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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Dec 1881, p. 3

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IRIS NDy B8TOCK- '~<ets t E3ack basket, e làyer boxes. gs for Scotch' rench Fruits. ild arnd Hot, yail Holyrood? ,)M Catsup, Curry larpàasean heeee, 'renchi Mutard. UEpps' Cocoa, Mo cha also- -43un Pdwder, des Uncnimed- 1 is ýPart,$1P !Green SeaIt, :ia ica BRux. Mem'a Isuadfin s iiA ;wUt, aid! Bleed&'ý Bye 5 Yeaie aid. l ieu, pé )eviled Hame" ,Jam, Apricot ger, ryddiulae, pup, Johustou's und Nutmeg, ~,peperminti 'xes Fnan piii point.- p eod t the ] Di .h u cae erwrd 5ODO BWe Ibtaitôrt eu uxaruw ta a el dprovisionsearectureb -;nst. btlthe mclif~o tiJMIre.ailen ar bu lll,. cblauise ntaudod t.èe oa-r thrce menFraklie sn. He doe, pro. 00 cai ol ae to b4.00ade t beedfent peilîto telirer61note vrit os inti ocri d uewudd sterr tepo wîu lervemlias en found b.. bon ae te li rae tarft otoa d Lb, ale, 496 ,iihî awil aarira .te fthuîty iiiIe. a %-her. aCousmado er teyo eliv tar ahea field auuranbproiluon$"0a eitoeenluta tciyoint-lfuThhrsnwtb eecf iiblloons t tlircc mtentwo igef art wsy b 'ogepro %,imeooiuetawecisrmty;s, dli aaorh- geytiu prtarety is tad fetievu et t ii.fëm peloistaon tegrsh varitios i eu 0011*50of the ll drit and atthe rpalate ti p a uvi i eeutiud t IPte6 oorsburan tewrleu tIi esrft tow disotrypetti490a mea b. teraéci tetiwrid ailsna weeietI. manet. yn aiee h poer tAn bAuglaAd niern uxpditoi(o tnaçider Cheuye wat neof the00,but h.ng inajd tofhatclhyhad oauoe ed that ho eeîîld ary ettii. rajovet withe5, 000 eliyar en terg vesel iutea u l elue. Subecrit onthe le tortel Tsiorectf ue awbedon aniguthe t lita e y iued te it sPeterburg aeiery u euth e o pe icus uxoteols. =i bcttîiîgrati. eaiiutte l saittht ha eadtt lircetion an that ah, wîll iiite bouhrarr~l y ontye pel' ct ithercby- OW eIîîg lirer inota vo el ciug liefr.yi c ofiugi traiar The edtue wa .ied on n i,. A cul-ebIs8 l'ideligbL auù the vievo which are itcrtaùie.i abrcad cf the toreige pot- te> of the lres,*ent Governuaioat, suit»et tIie saie tiîî a prospectt et mucuî congenia> ciipatiee fer tlîe prime Maniater, As ta e b. h taeiiet frein a iaaugaph wiicb went Lhe round)f ttie paprs t Lthe beginung of tuis ai LLk. Steuui, it eoma, bas se muciimeney1 thai atuc doue net knav what ta de viii il, "dît tieiunent seumusu favcrable fer snob un oecrntteiîuaL ascubecripticu là ta bé set ui tout fer the punchase of Gibraltar trm Eugtaxî. Sein, Madrid baukers have affer- eui ,000000.-a Iandeeme ebias oerLainly, l imp uuîrobable uvent oet Englant!declin. iiug tiltbargatu, the money il e tao.*pont au rivItt ortr.eses dctied about the Straits; bîut tht> ii evuently I'duqe iechapien de,"1 te quote -Trottuesand (resada." Tiein l- cnvei eices et muzr.les et Quota sud Algue. iras are ouly iutended ta 'frigiien lie sbep- keeping nation iuta an accuptance cf Lthe bar- u iai. W, de -nt kuevu viat tbe total prie. îhkeuy ta b.ceffred my b.. Fortressea arecal on ey otn quoteIn lth. market ansud then thereas the pretiumaufeeionito acensid- er. The Heathfield pioture, ieptph ta . Eyih sd asU obtainaleexamptare et r aiar's hitctry " Lie memorîes of Beake sud 1Rodney, and