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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Sep 1881, p. 3

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18 FAC Lt D1~Y GOO)S~~< c: ~'- 'J-I. Ts.AR~ ~L4Ç P~ê~IIE~I5~ ~We g~e, today showiig a, splend d ln of above goode, a t-1 ries Jitwf&Jsôihai.The colot le exeileiitâ adthe value Corneansethm FANCI -DansS a" l5 We have devoted special care to this deppixt- ment, and to-day we are showing te newest goode that can beý procurea in the HRome and ForeigM Markets. TrimmingB to mnatch., LO HN .In this departrnent we cannot be beat. We have seleoted from atil the leadiugHousea in thîs country the Best Styles and Best Goods which are manu- factured, and have like'wise imported heavily of Seoteli, Englsh 'and Frencli goods, zuak- ing in ail the largeat ana most conl e display ever show» in ' this. ,part of -the country, We guarantee our Clothing to be peret in fit alid -flrét-elass ;okmasi.W o to corne and examine our Fail purchases, ana eau Bay confldeut]y that it will pay. No. 1, DEVERELL'S -I3LÃ"OK. 0. F. 'STEWART, "THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE CLOTHING HOUSE." _______________________ I A Caoeof Confirmed Consumption. Frai Mrs. D, M. Dani ! amiSt e. hsm, Me. 11I feel it My duty te write a few words in faaa oleDr. 'WstroBaiaiam af Wld Cherry. iu the early part of liet winter 1 teck a severe cola, sud sbortly afterwards a dis. tresng cough wa. added te it. My friends did a&U they coq)ld for meý but without avail. PoTi efv. boi )xoaus tuat ooldb. procurea dia not r liospme, and mieoogh' contlnuud wibh me Il tbrougb the. wlater with increselng soverlly. I spit blood tbrec or four turnes s 'diy, ana ioy frieude, cousldorlng my case hapeles, dive moue aes ceufirmed Consumptîvn. i wie In.thu condition when I beard cf Dr. Wjstsr's Baisaa cf Wild Cbeniy. I begin it seo, and bforo I bad taen bal a bttls of It my oough and Il my troubles loft me, aud I wau cureS. Z feel âo truly lndebted ta te tbis greai remsdy for wbsi it bas dons for me 1hst IumnS JOlI 1h15 vluntsry temti- mony, hopùng »-may hois moins oai n ducng thes wioare uferieag1as IWR, tomx o ili. Itil. the .b,,xl romey for lue g cam lte that Ilever beari of, and I aMI, consetiy roommeudlng it teo My friands. 60 conte adna1si àbttls. Sold by Il drugglsts.-- Virtue Acknowlcdged. Mr. Ira Mulhoilland, Oilcville, write.: 'Femevraieaz I1avesuffered rc i ft- rec b os hadaSe , dse.sd comelîints peculiiS.rte My sez. ince us- iog your Buïdock Wlocd Bittera I amn su- tirely relieved. Be Prepîned. Manof athle vent attaoas of choIera mer- bus, cram 9, dyetery sud colle corne sud. denly inele nght, sud thermet peedy and rompt -means mnuet be useS to combat their ire affects. Dr. Fowler'e Éxtract cf Wld Strswberry ilte .rsinady. RKesp t at banS or ei.5rgeOcies. It neyer fails to cure. A Safe Remnedy. Many medicines check tAe suddculy et- teks of bevel comepaints, lnducing danger. eus inflamaion, Dr. Fowlers Iltraci of NVUd Strawberry leantes, streugtliens anS beas lte disea"ad d eakened mucuous suriaces of the stornach sud Bewels, sud safly cures eeery for. cof Sommer Coi.. plaints. The Fins Step. Self-respect is tbe finitstemisnI&HIlrefer- mations; esudvian