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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Oct 1881, p. 1

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DRA MERS 1 witi mn, sud oesrr ilsM o seeo aol.y&,,. s.. to hiyat syud,- "uSgsusprêega 'ITALINE TOIEONTO. TMM TABLE, 1May 801,301 ne mauta. .M. ai ]sm.'aEpu Un S 9.4" ,o 4Me.&1 liestilen MMc 1U» tts Iish oranitTruk %au_. IMM ea il i 4>m 0h AprilIl Msat.rj i an ibla -ouefat dli.titich«e W. ta Oavg4 B o,h*o. sea &",y te &LWFOED, portl 11op BL8tV.î iain savnWhitby MbN lui. 17t 1i fo8ud zid n otiet, x* w taMu mm IIURSDAY 1gORIN1o, ry . 1H.H 1G N s BROOK STRRETî wmITBY. Tement§ 1 50,u'pein AnUlum.,ýSd tàarged at tte re o f S Qeulý a, %r1urs S oÀ, u muisper "llUaa~rbp -Speolal R Kaeii of s Pane lnuranc o orpaules, sud matten aof1k .dscriptioniwhen ib,4 mog idsM tertaousi.pr une. îytte yeaï, ci hheri». *Ordozalo disocatiIzne advuutiuaseu iuit b. lu wriUiag. Bu8ino88 Direotory. OJETÂRIO fBANK, WHIITBY BU-AîNon, THOMAS DOW, luiez». FAREWELL & RUTLEDGE, fcel, *bltby. JAMBS PITLDGE, B. A. Çouaty Crpwn Attorney. 48 MESSRS BITOHIR & BILINOS JB#RRISTEB & ATTORNEYS AT -LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RT &c 1 ~ It lm>Y' C. H. RITCHIE, W. H. BILLIROS,- Torante. Whilby. O'UUILLIVAN & PERDUE, BABRISTBES ATTORNETS, SOLIC. ITORS, IKOTA=IE, &G., &o. OFFICES -72 Tango Stroet, nezt tb. Dominion Bank., sud Corner Ring and Tango Streeta, Taranto. D. A. O'SULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. Octobor Sfr, 18W. ]y-45 Notry Publie, ha.Office-undaiSet., fi orws fAmtog*MtlMonoy te Loa-Private Lud-at loy iutereit. JOHN A. DEcUILLIVRAT, <Succoiior ta H. W. Howoll.> B ARRIOTER & ATTORNBY.ÂT.LÂW. Natary Publie.,d&o. Solitctor for the. Dominion Batnk. OMele.-Neit Seau la Masian Hon.., Uxbridge, Ont. 2 CHARLES C. ]KELLER, A TTUNZY&T-,A'W, SOLICITOIR ix chsaooy, Oonveyancer, "e, Caning. ton, Brook, 0.'W. Le T. BARCJLAY, ATTORNET-AT -LÂW SOLICITOR A inciénersud za*dveuy, oanvey. scer1 d&c., d&o. --4ý LYMAN %EnGJa1,&IL.,l, DAVID ORELOTOK, a.&., AA OM-T.ýà , SOicITOIN Offie, ina MoUU'ulBlocks, Brock Street, JORN HALL DOW, .~nRESTE-A-LÂw» SOLI0ITOR Offoe-Devnli'a Block, Braook Strsit, Whitby. .XONEY TO LEND-Private Pand. - lansumosp ta l0m, i a 1ev rate of la. larait. 14 ILOD11SON & KENT, ILAim Duceas x &Rarsom.) BDARRISTJIRS.AT-LAW, ATTORN- .L>ys, Slipibori, Conenysoeri, d&o. OPICE.-In Victiria Chimbeazi.Na. Y .G B:ulug:z:'x. . Huzar B. Kuim JIsO-. <i. KELEYs, sucir, de. O&ooc-DevelWs Bli;, Brocit. IL sree4iWhîlby, Ont.. 0. YOUNG 8iUTU, L L. B.,, ùauuag. Lioeni.u Onrcr-Ove Dominion Buatk Whltby. Jsu. 52% 1870.