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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Oct 1881, p. 2

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~ansvolf k suit, ou Stan L Thoin Batledgi p Porgesn. P Crédit 5e.-a toto. Acthe c116,10,11- houes-k . F Farteroaide 04P teaut. Parais, 4otoy building@, sud tovu loW4t.--,ainhauke, Ratite'aolis. .Greonvor, soir. Thé Jubile. ingera. Outario Bank Stek-J. H. Graeuwood Pivat, Fobds ta Loan -J- H. Green. SpeO1li-s-J. S. Bobertson &k Dc.. For sale-hDÀ. Gloosan. Fnez î«ub-.."Piceing News."' -AUOTION SALES. Sale ai faitastoek, imupiemonts ko.,* hie PrDperty ai Mr. Win. Fonreeter, ou loi Na 10, Broken front, Flckorlug On. Tieaday, Oct2556h. 1881- L. Fair- banks, Anctioneler. Sale a faimstock, lmpleuaouts, &o., Lie piaprtyaof Mr. Casper 8tatta, an -lutN @,1,inuthie 4th cou, Fiekering. au Wu.atéday, -Oet. 28t, 1881- Tiras " Me i~ra stock, Implémet.,&&.,, ibOmrro y Mrli. Tics oakvellon lo$oOuloSr) cou Pick h6 og. ?au Wed.edy ct. 21h 88-L. Fair. Bale ot Fer an sd Preeboîr) tuopoiLy, oprty of Xr, WM . Toraist ()r. . '88 -. a uk. cto Sle ai frts 1ohe ticon lask. Olitai A IUuiy4h.vlhIboheld si Brook. 1114,0É orses, cii., sbespp4igmpIe. meus, ilbs., 4bc., on Tussday. Nov la&4 18Sb.wI,.Paîbma, acotlooee, Sale aifiret-elesefaim, as tRay's ictl, lbyonWednepday,Raoi. Sl. cf farm stock, implements, Ml., lii. Praperty of Peter Ferry ou lot.21.. in the sud cou of Pickering, on bMonday, Oct 246h 1881-L. ,Falrb&nk9 iAucUou. or. ONLY Ost S PER ANNUI. IËr. Blake là Wsst Durbamu. Mn. Blake metaivitAi a inacet hoarty aud) utiulmaie ne.pdotio hBearm. vfille cp londay evnisg.Au addreea vas resuleit l oîbeaofaithe West DnaaBlnsAscao. oti.*r lare sa)etluuallmoeuetiga Lrn m WedaesAy)aln Fridiy ai bcmvaidoll. -Mu. Laike aur) the "Vltudcatou", Tii. OdutaVindiostor hlm huai oir) ho Mn. Csawell, sud l in talt iss.1b tat papsi hi. Laike taens liave ofii.éroadere.)Mn. Laiko's cou. usotic U vthehoVindioaton bas exteud- cd ov« à a peler ofsl-te.u y.sis.Unden froua a Efqrm ho a Couaenya<v.joua'. ai&L wuL k vsabvea reeidy >la Siva-a i .b 'dw b kut lua paO bit. x' l iea14hlm trou e lie L v car"la the le 6h mi takýu;. Botwe ivays fonud blm kti <hieborai mhonoable as4voit as au 1h. pponent . Whue *Uvislogh p olela ieOhw tve Pannai. ry, v. sa&Ui i.th rropet b eeM. virab ,à tieýl *ca bav sbtin -lông 1lom lithe golu ra~he .Woe - oeeo - " » ~ r~k4iwrr)for liiisucoiio î'bi "gQ at .W o k . 9 l p af i i. sHand, t* »,mevGeassal au- s«cr, uIe $lhc hvnti sua %i ài ou: M Cet -The "Pickàrlng.Ziews." Thé prospoe cf iuaev Journal to publiahar)nt Pickeriu village,.vil fonur) luianother part ai thlispaver. It spoaka for itiocif W. congratulate lia, people cf" Fi 1.las on their good tortune lu i seoueb nowapapor tbat promiceasou voîl- s luepeuantrganU pulicopinlac ecîvent sud stable, asud lntifled e the Intercals of the townahip. Duai - or'>Ua. ýWx. aSung, or i NI1E.-W, e neivo, vith extrame1 gret, inteig«eeof th, deatia o! J Wm.Smila 1 Wnuaag.He dled, '6h. 1oth last., tb. imu<odiate canae death baiug an cverflow af bloar ta t hosO-brougiat on by mental ovorvoi The déoceaser) vas son of our aid frle* Mr. Wm. Smith.,oaithebu ae là Young Mr. Smith loft hie WhiLby ham for th. fer West &bout aine yearsama Laur) at rat .ugagod lu the cattie bui uos. aflrwards h. teok rsiiwsy ci tracte sud beosme the hosd ai the fir cf Smitla andl Gilleapie, railway c0 tractera. Lest apring ho visiter) Wl by.