-..~~5ife riaU9 . itueras et sas, IfOldon. ' M, 0Dy.Carsesps 'V&étIîble tests fes5sîs Thsotiueraliouthls ae moi.ITIo-M EveRErrusua 'teM U U sien, Mauaging tdirectOs cf lth. Wiitby, I niver liseicÉel Un2lîTêPesCissos Rsss.Port Pesry sud Linsdsay Bsilvs$_, teck aIlil e l s i rp Tithe ffl M a fil, place on Sunday lusa. Thisc body ex.tuas Ofth@isNoble Markle - Antte sale 01 of igle grade qgttle. sivèd 'y lise Gransd Truck aiied tise lea uOlé a nye»u seryant wactéd, day previuus, and wss recelvedil teu d nshal Âneb obtn pai t eiltn. slatit.n by a largeo tubr of iensbeseopaytid5 bi v t el sltbÀuëx wanted. tiseMayor surl'.uemiers-cfî vuTwnmade a OesbetA tt 48telo'f W. E. olseman-J. Blie Ai. Council, &o. XIt vastianstsrrsd. te a av ail tis hîainbS m od An signèb.car on tlievWhà iiby, Port Zeiyan uOd tiuk av, tu i ri Abas sqlo~ ale vainablo tain&0o-L. Lindsay liue, ine waiting, sud Srapad lun i opbt..ousà ul F'lsrbsnk., Auctlonsor. blacIs, sud brougisi op te tice WiLby po%?tial ns a dnetlon'sà le stock 4hsi-Pisos. G. Boa, st ti encea h 'Wusremoved ta tise u ssie Xoiano' i[-.W. PAtMoven,, Auciioneer. rseoc ocf the decoapsci. Mssre-oIi, m&kln a grate rumpus About S. Rberton &Bros a a hereldet o Cqai up in yens Part ; bol ~jecIale-3 e. albarsnu .1 fles.i aeunafitereallstasdu? oouepaseie r . ( S o n & B tte r a , lie r o m a in e a i l t ie .w iy fro u e w n u . m tt s r t a d ' 'i ii Burdcel Bitters. e o e- . Poe and b eartotsand sirc re vas thes Opinion av a sinsible, Wv T hcpop e, l t îig s e- . . u lo arriva I, T ieftin asl w i m an 1 k. yeran d fbo eva o Steart es oen n Witb fo aquarteso p1 utti bame ese ax me' Groat seduellon at DrevitFrwol&cnur. ie. eeb ee isemako me obmysasece t MOI Sajol astale o e traeel&andS(oser Ileoursul peopeletr.osent.- 1i1ve, RtlIesIge, soirs. Upwasds of 700 caca irebyî to aerai..".Keep yer sale, eld Byet Seconesl Mothly Sae-L. Fairbanks.. trae from LîLideuy sud lise nortis Ai. liai moite yaroolf snng'; Ig "Lasebr.," et Town Il nil Mot ail tise towieoPie turneS utenhev a luttle quiet lima av oser Tecrriages numbered 180. Tisry thsai siampain ; lisn TiseOosler efthlie funerai proocasiose wu@: oeet staff, but disry "#amai AUCTION SALES. -Tishe I-esesMss Aus.s bodied Baurdo je worth dissinL 'Sale et tarai stock, impbemoteutc oin i, Jamus Miche, A. T. F'ulton. Wm. fudtisaItisae Burgundy bas1 tise rope rtiof Mtr. Weeuou Palmes, ou Muiock. of Toront.o! G. y. Smille bar- bookly. Lleker, like tSi lot o.22, raIson Front, ikri ur lises ; iM. B. Taylor, lDominion lBank; iisrownÛWaY on Sam peoples TiserdayNo, Oti, 851 L is. onJohn lice, aud lTamues De nts u-Ye 'ea srefiree palie, au cer banks, ionoe tes tise chiot enzineor in tIselocuomotive a gOodl dhrop av vine ia.1 Asfclenes.deparimeni. Nest caeetie Railway ueay gay tisai y. wiît cousi Sale Of Farue, Tewn Lots, Faotosy enuployas le the ntumber c ithequite as gond as whiai y. Dulsdieg, ccc., ai Raysoe loît oa1frla drces cieîsof ise Li-h Wleisy. On liaturday, Nov. 151h 1881.de' olg,îeuPo u eir rinci ssay-Bevenonsane e L, airank, Ao:înof. thtie Town Councii, &c. lTise proees. Av coasse 1 tonld lis Xclst Chancery Sale At Irongiam- ut velu. sieon ys fuliy a nule sud s hall in ielpin meseîf) ihat tIse dhisi abl fa a ns lnglireâhic lilfwayfro th rei-noccisoran Sit for tishg" asetaa, nTueuay, Nov. S legl, eesie ai a fo18is "'cssiss ic oreusgiio, -ies. louoheri Auctioneer. Sauce of ttise deceassd oteseunion' ui udscnnaWie iburial gronud. Ameupsi tles gênerai l in me silil for me opinion, 1lô Sale osru* stock, implecucuets, publie were Heju. s. C. WVood, Hn brakin ont vidi tise fotiovie isoaseiseld turait rase etc., tise preperiy Senater Gibia, F. W. Glen, M. P. ;J, THE DUTY ON o0 ,of thse late -Tiwïis ciy O'Leary, aitihe DrY-St-n'il. P. P. JD. Ras, Mci'er cf TisoUgl Canada 'a cilleiS a eewkd promises litaI>' oooupied by hlm at Oshsawa ; Nfr, Taylor, Mayor et Lind. AnSIlu winther, il le on the ws Dulffins' Oreais, on Tisursrlsy, Nov. Srd saRY ; Col. i)aoous, (1. .A. Cee, prosident Tisererma hot N. P. lefi4latiou 1881-L. Fairbanks, Auctioneor. Midîaud Baiiway ; Lewis Rose, eMI>. Sarvou aIL tli sese,,o oel. -~ directes Midland Railevay ; A. WVhite. Goal 1 BeywY; c. Mr. Sturr, Nov. Mr. "Chorus , me, lord,"* sez I.