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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Dec 1881, p. 1

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tHE~~ ~~ 1,~ 'O#N4L. il OX TUSKU85 aa idnd aet., New York. ION - dite Sectirl1i, M'Ageaî, Wbtby. MIILLS. 1 k37. The ly, la the 9 ANNER , satisfaction. vest rate@. INDS OpMILL dd for Whoit dlipes, t metl r. P. WITE, 0. .27 Propietor. & L13DBAT [XE TABLE. il. 22nd, 1881. ro*ru. &nM. M .1 r. Mt.5 s.a pw, autl *Ad Wtck, BOSS. Imleiat.' - COU1RTS FOR 1881 Ifc > oid 4, sept. 2. 9, Boy. M. 8, May le,, 7.Nov. 17, VELL, lie Ye .--l Hrala Business Direotory. oN4TAR1O BANK, wHITBY BBANOH, THOMAS DOW, MESSRS IBITOHIE & BILLI1NGS BARRI STERS '&-ATTORNEFY 8 AT L.AW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY dc n 1 ~ it l y G. H. RITCHIE, W. H. BILLINGS, Toronto. Whitby. FAREWELL 6 UTJLBDGE, BT ARRISTERS, ATTORNBTS, SOLI. Dciter@, Notantes Public, and Oonvey. %onoirs. Office Brut door Southi c tiie Royal Elotel, *bÎti. JAoMeS- RtITDGI3, B. A. 3, B. FARIEWELL, L. L. B., County Crown Attorney. 48 O'SU!LLIVAN- & PERDUE, FFICES: 72 Yonge Street, nuit the Dominion Bank, ad Corner Kng aod yonge Street&, Tozonto. 0. A. OSULLUVAN. W. E. PERDUJE. october Bird, 1880. -y4 JAMES KEITU GORDON, Notry Publie , &o. St-pndi 1, rt dbar veut ofArmstronu tel.- money to Lon-Ptivmte fund-i«t lnw intereut. DAVID ORXISTON, B.A., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chanery, Couvoyancer, &-a. oivrxc-Inthe. OMMieSouth of the. Pont offie, in MrMiliao'is Block, Brock Street, Whitby. l1y40 Rtoi3iNsON & KENT, (L&rs DuooÂx 4 Bosixnau.) BAIIRISTERS-ATLÂW, ATTOBE - Boýys, Solitoru, Oonveyano.ra, dro. OFFIOR.-In victoria Ohabanls, No. 9, Victoria Street. .1..Bouicsus,. à.. Hammsa:A. E.Itmun. G. YOUNG SIHTU, L L. B., ARRSTE, &., c.-one toLosa orncz-Over Dominion 3B, WhltbY. Jan. 22,1878. (tf-O JIYO. G. KELLEY, Sre, Wbtby, Ont. J. HAMER GREENWOOD, ATTOBSBT ÂMoDSOLIIOR, CON- A Meyncr. Notary Publie, &o -Pout OfficeDr.ver No. 11, Wbutby, Ont. Fgrme bougt andi oaI; KartiageSottie. monts, WUIDanTruata nmai.e ali.. Loans negotlated on w&B1 ini nofProp.rty. 42.1y CHARLES C. KELLER, ATTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOB IN AM Cbsnc.ry Conveyancet, &o., Canning- ton, Broak, C. W L. T. DARCLAY, ATTOlINE-AT-LAW, SOLICITOB Alu OhanoerysuniInsoivency, Canve>'- .Sncer, &o., &c. JOHN HALL DOW, BARISTII-ÂT-LÂW, SOLICITOR B -inChanmuyCoavoyancer, &o. OMlic-Deveriil'a Block. Brook*Street, Wbtby. MONET TO LBND-Prtvate Puni..- inn un p ta 8$M.,as a law rate cf in- tereui. (Iy-09 JOHN A. DcoGILLIVRLAT, (Snoceaaor ta H. M. Haveil.) B ARISTER & ATTORNET-ÂT-LÂW, - frUT HOSPITAL LONDON, EEG., t.jIhe R0. H. .uaeOa-t.- niIbbDOAlIT, Whilby, Sept. 8004,1874. hiE . J ATES.Nommpaer Rov (Timitel »ledil4gý, No kOnte authoeOd itu omî9ai fr dareIhiO monta nta bie C3HoePUPLE aI Sur W.ADAMSJ, 1»80 io6, P. . raseu-Ot.a , C, K. VN,2.. Ai eha asmbetheaP."a, as bouat.aethesa ef ioetn Iof' GoaciL iquorsandai.Cigar. Commodions Stabling. Flnsi-lis a very Stable sud Billard Parlour milmbe. 