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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Oct 1881, p. 1

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hmlte rMsn'i Là.G un othe B-a em ]rate.. RDS 01F MILL "ALE. Id for Wh.«t >p,by strict at- d.l5glihiiQuite lpar"la, te eri, P. WMIT3 -27 PnorWmcs. MZ, TABLB. spy 801h, 188L. 9.0 L 140" ILI& pir.. 490 P'. m. ».45 ::0.00m dmi &uS d Trunk fBl. kDtSaJ.Vm.fo 'Mailisini lIlipelor - ROC5iEISTER iy, 2011 April, 1881, yrmorning AItJ KI., cnAe avl. trains Irc= glb u other Cen. the Lako OC. 0 Charlote (port ck p.m., Bcepi ave At 8 pou;, té O. - - m ata pply teO sion Toegrmfph vmslby.- pply te 1D, Po Rtope, îR n gen. AGIE f ~OXFC (NE WiTi r DBROK 9VRB2Te WHITBX. Aur Iontiùmeaadrêpu 0,a.~ soiîualueetit < ci Bannksotsk, Rillvmy-omau Insurance CempmianilL4 fliarajet 1er Ion ceu a lue ~ .~ nunt bain wilg Busin-s~s Dlrecto,,'y. ONTARIO BANK, WHITBY BR'ANOH3, THOMÂS DOW, luà3Âosa. FAREWELL & JRUTLEDiGE, BARISTERS, ÂTTO:VM1YS, SOM. citors, Notule. Publie, ana couvey, ffaftri <b out ub 0f tbe Royal ioloe, Wbitby. JAà S RUTLZEDGE B. A. Oouty Orowu Attorney. de MESB RITOHIE & BILLINOS BARRIèTERS & ATTORNEYS AT 1.4M. SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c 1W'hit ) yr. C. H. RITCHIE, W. IL BILLINGS. - Torcolu. bitly. O'SUYLLIVAN & PERDUE, ARITESATTORNEYSSC O L1C. OpppIÇBS - 12 Yciago' Stn*et- rsiIbte Domiuulof, Irunk, 'mi dCorlaer KSng snd Yonge Stnees, Toronto. 0. A. OSULLIVA$4. W. L.fPER DIX J AXMibB KITH GORDON, B ABRISTER & ATTOR1qRT.AT-LAW, solicitor lu Cbunery, Canvoyancer, Natery Publie, &oc. -Uffl-Dun4au St., final iot wout.o# Atmalrcng's Rotel. Mansy tea Loan-Privals ftmds-at 1ev interest.- J. RAMER GREENWOOD, A TTORNEY AND SOLICITORt, CON- .vyuacer, Nolary_ Pullie, ko-Peut Office Driver No. 11, Whilby, Ont. Forau bongbt and aold ; Muriage Settle- menti ; Loin. negolitod on &ils klads ci l'noperty; WiUs msud Trusta maie 42-ly Spoclatlie. JOHN A. 3IcGILLIVRAY, (atuccesuor te R. M. Roeel.) 1D ÂRISTER & &TTonlzy.AT-LAW, 13Notury Public, &c. -Solicîtor fan tb. Dominion Booak. Offico.-Next door ta Mantîu loHue me sbttige, Ont. .26 CLuâRLIISC. KELVER, -TTOUNBY.AT.LAW, 8SQLIOIOR IN ( on, flre)oln, " 1. oe LT.BARCLAY, A TTORNEY -IT -LAW., SOLICITOR LYMAN ENGLI U, L L. al., o IRRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Co@ Street, Oahav. -t DAVID ORMISTON, B. à., A TT0RNRY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chsucry, Convepincer, &c. Oprecc-In th. Office South of the ponl OffIce, lu MI&Ulla'aBlock, Brook Street, Whitby. 