À QLQI~' ~ ~Learcyd, Bey. Ms. MoDowaIl, Bey. Ms. im jiniluta an i in flu aS - Brigge, Bey. FAîleer MoEuEne. Dr.Mu. two lest lues vuS bey raised Gili, ex. M. P. ; Jus. Carmichael, post. les av yes hast iighas-yas Sm ONLY - et o PuR n ANNUM. uater, Oshaewa; Nlr. Jeffers, secre.tiepcovca. - -- - tir>' Midiani liaiIway ; Mr. Grace, o et "Go aou Day, ae a WhitbYt ThuRsday, NOV. 3, 1881. Lindsay. Ms. Rose, sspertendent al " A on, I ,"sazht.gi ______________________ iitby. l'est Psrry andulLindsay liei.u- e. n n atd way, anulMr. John Bica huid charge of Sir John-anu sre ho le a beanty- Riîe>' Changes tihe funeral arrangements, wisich wr And neyer a jellier seul- aiteariedoutin 12 dmiabl Mwo2re Il elappeul on as Sfty-cent daty- ls wilî be seenis advertisomenî in Selo ida us tisera becu snch a spoctntius. 11frt iet n coat 1 aslkis, coîsueus., ùsposîani ala> ssunifastion Ot Publie re cetanâd A dtuty lo give us esep ceai i 55e prepoeed la cou oftien el grief as nt tisefuneralof Jasg. TienbeM kasono 01419.Argee ooe ncnncinliefor tise 1lor of rtisy citi.laThebeS 1 arksterid yia vitie tiseMidiland Ilaiiway. Tise usune zen.- Hie widow asud large femuly lae fe tlIwuaf" avu aftie Wbiltby, Pori Pars>' & Lindsay tise çYrtisatl]ftise entisa comunnu "GO On," sesSe, impaiiî lias dois not appeir in tise edvertise.- - for merciu ",oti elw -ýmen, but lu les id tisaitisa psopretora Shipecouxa et grain (rom Witby lns..the as wi avisiebe. f set ; I ofth1eeS yu wl b. likel>' 10ouner tise bof-,etc. la e ,wt e aea lIise sagIse Aain. Nov l tisa lime tisaii teefs tl h Sn sf 'ausa lmie te rie fM. SLU hos iIottAn' go, aster roplinisisin, I Whuîy vl mes isserice etMs. omeaiscut, wUs'ut 11eproperilu- afin. Hde.formnation, arei gsvireg tise shipaieonts Tise Toronto . oel dealer-pl.atis "Tise Pickering Newa." trem Whliby Hlarbor asu tcslowil: A ierciscon thse Ministilerar sole, "201,467 isusîsola et grain have isocu Aundiwont ln body te Aikiue Tise fret number et "Tise Picering Rflpesi troeiîlspart i p suethe. preseut Tu take off tise duty <'n ceai. Noe" vilil e publisbil etaIPickering date, us quaicile> rgely ln elces -f ae o c. li le dly a o ail Village, ou Frits>', November uist.- any otîses port wils tise exception et I lýtew t n'ara i's'o an Aikin ta tul As there will bo a large editsonetftise Port Hlope and Toronto. Tise Icfonnt duiy en coau 1 fret numbor priated, V:iitby marchants froru Precîeman'esBay was 9118 lsea . . brokeilusXa and adverlieers Whso look for Pickering, Osiawa, 26,162." tlisrat Isis; hsntise hue mo encloue, veuld do Weil te avait tiseva. Tise uoniparisous vere e strikiug tlnt legs 2" slves of bise cumtan ftise "Newe",is vo wsro led teormuike snuîiry sud Sud "PIt il dawa 1 tise coul Jeu mnklng Isuovie wisaî îey have te osalitisai tieseheelus lu question avidenti>' lord," I eneaee, ,"tits tise Advartisemeuts ma> b. loftt at tise tikç thisinformation trous sunQo-iego i hallsuerssdip aotittey eau CUEOIOLEol~,, Wsiîb, o asisesed crcu l vsii, under date 2fimls Oct., delor"-"No, ne,"t ho criaSt, direcl>'te Titus Nava, Pickering. gave tise aise .rouiras et rocei pte tluee me. "go ou vicli lie sanig.»* -------- eeetof arIs', 1&joue, np te tisai date. Tise Corclved à shigl u R in la TU OIe hLC13iUST Soeer.ca,.,-Tise roeoptin Lu Oego froai Whitby pî DThusil ' sighCleo Canada EMduc&1alIonMelinlutakiog 27th mi.t, vore 220,972 bus. shoc. as'Thon te ie vgtl i as eus 'Up this subjeet, Mays Irà addition te tiss',nveraI oceaset ies. anetetly, a harley isave gene fremaiWhltby t tesJetu-t uvsl capoli siopuuaiousieul emade by théo peste tisu Oevogo, aIs eilapueouta e Psovicial secrelas>', te atone in some visoat sud pfsue, uakîug siipien te e elord merss," ses 1 degm sfor tise mîleadieg information froue Witby fiasSes largel>' iu excoos P6PIO eare very biard &el, an Mo ho suppliaS, vioisreuai eu 00 nte. et tise figures given, Tise reports of P165 iard A up -sud pincised moi viedi>' te Ms, Huston. Tieevhis l e.siipmenuts troua Oshawua aileSnt-chs. ya'd Usînk et; vod jsesue oa tise menst etOfJustice, sud we trat usssB> srosaecnl~~ an *thie ;nty an eaii o tsnS tisai lh. Goverumeut wîll @sbilt at LtileaSIng, vas neari>' ail th(- grain s p devgetit aggslatluin nfilokasut prempti>'sud luslomlfdoune, la [romi thèse tpe ports wont o thesr ,"3evId ou, O'Dmy," SeoamI, CE>' Ocas,'Mr. Huston ma>' properl y points tisan Oswego. >cz stre kvhai the MiEs plume bluesoît uippu the houoetWin- ivieu e sesosn of navigation e*80 i ?What do zthe Globeths nlng ihe BesohjauIsiPnd euS cograt .we willturuis orl aeS wt- s dr -tl yebton thoiGlobeval lot aihm Andthiee cisoallu insîhcle he s,. rot anS reliable repart ort410 e ain ou tise