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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1881, p. 3

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1881.FAt' & k ~2A Grand- M;1IM nery (Op en FRXDÂ AND ÀTN~DY, p Lg0' 1IST5I When WC wil Rishews ut, ho nat Show Booms, on the above days, the Largzest, the - spay oêr Orc~*0tlcpèple of Ontarie o.04 r9IXOHEST SATINS, -ILSVELVETS & P'LUSR'EB, ,IN'NEW "OMBRE" SHÂDES. THIE NEWBST, BROGÂDÏ SILKS, <'Ombre" àid Gcld.striped RIBBONS, 131k, White & Oreain LACES, "Ombîre" Plugli RIBBON8, PLUMES, FETHERS, FLOWER8, ORNÂMENT8, &o. ouRDSLT0 IR'R ipo iNNEàïlg"iffaits -à AND ý Wb UT8 1 WILL BE À VEBY SPERCIÂL ÂýTTRAOTION TO',T.HE LADIES. Our Styles, Shapes, andTriminings are perfectly iipmeneeo-everv Bat aud'Bonnet a Inarvel cf artietic tasto, ncatncQio. ana perfection. Wc will show only the lael and meut Fashionable goods o tec oblained. Your attention ie aise directeil te Uic large ehowiugof General, Staple and Paicy Dry GooS and Novellies. Kindly look at our Dress Goodo, Blaok Cashmeres, Shawis, Weolcns and Yarns, Mailles, Mantie Clothoi, suitingo, Flanuels, Hosievy, Gloyes, Laces, &c. 'Thc stock in largc, new, attractive, andU aluhe lu isu nrpassed. No. 1, DEVERELLS BLOCE. ;use. meraeg lwlh 0 onl frem in da Our Steinica t l tI lb.t Ur ovu feul tI St Ployer fW N, but Il ycu- go for 10 cou" :BROUGH41J TOWn < HLL. 7. TOWN IHALL- AT EIIOUGRAI. 9 Partleadestropas t ledelg-hi ttend (h 10 moeeting cf lbe OcÛal oN mMNlAYrg ltla.OOT'.,;AT NOON, i. At the alRu&h1re4e! b i n utenM Sera for lbe vorl.ý JOHN wmILER P. . uoovun 1Ooamileea. TOWN'HALb»P'ý C. F. STEWART, "THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE CLOTHING HOUSE." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FALL iOPENING -ni- BERLIN -WOOL WORK, FANC -AND- - ,Y GOODS! The LARGEST euS FINEST stock of Beýrlin Wool Work sesc opened ln Wl4tbys ccuasting ai OTTOMANS, SLrPPERS, DIIACIKETS, TABLE DRAPEBYS, ETC., ETC. IN FANCY GOODS,, BASKETS, - WORKBOXES, WRITING DESKS, FANCIT PRAMES, HANDRERCHIEF AND GLOVE BOXES, ETC., ETC. CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL. Viellera te oFalr-wauîlng ouytblng lu (ho aboya lines-vould do Woui to Cali iaS ozamtne the stock and pricea, andsaue. mouey, beture purcbaalug eloowbero. MRS. ALLIN, Brook Street. Whitby, Sept. 281h, 1881. .41. The Chatham Baneser figes ont lai wator-works mobepe for tbat town wbicb lat u b fnrnlSUa uniimiied uppiy cf pure waber st a cut of 0103,000.- The water lto cb. brought a distance cf sixteen toiles from lthe Ohensi Ecarl'e. Wnnipeg City Gouncil bas. decided to pxrchee the propeuty cf IL W. Jamie. son, two sud a beif miles froru Main stroot fora public park. The site con - tains sahly acres. The price. g b. paid la instlhnnte te 0200 par acre. Mr. John Huoqt, Br., of- Brampton, father cf th. Rev. John Hnt, cf tbe Strooetilléoircuit of the Mîtbodist Cbureb, 111.11on tlb. l9th iustant ai the advanced mgeocf 98 ystrs. The decea.ed camne te tbis