-tlae aon vho had loit llaem a me bouy, rsturniug ta bis people hore a ta] 0in aturdy man, veli ta do l tl world, sud cf vlaom ies parente hadji reason ta feel prend. He bas beu taken off lu th. maidat of a bucy at proopéroue caraer, veli coteemal, sa ?eorvedly regrettad by ah vlaa kue hlm. The shack ta lis family et Whi by may veil hoe ouoeoived ut theouio den ennouncomeut of lis deati,-l bar) been only tour ulsys ill. Tu 4, moihor, who hud!,tuat recovsred fron aovero illueca, tias nows vas cnon, alarmiugý, bringing on e ranewal cfa attack et heurt dioease. Mr. Smith vas marrieul and leave survivlug hlm a vidow and tva chil ren, aIl Woil provldod for, for ho hadu# oamulater) a large property. Tho man frioads vho 1ev bira lu Whîtby- wî tepy~ ,asne edo, hie ,early tW 0aa off "d jolu with us in expreselan Of aay for 6he aorrovink iathe sudo mor aur)th. vldow audorphau lu their socreaffliction. Thanksgivlug services. Union service of tiae Kirk aud MoLli dîst bodies vili he o hlr et the Taber nclo at 10.80 ta.day, (Tbureday). Service morulas and @voulus et AI saluts' Il ar.,. 7 P.m. Tu.sdsy oveniug the. cildienai Al SaintA'BSuday ochool, hla u eveî iug'a eutertaiuraonL vhich vasveiliat tended. Thé achool roam bexug wvo filleul. The litige anas roalizeul $12. Rxv. Farnzu ilSrAFFRa'u.-A privai letterfon foesinforma us that Roi Faîhar Stafford bar)sa audience of Hi Holinesthe. Fapeson Otha Septonaber (Feaut ai St. Michael). Noit da, Pthor Btafaordvas to esva ion Napiai Lion book ta Romo, aud thenco ta Pian Genca, Nices, Murseillea, Parie, London Livorpool, luolanul, sud tlience, by vsi of Nov York, borne. ELbaraor NOT.-Thk e r the ateari HaorfoarNthe .-Tho rrivai staut barge BillI Wilson, sud atosm bargs Ni &ara. Soconers, Vienua, Delaware aund Norti Star, ll ioading graiu fai Tho Sreote aeoie atl dThoeni por doiCati Oiesau, vas vreeked off Udlakie oa Tbuuaday e",-&hIhande lbat. The crev oauaisted at the captain snd t"fm men. Colm sa.- lu the Fickerîng prise tlst ctvesk, tb. prizs inlu bavy dnaught 2.year club. ver.Alexdrsbe Wlkins, lat; F. ller, Sud. ATTMauOaiis directer) tthe cojupie nous adv"eitient cf Mn. W. EL. Thoums«u inis v..k's issue. hit f. fondas àgoor) ebance for eeuriug bar. gains. Fx hJuuu rose-tet là dirooter) L 6h.eavertiement afllas abave papular musical company. On their lest appiarsuce bers, sllbou<bthe veath r prover) nuivorehle, their con- cert provir) a grand suceSu, aur) their 6ntertainmeut outhnsiaatîeally appisor)- ouI. Tiey vil iug seral nov pièces. The prose arberever lhcy bave lateiy sp- pearer) speak lu the highest leumi oi thoir coneoit. Wo bospsak ion &hem a erolilonse.0.1 Tare OnuivaA m urenEL-Tha pris. oneis trier) fan the maInten ci14. ehd mon Weatherald, aI Ottaavers &o- quitleal, uothvlthstanriog that th. learuer Chiai Juctiaeetsrangly charger) thé Jury aginat thos. Ms. Jopl u geon fîlI authe'aide' vahh ou, he vas euterlig hie roaidenae mad dlalocste4 bis coller bope. Hoeli, tenu r nugtng sauit aginat the corpora. ion for damages.. Ta icCasa ABouTgr.-Tb lun., dlatmnetagaist Brovn lu thie case va c U"asedl after tire. daysl beerlng b.W th e anuaI BU&40t. Tus Kearmnnrs ai;6ho. Town hall on SIt. Udlthoamdattraot àa large orovd. tiate'l u mm 4 er tichearta f th. "Sons .$bueXtabor." W. have la thbuk i. DavidI Heu. nsdy foa a opyila vck-The Kon. aeds tulzi ie vànyeroadable' Tmaazsovru Daî-Today(Thora. daY) laseutépart hy tho proalanalouaf' lie G«OrriGenerelaaday cf"gn. erlTaug troughent hii Do. 