17-10 JOHN DALL- DOW1, BARRISTEIl-AT-LAW, SOLICITORl B n CibauoeryConvepancer, &c. Offio-Deverill' BlocS, Brook Street, Wutfby. MONBY TO LEND-Pnlvate Punie - inosumoiap la$800, at s loy rate cf in- terget. (ly-" ROJ31NSON & KENT, <Lava Duoceai& Oosumos.) B ABRR7TERS3AT-LÂ-W, AÀTT0 R N. *y*. slicitors, cîsepinomotO. OFFICE.-In Victoria Chambone, Ne. 9, Victoria Street. J.G. R;ontweso, x. à,. HaaMRnA. E. Rais. RISTIO-. SOKL CT OR ancer &e. Offic-povesla.Bléck, Brocz.' UPoo, Whitby, OuI , ; , , G. NOUNGImriTE, LL. je., B ARRMB o., &k-Kou:y ta ornct-ovet Dominion Bank, whibt Tan: 22 .1878,. . 1J. eGAJ.DR&ITHI, 31.3.,1 cf PîDU of* Ou.sn«and Victoria Ovnsok-kSt.i Whlthy, Ont., three doors aouth ci-Raysi fotela. IY-46 R. Je GUNNe ai. De, URGEON TO TUE COUXTY GAOL, JByron Street, Wbbîhy. Wi. a ioRIEN, à.35,, M.K.CS.9 C UY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., '.the eya R. O. H. i., Oshwa, Ontario. C A R D. Physicin, Sungeon, AaCOnobar, &a., &C. Wlitly, Sept. 8011, 1874. 40 R. JeUt, JA"ONewspuper- M RH~.1 Pafrký Rov ('imes u r dltg e Nw YoIens Sltsieirleai tu contrnet for qadver&W@e. lie.: rates.îIOC~NÇEJa0 LiO ~ ~ ci Byt.e:e. ' With calm Pr1ted bM Uaâ7oÙgýts, and untirung i.i4u.ry, w'advoe VOL. xxv. ('SOM5ERGOL R OTEZ miii STABLES, V Mad 6Iarvm'mlo$,Toronto. (suc="ssewne ouiK0=T.,) 'Ibs bet 1.00 ra .D y 0ai.tths clIp csslp twobloatsf hrroml. luhenDpotundeoo ta the maxtat. The Boum es mbeanu nm?5 Pllts4ci1, and overy.U5sJjgyraj5. (lp>4 RSSN HOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. The Palace f otel cf Cunuda Bfittod, Refurnimbed, sud Urnivalied. Nov Pasez. ger Elvator, ruun ht and day. Tho oui y >fra*-chus RotaiL. aaa ihgradn- Mle ricea4vst 2 25,and #3 par day. ?demhie dt Clubs and cîbers, déslrlxig roomm, vithoual bourd, $1 t 0 pr day. Peh. 271h, 878. Proprielur. HROA OTEL, WHITI3T. Tha abovo batel hubauentoroughly renovated ad relurniabed, and lu novunu. dot e" mnmetcf0, .MGN B IEAMERICAN HOTEL, R AY 'S8, ("TB. s»aox, ousa.) WHIT.BY, 0N2'ARIO. Houe nwly renovuted aod turnisd througbout, and put ho firut-clua eder fai the necoption of gate. An omnibus loand from aIL trains. =Pirutclas#ample toome. SHAKESPEARIEH'T', S Cor. "mg à Ycrk.ats., Terenl, Oit. J. A. OGRADY, -PROPRIBTOR. Taures, p.go tsi D.tr. 6lY-47) POST OFFICE SA.LOON, Toxoorro. -ILMOOnLL - PiPIBOl Mr TRE BEST ACCOMMODATION .mi for Gueula. ly-47) O KTARIO IOTEL, BIaOCî.STaMZ, WUIIT4BY. JAMES T. JEWPELL, Proprieior. (Lite 61thte Nipt.aixag Hatl, Toronto.) Gond Liquore uni Cigata. Commodione Stabling. FanS-dams Livery Stable moi Billard Pirlaur uttacbed. ly.16 T uE QUEBNS