country from Lincolnshire about fifty years &go, when ho ssllled la th. OrS concession of 'To- ronto *wnsiip. C. 1D. Blondin, cf Bryson, while ne- lug Patta green as a paint mre days sago, Ireqlenlly rubbed bis sycu and Ifce wit its bihande..,That cvsnlng 'uyuptome cf poioing manifesîed th emeives. Nont moruing bisees . ere terribly inflamned, and the poison .boa broken out in bis broaute legs, and arme, and b. was attacked wîtb sever, cramps in bis stouiab. HO reCOvered sufflcntly te becout danger in a few Scys. As a Family Medicine Dr. Caran's Stow. och and Constipation Bitters are rapidly takng lhe place 01 pille; tsiiy ais eqeu^4 effectua), do ne gripe, weùken, or produce nausea, s are pursîy 'segtablu. In large 8 oz. boles aet5W cents. W. R. Rowse, speial agent for Whitby. Y5NotUces o BirtAs, 2arrqear, and Dea4lii charged 50 conte oach. HAM-At Wbitby, on Wodneaday the 28t1 met. John Jan Sel Ranm, aged 88 years. Funnral on Snday. FISHER-AI Wbitby on lb. 27tb est,., Gruce Pollerd, rebuet cf the laIe Moues Fisber, aged 85 yeeresud 19 menthe. WHITBY MABKRTS.. emmusuiuOvines, See . 9h, 1881. There was net as large an eltendance al th. market on SBaurday lait as.lthora bui boom for the put Liv *e.kostl.1 5h. anakel vas pleuwofUy uupplied witb aU iIndscidsiry poueformer prime.lmobutaea a ggu ver, "a" taned. The grain marketlbba l e i oceilmuod i=eh cf tle. pait Io veeks amnd the price.ci bari.y toLa pums UP. For barley 60 te 96 b asee a for No. 1. PFaIlvbeet 01.25, 1.88, apring wbea* $1.27, $184 ; ami 88 to, 40o r seomal 7 te 7à; acdk "a 85 te i .00 blépu 80,tla S1.OQ; ryo 90 le 05. Blov 'wil .bctounuStbé tull paqan . .....01 2b 0#184 Op'.ag wlieâa............ 1 27 a9 1184 8tuicr.........8000a 020 lPeusb1aitk.ye5 ......0885à 1 00 lBluePo............... 080 91 00 Gatl.................. 088 A do4 lùaY-.................. 800 Co10 00 A&pple«, par bus. . *--040 (900 Peooa ................ 046 (a 060 Ilggs.................. 0 la 90 17 DVter ..i....... ....... 0.15 ( 026 'C7ee................. 01latg 000 ,woooS.......... ... ..... 460 095 00 Shopkint ............. 040 (9 00 Lam, indgquarter...125 (@ 000 *'fors-quarter ........(290 O 00 Omfakins ..............O0 Il 0 O12 Rides, Per llc. .......... 007 &9 (08 Pork,percwt....ý...... 700O a 7860 Tueni- .... .... ....... 008 (9010 Coler", p#ars.. b-i080 (904 Obtekene, perpeir ...... 80 a9 O50 Turk", perTb ......... 015a(a 015 WOO14unw"sbe. ...018, 4b000o ," 00 he-......20(909W Beef, bylthe uaoa...007 9008. Mutton, by hecrmaaa 008 (9000 vos,carsse, OCer",rsat 00., 0 Bacon, Fur'o..O.. 10(à oi18 Rame, .; 01924(901I Rthubab, Per buacii.... 000 a000 Aus a, " -0 05 (a 000 Shalti, "-.05 (9000 Parale, " 6 10 (9 a W Cabbag, prbesd . 0.. o08 09 -U T 0 aIl who Are aufudrng fro=rte merrera ana. ln&loaiomciof, uh,,nervoua wseaeus, urly daoaylmasàcmanhood,&" I will send a re iétbat vil cure you, PRUE 0F O E. This gtbomxus vas Sicree àw'a iuou, ry kSOUI Dmerica. Bond a sau;f.addrebued enlvelope te the Bav. loum sT. Iieàs, If fD.. EXECUTORY NOTICE. P RS/NT tl Section dBcf Ohapt. 