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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1881, p. 4

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tirvb4 a~i 1pe oxI, bt.he WUoN. asi, for ho!t0.. e vs O Caasllyoe ld g 'Nih a q is 7 00 ui a s! y Ile abot fr sm*pn te ke.p hi.n ont hfth o ua s.Usvu oobaldaed sPOM 7014gcmin, snd hbal elbues uplu <mû. yslàehcsptur.Mf tifftU oïmtheAssjriano, Sogther vltb , Ms $ave$, 124,0 teu vanloade of oliver %cd o o-d a fsw other trUies, Ninus wul'odauW the uèla) ladger until big bug@ sskod .ftsr hi.tfe sund babies aud ho oould borne thre If bilîiaWl$kut Won4#r->, o er o sina$on wocil aVI se,* .Swu rtLOStI,. 00OOWhou h. diod, and jet for the y aI royesof bit lite ho weul with- out mOU>o because the prias hoc) rais- ed to tires cents phr ponnd. The'boires. with s *80,000 bank so- oclnt c»on deehersifnomre pumpkine, but what a h.. cent pioce sho wouil. besbong aies f Qusengon2lem.81 Dot ouly lied a lucre 1 6e, but iu tonan ses&h.oau InceseadIl our. flad. José mulllply *850.000,000 by 1 'aud eloth "a sud iblture sud p as. u 0âbe eu rabar htlitdlecheck, twj, i J70000"4Oh*-didnrSI vûM ébuc wh '"br'prug bositi esme tram, snd wbeu a ns stle c1 fflO *p.jtU'i4it w abeîÏmode à~ 11161lflW a w vu soe k h.rYrOlmu. ub*gsveherW&lUngmgit g "hW à j4 10 1 0 oJ9.5L~ >êr.wmwa~ t~. . ne litaîetodso 4pu »0000the~ di2t gh ~ teh tiie faalavxit Whou s man clame t. bey, but pwasenM hua*.Ilhl,00. HaI cuq 1km.ownsd SPU0borate, '00,000 ouitil., 2001M; "lsPb 14M mi., sud 25,000 l&Vef, sod taatrd t il. oICj fau#1,,00 hotË*r*Il Wiy $o05598.Y mme46vi, evellâtdru i Utoafer O" W CM sienS Q4on g druuk. The pols.* didunt rua hlmx in, oqr bo v.old Ioibti.su bave inelutecl on ps>ng t a *so adprouen"ti h Ili&eIrOnok Wit acorner houeansd lot bc k, tb.t .nw prt. hIo. tû King Mia, '", an tr weUlboeled b. blé e v0u0ghu"d-Is. one- Ir cigrl h tou .p4j8.haa Of",uyd. lo and &tOId twOt otÏ h 014>.m..s,.s su vhn b P Wý.o _4ntP rl, tha 1.ea êb.'i. lOuHIas, 0, u4 .: Ï111ia 'uoià ,. r Well vaus &olt twooty4live ,e4dlo W4st' wbïti u Who A4 5til ýne te thé eëues, tard hi. fàie fr th e uchet. A daughiter at 1 tioeped-toleth'buk«% do't,~I wabld*nup fie the air., ltbalwlud. lau.wosalee blown aide, sud a rusl ot gpu, wlih s terrinea noise, lssued -from 1h moth e t1h. well, throving -Oand Ots ir, soeaof il ex. t t be well Ceu ïl t ho O*ur ls i"thres heurs, when theé de bodes ef 1h. lhree insu wer taken-out. Thoir oething vu. rotted by th. intenve heat cf ths gis ; Ibeir fleub scalded, sud they b.d soveril brchen boue. It wonld ap.eas though tbsy hîd bosu hlowu near1ra&te the top cf th. welI and had fallen bsck, sa theif Lce were dowuwards wheu MuN. Bilvuns oN-TuE NonTa.WIrST. Mr. 0. J. Brydgee, Chief Land Coin- missiogneoofthe Hudson Bay Ooupmny, retiýe 'a les. dîje ago, sud gave e tlo*ing details cf lb. prosaerity iu the North.West. ne iustauced a sileofo thirty-two.lois at moction iu Winuipeg for 0128,000, each lot 50 x 120.