce of Ontario. Il te brluê Nova Sîootis ceai hors. Indeeà itlaluuow aemrled thal Ibm output aitlihe Nova seotia juines ln oc)y equal &o the bone demsud. Thoe qpiy effet baî been to Lake fily gr. ixty cents per Lon ont of the pocetu of the airoady overbord4nsd lszp*syeruof!Ontaro. Belvees four an4dvfi thouuaud tous ofecat aru brought -lbto Wîby, but nô àet oiendof Nova Scoia Cea1 i flda * t wi ay'be«e.'On this tbm duty emnts to moie lvoretbonsand or lwo tbousand dive budrod dollars, vich tbe people of!tii Me t. oves have tua ootrlbnie go sweil Sir Leouard Tillys surplus, a 1h.ecame of Whtl la lu iofe!&Il the lovnm alomg lb. la#s hoe.. leailu orteu aulvck Finance Min. sr Sir r,.omt pT$ll~e ur*presul ai shovsg a surplus qitfour caillen la * tug Domin4 sueion tWou duln the paspyte. 1.iaebmvr met ialw taogrov jebilasI vmv III ý1eorleo a. ehpublic iMrse,.af- smis fou mlns ct ëdollars &aid ln bî thé poople ever sud above ee au umeesry seuulezpeofo!the Goyv ergmeut, sud <ba Oi u noasmemore res.o, oerlegralfed llmauffher pby. aiausha", by the appllcatlon of a eéecl, drawn teur million oumcec more bleod thanshee"l sielyspré. PàuSoL-Âu eld frlend and ub. seriber, Ur. -Ohrlstpbmr KeDernioti, oe lovelid, Oble, saferuer loug.iime reudînt ad Towi. "Conmocior of WbiI b , ave us & 0811ou, ymsérday' Mr wowesmuc plefla o! s d, a e ports bis1q.arlés at Bériéa lu aflou. a cuodtou, witb, geatlY luas'âeî busi nes u miwgdbusiness prex The exhbition Ibis ypar lu loi M.~va ovesa put uoees. erotepoeople stmsalsment va. a, greal stroe of, '0 pollcy for the city. Aiready we shouýd 'say tbc-etiaeus arc veli repaiS for' irs otaiay. ,AnS tbmy bave tho fine eidbi- ME lien buildings sud lhc exhibition lascif 28, là permanent -nstitution. It n.reds ath viitf a couple ot dmye ta the City sud 0 the Imgroundu lu order ta hos able le' tenu an adéquate ides of aIl ihat la le bie m@on sud esllmate-C otic Irougi o! no poeptc roihbt 0ueCity fromi cvery p quarte.r.'Fom ton tb ifteen thouseud op vieilore et sel? 1 about tie sverage-'AI' - ufft ail busiesssharisl in hemo,]ioy ~ spenl1 sudeberful contenanceusud v g.cnlstaacin thle réuit 1 e The entrn is aeyeoir,wvmsre tlotS;' 'T t.ooee those cf las) ycar, sud l il do1 ô.fa panîmonis the eihbibti are up toi, if in they de ual surpaisu Ibose o! the tva 2 previons yoars. Prarn aur ovu ecao- lion thora le as.- usuel a vory falr repré. sentation uharems, Ctti., sheop, and c lu lbe agriaulturai, mechauiesl. sud iru- F deed a&U othen Classues. Taherdse sud M docîs o! the Milleau, John Dryden, Ari.- ilium Jebuaton, tbm Itaselil, H. "*.L Spencer, thee Hereus, ticos ua, al show np veil. Horesiare extracte fren tics Toronto prcus speakiug a! uomea!f'i J. Dry den, Braoklin, shovs lie year.L litg bull Baron Surmise, by Lord o!flbthe Isies, importeS ausa cal!, a iasauve- Comapact, yonog.auimal, wviiaipromis. -es 10 leave a good mark on tbm herdu e! Canada ; the bull cal!