Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Dec 1881, p. 2

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Oum i. ~q~kW ~ osD Bhigt ~ir- .$ ouding. ralent -O. A o. i Notceta ~rdloug ét Ellen Dunnâ- Ntchop oreltdrso otaiie ldon. 13 ùàl'Telo l"011 .' Mlîbumn oto q ro4tors 0f John Fl$spatrlk Farewell & 4ulledgo. Soliotar. Offl for BI.l- . RoHvne, droig. Oure C W~opn o>gb. ReBo yo.' vils-l Brzce. Oh" eaqi,*able odesai Doinin Wîîëoom-J.ý .Powell à 0a, Great "stock- af Qarpets, obeabp-T. B. Pne-,J. B. PowolM% Ca. Tallrng-J. B. Powell & Co. XmiauGruoerise Panay, Oîookeq and Gasei.war-il. Bb PawelF& Co. Card t bme lectaru-,Tobn Blow. Notice tao redlîo-G. Y. Sm-t*tb, Soli. citai. Macka Itiagnetin Medicine- W. B~. Hovae, dmugglit. Qiedit 8.4Ose. Wetlakc. Orodit Sale-À. G. MarkIe. Aution Bales-L. Fairbanks. Speoal-J. S. Robertmoq & Brou. Spectal Notice-E. Frosi.. Speolal bargains for tii mouth-C FP. Stewart. mnas Fanoy Goodo-O. F. Stewart. Sacrifias sale-E. Froat. Bmrrutt'u Pbotograph Gallery. AUOTIUN SALES. Bale of hlgh.grade cattle, bories, coatwold uheep implinienls, &o., the. property af Mr. George Long, ai bis V msilot No 10, i helt o. okrng, an WedneudayDa 14, 1881-L. Fairbanks, auctioneer. Sale of thorough.bred and hlgh.grde naille, oauvaold and leicester seep, boises, hon, laipllneaw&q.0 the prop. eîly af Mr. Chane Westake, Ai bis Vrmsslot 84, in the. 2nd cou, af W141, a. Tbwsday De o IM,, 1881- L. Fairbanks,Âuctiloneer. Bale ai boise., buggies, Cotter,, hanse. h.)ld futrnitcue, pia.na, &o., the praperty ofi11r*Â. G. harkIe, sathbeRoyalbot.l, tawn ai Whltby, an OBarday Dec 10th, ONLY Sz: oa PER AINUU. Whitby, Thmmsdy, Dec. 8, 1881. Gen. Heveon andllirJahn. àa Dtt o V IAI AND POLMTIAL e Toair. Gousiatl Hewson'o biter, ta wli1chref. ensue is mnade feawbere, appeaus At tiilength in the Toroto aWanld. Coin. menting opa. it, the, editoi ai that paper ope ale ather lightlngly-a*nc 11witbout knowldge"-of theéanioed. enteairGenerai Hewson and his canneu, tion with Sir Jahn Macdonald. W. happe. ta be la a position otao~i Our Toranto canlsepoiary rig>t upan-some p ointe..Ouir -persoasi kowldgeaof Michael Buit Heveon ettends- back ho 1855-58 whsn vs SOnt met him in Whibby. -Ltke oniurse he la a Lirai, eik mân. He vas baW i SJockey, Hall in that aounty, where bis family W&@ ous of stains g aSpa.ltlon, si veli au la Cork and Keýy ;hne laa . sin af Lord Bmly, And ëfthat paiaile Ilebma.,te 4hle Isant, s"a bis famly uonecteS wvub the :Englieh =ekf.suadSW«blYu. Tvenmty.ave yveais&go, wheu reldng bitois bis leva nsdOéaaw, Mr. HEWin e becam *enageSin the promotion cf wht a.known se Wbltby *b G«egla Bay Rairw¶ The prjeci, f mainMS onvia'ave maie 4h. >c0'ut!y of Outuriaýthéeh;bway for .hie, *déof the nom »nda e boive ýb" 'an the coucty lowa of Wbih l on cf(t imivertanu,'Bt irpsp e ]MA;o sagnetiy ducte st tba lime catg th. advanageaof rilivau, t he. Wblvuwa a havy Io lain'maea"a 7 mongey te Hevsou and aibers ogegd lu b. imerta1tin. Mr. 