'là f. eP*%& c bu viiiwMb. uld aurMdthéday ohserved sesa publi. Place ycur am isfor nevpa"riaspil Brou.. Cloeest club raies te eveyo, Weekly Globe fro.ugî'reet dote until eur) ci lm8 fôr $O J . ourac rc malai on T.d.,25th, on 6he fairm af iý M . lim , Hnlot 21,:5il con. ,' W. R. B. Pohinson, hesdomten cE thue Erokfilu acheol, bas nesiguer) au tInitir)Stt,. font par centca$n eet â6'h. td e. ôarkt sop& *o goLto0'Ottawa-L". 1.fumped on ~boord, on Ltharrivaliav 4h.Thealn, an ,~thare vas lMo kiud, goa Noble MarkUa, in bis ahrt.tail, redO ,to reee meài wldli open arma. "Weolkum, O'Day 1- veeow,ýwlkum 1. Hurrylun-eShut M.cuw hot-8ur Heaor wfdh yeat a n Whitby- great 4olnge-IHav. bd a aof awiui rime-Ton Ihouean thinga te teil the about thst yod tae, âye mors than a hundlire ppere te celebrte-the Cor. rk. riepoudinta hev got tg al-no, Dot au kd, -thore'o aumîhin' ro4haryad for yure.U [ne. -ýArm gain home-Two Menthe' ae lme Rave got te go-H.R,,]R. le-anios- igo,î Do't believe aIl yez hear-She'U re- nii turu vidlime.-How'e lMre. OD.--Cum on. ould fellow tante tirt-Tis part au par. jri cal av what they oeil Itook out av baud on.-Ait ae ristake-Hgowse h. N.P.-' bit. Ras Baudy Waddell any moer> Haey -Ia want tetotskesurathin' eweat te H. ~lIR. H.-No-Pit up yer peucl-Carno he along-Not 1 Word te lie printd-I ast lae on Friday-Then yez eau fiourieh on -00t the CMIRONIoLE thie aide ai th. 6ud Bockes-Keunedy's golu te ha with Sid yc-Get hlm ta Bing "WÎIl.nocm ýe back aegi"-I yl-I ldge mesy. lit. crid wurd of houar for iL-An bow's id. Mistîbrese O'Day, agin"-An thua bie -h Xclnoy wint on - niver alvin me a1 hie momint'a lime ta anser. 14k. the grand 2a jintleman that lie le, h. coil I' muet au'. 017 joy myseil sud not rite a wurd te yez au -ilLI bld hlm good.bye, audnisnd hlm 1 thebabg budget I ivr rote unet veek. me '- dhrop this as wo are makin for Quay.1 l. bec-he oulul City av tbe Rock-from s. viiere the Noble-Markis salle on Fr1.a ny day, snd whin 1 give hlm me Iassira at ri 4 rtmi, tbin yea vili her ilu mu, av a ýk1.*ý au thakount-fram Qs Yý 1 er Ibrue frlnd, 2 or ' TIM O'DAY. 1 -P. S. TeR Counsillor Millhe that the Noble MerlUs bas talen notie av2 him,an tht hointo et 2 banls eo his Dame in th. neat lia of Q.O.1m; or2 if howud lîke t oemade au nmbese. 0~dor or Plenepotinahary, it eau lhe doue..o Chancery Qittinge, Whitby. c The Autumu siftinge cf tho ChanoeryC Wl Division of -t6h. Higli court of bugUio n- openo Tueiday, the Honorable Mr. ýt. jusic Ferguson presidiug. Thoro are 11l iv. cases o ntared for trial The mira-T bars o! th. -,barr omeutare C. Mo&e, te Q.0., W. Cannois, C. H. Bitcie, W. 2 Mulok, (Toronto), J. E. Farewell, L. SEngrlilh, N. P- PatterlOn, 0. A. Jonce, la J. B. Dow, W. H. Billingi. G. Y. Smith, r.J. Bulleulga, J. 0. Kellay. E. C. Camp-.2 'y ball, J. K. Gardon, D. Ormiston, &lo.. . The. follaviug are thoecases ou the Sdocket : C. oulthard et ai vs. Matacon. - L. 'y iuglieha ir pIflls., MoGee Joues for dedt. le Dicksouî ve. Carnegie et al-L. Eug. i m licli for pîtff., MoGe. & Joncs for defts. j. Dominion Banki va. Blair et ai-Mo eae & Joues fur pitifs., Blake, Kerr & j )r Capots sud D. Ormiston for defte. McQuay vs. McBriady -N. F. Pater. n gu urplf.,W.ILBilinefor doit. bell, for pltff., Mulok, Tilt, MC Cap.r &l Crowthor and J. Ho".in Q.C., for doits.. 'Qou.Wer4 et a& «v. àMaao-This c ase vas tricd ou Tne.day snd judgmeut y wasreserveul. The action wua hrought r ta recover a large nunuber of promlasoy W notes, saad ta botong Lctlie n Mfg. *Co, obtained by th. deondaut (Who vas th. Generai Manager cf the . .