- Crovu Imper., fial, twlumed wili a helifor cal!, aise. - sovu, baîth yonngsm.rs being ex-uced. Woui vlgrovu, oui cf Quacu t.1, V.alyby CrovuPiuem oEAtheltan.; c &ao lIc bull cal! Commodore, by.. Ro~yal Brampton Quecun, by Royl Brampton, ontp! Columbia; Oollee calf Bramptkin Qusen, by Bayarmp. ton; lIe heifer cal! Bramp e lasseni,a eut o! BeMtî, hy Royal raplon. lm Simien Bealtim aud W. M lIen shov a loi of Jerseys auit brougit lu, ArnonaL liaem are Z-Favanrite, four.yoan.oid, a a eow, vith a fiue -ncaS, symmcinical ' frame, viti noue o1lice gaunue84eassu lu many o! 1he breod ; lst prizo as bost female a! any asgi ai, h. Royal in 1879. Tbnee.ycsn.old bull Prince Benlivot. Thc four-yean.old cow Grs;, ymaing I belfen i:Mfe ; tvo-yar.old baifaeexo. andnia, Doisy. llrunete ; tiafv.ysr aiod ccv Fsitb, ail brcd b>' Island !anm- ,f ens a! gead nmrn, sud ail but the last r ne Oo! salid clonra. This i. probshly- au fine a lat o! importeS Jerseys a. ver.e ver saenlagether ; cetainiyA Inothiug af snob gro ex eleince litse o ever bMore bemunseau lu Canada. 1 W. M. 11111r slows au hebal! of rhiiueif asd Simou Beau>'. importera, svr von>fue lot o! sl.ep- jusi out (nom 1Englind, compnlsiug ainc Cotuvoldu, 1 0Lelieter, 2 Souatb4own, ranis, 2 cweu, Sa mre breed, 10 Shropshire Daos, sud a 13 Oxford Dovus. Th* Colswolis are rfroni the fdocks of Jaobu, Bartbu & YCoas ; île Souihdawus fnem Webib & Joe., sud the Shropshirea !rom Shel. 1 dan, Thomas, & Minton Ont of tie i Oxfordowvu weighs about 800 pounde'. 8 Ou.so! the aheang Shropsiren rama a won. loi prix, at tbe Bath sud West o! 1iEtiglandShowe, sud eue o! th. Oxford 9 rame wvashighlycoemmended -aI lithe ) B-oyai. The importation incluSe. many t notable animals, amomg whlab, au voit 0 as Ihose bdefencmd, tuera fsaa spIaudîd Oifed Ram anS ivo very fine Sothdovu Euwes. a . H.H. Spencer, Breoklil, shows 181 Shropshire* sb& 18 Sonliidowoaifn.-' oiu"tg Mged Sbropshro Ram lin. pede-1lveyeanu ansd no-w vefithý a zugover 8WOb. ;a#à oalingnomijosi i. mpore; a ram lamb o!, lie owu 9bwedltg. 7 Shropshire yearling rame 4ut impenled,sud,,4 -cW$ Iambe aise, utma brmggit put. 'Amcug thc Soîh. demi Iheo lea lv.ye r.orm sud- 5 yringof gOil1m, j ed fromi Ils fioc ofJ. . Coman M.P.,prise-vin. tam v4utile-gresi shows of Norfol, Su!- -foiktud lisez ccoottlesa;, licoierame1' 0iImporteS luit lu agnlultural.lmplements Ihs Brownu t& Patterson Maufg. Co. are ou b aud a, yul<the WbItby EHarvmuer god other mâisaes. The Oshawa Slave Co. make a aplani- >-ddilapiayi £ The Ohawa Cabinet Co.bhast aIl aoonipeliters.and ebtalned:!on lest pièee o! furnilure, o! eriginal desigu sud su. perrrsnslfp, gel up lu canada i xpruday fer exhibition, sud approed by lIe jndges. Oshawa Cabinet Co., -dipioma. -Sielebotadsileer nmodal Waroe d slver moai; epnfleg malin., 86. Neil veol ve shet endeavorteu lve complote li ime! prisca AvArd #_ ee_ ei Whllliygeu4 oeu lvU( boteov'lbe pun rlday"., nado 86 ruais ,1.ihh. Ray made w' petiasm 12, Waikey 15, sud mai. mueS obff for 88 rMns, Boulton, vitb.19, slucg the oui>' double fego»r e, llb ucond innà b±b madSe 185 runs. Leing Plé,ayel a -.I n dug f.891 o09 out, Walksy, Mtîbcon, sud F. Paimer coutri butlog 18, ,' sud 21 r.- gpeaively. Th.eIoiepao il et ubtilu e~aSt.WhItby -elub tae our o!fb -th econd deoyent, ýIaYIkey beiug eue, sud for a bey of bis ag sbovod mre excellent encket Tho match endod inuà,s arav. The ullowing are -tbe otaIse-Whllby lot ininge. 