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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Oct 1881, p. 2

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Intei-Mos. H~p1nu. ~.WorlS Publiublng Oc. lu, flbpjaes A. Brou. lilissu.8m1ib A. Me.. Z »ryue Wb!tby anS Prlaeu-B, H. Boyau. .4co TION SALES. ' te ofletbt4prap.rly M Mhr Holidiy' calot Né o 20lu télb. > StI 'of Whbb étonWeneiy cet 19t1 1881, a1 12 Ocicek,,.L Fatrbakka, Aui 0f fa= stock, Implemouta, A&0, th .,nm rty ai Mo. George Dixan, Loti- ru.a¶en Front, Pickering. ou Mouds; COc t. h, 1881-L. Fairbanks, Auc tiaucer. 0< faons8,itahmplemeula, A40., IL ~roportot Mo. John Pilspelrlck, la 4.I,te BrdoSou. Wbltby, ce NWedu day 061. 111h, 1881. L. Fairbank On Thosday, Ct. 181b, st tho Gon IraIbotl sOheaa avaluablu farm ii Darllngtaa. L. Fairbanks, enctlone On Mouds>', Oct. l7th, farm sutock limpleustntu, A&o., on lot No. S2, ilu lb Oti eau. Whltb7,. erpreofaiMr Joihn ai D-G aves, AuctIlouc ONL S~oPUR ANNTJM. WII1~,ThrsdyOct. 6, 1881 Tise Gilabriot Schalaroahp. The rceddllOf tlie xemination for tli "cabo"buhiboun juil maSs knovn. cnuly gnbgout lb. Domlsiott mi dldte< puuaatflUsmsvo-tvo st Toroab, eUe#iStRAillz, anS tva at Prasetn-Tbs candidates pâasd la lie foUül.ovler, sthle nambe.o aS. ta'Oe ta ienains iudtcatiug theu où t heu.bo mmnàatlon roll af lbe 811,4 Huston, Williamx Heury', Uulver. sltyCiollege, Toronto. 71lMr~, Hovard, Dalhouaie colla.,H Ier 741St,'EoeGorge, Univeursity Col- loge,[ Toronto. Lions» nrDIVîaîc. - «Hinnisol, ~University ai Nev BrnaseL k. AeOmdlug ta tualsesificetion, Mo. Huston-a "Witb>' lioy' cSucatud et thc Whitby igI Sohool, unS novea tescbsnfslieckeiplgoleà egl.nuieS ta »08e14nahli choiarebip. But lh. Huston, il le nov saii, bing.iigbtly las exote ' ai lie requiseS go, uanly 2s -ysani,'Maie SM. cf fthe toausalicee, thé t.utcritieuof W ti.laversity of Lau. icn,Essgimui.¶fl«nq 0 ,,tSielunsda. h 49 ugottisIe~ etwlblfl loweS by the OlleholsITmustu," bave igooreS the spoesaeof Mn. Huston, eud evinde liheorblp li he-Dseu.1 Ia)sSupidote, M.HviMnaa XIUsthifaisvera shapi>'e au ilio thorséuIS be no esu im donaplalul on,,tbe 'pt f i M,,]Hualca or bis *àia lseSwt Iigh Postion &0bn or" r)Won &0 dacOorded hlm b>' tls luti es'ô bup iï a Vnry Important1 - alslo. I l tueenougi <ha e gaî- etoa 'a Sslail candidate.maItho aisier 2Veairsofi &p,;but t<h o>'dcnol bas rd<ueena hatue-flm ouslan t <MylalIor lo tieSic sna tuiose Jans2m. aM. ntaecase iis -vMa a ailer of, lb.- fretot en. Ris birtltia>'pns uos17tb. Mr.1 Huston -wpei4 ai ffuours beligibis, if1 tiInsof AppU.icn, Itu ical>' tôthu lime of egaboilien, be vouS ban. ax. ceeid b~2~ii~ byualfbrodias.ý Mo Joh Bnth, of te lb of ai884, siouu, Cooper 4 Snib, of Toronto, boa, ex~a4sruaq ftb <sty, vas killed *à, hie vay home,' on uOtiuroh SLr' t'ren,, Thuouday oveniug last. it p.* tha$,ho got off a etreet car nuar bil u Idenoe, luabella stries, cul the ais1 huing very dark ho ier etumbled ali bucam unq usn or vas kuookeui dowu by lbe car. iThe car paused ovur bis body lndletlug Ouce;frigîfntl iajur.- les ibat h. usd lnstanlly.. A. oorne' Iqueul vas holil, sud atersesverai ad. 1cummeuts a verdict vas retuoned, an Monday'vulunig, a Verdict of acciden,. tai. Th0u deusd wau vldely know4 sud much res'pecteS. Dàaujo BunROitAy AN» Rona.- The boot snd chou store of Mr John l- Baunderu,, of ibis tovu, .vas burgia Y.el loua>ntugied ou lis nigil ai lbe -ni Sulta., anS bootseuSndst thlieval b, ai0100 sakon ave>'. Next day, a ae 0- viti a bag full ai0boota and choseama slip porsvsofforing siippers for calei Sli iofa Mo. Sloop, an lie basoâu 51 Word wac ment ho Mo. Sanudors.