sJorthi, veuit!have ta bu reckened in. JusL at present, bawveur, ail thie may b. classeet unden the. beaul et Vie= hMbid, rw= acxlon#," and As net lîkely ta 4etcb mucb. The S8 srdshave calculated their ime veil. HEeevr, judg- ing tram Lth. propesed basis ofthLe Madrid bunkers, we cbuuld imagine that a nation ot Castillan ond cubor gentlemen could net de mncb less thon caver this esepsttsoveral timns vir. A million sterling-if nei;twtv -ongiiîtaeb. bld ai ibe very tt Ien thareisiii, importent considenstion etfie reltef au Lhe garnisan oxpendiLere. This, agai n, ia net veny easy te calcuiste. But Lthe norma .grnson cf Gibraltar je, vo b.. lieve, 5,000 mon, sud tiiore is s rougb sud redcomputation that every man au active »:ýc uta Bitaunia, ail thinp censidored,. abouta hendred ay~ear. CaliLs baU a mi- lion, then, sud capitualizo iL ai 30 years' pur- cbaae-wbicb, witii cousais at- par, is cen- amnly nottoauuucb-Lis ia iigive a1togetlaer a &nee. ofeet ixteen oanseaenteen iitions fer Mr. Gladstone te auneplate, wltb preu- pectis cf et leasi as mucciimareshsbuld I tsly ioitev se excellent su example sud bey Malta. A &&MLon% cARS 0V AROTcIr-lmE :L Dea Knutf Irnthe Afiaa-Unlosa Cooei ooborga. Six bine jackets tram the Unitedl SLatos uîan-ut.war Alliance, vhicb arrived ai Nev York recentt ,'from Lie Anctie regions,veri soon at Lhe fot cf- West Twenty-aeocond street by a reporter. Tbey vere ail yuen and brlght lokiiig telove, akative sud dbaulhâ a roegb timn," said one etfttoe= "sud iiave geL eneugh of Arctie expeditiana. We'tl neyer go up Liiere a ain cubas ve're fonçed te it. It vas nathîng but fog, hii, ramù, sud snow &atetLi. I toll yen ve vere mlgbty glat! vien vo reached New York. Our four menthe' voyage bas done us littie goed. W. had te psy $40 for our eutfita, vbicb aremuet uselesa te us nov, sud vu neyer geL more thon a fev heure' lib.rty dnning ail tho ime we were -up Liiere amoen Lb. an sd aov. I s"en a statement that *o cooket! eggu u inihebat spnings 'ot Iceland. Thatiila uaL se. W. nover ifad a chance Le go ta Lie hot $prngu. Tbere's nat a saller sboiýrct!wvante any more ser- vice liko vo have geOaê ubrugh ii v uot ox- trao psy." Anuierlor sait! u"'The anly rosi spart 1 remeluber vas vWhou wvo , ghted&beairon the besch of Dines Islad H vgSa -big vitLe ielovsMd' muaihave beau Tory inngry te venturse wclose >Le ur abip. :S«àmsbd rt ad airuck the bear sud iio je&ad lu ta t.vater. Thons viole br»a.-, vas poured lute 'iL. Tii. fling'wus kept upno long tbst I thlnk sema etlies mom muât bave shet in the saine hale tva or tbreo imes. Woll, dafluy vo brougit lie caerus on board. IL vas ful of bailet baies. Tii. boys s»y Lbe captaia là golng te nuethe Aki salve., ThéeA4su and(. e agd"o X!g ' u.etfor J uly outalusa ansaino =6ss1nupaper, l in I kM. 1oliakof brn uj forarmd amss! vi4enc. f4proi<of Mie existence ea t atounk»,siwn spaoAt. et bers. e t jarfroinZUs" 1 in Contat ' MA. The su Imel a i, TMel tiWea qat»Il -do - moeibooe0a MW;ioo iwg un proportion to . i'«t elp ' nd theorot ofîits n 4ttte bi fan camne diatacoiK ~ ta Russie sthe an at' cf lie fi eim ted Avmsia h callet! doutea9fuli gr.ae L, A vedding 01cf morethaunonuïsinlt«e vas selsunnedycatrday-t I 10'lok lu TrinlLy ciiurcb, ou