86; 2ad innings,I 15;,total, 271. Victorias, lut inuings,.P8. lai Int2i$gg. 2nil lnnMo. a llsy,.iw,tb Sbaw.... 1 c TcdSb Shav. ô Peiham,%Morsn bSh',w19 b Shaw.---.4- ilir b ToâdS. i 1bT2oddl..-.21 8 Ray, b N~dd. 2 b Clarke ...18 ý,LLiuugb 05w n utoul...j... 86 Ieynods, b Ttmd». . 5sMIôon e.... O 'Jalkey, run eut...15 b Clarke... 4 fatbioson, b ....... .10 h Tcd...18 Brown b L4nidsay, o 8 Madil. b Mor- TOi!1............o0 nison .... Lindsay .......... 2 eoMdib Todd O r Pl'amer, net eut ... 2rnnout... Byce.... .:.o Pu........ NoLe ....... I lau le... 1- Nbais.... .70 1 Wfsi.. ..8 87 6' l'à 18 lî4Inigs. lIuadoslns.Wce. lark -.-..... 70 2 sa 8 Moiso.... 29 1 15 1 G. Lnd i ............. G: . orriso. 2b9 1 15 ..... B,. Lats, b Mambiaian .............. 0 WR. aluboynhoidî * .tis......U J. Rao, a ud bA LlàUa......... 8. R. BSvw b A. Laing............... 4 BYM ..........................8 I.owLro IOÂiLYSXn. Balla. itidaeu. Rua. ALeu.55 7 12 M 3 co..-- 8 S 23 38 Wickets. Condition o! Prealdent Ganrfil. Tac lulatt officiai intelligenuce firon Long Brsnob la ai foflava -Theom la becs ne material changé uin te resi- dente conadition duning mhlulat iwenty- four banng. He wue unoved et bis oun nequ"si Ibi forenoon frem belta oau extensiôn chair, Ina vhic elu lmoaneS 'bl a an linonsd h ba sbeon Ileu in- elineS latedraveinemi during tle Saey tian nouai. The veamlen fe nov ver>' favorable, sud lhe physicians tiblu tbey diecover signe o!f. slgat improva- iu bis smsptans. Canuingtan. Ai tb. lait Division Cour thI case o! Breva v. tle carponoion 'o! Cauuiu- tonm vas triodS vicnjagnu s g&vsn for the plâauif, anti eoee. Tbe.inoubles bhalveen 11. OsuIn. laon acbeol hoard sud S. S.- No. 8 Baià are to ho settied b>' abiêr*liou en ang- geation 0et ticiiter cI Eduostion. Lrrrmiu. m nua Aus-Tbe Oum-, iipr!Thoscàg&gefor 3ept. 8Nd. anSd01cnasFoce,'u Ab han, Blackaaood; - Bous p ente, :Twe TlcerrsuofPeoetm ansd Sketces- sud Remlniecummeb>' Ivan TemurgeSi, sud tle lait jounnet cilalx-# Si. ,Tamem'm- Gazette; A Gcrmau Crama. ion Hall, sud 1New Acpecis o>f ermis LlfoPaU MnU ; viIb instalmente o! "lu ,Tmumi>' su"TePrea'aSlb umnal anuunt e! poolsù Forfly-hwo numberi o!fsishyfoeir lag agsoI(or crha8,0 page. s year>. ýthe aubedrpaio prie te)> ae 1ev-',wviile for $10,50tîe. pthw licher. effe t Se snS. s>'oee of I lt> montiisor v"liou vibli The UvmRA Âge fora ysar, lti p osipSidL Uis1 Theolinpeorr o Gemny' sd 'tie czar of-'8u"ia bavéOtt elt 'DaamW. 'Tîs -elce b>' tch*pP"Udàet vu i.5tv; th w e wiÀ ÏM Âa teÀ vas oam amlu im, ll in. 421' - am Seon4d huai» C. E.pringse .........ugs. EdwanS TnIcîcît, Auislra ..... U eo. egerben, Whcellag, Vis....z l?. h...y....... ........... 7 OfficiaIl time,18- Min. 89J seo. G. W. hume, Ncvibrk, NL . ... ....1, Albers HaAMM. aifax, N 8 ...........t R. NagIe, -8t. lobâ , . ..B........ 8 W. l7emtugoilfarwîà, . -4 "... Burb.....'....... Ii the-1 foue.ostèd ra e lb. Cetice. had s *1.1cm var e m. 5t.17-TLricamiv aen&s1 Haunin, ]31.1aiWs1110#cr sau - cittng ra.., OcaIe au-Ha Mi caa aImaS, Tniakimîl sel' OseSaàur ieeond. sud Smih suai Bbom.r Ihir. The drst prii fa 50;second, M20, sud <ird, $100. Tbs pînnmn18arc]hm%, 1 - men, u"d t u h Mrié TIB& IRAND EEULT. TIe finblgemulI of lie rogahla l40s !ollovs : Siaaglm.c lesspioau4»imhp B«#m. 1. Wahiae c" os............ 11500 2. J. ...ley ... 