<f- GofQu 1omVictoi à 01 pysicattuand rgoa0si, Ontaio. Oro-Bek-St, -Wbiiby, Oni., (Ibre doct'u saisOf aq;ïoydOI. -IY.40 Rt. J. Gtft(N, 19. D., Wtu. MOURIENq, AD., XB... G S 10pruITA IONON, BEEG., thé eye . R. . H.., oshawa,.Ouaari. DR. ]BOGAIT, 3hysiol au ngeo",Aooeudcx P Whltby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 4 HOUSE TO LET. N 'iof Caornàsd" rur gstel.- 2 biramsa, bouse. Goa utoafo.. <oSable'no ud ;ltr udsqftiar ApplygoaM- BOSOVER R. mH."ac"SN and Gibbon treilh. ID . J. Oums i"i sud WIh ala rlte vrdj.<uailhugt ansd 1311f 4 udutr, a dvocatePocPgra Kolde'fnlebc. 1VOL. XXV. C OMRC1AL HOTEL sud TABLES, 84 sua 86 Jariu-.lretoiTronto. The bout S1.OO a DBsoRus. lua eCity, Maiy twe bWcoitrmtlbetiiru *Dépotadolc.a ta th. Market, The Houme bua boeu uawl Pittod out. and overy-thlag Prut-class. (lY-47> MIS. WALKEY'îJ TEMPERÂNCE HO UBE, DUNDAS-STIRET, WHITBY. GooA accammodatIorI aI rascuaible trus. Boarders 82.60 peu wook. ta OBSui3 HOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. Tii. Palace RHal iof Canada RedîteS, Refurnished, sud unnIvalied. Nov Pa..n- Bi lbovatur, rnnninunihtasud S. ho ouiy )islf. mia.Hafal t anadawllbgradu. aISpricos. via:-42, 8.50,1 sud#88 euday. MamemsnofaiClub.sudOatlera ofll rooms, vithaut board, S1ta 2 &ry. Feb. 27th, 878. Puaprietor. Tiie above hbali baibosu litaregbly roavated aud rofurnîshed, sud la nov un- dea the mangement aif(EV. MÂChEB, (fcrmerly ot 8t. Lawrence Hall, Paer He. Every attention pald toguesta. E au odSauplo Raoms fer Ceu. BRBITIrH AMBICAN HOTEL, R A YS. ("TiE aussiaR gar.) W EIT B Y , 0N274R0. Houso newly ronovated sud turulahed thruononsd pub mn f8rst-cba.a arder for tb. rocaption cf guosîs. An amntbug toansd -frein aittrains. Fir.t-clau ample racina. SQMARESPEAIIE HOTEL, Cor. Ring h York-sb., Terete,.Ont. J. A.O'GRADY, - P1IOPRIBTOR. Tau., $1.m0pa DarI. l.7 WHITBY, PIROVINCE O 0 ON-TýrI- fI7>Y -OCTOR0R6,1881 "GERRIE's CIATTLB SPICE." The lest in the UYaket 1 Large Boxes, 75C. - -Small Boxes, 25C.1 FOR SALE. BY W. Ri- HOWSE, Corner ily.iG) Druçj Store,1 WHITBY9 ONTARIO. CH INA HAL L, IONOU RA NCE. aux 0V TEE 8nie5170 (EEGIiTED) 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO. ONAI PA'RES Pauoy Broakiait &ud Tes Bots. Mutilai Insurance Co'y. Fan"y Dinuor sud Doi.ert Seu. Paacy Bed-raam Sala.EAD OFPIB, BROOK-Si, WXMT. Py Jug.sud Teapata. filuerPlablw ato.sPrk.sud Spoana. 1315 COMPAN t uuraParu Ruild- bIlverlatked Crash sd B1uer Coalars. bn îP, Couutry hureh., sahoal Sueor PlaleA Cake Baakets. RuiMsd ibdtr caul4Mni, raiime. ov Bodgori' Raiosud Park.. a aoieaisny Weflm.tabUih.d Compsny Tes ri7.sud auve.. -luaia" vsower uhaaao for LUys, o&C., &a. Glagmvir, a4l1Semozplie. White Stan vir, avey kinS Ratai and Bar Gôtada GLOVEBRHABON, jmpoeter. P OST OFFICE SALOON, Torov. fDmno odW r8 M. MtcCONNRILL - - - PROP1LIlTOB. &W TEE BEST ACCOMMODATION .Ji fer Otiosta.