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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Oct 1881, p. 4

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u=QXNG rnaw, Min ze o tu.m- r-orounuy,(be 'no,) elSlia 'pUetOmlY total oei amee vas imps i . mie 1 onayea quId pi# dMresbc IL" K.lcdIQup venly, adi 'tnl joinéS la,,-$uvItboqt eooptj as te bicore loitotel vihhoul >e moreO-r Jem ildicalcus, and LIaI fatiguo eocîeanont, and vear-m s i et polilloal ucoety lItee scpcialiy nus the use et vine, la greet meortà Of courtsabsolutely a uooseiîty. 10, ory; i mItouetlouspnegu more 010401Y. My trlsud wbe baS b gan 1, malS Ihat ho 515 bellee.osj doyen, youreelt, Lady Maedonald, coul or weald <Ire p your iuofe serryi Slnnmr." I aked."--by net 1" A' he veut crr iii <vomI force.anS cIi BesOai &Ue*paics anS dangerouc ai - g hnal lau reurgeS luntuppoýt arlcîkng wvinlumoSeraUôn andin wltb th. remark liaI lu Sir John'a pul Wou o îi o~ 9 mouirsseer cf1li t4( abaalma àà Âdrink yeursuoeocc la viterg' Since h.n 1s GoIbave neyr tcuad auj an beLinradablyrf e etouei 34 MlF. a avu busy ou@ beIspt ami the.mà*a aeat dao. là oug ffla aflàbfa Ta liai et opueaof mi eiïvm agise jeu aliuj enoractou as anase icep, le sba lias estimunsla 008e O itti>. m e m ite, icher i is A by ma Whomo~ali caIOM e e brembold et >Ue VascrosseS, lbheoù. ,unaSi ito th le miccf lboery Oend ofet e. SOUw umlllothe light ta faulib1it _ vlIl<oÀ mr r *a. 4jq s1ould-en the l. I!'~ " ~g.Do net use tho oyes u j l* pass by any arlificial light. 4vo h-m thnelb speisi use of the beao in the rnorsi- lu.t yen' on lb. contInent, bas returned in W ~ bfre breakfast. Best thern'haIt a to lber ' tlo' bue W 4M.Ueq* ute white roadlng or sowlzig, gambled away baer hrtnn# afMionm Ou, O ~~h1 egq~ nd y loldg Carlo, and now ocoeat é lofly posl. th a j fUE~ toetnbo fo lonoa opecr oàdit 1 on 1 4. w iida1eate at '1b7 is 0FraDi O#M ' de -Nl#o,,lie àýy n ote& inieler A pi'nter iiappsaid w uni ffroi th. sysiases orcorner of th.e ysMexico witb 8 ts ipocbot, adsot "-d mîthbefinger utils; rather mosten It ly aterward looaled àain.Wh, 4hob III. m thei iiê san sd rab Il away -vith sold for 180,000. Go le Nov Mexicoo. leii the. bail of the finger. Frequontiy pan Anolhjr a preeummy a pniatri ei athe ball of the fSoger ovor the. closeil vent W Nov Mexlo wM 880,000 la 0Wm eyelids lowerdo th. noce ; Ibis carnies hid pooket,- and,afler spea ding à ilI, 1 ", off any oxoes of vater into tbe note il. soId his daim for 05. 11 V1 bv. mesas1 tIhe ltIle canal vlp T.Pat.Rî.o lnot he nomêitrou> îrm aoh Inite cuThoy ratiAt il~uu~n oriner' of the oe. ei p or he foot i' u ountry - «toe6ruy-, star vays dry and warun, se as te drav auy lng, tipaverage of 111e belng lemsnidevr gi -excese of blood frons the othor -am&of yea, thectaindisoabecnad 4h boiey. 