'Eêveonib.> eequetty boocue'cusoclaledinuhlwOaai aa Silihei U - t.John i, 91o1 John iluSaoua-wlth vhom hie peî. sona 1sWi OZm r t h. :*oe î,nti. rttel cvibd h v.wu w rite fo the Ivbaseda $0oa, ma. he aleg. e,u 4he K. XO. B's pbsdge ofi-honor to rat 1048mà san. 8rvehr.ai 4h. turneS. AnS citer long weany vuiin Pl& ed . - ihin Court, and Ob. tainod ow obrisait lucria Mapemeut 00e$MI alllegwa t bc flih iat; b oineimthle pat oair mJohn aoai PoleStb ioaud reu o the . ou ai wb4s a il âr haveherd'.d0 mach -vilthebreunlto 'ai asettlsment$o lb. baslu of suaverS by a c'tinBn stofre 0GÉ. Hevlot # 2,500 lu cash, dü",bu4eaulVoUo*eS, ho ayu,, 4hbe.oaceqIaaboust b oome ipato onurt Stein. and therelore ve go nfur. taIf l maile. -- ý Aà À istaxeu Charge. W. ebd the foiiawlng lu the. Orhic * "Tii? imca. County property Oom-, mitte reporteS utat suer ocreful >ou0n-. tidenstlan cf facte nov befon. e uv* salirai y exonerete Henry Creeviake, Boq., Ca. Survoyar, tram certain chsrg. es made by the Vhitby ÇaaaxxcLa; aad on ith.eove cf the resignation ai liai gentleman wm cannotat .11vthe oppon. tnnity ta, pas wtiout tsndering hlm aur congratulation$ ou. ~e uoiii n qu.rgotio manner ià wiich h. lbas dis. changeS hie Suifes au Connty Engine as ud- my ilng bie long tenua of TU gWarar CnboziioLz -noyer, madIs, suy charges aglnerMMr. ,Or@evicke> Tii. Praperty Oommulé the laBicoe Oounty Conocîlare quit. alutaken lu ibis. Whaimvmr appuarénethé lb.Oow zca sin connection viii Mr. Creevlokm*s naom s uin tun report ailbfptahe i lugu af thè Cannty Concil ot O=alo sud for whlch ithe members oai lad body art anoverable,« not the edtor af the. CHOnNicilI. Thst Harbar Cammittee. Ws bave been asked mais thon hall a Sosen limes wiat bas been Sons by lhe spcoîal commuttes appointeSl by thc Coaniy Conseil in refermne ta Wiuby harbor. Of courseoar replyhau besan ual we knev of no action having beau taken by thes gentlemen appointeS. Tbme t'e. fnueS te join in the-Tovn Canne il r. oeption te, Sir'Hsctor Langevin. an ithe ground that thai vas oniside the oh. jeci ofitheu appoinimet-whilc vas te pîocscd ta Ottawa and Interview tie Gavriment. That bas ual been done. Au thi. Cannty Council mesis in Joau. any, viien a repaît irom tbi.e pSici commuttees viiibe sapected as .ta lh. mannen lu vbich they have porfoîmeti the. Snty snirusted ta tIasin charge, itlàl lime, wvsusbmil, ihaiaction vere tak- un. Tiie pretmn% vauld b. an oppor- tane manment ta g o tOtawa anS sqb. mitithe.cdaims ai Ibo Port ai Whithy la be maSe a bhebraifcreinge--hat ls if the commtte ienS ta do anyihlng in tue matr.- AS Aaaxe.&L SBURPIS.