quesistusu?" An me aso Oesvsaihie training, upon iisesucea. moyeneent, obtaired ifrouauuîbetise- Msr. Dsyden, the enember tos Southisoaurces, sud net clippesi tram eu. s'TisaGlobe andi tse U51>11are lotis1 Ontaio lu tise Local Leglîsînsobas vagecirculas. d 1lucomuaftyepe :tia r Isss taIssa up tise question on behaît etî Mr. Hesâton, ind.;wil, vs ane Pbotedt0fSud, Lazare--A Lifta, Mis cake. Who pays4li a di>'ou ceai p 04e. aIl hie influence il ur oue ng friand -Wopy Side> ncol Msr. Huston' boisale. Oc Aexander Caufuiesuasd hie fine rsueafttculaselieq 'JZ("iX0COLIosh& &UaMW compare>'tIsaI are ta appes r al tisa Ansi gai tisnetS ut îutse isle -Peoaacr~ eLLles aS nar0,c"-Towu hall on colt Mona>' evering Os tis 1vtenu Iil is tcofth,.ul cape tram bIeiug busueitdemi on Wûd urM. CnoOumaaemn, ie thsresai.Ctepays le h kit uca. T 'h.e evenlend-ltau al tnof ti s i n I tà 0 oseuiY of O n tsso T ei ober ' A ss e' a j l lh e 4u e s ' é l o l i î i Ffl & - U r i dà l S y a n d 4 -aicû bi h e e- alhrSu, oc. J8ti"sudt Ith-1881. -- em-u avamix-Frhiay, Oct, tbli-MU. la. MoBrien, à n tot, t reuwldeut lu th. chai-M s.,,A.G. EHan. 6 GU .86 v8, I d'aén e teda à oreiasy. p o tqm . Ee bIs Xclenc ýport o 4Âes t rîýmAodia- d u , t isa I io n v as ub ui ted by lM rs.'*À . G . He u' Mli, h5tisieobildsit'et Onstario ve e , " li se > 'y a r e ' i d i e i ll s n Of 0 1 5 r c o mn n u es l u s 115t e l t >' au th e subje te 'et' ro ad lns, sp l lug,. a n d vw dueste uompe5tlon, - th b oy the T ie s c s ~ c td Ws u ggd v s R g dlarai ~oaiuieret. 4'voe tf 'ish ali i.a r e a m p r e e s a d r f. lpe e , l u li e . a l e r - eb siRa o S, took up tie ' ubjec i t J opIse' sud eot us nov ave sous. vallable lastOrmailn. M. e u s a v i s. L . r a ce i v e d t h e t h ain h e e tf t i s a s e s oc i a . no f y r .6 o11 M.Mb o Art ur, et Bandord, nexi , m ul ddr e ed the asso oiation, sie vî ig i lkin, au yeil maéhisd Ofiteaclsng on 'ObjcI Leseaus el dlisius te acs cemeuh boys. A cimes wmi : , w u si i S rcvid ed i 3,Us u " r,, Fae , eft hbie Po t a, but I Ino 6rsypubliecosool, an tell visai à fiespro.sting Ms. MoArtiaur wvuS Itisink I a 'J* %sf tb&Osik5- 1. association pro. kiSSes tSit' ceed S b ise eleetIiou f flâers tas tise S g av e S u r f ea r , 1 8 8 2 - wv is oS- r su l lait as o i- ut, eu the lows aouîo." Precldsai-Mr. MceBS, ed.mas. ui c y ( a ft t i e r t e s P . P . H . , 8 . , V c , r s d n - . . r vaswu l 1e Jeueinge, Ucbridge pubslioc. h ool, Sec. au alteaises ea@s--Mr. A .Reudeu-san, au ho Ur«. W hîby oclegists uo.tute. ôtn't Selp aotau OF nminsea. D.Mr. G. H1. Bobinson, Wbhiby CoI.c AL 11u18, Mr. Ris, Pert Parry, biglas scool, i nation, Msi. L'Amuuraux, Whiesle public 1 t-sl; eco, Mr-. Wilhis, Wiiby public a scil, Ifs M. Webster -Sansitord publicf scisool. il A, vote of tsaIs *as tandoedthlie s I roiing effrere. Il A uS ta Iear rIts>' eveulu _AA large audience 0 ne bs eo tie asem bleS in the Teves al te Seau fi 1 5h co ul, tie Be. Mr. Ellioti of C ningtoa lec- c dgber-uer tus, Ou "Tis, value anmuquiremeut et r Iso l dge." T is le t er a listened go ou necîta vwihs mrireSattention ana recolved t a heirty vote eft tauls for bis aSie et-. - aturday-Tse allioasce on SaIns- t - di>' u'it saiuei, *isig to tise aeavyfi s&al t th1e nigisi before TieseuisPl jouiet ' Scisol Dsipiue'eccupied lise g attention efthie assoiton the groatar in u Prt OfthO eforeioon. Tise 'luay anS aksidit. T a n fM tas>" as a ly d acu5 ly, 'go on, ed by M r. Tilley, et UmbrlSge, vise e- ci let'a by "vd é5 t vote ofthtmske for l"i ueln m . V al e p p a-M . -Dalle, sof Z epiyr, L k" me ntrodueetl tisa aubjeci -of 'pr&otiens' lu se ises-an 9gve sous. vanuablea aggaione. m 5lid.'Thes Asocà aionsadionined te masI ai y, vinto TIcbsidg at the celi of thé dictas,. l upekn- Camnplmeueiuy suppar sud Prelseuis-Il Pickrrlag, Oct. 29&b 1881. To the Editor of the Whi*bi Ckson ici ucy, isn't 'saur., lu 2 many clr, me1 pklied0o reo. Ssail a teppin' 'se tissu an deas ; 4"have ;l abouti be ou. nu MaleI ies vras ng...g t A few of tise many frienda o iJohin L. Margacis, Esq., met in Long'i rHall, un thse eveutng of Tisurday liai aud prEsmnîed hlm with tise addros, given below sud purseocf 6lS2,00-or his leasvng fer Brockflile, wisero hg talces chargeof tiso publie sud mode! eoisools 01t t town-Mr. DMcKay ocOu pied th. chiar-Mesers. orrester, 3Uneiog, Miller, lloover, Dr. Plaid and ecessoke elosquenîIy and feetingly 01 aud aul ecesdlngy segried hie departure fromai cong tisem lisey vîh. ed him evoryiuccee. l is enov andi argesr field or lbor. .1 Mfter the presantation Mr.