(liy-47) CNTARIO iIOTEL, 10 Baecu.Srauuî, WHITBY. JAMES T. JEWELL, - Proprietor. (Labeocf lbe Nbpliling Hala, 'Tarental Good Liquer. sud Cigare. Cemmedtoti, Stabllug. -Fluai-Ca.. LveuyStable sud Billard Parleur atacheS. 17.10 T EQUBN'Ut HIOTEL, Baccu Sru, Wua-i. PÉIIF mocONN. .- Fepniow. Buit Lquonansd Cigara. A veli up ploStale Ar bd-aot. Oorla itabl an sd large yard raam. Charges moderato. -03 CENTRAL HOUSE,- OSHAWA, ONT., W. B.McOAW, - Proprieter. Firet-lai.accommodation. Il Wine.o Liquani an" Cigre. (iodnSuabllng su atientives hotieri. ly-17 WHITE Y HOUB]E DUNDAS ST, WHITBY. Theo unden.lguod vould intimai. ta th. public 2al b. aboiepromises haie beau nowly bush sud jfttod up llsrughoul, for .h acco mmodaU ofgucali. Dcii Wlaei, Liquors sud Cigire. 'THE CREAMOF OANAA-WAtLZ LAGI Aiea pure MehWin l. Lag.r, Whale- - sale autl 8e111. Bearders taken by the wcek an nomea- ateo terras. JOSEPU A. BANDELL. july, 28L1h 1880. 82- B IACK 1U018E SOTEL, Cea. Puai x G»IoSe i., TORONTO. MJBMED OFR, BPIION (LabeofaIWeligtaou ôll, ûMarba TERO,01.0 51DAY. <Qei ilab lngLa cn 00 or.. PriiIaOi ioc=-a madaicuforiir "iaS trhe ll publie la <sourL ato isdt t Ara, fe ep ei meme tih ie CEROZICLE ai 'ouir MONEY TO LOANI oNt EA8Y TERMà. WHITBY. Gea. êCormack., LUMBR 1ERCHÀT & DUILDSE. and sud icu TiiI.d Moldiagi iDean), Suh sud Bîlda. LUNDIER vholonale sud rotait, or by by th. car leaS. Planlng, Meuldinga of every descrap- tiln, Fleaulng, Sbeetiug. Shalving, Re- aawing, Sbapiug, Turning. Serafl-work, etc., etc. Whitby, Oct. 101h, 1878..4 MONET TO LERD. Tii. undurlol isebu ~amenai af mm- qy tole Ludupc. IP&uaor rTouporty s "Uau.ual Lw Bain et____ ,a eI» . eaucm. e paiS ta mumite buiS bar. xower 14mai. er - For tutSherpartlularail$Sat MES HOLDEN, Apri h,18letI 3158? L08E8 PROMPTLY PAID. JB IciJL, JOHN WII.LS, Wlty, AprilM IM 87. -le1 p HI IPIREINSURANCE <JO. Lexubaru St. sud Charfng Crois, Landau. ENTUiLISED IN [M. GILLESPIE, MOPPÂTT & Co0., Agent. for Canada.. R. W. TYRE, Manager, MoU«Lra AGENCr ESTABLISHRD IN CANA- DA1 l miA 30. Runu ll abnliy ef ailth Ibo bcklibderi, sud i~stp-Boliive Pundi. Moarate rats oafproaum C. PORION , Agoni, Wwhiy. Wbiiby, April911,1. 10 Asuane Compa 1ny. !NORPORATED :t88 P.A. DAIM~, '"="rscet effecwit thé. oseurru rate. ou Building, Moroh&udtod, sud otber Wub ApQ biIM37.3 ARCHITEýCTURE!i DRAWIUG 4 AD BPXCIFICATION or Prty prec aIwb,,VI«wtoeuan CHIJOII U BCtlOtARCiTETU A tram"l. Little ora-à . llloquy, I ta' t eoe'gliai aur baby boy la dood Lu Ho daa't k ow awtawalk or talk, 1 dou't luow haw to play. Ho tear. np ae'ry single ring lie pôuerýbi Au evea iuié o beone ay, MTlu1= ras'.betosilfan. ROIS ol'ayi iuabiin"bout zo iloor, aw *gvf ni awfui iBoule, Au' Whou ho goos ta b.dai ulgibt. h.onIm uays hi. x OUr. On Bna, ho mniseb up My go4t n'onge y 1 thl brdaiwork apln'l, DoUly'sno6 l ~ n An' ze ozzer day anunnht vitlyensa.you iT tJpit à droi-tblbaleamypp'wr ia' lnk; An', 'usaS of lludSa u, liad, ai couru ho englit ta doue. li langbed asuilkcked bis boad 'Mait a0 H. o1en tie . 