- A Mnn thrangh 1h.esatablishiment ai, Meus. J. S. Robertson & Brou yegt"rdy.anud an examination ai biu holiday gooda, vas lnS.md an agreesble sunrprise ta us -nol anly in lb. large dispiay, but In thei greal vsniely asdIntiuele vaine of the articles offest for 'sale. W. eoniy thoaght laui ho givo a iook ;" but ve looketi, cnS pramineti, anuiadmlred, and vonderid, andicouti renahni dey' vondering a»d admiring and look- ing ai th. houad-aye lthe hundreti thousand nov andi becutilnnStempi. lng objeuta,'on tiebm shem andcoonut.is cf the Msuras. Robeiwsn, Every de- Panneont lsa c sigi n iseif worth se.. mg. la bâoue b>oo-standaid voike anS ialday books, andi boka for pin- senlaian ta aIld anS young, th. shelvcs are loaSed.Thm Toys 1t-velilbtapaoy eau only b. SiecaLb i t ul.an o iS aid o DPominie Sanipson ae-"Prodlgious l" A Dow lins,. tiuck oui by Meigre. Bobertsa, is ta b. band In soute re. markably atiractive Scotch vhie vooti gobde. 'Tbey enibrace albums, pocket tablele, lkelede, jaïvel boxea, countin- ing- bous caiendans, ocît cases, vases, >match boxes, spectacle caues. pîncusbns, anS ahludiedtiaer usclul adornam*pen talat7lcle-4-c 'ttê&fe. tore; af vWhi a spe 1è ieva wooi' ie principal baliia aÏWhltby anS ho. oalily. Bat, ho -orasuy'usottime of lh. prspanaloa uae this énier; prising fru to Most' thme doa.Se mani, »atthein effort. to supply eaoW., thig nev ilu Chieluae carde, an4t h. Manr other humeiiasy ceit.nY, avaito -4 'lo. a a ee ary aS s r la ft Jobn ta b. ithe Tory Candidate for South Ontario. Tu a aoiher ai lis motques. ions ai the Tory meeting at Broaliln on Saniy.Ita eue tao 4h41 BuSe laver viiimany imembsrs ai tis parip lý the. Riding. vie bhave no0 iaps liaI Que trou among* t bsuselves conîd yneel BSouth Ontario (rom Mn. Gio.. --The, gestinig Sir JoWtt cme te Ibe'moeue àlaa uniea iguofthefrin bolS Mr. Gien ioi on the couOnsnna, as liaI lis Taries beaw lisir own veaknue.,Bat iavw i e h'lomlcalgas- pirete-ike candidates. ta expsctancy -acc eli pslin Wil ,1hey h. content ta b. )oupell4S ta take a ack seat anS have Ibsur pdieIbus au. madipsel amide bj lé ia.vre.pnl.ns? Bai t ihino effarofours. WLe- b siecion manipulatois feloir on lis "lboiteS kigit." Thora are udi Taries enoagh lu South Ontario, (=atih.ovi gel noie other tiie4tToryvoe)leet hlm. Mr. GBon, wÛ fi beiûteUdibein. et Partyct isiebaokmcy bld lb. ,e cr- ter balStelances, WC opinal hovevei liaIWho viie ie9e us u h haoanalti viiibe0 fiU' t», ac campalguer la consento ta ibis muI. ticai lbae jzOntania Camplimoeuc uaa n'~nta MrT. 0ong MaclaI. mot4àai ke Royal iaâel ou Sal.1 ordayevnn an enrtleihl goquombsanetý omullisnla spper, pnevtouata«lus Separlare itou Wbiiby. Tho "rativas isien by Mnr. J. B. PFeue. veli,Snd ibe Vice-cair byCaoL'Daia. Grnsee as malS b7 «Bird Mi HI£ fthe sOnticro Ladili 'Colleger Afti.wf uJtioeebain& Sans lie gooti' ih~fsft$eS~ nti is uual andcti eir jôhýercnaUly. Bu John basd h. Gênerai are, aiS "ooni," andi no SQubl the latter speiake, "by tbm book"; but the. public i&#ûoîý -rîlieS aie -h&bee vih viich ve bave auy cion. Tii. &ipainil *otais" give a rallier paluful 0lgsu'io a't.pquier loasby, whiioh a"party leaSê%opcides tuhowaer anS populayianylosa45 aGns a.boseiterposition ho knv-tbat ie lu' bave ,alveyo ,undenlalu .