% Yt iti chiot Boyau miSea&l haste ta tE ~,place. bot lie bird. had flovu. Ait vatcig ase uabing aIl nigit, e bu fll heetoliu prapsoin vas foui n~uer the Grand Truuk BIlba>', havn st beun ebopped lunlbheclark. The rcbbe c-4 vagraceS la Oshawa eu-i Bovmra C.ville. At lie latter place lie house.c Mo. Litlejahn u a stured, viioilt a famlly wvesai aburai an Bonda>', on driver brokeo pen, and $271 aarriai r. off. It va asurtainod that lbe depre ,delo, via b y lie va y glneu lis nan reas Barnoy Fagau, iu compmuy wvii r.one Bolton, cf Oshava, .iad valkmdb r.Dufflus' Cruek, on tise va>' taTarantc Tiare Berne>' rlgged hirnuel oui ini us sunit auS relurnod ta Oîbav. Wiere i.ovas knovu ta iit a bouses 111-fana.. Hu stoppeS as Mo. McGaw' botul, slving tielaiter #216 ta keep ti - ina oner nigit. Bolon vho oouid Ybum rov" onl $ 10 frais Berne>',l"plit' a thle laitornw vasatdanSlie manej insponudod. Sabsequentl>', on thin.l formation ai Bolton, lie rait ai M. SBaundur' propot>' vas foad, biSSet on 6h. lino ni lie Grand- Trunlc. Anc. lier charge, aifsaling tbols irornMM, Jnd'i bisokeauiu811P, Wvalmisalaid Iagaiust Berneay, wvi alàbaseariog bu. faoru Major Harper, J. P., ons Wadues dey, and vas fully committed for trial. IsCwsB OraIRBisHECORaLàNaaî vIn'c'WRMBonvVcT.-There voru lvo nery pieasiug incidente af iritHectcr L.ugevin'u iit ta lie Onlegiate ilu stitace vhou in Wbàitlsy. One, vac the fact liai Mr. Drydsn snd Mo. Madili, lie momburu reupectinely for North eudSBouh nldtage oi lhs Gonuty of On. "a0ain lie "LoLalaaurer, muSdvWhu voeeproeuioùth5le o0ccasion, e hotu Id boys' oi the sohool. Ths nihen incident vas Sir H.ctor'i intima. lion liaI he vould _preaunt e cap, la bu eornpoee for etthle&aunnal garnet. What vil 6e kaovu as tIbm "Langevir Cap" vili imroostor b. open for campe. fIlio lu the Gollege Gises-to hecome tbm prapot>'oallie vinonrluntires soc u- couiv necare. Thos" incidents, as veli au Bir Hectoo'a unttinted praise ot mll he sev about lie acolandmuSils sur- raundiugs muat be very gratiiying ta tie Principal, Masiere anS friands, ai CAPTAI. Kgeasrx Steamer, Cana. pasua, wvsniied b>' c fovuaiad foleude foon Whitby duriug Sic vuuselu iste> la Port. AU vers glaS bau lse b gonial Gaptelu, vWha vas profus. lunbis oourt"iea. Gunsu.-Witnuuec ban. huen ex. amiasA befoc<tho grand jury, anS il laý expeoolsi<bat an lsidlnsaust vii ho e turned Io-ilj. un GiCosasN. BRffauns, sansof lb. lato 8henlDand longemapioed te the Phio office asdupul>', leavea laday (Woduseday)ior Manitoba. He lu- tende& takiug uZIde future rWeaiselus Wianipeg an going ioa hineslun <laIotbrprîsinagtovu, W. visi bina Ha Tuca, ve lumo,leaveu foMan. touai lis uveaiug, on is va>' cEug. Ma W. H HIUmin, Town councillon retuoned irons Manitobeaon Pridsgy. He reporte, as avorybod>' es Sdos, flou ahi, imes. Specu Lities a a foyer bcd lun Winuipogand aur enter., pmlla Tovn Gancilor says liaS ho DoSnt uciplo ina"turmnug aven" su bhondît penny", vile amongetltlie Janduaaku. VnCAR GEsogAaz FAULLT Iens A PUE- i LT.-ViaarGauf aroeily of Bolls. ville, bas been honoured b>'tise Pcpe. Thisoing Bihp UUarrsda ltter Irons HisHollus eunonacing " thsIle V1air.GUnOMI luS been issdu a 2ulgsroe llba nocell f evicesgi ais a oautil anu moti.lu u il. hii 'r1818 me -1 Utilyo Icmcds'se5acastar, t sba esibo . J. . obein& Bou, um d f 1M U mnt-ilfo an-S 10 Qum Aucmrsop LYNcE, se- rolorued on Tbprey nlght tlToronto. 'bl oetf- e àfvrbeterme ofthe Fren. *ès uL..,roesai e hehu Czazn, vlnote boulofabit>'ohmlinvol.s. où- hepe. bÉu ré- ~o Taonto are an atrlkm foin #rala l fo mflauck wa i tin gà vsse 'or. tu uad aI ho ag âdJ of 'or 'r I romain, r- Yer limue finS, ]a TIM O'DAN 'y Tic Wiby Colleglate Instituts r.Annual Games. >~The annuel gaines ai the Whitii ColgaeInstitut. vers bolS au FA Id noy 8t ept-, ite prosace oni a rylrenumber ai spuotataru. Thi wuhrw s oligitiol, lie contesta ex -citing, aud tie poizua numuraus aoc valuabI.. Mos D. Oruiston, lie vifi ai li te ciairman allihe hoaod ai Eduai 0 tion, sud onioftihe fret pupilu afi lb olai grammar naimai, again presontei the pommas. Uuususl intereot vas leui ta lb. sports b>' lie addition ta tli Sprizes aif'-Tie Langevin Oup"-a malt 1.nificent ouvenir ai Sir Hector Langs. i vin'e rmenn islilta itheGallugistu 1:. Fin Flui hling cricket bul-luI prizns epaper veigil. prosenteilb y Mo. J. C. Har, c atone, B.4.,Theoderu Me llvraY; seoni7 bnok- presenteil by Mo. J. B. Laincg, Franh Bliekur. 