'Usa oe giscab finIetcar- cu ni:A bssmo ith er ar ied'in th. esct peekot attaehoSa to a eopeclallï, coldihsncb a be6mmon a n bde guard, for they are inotantly.adjamted t 0 l.hari' tooyda i.v r ion te lhe oye vithhvery littho trouble; ul to evorloek thoe0dangers atondlnz It snd1 *l.whertai, if-cowauou spectacles aead, o.t. l*nd tlto, Ibata le ver or Luug asdtroule a ara k sl...hopnd!m iy, ncha p~0csi e rquîeS e gl <onitheir Uvs inlu his 'myvery wiutr;ý,i "' aeytet ta ve trouble thi ysaeh4looe' msBre P bcit*u' ed afen draineS teaiisâwer a purpose. cure weald hav o ble lanSd aghl ho Wumi the e andtlavery morn. f rom a doctor beuavloil. Ferallidsses. en iag. I oies abadanhiyes of tihe Throat--and LuaeBcJ.' is ilappIf oold water le used, losit- io = ~ ~om/téi.ti ndf&e agansi the closed eyes vltb grestot da'cOeory e Ils klad la nediole.> 'aI th flagors, net cliking liard agalasl Ilvery Druggist ln Ibiscoeuntry viii el aSd th. balla cf tb. eyes. Tihe moment yno Iewn el ffect.Over 950,O<f> àr- yonr *.vos feoitlred, lihe very mmeunt btie olS1a ym îhetemngel " a oa"aeconsolons ef au effort te r« rS k;'vu ~omt nv1*&a*ide bo bok or neeSIe% aàd A Waughed Scor.ý, [Dg tae a walk for an heur, or ompley A score of years le a long lime te lok b. yearmeif lancerne active exercine net re. back upen, bal Whou- atndsd vitb com. or. quiring th.9e ie etftho~he ou. tnaisufferlng il ceorn a aniosl a century' au i bspain oould have beau avoid Lia lIWA Gz1sL.1o.-A grealt etaa. 11H, vben your lver commenced te trouble It lion vas causet athlb.Moutville Botel, you, if yon bad tmken Burdock BlS Bit- 1 o- Union mvoaa,-xeacOljlatliy. ,55JtOit às bý the dlceveryof a youns girrldrenced ta, ji boys oluthlug,, wieýfor, a oal1e l !.etAPý dI ~day. bas been ab voirk in a . iing - r. iùoi. No oue cucpected that ',er gen. TO70NVE5T OR, ï ý,d#r vas other than vimat the. neat trou- * 4stgptod anti! yesterday, wbou a M ta~t1 riw .euIy Ob le nat waiter.boy lfickc mY ildtes Apjly t ,ely kuovu to th. tair sol. Mn. mont. ,vIe heing netifled @nt for lb.es'aller, CHAS. NOUBSE, st iS e on aled with lraveiing uuden incurance Agent, whitby. ~,Î »el oers, tbm girl 'adonilled that ie .Octohe Oh, 188..s mo nt a boy' but alS hhatehe biai a OL n ake wiaha rao vao U %OLISMITIS' RAILL!1 Id mêlsarhelier hben l Sut ias ntcatI ailpleasact, anS 'mi. as DRO4T"leIBY la t~gtereaeh bat' mlmteiu lovib. If a ;dremsd as ri etlt woald ho ipos. Y W W ta Ii Idramplie'euartry.ibat ,6Y -un Ne- aboyg e» IeVas un diffieulîy abou& t k be ,, le bar borne laut woeokand in lires e atk s ýyc roached Kansas City, *bore vork * T' ,a Waa, gironber, WU ithe. aber. resat. e h 1iririsaho là nov knovm as Mary New' W atdhe&t I Daiiy, in &beut seventeen yearc aid, anSl t te realroason of ber leasing homne le A INEIW ABSOIITILBNT TO HAKND# TO s-4baI 'e. sas >11.8by a lover wholilveil RU SOLD CREAPIt13EF011E à*o m ba Shomo. $lie could net heur XâM e NOEXTEiisWE ( - l remnain and have bis. presoeBose ftea ALTERATIONs W bâtoe.ber, and started to joua hb-r eleler. ix 4TUE P )I1r$.. Konsiie, aitto heaicg the ginl' wi fIinesa, and decided le msicl Ithe van- A E J HNkON t *éeri trouble. Précrng rnatmri, ýA E 0I 8 O , b the dreme vas moue "i ind tue irl'. teirn, and by aiglibticlSMOOotfominineA- vanag apparetl ve roady, and Mary LUTOT FF tDMailppoared ia hor Iras coloreauasie EIELX, QCXCS, eai lookiag girl. lire. Montville nil! AND,> PL41'Eý~ VuI,- .;& t4er' îzL'i iýY a.d cvcul' TO as -'.IOL - OFF AT ually viii »e ta il Ihat tbm roachos ber VER y 1.0w PâICES *ster in Lova. - ~~21 * Deu'r MÂRET ion Moiîy.