17-60 BROUGHAM HOTEL, Crner llrock %a Main Streets, intheii Village ci Broughiam. Firtoelsas accommodations. Best Liqnors ai. Cigars. Goci eabling and attentive boeter. THOMAS POUCHRPROPBTO. L CLSDAUCTIONEIER ior the. L onî etanok md antit suMaSouth Ontario. Auction al e. droestate, fanaa stock, oIe..attenied il moderaté charges. n0iy t 'Bmh4ot CENTR AL HOUSE, OSILAWA, O0., W. B. htCDAW, -Propietor. liraI-cue soocumodatlon. Buet Winee. LiqucoaMd Cigara. oaci. tablag and attentives hustiers. ly-17 WHITBY HOUS DlUNDÂS-ST. WHITBY. Tbe underigned van!. tationate ta thie publieta tt tii.bove prommtsahave hein eviýy hufil : anI BtedOp tiroughout. ior theacommodaionofguusa. DesI Wla.a, Liquoru and Cigare. THE OREAU OP CANADe-WALZ LAcER. Alto pure Ruine Wine. Ler«, Wbc.- suie and BetaIL Boinderu taken by the veek on moder- ato termas. JOSEPH A. BARDELId July, 28tii 1880. 82- ]BLACK HORBE MOTEL, COU. FEONT & GIomos Sns., TOBONTO. ALFF.ED OXFORDý,- PROPMETOB9. <Lite ai Wellington Untel, Markbani.) TRRMS, $100 PBR DAT. Good tahi. iag ior aven 800 ioraes. Fùwrem ols secca modation ifon iaereuni. the travelIn public la guneral. 1y THE HODGSON HOUSEO, <lAt. Tlmoti 1w sys The above promise. have bien tàme by the. undenmgei, antdarm nov bela el litted up for lie necepu ei.gueW a l the. travellingPablio. Boet Wlnealiqnce, cigar, &., Koa"a14 ail hourm Goi.t&Mbing, shed. room, Mamdlmc tte tive cetier. Wl!. HGDGSON. THOS. SLEIGHY -Cm ncw b. tounaa t bis Sop- TWO 150OR13 WEST OF AEMSTUONG'5 -HOTEL DUNDÂS STREET. 9ý AUl Oniesipomptiy att«ed . 0M_ Whitby, Apil 14, 1880. LUMBER 1_LUMBERI -LUMBEB MBeIRA1T) ']amon bandalawgoeuply Qa milkage. orf ai Gea. Cormack, Ir MBIB XRCEANT& BUILDRR inge, imaI al kofJTwisled Moldiulp, Doone, Saa B adsn. LUMDER viiolesale md I retafl, or by by the. carlId& Planing, Moldinge of ever dessnip- dion, Fîcoringu SiiOitlug, Bbelvlug, Re- sawing, Shaplagu Turing. Ssnofl-work, etc., etc. Wbitby. 0.1. 101h, 18m. 4 v eT l ig c ta ct m y e m . oun ld u zs ]U w Tom.-U MONEY TO LOA14 -i ON REAL ESTÂTEB EOURtTY. At lovt living tatou c«I melu lioneyseUnswftàb n10 isys a.fsp. Apply te OHNwErÂs Wuby, p.bruarylUi, 18lm. I ]ÇNG BROT"E8. ImporteraD«e1«6 U aufseksr*m aua LEA ifERI A L IN lN 8 Ma1890»UT NOTICE. m Witt,cala Plild -- 4 " atuzb*, uïthlag -lnduatY , v ivcte. PeaoePZorsKoligiBcino VOL. XXV. Tihasot 0-0 a Dm y Bouse lu tbe clty, only two blocks from the Nortiieru Depot,adcloue ta, the Mankot. The Houas bal been nuvi! R08813 HOUBE.TOBONTO, ONT. The Palace Hlotul ai Cnada Refotteci, Befuinlhoi. aidUnivelled. Nov Piiuea gor Elevutor, runnng nigiit mii. day. The only jirtaiu otltin Canadavit h gada. ated rieosvis.