0l00yd a Sb, 15 y ars sud onder-lu', csliver cap proseuiouib>'Mo. A. G. HonSes- 2 @on, John Iloiden ; SoS, essol by Mo. B. : Johnsan, Michael F'oley ; Erd, Portrait cl Fene, b>' Sciioni, FouS, Pilp. l00.yds dSab, open ta Public anS SepwaWs uchool-lut, clIver cep by prige. ommîctu, Praak %Hapr, Houry-si; Snd,tvase, by i. 1Fraser, Cbas. Bnow, lHmnry-ut. 8-lugged rree-lst, plucher b>' Mr. B. i. JSmeua, Poupr veiglit oesurs. Kollu>'& AdsmsD. Webuter sud J.White; SuS, tIv nsektiea b>'Mes. I. & J. a p bell and Masure. Shea & Shirley. J. Morris, J.Palner. Bunulngbail-mie- ro eue, by Mr. ýtu, p; cffbttosby JuSge DarluohI, Tùcg ai Wr-Jasli mndfHululaS'bonis &a s$s Heur Sl aS ,cbocb ; boabu p. Bainola. 100 yodids&4aab,*Pen ta aU1 como-Ist cel o airt inl s, by Mr. J. Bernard, Sùt wun Palmer - Sud, Hoodï Pauma, by Davi ,Om*taaJiào*,B. A.,Ch*olnua Base a1 Educcatlet n, euul Final lis tkiklg foot ball-lolste coml- on pinteS uni rueunted b>'a , plTh. Messra. Baos, Bui. ;Wm. MOGlUIVray. 100 yods, Saab, open ta lustitute and tuecursin lrainlut -1Cabinet, Mr. Havie, John Smi. îâs, golS p0eeacs, b>' Mr. L Banarclayjoh nBodrra. rS, b>' Mr. T. G. Whitfe oh Esl dc Walking maluo, hait<ail-lat, hounn vol. Boyu-ousaPiVer, l le P»ritncIal D= n ald Gillivray. Sa.byMoUr. LE. Feueiel LL.B., ber. Palmer. Mo, Bràéket, b>' Wm. Till11, BbI. Walks Raufag bglo frmp. fAnal lis-let, vatr caier, paiote4 an preseneulb a pupIIjas CamnpbellSsm.patioc, hioozýo> ertucu & Bras.. MichbaelFoIs>' Eu.pupil's race, 2M1)yds-tvlu cl or eineS >' . SShopue, A. P. 0. Con. telcuPalmr. Su. baok,-b>'-Jas. Baut- y e.goEnq. HLA, Wm. Thempun.ý cnurpaued aS pfinal ON b>' o :i Jouhn dgesSS pio -oncatesujTis. eihma M ob Htde Bc.jiTh h. iabSM J. B. 5>6v, B. A, P y la4aI Soi Pholngrapbs, Sq 'Mn. A. AkrtJh Tug aifver, t bis h sd l Md furs *&&uitel$rd aeuS dIl, 10 lbl4oepsi, b>' Tii. Leviler, Iuq, iltai and icuma.t Milerae, opea te aIl eaaie-htgitl5 Ka4 aliu 611er. lsiSbat, b> Moeurs. J. B. Powell, & col, Hu~Sny Champion rac, m 1 0h_.'IgY C bmOOSir -~b fia ubIJIWI f 0. ni oneoleýuhu. I tovîS Sur Huelh J GoS bleu hlm forao enasemano lintlprneultbat I vS adnmmratu comas be uoug, au, b. jaberu,ber. il Were nutaielb.uahun-In tb. grandP DIS yon sceSur Hecior-at ihe grandi copsbun O- Were you at the lunch -Were you eft' Dreul Isu the uhampaln--yon usuem sinner ? '- Did youhear thee Roeve-hav th* addre h uttered 7- No ne uderetandio-oo o rSliai bu tured 1 Were you et lie Bay ?-JDlS yen, thffe tu mingle- AUl aboorul th" tog-ar utayed ta Shro widh Priogle ? Were you at theoechoole-vere you et tI Colioge ? Saw yu aUl the larnin-lu thoso Marte Did you gel a ste-drivin round the tcm on merfy ? DIS you got a ticket -on tha ralbvay to Po Ferry 2- Got ïou no rigars -or drink upon tlie n AUl abooreb the oas-vero you flot in tl fuSr 7- Hourd yoo not, the toastse-soutimontsa a speeches - Nor uav vho ruIeS the rosat ?-the Rev in bis nov breeches 1 The Townvu as agog-the dhrink wv Prume, mu honey; lBrandy, vine and grog-no uparin of th money!1 dn overy man Jack-proved hiusoli uvîper- Vor vaan't 16ea iack ?-tbe Town veuld ps - - theo piper 1 rS qulY-thO Pick lu fiel of Slzo xhbb isled 'sud vbli ca rreS off lhe prio i t 'tfl.i Toronto ad the;PoioiL - !' Pr. Aminotthle rinelpaloxbhitortveke loba 'Drydun, MPP., wvie babrU hit re- lin mxbis valuahie uotoabr Si. yuallag a ll, Ivebaill - g. c o gu ovw, four - vo.yé allalw imulisos,.eu able yarllag ,huiler sud &wehulo av Mr. .W., M. Milir MEeoBak mmse Cirnot ai nsi lb atel, lésis. prtud oi d "Sbropbrj>vu ut. S rame euS r 'uu-pof ai Se pris@.. Ot iuB.on et Toronto, i*har@ h. ouid@ snob suilargo and"praftibu ales, lnk ur."John Danidoa ,bàS' e tvd'.year olS GaubSiau aaghbtstalin n ait Mr,. Anhur Johuston,gan ImporteS2. yr olS drsughtt dli>', 2 Clyde mus ; il 9 'wu brtirns-ovs sud camellfs, udAla. a iinmg hréàe.joua g huil, macl.a afi docek 9f ebuep,ineîlu at>tbr.. ,Iiiported rama# 16 Geto*olda, 6 Dovina, le. « Mo. Win. Blroas, làsbaru, a fine 2.1 th o l nimporteS Clyde flly ; tva. eM'au nificent *gago-.bulis, oane ov eud tic, mS boiers, re, Mo. Peter -MuDrmalS, two~ broad1 maros anSd als, 5n roedlug u"0 eu twa Iambe ssii a tius Ianib, Oosvqd. 