OTEL, FilIL IP MOcCANN. - ' - Propriel or. lIeut Li'uuora and Cigare A wen gmu plias table. Airy hed.roomas Cosfortll stahing sud large pari room. chargea moderato. .83 CENTRAL HOUSE., OSHAWA, ONT., -W. B. MeOAW, - Proprictot. Pîrst-chisi accommodailo. Bout W'na Liqutuis sud Cigare. Good etibling ii attentives slIers. lY.17 WHITBY HOUS]E DUNDAS-ST, W]IITBY. The underalgncd would Intimate lu the publie thst teuabve promises bave beon new!ly but aud fIted up tbroughout, for tuei accommodation cf gpese. Deoi Wies, Liquorsansd Cigîa. THE ORBAM OF CANAA-WAZLACER. Aiea pure Uthina Wlne. Lagon, Whiole. sale and llele.l. Boardera taken by the wcek on moder- ate Serina. JOSEPLE A. BANDELL. July, 28th 1880.8- B LACK JIURSE 1UOTEL, COU. FBONT & Gl£aQuax ., TORONTO. ALPBRD OXFORD, - PJ20P 'BYTOB. (Lit. cof Wellington Hotol, Markhauu.> TERMS, #1.00 PEU DAY. Good etabl. Ing for over 800 borse.. Firatclae acom- modation for larmer. and the travelling publia iu gonoul. 'lm- MONEY TO LO AN UiN EASY tERRIS. App5p te- W.H. BILLINGS, W* uMovoer Ontario B&a%, 10-IfWlby THO8. SLEIlGH, (t- HOU-SE à& SIGN P A.-I N T ~:a, WcIITY, PRVINCE 0F 0.NTARIO, "cGERRIES CA'TTLE.SPIcÊ," Trhe Best in the Miarket!.1 Large Boxes, 75C. -Smnall Boxes, 25c. .FOR SALE BY Wu R. HOWSE, Corner e(l'a) DiÈug Store, WH ITBYe ONTARIO. OH IN A HA LL, NYA4E mxo0r Tas BIG Jvc (RactaTaElI) 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO. OTROPRES READ OFFICE, BROOKSv., WHITBY THuIS COMPANT inmrxes Pa-m BaiN - Lngs, Couu#tpCliarobe.4, Scbool Houses, sud thoir Coulent. e i asteL .au thase of &ny w.l-ahisholCo"pany ' in ctuadu. JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY PID. J.B.BIOKELL, *ZQZW'WMIl, - Preehden. Vice.Ptoentm C. NOUIlSE, Sur3ZuisZ. Wblthy, April 2M, 1878. -1e P HNIX FIlLE INSURBÂNCE CO. Lombard St. and Cburlng Coct, London. ICUTàBLISBEn nN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO., Agenta for Canada. R. W. TYRE, Manager, Mootreal. A %ECT ESTABLISHED IN CANA- Punie. Moderato rates of preauin. C. NOUBSE. - AptonI, bby. Wbbtby, April 9th, 187&.1 B RIIS11 AERICA Assurance Comnpany., INCORPORATED '83t. P.A.3ÂL Manaoger-. Inuraisumefected eai l.lavemi ciwniss rates on -Bilun4s, Ketchaudis, "audhr ptaperty, sasintloisetrdanaao-by Ca,.