1* tuea p higit, m' u zings offelt" aboi. pu 1 rallier dm., lrealy do, tram how ho pul1 Z-Y as miî~ade appai. tor ta 'ncy m 11111. dirla, Aal'Ivlih Smrevau'4 0o mcli ing #a Danghy bsby bey-- Why--w, sa hm a kyw D' W;ne anw.k.ê» dreffallui, w h 1 duoi1botfer mnn zose, Lai il ho lia&- boa-boa 1-- .1 '1 ?Oued do"u auitale sid kil h i sal TU<E YOUNG DURE. IA Moral Toi, tcgsgay.) 3i J33KJAUMRMN ISSSE&Mm or FBBAGONBS Fume».]Le. Round the'roos a SaceS thueegaulý ruvolors. 8o11y ud milà 1 léd- b~ tbeir boul, tise! gildeS. aloag1. upirits of ait; but eesh"@s"tisai 11duke paaud ltemidWsd lise uii<ulubefime iler, sud tise otIoa moto buIk, 1111l thomfora OUOP li-pi gderiést on@ by eue, su euhautd couple siunul avay. Saine ihrew tisueves on a saa, smre -menopolireelau easy ibmir, but In t*aatrniuté th b.e anour liaS Sisappusuei. At léaglis, Peaook Piggatl gavre a <resu, viisidanoted uturaing mnrgy, aud ralaud a stretoit. ing leg lu air, b lgng ap, Ihaugi sti uniittin< ,n pan hIe feoeu of lte Ufld-à sutie arn d UWcape.ioii It meISLord qulb. Thie joeo as àa signal for gouersi reauscitalion. Tbs Ihibra1-orueS squdrangle ; ail Ibm obsuiberi ver. ou lie basent eteuy. llb.hemId a fcIhlb. court ef the. qudagle vas a mail bosuliful lounualn ; sud lthe tou vas larmeS hy scnrvtory, 'aliais as huAItaloug eaci aide ai tbhe-anier square,,aud Unre& Hlila clotateplr cpeuev, for a commuacaton -beieen thecu furnt part.. I taebuidisti. Te it maldeli lu ssIand flovoa, .ad, brlfll" -iiumhaalsd. ,uai. suS ea i. m t 45.Iha sud- t hmure stheu vory idée;'Who eaâ foasmoment *bt.t even thî>pËctl mu aiM 0 UieMrel .toncé? of ta 'salîsted. sumplicity, test, 0an >C~Wbboold uuvrea pantooithe teret. Titer, wore8rame MisséiýQay. ivilliitisa. 7 A e a. hllLln* Weebr wlio gaI unosthéd,& *ho »,er tctua-sd 4fiUin5 ' pleudor-s1 lb.theImdbeen at Lpndeu ioui g;151e ij. may oua #parc spîhig charsobers-blSgivon bhem sparkliug' oye sd Ailu éqùi*kâ13suïgik anS l,iet utly ringiug)porsansTitisyraniy va. â-ëi aronce, - Diul ent. But' vhis boo baS.g Pap(ava quni, iib th *10 plèhdor la cigi6Ïured ta b. rmonoe flatteraS, sud the daughbeu' -jli lit aony ; the change, ýýeirasd lte cap. amiuseS Ibere younk brliubejl or hOu 5 as1 1 telrn; 'wliu*ute lb. osustora lion vas vhiapared lunlte imall,ërs ei plày.ve lté cmre pakt àeuSthe varià lte Gaywealteus. Tiselitho ada boa ho nfeslyfai aSnob a voua lb. constant bull *and -the - con- ln wo batha i a visoýroquirsu f einstaul ntresource et every. iengiag '~ils cer»s, ulecsoalrlzîe dandy. II lutconsanaut oeteaeni. TitoBird cf Paradise eueo arràngeS --Pe B'u-ràaîk was à nevobjeet. 