'as Mr. John Blle, an agrioàlluoal' mare, beCanadien draugit.-1 Meusrs. Jeffry Brou,, tva B.yr éad areu, tva buoany draugblmares anS I-yr aid estie-ail aplodidimasilsala. S' Mo. Joha Hovdes, a draugbt Cana.1 dia barieus, an agolulat, a B.Yroda gricmlait I b flyfrI iluidisoai'81. i>sdadl'fo Y. Moeru. Smnith &.Thompaosere enlire -yoald heydosugiht.,.., Mo. Wax. Moch=rson, a. drait il I- porteS4-jrolnd Clyde. Mo. IL.IH. Speuooo, ai Daree ulPra vywuaslaýrgo'xhbioronsd ahavuelfram .l. ble fias flooku larg=e p oau aiS tbavs,a aSirapuhirà sud-£ mpublrudcvua, la- ce s cludiug, i thdot he lmpoeruai - liaI %S &Ien i lisprise. la Eug. dland vbere ubevu, bualsng n eojthng7 at mfaimu lu Norfolk, Safok aud Eax;. a. nu0 e rm lai, onue B.Yr ad ram iimb, la four l.no nid ovus,uit l.yr oadoveu bd sud tiur ove Ilamba-aàîil lmpotli.' -lu& ut the Sbraptab, an importeS ra-tbe àu zâ liaI ba carrneS offail-lb. firet I g. prisslie p4lî' tire. ýyeusanaS'bas ~.never beau boîtes vberevei. hovu,anS 2I o.nus yearling importeS oem. In tie Hempuhire, a yearling ram, sigit oves euSan four ove iambe-ail importuS;' misa t lree Canadien ram Imbe, a pair ai fat ir'etiru-«anu acholce ilitaifulgit for tI ksale. The fat o.iup ver. liee arn la vhiei Thirletu p rire wvaswaardeS et 2 r- lie Induatlial. Mr. Spencer vuai"s 1.a iir-rt h rdecti L1 r. aong iior landtise rde caIl le ds heifer udnStva yearling buifru ; anSd W alun in Ibm svioo clame, veré ho bad a fins Berkshire hoar and sow. i Inutho latter clan Mo. John Siuh (son ai Mr. Ws. Sailli) 'of thueBase liue baSa àremarkably banduorne youug 'hoorplg. B3rown A. Patursn masSeas unai a large uisplay of thuir implemunts, aMS took saunerai aruisos. 4 Mr. O'Doan ia lal kitndicf cern- à ae S hda fiai and mach admireSdis-. pisay, and ais. ai vaggoDèe. Tissuvure ss. eOeiava srlaalun .*lslhted. L Musaru Thas. Mmsderoon & Bon voeSi agals ote .foslu tb. grain elasu. Tb<iupsj lu liodoill-ibd WvîMt ut j altnal in lu ldepartSuast é bt. n- emlivlrSepanlpeut, svsa.ItS epise gliI aia fo Ifl. , AnS n ccceioirlele*1 s vs mu"t anneludoe. osrmareîbu l vord îau thle- Ilvw» euljin dnanoeof aielie.is- l pla ofluat sum na*Cm the bob lut inSlad prisse a tcisee l lie bad saterod'for- Ainong lie princi- p amateurs takig inuprigéeeAru Mis soi< Bililuiga, Mis. Qnrnsaok, mos.J. L.U SithI<al puils aiMr. ShnapeUl anlme a 0viwso"pabutfugwv«ldewonld 2. 'compare favarably v«j t hïs oecf canapet-tors etI--ths leiblg pra. vincial exhIbitIons. 'We ,uBout-bda nrfine d4AiY aise Yby ie pup. 5 -eoOUMdig tko nMy shôrt,-line Ibit pelating bas beau taugbmt iebt iati tutimn.Thmrevuro onual iery gooi ho éevmeltoait&Wpcl wola ' -1 by Mr. San, P-k Fa. 2-ipI W. C. Bleoki a. - -ht W. B. Alla., as tiBves, a-lut W. mhsj,_2-lut W. B. I;àl IL -- W-l <Thïe.yaolS pflf TIWYoyad cutire Cole, 5-lut Jobi Davidon, 2ad Jffr oc s. ?bëàpuoa, lad IT, Gardiner. Qu eu. ea ad ustire. colt, 2-lut Jes q3wï GeogeHyanS." pueyeesr cldPiUr, 8-lét jas Stokes labo, lui Joba D. Havuion, Brd in F1llo a 1881, 6-lot Wa. Wardu:r lsd 'WIi. Bnker. - ]Pairai DrantHorubu, 2-lut Jas Boaat P. 8e, -aI lJffrey Bru, Shetland P61n7-Hes Mare sud Coll -NellY Hlgins, specliÈprizss. Bull, 4 uutrles-lot Wm. Hogron& San. Sud Win. Huron & Son. Tbree Yeur aId Bull, 2-lut Joh MeKensie. 'Yearling Bull, 5-let John Drydsen Sud A Jobuaton. Bull Oaf, lO-lot A. Far-rnan & Soi 2ud John Dryden, 8rdl'ohna Dryden. Cow gigiug nilli orlu caîf,6-181À. Johnson, Sud John Dryden,' 8rd Wvo Horon & Son, Thros year oIS Cow, 5-lut A. John. itou, luS J. Dryden, Srd J. Dryvden. Tva yoar aIS hulfer, 6-1.1 Jobn Dryden, Sud A. Jobuston, >Brd Jobs Dryden. Yearling fHoirer, 8-ut A.Johuiton, Sud John Drydon, Brui A..Johuston. Hlouer Calf, 6 -lot John Dryden, lui John Dryden, 8,5A.a. Johuaton. 