î Wbitbp, Apria 9b. 185.em a'ney JBreakfast and Tes Sels. Fsucy Dinnet sud Dessert Sots. Paucy Mod-iuom Sets. Fancp Jup and Teupots. Silver -Plated Suive, Yorks sud Spo>ons. SillverPlatod0nuettmand Butter Coolera, Bilver Plated Cakie Baskots. Rgdpçs' Ris sud Forke. T&Mys.;d i Srversi Ployer isaoe for Lil'f, Oc., . VWdIStSon a vie very Slnd. HeIsIand Bar Geaise. GLOVER HARISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works,' WHITBY. Gea. Dormaok,* ingsand sud kn ~ PofTwsten Mod,tg Doors, SuadoiBibis. i L.UX Il Et wholesate ani rotai!, er by by tb. car od. -Planing, Mouldings of every deacnsp- ien Fning Sheu>agshlv, - aving, Shaping, Tuianng. Scrol-w-ork' etc., etc. Whithy, Oct. 101h, 1878. .-0 XjONE TO LEND. The uuiorsiguedba u yamoaut et mou- ep to Laid apon Faun or ;TcvuPrepury, st uuueaeilpLow ReSue cf Iut.nat. Lcosa bun h npabd lua =i ata miiibon. rovere. Saermi Impreved Pinaesud WJld lmnd for" hehs mieBia dother Mu*ebât >oh. For furlhet particudare apply te Apri b, 1872. 3 ARCHITECTURtE! DRAWIO AND SPECZPICATION" BUILDINGS Proxnptly pin wrs ith, vlow teo Smy CHURCH ANDO 8CROOL ARCHITECTURE A MCotapoudMm 01eutingUSU clted. t4 l. wbo. BRER-rola e, ko -Dg SWlpbohoJL*«z'W' i>ubav iplaed V% bel -Rclp uauWn o"fomue. Authorized"Cpial 00OOCO uttlfdtbn "... The Rlghî of W oh, u 1you air&.ptwrt maght and ta Amd lIthe enoughDXiW bt aesthe wall;l Tour step te Ira. and your &aM e trong Tc dive isaway thnonglI the.sunrelnthmit But note, yoong mian, t4mer àgansby-yb Bide, steimlang tbe last *âvo of Iff's totigiîd, The white fraits of mge bang o'ar bis be fi@ 6Oe. 0005bright, àediii onough now, W4a1k Eewlyyou»#Kims ,tberoe ly ep Think of the ifight'tb. old man bas tfanai jThink of tbe 6nd bg labour bth brought ISee on bau eh oek p ansd Bo ibm IRarown tht tlhvroave tg Win. ILook luin Wsoye, 0 sea l.aid tale, Reading the ÈM Of hi. uorows th Yrà, Jostie hlm uow il pour-hecau ar, Or lead.him alou oraml ies sip, And clamforthe gyblaort 01 ay A few more yea, mad the agce WiJ close A few more tstrs,and a le-w more woes, A few omie totterlug utew utc tîko A few mot re IfSÎ, the héart wMllbrek But iewho bowe$b lb sparovitau Hath a"ge1fls =reora gail;- And hearta that warm't te *&nt# cf ago Wilnot befoôgoù ulite'. brlgblpage, No choek abaU lhusie aM lb. ju<bWng d4y For gfving thm gray hainth&lb. ight cf w&yý THE YOVUQ lUKL- UT MrlTl, Joc W FUT nEOAS5 ZER~, AIOWECiÇ AI mi duigial, hb.Wladlst .forly.eighi ilacuand pouade. ACaàis'naow b'egsî &0 le serions.. Mea :uppen-vas uno -eç bearty. WhiI, lthe nemI w- atîlg, hi r. alIedabout thé rolm.uad hgei -h l-, te gatoli. whebn Yen Play te 'viiibaclig >5 -lb. fun le ever ; thers is.nlngblq ruef- e- compeoo n for yocrn dlt I1tss ty &MdAyOutrdegaded ýfeelings ;and Il. guind inspojMlte - on they 1play, a l ld' 4ch1 lep - mono. RH in axu.jadsd. H e fionndera-he malde éspsate offerts, but plunged deeer -l1l12 logthe mi I ngLiait, te