>se seccrity for thie Ideteueefth. Ca. te hlm sud for hiseuedoroem.ut ef the Oq' oefor 48,00. Tiheocese va eijere aIlb.As Is.ml#m.uotbbut wanbot tried owng to t.hle s 'L 1EZülish for pltif., W. Muloek and C. A. Joues for deft.1 Dickton vs. Laruegi-4bls samuon Br Was brouglit ta dote,çzuihe Lb.rilt -cf1 usr et e etrealm, go setrain th. dofond. Br The partiés aren jcnug piiropose. Br tort ou tié Warren créash, ear Ragla. 1 -The cau elabeing trieir'ca.ilse gête lot prose. C. -..itis Àaud UL. l Ah frthe. pltff.W.Oassels and OA.cne for defi. N or roronto Latter. J Nol. oaimption fcfuit) vavery sttagl ýTiboisesAund alie vWre, hove- "eri go, and saine pnomW gaol00m: the. seruai pupoe olaa. viresole"i admeuago rsesl..Tb*i tellvlg TeamaifCa<rlage Horteinluban isi lohuHepburn, lad lame ias StoOs.Sud'D. XL. Drov, S&dJara Hasolvoor) Hors.euudor eedrle-J.st W. B. M Qev. 2 ypar ciii HoresColt-lit James]1 Wiison. 2 year o14 Fily-lst Wra. F. Beb Sudù- George Fenkina, 8rd, R. X. Luke. HoreColt af 188"18etJohn Wilso Sud Wau,'White. Marc, Colt a 181lf T-Ormlatoi 2ud -and Brui John Wilson. - enuNERAi* PUEP*55. 2 zreaî aid Fily-lstJohn Allin, Sa T. e~elde 1 yoan old -Morse Col-4*tîsi Wu 1 year old FilIy-ltW=neDcvii, 2a Thomas Wiioekaou. HRns. Colt cf l88f-1at George M Movhuey, 2âd JamesStooke, Jr. Mare Colt of b881-lst B. Wilock son,-2ud Wra. K.mp. 2 jrr î)Fiby-lsi Wmn. Dowa 20Jd 0Jào .16h.m e 2ud n.4h<ý éu. Sie So HorsColt Of 1881-11 el ohnShan 2al Wna. Kenslake UWr)ChaslTnIg. mare (Colt i1881-1.6J. Thomup sou, SundGeorgeJaakson. RaesColt ci 18.1, t«c i 11 "YouD Dbancllor-lsi John Shan . Mare Col1 of 1881, Soht by *Yomin Ohanoebor-lot George Jaékson. lah Cov-let a&W Su4 Josepht a T!homson. - - 2 year c lierd-bal James Luse 20d) R. J. hachis. i yei o -lelie-l4s. . .Thoina @On. Bull Cati ai 1881-lot Jas. LI*ashý 2adE E . Cooper. Houfr ai 0.1 i1881-Jet B. J. Mat*. ie, 2o Sur)Jsp. S. Thomson. ATISEIE. Miloli Cov-lL anr) Led Thomas Goy & sou. Bull Cali-bat sud Sud Thomas Guy~ Soun. Mâlh Coar-lat sud Sud -R. J, Mach. Bull Cali-let 11. J. Machis. 2 ypar <aId Heifai-lit Geo. E. Ma*- bray, 2ud Jinmes là"e. 1yparcold Heici-ii James Iaeak. Heoifer Ciii of 1881-lit IR . .Mèe Tva Age) ve-ltThaï. Wilbur. Tva Shisaunlg Eves-ii Thomas iilhur. 'ager) Boer-bst jcob*Hase"t Bouar ig oaI 88-lit D. ULt. Ager 8-la D. LUL -- Pv oi f 188-lisandlscdD. iok. PcULrn. Paire ofGees.-let amdS"dW. -IL Pair cf Duce-let sr)d W. 1H. Irovas. Pair of Turkeys-l and al SaW. BaL sudlarge" si vrlîy ai evis- et sud 2ed W. H. Brcvbs'. Buet sud Gre&"etvarlety oflgeout lai sud 2cr) J. D. mcev. Boet Pair 'Of Cariers-lutMssA anirse, 2ud W.ý B. MOGav. Par of Buamius, .rwmmonded-lit Buahlol f Onione-let anti2Sur)W= 12Sw»ve.TùrsJp-lml#oba Jae. 4 1pztb u.Ica eeop 1ro.. m..L. Smith. tii-eLo miseM. Us enI Dravlng-li sud Sud Min-a at Craon bDrav l fstMies MStrik-, Crayon Dravlng, Caloe0l Mis PemànàaPlaehpst Miss M. Strlcklaur) 2cr) 8.11.raton. Plain Knttiug-lsh Mies Wilox, 2ud miesEM. sbinllau. ÙL FaneYKnitting,vaooules...t lire. J. "' L. Smifth, 2Sar in isWlicc les Fsnoy wuiLng, Cotton-let mies m. l-stainleiar, Sud Mies ilccx. ~-Crochet Wcrk, voolln-lat Milsa M. sticklsud, 2na mi" A.-Klly. Crochot Woik, Cotto-let aur) Sud B. Mies M. Stniakiaur). Berlin Waol Wak-lat Mise E. w, Arueli, 2cr) lre. W. H. Ha .p. Baiser) Berlin Weai Work-lst miss n M. Streickladi,2nudMro W. H. Haye.. BerinuWol Flovers-let mise. J I o, Smith, 2ud lira. Thce. Emmett. WaxFlv s-elia W. H. Hayes Feathor Floven-litlinasWileex, 2nd lira W.