-22, $2.50, aud $8 pu ay mer.lbesàofClubs mai otiieru, dann rooma, wthout boad, Ito 8xri Peh. 97tb, 878. Poprietor. B RITISE AlERICAN HOTEL, (LAna mOaSOit nouas.) WHITBY, 0OXT ARB10 Houa. nevly reaovtci and iunnisiiei tiiroughout, mai put in firt-cias.arien for the ecepton ali guesea. An omnibus b aid lnom &Ui trains. Firat-cins &aimple nocas. S H A KES8P EARBE HO0T E L Cor. Ring & York-uts., Toronto, Ont. J. A.OGRADY. - PROPRIRBTOB. Tzaus, $1.60 Pn aDàv. (ly-47) POST OFFICE SALOON, TomouTio. A[. McONNELL, - -P1OPBLHTOB. OS" THE DEST AOCOMMODATION oM for Guete. (5-47) T HE quBBNq'S HOTEL, B B Irsa, Wnra. PHILIP McCANN. - - Propristor. Bloat Liquora sud Cigars. A vel su- plied table. Alry hed'nooms. Contfortb atmblin "at large yard room. Ciiarges moderato. -83 wIIITXBY, RVNE01?OTR DHE1SA,]EEBR8,181 COUCHS AND COLDB, BÂLSAIVIC -PREPARED E MULSION By- Wu R. HOWSE, Corner (ly-16) Drug Store,, WHITBYP ONTARIO.. CHINA HALL,l ezax or T» BIG ive (maisTr»> 71 KING-8T. EA8T TORONTO. Pacy Br.akfat si. Toiseffti, FY Dinner mai.Dessetuet. Pancy Bed-room Sets. Pmncy Jugem ai. Tompota. sillvr'paei= tie,, Paorkang pcs 55w rPlaaiCrulema. alerCol= e Silven Platai. Cake Baskets. Roi.gmna'Knve uni. Park@. TuaTiu a.servere. Ploye Shdeafor 141y's, dc.,do Glamuvire, micptlana. WbheStnevie uayktnd. GLOVERHARBEISON, importer. INSURAN-CE. GILeSPIE, MoiTÀIT hà(Co., M. UMW mtTR i4 pmd& Miaigeu,01opIMeiL Wbillty. Apail *à, W& 1 béfha cnly hkù*I V4ý ýysà a .Pcblnaittur b "" *n ,0.*..d iet rýheoielputt* oïuéguyeou SDdfie er that l1sb'n.'ab1ru" Ihs long, lh' n lrdt icmin dulaub Ah, wneilme,l ihL Ouliiova? If wehad onlykieeuhwabat tbeds 'The bu1il tbrieLd5by liiiwentjn. liawiawe rnnd n'rr golden nM 'To hesp a treasure or 1h. asWeet by.sw 11d cisit barreit A aur bel Uf ve bai cily kuowa bow fair the lani. Tbnough wblob ve xiaded, blie' âkies aheu.i ?raut tb. blau=&s héàsN.eeon: eit lo bste cuar uýîrda"W-wed survebadUngý&-, Aow'ry cdam And. 1.41h. voicetbaAülu uin liv. ba" caly kuiva w .Il8t lb. l Tii. Fatebat Iuna onturtimp bUse Do~ r~A hu rue v iog weas iaon Iw s'eut 11wa bai oaly Ihuova, v. mlghbav.AU Fevry arn.» momeut viii a anoiiofhM M~veyer«mcurneds".proloua jcy.4i 0oier feutIhe bittabusafaho=uri 11k. i f vu ba" ouly ucknonve ad dg Iv. bai. ol;y Icuoiml1Couli we eertu Tii' uawurvag euoe ot Nature ma li s te, lt Èv'& M r hum. TeMb. lie yvo out whvat galinl h Ori bi"Atoemi"ln8,rope of @mai P Ro vtthsvain i »110«Th uela amu beouar ovu W. atil b.iyoa.6iedevions vaY ve val Wîtii mdi »ttmakeus po la ný oent la .nsig1y, deesfat Hueo huovleefrom us 15il ca me. CLOCHETTE. 014, LOVE AND WAE. flOU Tu 135cu.. The fooicig evente occumad son mlxty cdc years *go. when Napolec Bonaparte vus Enperor cf Frane.,i the fimse ina bmwu nawere narehit to, vlctoiy after VlotOllu*ch coi tisa but 0*iytoc hA py toe coaver edlat focd for povse md abat,i cnirtoviaerlapaiftfpsuetm or ibboncifhe Lag icacfRonodrc probs..m u fwvoiord. cf p rai r ie ips cf ie Impe.I à aj. 'Wtst ertendi I? TheLto pondi, wcath.j lov.d; bia -om ffm ls ubir, go lli fia Anabisaw0 and ttum cf e.~ 71- bdaw a4 mzgIcsll a hago y' ýitIth $1.yub wvs.ehich. 