fegasnhiegnpdohci- FauaI ltI, b utadedon.. u If but w-m, and tle consequonascf thie ilasai lty (for a gsmeeter, at ascla'a criais, le really ijutais) vere, lIaI bis leos etoèr prodigions. Anellor moriing calme, sud thera - Iey oat, aikledesp -in carda. Noeta. tempt at breakfaut nov-ne affectation af muakiig s toilat i, oriag' tbe recul. The utineapbere w-as bel, to eho usebul esat, in total, 1ia posiive fbrgetfunieu. of everytbiog tut tle bot gamne Iley voee - unlllsg dovi. Thonew-au mct s mun iu the recen, except Toni Cogul, vIe oould bise tbld ypue bise seof, 414i 10w-ni which $bey w-ci living . Thero thep ait, almeat lteaih1eÉs, vabelalui ery tutu wvilhatlb ooek l inteis- cannibll ees Wviâ îbtwecl.thoiretota i1msbility le .yWmptbiie.,wi tIteirtel- lov.beinguAUtorii éoàity h boen long forotteni. - Tho wavieno inif-boz bi fl abo ut ns6v1 for-oaurt. *sy, ad;irstian1 a n- heb; niffé.=- laliocliaealnI7.ahn 'm4 0pil an y atbçrtolebut the *1ùgrg4 sing one. Lor-d Càsllotpnî è.f. wiI bia arm où thse -Isbis'-à 'uieIM olk bW gel unlslige& l. - laraio p,,*40 i any pl imlae vaulsi lias. huiet et. Hlm eheiks bmad ulle "ud'h.ao- sol lvnyyU~lo.Lid Dici husâ loti off lie er',aansd lis a Âiihbi dcw v r b i. s aisu, bloallees oeekZi straiglit "mut . TOMw4_0Gae looepkd us ifh le tobligitel byllghtuingfandI hie doepbluaeya.gleamellu*o aisyea 1Tiibaron w-s leasb. euasgd. Toms 'Cegitl, Whoe selkt huî the eriuis 'Wb&aîi vadas s quietsasa bl sra.'ý Ou h Pl 04 played l-ix a'ClockI-I esseniul liraosta aelledsa 1111 afltiiner, Lrd Dlite Llub, séli âa p a.LniOeleos boa.he *-ith diffit>'. !Pj ITh;sesIvwallol abouli, the poing dîké roogblp suIe up b1e-j içonols. --H»!lannd thal-le weî minis aboil oie huailted tisoma pnduail-. Immense M'this lams ve,. l*-zvue me_ý& h aiïneanca ft aIled.àulboea i L oi n D&q l» a p lu laed bu.k MhieIa hillug 1. êIhikka1 wlaLupl litbleto puimel. AU Ibis eselit .Ia mmdï and, I bogla te belleve, thue bo7-. Ion eentawuy UV y ex asm e&eùn "osîîme. Butl lave Oro gniàmble yeiae, our.sud.l menutis,, algbt.milfoniy timeslths: lb., fovw hoiraI4tshaiv bsy e bs Wutghr.and 1 iam ;gQol,vwretch w-ho tials ýpampered, enses for fbitiy I W( Îil. vrlpb W-ho files ie rn t tib a da. lidol, s a e1 h1 ia e4e.,e avoe made foreh tblassIos ss!aa n urmed bl. 9~-1Almeî l ! ,s' li*-qi uto Isola Nfio, .72 MOh..t 'TeseaQp HON1. FRANK 81111181 Sotr, Pteuidai EUGENEO'KEEFE,88mq., Vice PrnsJdý - JOHN FOY, s. -ian nov be SonndautIe& Shop,-. JI~ ~O TWO DOORS WESt OP AnMTON HIOTELis->UÈDAS 8TRET. Lr Ail Ondorepromptly ttsndod t._ Wbltby, April 1d,18m...1 LJMBER -1_LUMBER 'l LUMBER MEIROHANT, W H 1 T à Y' .Hme an baasdélarge .ipply eot au l isind0 Biu Lumban Bouda, id ail U. comary Building LuaUl>a. Puclgï SvWTlmber, aid Scauthng, a larg sunuty ou baud: Large ordara In ongr 1. f ilas! Domn, Siaibesand MBiu iw-a> an Wdthy, May tb. 177. fli FA RMERSI Wos-!cringuen, prûfeumloiaelmo, aide ary manager ratesor inlermeatmsd ouùooie ,"d pîrolse, anmvumd t i -Pttthrparlioulesa, pplylÀ A- A* POST, t e»âî8stfor 0Chtu4ias ui L- almo, roksi 1 ansd îonée whioh >a,1iv h;~vv~ocoa rligeîrdn. ezeru1...abeeoenoTin mhU o uc n i si i i byst ~ ahmube. E i~iq4~s2~Imro~frun~ qoasded<n p~vening ny gsa~ ue. wslv et lften.tou,îd a ear i, fre, douidlimvpi* l'lailio' oj 4ila ;o-- cli.!. Rip placu<orlb. eçoul o hlmizujealreprbatln,-o wbaua heJi hal n enboulo: ~, ovrîgors <fl hlm outio. l wa1. a flet, bip en to h p hs t hm l oieet fleeai. Esry Ild wandtcube admî * lleghnoaig WI afoun emmer i gas' ioslne~sj,, vr es*'asi'$lheg, ,mxa.d reilyva - es' ;w' thal e mheuldg nia if-b remined debsld is pev bosu caediiiaui&a.is, e r, orfi hnd tihie nb, tao, d won l. deapfutW ~ nylngtîbals om su aad ontdtea ratruu Ia ts 'uiS n aled; but to 'bal le eh foohe an bït, i otbaune~ ndi. aopl. i od ad f cnrubl tawa i b.cml p wrfig,'omiiitirï sal e. olo4ouma, ! as batbfléd;.i0 oold ur fers. a ô - -- , î !1Ïoe b men et. aveygrtpr ef uiona ditolsu et r a aboeaxIb s e ourrpàdkad u, OHÂPTE R LI. - a e a!t i m Iporton cf lserw- lulenst ecctetfy dmétamorp~'hses. Wp ïalO h y. imîuoî l gi -y9_ a i1er" is séhid aid i vse s wutoe d'. Eni, everlaeutbï -ý-, ba~a1ee.f a av îdob t ;bove "o lyea . Tc O ut eni'O m_t ltie a p e d dl.iote cfaIeirt iii flesetb"TeUiese"hd"Ia l-n Ml wjel-ciing it a - faucy. dé'è'ims;ru a fr raug,È mtb aey uai one, i v. e ou azfevîy t 8,s n~wio o a ' , lhioï of sb -tI vivefor116 o Th6 I e peiflhéla-a ned , i fanle l o o sebujiel. Tble in, awa À. stieted li and o tavie bii h wilt on S tI~D h de bfa1 Lt* oidoîtipla dabàiî hnpibc iaoî $ii ýan pS gýÏ toon±ay tea 'v'grsw wa,-'hathe. tnlbm liliiIodadm beJ a ryseadh bihaus e The.s.; auê eufng e .i 4 &idnlol aaeil licget r zp' g oe zzedu t tfamla ts ait'.- çn anan ~ervd y ~hf~~ <~ çy~ sf~iime'a4i!sf ih. don, W Is l uIId k~ ept dïtpelo h rd an,"a b ùut1e iî ne taullfu tùiàiéidfaàslori; t àcurwOe I deda d oem oufîi' d eofBdypët,4 ating o-vsa ne w - 1 df ipheho,,was tUiorm il~-O' ~gàhi;~h~ter-*-s l ahu~iae. - - W&fl1agéoe1s& i- s leÉt friadloi n'a i arc 0acecnae meis ae olf t one dhe r.tIIî1W8 i¶s, wa l1 ej ôt h-a a .gui ,haver' Ti, h e cli nthy lwauÙ' "Wel lt bs-ahi i of tane '- ca_ ine, est; ir i É anaiyO1l d a tr-,a- . 