000....o 8. C. E. CouMtuy............... 250 4. AltnI abn....4 ............125 5 J. A. Tenpk .................... 100 6: G. W* 1Le.................... 75 2. Trucketi. Gaudaun ............. 2M5 S. oaerRiey...... ,...100 Fosar.Oasa-d Bateé y 1.Tôronto ............ ...... 600 2.pittabung .....................250 S. Halifaxi.......................:....100 - Consolations Race. 1. ES. Ticleil...-.............. #100 2.J.Oudaun.............5 8. Gea. Hosorn... ............ 25 Ta. net vinninge ef the oursinen £001 up as follova-and omeorne e im vnk. oS bard for vIat, liey gai. - Thelou' eleareothéb.moneyitlli teamni lidward Tnlokett, lnatr..i...... $.,GauSser, Oniflis ui 1 7 ' . I.-Wlse, 1Tjcellt, ont .... 16 Y. . Sdholes,- Toramieol........150 W.. Rms, Toronto ............150 a.Elictl ............ ...... -160 G.ý W. husa9, Newark, N ........ 187 .A.Ten Eyok, Palkl, .8 ... 100 George Hesmer, Boston, Massg. 75. J. Bily,)Beston ........... 5 W"«rDeu uatlh a zfa......2 Pe.e. Pai e, ..s........... 15 ,W. Plemin L ....... GkmausrZ e ge' 4leale1enu ae Ive Oor Ibsesil" tussrmlgaw ISOside. Triciact haIblé, UtPt t3ulel-wlve oor lIres 'id. eti uid MORK.te rslI*e- 0 for ~,Oa tulu v*S t rn 'l- - o i untin lureceivlug storu De part.< levhere, I lave' 188; boig s a fev daya. taei efifFeul*.bO tIle ilyh isre teoivut. rgsl. Oriop ever pro-- uzsit oob. iltelivem4 en haval"foînghl a grin s ceniptulen 0e lIr crep s; sud te. 1-lis higi prices offor. have stfimuiated tle s, vIa appear auxiau iota varehnue Boseas e0 ë,&antage o! s fur- rloel'vhilen cËàud- ,Isdï lia leaSn Bmil- îmoiny o e l.Bsrley. ilsecuel, ,Minnesota, 0 e D of 1881 alaaostuslniea Il4 bu, thst o! 1880 b> Mli "four mllon hUsI lais; -but laIàare p opo uo 0,l "crcp la er veitoa" qflr elga la' velîlpér b rl ûSbsl-dIel h subjei m IeIspectlon rotuusai chi- eea frose lnAgcsl te 511 Sepleea-- han inclWylv, for 188 :- - aoI i . No 4 IS No GWre Total tas ii ye lia. C ickgnpieon Sur- lgAugusa suSSeimben, vas:- , No.e . No. No 5e. NoaGr'SoTotal cars, w5mB778 i00 o 2052 Fronu the shovo Il appears lIai about one. césêin -sven ilepeoted NS4 las falI; UieacouAIfar, onearou ft- ieeudê..! n'prpoiu"e '-oe. 4 in loti ye«"sisver> an>'lleU. It im claéadllut the' îàpecllon -et No, 2 le minhc'wmor lgd thivleïr tien lait; c*ta oli. aeseoucbtia -a lipe sdar No. 5 -lii' e do no goa etore suN. 8, ut are sy oiS b>' gaoioesto »No. -4te a e sa be u muet lo -j-for20siralbgh No 8 theq.m vli gsdfa eai N.7 Ie baswo goucÃŽfy,eeiad8 e, o. , #a t bu immdifern 80 lu nte04vln. île latls iffroez ,in, valuelas emtheo "ta fl oaualà - -ü b otb -àI them- irimr30 iromiaco, i ai(edaI roptBali 1'oaneiWet faim averaeémi l efYr Bas venousd a sasa traioe. for tlère ba eutiqes'piIhat lime lu lb. pro4dlutbarpy. ) rOm ibis iit ho ee tiau ili usé «tent, e olat ialttwo Yeara, tIe use 0o uiutéif for barley mal h&u.eeucrrone. - :By sncb meis brevens have been able te huat the -e, 01sto!biy - .snd'mpl1t. >At lieo proeut price.cf cern tliey villi net ha. gou avry hignnle..4r Z. 8c~Sa 4 Ifr the Weeli 1omes No. 