1 ]Boutliard, tolinclude Bull and fins furalue to-be moce by exhibilor, 8- lut John Dryden. Bout 8 camves gaI hi an. hall. ovnuc bY euhibitor, 8-lut 'John I>oydusa, Suc A. Johiuton. But Baulof any îe5-ltW er. on à Sou, luS JobtilDryden. GLASS ViI.. Tva year old bail, S-lut T. Guy à Sou, Sud T. Guy à sou Yearling Bull, S-lst T. Guy & Sau, 2auS. Guy & Sou. T.Bull Gais, 2-lit T. Guy&A Sou, lad r. y Gu&.son, fa iviug lmilk or il aff, I-lut T. 019 & bou, lad T. Guy à Son, Tva Yeau nd Haifer, S-lit T. Guy & son, Sud T. Guy & Sou, Yearling Ilifir, 2-lut T. Guy & Uon, lad T. Guy à Son.ý Houfer Cali, S-hàt T. Guy &. Son, 2ad T. Guy A& Son. GLA88 Viii. BEaumroanaosu.; Bull, tva Years anS' upvardu, 2 en- tries-lut R, J. Mable. Bull, 1 year aId, 2- lut B. J. Maikie, tuS B. J. Mackie. Bull CAT, 2-ut91B. J. Miackie, 2ud it. J, Maokie. Ccvr givlog mulk or in calf, S-lut R. il MacieuSa B. J. Mackie. SHoufer, 2 year cli, 2-lat B. J. Mack- le. Hetor, onu yoar aId, 1-lut R. J. xaçkje. Huiler Calt, 2-lut B. J. Mackie, 2nd B. J. Mackie- GLASS IX. GRADE. Ccv glvîng rnilk or in ai, 10-lut 'as. Leaak, Sud Win. Poamu, 8rd jas. Tbru. yoar adcvw, 9-lit Jas. Leask, Sud Wm. Puac, 8r H. H. Spincer. r Tva joer aid 'Hui&r,7-lot George Laing, 2u H. IH. Spuour, Brui T. 1 Xurha oifer, 5-lait Wm. Pesu- ms3, Sud T. J. Ralidy, Brd T. J. HoUW. I:L OOi Blt u. Laing, Sud 'amai-Sd a.Leuik, BruiZ T. Put Oz or Ser -s3onuaeî In5 JOhn <àl. Fat CoaerHifr6-sWmP - oa, lad W. Huron. &Son, ar amole =ak. Béut slfer u 4Ï,,ian* 5<u or boueS a-ison Bussuil. Fat ox or SIeurebd -et leait four »Othu bufol euxhliai. an Tb-orloy's 'ors. A. Gattle P.d, i.-ioJohn Bus.- *IL Brown, Sud John DudL , Pairofa Rad do.-hlavlu8uWHBr*, Pair af. Dorkhts, vhite#, 8-lut W. H.ý Brown, Sud dS.a Pair ai Darbingo, - colores; 5-ht W. I. M- Brao, Sud do, 1.- Paira01GaMU, Sark ruS, 5-W. H. Brown, 2n Sd do, Pair Gamua, duokvlugu, &-lut Imms V. 40t$e, luS W. H. Brown. PNîr af HAmburge, clIver upngled, 5- ,lst W,ý H. Brown, SudJohn 201un Î_ . Psd1ýl="Hasbrg on «spang., S.. ~lut W. ]H. BravaSud 1s0aV.=,tl. pair aifKaburgblacI, 5-hot WH.L r, Browa, SuL ssauV. teele. Pair ai Hemburgue ie~uclu,8 lot W. H. Brovo ud2a JmMuGarmad.> 4. Polirof Poian od i ns ange 8-s W.H. Brava, Sudllm V. Stetoin. u. Pair oi Polandu, slbver.spaetgled, 2-hot W.HK. Brao, 2SudoS. PiofPymnouth Rocks, 5--lut W. H. Brown, Sud do. Pair ai Houdanu, 8-lut W. H. Brao, Sa uS uaV. Stoulu. PiofBlack Baulsb, 4-hst Thas. fice, Par etWhite Leghorns, 7-lut Thns. Bice Sud do. o3 Pair ai Black Roi Game, hantais. 10- but W. H. Brao, Sud L. BandeL Pai ofBrw Bed(Game, hantam,- Pair oi Silvar Seabrigit hantais, S-lut 5W. H. Brawn. Pair ai Turkeye coloreS, 85-lut J. French,i SuS Gea. MoGillivrsy. n Pair ni Turkeyu, bronze, 2-het W. H. Sud B. J. Mackie. Pair ai Turkeo, vilS 1-Go. Anderson.1 L_ Pair ai Gooe, vhite hieman, 4-lut T. T. Colemani, Sud John Dut!. Pair ni Geese, Brava China, 5-lut Thos. Pai o~,f Geeoo om ,2-lut W. H. Brv, " . T. Clmn PaifaiDucks, Aylesbury, 4-lut T. T. Caleman, Sud W. H. Brao. Pair ai Dooki, lRouen, 7-lut T. T. CoWu Paur2i Docks Pekin, 5-lut W. H.Brwn,- e 2SoSIra VaiL. Pair-i Canary Birdu, 4-lut T. Whslon, Sud P Hstch. a Collection niogf; ,-u W. Trigg. CLABB XKM. But 6 huahes adhot'(rnohbu) lut prise hy Oava StaneCoin stovo, valuaIlS;iud prize bySeth son.20 sorted fruit trouas, velue $5, 5lot T. & J, Manderuan, Sud lau.