yoor lecd je laden vltb impurities and yon are uff rug frai. billouanees or dyspepia, tho firmI ste p teaa radicul cure sa ta tuke Burdock Iilooff Bit. ters. Prr'e Ç.00, tria size 10 cents. Fermers and Methances. If youwlehte avoia gret danger and trou'ls, beidés a ne email bill of ene. st thii.se«macofaitlb.yer% youshould Ishi prompt stops a -keep nouae frai. yoor bueold. T0i systein should be leansed bleod -purifeS, tcimc a bowels regolat- oS, suS p avnsd cure 'isame mrusng irci.' Sping malerla,,Ne. kuov ofnohing thetwill g Dsesctiy sud "rly do thumas B.tec eBiller auanstilthe.riflug cent ai fifty cents a bottle-Sold by W. B.Bavme. Dr. Cason neyer clelined for bis Steinsci sud Constipation ÃŽlters*DY, 0iaCULcUB Poena ap UXLiN*, b ut vWUi>tbaquiet con- scunss ncf le b. meilual Vinnea be Pre- scrihesthem te ail' thos vbo uffen-from suy derangementaof lie Stemicli, Iowele, Liver sud K.idneys. lu larme 8 oz. hottesu at160 cent.. W . v. a, upectal agent for -Whltby. A Senie cf Weanlnesm i. often feltby persona wha cannai locale sny parti...u.asae. I1 lbey work t is- cernes labor; if lbey vaut, lbey sau tire ; mental eflrts becomea burden, snd aveu joys are immed by the madow ai Ibis wsaknesa 'sh ht as ven Ihein lives. Recourue ta b.d sometimes tu stimulants ai a dangenons ehanactar. The advice oi piy. scnste refrain frai. active libon pro. duces nobippyreselta. Why? Tii. sys- tem lasdbultffed anid needa la be built up Iroporly. Peruvian Syrup will de Ibis very lhlsg. ,Likete selectriecarrent vitu the. carpore afnctions, il cises Up the en. teeled, brnnguthe. colon tauiii cheik sgaln. sund hope ta the despoodert. Il Sos ta work prueaptly sud wvs». SolS b7 &a cg- gisls.1 Yeu Have No Excuse. Hureojeu au> axicuse oro sllering vith Dympepalorlve. Coi.laint? Ia there any erouanWhbyoum#houid gonoufrain day Sick Had.acbM H, hl1.l cotivenes pal- pitation ai lie HEa"nt o b= u.,Waer- b rea Gnswlng - mmiburnlag nsai lbth pità te Sombh, e oW C oteS Tonge, and diigran e ists inithe meuh Cang up of food te seIng, low spirits &., No P> Ilta pomlývely jour owu fanit Il gau a lotigo r'>uua lye o 76 enta Your cre I ehi~btI o Free cf Ceai. Ail pesons vislalg to te#, telre iet0 a gea ge id-an8that 'silIpaiively cure eonsumptian, Sougua. coda asthme, bronchitis, or su ilection iL.î and lung- &are nquested 19 os» aM W. B. House'm rug aoneganS ei a trialboîtll ai Dr. ing'.ev wDlaevasY foronsumption, ires af comi, '101yl"sio yOn'bAta ragulan doller iseS bottles yl do. SolS by W. R. Havme. Those vho m#e aubjedlta t Bllleusuaua8, Constipation, t'ysp.pmla Indigestion or auj Kdnoy Affection, should isaelb.eadvlceofa an ab oph ysblao sud use De'. Orso's Stomaob sud constipation Bittera . iu Iang bottles il 6W cents. W. B. Hava., upecfial agent fan Wlitby. Deluya are Dangencu.. AnS nonimoreogo han ta negledl the ie- clpîento tgof boweî complainte lu in- fantsaundadulta. Dr. yÃ"'slo'a xtriet ai Wild 5l ne'b~y la lb. moal pr*lt 'a nS peasat remady toadamluisher, sundis ai. vaju reiable 10 dure choIera lnantui., Syaentiry, abolieerOM 1 'aU mi umi.er complante. For l I deaena Canedian, Choiera. This terrible diMSeain abut 1M11 lama fatal tban regi AdUla chlera, anS" requines 1qay r rstmeit; -Dr., Fo'te,'u ltasery vi» ueil a WeilIUAi l er forame ai bovel - complainie of inialor adulte f Xiu l roper ltime. The Deth-Rae of Our countr-lagetlpg tôbfguyalM jean iîhout an y reaiepable cause, M nsaultnasaa rallv e M.ost ligniA At 9:5j»Notico of Berth*, Marriagea, ead Deatha clîarged 450 cent8 eacls. MÂIIRIED. ROttERs-DUNN.