'a vhe ioias roallyar *ne sampie. AÀ goed Suai o!fliebar. ly vhieb ia nov bmlÏng celv5a Y oth Iis lake sud graded as 14e. 2 8,'aùich, lltl&ýpea.ri ta-me, la relillvcly' mncb -laéappr ha ur No, 2. aille! -pnices uow. bing paiS mIeensd blie. Yanne, truiy, BOBPRT IH.IWD -l To the Bull or of thae Wilby Chroni-cle. DEA Sis: Tonenato streetm, Toronto, tmrtu, Ta. route pe Opie lave aIl tic 'appoianues of holiday lime. Bcuhting le lavisbiy u seS in Scoonalion, lctheaop viudcvs anc dresseS u.ibcthemasi stefpl anS aI- luring manuor, sud baIl citizeils an4 visitora are in their lnIgilsçlappae ; , Ibis seemu ltle t ëfor pli highl celer. -nature hensel! UnIauft O Ihe Siqpia>' o, t,1m40, TueW feru modes o! advertiting .ua.S, the varions6 effonta moide te atîraci attention anS arrest thoe eyeamreocrians sud inter- eliporSelu semdi 6u an gatbetnug lu a iel barveet bofef re he erihutien lime lu over. A iittlpi:> aàafy le jamneS o ta lesire1 .et Osemlg, anS nathiiug eau equal vIat lu obiseskîw ilLs 1rA1 lrg nunibeo o io7dii.tclii li- - 1> o! ihel. niIvïa y-4enoi ail Wsivi- scarcýeiave valh.îoI emptyfng thoir adaion eiiaaréet t eai laWlàhl ex sudanS - t -iiràY - (onday,)lbm BegaiadiviSed viii lIe ibi w-public- attentipua; -At pr- icut île latter bas full uva> snd is - cQWdp&dàdal*The veailuer 'w5a ver>' -pvolià gfor ios; e lireod lu aqua,. lII<einzest sund: ýeemluseto'm v- edfour-. aad sixa à dolaY. Most snd Secisieus. saudnuasu adi Sssa- - pointeSovrflnauswilhdr&Ïwalfreon L ëti5a a -Ru.mgllik Hna ptansd leep the Clcampiouoehip.in Canada,wvbl CoGule' anober Cana- 5mia, ehowed,,bmoii ne meau rival. A retty eigici, ludee, 1he races vere, sud lias oarsmeu voli engb 9matebed te mal. the progreai aven lie - vIole course, iuteresting. The ha>' Il. goslf 4otted vUl- every 4eseoiphon a wit eral-btuî uàac6Siônal bik steamer, formedS apoasing piclun.- -Thons va tic uuaiself-conéeited skiff tbat lventai net .gmet to! the.va>' sud thIc. ' 6ienug aeamer lIai would lts ho pe"ttiýh ofpriss'-ioetlé, - -snomnl2amca-bl lioun1beExhihi- tiou groffli eu. Fnida>' afterroo,vheu &Il thsecamamen, and -Soublemm s rush ro! emotalaMu, iiiIdproeul C recpté icueeid&Ã"lb Sifr -h île syudesaiilouapeas1 have ri ..midnneriieddrLs,-ar. enonts lame *am. s" le produced Wa meUS'pineoof about 10 Ibe., "-id vas sae siie as slnov sud abuet H biesugar le vas se ebvheet 1"' .There - mre thnee grades. ' The druet is aiSd for, . land sait ; the voit for Saîry and geral ue; anS the t7iirdis coarse iùd'brài~Uze. - rê0m~uun L21Q çar loade, toChiago isltva v ee s, mplizfi ktvry isudoome thiug an 11. E eiatiïer annoyed Ibat ev«ny village the-tn-l -W eelst Sa ,Bomany mnufactories-frýom butter anS chasse to-,"ylg- ri establishments, bannei, slave s'ud pfacoris e, sees, a sîla asorks o! hoavier sud langer dimnensions 1-wu Whitbyissa n badiyff iunthis romppctiIf »emeot out Whilbyc"Pi.