1krail resu, ù Alirbi.umia5vui ~dcibt. Mdj bàvo e MMuniversiily cope iffalt.Ibolr-' * psnenmiui basa. smu indlent 'su Pion- S Ver.y, ,ùfici alleiela mre respecte, eda cf pretty;.Oioe evianda. Ma- 'Like Pietro, Iws vas ribnigi, manly . OUD-g felow,fful acf pirIteudi. ctlvlty mt betihohaiben rewa iin a very differ- «à *aeie sh , mo f a ueigbcning lbfmr, via tr-,m aamati, begminlg bi gnsown -b , i. lb. ýprapnitceor f& bery. rm ami swnov sjou i >ell'.à ro-e4itae *h sort aupe. bou 'Nov, ielthuiherres a aqe bhai eb in mbrôogtapso dféé ii acf~~ou eilash.àbai-iai eri Iadac4- w2re ybâi ot iAoter ýb btohea.hy @"ane rupture aulil lie fon1cwipgevlà oaeuxne.- , ,;,1 -,, îIt ",tplmaieehsaawt4l~brive In, led uribrtion of lie Emperar a viotoily aI, m, Jma cUP Niiflocked 'ezeybciy boîb cli. tm tbprel4dipnv vdm t cf h* iw j sudn W'ho t- ZÊaosufbe t icoua 'cM'i 9 id uhem >I ib' lehos thoôrake à Thc eague -dg- tla stik irelfora aiI fo e I ga îleg lte-alite vue 1h au thicô tf i idô,iilng oaiy; aet vie, reteyelii hhaansloettesi cal laldo lbWhorwustanlitagabutgàybhort fcdsamnefimnglb goi.peoploacf Av. ntiesfowi. heomi. hn,.1k t thei. ave cf ihnligeet theyka Ti udagobelog 'ci ccg ifor a o tuoment, gaaiaahe »a ,nti. nebeaomsa.,Wmail 'bfeaien oing aii or aiUot, t on, .iieIyhI. ý poil aI dilanc Oowinorab, teld astiWmo .- -iaeevt fea.1 . 'pair la-hii huart,sMd-t'feelingc nv in lts.Ated ",towanis bhiet l nei -Té4 woin.éastIhîtClochette' iandui. 64er burownUstile heurtho-ie .sf ki*eping of $cuaien iovs by tic W&y, ie emy vamlprccedig ah, coul. bave adoptai - tuden aMY et- cuastanea;fo Pere Nrvl iep tc cmreieça asti. olatile 'adsosto ,@ver bu bave maie bar Bo hippy ""&0i -doerevei. Â ndinis il vas thkt lbe. frieudsbip of Pierre ai., Jacqnu sturai. dto bitter EverÎy day the gap grsv dueper sti. 'Yseipniapa, alal, il migit Ilot have ~ ~ iits uddobal,11bi.nottb' fo~ tik ccn on~ta oing l ie ultiiàtl~ vnnig Oobbette*"iiJoqao sire -i , oanibr, mivina *awa tcba an.Si. voulsi soonfr già iâii mn.aepially if- Jacqueu; néve rel folt'vs nità poaITIe NO1 51. ,pmhà mOtenlt'-cf 'vongéanée -arrive, sud, -*Ornevtte sies eu euuy.Aal 1f irist .eèpeaxt d t~ ore ths;- hi Pi, pinagsay, s' oueh'ti diets in eW nulkod iaieepanably, tW geti, lioe oac esid 'irnouh malumaybates cf ,Ais-uur-Arb i. Cielp Auhert, l inli 'mii mny Of, -bin braveo opaoâ eainthlb mm.cof Iheir ovit ogent à-eupèoially beiag declmaisi. téalifanfut ezient.- But lbe undi.is-a v3at'-hà'nd. lan th'etio o ti ele hattilo cf Mont- m Inai, a amnying the alliei. position by asauliJioquesantd Pierrefound' thisffoives ido hy aide.- *Fa ~' adi. uinsragei tie' baille filai day.â ' -Atleni ,88ep'btl 'hm ngmenit, ai thiugdm 1 thaylby,' viiimae thera' venu ,vez1l*tos -a~'-m n d*ied veretompanyoma) b is m' >"rnr* piàd ula', -minci for klcry. lat'~h u fiado~a~u a lte Macovites. " ' ie ", o Anlpoor '11 tcutr'a ing àtalmcme ôenl-nii'ir >tly býigte yes tei by the ve fnnrr ile ià* liýfýtb f 'he appi- th cnl'a a~mugé.v ber mogns a-trou cf ber,'ûà, iimtumno thon entu ouuaiem. ths Md :bba b!er haid 'agala aid a#sn diunegs.rded,- 4o', bth6m'ie mreeal by ih vvata àr. as'&Ja bon bàiiikerciief ho bthlmlii howis cFul Olôciote