107 cf Im BelueSsla of t (ho rpe d of Ontaro: = 7 N otiel pb ivm hllaul creditora and othera ha-ing camsagalusl the otale of 61-EPHEN FIJLLER- lots o1 lbe Township of Whitby, lu th. Couzqtyof Ontario, lu 1he sal4 Province, Gentleman, deeeeaod, who departed Ibis life on or about thoe levsnth day of April,' in tho year ef oui LorS oesthousandoegt huniured and Elghty, aru required le send by post. prepu.1d, or te deliver le Mms. Mary -seraiapulle, Wlâtby P 0 or te J. HRer Ormeevood, Solicitor et 0 ids afEstali Wbltby P. 0., on or before thce 201h day oi Norembor AD.0 t581,a etalement contais. ing l't th nmnes a4d Zdreues anSthe a, u Sarticulais of their clalma and the securities iauy) held by thora ; and Ihat aller tho sai date lut aforeamad, lias Executala vii rfted.to ditribte1h.eaiseli of tb.saiS Soea amon theportons ertitie& thore. l, regard bang baS only tle the. daims cf wuic notiehba been giron u ahorc re- sire, anS thoemid Erecutrix wil net be hable for lh.'aasÉdmasoet mny part thereof te muy peracu or pereens cifvheeaclaimn notice, &allRnet have beau ý.reévîu by lias saiS Exe6uiïlx or Silicitor at the lime cf sncb dlirlbetion. Datea t Whllby, tla1h day of Sep- tomber, AI>., 1881. MABY SARAH FuLLER, - Sole Executix. J. H/IMBu (RERNWOOD, Ber Solicitor. 41n.40 CREDIT SALE!1 Of Farm Stock, Im pie- met,&c. The nuderioind lbas celre a istructions Mr. JOHN GRAHAM To schi-by Public Auction on lot Ne. 29,ilu the DÉ&h onceaunof \VHITBY, oe' M(ondayv, Octobor ITth, 1881, rTm WL14 ZU v.orLuuLa ax a HORSES.-1 Herse 8 yr olS, 1 Herse 9 yra oiS, I mare 9 nrsolS, vilbsck cl 1 iln e-8los.i cou dknPacr- rr*CA .'-1 ites lu mlisri "1nt C9 pu 8 setteras, -laluly cui9S, voaling ellurs, 1 yuz0r1la~teer 2 spvng Ombres, i1Hlgb p105..-10 prlng Pige, 1 8ev lu pig, 1 Suffolk Boar.. IKPLMiI'~S-1Champion Beaper 1 Mcvv Bue.., lc.2),1,IPmaalg 1ÏH bo1 vih liiaoe.ýpcve, 3SLumber Waggene, 0ast,. Bob'sle4s1 pi D ocral . w tuggy<nory uDow i'~aa Tni'lteiSeoSDvii bedat seiIe arw, 8 aiWceenHareu 1 iren Turnlp Soulffler, 1 voodas Temlp Bonfler, OsbwaN. 4Ple, 1oinaion Ploie, Iiteelclipper Ploie, liesPlv2 Gan$ Ploie., i hend Ternip Drill, 1 Relier, 5~ ~ ~~~l tauclasHesm elns ]sy, aactes TuZonijuvila iler >rlieli.1eV suun Au Ur. Grasonla relu, ngfroua fenniu EVEET ARTICLES WJJÏL DE 6OLM wllbout any rgeserevaterer. TE.BU.-AU seacf 10 snd unSe., cash, : orer Ibal sauetIl mane 'crodît viii b. giren eufo n iz hl;nappe0 on note. . ' a tea uct w%!zre n Sue, aiit Whty et» 1. 40. Wlilby, epi. 9810ai881, Prom 1 Ihe Whtb ï 9~i1 -n~Itt SEPT. SOth, 1881, AT 2, P.M, 0 - / - - * pen ,10d. Saab, pen lop upilg Inatillute Akyl Cornmericing onFIDYSE-PTEM BER 3Oth, and will.' Saturday, O.ctober lst, Monday 3rd, and Tuesclay., AN IMMENSE '-,D'ISPLAY, Ã" FASHIONABLE MILLINI - - t~ TITEJC EPý&RTMENTS "LYSOCKED. g!D po'I miii; GRET SLEATWTOE PIES ROBERT-H RYE Is giving. up buiness, intending to go to Manitoba early in When lia Winnipegý las, AU ust, he