'AI' beu professlonal engagement., a8550 te >isté marneùn itlité 'novelty -ideeS accaunt, viit alpossible propié y a Vasa topsre.If eçolS.patrfobsaheupràeoienal vimit aI Peu Bronnoàk.4 f, ui6utb, na expie b ônbld j*grruditS;.The.musical meeting Ai Exeter over,1 sé ld6r:t4&êlu, - ,b taut 1oiltasie .msdober appearauce, asumie1 ~ luiiS; g ~ ku is 31**édenoe, do cert$ veo ron ve iicitelectiArdi at-Peu Branock, Lu osspdro à,,ail al Cornwall. Ceuni Fr111 vas ýv.ry t lq iuvitatios,-and Me, 'iu a. yoa, the 0agsp ;ltnit b ue i â orhy àih oevdod emk alooc6eu ud anscIeS, lu all.varle&iep, 41F r pavio 'At thlie pKweiaolrilîOIr l a ,ite soul, tac, ofaI smaôkçSb4il. s epIuof s Wtea ai# luth.caire but viton ceuxilmented on hIw&oaom-' r, rute weh. liheents, sud tIliskeil' feri liU'oxer- O 3fr Carie, -ai usa!, -515 vendsu.lieu..,lie modesbly depreclaled h1.ie Thïîr ai rt iýtaly'ter bis employ- Worbt, sd, suyized tlidancingt er, nie Mebi)id ,o;r painb, buti sea 080_ 1,doyroiswv ag*1k cue Asiàfr the prince, anlb. hobe, he clat s'culédonw . Yevu lansndbis silence:; but il vas %t suai dovn;lbolbe *t i'#srebumni8b- lengthli saevered by the fair sou that eS;Ahe stables pUb in arder ; snd' vitlho vas nual stupid, lut sunlirnubl.t] va ou niré .y-mreip itnceluWhen tis asmaoeknavu, b. ratiterJ lise~~~~~~ uirabpe alM latuublest grenS vibli lb.brown sux, Wheo -negleeted pile vswu Ilweaired,.'" befare bhinktng bim thi, baSl vowedti tbsi lie vars àSoviliali goad 1,11ev; but b - nov, being reg11y envions, liaS Ibeir' a OH[APITRXLIX alo sud 1bin, beirosueur sud sîy joke. 0 I tinkaitoatI -itnk -bini;M. de Wblakerb btt S adou. active se- 0 fog' I isavq ihoen -teeofWn wrong te i>bc inlsmn---bivsh.Sni evo sure, su4 never isok S y opinion S ibiiku4h5 We itve 3a5.cru 'euyWallr, ti bis viii, siblier meltdia t *bpesl ', ti4kgiLciss a-Ut..i à itae o ba drossa, au viirbed lieuSr morta4 vol4ao..]or bowy-do I mek tuo sfrenzyIDaersM.d tirai Uey a al Isunorlil? Faune iZWhtakuubnrg I h.; aa siuL I algésys hop* lte- boit ;sd ifIbo vroixgvithon, I OATI î mutpptu, lustoad vilil.iubm ntb's . Il lasaiS ltiat lte cenduot af reflueS ni pratue sud àmorn lIglt proffitOu r. e ieiy, l ilrsypàl fve , aül unions, tooluhave, I bruit, beauvarions, ou it the!., pr-pdutiottîbut -elili1glit uultrcisradteea wnveli i inteir intorest; I&bat sUive oeau ampir tata3î, NI number. I ueîer teik. tihe vaer m te Iotrace, s brIbLat pialure o 'brilhln:~ lb. country znerely Ibu change -ofair;- manners ;-adtha iulbme, a nari bnlbaeuiu at'i <lent lieuss ee sud lte attrai hiaebeefn SuIy InspiredS t somelimes catces as s ifferau4 itrait. by lb.he partie hiuSthe sààrcasin, anS, Thte politicieansd lb. ipertemn n it4e gage, tlb, robe, sud the plume'hg lb. fialionlal, have, al Ibeir0cube; adroitly ligite d up b y tha la mp sud lte ni aud aiteung ithelt.bluuding oelsoeisly ]noer, otonu nlng lea ubsid. And ig ltos.. characbers eflen muet itilli ýab se Four aavelUls gesnuuablytwists titti s: thuir mnguions, sud pwulionlmriy lunlt.e goldenu thuesd illi,-,lame usauilu lb. ce, heruiiag pasasi ii ,pro-. llon eucoud, l'eu use.