-bhio, rleaing. IITbey ar eclearly,'hb.noisette, lie orlglu. atlng ccuse, ai tie lie convention and, banquet. 'Bien so, ta book a partýy géthenlng- - Donbtleswthe pssurs àaugroat Of belugehe seaste cheat - As lookeru.on tee mos ail46i Thai beaut peicelve, s juggler's sblgit, And ti li, lie lestboy undersanti, The more they admire bis slelgbl of baud. The Ontario Bn Meeting. The 'meeting oaitlia tookholdeie ai tbm Ontaioa Bank, caileti for lu.t Wed- neuday ta take imb conuideration tie proprîety ai reduclng theïr capital stock one hait proveS a most sarnay eue, wiangling beiug Me. aider ai the day, during tue Ibres days vicait lasteti. On WoSuesday Mr. Glass, ai Landau, Moved a motion rsfuing ta take eny action viatevernatil the. I3os.r'l va remodeled. This vas resaised by lie Directars, anS as a osequeuce a vote ba, tiho be tes.whicb occupie thIe, lime until lae on Thursdy ev.ung, viien il vu deieetiarnied by àama- jority oi 8,000 votes. On Fiiday tie ,vîanigling ioonaed uil. a peaceable -solution vas ianud in the lolloving. mnotion vhloh vwucarneS uanimou' ,~ThM the. flrectora ai the Ontario Bank b. roquested ait lhe marliat rma- meut t lacinthe1km anc4a G<sette anti ouhez papmru, a, requireti by lav, a noticme alling c cpeil gmeral meet- ing ai the siarehalders o tue Ontario Bank ta neceive thm reuiguations ai the viole Board af Directarusuad ta make byiaws reiaiing ho itie appolintaio Barutineers andti h. mode aof iing vacancils an the Board oa i lrectore, and for lb. transaction &ati ider. ation cf aU maltèe awhieh mlght lb. oonsdoetpertaining toaq paunnai gon. oral meeting cf tham mtklden. And inîthen. thai th. Board ai Direclors Sa forthvith*givmý proper notice ai applica. tion,'to ParUimeni for a reduotioù cf 1h. capital stock af lb. Bank, vithaul natning tic particular amouni a 800b reduotion.", The meeting vas ably prcided over by Hon. C. F. Fraser whoreaeivcd a Se- serietivote ai thaulis. Amre cContltuteuciea ta b. "lGeriy- mnanderaS ?" , Fioni tho action aifbtoiles.lcf Seuti Ontario ait theBrookia meeting let veek, it in quite plain hiaI tie'y expedi the caustitutencie. ta bo. "geriry- maudered" ite i nireet cf liait party. Tiat was the. roeao, h viii boseen iroi tii. proceediaga. put forvard ai the mneeting for postpounug the nominar tion ofic candidate. Wiilthe Luherais ai Senti Ontario loak an mnPin.ly ilst here laàe on ci aaivity 'au thm aeeiy's camp P la il not lime ihey ver upandi dolg anS follav et m ;=odexemple st thosinby the York RiStaga ta p.rlect ing thiaiorganisa. tien? t As distant awic i a. b =moalv've Or suarai aiipple hais lie efv'ry Il, On tov'ry lava anlWy b rgeiwap- I. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h votrgae nhrni b ie loâves Wbere woàd'rlng feet are vaut aitlies ta eStray, -r" baud the. tirs inu unatrones peut LIlt reptapr'asagi, or echaci brou tbe lute; Silr'iy "ielow aautiose not&a u That vais the' dreamers t ie àsvigile mute. Bing an, ireet vaniler may no hàruh note Jar, Ta break linsosclabona ai up avilI, i p0ovwnsa s ydplama Or .. dcin lu lie arSII. Canservailve MeigeaiBroaldn. Sm s9 o vneoumasp son gouma The Couemyrëtirciig istacrok- lloui u c dbayartIm wu*ou i- ted. Aeod ug te Wllyrrin Th#ee arw.elchbby . Z . lk.l Aller vlndlcatlng hbeis gialttuA obear- iug frmisllong services »thle Con. senvauîve Party, Geîdenal Heeon oun. las nAra aorNVsUrca. barai lb. Siuonaion I1?roPÃ"whi..w Tlca le e -m > 'nl o uIroUuH al body la but a umall pn!pont, he viioe; ',ýs Wh.r'jotÃ"i 'ï# ' in Se graSedba~utetafu tefIse remst an extentslam 'e h guthentlu i the. name of psrty apntg ho lbs eg uballhety areoatcouw-o1i nSuvidual intereste or, rmlios'o eruu hallve of the, indepndutopinion oithes in via give Ibm panly thefr support on disiuteresled refletlan. Piia prudence vil Ieeoegobhn h lâte convention t inoder.ho Imuf tm laary questionable adulclanaif fr JohNu.ac donald hy-other ligua rthauotn IhAsec -under a dmbaucb of publie; upiia Gbthe uses of self.ueeking.e Each minîster ilu England bua a speociac aking in tic Hanse ai Coin.t mas.. Caýequal vith hiepreulen, hoe lu an indep.ndenit acherlibmthegaveru.t ment. The circamslanceu bers -mar videiy different. Sir John Macdon.c aldo'bauemguss are .0 t iites. au.4 horinatea ciasen'by bis lavai, lhey are- Dot even Civil servante ; tefor hoblS 4 ooce enbject ho bis vii. Theii. o.unmë paver Wh"cb perates hue Untier 4ibm guise ol'popularliberty liregardeti vilb A very mnoh lie pleasure d- -=&y b. supposeS tframinte aiterances ai the.i laie convention, by' ual airder ai liberai ' conservatives vleh gir. 'the prtIY0 auuport subjeci la an »eutiandi un-r se elhove ofthe Britishsuysemoi gov. arimentai euS paiiauentcny rqPepra- dtona.. Individiuel aime ai the preseni leader have civaym nterlala t41»- leaSig, Tbey ame alemrly ibt areiuolu u af Ibm laie convention lati benqusl As thes a. oaa mciiDO infiuece uhatsyer au ehotions &0 reSqte as 1881, lboy muet b. roierretola no monsal- d., aigu lu vbiob Uicerng4therhegu Ilsvuuhaï*,sougil lbtherestige a planés i ltsleaue rrailnv insu.ca se. "«u 'hlnlSal interel ni" 1y viai, Mru me*aIwcase ,tv. dslauy an It Siupiay for lice use ofipar eau ta- imneno. net ahtaiU veakemiy thée con- sidmrMa t latitilapplie, t hoe. ns vhoba oe hiea.ef lu 1870 by ddfrriag antfI lb. eleventh our a, reelguahlan vbich isent in lu advenu ai the.crash, voalti have .oeed lir parig. Thep. rate purpoies vhich May b.seu*ins ta have prompteS the cmai listhbaieà conventian ta give cifeol ho the liniflyl- Suai g-theoàio ai b anquet, have rasdquestions of îcmedy amongsh sous libsiai ceumervativs vialoee < hein-prby ton veli ta romain psaRive viii e hing maiseusthe nsil ai auj ans man'& personai inlereus or expec- taliaun. rTUE OZ-EMAN.POWZlL Tire "oue-mau-pas" ribaal-as- teurd iuse1 on tic party neyer birais ta acrifice liastif#oz ters.