Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Oct 1881, p. 4

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Ùé "tbt agie, au ept. BOe Obanm sfomUs*I4 as Law in IlUinoia, à xomawOr IS30% inru sroaormigo.. A uVUDUaji AKEN 150E nGAOL £AND nuaUO». »àout*half-paaî 0 o'cloek on Sunilay 01ghS Ted Frauba, lb. gaolerlu Bicom. lugCano 11L,, Wvas ansd hlIled by e veut ltte Ah. ¶a olum ege the prison- or ftom uns sli taanother.. T6gsl or hsd a revolver l is bi PT4eîs bdno cost au. Ho eu 1th *0 uico 1h. 0411 door, vheu lhe pribouar aeizsd ths rovolver sud abasthîe gaoler iu ths bacl . The gaoer then tMr4edbroutai au a'Xdî plsrasd roeor, g gclear throng4 thbs body sud, hillhng hlm inz stsully. Thseallier prisonsa sirsdthe muirderer and prevented hlm from esi. eapiug sud vresatsd lberevolvsr <rom bini News ofIbthemrdit' epreai like vlIdD.re and orles af veagèsnu s ore acu beard tram lh. kmna pofmen s. bomtthee. sreet., By sightl , ock'bs ~a1wO en*aliy suruoundôd lbyat 11.10, ,WOq ieu; voles sud bays, or- 0? t*o béats te ae8asresîe d td the ),pSme, and lio, wu amzmgo& 8UI,'*bé#r .teU ~~~~~~~~ nSU caIskhlIùrbe. ga=1e aubuS lb.eovwde.gyo;daii vad tl~br s'hnù' te L.dy. * lmgi~<uY~u ~5- ~v ho raterlie 'h bdlidbesmesil lmau iheli A¶ar" pof B. iglt. <~4a. ya~op end Mr.Gantier, *ho latoely laitiQuebe a lb' n refot drowns4, »a, vas eaparid. Tairboast a b u.sbonar bo, md for St. Wanlesu a rodtor. 1banliand inU1u Pt bave« th Ëp laton. a itu Égjlb êd.uesou ~45~~A5nunn . -Tha Qsnlqld 06Wbal mokas you fasI so uneamufort. abl 7.11 bavé dons vrong fn Uk. ed a twoW itRhe.. ls uug bliâ 'U ~ li~lW lié. eleclion, of Fouer s qO~vRao yaa tbolusull. ;Thé gemugIEù iianBa m dli albtgoîl@ hva n e0»dued- Chliaidperu venýt-tCa wvanablacua fsw sit bide. Na# ithe ar ilacover, bslL esulb WIO àtlons lb.y areo * ptumj Gàsdaplir sobpluod Upou At ýAve-cent international postal louer Fs, stama. -dis] Tât r'MIu éiaabâoca mouapalîsls bill ~flaiodmcd M itht Riehstag lu fflî wAbbq as Lia Sà~ udo< P", 1udbeul sd ulaât o bu as pslu QI V 9eo0~Iei~v~ won4 -a baitsekeaper ha 1~- pro es o0Ithe Tliroat sud Longe RBoac),..' =p p*ii i.is.mi gitef t eth v 4Imme ry 1 it oit sinMein. 'i r A score 01iyears if a long ime 10 look back upon, but vLan attenddlwih cou. tinual sufei;LsemqaIAiet a century - sud 611 this pain could have been avold;x_ il, when leur lver omnmenoed te trouble Yeu, ifîou tad taken l3urdook Dlood Dit- temrs.A4ce #l, trial aise 10 conte. TYpu Haveyno Excuse. Biare Ycu any excuse for auflering wih Dyspepsia, or LJverý COMamit ? Inthora zauy rearnhy jou abola cfromday *0 day- oogauplaifng I*liugr Siomach, Slck Mg-s l,~btual Ooaiivonaaapal. pitation at b. lisait, IHoart hun. Water. brbGnawing and burningeina St the pi 01 tb. Siomaah, Yellow S in Coaai T ou que, snd dleAgreable tastein the moutb *1.,N? R lpoutely yaur ciiIwil a Wou do *go ate youe nr Drggis -..n g aiS ilea Of reens AufusiFlower for "8 Onta yaur cura Ia