* H. Hayes. âd Applique Wrk-..bat sud 2ud Mise Sthiekîsur. S Gents Shirt, baud made-lot Mies M. r). Hoppon, Sud Mies JaneScott. Se& ai Tabla Mel-lst Mises.R. ,Arnell, 2nd Mie.. M. Stuicklaud. E Rrmett, 2ud Miss Stricklisur) Bmbroidery ou net-lot Mises Strick- leur), secoand Mies A. NOurse. Brabroideuy oau 11k-bat sud Sud aMiss Striekland. Embridoiy ounQÇ.po-lat and Sur) X isesStriekliur. à I' Pney Baeot-.lo Mise Wiieox, 2Su et Misa J. Scott. Leather Wrk-ies Striclaud. , Cou. Work-lst lMra&W. H. Hayes, 20Sud is. Scohh., ,. Lamp MalJt Miss z. Aruail, Su Mies B. S. itchell. « Wonked Slippe-lat Mise A. Kelly, 2mb lira. B. B. Cooper. gLaoeé Wk-lati a. n 2r)Misa SLndc. land).-1 Wall Beeket-lat hies L. Emmett, 2nd MisJ. Happer. I tieo Wôrk-M ia sJaus Scott notto vonledluWe-leîîmise Mary1 Soott, sud i.M .Hper Gdipure Wcrk-lsh Mies Staikiaur), Sud Miss F. A. gouir). Wall Fochet-bat Mies Marsalsl, 2ud Tstting*-let Muas Stnlklaur), Sairdlir. B. R. 8Cper. l a W«r Fruit-baetlire. W. H. Hayes, 2ud MiesJaseScott, FBrair) Wrk-lat Miss A. Kelly, Sud Mi"s E. S. Mitchell. Ohld's Dreo-let Mit. W. F. Bettei 2c) Mise pe Scott'. o Ram Filovere-isi Miss Stichîsur), Sud Mus. J- L. Smith. Wax Shels-irs. W. H. Hayes. Wax Liflie-let lira. W. Hayes, 2ud MilsJ. Scott. FermaisWeath-Mra. W. H. Hayes. ChIenille Wok-let hies Strleklaur), a b 2d lire. J. L. Smith. OruantalNu&@I.Work-lst sud & S0 ur isStnlckland. Autiamaasaou Cotton--lat miestg Stri0mhi aurd Mi" lleoox., .a"ra ef Aiau-let Miss Stnick. jý SnMiss .Scott Xuit Caanatepa--lo Miss M. Strick. land 2SuaiMisWih9bok. iw ola rk-let MissWilcax, ur) MissJM.JScottr P" ann2ln& lu4t li14 Mt Stricit. l4 e*t Dess-MimJane ; t. - Paper Flover-Isi Musm W HayeÎs,Sud lma.J,. LUSmill. Grand Rivei Gypun-SteelBro'a Sofa Piliav-Mlsai A. Kelly. - S Antlbue.es«,Wooln-mis Wiboxl. Greciatm P-MiesWiicoL, Muflen-MisWiieax. 4d Brachet-ýM Es R.Emmett. 1adie' undorelotblng,aaaahlnemadeI --isB. a. Mitchell. TliletSel-MissB. El. Mitchell. point Lce-Miss A. Kelly. B HaubanLese-ils . S. Mitchell. ad adFiame-NmiasMarobail: ti Xuabncdry onPani-ieM . Shaw, )ira.,' Oiahms-CÇ w, 25 lb.-lir. bel amraael.>. Sprng Fily-j,Todd, V. Wogg. Spian Goling@ or 7freCGo Stallion, &Dy &gao .Wa Baul groomar) 1cmý-J. Taylor. 9A.TTLE. DnrhmBaxu, aged-0. à J.Mi tdL. Bnes ne ar o14 Bull-J. BOAT. Bul af-Earohmeo ison,N.Uôo rae. Oov lu Oeu-rL. Bunait, G. Wagg. Thrao yesr old Cbv-JophW&leo Tva earaid eifr-G. &l J. Mus tard, Rarclia lSn Year old Reiesr-G l .Musierd Eê.rahmen i& son. Holior Calf-G. & J. liustard, J.Wal son. Send Tboroughbner) Cattie-G. &i3 liostard, L. Buinett. Bes1 Bull, sny ae, Diploms.-G. &3 Muetard. Grade Cev lu cali-it. O'Hars, Thompson. Twa yeaîaldid er-A.Gray, Eanol Mau & Son. Oua yest old Huer-R. O'Hara, G Marquis. Holler CalE-G. Marquis. Yoke oi Wonking Oxon-G. Marquis Fat OZ or Steor. Cov or Hoifor- Barcliman &l Son, R. O'He[ra. Ageul Ram, Leioeater--R. Log, H Tifflu. Shaliug Ram-H. 'Piffilot &lai l ,Ram Lamb-Et. Tiffin lat i& 2nd. Two Eves-HR. Tifin bat i& 2ad. Tva ShearliaiEves-El. Tiffin bat 2nd. Tva jE.Lambas-H. Tiffiu lati& 2d. Agar) Ram, Cotavold-J. &W. Th5mpç sou. Sheurllng Ram-R.O'ra Rams Lam-J. &l W. Tlaompsou, . Ward. Two Rares-J, i&W. Thompmon.loa aur) iud. Rein, ager), Soutbdoivu-J. Leman. item Lamb-J. Lamen. Tvo Evcs-. Lemon, Tva Lye Limbe-J. Limon. SWINE. Breedlug Sev-Jos. Bueccin, Raidi Mau &l SUn. Boar Pig cf 1881 -Barohoisu & Son, B. Morte. Soar Fg ai 181l--Jas. Lookia, Barda Min & Son. Boan-C. Flkie, W. Torauiuean. Breeding Sow-W. Tomino, T.W. Dale. Boar Fig-C. Flkie, W. G. St. John; 8ev Fig -C. Pluie bltsad 2ud. Boan Fig-C. Flkie, W. Thompson. Sov Fig-C. Filkie. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Faîl Wheat-J. T. Mauderson, W. ElarmlcheL Spring Whoat-Mandoraon, A. Nata. OnIon. Banioy, 03 rovad-J. Bruele, B. Han- CaLa, oommau-S. Nathartan, J.Tay. lor- Osto-, hiaok-Mandersou, S. Notacn- OU. Pesau, arge--Jacob Taylor, S. Netb. Peso, amali-S. Nathenton, Mander. son. Peso, blse--Mandorson, S. Nether. aun. Collection -ci Grein-Maudereon, S. Notbortou. 12 léar.Iodlas Cern-J. 0. Widdl-* foir), J. Bruies. FIa% SWe-. Boles. Tares-J. Brulia. Claver Suëd-J. Bruies. Timothy.13eer-J. BruIes, W. G. St. Tr G-Mar i l, .Thompen., M:Z longr)-G. à J. fuatard, S. Nethelen. Mangle vortec, 'long yellow-S. Lqebsntan, BR- Harper. Globe Mangle Wort.-W. Thempeon, Nathuorln. Red) Cirote-S. Netherton.> White Cairte-S.,Nethorton, A. Bc- -Bloar) Beets-A. Baden, T. heGrat. Ontona-G. Pettit, ,Jcei Sbaîv. Esrlr Bole otatoes-3. Watsun, J. e0tator, acy othOr valety-G. Pet. Asuoriment 09cf actory amade Woolleu, 'Gcod-8. sukgden. D.- K. lclatyre, L-AD IDEPARTMENT. Bestnade Ohila'a Dreas-MsE.-Smltb, lira. Wi H. Patteran. w. Geutleuan'a plain Shirt baud made- Mnr. Bruela. Gentleman'a plain Shirt machne made- lira. Â..W ý à.Pattersonlrim H atro. La4r~Bnnet- RaHoutier, Miss Rate Pla.okqult-lira. Avery, lira. J. Christie. -Topseo)Qlt-liz. B. Bussi, lira. nD. Z MoIntyro. H ocelr.J 5. tqil--n H.qlhr r.J Ituit IBa)Cover-Mra. Âvery. ta Orochet vork Qult-lira. Avery. Fane y Nottlng-Ksxte Johuston. Lady'. DreW-us-fBa. Smith. kt- CollectionLady'a underclothng-lirs. A. Patterson Este Jchnctou. 3. Dlaplay Mulliery-Misa Hunter, MiseE. Smitlh. J. Fsncy Enitting-Mrs. C. Charrard, Rste Crochet Work-Eate Johueton, lire. M. 1.DeGear. Tatting-Eate Jdimston. h. Applique Work-Kate Johnctau. Embrold»ry on Mullu-Kate Johncton. Embroldery on Lace-MieE. Davis, ~.Este Johuston. '*brodery on 81k-Rate Johuston. bkroidoo Worte-Este Johneton, M.lra. DeGer. - - Embrcldery ou Cotton-Misa liaDonair), Este Johueton. kaiser) Berlin Wool Wozk-Mrs. W. H. Hays$ Misa Hanter. Flst Berlini Wool Work-lira. Hayes, ie B. Smitha. German Casedworl-lrs. Hayes, Mrs. I. DeGeer. Italieu Baiser) Work-Este Jolanaton, lira, DeGeer. Guipure Worh-Kate Jol-noton. Chenille Wor-Este Johnaton. liezican Needia Work-Eate Jobueton. Ornainental Neodie Woak-Eate John- :. ton, iseas. Davis.. Braidlng-Xate Johuaton, Misa B. Bel- star. DBea. ork-Ete Johntn, Mice a-Mu4t Lace Wcrk-Este Johaston, .lira. Joel Shav. PapL Lace Work-Eata rohustau lira. Worked Slippr-lisa J, Christie, lire. M. D. Crosby. Soia Plhlowr-Mle Button, lira. Broots. Toilet St-lira. A, Pattereon, lira. Me- d'ctton Tildy-Este Johuaton, lire. Geo. Peers a Woollsu Tidy-Kata Johuaten, Mucsia 7Christie. Brad Tid)y -Este Johoton. tOttoman-lira. M. D. Crsby, Rate John. stan. Wax Fruit-UMas.Haa, Maes B Russell.r Wax Flovora-lira. W. H. Pattereon. Wax Water Lillea-li.RaEys, lir. lie-. Clung. Pay errsw«-limReays, blt& 2nd. I Haïr Flovera-lira. E. Roaseil, lira. C. F flsi. Chisl Bor% Wool Flowere-lire. J.Chite B lire. Raye. c Peather Flowere-li R a s, lira. J. Zophyr Floverg-lira. Thompeon, lis p> licDonald.B Pancy Basket-lira. Haye. B Wall Basket-lira. Raya, lira. J. Wler. ci Grecian Lanp-lirs. Hays. ' Lamp Mat-lire MoClang, lira. A. Pst. S teraun. Poney Tablo Mat-lirg; Raya, lira. Jas. Ward. .Ci Cona Work-lira. Rays. H Farmer'a Wreath-lirc. Raya, lira. C. pt liarsh.T Work Box-lire. Hays.C FINB ARTS ci Portrait Palntlng-J. B. Cook. Ti 011 Paintin"g-B. Cook. 