-Âi Whtby, 0o-n the lSth meot., by the Rev. Fatber Me- iLa tee, John joseph Rogers to Miss Mary Ana Dua, ail cf Whitby. HOWE -PIERSON. - In Boston, Aug. 15 by the. Rev. J. W. Hamailton Mr. George P. Howc, of Boston, ta Mns. M. L. Pisrson, formerly f Wht- hby. ANDERSON-GILLESPIE- On tLe th met., at the. résidence cf the. bride's fatiior, Catiningtca, by the. Psy. Josephi Elliot, J. D. Andoreon, M. D., L. R. 0. P. Edin, cf Port Pferry, te Mary Miller, ldest daughter cf D. Gil- lespie, M. D. DE ATHIlS O'LEARY.-At hia residence' Pick. ering Village, on the 4th lint., Timotby O'Loary, aged 42 yeara. The funeraI, which wus largely qttendd-took plices ta the. R. C. banial ground, on tbheOlla inet. Deeaaed luves a widow and a young family cf six children-a boy and firs girls-the. oldeat 15 ani the young- est only twoyears cf age. Mr. Olieary was very mmcii liked and well reepectedl by ml wbo lnew hum, and besidos bis sorrowing widow and oidren, leaves a large circle cf relatives and friends ta moun hie early deakh. *WHITBY MARKJITS. CIMONICLX OrrucI, Sept 141h, 1881. Salardsy'esud Tuesday's delivenies of grain 'sera lbe largeit for tiie veek. Tiie total receipts reach about 25,000 busesî. For barley, 76o te 86o3e ve the ruling figures. FauI vbsat 1.25 te 1.80. spring the. sanie. Blak-eye peisO 0 95. Small, 85 ta 90. Fali Wbest .............. 8* 29 # 1 80 EpizWheat ............ 1 29 1 80 Binsy............. 75@0 87 Floupe ov......... 00 O8 20 Bye..................... 085 090 Po ...........0 75 @0 Ptis, blaek.eyed..... 00 O-0 Bllue Pou ............... 08 5 0 90 Ot ................. (1ose 5 0do Ray ...... ............ 800 <1000 Appe% perbuÏs.......... 040 0 605 Poitees new.......l* -...080 <0 85 Eggm-................. 018 @ 0 15 Balter ....... ......... 020 à 05- chooe.......:........ 018a 00 Wood .......... .... .... 48<0<500 sbeeesin........... 040o @0060 LamE,khinlul Zl5rr.... 1 285 @ 000 di fore quarter.... 100 @ 0000 calimklns............... 011, 0 012 HiSsa, per4b . .... .. 07 <5@ O ce Por, perewl,.,......... . 70 7 50 Turnips................. 00 < 010 Ceîexy, pen dez .... - < 00 5 040 Chiokens, per pair ......080 5 0 Turksys, per &l..........0 16 5 0 15 Woe, unwashed .......018 <0 CO di asied ............ 0 20 @023 Beef,byhe arcuo..... 0 07 <@ 006 Retil-121c.. Mutten, by lbhcarase.... 008 ~0 0 Bîétall-12 C. Ve, carsse, c, reail. ... 010 0 0 B.con.F.....s . 10 <5 O 13 ........... 0;12 <@ 0 14 Ububari, pen bnenh..... 0S0 0 O0 Asparagus, ....00 O 5 O@0 Olislots, ....0 065 00 Radisbes, «I . 01 0 o 00 Parsnielp, Il ...O.10 0006 Cabbsge, pex bead ..... C0>08 05 NEW ADVERTIEMENTL. AIJOTION'SALE FABM H 1 --BLHG6T ON i Ther will b. mlS by Publie Â4ciou, on Thuraday, l3th Otober,188l,, AT 2 'cflCI, ATI800I, à-rn CENTRAL -H02'HL, OBH.&WA, B7 M. Levi Feirbnksu, Auctloneen, T RAT VElay VAVBL3 1A»D'- SIRABLB PARU mowuav stue West bell ai Lot Su >rT hlftrésilutha 4h cosession cf ihoeTavua tipwhdDunglns iu lb. Corntyo! 