- tai"ts .,ould ouly open tboir purso- strngs, sud let 4bose a! more onlerpnise as lees espital, baale thein fonds, Whitby vanid .1111 laIe 1h. stand elie lus eul4e4 te, in li. front rank elgo- The Destructive Fires in Mars and itarna. The ýOrilla "Times," giving an se-, count o!flthe destructive Lares in tbe uorth, maya, in speakiug o! Mare, BRnma, Dalton sud Carder, adjacent ta Se&- 'bnigbl, on tue MouckRoad : Iu thie ýdtidat, for miles around, the fdre-fasud bas ragea.' vita dissrons effects, car- ryingvlth itin UlnemaS cancer, nualonuly ivluable limaber, but dwelioge, bani sud oul.honsos, aiea caille sud shecp. Il wiil bo rnany ycar e bore the ma- jiniy o! lie enifeérera recaven ibeir bos osi, if Ihey ever da; lu facl anch la' 'bpeâ the effeet that jnumbers baveo le- 1 omc-disbeareued sud 'oveS outlvith- ont any fixeSt ides au ta where 1h03 vere Opn,$êr eesly desire being -Il ho svay fr bm IN.place vbers no mer($ bnighhpeslibhurleS inshes. Going eaoticou ie oud road !rem Gai- bnaith'i ahiuglo muhi,-vhiebh th îe dwcling bouue' e e oposite aide of tle rosai, er. l,ýotly consumeS viti ail their gçatante-onWednesday lait- tle i tur ilne îetohea far aheni45 miles nolh, 8 rafles esst sud 18 miles vweut. It i. muïd tuai about lveuty fa- mâis bave - been ciiicr taialiy or in part hurmeS ont.' Amonget thoso vba 8,iero moat veto Mr. Aleî'r. Catb. cro! Taiman & Cathoant, vho viti hie vifs sud oldreon vers compoteS ht tak, refuge l i hq -river, under thb. vs ter-wheel oaUbe mili vhicle hansug And miii vote, burinug, sa eviflly dia the.darnes oventake thon, sud il is saa ,Ibaiý Mn.. Callucant ba& ta dip Ihbasa o! ons o! ibechildrem lu inte river lhree tirne, froue iea haïr taking fins. A cau. pie o! pige, evidentiy from. iurnail in slinet,- jameS ,thora in basin uucomfont- ahI.- rtreaibut, eue of, hein i11h swine-lile abstinea>' vaudened ont au- ansvsrod vlth ils lifo for lts stubbon 1nBse, as it vas immodiately nroasisi!.- SPetsr Bernes' eau, Leenard, lad just .corn orne from lthe States with fift; dollars i M ins lu tiin lce It in tlb Louelaud lave Il borneS vlthe lb. o o! th.e!antents; basides lis bhae and bis soun% flfiy dollars, Mu. Barneaslosi cvenythiug, bane, grain, sud oýnt.llcns, ie, as iwoll as fiftesu eheepsud dfve boa '! cIle.Te shev tIgè,tapidit; vit-wllc. ii.duestravèed ou lai Wedneiaday,ihà d'aye f'tbê'higi vind amas lite setw 0e lI heep verî vas fonudalec lIhe nez&it ng1he 'doadl caresses o! four Seer. 1 - Wie videv MaDonalS'4 -SwelInI ,a 11*nbrniug, s govn..updSanglier seiu âd bolS, af, lare yeungen, oiilduon,anu toD on a d , f r ainmîe ' b ouse, b utlt1h perptuate eS'aî644%goseea amben, sutd ll a16t ttaul y O bsd O ne eae lâmeans, l 'y oud of ispre, dw mre ~1a-Qh,.(Bn lù ii ioli ciChor,(Bufâ yul b-h'er sou ton $unday' i% th, fârm fol servies; emi-deatlY*in a fia 'sdruitace-o -ltb ouse, t -an dS iS't ,<m ceuple o!flaga *h eliiuaiary er-a ul.b.i *- A millonlce.WIIl. IgàT C0W WK. OOODERE-IIOW TE DZ. OEAED ISPBEDO? IROIXAESE-8 * 1ATE-IT 18 GENERhLLY DISTRIE- UTE» AMONGJUSIB RLATIONS. o The .at in . Gooderhsm's vu lbe- 19 quebLhu >11hie property outaide ihe U parliiership to hie ncphcv J. G. Warts n and hies ape George and William, sud bi tb. -boire, orecuteri- sauinitraore hi o! the survivart upon certain truste, sud .vitia power t0 appoint anather or ailier trustee. The, trudts are (1) bis, vile le -hdve 1h. use o! fhi. e',sieuco sadaLuru. turc duriug her lilelime, (2) she to lie paid $4,000 a yeur jyable, quarloy, (8) hie danghtar, Sarali Latham, te ho v paiS -a yosLAY snulty cf 4800' payable ' qnarterlyè lber Ivo danghters ber -two I danglitere ta Ie msiutained sud educa. ted outIi o ueanuuity, sud- if Sarahi dieu heoor ber dauglilers are 'tveuty.