- Stokes Bout tva buaheli euhai.6Spr1 S Wheat, IBarbey, Cats, Black-eye MarravIlt Peao asd'Poua mul grpwn by exhibitor, lot poe b 3 EL Robertson, & Bras., Biatoneru. &a., Whiiby goSe, value 010;Su prize h. ,rs lGropger, Hardwar eoacte, - W h i0 5 2 T Tv bushela FaiNiheat lut prlzebhy Seth C. Wllaan, 16 assonteS Fruit Troua valu. $4, 1-hlt T. & J. Mandersan, Sud l4elghs- vander, Bon., 8rd Geo. Porklns. Tva buheluSp ring Whoast, 12-lut S. Nuthertan, Sud T*&J., Kanderuan, BoS Chishoini, Brou, Tva buehels Barloy, two roved, 4-lui B. Nothertan, Sud T. & J. Munleruon, 8rd W. . Thoîpsan. Tvo bushelu Barley, eix-rowed, 7-lut J. Richards, SoS Jas. Walker, Brd W. Thnmp- son. Tva bdsbobu Poas, black-eyed, lb-lut S. Noîberton, Sud Jas Richards, SoS T. and J. Mauderoon. Tva obou liPeas, mal 5-let Nelgha- vander, Broa,., Sud'T. auJ J. Manderuon, C LBrd Oea. Biekeli. Tva bubel Peau, bIne, 5-but Jas. Leauk, Snob B. Nethorton, Brd T. & J. Manderuon, Tva buelu Oas, black, 8-bet S. Nother- to, Sud.. T. anS J. Manderuon, BrS Neigha. veoder Brou,' Tva bushelu Cets, vhite, lut prize by'B. C. Wilson. 12 asuortod fruit troou, value $8, 2 B-lut T. anS J. Mauderson, Sud S. Neth-2 orlon, Bt Nelghavander Brou. -S Tvety-dve «e corn, elghtraved, 7- let T. T. Caluman, Sud D. Brawa. J Tvçhty-fivo eurn, 12 raveS, 8-lut T. T. Colemnan, Sud D. Brava. One buseol Polatoeu, Garnet Chili,1- î1lt . J. Pathergili on. bushel otatoes, any other varnety, 15-lut T. T: eilemàn, SOS W. B. Tarvesg, $rS Wrn. Westlale.. Elgbt roots, Turnipu, 5-hit Peter Mc. Dormait! Sud Chlsbobm Bras. 1 n R V go Wnrtzol, loâng yflo,0- M int4 eT. Coleman Sud Goa.Valetyne. ý Elght Mangold Wartsel, lo*ng red, i1lht GoiMsâkie Sud T. T. Caoma6ïù'. 2 Elghk MUnjold Wurtze ?av wglobe, 4 la -let T T. M mon, -nd T.lor. . Blght Carrais, long ruM& tT T.Colt. M#24, SaSG. Velentynu. Elgt CarroIe. vbite 14--lut Thou. Wil. ' argi8 SuAT. T. Columan,. V "Asb*ErSugr Cane 1-hât bauaFrench. si boots ta .beome Prmprofci onar, 8-lutM John Wi11%,, SudJeu. Buitti,. Caluction ai FielS oots viz:, Turulpu, ugold nSCarréas, ïzeaclh arÎt_ ofdflclueby thd exhibitair, excent S- 8 .tatau,'-$-la, J'. Llck, Sud' J. Lssk 8OT. On ' bo. Bateolemum.--M T T CoTlamanblman 2nJ. D. Sttt S4 Bartieti-lut J L.ckD. Tolemah4. 6 Beure ten, I-lout zJ . oir- Sn 2ndJT. oran. à vlemlu Beu,7; 10-lut .Lawr, Sud J. D. Stht.. 5 Be& ah, -htJohnohn U &Sn, 2nd- J.hD. Sot. 5 Duohleus d'AugoJ.Lem,8-TT.olT.n C oumSu J.D.stou,.-ïtJ OU J.oK. 2on. LGodn ems Viara lntyl, 1-lotJohn Hle n, G. T.Y. Smth. S Sohelo, 5-Ith n . T, Cabman, 2nd 3D. Stots. 5 Beurre ad'Aou5lut J. Ko . aTon Colmd n J. Jlo . D tt 5 WI'aceu, 2-ea. Va5letyTeClean 5 Vàrlo i nieru, 4nâm o hn aioi., lut JT. God. , ndJ.mith. on 2 buheu orden T Toedn, -ht J. Gardon, sa. D ttu L eradu5h JiKoro, 6-eSn K d,- 5 Igahta, 2-lut . K. arone, dJ M alete o PanBan.6 f slt4 lotJK.Gom, 2utJ. MGil & Bon.ndJ K. Gardn.hsWro edig ý .I Corong, 5-lu. tt .Moli& onSd J. K ay Ga lJ.IGrdon, ai o i UkndJ, M- Glu J. K.Gron o 'MGil&Sn 12 Coem Goln Drap, 2-lutJ.nK.Gar-, dordn 12. Conerd G, -lt . Y. BmSoth. 12 Crdonp.u lr,6lu . .Foar ltCr.bKA popie, 2ud aJ, Millt Jon.e 1at2 dJ. 3.GFlde rapil J . o- 12 he aulfGage, -ltTG. T. Caiman, 12 W.b W. es kÏe bWood.3 Fthr 2heCas a Cbe, mmer, 8-louDW. W.rt WoodSJ . . Cabma. 8 heud abagelwier, -tT.Cleane lad W. W. Wood. 8 huada ruS Cabbage, 5-lut T, T. Cale. nan 2nd L Bar.dei. .2 âquauh;u, 2-ut John Ailman, Sud J. J. 2 Pumnpkinu, 5-lut T. G. Rouzin, 2nd J.E tilman. 12 table Cerratu, 10-lut C. Hait, 2nd J.E E.eask. 12 table Turnipu, 8--lut J. florhacn, 2ndf T. Lawler. 12 Parunipu, 5-lut T. T. Caleman, Sud o. Vulentyne. 12 rootu, Beetu, 10--Geo. Velentyne, Snd T. T. Coleman. 12 Tomatoeu. 85-lut W. W. Wood, Snd T. T. Coleman. Fig Tomatoeu. 8-lut T. T. Coleman, Snd Go. Valuntyne. Water Melon,0 -lut T. T. Coleman, Sud J. J. Fothergili. Muk Melon Green fie-eh, 7-lt J. J.x Fothergill, 20<1 do. Mnuk Melon, Bearlet fleuh, 6-T. T. Cale. mlan. Citron, 6-lut C. Hiot, 2nd J. Dohart. .6 Cucumboru, 4-lut W, W. Woad, 2nd q5o, Valontyne. 6 hoade Colery, 2-lut T. T. Colemian Sud W. W. Wood. Peck White COlons, 2-lut T. T. Cale- mau, Sud W. W, Wood. Peak Yollow Onlanu, 5-lut T. T. Cale. mlan, Snd Go. Vubentyne. Peak Red Oniont, 8-ut T, T, Coleman,2 2nS-ten Valuntyne. Pickling Onlonu,2-lut Geo. Vabeutyno,1 2ad W. W. Wood. Patata, Onlonu, 5--lut Chas. HaIt, Sud T. J.Perrinien.9 Chicoy,2h T. T. CalemanGeao. ut Chas Hait, Sad e.Vlnie ci aaee-Wal 5h>' a pupil, Matci-'~Gou crpialns,-Aet - tETauetflv dru broo keouot Ucoroiug vidi IIckspart e Jngs lu lova- nal'fa'i er speocirn 01aiLace wcýrký T~u,~ Lace, -5-ý1st Miss M. StrickIaqi Sud Mian Mru. T. Bmyth. Secmen Iwo work, honiton, 5-lut Mis, v .