> MaintW4 iteîl bj a policy pie urriedr ta th& saliS niejonl pi Qumic>, 1i S"ted lu thre SesigitvL'o*Càoni bayç reproduo. adth P lb.aul.re0Iigl a a5r15' of hal provilu Kaihoh. <htheunplaceS ihers! À,conervativea aiof Ã"tarlo dl 'hsedvc1.n e f eending tbme ur- in ioh On'abloiasbeen tie*mpofa luperii greaumes, i iumiiub anit n &.llo Me Abrd, on IEuS. saia'e beyi..-Tboueaade ai goodsudi tins mn, 'ienuhy lu th. val ey'of tite Ottawa, aaiït*an OaPprlnuzmiy hostep lths recrec ilacurré 1renders h setlng a 'lmàiewIrl sefu.afwrang ho th iolc a~IetsmiOofdangmr 0a leparIyï in OuxeAlS aloane iriam, araxs Asa ontiip aif =yy twireace lu po ilcs, Bar John aiona l adgeï - mlfii1878 oaeadtie jual demandaeaiob.Ithé Rman Catbolicu ho represtaln. H.esecepted --a6a s#eqao-iitSvain$ trammuy ;ordinsrypuisait., my- Seutani ,hha ,tbat-laboomdýbodyof auy imllov ýonu- tryrus upply feoncandidates. AlaI&.< *a subi.quuty fer hbi. uineriylut a plmdgm I v1 red hl inta.IvoI- no4fl ema at Abtac y l ma become taise. 'H. metl my préesure pcu' saine~~~~~~ Irs aunCtoievti-be mùdd S"fnloto unhec yeha proumwe.But j1 B. sBnav, J ni cf hlm pev. soinanud B. ivluhviheIisaa holding vitii Monday! Cran I- #Ds.ae Wr=mnï lu vièrw OZ u- suas laii irul, Who sbayim be te rlght bomable -geulleman,-le mach a miral amangaI nm ut h41 D o l 811 ie place-o eau . fnS lu #U Cana"-?4 ras, -r -a=EEP-POTagT X Tii. leadership -lu-even nov a "I Lssett rI'nuesellinCaleton, la soh rets, Inu -Bail Torouto, incubais ai' lb. Party are alreade prepane t tfotrce tiaI quiestion ta tbe iront,- allie nexi 6iction, lgnarlfg - maciine.namhAa-ý lions, a 'liberal, causervative iu eaeb ai it leursel's.e fau oneÀtiiueucle, -v*0i offen isehi ta lIbo electian' opposi. lion hoBirdobu l4azoald. Hm vill la soin he -" faitha le goati olti limes viion lie part vwu tres,. mau a indepentiau cndidate ; snd oaut a li meulaif prinoile opposeS to-he con- "ti-euIh thinsyntildale. h liedtislrb-. mon o e areavart ai the. bandary com- ,Mission, tW lie"formatia'n oic liberal onservatlvc cabinet othervisethan in teceptane. by 4h. Bruct uinlstet, ai top- i.smntýalve- ainister chosen, for ecai provice by lishe Otimesont by. the Ahi coneervaivms cf liai province te rspresenh themIn the , ous. i ofim n. Mmeu. ýý Town Council. Coundil ChamberTovn Hall, Be niarmeting o!, 4h. aU cltlai". eviiiug. Preun :-M&e vorcbip -hm hapar. llchai. Beeve cati*bèil Coeulora Dunklep. HaonsruW _e Suidia Blov, Fox, Kelly, Dr. Bc~èh minutealaOILmmellug rasd àSdm p proveSl. coxxunuà.rîou FUMawrrONS. Pneu Jamues ile, aklng for rebate ai hie taxms, sud grant cf flrevooti for the. vinler. Prom theM of aiGuelpIa, regard. ina aiemgaris Tii rsasurer lidd on tb. table an accomnlofIthe '.p.aadltae an dlimta. Mr. Kelly had apeWotlo reatito the counci, rii. 3cm &Nevsome, vici the Major ruled ont af aider. BrerETS AN» IMPflOVEENTS. Mr. Dnnklcy brougitt in thas reportaif