- dive then esci aithem tai bd piid 8400 per yea", 1Payable quarterly, until thoyE are twcsily.f±ve, when the annuity is te cesse, but $2,000 are ta b. set spart sud thc intereel thereon paid lbem îqnarterly duriug their lifetime, sudj wben <bey die tao sdivided aïquaily1 smong their dhldren, sud if ihere are1 no issue lie 82,000 ta reveri la 'the es- tale, (4) #40010o hie Sanglier Mildred,e (5) 8400 te hie brother Ezekiel, $500 ta hbie ulece, Jane B. Baye sud $800 esoht to bie uephev Gea. -Warts, snd hie niece, Elizabeth Evstt, Mildrea Lcsry,1 sud Sarahi Sylvester. (6) 040,0030 ta each of hie dsnghtere, Lonies, Annie I suad Victoria, ta Mildrcd 88.000, sud tla 1Jane E. Ray 85,000. To bis -grand. daughterHattie Crompton 84,000. Thei trnstçels aIl etle île. sucus on,'thec B legaleesgoa s ta b& froc from aIl debta1 sud contraio! fIbeir huebands, preseni or prospective, sud if auy of theo diei *betore tbeir busauds, then le ta enjoyj i all the incarne ga bequcathed, sud the êôther bai! 10 bc spent in maintaiuing ansd edncstiug the chidren, sud if nouei yIhe monoy 10 rcvert te theesotate, or if *ny dis uumarriod._ - MS PÂRiNCtRESWiNTlm 9valueS 4à 895,000, ho loft ilte the op-. * lion of the rosi of the firm 1.0 ako it ai thal sum.n&,s if net toeào solS1thom aita prico ta bce dxed by arbitration within titre mouib le bis: deatb, the pries t le psid lu fivo equal annuel 0insialmeuis payable fr om tle day cf hiedeathiwiih intereui at su par coul. SIl the pantnera do nol accepiIhoe terme. lideedeonore la lvid àupL tho *partueisbip oste sdissolveS hy -hie dualli.'Thi:epi* of hie estato. 104be' dividSeSinjutaÏsvèn, equal ahanes, sud oue haîf a sbiro ta ho given eaci of hie 'sape, William, James, George, Hfeur, il Albert, Babert sud -Hcwace, ýif they -at- tain tle fagoof tuy.ftvo yeen,aud the other bal! ta suai ai hem sasshall Idatiain tic age cf 85 yenr", tic intereet thqecu eonbchopaid lbem, mosuvhile. If any die beforo aitainiug smo aga sund uumarried, tudr ebaro vill inlter. ýhest ta lbe d1vidod eqnally ?amouig -île Ssurvivers, aud auy legàcy vhicb may lapse tla be diviSeS among hie. soeven -sous." The trustees arc silowed 5 per et cent. sud the elxeautors 124 per ceât. ou on seauaIincomo la pas. tirongb 'Y their bauds 0-or disbnrsemonts. The i>t trustees are alsa made guaIrdiLnsof deý Là cessed's ahildren sud' grauidoilldron, e oarc provided for, hy îhe vill, .-sud bsson James sud his ans.ià1aw, Wm. ,y:ozoonloru,« Thce ii,, s aee, a *A m1So ou 1he 29ti 1lTovember, 17, . wa *uwiwenoascd by- .HiyrOsoa % PdA. ), Barvick. % te TEZ PffIR T ODIOIL ville ihatinlu lb. évent of any'-*f Ii ig paneiboing marriodl-aud dyieig without z-issue, the trustese ebÀll i pa-outiof! hie id, ids~ siI l l vbLif. ef snob son, s.*1,00,0 per aununi for Il!.. The seonôd le -dateS 241h lfay, 18aôiaul he bs il ~uèi io-,8aral Latll UC AC le.tva> t-.iugli ero,. " wll () hs be. b.. Abak.at Leington. eshmaut~ agi cf pnoporty lu Huron sud Sanilu- aautlifs ai aOQwo,,Thoe isu the*gf fre"- vas a:mastly in the iualOmpau, hose meanbore an mate is thatï700,000 -acres have" je ,urni ever sud, lIai -12000 Pl@ea bom eoesud&a destiuo. pe As reparte como lu from the bumu liainit île citent cf the d&a8814r -ap.