Lhe crner cf Poet sud Powell streets. Tii. bride"ren, Boy. WValter Ching Young, ia a Christian China- man, sud regularly rdalued KpIacpa1 dos- con, sud bas iad feL teme yoars a mission echool nt 957 lay Street, under'iii, control of tbe ýpiscopal denoiinatien. -Tii. Ohm- esbLdMise, Fn Ah Ting. w i la svery g18 Yeaotaf ge, s aise aVbnisti- à audbas been for manyy em a member cf the BerlnFoundliug nission at Heng- Koug. 8he came eut bore ou the lest v"= . et the City ef Tokia, lu châie ocf aChnista couvert whe bls been àa missoesry lu Ore, gon. Laeg beforo Lthe heur nameut for tiie cer.mony carnage alter cariage rolleil up te tho cburch dean, fremin hbalgited maay cf our muet praminent citzena, with their wives sud familios, Whoa, upon enterlug the. cburcb, vare sbawn ta tho eI tsection, the right section belug set spart fer thé (blce. portion etftth. spectaiens. Evory Protestant chuncti in the city vas roprmsetud, sud uisy clergymien wîee srved" am.ng the' audience. Praptly ait il c'dock a clase carniage braught;theLidattesut!bride$roam, attended b y the wif e cf a vealtlay Ciumerchant. The bridaI party vas recéived sud attendeut byv tbe ladies cf Triuhty chanci. One ad plueed asbougenniffruan the. groo'.voit sMd touteeed a beautifut bouquet te tiie brid*, Athey povcadad eu the a&W4, tie bride atteuded by ber lfeuudorienel, Litoh ç~led forth Mendelâsoiiu's Wddu - rh"Att ol.startLiey verenitb Lia Ruglît 1ev. Bisbep Kir, Who pqortth coemony, aasitd by the 1t.. Dr. Beau, reetor ofet i.chnncb, sud Bey. Mr. Oocbrqa, of Valteja. Thue bride wus dresaed in baer native costume, lu robes theimnotsuper)> ud magnificeni. Over a robe et puplo soid black, wftli a taucli et gold thmrdlit, 1&0e v'ore a peacock-blue brecaded satin tac Iined vWiti soarlet brocade, sud edged viLla stnipes of yoiiow Stin, ftnsie4 ttio by salid gold lbettana. Tii. badâreva profusion of the floyers et Cina, asuden. Lrely cevered Lb. bacla ef ber bead. 0*14. emlaroidered slippers, and a lsrm soalet s"tin bandkethit, vbîc b em an uber baud, ceu4leted tbe gorgeons toilet. Tne yaung husbsedvore a Iiandm ne no Eng-. liab suit aifIblack, wth a ligiit pesrl-.oured necktie. Aiter the ceremonythey drove back tatli. nmission bouse, wiiere s recep" wu vasled tramt non until 4 o'cleck, lintheochapel. vhich ws adarud vithtflors, beii &nanr sud "6tail ,tii ahe làbaing newly covered wti Chines.emblems. Hon. lqhit resh-b monts sud choice t" u in theLlieai et caps1 wron servout till 4.30, viien the nvl-raar' iet! pair, vith a tew oetheir frind-bti Chine asd Aunricans, drove ta te po*i.i- pst Cblues. restaurat on D -pot street,1 wiiure a disner va saerv.d whiiiilasted for severat heurs, Sad viero Ushe hsaltuioftthe bride sud bidogrSm wu v as nk ith à glseso tev Wof champagne.1 ar~ aid. 1",ly FIçrenoe Dixie, wbo went te Trsnsaal as uorrupondent ot the. làndon Neoru4gFis,osamped out viii ber hubasd aiud ooked lber ew» rations. .