lis commtte aon atreete anS impr'ovs. mente, icia sel lprtia- lat, Tiaitihe amoput, $1800,,place<l la tIrecredit aLtie cmitct.b pende o enliaian street@, baS albsen expended, aund auking permisi ram lie counaît ho'b. allavoS ta usca mâiii ai the unexpendeài portion reMmnlg la lIre credil i rie aiSe. linos,"On.lire Ma man teete, a s voulti trai lie t lime b. requireS, ta kcop le mi 2ad, ' n secouat ai the vet ahe> il bei bîeci'i'bioal iaipouâilç ta kec" lb.~ ~~ ~Usns tletlpoe rpl.elha That laiofna t06 c he apré.- prliangra tedylîeu ucilÇl8 1k o e cteedtwobffe .1t 5maI ai hiae~eil',lbm i aud *blenre f, bb~oul liai yeeri viilaau i.reprtjue raua dIh report oi the xpnuura te lidoc.lb hable bbythé, clerle. Mn.7t;ieflsydected ta the reportai. .-ûr. Dnnlmy repliaS 1$85, anti an accouaI or #%60 w to-couat aifltai - 1),Dr 'oalbeta te hie lsno mi gint h. enteS -btare l . . . a -b unit be >W"em .6 cliztliikewvt Aiterunibe rema in ou the 6so ee oeal#. , a. »Robertson &ornas. ~ W ~u~;4ddifr' nd ope.n.' Tii. Magdsl alaa iid Uç for the. vinter. salie fanPreact49M-day àlaie, sud 1h41 eaie, lcgothsv with ths cIiel veather pevsnte a langer _ allen. Sàncei4 msrkoi' -V* 'evideuce for lthsiofnceita Gnitiau'a tnial clameS yeui.rday. Natiing ai im- portance vae eliciteti. Piesident,Àrtini voulti not attend s,&a ituc, ua-, te Ceunitaeidla allov hi. evidence lo be ppui lu triing. Lame.salle t4~Cnd nl.$raa, on Jan. 1t.- Tho police cdaim toaae onS au impotant oins thticrobiiers ai Bail Cravloid'a grave. The Secret ai Beauty. Ne coumetie u ic #0 rld Mauimpart biaty tea ta"etihý,JsIo Mw rsbyui sigblly blelcisa lia1 'l lcptl blat= Burclock Bloocd B s e wtsndiruy ,ng medicine for ail humais ci lie bloo"M . L maltes graS blood andtilmpsrtu lthe bloom o1hedt o tie mont 8011%w complexion. A , trefar 1leqdacbe. ,'hat pbyulcian bas ever disuvered a Cure for bsadacis ? Echo sauworno. But Bqurdoc LI BlSBitte". by.teir Pxriiing, Inrigaratlng, nervins prplntse scpÃŽ. lur fl riy oire yLcas.Tehtb-.jv. lpin iplesaoftis remedy r 1 2,quaU, by anjnilspna araIan I du. Tiseaublsume comnplainte niaY be Hl uedb agyardlo TeDlavOÙI, -xternai application aniasà an internsi y m à bawaiSer range ai usefuineslien 'au limtipr n-n thbe rtS. - AU te nlsu e lAi.- oc. ])EcLmi Eor-Me.r4napoteniof ainn, limb on viÏaI ftii, nervous *twukos sexusl debiity, antad& i Siesa cuseS ij indlscretlonu at busearersdlcaly and ptomplby cureS d th e :'ofack'u KMg- .e9 e tin,vbc isiaforeoby &Ilr. spansli41E timgglst eo seadvaulsmqafntel Pi-uzaste-Tbls is freuiuentl 6 S Sissatrous caomplainLI. l-meiLLeste ss in tnaraWthmofdthe pleura, or membrsne lais suricianti lis luffl. If negioclti,' shouldthebi patient recover even, its effects arn souetimes feut ever alter. HeujiCk's sngar- Cosee Vegelable Pli are the ren-ý 'Whoc y',Qouile uccawusny treatea iiy deparstlngthelrtxnts bayonS he.6rang distance ci saci cther, anti by ths empiay- meut ai