certain, but if you daubi ibis, gt a Sample Boiule for 10 cents and try I. lm d9dpse yulirelleve foul. 0-oohing Symupa Supcrccdcd. Dr. Powlor's Extraci ai Wild Strawberry te tic hast remady far infants teihing, IfiS plis P2eauL ap4rellable. an& omaes ?NJII aI fomat o 3wel Ca pltu anrOsadian Cholers or Colle sand Dy'sen. L er ilther children or adulte ihera me no Letrreumedy. Symupiome of Dyop"i or Indzgeition Onui hoavy feellnj u ctues Ooniacli vith flaquant dispmos!autai vomit, lsartbti L piMentan sd Physical Fora.1 nt.oinhIsdist, W. . nomso agent for wh tuaaI lu the mSoacf October Typhoid, Buli sud Maianlal Feven anareery prevalhz Tbqr pnnly the gy#tm and cool thé,l-'loc 4me7 ~ ~ K isdtagaladruanlag inlu Be Aguedits, lu larpeaSon. bouli aI 8 assI. W. R. BHoys. Speelal 8 fW Wbltby, *Dn. CAimeom'S Sroxacm AND CONSMcTiyw Bmm-rus no ,esry sons.cfilthe tr wcrfi,/mUly Medicine, sud ve areglad1 loam La they are rapldl taking the pim othose nauseous litth Pilla. W. Lou- ta: sole agent for the litiersbore. F.ALL OPENING Dii Mus eut. te ni. d.a BERIN WOOL WORK F~ANCY GOODS! The LÂRBST sud FINESÎT steck of Berlin 'Wool Work ever opened in WLitby, cnalslizg af OTTOIANS, SLIPPEES. iraz=OKLES, * ETC., ETC. ýOI FANOYQiýOOD-lS, * BE HTELDK EOIAN àsvbeTCn., E#TôdC ORDIlobenVI1'A?,Oro*o AlL i Ohiby TUSpt. h, 1N8. le, 41 ,r. Moea, Ihae bie idmietoojin at AU -atile <s lO ci, ls roolalin, for Ibe aii12noonsharp lar th uyar~4e d ýton ý t a dtbéieroallu-i muer tesae i o i d. uos ~-- i-~ s I a- land 5AIWblow nexi. pply at anas te 4U0. 6 76 Qusan-et. West, Toronto. D BNTAL BOOMS removpd front At, 1/klnso Drug store 10 roouaa over Shes & Shily's store, Klng-St., Oshawa. Entranas on KngStreet,. ýi P. S.-4 mgret bsVluS oocaaou ta uorm ameltelb re Fred ahso for adoimie qs 'oobettd* vlth, mie -lu bueinmss relative 1te =y departu , eea to-à, aLeathst Le had seoured the solo contrai ai the business arb ualtmue as the abovo ýadverisememr nlytau*,eiplshn.To the public gsoerally,.trom wlaam I havq ni coolvd fsvorable support for lbe tigg tweniy-eîghî yosrs lu Oehava, 1 dosire la eonvoy mg y est thanlis, sud permit me *0 say bystriot attenton te business, rmodr. aie changea, sd *mutclaas Ivorb s.mhl tIuâteAugt19 ' 01 8 ta prfesion.uall.baae it&~ C.N. VA"S c ONSISTING-02-ln MÈÂE8,j3EIE i.Yoopsed ai Lots Nos. 16 sud 1:7 lu Le. 8rd Concesaion ai Rail Whulby. Par furtmor partieulare, spply tLatheLe ppno,ý ER.HYLAI<D, m i -ifO s a a v sP .O . r m nov eeadyfor thie raceptian of P'ARMENS ANID BUYERS WEI please Iak notice. Rveryllg l 'IRSTCLAsiO order. . .-1 -1 D, GALBRAITH$ ManAger itf Pt. WbY flarbor Ce.