- Magacls vas entertà aned stau aopt8er supper. Wisen, aftar moetisuan&mpe JuBil çru done tu tiesten5e,, 16.-healtis of Mr. and Mss. Matpgansd tunlly via drunk vils al l teb. oieot couses pe e ytise usual loyaltoaste. Mir. Margaëb, replied le bolt is. pies. entation aud tousta 'in a mannes, visieh Piewed hor depkly he tis dQýartnrè -'snd tisekindne. f o le. 1, moellon, sncissg DUES ~~~~~~~~luses Soi- huobîpi. sud A ilS5t h51B U fl ber5J5~ 55i S E O O I i* lu , t o a H ou0 g on aris ' b or w u iin g b >' isrd wrok. r. "T i à foru m Q u(> e sleu, ma e lord ~~ i~~ai ,1a.inda, Wse:eeiglci, a baisevolont rnallsa u rbe, eevnup hoi4 *hot,vssrt t isbak tara til leraxafinapr s, keao ai srd avru re posn - ieh the fa 0ea.pj" asdfpvnaîete pîl AL~, r. ci. tiors vla istnthe ro umâ roun," hitP eagn-Vere exhibites itaudancally mieting Coa -eoe1ie -Ia Rt u iuri' ej'I " ls ,SU~OP5sovsea tje- gul 2 le sply, shorfsth, 1*Q X À4- 'u - T e o sw r « #.O R uimel Yalp 4 Is. c iai nt esiet av the tabla.î O M y LiLLO 'iU,.Tjso eys ese t» BunalseA~SK onsu ld, breletdowl , 040m bot"-.* aglas.voWa bearlllisted'eton me mPo dila ntl s( V-cboloe. l' suse laie ait ulgisi le 860 h huit, r na at tiser sieuglustesa x- -ssa vrà 415be cnfne iiSemils on tibis 0ce sil u ih rgihtein , leora il o 5Z5O5ic" &I ei cain eie Iil.aS, a-ouoss thâsîloSeu etaiad itia bus uixs t 00.lpa a m'~>s ofelgsse,ë&., but 518 eousld se Sm nat esvsl b,tieru =1tsdausduee'od age ovisdovaby 1e us 4oaqpau thé IpiOQes Is het'fat er, eueS Legs sisps, Tiser conlu'. ala *Olo iIaitao xplaha te Iths judgs tise ,r6lreason aise cilait Lut te Ci '8Eysi aou tise irsle cf sev» et for hfie visillu tise honte, lut-tise o<,.caarhi ALea 'm=li~n-c lisnt.viilocunfse te ls agsdius-1 édbise roof a tLaurooui e, uc l 169;tlnau - mi bt bri% vuenli atis r' ilas hoy ela, lais D'Ârempe, b Pm' brîa v~~i MaE ,Tuiran.usg' leà t,aIhlise sd o a furlun, .coas e IA efeue,À-de Cu;orsg et:"PuW S ti u IJso4lei TabernaclesonagSB4SI s and pleadfefor voneus' reinl-tos ers>ry ioj~--- %I11btIGr l re nand ont out teuessjidge bs ergîer ur iaa lappy M ape i ntm eivess&b$ Zion--Gowtuof mobau 1'&0. Wa& 'lad l -. ' me lna e o rdisaMr. 'se ~ a~?M IIA J. L. m&argach Rq. Dsu.s Bnr:-We isave learne*l vils feelings of tise profonadesi regret tlsat yur ong sud profitable sojooumeunog uses se soon to- termusate, sud tisesad. nDeoLse hépasilng s oniy sitigsledby tise earnoot Isopa it1h. hange vili b. te yen au entseno. uon a tu"ht of tuler haspenua-Sud prospsriiy.. »Ad tis a a ides f»ld ou' usetslneciMay We cannaI alow yen gte Ici,. us vîishout giving expresion te th. vas>' great "am in*Wbloh Yeu are, held b4 yons fllIo, citiaen.-We have vaiieet ville ercedisg pleuaure sud vilS coe dogmeeof pride your casse for messy yeart,,sud I f stttarainod tolsear teuil mony l te s.egyand i tégsltyse voîl syeu n enecin lu1h. separiment vhichyn aevleyehese the arofesulsun cf v,1 lüs1avùa have th& so *aulx lon %aorw ribey tt 4 'f s 1, s e îhowoJk' otftiseLand commse la being eut outýfor li *its a vengeas iS asrente, 555 ýno ftevorthon 80,( aPPlidatlons for faria bayse beau a, Tielpesantsoprleîas'y olio br sk *l y to p ro v e a bo sîlv o fo r vse l reispone. froi tise tenanets. iXo foi tisu 400 lanslode have ltimated ti tse'y are villiag tc oel thsir ostsi but nota scingle tenant is.expresi hi& vis te bY. No doubi h. tnsi imagine thisi nder tie' LanS Ae,l o vun tie land q uit. v li noug is aires vithonqi golsg e exspons.etfbu>' it lliften mmleeloneeboaud th, assi8tetts have ii ld a oobotent sgatdlb8thés. aiangomentis for ai ommissions lu tie Country. Il 1 been decLded te commence operai Oaci vek Lu tie nortiern counitise Tise firet Interférence vilS tiseLadii Loaue vas miade by tie pollce ea iB llot'ra, OontyDoega, wviser.a ha Coustable steppdsa is unooMeting s turned tise lad es out, euanionlug the flot te met again, Tisé Iadis' Leig met iu Dubli. It vée reporteSil t durig lie wek saovn nov branot sud five Clfflden'e branches iad b. formeS. mise Parsolllese givee noti Of Il motion te fosmu an association a ol s ol attend tô tise van t e of t] p lt o l priso ueres u d lisir fam ilie Tis6 Pcelmasîor.General issiied notice le ail Pedimastere, eub.postm tors, sud peel.offloo servants lu Isolasi wvarning Issue agalut joining the Lat League, visicis isalbeau. declared o illegal sud unlawtl