- ..b The Woman'à Journal »* IlWbui. d Amerlcsuooflage andniveauttqare anak- t ing a 1'te do' about venit atdets, the id quaestion la aettled Tory naturaly and, quiet- linItaly. À corrosdeaut writLig ron masea v« la-.esfFna1l pseavry, ipeexamination ut the. uni. versityof Tarin. Tiie Iaoulty pro.Wni.dT br1de trossd a' nnlously, and on#raiu Mtdber oordial' upon her asU0os.. hn the -lofttiiallfer examluation sll, heIi. atudenta farmedtua doutble linfan gs ab cme passed down the amddle eé!tis. bhdof 8alatjesiubteY sauted bler vitr i bas ul aseusrntmoac r i and a rigid advocatâ efprbbeylas lai Imereus, ber contral province, ànea n>o 'htoy &w bMu jui bien pr=oei d whic. i sh %hll esaIe tao nt t ougbt ta résultin h etii t«têjbet mi f auEaue tia thig cparlda qaasa e4 lhItICO.m etWmenbe~a m lmo N. York 8tatu, luaddme eontaMI thi n ebaonvited Le uilse t pâ W aten hAo.metga fr "ii.. #Ioomne ATane mnorof nenherto. n anot ostick surd spfnthe as iLs."' thowofex t rlaustti-le- ex greu lummrw a p;uyot asiew t.U blrngotail ai asinstham .jomaszt tais, it! gave luberally, ob i Ao lady nvbeao futIbeteheocex i eu tioepenfts, pe; eibima,-thed teptio Tii.prpietocr sas tt frid inrOgut ntheaes teonprjosof avery 0largevais.,cf gvey exclly.op ,viod lne pçliuôê eat té aile Ti dees @of M Youn lad wh fileilte. failaoy at at o pt.orpAt p weors e &v $Ie uyat'to tts ies u aurmon.ftic voothàu iar s'- a' tIc ha uni oaa ,.sucy 01 Monusatiouuuu Dy nsxsI QouiMs so army and navy ofiCOrM nd t!mms Youngvil numide a et es ou ios%, wh»r omo a viiontinue tea Loscli. e Tva geet! iszty mnahua Ii t e day are O sefiiient for bealuii,. one. betone going LeMn vork, aud lieouiienafttr vork l .eor iaIhâ Î% bîosIauand.o!u per, i*vbst lis eme, M late dînner. tlemneluncla le ueded beivoon and Lies. moeol, batt LiAs siolit! b. lit A AIX heavy isia!in lie middleof et iday msy hl suii childre, but if burd! vorllsastob eer1 suinet, in»tenieres viLa Lii.ork, and theLIas L vora viLla di gesttc.~m, oebavy suppers bai WbeybefreIng to bedpreent h'P1 reirueigtepsu léuung Us e inet ta trequeiai cusesof eliiiof setindigetin. At lut the saune tine su nunPty âetemaciàt be 4i aveidod; a iev biscUie. or moatbtng quul- 10r ý ltisA ai s requlred- Tsiety f SG '4aofiportance teabtth;th om W geLs wv ofe a repettion eofLthesmm evesry AU dy uraimoalil.tobeavoidd-Ot'4*I" alowl<auctcbov vole iMUtolaàd mas, ff able diot, as bretd Fm ,*Mte d addition otfmihl, o:~e, pu m. id.-ebw ment la muc i nferior i-6Llhesaasauplir îý et tre.Ugtb. But tiL A irer> tïwthy mental labur; liere a MCxd.4iera* mal food! in nibderâtioL is lbeeten drinks vaUalvayslsare s plsceaog a clos et die4t tough iealth canbe munie ed fi best vitheuat tliaes. lb. ,iýo«t -leonie que ar oe s.wiôhaooutaiilthe.laitisM ut of Whob alcohel, beeii asgoodaound boer or caeAt Ouit1 the";viesItabeuiuodestly vltiiUmm, nid tu ME W et Ilà wdvie *s ereLThere iauet, lave vtitten tiat aebas ubee, viiereon'shÏ bas net te pevder et£.bine -sud r et the t toi Es_ eI miu *Da DMT'i. aU 55107cUi5 e t WV' froua tic etel vo gie. Lim aue ozsal ellavaaO of 4mG per yesr, bat kvetiiea seut tey do Lie vot*, su saalt bomtter satisiot!tisa vavero ar ma". euployes." vas read oukor., tood, laads to erqu jures the iiealuii. sanoeotjutiL u Me,4isa t voAk smeklug la, a vousueis., ab.aky1 heurt, vont o!.spp utf boys earafi4.. sauxnwy coentezic visIe tLiam re o sud govub, *0pn .beooming miuly. avfl u it neu th nbe wovaxa viiere the 1i guisIt are icuar vou femrnsly su LÙ - on c1 c.

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