<linied. ',STOCGK ,,F A-I-RM --l w ILL BE. SOLD, OR RENTEKD FOR s ferni ai ta"s, ti4sPlieatce fana et Liai naderigned, conpiplg parte ad lots 82 sud W L im e 7lu aunc«osso f Liae TOWImSHJP 0F WHITDy. Fine sLnd. for stock sud navor.fInWg waler. Appt- ta-- H. H. SPENCR, "Dorset Farmu," Drooklin.j Sept. Itul, 181., te TOWN à& PARK LOTS FOR SALE. RLIGIBLY SITUATRD-RASY TBBRM Appîy ta W. H. RIGGOlES. LIYERY STABLES. Eau <h rn oU TEBAT DBSIBaB3LB shaianl Lut og, oouaiai(u voîlvsteed sd foieg dvih A oIegObas10, ,-FR TownDàqed lPark.Lots, ONE XsOT otcdB"; Sket, ~suA 3NFWBLOOK slnJ .cU,>IstveenRrock a=4h TWO LOTS on Bigh a Ste. - , bIa,.tbav9"d44'lm~f~ 7îakWhef f eorea TICKETS FOR SALM TO AU poInTS Ta pesuonsvlsblngt tsimd <for itands t Cieat Bntain sud Irslad, lavasrates snd fullramnatlon givmnb oe rahr vise, b. suresud smO fei rates, ste.- befors aorresponüden"s solloted w llaPère ,n0 alnftarins for sale or valgta pur. (Opposite vUionStation). j-t PIANOS TUNED., G ýs fomeura Mn & P.iscb+ vMini elwhîtby about lthe mddsaiMay. "Psrtioa mablng Ibein Planaspzrei, uneS vill l*e&»le~madrwihlsr LYO &BMtessro &=wl,,cran 'to, e-Ilr«eesprompt attention. ly.1S 7%e 6ra1Ameooenwmdy foi- COUGH,& 00L;DogASTHNfA, BýRONUHIzaDLO L08OP LOICJi4HOAR8R1ETRSB.£IîD tain roU.sving ~AUù~andUa in cou-ing cd'- ADD W ,est BEÂPER- If yu want the Best SELF-DUMPINGF HORSE RAi- IfYOu w&nt the BeetGRAIN CHOPPER- if u&, M If yoUe w &ntthe Beet POWS fr ail ]dùdsof land- If YOii Want the Beat'PULVERIZING HARROW- L4D, RELIABLE WHITBY FOUNDRY, Wreyonu can a";0ysgeï ïgôod'aLue -oryou oiy ndoeyarticle Ibound to give you the best of satisfaction. BROWN &PATTERSON MN F0 Co. ...,W . TIN SHIOP. W Next DOOr 8oUt/i to JaMM. Voh.iWi . "OldirWti'e1a4 ~Hù~pi~el li5ribs~Inthe--above-promises -and is now nI In.Ù ~ IwI iastW)ffre ve~r oTn ;et, or G id aroeit sjm kor"g' ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS ôf r LPERIOR QUALITY. Ai knso idi n ho-Iran warc consntly kept in stock. ~t ~ dos heal ndieatl4?p4y. A11work gar American and Canadian IDOA.LOIL. j3~vfrus~f 5Wstu4noe1ehwaite WIdàLAId th elollhe ,Corporation, eflà.o*y of Ontario, dathé lb.Sfxlenth daY af septm ,1851eon"ad L eupm-Se uasinnlndj i.foflowig mot for araacftxphereo'n, m8c"«hbaeb ie otcethat , sI trasmi oasare ÈaeurpsdIhainlucosupli. h.h Asemne, proo".ed to-ssiby.Public Auct b alO lada, or ïs&maeb thùeeof a a .naasyurIoaea b CortJlmie u b.Tou I W h TYou j TUBDAY, the T WETY.NXTH day of DEÇBE2~ A.., 881 ailim horbfTEN o'clook lu %ho forenocu, 0- 4722 0 ÈBout &407 &O9Lýî 1t 6 E4l4 144-D, siVMUlaeoî F 00 2 02 268 PatOni"d Vilag LoiSBon ade TJIORAH. s 1 .599 REACIR. 60 a274 BROOKe 1 2 26 42 on *IARA. 200 88567 195 2082 100 147In 100 2928 100 du066' 100 810 100 1887 1 426 100 15 87' 100 1588 100 61 64 100 si164 100 4667 6- 18' 100 l 8, go 8025 100 2092 RADIA 25 il188 25 il 8 7 888 1 880 100 88,78 100 2986 XQI) 27M7 100 2757, 100 141 100 17 9& 100 18651 100 la8De I0Q* 89où - 100 1958 100 1826 100 128 100 18 49 100 1469- 100 1582 100 15 22- 100 18-2 60 os0 Norlh par< Parltll orthlstquarter Broken Broken orbhall Sollahhali PaNoih aU ?OZ#L botail South hall North anl South liaI Par lor b-bI 8op& bl Pari Par par par Front Front Front A B B B G L L Lamp ChineyB, Pret 02anSISeptsnd M ilpC im es re Srs o c a., d Sept. 201bh, 1881.to Ca -El A.,LA 0, il-, -,-1 W-AT"l PR & CIB O OAN s Count Li4br toref>Vhoesale and Ju8t received, for, Christmas and the New Year, a large stockdofWIN,Sr and LIQUORS, direct importation, comprising Port and Sherry Wines, Brandies, Gin, Rua,S$ogtch and Irish Whislkeys, Bass' Aie, aud Guinness and Blooû's Porter. 