association, au Ordaiug ail vio may at prisenst i suembers of lb. League ta sever tise eouuection at once on pain of dîsmises Tise police have intimated te M: [lally, n split sud grooory marchar and proprietor of lise Land Loagne o luesl iu Uppr Sackvilleotreet, hat b os in danger of losing isis licous. if b allowe bis promises te iha used se o.oger by biseLeague. Ms. Keli, au tisebras aita b h. emova frou tise door, sud gave notice te thi sifiolale of tis. Ladies' Leagne tisaItisae nuit dois btintI one. Evssy arrangementl had beau *Ma] to sols. tisa Leagne orgis, Uuited re land, but tise appearaneofottise eape wilisoutasuy le dig artiles noupliisea the bgal advisare of tise <Chier Sars Lry, sd il bas beau dcided for is Prsnt 10 Popoue fnsiier5 action i the malter. Tise troops have beau reiufoscodl. TFrtcsurbane ar apperhed iLn c a .tbe eie. tisea f sasee epaiiaerducnaea-h ~mn Ad bas mal eau de£2 ld. in- isrl retl oep8n16s.oTheteona wsouPtick Milogathe liof2 15.ls easly rona et £on 1e. Tsteat o asnr Bontian MAlavne,et Cdoolia gR lu London. Mn. Sexion, là I. P., bas basa self meed m a medical certifocalo tisaIlbig lite vas Sidnges. Tise Doblisi "Preeman's Journal," avs Paruell vas muadi>'seisos i il eloeni spasme:on Suada>', suSsuifes. i gm-al> for seveamiheurs. Tise Dublin Sas p aloi says tisai a utoisa names Doff bas been senieno- aio desti fer tise neurden et a police- r, T ise l test acco a i oft h. siootiig d affray at ]Beloet, oumty Mayo, lat w eek, visn te polio. fired upon tie pcple, ttes tiai ivo poreos vrs kled sud tveuty wounded, A renaýr. i of lie diturbnso le fered, ad ré. inforcemeuts have beon sent out. 9 IMsBlakse. Tise Libessi leader viied Weit Dur. ham liai vek, and isiprogres tisonigi Is enaîunoy vas ou*eootiuned ebvation. H.e spoke At sovesai place wfth egu moreto" bishe nsi foroe snd sioqueo. The N. P., the Pacliis 6outrcs, tie Sonate, ud otier mattas, vers deal it SAs& ldward- Blake ans eu ýdeal vltuoh questions. I his ot cecesiary W-1»ylhttbeWeet Durham. ies vera présent-a 'esmeiugs in lar g e n um b era. T h e y a l va y s a re vie n tise Opposition leaderslato addses them In respoase 10 a vote of thanki Mr. Blakse ataged tisaiSe itended lu devotê Iae *vsling bouse" te politica until tise oIselions of 158 are ovr. Ths ilegod neva for Betrmeo, more eapécially s along vilS Il coins th. faut tisafi s Beformers of West Dnurham un9»ul. mouly Pbdged -thezneseta-'relurn hlmz viets o so sts kils footliS te oea. atitseuoy os sot. On. doe" not himu vei wisi o, admie mut, thésoonaltè aency uhieh bai uwb s a momber or thse mcem berthst lisesà cS 'a oneêlluecyqý Mr. BiaIse'. emlcent services ara Dow tofly btithedisposai of hie paty, -1s tis Mesde ht e las eaoriftco&sau, anical iuso cal4 b be ovés *80,000 ou e mi te letl lie [cest the tise tse rse1 lise ho ber ne- ert J.. c a- it I 1 i lon k IILIONC5rîmtiiTEEIM iE-t i te GRANT ce Wflf!EE a( WSeiOTne '000 3ia. . IIAN; uam PLAISe, Pliospu ent AND PBOPEE'IXE. it t (Prom onu ioguilar Ccrraspoumdaui. ses Washington, D.C., OPi. 25, 18 bat Tise piot veel isusbeau - uneoen 'tif in heW f 01Waslglon reeve, feri N .Presîdcet, sonate, heaits ef'-tissnt suie itejrtmsiite, logeuses viltisoheNaîl boy' âlxesel,have beau say ai Yerlte' ity Tieebas bee, abu linintersabmi ÃŽng' tise Cobinet *hasegssa, troul tise tidt tl loir nee-vepapea. meuh anS poiticlans isave1 nnl 'usai Ils:Preslden dg bals sealize t16.111 la boiter -le avait asevelutiosi ot surprises thonu te gus bavever billiantly, vilseut data. 'I as' appolesntcf Mr. Morgan to it ai rauuyBeoroiasyeisip vas a easpu, aIo ta n s>; ibuttise day efore, he i lu sl hovoulit sot iccepi the jlade. se Le helleveS, in polilIcai clrclee, tissu 50 vililf ld tesorbut à a eset lime, as 1lit tisaI ikïise. a'anundetanding lisat tes usa>' oon rasigu lu favos etfloîl ýO froue hie owu etate. Xtisle ot necessai os andI as ate, net le mention bsis nan 5- Memuvisile, his jebeliovod, tisai N Se Robinssonu'earesiguion me collecter 6' onstome yul net be unauceptmblo. m itsai bs e Be cretas>'inlealt u5- ies by f ve million, tissu an>' brus Id, incumbeut ot tise office. Ex-Secretai 55 Sharman vas snpposed te possses61 id Tiss.vis are iu tise Prosideut'à coi lie fidauce su>' tisaI ieu. Loageireai vi si no eapote lu thse new Cabineu Ir. ant tisongisi et sppoiutlng Sui. lil General Grant bas - Seen in tise cil )"tise Says, anS vas calleS upon b>' il se Frenchs and tise Gai-min guette. -Th 10 French is