made arrangements for the2erection oi-l",arge wholesaleand retmtilware-. houge to 'le'-'èompleted îu Febrü-fr-f -next, ; iconséqjuence of which, RIS IMMENSE" STOCKS, AMOUNTING TO BETWEEN-: %< . $30,OO0AN0$00Ã"O worth of the CHOIOEST and FRESHEST goods in Canada, -must BE GOT RIP 0F before leaving. To his already large Stocks (by far the largest in the County,)_ he bas added ever Seventy-five packages of FALL AND. WIINTER WHICH WILL BE OFFERED ALONG WITH -TE REST 'AT -'WHLàLE BÂTES. On Thursday and Friday, Sept. 29th and SOtli,bisà stores will . lood ta Mark down PrIèes, This EXTRAORDINARY SALE 'will oonime où,o And wiUl continue until thr first week in January, wheu thEý ba1auôeý'c Stock (if auv-,yw b. offcred for mâle hy tender (unleuwprc'vioualy disposed 0f bypiacsl),tgte ili1a o mise&,-Notý for many ycars have the general public been igooda PMtiontûzvet ua e.a ý 5jdd aIie and neyer in Uhc history cf the Oounlty la ir.hmmlia potuya thai p"tb olalupp 'DRY, <200DB-AT BUON ý-WDNDERFL-.'L LW R 4 E8 The selling prieci wlflb. meLeS painly il ERD INE below ftnrmer ýue, so Uial cuatomerscecmpare lia. diferene, M xtra Stef of Maesmen hisbe 4gagd, to preent iuitm rd haviùa îo,u(e too MIfo 'ob. serveS. BUVEUS"aa $ if.d t t as eerlà a4 â Pb. a en icday,a* wnsnlèu4ie êet advan4ageU"anby îvf*a 'unîilithe efternoon, wh.n uuoubledly! there vià Le ê8GUÂT RUSH for thc extra., erdinary BÂRWÂIS " bal - I3'RwqryDepartmente b le a&as omIt.sfor l'. A 'erylare sockof Dress GàQQds S, ils aitn e~~s ateOOh;1O,& sesson. Eeyuia Uieymateria1-is hcwn. ReIainshape iz Rate, Bnet.Toeabe* procure theninhrysaIWom nel Piehould induce everbody lunUieitioinîty b Ieavo theïr ordérs .arly. Tihe cceigly 1ev prices imuât induoe. cuslrato prhs.vr sg aoI,5 Ltthos« who vishl-the. Choicca godashnent delay mamhig a besgniug. k - Sept. 29th, 1881. 8 Ring Street West, OM~WÂ ; Od4fiIlOvs' Eau, WHXI. 'DOMINIO'N ?AR NE W AD»V E WRf 1SE MENS 1881. F L L PROCLA MA ýTION ýlý 1ýýtý81, C0. 0F ONTAIRIOY eFR~A -C ~ TO WEr : J Is lig5 Ibos. nclrd asTes, forsil 81b. caddies fine nov Season Green Tes fer, $1; choiée uew-Sei1 k Tea, 8Bib for $1,; MI. caddies puperior Japan Tes foit1. ÂA»grdes: Sêlu! aI -priceâsthat dy cempéitioni. OancdGoodo,'Biatty's Choice -Pic a sud Sauces, Coceanut lu bulk, F'layoring Exte, ure S'Piee; 'r Cremn et Tartar. Thc "Louise" Baking Pewder i bune equal for purtyý aid ýexcellence, Uic saleofet liucieasing daily. 1Use th c "ie.Washer!'" for eeononiy in tic Lauudry. of common aid fanicy soÂAPS; 12 cakes Toalu Sap 1*20c.-A'fnl assorlmeut et BROOMB, BBUSHES, PÂITjSBoTUBS, WASH13OA:BD8ï &c.;,2 Breoms fer 25o. S.-F.hlas lb. lareststock et 'CROCKERY AND !(rLS8-WilE> in the couty; special bargains in China Tes Sets, nw.syls 'htc Graile,'vee;new styles lu Glasevare." Bea;utiful -Pùain* 'd idBrouzedý, LAMPS very choap ; Glais.LaMpa fýrem 80cesai. THE BEZT P.