Fellew, Hypq&phsite. ' Wboop- ngCaugi Is a nervous diseas of se sympa- hieti. anatur that a paroffyem may be praduced uin oesuasceptible by simely bearlug tire ceagi of sulier per.cn. Tie sibove-nsancd treatmenb haî beenbounuS singularlg effective. Free of Ceai. AUl personswlsing ta test the merius of,& great remedy-,-ee tiret "vii silively cure Con a iwptlon Cagi, ColdS, Asfthme, Broni iior auj affectiofaihbisTirat -epSLinge--arereuestt ta,'ca aiW-, - Di. King'os evDscveyfo Cn-mti chWU Ib wnbapla.* 47 ou 'visih o avaiS-gratdanger anti UwlBmptse toesp Suusestrm yptur blood aiW edtoznhsntbmoeusrglb lüoàiiw rqntn4 ofe Dossec0, l frOtau8 a~1<asins .nova >b SÉRe4vu o and-ath - ,Féeble Ladies. P us agiSI, tiresonm uenut asn- 'tt liaS Censtni abath&t lasklaagome pour systeni SUIlt4ebstcty; d thgle blobom itou yehbo5sla continu- l airain u auxirvital Ircso' ueru pan irritabl sd-CieifnI, Wsip.r- cuoveal bp th. nai bct marreloueremedy Bo ltr.IrrnguluniUMesasd obstrue- line i7niM ytenr reliev& ý-eèd 'Monce, plueIsaec 1aueipe Mes an iW prtnahyeovd.Wb 1o ie tlum -i Cl Il HSlurdo ans, are R5H. JAMESON. CHRSTMS NU NEW--LEAR'S FAMILY GROCERIES! NOW TO0 .HAND, THE FBESHEST AND BEST 8ELEC TED STOCK 0F PURE AND CHOICE cJcROeiRrES, Thatý possib1y could be purchase'd; i the Beist Markets CONSISTING AS FOLLOW13: Valèntia Raisins, ail off stalk, Loose Muscatele-, Sultanas, London layers, Black basket, Blue baskèt, Black Crown, choice table Rasins, also table Raisins in single 'iàyer boxes. Currants-Patrass fluest; 'Lemon, Citron and Orange IPeels. Oanued _Rings,. for Scotch shortbread., Oranges, Lemaons. Grapes, Dates, ]?rtnes, Metz .Orystalized, Frencht Fruits.- A fulhine-ofEÉnglish Cosacqtues,' as clieap as 25-ç per doz.. -PIICKLE S-Cross Blackwvell's, Moir's, W,ýhybrow's _-Lçýndon, Batty's Mild a!ÃŽrHote Nabob, SrnhAtIerieaU Di ges1.ive, SeAUCES-Lea &.Perîn, John Bull, Btysm6Edinburgh, Eiders' Royl- ZoIyro& Prince of Walés, fialaa Sauce (Cross & BIack*e1i'); !Bengai, Chutney,' Wa]nul Catsup, Mushroom OaCtsù:p, Oury Powdcr (Oroeci& Black eU's goods), Otilery Salt. Tellichcr y, White _PIêppcr, S hot PeÉppcr, Parmasn Cilies., Blanc Mange Pawde ' irt id' utr'Cra owcE OýtsF et, Qila ne rnohMuutwa. Rowintreeé! pure -Blook Chooolite, Bensdôrép ., Ùo'Rure sèInbl.eCàai" É'Eps'LCocoa, Queen's -hcI Àb. Io ChoWOeziii as.- Special attention p&id lu this ]ine. -Java lu bean,- and'groùund -as reqnired, Mocha alsq- BLAGK-Souchcaig aud Packlig Congo' of :ehoiceet qunlity. GCREEN-GuIl Powder,' 'Young Hlysau,.a t pcs he fincateIapan i te mÏ42et4-80o ,er 16., and al- other- grades.ic3io1 - Agent for thc Li-qorTea Company. -Portu ana Sherries in a -variety of oboi -ce brands'.în'bottle aua lVie?8,QGpa gu.,~&O-'p~,~tb. 'ialvoWine, $2,00 per, gai.,4 »ale; , ighlyreCoùmnndc&' Ublb'o;e'White Port. in stok. BRANDI] LtV4LI l D.& .rowd g*vp rn. ,,,r. Robert l erII,, anS COMJNG

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