viiiave le.morrov tes Boi 2Y lau, tisa Gerane for Baltimore. Gel >'Grant vilI malse Washington lis Sou '~doriag lis.coueiog vinlor, Rai S à e daughteMus. Ssrtous, sud bei- bat 3y ieles,Ohre iare four outhtisss1I elieet oa 4fi.r Secrotasy felaes relieved c o- ie s Sties in tise Stats Depasimeut, là r expecte ta biiake a mld-vinter tans s id tise Seuhisese States. Dusisg tiselise - Se vas speaker of tis e ouse, Se mmd ie mas>' persecus friande amosg lise Sauth a era muaibors, sud prminent Sotisor f en tlem e u, v s sh o m at d u r lg h i long resideuce ine WashlRngo. Ris en -thusiastie receplion aitYorktown S& no itoubi persuades] lie thatSeoyul b, hindi>' receivsd in tise Sentie. Mors eoves, ba le identifieS vus Sonliseri - aibroad improvamonis, suilthtie pros. Spetcte ara brigist fr tese"usst Flessure, political, anS business cotg tbinitian tous. Work bas net Sean eau penSaS cn tise palatial reaideuce visicl r e commenceS ibuildingas coauashk Iuev le s t o Samads Becretar>'ce Stage,. Mr. BMains le as yet ouI>' fifty ysars olS, and bis pelilicsL.carcos le nol yoi sun. -Lt Se baS Secu ibis te contra] tise votes efthlie Soutisesu Soiegation mi Cisicmgp, tisaImaSo np snois s largo part et tise Grant pismisux, General Garfield vould bave beau te-day lu tise Sonate efthtie Unitedi States. Perisaps it le lise intention et Ms. Blairie t magaetite lisat vole. But volas fi-eu Bantisesu States in National nomina- blag convantionssclaponS mucis upois officiai patronage provieusi>' distrihuies], and te etruggle rucsull>' gaensitish# înfueucee of tis patronage vili eau fartis lhe hast isuargias even et sncb a, varIes as Ms. Blila. IHe Sas ne of- fices la, distiiute. Othes have. The plot thiclaus. ,W. sisal es. Tise mcnl brillant enlertainmsni et thse sien wgvue gxsuast ulgisî b>'Sec. ratas>' Blalue in hostieetoisthe frigu -gisestg. ise eli etoftise Diplomatie corps, Are>' avy, official anS seciot>' cirelas vers -preont. Tise moule, as -e val as 1e table, ve.à amar-val et floral Ssoion, mq ad, troue tisequau- tlty, acsi nsd varlsly of th ise I is melu Raidt list, WvouenMs. fume la mIslsî ofe thseWhila Roue. il Wil net be..15,heuilquartesof total austiq-. sucs prepag&ndlaus. eoronto Luttes. Te tusseEdi1o,- of lice Whiibp 0,-one ifT'Y a tiemull t voiave aloliar r lx W gl onrahn ha oeur usaea t atis ane creuts'. ke o lie i specous rogrames, retedin a o ais uousia, bRuaitîx, usi coacisi- ~.aimeatm naugist save lise secrese of tise Sa appeinled Benator, vice Rloue. Ms. Bii vsonge et au eppressad people, but Penny, doceeos. Re ile .>'tise ouI>'Box ne nov God's providence Sas foi-ced tram candidate tisaI bus, 0er received the 1>'O les tise up.eofthlie unsafe guideos an avovul nomination of friands iu opposition sa tee ~~~~~~.~~~~~ ettsi lmSifls oiet eil as supporters af lis. Geîernueent. 25c e, ne senle Se net tis etamcing et Coin- Tise Grand Truisk Railva>' station munisue t isleyiita b.hoSefuas]. Lei anS freigisi siei t mIParISill, vlti thisais T Of ne eue suppose5et>' raeronS fetises, contenta, vers sstsoyed b>' fro abount e0 ihut vo havre a vor Bai sy in Sefonce f5v. o'clock p.m., an SalurasS>. Theise of of tise oý'pressors eà tise poor. Wa teel cause of tise tis l sit kpevu, buti s li Sasn'kaeuly as tise mesi enuispokan et ont supposeS te ibmve stasted froue spoutasChoch ebrabisers, luspisiesib>' tise eiuietrmtîen couscoembustion, as no -ou. vue near, eta of e crue]lajuriés vorked b>' baS havs tise premies aldy ossros .n on tise defeucelese tenants of Irelaud; A asmlSa.Leseie. is butl vo uesîuoî aliov eus abisorronco mn ames] Win. P. R=epe>, D ot injustice le luetra>' neie othse repu- 'à once Tomavitis .s t resplayngoù d iation et tise cîammeoetjustice. Ifc Unl o'sObes"vi arsedo u e a th>'1e laudlesd's clai. te ie jusi Sicturdmy in Barrie for sioslLug a ceai sent he questiones], vue vill guirantee in Hevilt's Hôtel, Nevumrlet, tiséV eà lise tensnl'a-vgh ial Sîsela>' et mon- Prapea-ty oatone Raes. Wien murestea ] e e>') sud to-mora, injustice vilu t- h. vas«wearing the asu e oai. lgs ilplie njutice,'ased lu the day cf setin- A sesions faction figist bol place now W bntioa tisa vsong.Soç, viiluehaiingised sosti>' Sbeemiduigisi on.B1turday in -ai visen ho seels for sympatis> luinsie the neigisberiood of Black,'ut Bridge, si troubes. Tise issue le nov piminl>' put Loudon, boiveen a gang of rougis frouei te eus people vsicisofatwtvapastse y' Loudo4eWest., anSeue -trous Lesondon fil yulolov-viseties