~Mitchuîl, 2ad Mrn. T. Bmyth., Worked ulipperu, 2-hlt Mn. Aliuson, Suî Mmn. .Cooper. > Bois pllow, 18,-lit Mn. Davifison, Sui Mia. H. Bnow. 2Toiett st, 17-ht Mise A. Nourse, 2hW Mtiu M. Ormiston. Cotton tldy, 16-lut Miss E. Ailmon, Su< Mru. E. Caoopeor Woolen lidy 1-Miss L. Wllcox, Sui Misuu M. Emrnett. Wnrked camp chair,A--lat Mru. H. Snov, Miue A. Kelly. Camp Stanl 8-htMien M. J. Anderuon, SoSXà MruH nov. Ottoman, 5-Mine L. Emmett. Wax Fruit, 4, let Mn. W. H. Hayes, Suc Mu. W-. Squeloh. Wax Pboweru, 8, ht Mn. Geo. Tait, Sul W. H. Hayeu. Wax s'lns,-4"lut Mn. W. H. Hayou, Bol w ie~, 4, Lt Mies E. Hatah. Sud Mns Wafr1lwr, 8, lut Mn. J. L. Smilth, Sud Muo. W. Sqluulch. Feaier dowors 4 lht Mises.L.Wilcox, Sud Mn. W. Squoeu. Zephyr foworu, 6, het Mi,. W. Stirtivunt. 2ud Mru. J. L. Smith. Fsnay Basket, 10, lut Mise A. Wiluon, 2nd Mise . Scott. Wa&"BaEt, ltMm. iH. SoySud Grela Lap,6, utMos. W. H. Rayes Lam9 mat, 18, lut Mise C. Arnal, 2n£d minue MoClellan. Fancytable mat 15 lut Mise E. Mitchell, 2ad Ms C. Arnui Faayethe r vork, !Miss J. A. Delang, Bueti=wor, ,lut Mise J. Bcott.2SndMn. M. A. De. Cane work, 8, lut Mru. H. Hayes, Sud J. A. Celong Canadien utraw liats, 4, lut Mrs- ÀA. Doi, Sud do. Farmer'u wreath, 2, 1 Mn. W. H. Hayes. Hair jowoiry, 1 Mise M. Btriokland. Work Basket, 6, lut Mise W. H. Haye, Sud Miue L. Wilcox, Curriago Ailghan. Mise Btriokland, Brack- oe, 14, lut Mu. H. Snow, So Mnu. T. Law- 1er. Motta, uilk, 4, lut MisenC. Arnal, Sud à£=. e. . rL Mette. moulin, 2 hot bgm M. J. HaPpar Snd Miss J. Scott. Durnlng on net, 5, lut Mise A. Nourue, Sud da. Spattor work, 4, lut Mn. Oea. Tait, Sud Mes J. Scott. 1CLASB XXV!!. Pou! laru--PoEuuIoxàL. Cil painting, original, portraits, E. A£ O pitnorigina liandscape, lut E. -A. Bhrapel, do. Cil painting original, Animale, lut B. A. Shrapnel, S2d do. Water colar original, any ubject, F. A. Shrapnel, Su2 do. Oil painting landsoapt,9,lut Miss Cor- mnack, Sud W. E.Akm."-. Cil painting, animale, Mru. J. L. Smith. Water celer, landucapo, 17, Miss Biflinge., Whithy Col. Iues. Water color, any ubjlt, lut anS Snd prises b Wi. TiliWhi 15, Mise Cor- mack, Wi by Col. Ini. Pecldravingfiue ct, 4, let Mn. Mf. A. Des, 2Su MiKate MaCunu. Pmncil drawlnge, any uubject, 7, Miss L. Ebmmett, Sud Mis K. McCann. Cra yon .drawing, figure uubjecti 9 letW. B. Atkineon,SuduienuL. Paton CIrayo drawing, any uubjoct, lut Mise K. M cC un, S nd Mies L. Paxton. ColoreS ' Ciayan, in figure enhjeot. Mr. J- L.. Smith. -Colorod crayon, any sobjeat, 2, Mrm, J. L. Smith. Ornemental pnmnenhip, 4,B- K. Baton, 2ud do Veivet painting, 7, lut Mn. H. Snow, Sud iss M: Cr'on: Collection ai ambrotypes sud photo. grapho, 8, lek-A: Barrett 8et o nitgle harneul, NicholsuBurton. CLAe8 XXIX Oiuplay ni Fangies, 1 entry-Wm. Ander- Bout Dispiay ai Planta in P7loer-priue of . J. Fothergill, Wbltby, 1 ontiïr-W. W. W~ood. Display n oi is t Ifrom ail oth- rýý 0nre.i poor ehrv ,1 entry- F . . aor Bout CeSfe 'Blrds, Sentie-W. D.' Gardon.1 ýFloral Deslgn,lut prise by B. J. oian Fbitli h crme- alue p. S entrble-lut- ,'SudMrs. Y. Gibon. Bouquet aifFloveretable 7 entrles-*lt Xisn B. Dehart Sud M;isuA. 1!cGMivray.: BOUquet a over :ad B entris-ht- Mias K.MilVÜTY*nud"iA. Gibécii. Dluplay oiAsto, h2 entrleu-W. W.Wood. Disla ofGé=Mm'ý8,enroe-ht W. WoOci 2a, J.Mo 8 Dtopslar i la..S2ntres- iaM u2oioEd ar ef MeWoit5 ClurnicZe. e IEA SM aiadebtod ta the courtesy ýd Of the Cormlusioner of Customu et 01. ta*&, for tbe foll6wlng Statemeut uhovinj the quantity of ,d Whéât and IPlour, Barle7 sud malt importeS mb oand exportad frorn the Dominion of Canada, dnring the flscal yeatr euding 801th lune, 1881.