'Durbata, caistùig Ost ilunre Cres, Mare or leu. l4boui Nluety arsaecleered anSd gfrml- ra$ta ctivri OUI nt h., 'siý el Tbere ans OU th. preisessortible aud camdasfnamo ùsellngEoua vitis large atoe OKitohon iiiach .fâù tanme Bann sud Stables iu good rep;Ir. The farm fa'satueaS by.elelnivwellq, sud bu a fine archerS ai cholce fruit thme.. The. fuam Jidistant bel! *,mile iron Taunton P.O., three quqanrs ca a le frai schoo a l v. miles front Osba'vsil'shere tuer. us a reàay market ibr ail id. ofaipro. duoe. Tille géod. Possession lmmediale. TBIUS.-l0 par cent. an day a i alensd an aMeunt U clent viti ths e post ta ineke up ane-founlb ol th. purehiae molaey vithin on. snl, sud tier smllnthree. fourths by re e qus nul.amn witb iatetemvlta six per ceai. Apply to Mn. George. Leusk, Lealdae on to - WU. MOUTIMRB OLARKZi Vendar'asol t9 , 7.Temple Chanab eTezite. Sept. 131h, 188i. -3.9 For Sale or To fientL TILDiSOLD. OR -RENE. PO NEW ADVERTISEKENTS, Voters' List, 1881, TOWN 0F WHITBY, COUN'TY .92 ONTÂBIO- NOTICUi. beroby given, liai 1 bave Ntransmltted or delivered te tb. perse.m mentiened la the third sand feurth sections of thée "Votsrs Liai Act," thse ca0e0reà iddymcadmetio to be Io-tmeldo dlivored aiofithelEst.=&e.purmuanita iithe Act, of AU, possone eppe.rigby th. lest re- ye Asesment Rdilof 0 . alim ni. pltrt eentitloa 10 ,vote la the snid peubt7lob ectosfor MomborÇai lth LeffUtre Am'b sudnaai Municipal Bleoens ; 604 1h0m al iatw i vart Pott, ed uin y ofic ïîthe Town Hall, on the ,d&YOfi ÃŽf ber, 1881, and romiains EleatorSlire calledupen ta exmine the. said 1151, eS, if any omine4es or allier or- rocs dre ionnd theral,t kl immedlato prach@Moï gto bave Musaidemrcrrectc- ed ar o d.law D ii. Ii 121h day aI September, 1881. THO 5. HUSTON, lin C1erk cf the s&ud Muuicipahîty. FARM FOR SALE BY AUCTION. The gubscribas receadinstructioni frai. FRANCIS1 McQUOID, on bebaif af the hein ef tl.lte JOHN MéQUOIO, iTo mail, by Publia Atnce, on Wednesday,* October 5th, 1881, At BÂY'8 HOTEL, Tawn ai WEITBY, the prrty kuown as the " McQUOID FAR!," coesuating of Ninety.two sud one. ball (921) acres, mare or, less, being South hall foIit No. 10in the otu concession of PlCKRRtIN(Q,-85 acres eleered. Tmer. are tva fime Damarusasd Stables, twc good Irime IHanses vith atone elars, goed boir- ing orchard, ibre villa0aigood 'saler wlth pompes, sud one gooa dciteru. This ie a splendid g r ain fns at»il 1 W aot aMils of Greezwaod millsfvo mUeitglfrDufi Creek station, and egt mile rmmthbe (ouniy Teow aiWhof y Tii 11rôperty is wvo» fsesd i.ina good titq of cultlvtion. Titis Indisputable. sale il Onie o'cieck, P.M. îàne-aIf -forhr- emslder, 2 yeam, vilS le"tefesiai six per cent. L.FARAKSAutne. Plch0tag, Sept. 51b, 1M6. 15.8 1Tarm-to Rent. Ci ONSISTI O? o1t25 AV "RS, DING brdconcession oifHBut Whltby. For f4r12er particolars, spply 10the propriotor, YRRD. RHYLAR. 88-tf aaa>O TAX COLLE.CTOR. APPLICATIONS wilb. receivedby ihe A undorsigneil, or nt the Town OIrk'. OMO$c, up ta nomon o Mday.121h 1.81. for ax oilctarLotTou aiWbty>*for the *erlgl ; stidastomi ttywiMibê JOHN BLO'W, Chaimen P.T., Wbuuby, 6th Sept., 'à8;. F It AD[OPTILOe.