tiey viii 101ev Est. Several efthtie men are Sadly le ih, tise mon vise ibave marIes] ont a e-aid hurt, Tisuee arresea ere made, Dol-.Co]e tishat muet lbaS ta auges vIlS GoS and Salue, Posa>, âa'Deam>, ail e of m us r 1 disgrâce isotore île Chrstsian vorid, or veee adi>' injures] a vsalc >a gtisa Bisisape cof Ireland, vise, ibrengis s eamed. Palmer. Fese>a' vas staibshoi j <Ioniens anS unhsolan succession eftwiice but bise vouid e esnot serious. fousieeu enuriem, r e the hir etofhoe D rdyngtrbr rk r viso encountered pevei-t> sud exile, DniulgFra>ngirahesbIs T sud durcit deat in u is mesi terrible open lise coilacîlon boxes lu St. Rocai i teris, tis pe~iewlts vsea tieisCisusei, Queboo, and *aisslreoled tleS foiefar e poyl buS up. @ircantents, visicis are gsupposaS t'taSava ail Io aieenied le about $50. It ile'suppos. Du Tise New Aulocracy. ï eS tisai tise sabiero must have beeun ih coucealed lu tise cisurcli belostite doe"T Tise moet important fueoie thlie'vere claieS fer lise nigisisa eexi marre- pfat cImel e ienermous expansion iag ouaeofthe dSara vaa tonSopen Th efttie cerporate pav ers cf transporta. viscivs arte nvfoe 16ai e m te ie e tien companias. Tise ishals round e otfesar uvsigtlg mltr gevrnieetSa eifled froue s politl. B3atisSe>' morniog s treight lrisaï as iA cal te an adonomical basis. WSmî men rives] aI-lise ouatera 'semnaphose ý5' aux isave ucv te f bui agaliset le net tisa Broulville.,itatien. Tise semapisere f21 tyrana>' as4 Mntfa'OVasrea t fthose îlsplmyeS 16e' danger' slgnul anS the outrua ithlstise contrai et affaireeof t rasa ai .once stoppé&-t1; Another isain etala, Sbui 'gainitthlie Oeerpacimeuls etftollovinig close eisnd cime &long anS - Ail vast comilletllpaeofcapitaliste. It ma>'caned40s12e01rueB nselg 5 talre soaoueime for-maxi bto amilimrlzo tva cars anSdngue amo( ese teu.1 <i» teisseelvezs vilS'liais aa aspect, but Thefireusaa nS ivesrjmp* ' ni aS nelSin J'a eMore. evden t ean tisaItishe saveilt tiemeelvas. Ths conSductar e opuli !moue>'p rè nAmreica leOstauliuh-. 'theo liret train-le eid-ia hae sselected th%,i-l iog a uor eoyrnoss I erful tisaiste protectî-lhieaiuasdet cf hie !tran eau J oves vai >mboisadby kIinogs o eu- iicis vuteticne ut tis e acident. - ix péror.eleatstthisametime lbi.a kuoisdp;n soponISIit> an eS -TSe Bvedlali barque Haîras bas Thoe>8 knowed - n tesusi' 'y-7 nd d.Sean abadcues]ire'lat.49-cnst, long. ut' c mita no prliciple Rave peiulrfi t. 87 veel. Ths capiain, ansefficer unS Dr.-. iu thse uId.f"~hlored tyranes atJei-e ibraess vae tuWasi;,thé s'est of Bittai vas iilg ssi-thpîtreq e 6ewe-t roeaveS. 01655r poeîie;<Sbut in tisedaepoiuu ut 15thé etc.1 Bail andit Locomotive thèe la Ã:nolsiag - Tise PallMssU, Gazegas i iiO2 ntý1 le' Suaberac o aowug vas quieteosgs. 0fcourse thiser. vers 55O the nouali tncita of tise boy@, soesropre. ea Unstatlves *f 1.the iry or goblisiofet 10, lb p9oil plddaye, sud 1, doubt uoeth1at loi mr> anxioni oue lb'"isembliog went pýI ooeo ib iïusmytrçs e cromony me filosé viiolaise sspaoad le>gelst oi*a Wù kuowledge oethe future. But lise nigbtis i vaà lise opposite of visaI Il ahould bave lhs biss; Il Wsa bright» *lesat, sud *xi oà lm.ý No hovlisg vind, -etc., oie Oof l'o day-AUllainte' day-e celebratod Ts lu tise Catholio sud Anglicauncisurois pue] lu lý,b. Cli7.>_ ,gs Arclihlébp Mecab;e' Pastoral. Tise feowlug laùn atract troue ise pastrorafe rcisbish isa eOshke, de- ~lvsrod on Boa>'ylast, ontse prsent etue et affaire in Iriand-1 _ Tlie condition oe tirdr ar cunIt> cilla for our- blttereaitlasseo. OuI>'4a li111e vilO Sageur owu cil>' presenied eceas of awlesuess visicsuiglst dis. grace an nchrlellan rabile. lu is trie île sfiI Suss e os.but a isasdful of mièguiSsi yents, but Lt le nevertLeless true tisI evil dors are in our mîSsi, and hsat tse youtsfui cuiprit of ta-day may' Secoue a hardoneil profitme if eecseity tale a in ile se te erisiug goueration. We fe, ourselves, Ver>' Beverend Fats, imperaivl>' calleS on ta enter our use solemu protosi *gaint mnotiser indignit>' viics bas basa oflarod le tisa moral senne cf eus ova ppe laihis cil', liseontre cf Caîholic Iseluad. * On>' a te, days ago avas-coafidîag mon vere etartei troue ileoir drosue et soebtiLrt> b>' lie pablida. tien et a uiitaniéto wisich ai once da- eaiieS thee elerual haw et good and simdc ut tise feuredalieus ounvisice iouli>' rosts. Passiag oves ail oter cases iae viicishese siglets are tirssotened, lot us confiue asiselves