&MY OR -CE. bupply iii at RockBotlom Price sept,., 21, '81. TUI~A8UREW& FEWA10IYEý VtÈ' ù 'O M John-'Fem"dà'màfýI'3Mâte,4 1'à mu Public and sep ioicomcfw - duCiktBaU-r open Bu, it na le Iuituto am ONE' MON:~ LI AS OMCOR. ýBROCK DUNIDAS STREETS, TA. B. SWhitby i, Sept. 29th, 1881. cQntînue 4tI~: - E RY'OODS 'CI.:N V CREDIT SALE 0F, FA RA STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &o. &o. T"E maadrined hum reccived instruc- IliH. JOHN FPITEPATR'ICK, To soUl by PUBLIC AUCTION, cn WED. NEDAY, thc 121h OCT'R., 1881, On LOT No. 21, Set CON. ef WHITDY, lbe fllcvlng valuable proporly, vias.- Haarr Honama.-1 Cenqueror Mare, 9 yrs. 01', in eil teGleniffer; lmmre4 ys. oIS, (by Claaaa-anouI t iCenguerMare,)wltia soncgoel, ~yJo. thé Ranker. 1 Mare à yrso. SbyClanan. 1 Hors. 4 yra. cl. 1 o 2i Ree iiri lS. 1Pllly,2 yru. aId, hi lanean. 1lFllbylrLSby OlU="'a 1 Plly, 1yr. olS b Rlaie 3r C&rrL.-2 M XbaOcis, ilu (o thoro'. laveS BUi, I due o clv. in Oclober.) 1 Cow 8-vs.ell nculL a ilieseyra eCI& ii' cou. 1 Ree, 2975. elS. 8S e yrs. CI&. ô SIeurs, 29yr.. ld. 4 BStera, 1 yv. cîS, 2 8ring Oalves. uaa5E.,2BE.Luabo, 4URm Lambla, (avlil bred.) Pion.-2 Fàl Hop. , Sprlng Pige. IYPLaKlarr, &.-î LumberWan 1 Wafnu itou mle.. ollgat ugr make.) 1 pair Bcbllul6a.iw magoOt ter.I Reaper-Whilby Harvealer. 1 Oay- uge Moirer. 1 Sley Hors. Bale. 1 lIe. volvlug Bora. Rake. 1 Traillng Fle.- 1 Droadcaut Broder. i Land Relier, 1 Cul- lirFator. 1Iron Sceffier. 1 Woodan 5ceffl. or. i sol of Iron Harroia. 2 seS. cf veod- mu Havrovu. 1 Oshawva Plougb No. 4. 1 Steel Cligppar Pongl.1 Iron PlougIa, 1 Wcoden SoS Plongt. 1 Stiav "Cuie- (Brown & Pattevuon mals.) làPauln Mlle, (on. Bones o.»e DOW si.) ne Turnlp Drill. 2 seSDobeH'-m 1 set Double LigialBarnesa. i El BR.- usas. 2 Bay Rala.9ubt.Wbafelre 9 Necl.yokea. 2LLaSSore. 2 Water Treegbi 2 Plck-Axea. 2 Ovoiebar. 1 Wbe.lbarrev, I, ngar 1.111e. 1 Grain Oradia.1iRHy- jife.. a Oinuitone.., I Loggleg Obain.- loiçus 5..-1 Sceejisberl«.8scythe- mus adSuaths. aSclos. GrainBagu. ic CaIlle Cimins. 50 tons oi Hay leStick,- 8 tous aE& aY le, Sb., o~v. f OlI"« Hiay enîbreebed. 4 ïd cfOetcre in 81>001 unhuad. 4 moyeu otTu=Mpý Aqnmutlly of Raila. Ferla, Bales sud os illa chia or aistee nemmv olameuL 0"eya àce ii h sit wit thegab Salele ommenai à%12 e'clecl, noce, s&arp. Lenliasaiil e'clock. orrait ameezl aeuia Oedl il inoninluebe.,- N. B.-TIe Farm for sale by prirale cen rfuhyalsrm. d lthe etr flf v. are mower, ie1 ,o aleue ao largo 1,i a sanî~~ lim, teo lk deS villa cou. red le tcouble ick BlS Bit perceded. lild Sr vrr rel camlate. ti s, pD a- at tPere 'rege or pomeoce )ut It. lipeu le Ben- it erer niglat ýo sedden at- krm Merlas, eues, Y kep Mt bc Truc., rovler'm EX.' bav. trieS Its 'bus, cvampu tomaci auax' a oblîdren or e.p a aupply m. nulS becona. enS endeavor- Mcg nakins bed by slply TÃŽIaibotiea s Drsg Store. end, $ed. T"al m maultance. leve ber le eonsi ot' st.oreee.a =aou LSms Ù4 vos WMA siYi AIJCTION -SALÉ~ Titis.vIUiii».Melby Ptbli AMcIe, on Thurday , 1àthýi ober, 188i, 'M'y 4.& HOTEL, OÀ"U24W ý r_- 1 GOOPS 1 -,F -"

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