- They ibid #MbOwç ï~Vort1à, 24,600 serge ot 1;lch le tirrinig land,. .10a n soiAre, &nd the ýreet iu lots. He thinks the ixmigmtion ha. net beeun much grester Ibau liat yeaiLbutuntil 1h. Thxunder Bay section à .completed ha o @.inet thiuk it wiseote0 xnasepecial effort, as immlgrants «et picked np whio pieeing throngh the United States. Au Ox, Mi ,oNLY FeUn':yi3A:gor ÂeîÉ.-ÂIpereLsu rnonsroh iqie-of su aged insu, "How mauy of 1he sun'. revolutione has& thon oonuted 2?" "Sire," iài&d thbe anid pi,41almbufuetr nts o Ilg. "Whtt" intîerruýted thé Ring foareat thon net te speakl le with- thy.toot on- th. er«>' bILof th. tomb 2>" l-speak net felaly,.' re- 2U4 tbe. aed man. *Zighty lougyeare bAve I wasted ln fol>' sd sînfui pies. mures, sud lu emseig weelth, noueto whlch I cau tae with me wheu I leave *W a. Feux onIl ave 1 *pont in doing kàod»,1e. my-t. -'tnu &d"ba 1 mounI thos. yem vnh'htaebeen 'ut- turly waated ?>" Like the rojal preach. er, hae 1*ooked on il 1h. works that hie bsnds.bd wrought, sud on the lebor belt he Wbaiborsd te de, sud, behold, 0i vivinity." A Tac Luit FOR ÀltVrLax.-Ceulwa, herllugatoa rufianubo recenîl>, aI. îue a 4*orimical afeuli enus Young uc -aes -aely, imprieosmeut iu h.COestrl Prision for one jear sud bisee huudred &Bd eut7 daye,and te re. sivé forty-elghtl heshe, tweuîy-four on dàrivl il lb. ýprispu ma the r-s "ndier six menthe- tlioreahte. à bovel toiture ,of the Dominion Eablbîion,vwhiohia hohd At aIlfa: thie pear, will boatrophy composed oftheb oupe, etc., von by Novi&s Botsa mark&. nona st he Dominion rifle Asseciatien netig. Thi'Kolspor ecups viii also bu ribitsd. Dunuus adviae. usy il asevidaut tia& te labor mevemeus in Ir.isnd samte >ueed te are&a es formidable erganiza. coli whiah ai a faverabls-anemeut coula M aed te extort. frein thé tears of the tgliah MMmistrj, theo rseorslieniiof th. - asbPirlliment. TÊant FaIN 1<TRE BHÂrI.L-Mar., bal Cottn ,A rigidd)si$phnarla, olud cut' the garrisoa dl Ljong, «s lm-j dey, sa" m*4. f hum go throukh Il the mavam"eni d incidente cfa didul Of tertlble* volîdys 'ofmuekeîry, ueulebd atI bis orders, ho obaur,-.d Ivo ,ii m, à hs ov*e0pe' 'ered hy uhe «t-And #y exerlles, lad quîetl$ fanonn pou the «ras, Nedimm@.dlely rode P ';t> Px > urmttsg9 vihiiMÇmea sd eax. tut aeo yen deiog bersr, Wlhile jougs nu-rados are ûhtiug jeu sm-e sleeping i îluhlydoig utbw 1""1' egyoum- .1e., "w.sieuotn«the alalu lunlths fI. TeMrehl esnileHd sud Iun .à bihore. he Amenia,,piper. continus e tpsy enderful attention te our greit, North- tâ,gsntic euterpriaq cf liaitsy, the tiuhY elkb. rvuin l.ousr «e itauiomud -the PUSI hb$e Siaclzoo e. h.construction cf lias nsdacific. ,Ibh.llIimitabl, vbest ide of Csnada proedoe mii "4Dor For or Mnm."-Ous of thé 4obçià lu the public sébools a atwffly coived the other day au excuse-u=. se inlis vay, sud wviîte n lubebaif 'I'delluqueub puil bj the faliar.- 0 asbher oould ohd incb su exeua , vld, evn under th. requirements lb. nev oc!.of the Bard ef Bdues. s. IruninuthlsvWho : e"r : Dot pcy cf mine vau ment de odur dîy- yen hoe ahtsid, oui.