'W Pointingi lu Waer Colora-lira. MoClung, Rate Johaistoný. Bi Velvot Penllg-Btta Plsnk, Este John. stan.M Plower Painting-C. Lynde, Este John. ston. VI Fruit Paiuting-T. Beevîclu, Rate John. Bi stan. ai Peucil, Draing-lirs. B, Davis, C. Ri liarb. Aà LaudwapaeDraviug-0. Msa. si Crayon Dmswai-Mrs. lcClung. BR Plain Frintin -GardnOffice. Co hcleto o , aorph»-.J. B.Cck SpPOcm.aoéfPenmànlbp-Gilbert Wler. olLehe-.Pattoreon. Uppier Leaithr-Â Pattercon. CUIakuressed- A. Pattersn.I Meuls Flue boots osif-eblnu eoed-R. 1. jF4 Daley. va lieo'o Qoarse Boots oavide peggod-R. Fa J. Deaoy.- y Ladiescaff Boots P.ggei-B. J. Daley. Fa 10 poonda Maple Suger-J Rasyner, -è. Houey in Joràb4O. batrarr), B. Scott. j. 50 hieunde Wbest Flour--T. B.Puh. c *Craluing au Woo4-0, liarsa. Cook Stôvé, fuahiture,lU, honmer).a- T. MoGtatan Zoskin ' 1- RoabirDrur,ltnt.aalT.li at. art.' - ý:Airr. - -- - , - b WHITBY MARKETS. CIONIoX cz.aOrn, Octr. l9th, 1881. p......e... 1 80 O182 Bsrlay ..........i 075 090 Flour, per cwt ...... 80GO0O820 ly o ...... .......090 *0 92 Poc . ..... .... 070 @ 077 ea, black.eyod ....... 90 @100G Blue Pes ... . O*"* 80 1 00G Data ............088 n <40 [ay ............ 800 @ 1000 .pples, porbus ....... 040 @ 080 Potatoos................O050 @ O080 cgge ,................ 018 0p 020 Butter................. 015 @ -025 hbeeue ................. 018 < 000 ood ..................4 0 O 5 00 3hopekins ..............04a 0860 Lamb, hind quarter.... 125 <p 000 fifore quarter ...100 @ 000 Dalfakina ........ '...... il1@ O 12 Eides, per lb.. .......007 @ 008 Pork,perowti-.......... 700 @ 750 ruipa..........0 8 010 elery, p'dz.... 0 W<p O 40 Dhiokena, parpair ......080 O@O050 ukeys, per lb .......... 012 @ 015 Io,, inwsshedl....... 18 < O c'O du" waahed ...........0 2D @ 028 Bel, by theoarcam ...007 @Off0 guttou bythecaeàe..... 008 @ 000 V004,Carssa 80cretal...010 m90 38,0flpamue'...... 012,, 014 la f.......0 18 O 1 i %hubsbPer bunch.. o-000e *:.o apaas,' ...005 @0000 taeI, ....05 O0.00 adaes, ' . 0 0< 0 arula* " 010 0000 ý .ÂEPBIz I5AàAzIl<5for. Navembe, coluding.the Sixiy-thurd Volume, isa a NoÜmb.r ai rare excellence. It op oua vitit very interesting articloe, by W.H. Banano, eoutiLeler) n uCoruveilvit an .-,UmbrallaY M. BiEK.Illustratea 6h. article vith quaint picturea âf the and of tefi6h. euatry. W. W rioplel, Jr., ceaitributos a graphie se- caunt of ivo woeks' rocraticu sud spart lu the vooda cf Canada, hoautifully. illuatrte). Wa are gominde) &gain cf 4h. York. towu Centonniai, nov- nsa stbaud, by Mr. Hawauw- Pins strong -poaw "Tulgbmîu's Bld. tfram Yoîktovu ta Philadelphis," vlth twa atrlking llb- fraLions fr]à- the aothorei draviaga. Iu flue seooud-iuctimentof hie "'jour. uailstiq-Londlon," Jasm'x HroAr des. cribes the. LanuTiner building; and givos an accaunt, cf uaL papor, vith au. iuterecting accouaifthieb.cereers cf Lb. late. i. ene aur) hics ucceesar, Mr. Chouaay, as Editors. Oneocf thé Most ontertainlug lhings lu Lbe article àie e biographicai sketch -o! Heniry Laban. ehere-the Editor ai TruLli. The arti. cia is proiusaiy illustratedi L sketches sud portraits. LITTELi'8 LVNG Aoz.