1ev ~ ~ ~ ~ u rurse e o~e-îh~uu ~ a n at s jtore but h ossu retyvei ud besson" fvle, h e oi lonk' Ise-taiMnluce hJ iýIc at m voinot fs l î ko ieOt e s laSý.id-fe 881 sts faIlctnion* woio1, r bre,oD à4ahbbu 9' ep I4lon tr- étt rimai dauht paéré li lii. ýtlctiuat aUearon mW Heu higelfrç à l wù ho'eliaIm ~~ Q-T ye msurla aG&noistu ùîj Àîaten v 1,inded, een as batau nolau ce 'wcIl("-ù (unse eu 1.11 I~n, -idove m lao.-Bu 4ne a-lfor e ra be éona'a.mue rom:Ibeir-graup.: êt - foln. 1 wa lad*4aesysacu l aloog , p -am ishcnt. W.l1-vltdesi ag vnuwu -otht. aé4ivere tig elea e -h. woe;aosr - Of o! lalu Tie Iam n uemptible 10 adti N t o gIe- ul ol id itl fr dlhpiTebakoa,ýadéW v el l.&uu re e troi--ls à o, hewo ii luaùgh. Tbsy 1wil .clbu l iosolf'aî, ea da uiltoun d em anur uin eneeolIye *11lel. ul tenr Tes a n ud 1. o I~q A.~ 1b-J~A al b ' bctlp& oloft s -is9o tla i kc Ba iol , idewidli -by, C itethmaeete4 'i4Wleia, atos-, ana dorbo th baeprlo*us n t l *11sr elyep oùg'le me -th, etea e o n ami .tk e d I .~1 dgn,t l.'iaple eu ý-ré a< - "vsy itb bisoùLelmebb rin. Bru tbmonmn -plnosfgode tioat ble l. ady' Aaï, ito e n.ti n , Lot -m e ro -yun aff v : iquis, ail 11dm. - ilhthoa s> - reth 9.nidshi tiaI l eiaa te n-bre sud îyrn eu. n.I l us bui r&-e haa wuip*sly'pdui ;w~ Bniglton o lb. day t on ark rvim to-il muaI be mr u e viii nulid1n'"' i. -the ' - Or3 Aid~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1 .a 1 ou i bs,1 roeltk laIlat ov upa.o«;asrdy u-ltlsug IIe, hie hes. o an u,o n via on h twhi bndrd Iieuînc lealoeovr addet env hmU iie af civs -li aI wili' dir foraI r stage.rtlrô -tea- y e lta ;-t supposa à in 00eilue siea cf "ue for '-d Adàle om, Ib heartlb au snw~iiaa upareiwkvrd bip em se ve ity tld ha a nd he ýanlai' d n?,ýob #h ingacamii îiie-rls * l he'lOie evnl l raeesail île ippy b spnt hiIl d idéon bauPeut iai nhioiden-;ad -lb aW,*.ae iw ptwbe 4 ai t s t a ieu a ls. revenu, viaà, lioin( P Nai le majI uave beunott héumi'ôimae "eIf 4,a14ula je 4o"' uts 4laeenîon~010ayul IhemeeIvee, ar hâveW#à ghedor, then a t c al ., bold tbu ifr.lotehealê - ' - Itu vd h i n c~blul4ig à f i ab u9r8 éé inlaaprgare myself. X u li asl-uios a iley i, afer ail lb l h lsdyfût b* Ie dl, bie. padéfend.wbail Ibîsfluuud a è& ta ipa evnofiskterdm,<ulvuasd~u iaeae; ealîb a n lê e B àiIiais eýViË,iapellt doon*lifn~~ran~- -.-lnli eeibnadton. Dois. -o! 'U J leiz1Ifrfr'be pai0S qvs i, 1 - il ow W %wi osilsuoth orl oomwan TWywll't l k:à aierin' h 4fuè. elhe-rdr k' 1 - ---- ---- --.- .- - - .

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