-ad ouis p,vili- c, om t. Menupasalbeu suiuni, tise liglil 4sno, sua vii ith, he iy le semeli augiterlngirdui smanre a - iener, mresce.marriages- or saome- lu& tailg 113. lsling graceai is îe fadeS niue aûdr-ASibe yEg ipr,-,em. lu sulwtilnt thesO' aÙèil iplâte and,(1oGear* yaembi, s ui4stggleiclibo,~a bob4gquau. «pïii îrt oui ar jatist Ui; heb .d,(ri Aid Mi-llt ea ta- Hevanjustice vii lhave ber *ay,-ana the ~two eîpab othge 1'odýriii q ta Is *sisl cmpsaS..uiei lesu iaub t.wnTwy.--IpeoaIý_e VM04 *0 eer W" a feeor ie toîbu micaleu eincidsna# vi& ing~rd~ 4ma gb etip~ stS . auêsay,,vbo fr onoaur,comnma, i onous; l uI.ymphahrmuh vautsu iWiem a"l, sd uraj~1sg yontb, v led.-o Masu mikabihb,,f1h." choue, vithous: a hoedtsu cre. 'But vo will uot-.liteu -Qte *4m -monitor,-o A rm - th é Dephiof Il à é aur breaiti; ud è aipiru -aflle - 1 <~ti eau be piouL aetu Alar t aassi for (allen xUàn 1,Would -enltS iail could a imu blet1t AnS VOhope setimigs I puce my Ieneyl.Val',I ' viii ual qulte'despair, but Se ra ise " e'et things 1 v"Iiinet. vhuapr. -Bût ioinetbizt sean lthe -gto'w iea hem nz':ày h.dd '"n citesk, sud. s-eau mùy fui' ng p% üe v anteS. seubfidus again'telàug uor; Thue drcep scaSw ia ela freimiy peverleusbad HtVbO sud -I f..l-I keenly 10.1 mysoif w vhâti Oh10 0, îudu'odI arn-au bte meut proitralse <>71f 0 a fallen race . r fl <JouiS .1 riosil lthe pover iw'tini 15~ BW et Pl conqueror, fre m mnutaiq ieighs. - Jm-eli èuau gareillupana uow sudopeuig WOeld, àet d tels risl. -Abt l 'n - eugy sud oui "O'xpeiee.-ver enliatutI- are, attt. bért, but Titatq, sud se. gel duéoosa crnubod , aie bttjui iiate:o 'y Ou. W- a sliiu hi.b, tla wlisê, may prove !a anhuttute, fou h1ave ueèver. baud ibuhongli 1e e"nta mud-tbe wold do Dg eliebuieavy utM.' ouS. , : sud tssu counsi »ighl 1 'diyi I'Ut 11W Slo..m..Iarn ae a t-minzei opeMfoy & iaradie,outfpllré pique vith 6 vli ieworld.- t restmboJ4 cur.. d -ve.. it ..deàWhiskei ýernely Suatuopa.. nysteries ai-thb. I soe a ruai Euk-ishbý ind suci on aujo s, sërh ina i asud thon lu rnuru,-a-ud trogoï ap titlte lb "ae ot' aTe bât tbisnle Wisui thte Si~INCS Ompsc, Ne. 72 ÇOlueb-%t. lION. FRANK 8MITH, eatr EUGENEO'KEEFF, Esq., vîo PATRICK HUCHES, Eiq., W.Ti JOHN FOY, Eq Appiy le- g-Ofce, avez Ottar Bauk, 'M THOS. SLEIGH> _____ IIOUSE &SINA. P l -eau novbe 161ma Mh44 hoPi- A RCH Ï.2 TWO DOOR8 WNST OFABUMROG'SDeuois, - OTEL, DUNDAS I=T« DET. LUMBER iLUMBER.I LITMBER M8HN 1 Ph J,

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