'coerhatn &Wort'a asilbrtoed 3Byýesud Malt WbakoeyI buet lu Abs Domiion. Taylor & Batia'and COcgrave & Sons' landis ie sud Porter, sud Lager Boer oa draftsud lu bailla. *The lapslj, #a"adortes ofaiCIGARS in lb.ecounîy 1 Tert sud abor~i iï ofsupeniar quality, naI5.9 4.00, 18.00 sud 82.50 r7t,1ýf i See1: ý14 Irisha Wbiskeys. Try our celobrated Toda Whiskey. the fluent wikaylui themakt. 82 per ga. or &pr cosu of one dozen Flust uali ai014 lamnaics hBue.t - Baus44 A 1 um- t asiroçter &Sans, lu quartsansudpinte. Coagauve* su Pyoli ose(I ahrn. i n draft, ilu 5, 10 sud 15 Gallon su lMd n-Boidi in oCses of ane dogon quarts sud tva dogon pinta, at $1.25pet Cas.. tve daim ýbaie. aI 8i2e per cise. Guiwanud B1ac4'olu u nqusgipdýpîmls. va & a'êudbae Sollltsuad 7 cents per - o ofe e, meaai$tt y--au lband. &Our 'Clay$ Windsor, ci th Turt M. P. .,- 215 282 2 06 2 10 2 84 2581 2 87. -2 74 802 2 21 2 46 241 2 89 2 89 880 818 2 ' 2 4 2860 14 18-a~en 2 80 14 18 Pateuted 2 21 1 4 Piuo 209 -59 l>eua 285 86 68 Patieites- 2 75 82 et pateirto5 269 826 Paioiiie0 29-80 9w, ptenta 269-'l O1, isYulsu, 245 20,89 Uuaisme 2421' 5- s1uh 2 '84 165 Upsen 2 96 ' soit 2 88 14 7. 56i 28 Ir oSu na 2 8 17 60 Uptjcd 298 42dilPs Aply t CHAS. NOUBSE, O ,br lamu umAgent,Whî Cetob4r S 82 Palenlod 88 27 Patented 82 Patentffi -2288 Patcnted 1786 Uri ented, 9868 Patented 202 Upatented 46 67 Patenta 17 71 Unpateuled 66 7 Patunted 17769Uupsteutea 54 94 Patsuted 84 Paleted 5O*S patented anree wbie te rte f itereet ïs lbw. EATOHBRO.Y- 1833.- Esablihed 833 FUIINIURE -WMtb 'l mIfe* tuI~LISoo [ îa t , m ""- lP &~ MAJOIR MILLS. The MMiiilnov lu Caniplete unn andin, lieme chiuery aIl ne, isIîs sud Most approved ir., the 10 done promxpily, lulb.h BEST;POSSIBLE-MAN Ana Sites ontire usatistlm. Bnpplied wilb PFLOUK of ithe Boa: quftIlmy.n Lou-esti ruia. FLOIT] AND ALyJ I BD 0 -F MIL, FEED,FO A . ~HigeatPiceaid for Wheat jemlomi tusî,ands àdstemirl"uon ta * due satsfsbonII~ vlt ailparties, tart a ccuulnsticm77,;na lI JPORT PEERR t LU1DbÂy DNDENSED TIME TABLE. 181 7lib .0Mir. Itp m 50 * uIscre aro"lie iuday S .w UAM. I.ofn.t.t .tni u2rAm&l .4 -5,f6u-5-5-n K0F Ta Ghpaer tan eea tomi theea<ofAb XdueyaBla.der sud Ul ! yorgane or aîildai complaine.luts 4NuuJaITAB43 xDENEar SProm Doctora,1)u --'- Mer rilisA earios ou [ Ustisnien,-i a ndant y ur Pae re E tire satisfaction s, deb uhY. xi., % o44s#nfsegoralueble a rsniay for », dia citlahi4syaDs'.J. 1. Maielot ,-'- FABÏ 3EM AT OMM 1- 1 %y b. glas 5imcS 1 1 - Fat W In FAma Ial=d COALý-,IOIL. Retail, 1 'AýR , M, ; -

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