- ABTIOT.s. POIRTED, EXPORTE». Whustbush., 7,889,6M9 9,088,028 Flour0a Wheat, bis, 286,488 651,806 Barley, bush., 16988 8,92,275 WEEAT AND FLOuR. Iunyour issue of. 101h Mardi st, I uubmîttod lé utatemuntir showing tbe 1-movement af Whuat and flour for the 6 Lmanthu. ending Blet December, 1880. Caiculating the barrel of Ifour as equiv. aient ta 4k bushele wheat, sud dduot. *n frorn the exporte ai whbeat and flour the imorteoOfsme articles, I uhowed that or thoeesix monthe Our net ex. porte, or in other wordu, aur surplus fraawheat ûroý -cf 1880 bad been equal ta 8,118,568 bushels vbeat. I utated that il vea the general opinion af the LTrade, that for the six montha endiug 801h lune, 1881, there wonld bu no ex. ceuaf exporte oyur importe. as that the cloue of the year on 801h Joue, 1881, would show about -the omre surplus as ohi Blet December, 1880. 1 amn glad ta se that the wheat crop of 1880 turued ont a littho botter than estirnated ; the net OUrpueta 801h June, 1881, wheat sud flauta0other, beioguequei 8,541,122 buuh., au compareS vith 6 mouthsenediug 81 Dec., '80,.8,ll8.568 beiug about 400,000 buhels more thbm I estirnatud. .It may prove iuteoestiug b ocotrast the surplus of crap cf 1880, as exhibited by net exporte for past few yearu.. Staternut, howing lhe -surplus Wheat orop ai Canada& for the undetmnn tioned yegaru euding 80th June, as ex- bibited hy tie exporte, leu importe of wbeat and Saur from United States; equal buehels wiest. 1875-6. 1976-7. 1877-8. 8,580,151 Nil 8,687,640 1878-9. 1879-80. 1880-1. .9,07 6,586,667 8,54M,122 deflcieocy 1876-7, 2,211,827. The reenî19 from vheat arap of 1860 bas Bot been Wo'favorable as rnany af the noeruaper reporta indicated, but the officiai figures show the mont relia- hie comparison that enu b. oblained. Iu my lait ye ar's anoual barley air- oular, iuuued immediatoly after hirest, I submitted the opinion thal norne of 'aironlaru vbich claimed Ihat the £arley crap lu Canada lu 1880 vau luger Sien lu aoy previons yeair vould pro*e ta ho inerror-; lIgave as znyaoplnlonùthalit vaould exceed the# tlh87,,by bfropr an ta tva million busiels, but th&& Il vould ual uqual the un&recedented jrge crap af 1875. The- ciii figues show an incresue ln net exporta for ËwÏabal er ending 801h lune, -1881, avezorprevions year, ai about 1, 500,000 bushels; ,ta Ibhis- aboulA b. îddud somelhing fuorthur, fui the inoroauing naalting busiiness eof the Dominion,' lnunr lue of 101h March isai, -I euîirnated tiae the exporteuof barley and malt frorn the .Domiuion for 6 monthi ending 801h lune, 1881,vwould ho about 2 million busie *ls,,or for lie. wbole year 9,500,000 bushels. The officiai. roturnu-s show net>.ýports for these' six montha 2,062,000bas., *A A.cmparisas vithtaormer.parslnay bu interustiug. .J mubmit, a .tatement shawing the surplus Beiiey crop oa, lhe Dominion cf.Oauada,after deduotmng from thee o)çlio fl'arley sud malt, the'fnmports af the 'senmeg- doringth Ie f6llawlng, " .ro-iding 801h lune. 185-. 87.7 .I1778. Bush.10.07.5-8,520.406 2i.àl85 Badey and V;bÇat",Týmde.: Ouir 8tyI Tocur m&th -Kindly J suitinga, F No.--, DEI ON lie nu. Land ideau calllulg pc I1ik. dcny League exea iegatee. T-1 ouel>'adnplem rabua" citenient 'v lie hajyard ïiumberaof thwmnhe vas firei. e DMCANWI XXV . Ton yards Pull Cloth homo upun anS made b>' banS-het prize by Envie Brou., herciantu, Cshava, gode,value $2, 5-luI Mies C.Lynde Sud do -10 >yard.Fuhilal, clry me, lotand icd pries bJna0-BelrPicker ,4-- LtW. D. Bve àà hIn ~mplno Woleu. 10 yards Batinet, lactor>' <oude, 2-W. H.- aonînan lot anS*lA. 10'sodaà Winter T*e -# 4-ht. Empire, 10,rS BunuerTweed. 4-h4tidEpire louf il, SuSW. H.-Bnverman Plennel, maSo, unand a.b'bn âcu maker, W cf y par i',#aboots.' 10 yersYFaneL.homne =&as b yhanS. utton va"7' -ltMu Jas. LMcêlslian, iSnJ 10 yards Plannel, ictry mude. ail vaal, -lut W. HBve1). aEmle ol n mille. ' 10 yards Fiasuel, Pacoy madSa, Cotton mrp, 5-h-lt Emp-ie. Woolen'ILils, Sud H. 3oermn. b _-", r -' L. -' M0aSPanne), B4tIs.Alin u preu am FI ~1 I I I

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