- eet-vos -USgcolt snld lihnubszo«val ie binm mueli drouble &al d ida 'bdcu'e Rive hlmaone-bunm el sa a amit lb. iuorning.? He W& gos ther. ashual intime emir da~ i b. ilaI ol hlmsolf tMa,,le, t etauddsu She te"ded te uaism m,~lm Iis ey'-baeuîb' bi. Pader belote .1. vs -ded.'"-Zotu#Yoik Ut- Tlu and itooutdo,ùg peope of a~ laiteIn to undaa1suos4h.frée r ing neaghbors TO ÙMVET ON Moîgage Real [Ilate securiqi. Apply t, , l CHAS. NOURSE, "brZii flu nmne Age nt, WMhy. GBULBSMIYTHS' HALL 1 BROOK-UT., WUITDY. New Watches! New Watclws 1. New Watches . A NEW ÂSSORTMENT- TO HRD, TO BE SOLD CRBAP 1 BEFORE MÂXING EXTENSIVE STOEÉ. JMES JOHNS TON, A -7OT or JRWELRY, Ci.OK AND PLAtrEDII..WÂREi, TO DE SOL» OFF AT VERY LOW PnlCES I ?!1I JAMES JORNSTON, Praclimal acskr FOR THE PÂST WEEK' XLAGE CASES OF' SCHOOL. BOOKS t Uave been rooeived'DAILT aI MRS. ALLINS, W==EREYOU W=I INI A COMfPLETE'STOCK (if Sehool Bouls -for ALL 8cbools sud aM the LOWEST PRICES! SiLATES, DOOK-KEEPING IBOOKS, EXERCSSE -BOOKS, SCRII3DLING BOOKS, COPY IBOOKS, &o. SCHlOO0 WALL . MAPS 1 AT PUBLISHRS' PEZORS. w ootigSpecwinl Focep Paper! Whitby, Âug. sUst, 1881. --.87 LIVERY STABLES* ý"l.L.sTlL. Mr.. misa sdd., a number c»f F118?. L'LASS JHORbES, Nev FIron.CI#tu FARM FOR -SALE 1 TUÂfT DZUIâLS PAIN~1 Town and Parkil ots -FOR 6ALE'.- 033 LOT ou Brok 51r..là &aie ON1E "LO<l$q4e..Rces ONE B=O0 fPivv1o"sIW.lof Byres TWO LOTS on Higli Stret. Aiibe NorIaWard, mà"iiail o lbain 'uR, Cepw,, s'à CANADA Y RAILWAY. id tor fiinde te lOUtter t ther.i tsmte~ before Oor~esi~~, donce s.llalted villa nereone fer seXe or ~ BTOP.A 01>6 FORWAi2q'a.~ Office, No, JM Front-Bt, Weat, - *~OppoeltsUnlc~Ilstlcn). 144f PIANOS TUNBDe S ikEO.'T. 4tTspPEtUT, Trer, -Ifor Meise.. eôn&Il, oono viibin l vhibmbjabout thwA,nldofc My Pirtisewùihlg tber Pianotpoei ne viii 1esse ieavs their or0s vth er. LTO & RUPEBT, Pbotogrpher, Il flwna lock b lOidare by mna, la ii eociveprompt Attenton.' y1 THRO.4I fi .lFR7Il'~- buvmor ; Rtýý ED SP'!RýUCÈ GUM. Obiou Àaoao &I rA asU i -, HARN ES If pou want the Beat REAPUE-- Ifyou want the Zest MOWER- - Syou- want the Beet STRAW -CUTTER- you want thé Best FARNING MÇfiLL- If you 'Want the- Best PLOWS'for al kinds of land- If you want the Best PULVERIZING, HARROW- GQ TO TM- bLD ELIBLE--WHITýBY FOUNORY, wzeyo can-always egocd valhe for your-money, sud -eiery articlé bo'und to give you the best of satisfaction. Yonrs respeotfuly, ~W TIN SHO?. ti ýNoxt Door 4quth téo James Johtns te Gol0dmth's HaIll," ened Asintelà oe dlàuo I n f u i f w h e r 6d ~ m ? n ~ t T n Shoott, i lv AnIgeclon is xnaufaotured in a worm- r Al kud ofspuedTi, ad heét-Iruwsrooonglantly iepI tock. m~1EÂI1Gdone 7cheàfpl andi etly-. A Il vorkguar- ~4~.d uii~so~ror iDO psy.