oùs bfeigiht, aùd 'vetod sIi oin ldiÎV titi' anmi. *id fNl lie maue .of le MasilaieMai; i mci th" a le isance i;'ta ualensif undor covor iovn 1 ~ anlitho êinl,-ma i von- overcaome1* der, vou 1, GhmJaqe cld lebu,ùtiu' ever conte bai ohafiand âïIf ho, dud, 1 Wieeh 'Wbolhir ho wânùld velurm lite sants as thle a o!'la ho iiid dpartei., viliithemUsua)nutuber fSe6aroséei ofl>,ýeasandarama vith It vi tstreIà baI la&ilieVio pnvi.tm ' ' ibsoudimd~ Dut t sv ci lochette for avilie J'f cfe l.tciiü mi. meec=pay Jacques sud Pierire on ed'hy cute 'd ieh romi;to'gloiry. '-",- catp i s - 1 -Bollioomin tram, an* 'lo"n. thoy, ,Tliefoni voestrmuafunrod tc i ergset;ceas. WJ>én sud, la lie lite of actli w-woichoUcv.Iloi., ad the r ei. tiuyfalmnioalforgat ter»nit'o -ehndured où *anis-eàOhtben,- ' Dpdeau mIaia "Ami . ,cta l huie vn c estrc 0 .tno ooniJa~wl&hlita liviht 1111 lilto ti INCORPORATED z83. ABS BT 8, 91,101,M78DL F. A. BALE Mua1ke. Inuuraces effoeoli t th. lovast cumuln rate on Baildinge, mercliandise, and cher property, s.gins lmu or damag by ame Wbitby, ApriMlm la78 1 ARCHITECT'URE I DRAWING0 AND SPECIFICATION BUILIÉIIOS pati pt IvreitlsVMW E.3«000 CHIJRtfAiD 8Ç100L AJWUùiTE1 ~A' H. B. BABEERAblct ,. M, ON EY TO LO AN on EAY Tuv a 1Apply le- thousada felu anud __hlm, ie souglit deâ;thîla viia ta'tnlmt Befone peace wis msgned, bh~gd- negimeut, and-iefound bupu.lfapi asa à eWandforth. "despnio> osaa ,,&heo oaag.'ofdspf,"h i~da played at the ',bileu c Na tonsu Thua il aa UaWh.on é en ct f' hlms own ïnegiàient -returnnai bo'«thefr hôo, be vasnot itifongat thora,-l9ut remnainsi. at Paia witb isMe giment. Iodeed ifheà réuhdb'ud bavefoudàcpu~tatWB coulehlm hie promotioôn; as bath ld aisftIâe r . ana ýmolb an'édhuén carnlcd -off byàpt- lent fever durng là ~ao, svur, uol yet colnlde'd ÙtïWilelb. ai olord aoveeigisvr.y tnniii±ovir thé tropuies cfsucé00 1i poàcudes- tsped from Iba h dreartgl Fiance. 'The- Impéral' 0ùsid *eetheý liretý tush mii bils standard, arnoig' thbenioaicourse being Pierre Narval. by, bis devote' aierents, v. oon ahâ, th. bei. of anatotwformdable' àrI ,1. Mtore fightingIZ-an-more lo.e foliovd, aith ibm lde a o i Lgn sd Quatre Bras i w-dd ta Îhe pages Wbereverie baIle aged thioket, thome vie ta b. fouP&..Pierra Na'rval; snidnnxn emaue embtvaiinsae é4 an hie neobleas hnavery, caIitist forth more than onze t1h. pu'Me* cf lie gétI Emàperor himmeif._,, 2- -AIlengthbis prayor8.wereo snsvemed.- mo:eé fani ebugbh . 6-ath hloo. d lJ>âeiitdspànongEhu f"1h. as and ets C, iim--rea- I '.111 S 1n. sl'tit >t lAttis momrov- ê -timbi'- ~eeôTen W. H. BMLINOS groe MrfceevnOutano Bank, Pu leu cm U bil C. N. VSARS# L. D. Se'me ]yNA OM eavi Ina AI. 0 ~anaeon Xîng t eet. «SLLPHOLINE LOTION." > SO~IR&S AIO LOIN," lMUTAtDJ Authorlzod capital DIBEO-TOBE 7eI. 1877. ONTARIO noTEL, JON BaocxSMZ, RM* Dominion Wood Work8, B'1" AEIA JONLESLIE. - Praprisior. OLite ai tii. Simao. HRoua., Toronte.) WHITBY. AssurIance Company, ' ýi

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