-Uncle A Cali SoliCited I1" ËPeasant'Batkius uillO anS île fs72. Thoo ir day e frieimud ebl: "ncîs JAMES JOHNSTON-, Plesaitbyluflu nimhle dS ou £11113Y a vozuan noanly oîd enonui te ratea atbak i ur-b othor?" "Yeùceeboy,.? ho Wtbl, Aug. Zi,1. 41 rep led, wthaàigs, "I vas, wurkin' fidi Long John Freman, iii Hanerer,L VE Y TA LE o wVion I ýYaqjost sbtou, andS MaryirST A LE " "dr se tlaIfiii. vc o ie&Y. At LiLisiunemlatel aoieIr lei - oevyqiltln eh usd l imua me for Mn. j. O. PniW ngl[ Mithlbe touai ,lthe -ier parlun, anS cverybody sad it 9M csted,near the Boyalsaniheure. Se t me tour pair et cottea secbmbut CL &9 USiORaRS, JNew]PirsI.Claem IdS'baveny ucOtien of ber I. tS,»stuobc rey to %ue* the Vaaim ethi cetnûs.obarm " f W.Il, Oui Chrlimas ee v ent 101h. t5tegtif Oie *eman'@ an' baS hardiy eot devuÉÈÈT.D bîfere Sai'eb Ana breugit tue soma O"'et petatepie, vhich sbc kuoved I vasnstroasfend et. Whliote1vu- FARM FOR SALE 1,4 oalii' Il Iheid Ibm aid Wonsa up- elmirce uuntils' ailver dollars. NoveT RT DrEBU1ADBEPAR4ScBon*,à t4ù,ffl Do e tathéeoie ln ', anS 4f WUd Lot ti. 4,5 oo. of the Toe. teo 11ipetir l!oor bad cracks lu as àà eof e uilit cf io aersmn'8, oeule soyfag.-e eu edvouui oisé, g00a bara,&c. eh osiShor hejugl e ocmon y ueay. Appiy le M el oua If I baS besa p tirry&el.j, A S OLDEII. E. Whiou mn. baL ceuntod up ta no0 ban 0a.9 -WbI&by. m 405d ands it1 Szawed upto saryAn MP0M theque silon. i ny> mbe'Sboave me, anS next DL kltouud_ o___ __ ne . t .11A L 8 1 lae, exa k a:. ~iee em&,lUsoieSla till ostu e setioum;at tbe sanlmm 1$qas lgqf, tl!AnS ai lth ià. I1OIt0b>t negrelutna ei,5 =ka ikngraniS ý6ïmmr hiealà é..fvuu ___ ,McWY AND) 8ýTEANOHIP AGENT. col adGalma Ts9ry, ahe TIOETSFORSAL -Te ALL poIT.. Contrectors Zeaqnsrer: CANADA PACIPICI RAILWA-Y. GeBrw nan trulad, loveet munaIn a lah bnfomaton g*ven byim1ï" or ohbr. vise; b. ursmsud eedfctom, d4ete., boee oe OAG &.-F07h OU1ÂDW 1000 by Iri g' 15 - Torontqo, nt., canada. '. G. WHITPIELD, hlen, Whitbi PIANOS TUNED. "i O.- T, 1<4unip1W Tls.Tunet, YforxM i ews e BaeTonte, P4itiIes wiahiumg heï i lanemprepenlyuno. "nosBleck, Wiib. Ordo=s by mai. bdroed teMemcn. Peson &itl,Tron. l Mrooive prompt attention. ly.1I lROlrcYXTI; Z8l9OP AWDtE-77 A'É -fyou want the, segt REAPER- - If Y i&: If you want the Best GN IO, Ifyou want the BeetSTA OTTR If you wAut the Beat FANNING MILL-- Ifyou '*ant the Best PLOWS for ail kinds of land- Ifo yowlant the Best PUL'VERIZING HARROW- ~GO TO OL ELIABLE.,WUITBYFOUNDRY, Wbere you can alwàyi e od'au o your -money, u ry rils on ogv o h eto aifcin Wbitby', ian l 4t18 81. P I- ER O N eG C . NWTIN SHEOP. ~W'Next Door Spath to eamee dohnston'8je ,!omJjsIai, rminMetg iiMfiblast, where evertnm rtùilifg * Tfin, Sheet,. or Galvanized Iron is mauactured in a workman- like manner, onSHOGRT NOTIOE and'at-reasonable rates. fp OODSA tq RIOR IL2Y BBRPAIRING doueioheaply and neatly. - i4 - -4---OI - Y-J.