-W vhn oJboy o &bout xyws epof 3 girl nýesrly Ov; bothaiýe'beaIthn uI Addres- zoze1, Wbiby P.O0. Oet.' lmh 18. * Ia Sergesi ilI. J ~n heMarket at medi respectable -hJousoeausUt Finesteti uth 6uy C. p> > W -ad,-c oe Costume ColsCm1 hrCoth; (p1çred,'aind lc ikStnBgkad(o OmbrePrins, Wnceys, &q WORSTED COATI, S COTCH Li:dCAA'IA WEDS GNT'FURNIfflINGS, U-IATS,' GLOE~,&e.COTTON,FLANELS, TABLEMLNENS, HOLLANPS, &c.ý Oaet,--ru 008 Tae'y oland Fjm, Floor 011 lotsMtsc. Cotton Ba,8 iem: -'-i I -~ Ca3bmeres, IIOSIERY, We have f hesitEbton in sayng we h&v the Fi~t -oek of Millinery outside of Toronto._ oStlVreyr Vauei Hts13onnets, Feathersi lw à-Onmn ,PIse~Stns mr'iibos calarge stoc'kzof 4g, P-lsh Triminsjets and Clear, 9rnamenýts,. e vie, mmpect o whether buyers ôr not. Ga n ee u Go 'In th9alrn Departmeflt e have a-irst-elasâs Cuttër; Ft ndwo-k gpa.ranteed. Desaigo h ienss Our Grooeu.y:s wel ocked.with. fresh gôos -sept. 1318, 1--331m' r. D ~V N IL a. ~ B TIIE ENCLOS]eDCEfCULAR -0F- ROBELRTH BRYCE, - DIRECTS ATTENTION, TO THE Â1UIVAL OF A COMPLETE STOCK 0F NEW GOO-D S TilS WEEKK. To buyers of Dry'Gôods 1.1 this vicinity he hais long been-known to -show, very early -in the- season, amost complete stock of th newest goods i h akt The high price- of Whèat and Barley has waiTan-tedý the , Pur- chasig of an iuuually fine 8tock -which intendin >buyys-hU1d~ meie a note of..,* Tiake,. an early -opportuuity ýor viewing -the stock a.t J3RYCE S-G& TI NOTICE TO CREDITOS TO 11 I OLDI M38I the iOs ~ i~1 1~7A3MTê RBNT1O O NEW A-DVERrIISEmENS.LIER LWbusne WM. BRY*AN> The ?eo ple's TÃŽt rfh ihsu~r I S NOW FflEPARED TO GIVE<.MS ýUSIA Â- F R i.tention to Panilies and the Publie ini hiý ine cOf buenegs.ofe supply. those in want, 'witli STOVES AND PI]PES, io And ail the necesaries ini Tinware, at the very shortestnotice an &1ei éw pce.Also (JOAIJ OIL. His long expeinemhsieo~taeei ablos lm i b secure, nt the very lowest rates, ail the reirmns for h o.e use, cf the peopl& .- uthë, Stov~e ne, hi ss til vr tfh- éperioffiy of the OROWN. J EW E L. with 'or witliout'ovras; hasg J mien, theýgreatest-satisfation; ii odl'v n ilrpyteprb~,&1U other stores -.,kept. on -aad, -or secured for pnrthasersi. ý f ha - Dufferii Range" is perfection! -store Ppes of al kinds made %ndauedýétoordér.. ,EAVÈTROLIGHING AND> EVERY KIND , OF 71NWORK on bnildiiis, ouametal à otherwise, 'wMI. bqexecuted.with nedtneso teýê. - punotuality.. LÇOElt'for markiiig-Bagettbore.A rk câfô. tanemember the liew Store, opposite Rtayii Hotel, Dmuluat~t.' WigbylSpt WM -181 "Late Soôk~audLow Pes" W'beiîg.our motti an d examine itiid bëbeonvinced, at WflITY-Nc 4'~rodkst. 111kila Yongp»8t-ýT -00- -.WEr"AB PB ED TO IaOÂI ,Ne Watches1 - l(l PR C.J5l WARO#* »FA-LTRAOFFAT INTl OW 'ERq£ i i SORE.cte i plyiW- 8TE3~ ~uy ifeBest land, andoferth 80 the "al la uit. LAi Lii minul vas mail ema liaw4- rklake mur' -altempt la esu, 1on Piday, but ua from a vin-, robhed %aIrain tare been oap-.' tu are oxpects4 ir 'sorkngvp, the rolibers. leu vesselà.@on iDositsoa e1 i was 7,877, '218 anoi, auld roua endS Ott*- ' lel. the Ioe. eo hauitheiidis- maktovu. ,Tbes etin lurdertO tva or -$rées hieh wuonaSes heaItb. Mr.oc of UntiV mgi= Ag IL aas 1

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