lte eue lirticulart cîsse ofthtie omueunb>'.' There aret isundseda of isonet, inserious meng mmong us vise, trusting toeiis aih1 Lu tise public conscience, snd calcrelaling i ou lise securi> visics tisadul>' cousui- tuIeS goerument le oxpecied le g*v,E hava inveta the sfruite eft tieir yUe if toil eud soIf-sacriffce in preperty,d [rom visici tisa>' SpeS tisaitisa>' and n lhis migisi Siav lise ueans etfihonor- chie subsIstance. But mil this muet ba 0 svp ave>' b>tie br*îs ef a hazidul a; -' The News. PBv.FTEKE STAFF'ORD hisa ur thanle for laie Irlish papors. Ris rey ereuce vas lisi Dublin, atappiag aI thse IBurpea RoteI, np te tse 201h Oui. Teehi p (ouent>' et Aberdeen, arriv- eS aI Bau Frîncleco ou aStcrds>'froue Rio Janosie, reporta tisai ou Anguet 015 se passosi ton cospees. Beme appeau. e oS te oeamea. Mmary'Lewis, aà visite girl lu Lexin. ton, KY., marriod a negro. Tise coupl simrtad an thisais vddng- tou. Tvo brothers et tise girlpuratied, shah tise negto doms]; ai] tisé etarted thebi tise 'preaciser vis e rfermod tise ceremon>'. The latter fieS la Columbus. . li. sateS tsaitishe ascisblisop et Vion u asbroughi a lettes frouetise Empeas, Fraudes josephe te spope containing seasslig explanatons et Ring Keusberi'e viait ta tse Austrses capital. itle olaitis tat Lord 8 aibesue, Lord Higs Ciancallor, is Convalescent. The rumes publesod ton Saturds>' liat he vauld resigu tise Csaucelîorship is de- uleS. A rme s e urrentinlaDublin tisai Bart Spencer, Lord Psasideat'et tise Cncil vIlI replace Bart Cowper ce Lor] Lieutenant of Irolaud, and tisaI [LorS Derb>' uli replace Earl Spencer lu the Cabinet. Moeoau, vise iurdered bis vite ai it Anaciet laioehava s cou Bain- ola' tnuSguiie mun sSer et iseofRi.( Twh ory&Wg ladihese ea iein sbinng huuroHalbufax, s cf 8150 À-Seacete thse London r aým PîetermnaritslsutgeSy. h -ificatiou et tise à esvntIo et4 E'agl&UanSandI tise Trual byisu5 Voiketa a s m.caueS gieeiaisb faction. it in underaloà d ti, saI iseP.. voen imh e en siguesi neures -Vlevta giveia trial tissu in reI UPen ite finaliby. Tise VolkaUrQ0 ipsitP da hesvy direct lac 'Md dite 88 per cent, on tforelgn luvoices C discanteutle causeS [n t>sretcr-a'by i susidea anSdseret seasuros.TiseU tives0 4re lagibg ou tise nerlew«Q souwsIt ifroutioré. Tise TSfiMOQs has Pruclimed nusituabi>' ounlie pr RaEiLusND raws $e000, o auloeel froueher foseigs1 Moa&Yeu ber experts uein t>' >'yeurî have ienu troue #10.98 per issad *.to 29.79. yet -tse Mail BayaEnRglans la tdig te the doge lsrOngshbeu free brade polie>' Taxu-Ru Se'ger I W&U. man vis evas fixinsgIdavate <sella vlich val leallng, bedam vrym anucytsi aiie :éolor>':bo:y-g::r: youth et about 1 asOfyg a, Sre av k tshie vuesc s sif te astui andis Tise SaSy-guarcl eloS kis gren u n ceuitemptuoel>'rmre ;" l' atraid et yen. I8se vrIeS for saissup segisi meaner mou dan -yen la."y Te thia tise genthemanidgatyrpid Ye1OIYu 1ite sasca, ; Yen Caver diS il, Soe.peasspars on tise Inercelunial train froue Ralifax ta Qnoisac on Saine. od su>' lsa is t auS Loo.e miles olinoc s ict mnua. ronth Hlifae vat iion.fmlsa os Buclea's Arnica salve. Tse Bout Salve -intse vomiS for "uts, aistes, Soeas Ulcars, Salt ilionum Fesse oes, Tous, cheappeHanda, obl as, vus.~~~~~~~ au lesuBupi nd possitive. cures Piles. Ila nmte o*epar bei slaifcion o o le cents pes bac. re A Matchîa Medicine. Tise oooling, olasus 0 seigsdsu] gircpartiescOltDr. Effauvlaf ct 01 o scStrivber-y rendes ilt ase et rousi> Lte worsi fou ml1 to-nacf o y- on [mata, aokies0f1 te siomacs oram oleru usrbue sudda.ntery. myeg ale, and ml-ssys rolsaile. Il Never Fail. ' e. Fovbere Extmgifc i c IfStusybe" au ntihiisg rod>'forail SLà siofblova Gndmoiser der, r 0Ztahs3ys esbeS humeto gup the. BuzdoIs:ridbil don i w YOU t ainitise custive proprtasput 6ua iu4iatrni IanB Eio im c ueusarlc Iltria se10 cent. - <lt tisa-Bal te test niat p rmpt ansi set eusseur ago (iuuanCholem Tulstunita 'et isen zdicevrei îePbpnrity il diümisi'b>' ege. ARil edie Seules, SBea Sickicas.- ise'beit ridosandi slttv e c SaeuiseDu. OPfeîs a xùtrof etWi& svWbOury. Ib isÀalo, the beat reeS> tua orne of Suinier cemluiniste "ua or 1usd il viii net ýfe yen. AIR îe. Lenves ehal S e. fer.the fliallug cf the-ùNutes." ssil an "Is4ueo. , n1v.! obtaincd iu 1 OYEIUJO0 No. 1, DEVI .Almosi xeurslgasu& op~ semand ffais 7Ã"1 yaum ld. 2 eailine ntitoc ins Pi-cvîdens5Z The Prye avrisdmuu NEW 1 bal an Yôùre thdy, Pïne m 1 1 - 1 g'l - 1 -« Qt f Li 'ake off ,le