-Tbe nom- bars ai Thé Living A4ga for Octaber 15, sud Octabo7r 22, contalu "Four Cou- tuias ai Epglieh Lattera," by Sir Hzsay TArLa.o, NineloenJaContury; The Feeture ai Islam, Fortniglty, The Esaseand Olul Englila Clana, Corna. hili; Mary Sehanevall, a aludy lu Pro. phecy, .Fraaer ; Hints for an Autumu, Ramblé, The late John HMl Burtan, sud beaiege) lu the Tranavai, Blac. wood ; Beminseuece ai George Barrev sud W. S. Landau, .dtTsioenm.; Bloc. lricity s a Factor' on Happinas, The Art of Frieaidahip, sund'Sea li.seungera, Sectator ; Arcoeologicsl1 Discovelea iu Egpt, Ti e ; Tiai. Ravivai of Irish Maunfacturea Bcooaomict ; MyTreubs lu Rusois, ChaniSeri' -Journal ; Egyp-. Lien Excavations aur) Mummies, Na- .ture; vlth inatalmonte cf"IluInTrust," aud tie, osusi ament oipaetry. FYor fifty-ivo 'nuanhere cf aazty.ioor large pagea osch -(ai maoreàthen 48, pages a year) , Ihe-sobacriptian price ($S) la low ; vhilefar. $10,80 lb. pubiia.. eic offer ta Bond auy One ci the Amen-. eau $4 moutales or -veeliea vith2The L.iving .Aga fer a yeaî, bth 1poapsr) Littell &l Co., Boston, are lo- pubah A4 Woolti OW1 0lis be*UtleeJ in th. Village -cf.Piolwrcg, atnIj of Ontfar-io;-the. ibr* aesa/epto be issasd ona friday, November 111/a, 1881. aSuberietion, cas dot- lar peranaaam.,in aone. - Tmacs rxacentNavs vill be'lasuer) punetually on riciay morina eah veek.' lu aider La placeailsubsorhier on lb. am e footing nas f mia osir as te lime ai of éity, l pasby mail iii h Eciarder <lieprviau Tihé selectionetanor6h. lstter.pres vif be mae). ith a viev, ual msrely te, amusemeait but alsu- te lunstruction, Iu- daicscy -or imunaialy of-auyý sort, vlaetieî augsr.ceatod. tor ai vth vit or poetry, WvIi ho ctdily, exeluderi froan tbe columnecf tic Nira. -The exchnge-slead' -caner)by- the pro. prieors embraqe standard) journals ai Commerce, Nac*s. Ail lhese 1výiiihab crefully alfier) veiy, veeitjfothle pleacureo dcalion,anr) profit cf tb. seribers. Belooioue 'viii b. made from LhsOils.. ,,,amil b... i.. A O-AR*». )NTJ Rotici voltaire. - To tho.tasfervboutOonv salià Isu *10 story, à is uiit for theit o sop à is a ia4aupid tis -, but for M0 auit va lte A£Mt 1 eaw, .1 MLpgeadt. lêtcr.î ester),One cor) 'aMtloretap**ibt B4 every day for,& veeh, pocitap0, bv44i.w profession%, wlth Iga6dlad-the atudents, vih agoures new .aù d iIapui1 I*é rIaed;and lte rovuifs tpeetateeieaII former) a. rety sgbl. -"Ttua lles Ia esteil 4heren bÏ thearà n&«cdpl&ya * an 4h. otagée, ou icetig... h De. Wilson repls<ied -b.he ee ýu* j-F 19" pre8ientand w&6 vell, 'eoeIva4, 4W i .S. floborleon kBras. ut naz vek ti eclubbingi asud mapzlaies fou 1881. V n e sluresudgi ct y JXW ADET8MN -POULR'CONCERTï JUBILEF 6INGER8! WI eA c ONETlauIbm TON WEDNEBDA YEVE'O?. 26th Imat. TICKETS 25 ce. Besoner) Bouets 50 etu. - ApiplyslVT. G. WblLfild'sDg Storeasd seure placea Whitby 19th Cet., 1881 Ontario- Bank Stock, ýT£ MqBBSGNB 18PBEPÂRRD ba prcmseny iumber -cf saresoci the Capital Rtock of 1hb Ontario Bank-. tournacash,oa u lera girlng avidouce c ovaiorshipm-or algnlng papors ta tranfer. J. 14AMB GBEENWOOD Selicton, 1Wbitby Whitby,Cet. 1l9tb1881.L 8i. J. HAMEB GRSENWOOD, Solicitor Whltby Whltby, Oct.19th 1881. 4u-4 T-H HODGSON HOUSE, iLste Timotby O'Lsr') DIJ etFINS CREHK-PICKERING. TI)e aboya premisea bava been talon by the undaralgnedand aumr nov boing newly file) up for lias roceptian ai gobais, sud the travelling hlo.ciae t. eh.t ail heurs. Goar) stabling, aber om, aur) au Atton. t1v. ostier. WM. HODOSON. -ARM TO R-ENT" The "McQuoid Faim" compose) ai front hailt 1el0, 5Lh-Con. PlckuWlg.- Apply t "LaQum au the' fam. PRO SPECTUS bamve ru aopal e rmii NEW AI CH.4AN<ý TIIET-'OWNI .Chauouy M cf JuclIboin-tia aur) ether iEs.à tien ai Goi Locil Maser i thers vi b. ca -PUB MBy Thomas 2an ZmaAG f

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