ý Amqdoan and Canadian GOAL OIL. Lamp Ohixnneye, -'-J'---- -J Whitb1, ~!.by,~84th, 1879 -~ 1, J. W. BARN~8. County LftÎùor Store, Whe8aie nteal KING sTR-EETr, OS4AWA. Juat zeoeived for, Ohuistmas-and $he New «Year, a large a"o~ of WINS- and LIQUOBB, direct impotation, comprismfg Port sud -Sherre Wines, Bràndies, ,Gin, ]Rum, Seotch sud Ir4hliWlu*keys Bse' A.1eý and Guinness psud 3lood>s Porter. ~rlt & WVu cIebrted ld yeý end y t lWlilskq, ltb.bel luine e~e'sc cgrayu kBo lbeàOsui.4n Alia sud. Porter, sud Lagest 'sspfupIB qQmiiiyîhetAO, 1 4.00, *8.00 and- 2,90 . , oemvysone er assitÀ i euwof tuu LO1 - AfevofIhm 18.71 46,e c'ie f 0 sedrailu o &»seA ii sdtvo deasu 4Ë26 ýrm. t ~owmm >usr ey; 'tt', "Large Stuôoks sud Lov ýPrices" beiýng on.r 'motto..Onl and e -M&ue n4be co.nvmined, at WEITY-No. 4 Brok-ot. 111 118 Yonzest-,TOBONTQ, MONEY! MNEY 1 On good mortgagë4,a a-LQW' R&A-T 0 TflS Cail and see us, and pay ioff ykur- old mortgages, that are U- drain hghintretsu SAVIE while the rate of interest la 10w. HATR &BIRO., FREI[STRAWBERRIES 0OF THE OHOICESI -KINDS, -T- W. . 1186'8WHI-IBY CHINA TEA Sgiff DIRECT FROM RIS OARKVILLE GARDENS. twThé-,Tradeouàplieduat Toronto prioes. special ar- rangemen md with private famiies where quantities are used daily, and delivered imm.ediateIy on arrivai of Train. Whitby, ObinuTe&s FURNITURED - URNIT7UR Cheaè144anever, at i 8 new store BROOX ST, - WBIBSr Snie ai stdpri e tRnn hnst h ibt o HOf Phtogrpk , no pa,-' -h-IZ' n n me 1 aider, ile Muhnery iainswh U e &ne pro - ptiy,*lIn m- ~ETPO58ILEX AXNNfl And givea eirs m sfalu. '~A Ei~ &DEALER~ - ujpI1d vth PfLOUK cf l.Be Eigeatrio pad for Wheat fla .4foi l' le patronage beretolore re. ceodm,.the Preprieto eeb ~e t teutipobulu e sds determinatian ta dela stisfactSnl vta si a continuationthermof..a" el 10mi .T. P. *MHI, Wntvl,191h June, '8.2-7 Propler FA RMERS I Wcriimen, professional men, and every man, requisesa IbiàsBesson cf tho e ex' ometblng ta give toue te Bs stexuanad prepare hil for oil, '- WMl de-Ibis by clesnaing.eflimpurîies froua the bbocd., lu ii -affealion. cof the Kianewy Sold by ell Druggists. Prie, 81.001pr bottle. TIIE GRAY MEDICINE Co., 4jn17 ".-.-TORONTO. TKIT ËPOBT PBEThLID 0ONENSEIME ÉgWÂELE. Tiklg ecet ou, May 801h 1881. c i o NORTiK, Lcave Whueb .-8» a=.5.0.i- .8sn Pnrt erry S40 f. - 10.25 - Ar've Llndaay -8&M' 1 "11 Per tttoa1tbreitcu, ckot Time. Table, to be bidon applieslicnte any or- the Pou Wiut s JU,.trra*.-Stran Tr nla Bau. land- Inc ktee Peter-.. IauU* adPortEosr. gidget Pe-1er. Kuskoka. - Tbrough Tiakett are hseed by an :Agente of the W ... .By a Toauta iluby' G. T.Bï.TlaketAguaTroto ileai nsua8echeobed1bib. >Oomneualùg wé dnna%, 901h àApril, 1881 lý' ï rlia . '* E-Il R s n . H.. a -a8ùI.L'Z1II1h, 8B K te- Co P tlbnanI eT Llioe, fntarie. Ilotel, Wbitby.;'-, AT.LAW, 8 ,%7v -C4. IH, RITC1IIE, Toronto. momintouRAlk.i D. A. ,0'8ULUYMN1 'Oelburlrd, .880 >,La e-enJuine "gced saylng"of U- luipWilbueraS, vhlâ l )P-. 1Peterb4rrougb Ïusai. bit sb -ounliaselrebubu in l sItIug neat t. o br s-4t'do -Ow"4st 040 amp r subuu omev;rîur.eg ha lerfôrore'o htuotber r bis ov; but s.neo*àa ee fil OP, ,"3am,", sireteblugout wl "We vihi exohange 'o 1k, but bet has."- - Di ft4etl. lnt. t'fiener ho qîsu, io»vas., silt i AI»h ili ble. nt.wi...a.. .-M Amv»t 8ra, 1881. SALEY WHOLESALE J.- W4 1 183371 8 _3 -3- ww M FOR AND AE-rAiL.1 Esta-blished

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