+J. ConyLiqo trWholeale .anid fietaiI, KINO ,,$,TREET9 SAA Just reoeived for Christmas and the New Year, a large stock of WVINEB a 'ý'nd LIQUORS, direct importation, CooiPziein Port and Sherry Wines, Brandies, Aie; and Gùinness8ai4.BladePorter. Godnam à & Wderf eralod OId Bye and Malt Whu.key, the bostithel Taylor*£ Batea' maiCpave à on' "ndaie and Porter, and Luger ero and in bo"le Ail work guait- lamp C Iùueysi c*WWkldadS boule. ai #L7b per Galon. Gb»1.- ýor 85 per cas. of one dozon 10 asdl Galon l,SW ondin jiléie acse n s m on qartlanI o on, LAO.a vu128pn-i. ouauecêssd Bwaoo&s'et in aquanimn -1-Oc~ak&~~u'*cdenal&mal~à4l~ ~sejusti4 tanS75 cesupen Sccowplw -à_______________ psde, A, m- 50 cigar, N Plu vlt4a Large Stocks and Low Prices" 'being -our motto. WJBY-No84flnok-sL. 111 Eu 118 Yongc.t-TOR ONTO. 0kONEY1 MON Ê! -ýl W. R 1F PBPABED TO LOAN . Où good mortgages, at LOW RAýTES 0,ITER -Cail and sce us, suld psy off your. old mortgages, that are.drawixig higli interest, and SAVE YOUR MONEY! while the rate of interest is low. HFATOR & BRO., FREIISTRAWBE1iRIES!j W. 4.ÉIS»' wijirnYC-INÂ TEA -STOR En DIRIECT FROM EUS OAKWILLE GARDENS. The Tïade suPPlied at jToronto prioes. Speciaiar raiement made witîh privrate 'families where quntitiýes er.uýS-ed dailY, abd delivered imxnedately o arrivai of Train. Wh$1China Tes Store :ýURNITURE,-7 - w l IM - 72ýs T e gedll.txigt1ak tàh pbi forth bi~eoumdiea ovprtnteg b ibnw i. bte po th Ian ev«0 tt.ul aUd forwtu, -~t WWM- ý,AKIN fL- - - - I .1 - MAJOË IL The, m !in nov in Complalàrunm la done promptly, lutho Aagives exatfoim afaclio. Ampiid Xi!hLUEop hoDmi" iigheaet PriepaidTor Wheat., AT AL]. TIlLEs. Thsafo fr-the -patronage bereteferece oeivedl. Prpritor'hopes, by strict at. ténloittounsd a dteinnna tet dem satlcàtori y with a&U pu«,tieeùet a coeftlnualiohereof. T. P. WRITEy WntOvae, 1911, un, 80. .27 Prpritr. Wonkingmen, profecalonal ama, caS .very max rquines et thic ceecea c1 lIeyee ieiohlgt givo tne ltu15meyetar m*A& propane hlm to yo. -'*-- Will ido Ibby cloansing .au inipluitib froue lhe blooS. USE VITALINE' ,in ail affections oet ho Kidneyi.- Bold hy aR Dnaggists. - Pnlce, 81.00 per- TEE GRAY MED)ICINvE Cor, Lin-47 TORONTO.. OONDENSED TIME TAILE. Taln ffert<n. Ma'y 801, 8u1. *pm.remco1saboz mm Pé4avo irily .0m. O.Wp.m19.2w d. OM anll41.40a",.33o"11»0 A',. Llndaay 1140 " 914 14 Lam ceae sorit Table,tobbaeon app lalo "ieay c1 tbe- Oempand TauAg Etu. Poas'EmiY...w4bstage fr Epseu, Ulea c a&Uxbnte!d%- îse . Al- U-. - l WbibnPu 80h. u1il WHIT- TARISTER T- LAt ATLA Octo -:0e:----- t - W~ ê~E M4XING A * i.-- - - 1' 0f r, I - an N îsupplie 1833- aBso-Kvuzu.ww 9 * M'i N /.,0" N-l"ý Cali CHOICEST SALE; WHOLESÀLE 1833. Establis'hed jï OF THE KINDS, F R AND R ETAILý 1 ý

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