- paru gresier than sud one adialu;ifl of th.Unff &ts.The 4Sâis4~i whick ,ibi'firo et élispamt week bave ýwraughti sncb apallig destructi of i>! lii. sud - property ainmavnu a.the Huran Peuinsulan sd cousseutheb- icuntios ci ýHuron, Saulise ¶i!nsel§, witha total popuain !7,15 u praperly wanth ovenr 825,000.oo. It in eatimated liaI as many a. ooo lives have ponished. TERAGING PLAMEs. The napidily o! thecfdames va.sRaton. ishing. Iu Paris township tic advanm« vas ai tb. rate o!feflen mils an hebur. Places at vhidli on the fonenoon cf Monday thene ver. no Lares vitile eighi miles, ver. ai noon engulfed lu tb. waves of darne. The story tld cf the sdvaucop'f the. lind torrent cf lire le, willi small variations,. the saime everywbere. A suspicions sud preten. tiens i lullbthealmosphens, thon deusen, smoky, the sudàen sud terrible' darnuse lin bnaad duylight, thon s van tbrongh 4tecasud dclearing, à siower of cinders, fallowod. by the ter. rible lineofo! Lre croeping aloug ibe groenS sudreariug as val oaiâmes ehcoting np fie"y longues bigh tbrougb lhc foliage o! the foreel, sud darting- torward ru slresneoa! dames b sei"e.> wliatever couid comc vitcin lia gras.p.- The saving of-pnoperty vas nett e, ha tbouglit af, 1h. strngglo wu. one for i!.. Bien Open, fields cf lventy.ive acres. affetded ne, shelter, sud in some 'Ue! edozèenweie burued tla death, lu lhe coller&-îliey er. humediin 1h. sud liv. stock penisbed. by thousande, sud the, vilS bossasof Ibm forsets mingled licir havis f deathw-int thîe hiesiug4sud rnsingofczf ldarnei tle bird. perished, sud an Lake 'Huron their eorpsms fasted lu thoussude far -ý oui lowarde' ithe Canadien shorssy *Everyhere acros thevbale lakefromz. 80 lac,100 mies, 1he umoke va.so80dense' that au oightli o! a mile vag the far. theet rnedlio! thevision, sud'1h. vu- soils, as hey passeS p np a dodav, kop > their fog visi o estatity bloviug te proventolision. AThc destruction is almosi heyoud ne. li. lîU Somao-township& are swepti am-ý ean Sü, dfior, sud il le umnpoaesste -ý dietinguis a belven feld. pneviously cisred àud acre cavered viifarmul.OW- Thc los of 11f. is appaEmig. W11o10 flamil*es;a*os a - Can.adien family of- f.ortunei, l ave .p .enisi1eqýAt Csto, a vievaS'Lve- ocdsuen e efound> desS;in a voel. .Woei o!Tyro, lman op~uLaed~ .voueeu eaSbodies weWe faüdIYM n. 'Oneo îindre ,d ud Bu7 perished vithin ion rmiles O!t Windsor, s ua d r e p q r t s c o m e f r e i a l p r i c ._dozeeand, scores of!<live osel Tit several day. havé e st.thc ful»I bsà cf 111e canuot ho e.scerlied ' The 1Dominion ie Asoito 7meeting cot-nBtra -~heGo nr-Gee asisud iés party -ro*2id Rumbold, tlzhundredê miles min's, ta an a' al] yulh 658 lnv's 1 je 'h. A lùre eu»>ber o! mamies ha.bli u asunuroan alic4cit. ,Momts. Hi stout sud Hendemsea lave been vaI 4en wel rueveS, sud thein otassea artew ile. uander tva>' Our Ing, wte olsaud'olhv on au irgpl.reaud nummbsrM4 Itmis.'- aul.the lU ing inV~ -to-comae Na 1I~ A Case c inue idcri' sevens eclS tresincu tiarge orfo necunet 1

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